Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 14, 1896, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—If that British flying squadron
keeps on flying the poet laureate over
there will soon have to apotheosize it
with something on the order of “white
wings that never grow weary.”
—Tt is with the greatest satisfaction
that we witness JOHN BULL climbing
down from bis high horse in the Ven-
ezuelan matter. It was pretty high
and he is getting down slowly, but he
is getting down nevertheless.
—The second annual cat show will
open in New York on March 8rd. This
will be distinctly an exhibition of the
felis domestica, therefore the entries will
be in no wise affected by the PARK-
HURST and ROOSEVELT reform regime,
—The ladies of Havana presented
General Weyler with crowns of roses
when he arrived in that city a few days
ago. It must have been all very nice,
but the leader of the Spanish forces will
be very apt to repose on a bed of thorns
before the insurgents get through with
—BEN Hxywoop, treasurer-elect of
Pennsylvania, is reported to be father-
ing resolutions, to be adopted at county
conventions “in this State, endorsing
Quay for the Republican nomination
for President. Coming from such a
source it begins to look as though there
is a “nigger in the wood pile.” -
— Well, well, well, what is up now ?
It is reported that Gov. HaAsTINGS fa-
vors QUAY for President. Of course
the Governor has reason to believe
MATT, a very big mar, but the com-
biners, who stuck to nim all through his
fight, think it most necessary to use a
microscope to find tke surrendered
—The department of agriculture will
be allowed to send out free seeds during
the year 1896. The Senate passed the
bill Tuesday, possibly as much to'give
Congressmen something to do as for
any other reason. This Congress will
do nothing but try to make itself solid
with the country by. distributing pack-
ages of seeds.
--We suppose that since that great
moral wave swept over editor BAIR, of
the Philipsburg Journal, murmuring to
his converted soul : it is wrong to pub-
lish theatrical, dance and questionable
amusement notices in-your paper, he
will at once fire the devil out of his of-
fice and kick his “hell” high enough to
put to shame the famous leap of Moth-
er Goose's cow
—1It is a great pity that Senator T1LL-
MAN was not.present at the dedication
of the new hall of Congress, in 1857,
for then he might have recalled devout
old chaplain CAROTHER’S closing plea
to Almighty : “May the deliberations
therein make our nation the praise of
the whole earth, for Christ’s sake,” be"
fore he began the awful tirade that even
exceeded INGALL'’s foulness in bringing
opprobrium on the Legislature of a free
—Mrs. JAMES GREAVES, the Chester
woman, who tried to shoot herself on
Monday, has discovered to military scien-
tists a bullet proof corset. When taken
to a hospital, with a supposed fatal bul-
let wound in her body an examination
revealed the fact .that it had struck her
corset and glanced harmlessly away.
If the subjugation of man, by the ad-
vance of the new woman, drives the for-
mer to don the latter’s apparel the ques-
tion of bullet proof armor for soldiers
will at once be solved. All the men
will have to do is to hunt up a pair of
corsets liko those worn by Mrs.
—1It is not an unusual thing for ani-
mals to display more intelligence than
some human beings, but when Phila-
delphia Republicans constitute them-
selves animal trainers and have dogs
and cats registered, as they have dome
in the Fifth ward in that city, advances
are being made too rapidly for public
safety. PETER and ELwoom; PARKER,
a common pug dog and a tom-cat, have
been registered by the combine workers
and would have bad a right to vote had
they not moved to the cat home, a few
days ago, thus losing their residence in
the Fifth. The most natural animal
registration for the combine to make
ought to be that of hogs.
—The New York Sun shows its re-
calcitrant spirit when it attempts to
ridicule the statement that the recent
bond sale was a popular one. Itfigures
that out of the 4,640 bids only 358 were
for less than $1,000 and upon this un-
tenable ground makes the statement
that only one out of every one hundred
and eighty-one thousand of the popula-
tion was a bidder. The Sun's claim
that the balance of 4,282 bidders were
banks and financial institutions wight
be true in one sence of the word, but
every institution represented individuals
and were it possible to get at the facts
there is little doubt that many small
bidders, who did not understand the
methods of procedure, made their bids
through those banks and financial
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Carping Over the Loan.
That the treasury authorities have
been so magnificently successful with
the recent loan should be the cause of
great gratification to the American
people. Not that there is anything
gratifying in the necessity for a loan,
for it would be much better if such ne-
cessity did not exist ;-but there is cause
for pride and congratulation in the fact
that when the government is compelled
to borrow, the public confidence in that
government under a Democratic ad-
ministration is so great that hundreds
of millions more than it asks for are
eagerly offered it.
But while there is reason for pride
there ie ‘also cause for shame that
while the authorities in charge of the
goverumeunt are straining every nerve
to maintain ite credit, and are striving
in every honorable way to secure the
means to meet its obligations, their ef-
forts are subjected to the most villain:
ous misrepresentation, and no scanda]
or ehame ig spared to impair public
confidence in the integrity of their pur-
Not content with obstructive legisla-
tion that may hamper the operations
of the treasury authorities to maintain
the public credit, Republicans in Con-
gress, and outside of it, have not hesi-
tated to impugn the ‘honesty of their
methods by charging them with being
in league with speculating syndicates
to cheat the government. The per-
sonal integrity of both the President
and secretary CARLISLE have been at-
tacked in this connection, their villain-
ous assailants not being shamed and
deterred by the honorable records of
both those high officials.
Even since the success of the loan
has been so eplendidly assured the
carping is keptup by the organs of
Republican expression, which conceal
their disappointment by charging that
preference was given to syndicates and
bankers ‘in giving out the loan, and
that it was not a popularcone. Insuch
a charge as this no allowance is made |
for the delicate situation of the treasury
authorities. It would have been fatal
if the loan had proven a failure, and:
the situation would not admit of ex-
periments. The reserve was being
rapidly reduced to the danger point. A
businees panic would have been the re-
sult if gold should not be in band to
redeem the governments paper obliga-
tions. There would be a risk in de- |
pending upon what would be purely a
popular loan, for it was questionable
whether the people had the gold to
lend. The administration waited for
weeks and weeks for Congress to pass
a bond bill that would have relieved
this dilemma, but waited in vain. It
must be said, however, that this loan
hae been more popular than any pre:
vious one, a8 subscriptions were made
by wmapy individual lenders, and no’
syndicate had the monopoly of it, and,
moreover, the terms were decidedly ad-
vauntageous to the government.
If, instead of misrepresenting and
abusing the administration for doing
the very best that could be done under
the circumstances, the Republican
Congress would pass a bond bill, such
as the President has asked for, it
would be more to its credit and better
for the interest of the country. The
result. of the present loan has indeed
been gratifying, but the President is
not mistaken in believing that a three
per cent., and even a 23 per cent,
loan, if presented in popular form,
would be readily taken by the pgpple.
but he has not eucceeded in inducing
this Congress 10 adopt eo wise a
However, after vicious Republican
fiscal and currency laws are gotten rid
of, and Democratic policy has operated
a few years, there will be no necessity
for government loans. That they are
needed now is the result of a long con-
tinuance of bad legislation.
~The jingoes who bellowed and bel-
lowed until this government took up
the cave of ex-United States consul
WALLER, who conspired against French
authority in Madagascar, oughtto be
happy now that he is released after
having been clearly proven guilty.
——1t ig to be hoped that the idea
of QUAY being made the Republican
nominee for President will be con-
sidered as a joke.
i the game is finally played at St. Louis,
The Republican Checker Board.
The presidential checker board of
the Republican party has undergone
considerable change recently and is
distined to greater changes before the
nomination is finally made. The posi-
tive hauling off of Bensamiy Hargi-
SoN has set up a number of residuary
legatees to his political estate, but the
residue does not appear to amount to
much, and what little there is of it is
claimed by McKiNLEY who appears to
think he has the best right to it on ac-
count of Indiana being the neighbor
of Ohio.
But instead of being able to make
such an acquisition, McKINLEY - is
finding it difficult to hold his own. It
is becoming evident to bis warmest
friends that he is losing ground, and
he is having an uphill fight as the
champion of a discredited tariff. The
trouble in his case is that the times
won’t stay hard enough to warrant a
calamity howl, and as his canvass is
based on the ruin of the country, on ace
count of the repeal of his tariff, he
can’t make any headway when the
country refuses to be ruined.
The candidates between whom the
nomination at present appears to lie
are REep and Arison. Old pap Mog-
ToN, of New York, is only being play-
ed with by Boss Pratt, who will throw
him overboard when the proper time
comes, REED has the appearance of
being supported by two such powerful
wire pullers as Pratt and Quay, but
his position is far from being a strong
one. In the first place he is located
wrong. Nothing can be gained in a
sectional sense by taking a candidate
{rom New England, while much would
be lost. Moreover, by the time the |
present seseion of Congress closes it |
will be found that Reep will be great-
ly injured by the blunders and short. |
cominge of that nondescript body for |
' which he will be held largely respoo- |
sible. He has already made a number |
of enemies in his own party in the |
House, and it is even reported that |
Marr. Quay holds him respousible for
the defeat of McMicHAEL for secretary |
+ of the Senate and is disposed to sour !
on him,
Those who are inclined to forecast !
the result are able to see that ALLisoN
has a better chance for the nomination
than any of the others who are now
most prominent. There will, of course, |
be many moves on the board before
but there will not likely be much of a
mistake in predicting that if the nomi-
nee will not be Arison it will not be
any one of the others who are now
most prominently pushing their booms.
Increased Foreign Exports.
Of course the export of American
agricultural products has always been
great. This bas been because of the
immense yield of this country, and the
necessity abroad for such articles of
consumption, which bas caused a
large foreign demand. In this line
the United States has no successful
competitor, and hence the foolishness
ot trying to make American farmers
believe that they need protection on
their products.
But a new feature of our foreign ex-
ports is the increasing amount of
manufactured goods that are being
sent abroad. Such articles of export
were comparatively limited in quantity
and value under the high protective
policy of former tariffs, but they are
now steadily growing, and under the
first year of the WiLsoN tariff have
amounted to $200,000,000, exceeding
by over $12,000,000 the best showing
of any preceding year.
The sending of this great amount of
manufactures abroad does not indicate
an abandonment of theshome market.
The exports are the surplus that is
sent to foreign countries after the home
demand has been supplied.
The advantage of this new system
of disposing of the products of our in-
dustries is obvious. Under the Me-
KiNLEY and other high tariffs our fac
tories would be operated uatilthey had
the bome market glutted, and then
stop because they had no foreign out-
let. This accounted for the periods of
inflation and depression. But with all
the world for a market, in addition to
the home demand, there will be
steadier work, steadier prices, and a
more etable and general prosperity.
LLEFONTE, PA., FEB. 14, 1896.
NO. 7.
Whose Fault Ts It?
It is indeed a misfortune that the
government of a country so intrinsic-
ally rich as ours is, should be ham-
pered in its financial condition and be
forced to borrow money. This is truly
unfortunate, but it is nevertheless the
fact which the present governmental
authorities are forced to face.
There is no disputing the fact, but
the question is whose fault J it ? The
party in power must bear the responsi-
bility of meeting the necessities of the
situation, but who is responsible for
the eituation 2 That there has been a
necessity for three government loans
since this administration came into
power is due to causes that had been
previously created. The present au-
thorities had a depleted’ treasury hand-
ed over to them to do the best with it
they could. The outgoing adminis-
tration had exhausted the abundant
means it found in the treasury when it
took charge four years before. A bil-
lion dollar Congress, general ex-
travagance in expenditures, indiscrim-
inate bestowal of pensions for politic:
al effeet, lavish outlays in subsidies
and other objects of governmental
paternalism, defective fiscal laws that
failed to produce revenue in proportion
to the public expense, and currency
laws that required the outlay of mil-
lions anbually for the purchase of un-
necessary silver, and pecessitated the
maintenance of a gold reserve that was
liable to exhaustion in the redemption
of a vast paper circulation—all these
causes combined were co-operative in
bringing about such an exhausted
financial condition at the close of the
Harrison administration that it avoid:
ed a collapse ouly by resorting to the
reserve kept in the treasury for the
security of the national bank notes,
and by other expedients to stave off
the crash until the succeeding admin-
istration should take charge of affairs ;
and then the piratical crew, who had
put the ship in a foundering condi.
tion, and just escaped going down with
the wreck they had created, raised the
cry that those who had taken charge
of it in thie sinking condition had
scuttled the ship.
This was really the situation when
the present administration took charge
of the government. That it imme-
diately encountered financial diffi-
culties aud had to face the disasters of
i a business collapse was unavoidable,
as the Republicans had prepared ali
the conditions necessary to produce
such a situation. And when these
natural effects of bad Republican fiscal
and currency laws, and boundless ex-
travagance in the expenditure of pub-
lic means, were attended by their nat.
ural results, under the administration
of another party, it was not difficult
for the Republican organs and epeak-
ers to make the unthinking crowd be-
lieve that the other party was respon-
sible for the trouble,
This popular delusion, that was so
easily worked up under euch circum-
stances, resulted in the election of a
Congrees that does all it can to make
the situation more difficult for the
Democratic administration. Its pur-
pose is to continue ihe financial em-
barrassment for political effect in the
coming presidential election. In re-
sponse to the President's appeal for
better currency laws than such as re-
quire an immenee gold reserve that is
subject to constant drain and exhaust-
ion, they offer him an increase of tariff
duties on such necessaries as wool,
clothing and lumber, and by their re-
fusal to take remedial action in regard
to loans that are necessary to main-
tain the gold reserve, they have com-
pelled the government to pay millions
of dollars in interest that might have
been avoided.
This situation is indeed an unfort-
unate one, but it does not require
more than ordinary power of percep-
tion to see whose fault it is,
——By a bill introduced in the
Legisiatare of Ohio, on Monday, it is
proposed to fine derelict voters from
$10 to $100. This idea of making
voting compulsory should excite con.
siderable deep thought. There can be
no doubt that the majority of men who
stay away fro elections belong to a
highly educated class which believes
that there is no use in voling when
paid ruffians hold the balance of
power. Such an idea is an erroneous
one and were all men compelled to
exerciee the right that they. would
fight to retain were it to be taken from
them there would be less danger of
manipulated elections,
‘What of Pennsylvania's Solvency ?
From the Philadelphia Press.
It is very remarkable that the state
treasury should refuse to return to the
city of Philadelphia almost $1,000,000
that have been due many months. It
is so remarkable that it is not surpris-
ing measures to compel the payment
of the money are proposed. There ip
no good reason why the city ehould
have been deprived of the use of this
money go long. Inthe hands of the
State it has been oi no public benefit
whatever, having drawn no interest.
In the hands of the city it would have
been earning interest for the benefit of
the people, as all other moneys in the
hands of the city do. Itis unaccount-
able that the state treasurer should
have withheld this money eo long. If
he has mot that amount to pay out
then the State must be considered as
not solvent; if he has it he has no
right to refuse the payment of it. We
have never quite understood what the
treasurer's reasons are for not paying
it. Does he mean to say that there is
not money enough in his hands to dis-
charge this obligation ?
The Wilson and McKinley Tariffs as
Revenue Raisers.
From the Pittsburg Post. 5
The Wilson tariff bill yielded last
month customs receipts amounting to
$16,480,769. The average monthly
customs receipts under the McKinley
tariff, between 1891 and 1893, inclu-
give, were $15,207,972, or over $1,000,-
000 less than the Wilson tariff yielded
last month. This includes periods of
great prosperity in our foreign trade,
while under the Wilsen tariff we are
still struggling with. the dregs ot the
panic aod the effects of Republican
legislation. In normal conditions,
when the country once more reaches
its usual degree of prosperous and ex-
tended foreign trade, the Wilson tariff
will yield all the customs revenues
that are needed. And if the country
should need larger revenues, an in
creased tax on beer is the easiest way
to obtain it, Tariff-tinkering, such as
is proposed by the so-called emergency
bill, will reduce and not increase the
Bushnell’s Short Memory.
From the Philadelphia Record.
cent bond issue, Governor Bushnell, of
Ohio, who went to New York to at
tend the dinner of the Ohio society
last night, told a Tribune interviewer :
“It demonstrated to the calamity howl:
ers and thoze who have tried ta iear
down the credit of the country that
we are all right. It wasa stunning
rebuff to the financial course that has
been followed by the present adminis
tration.” But the Governor forgot to
tell the reporter that the financial
course in question. had not been in.
vented by the administration; that
the administration had been forced to
accept the course prescribed by laws |
originating with Ohio's wiseacres of
finance, and that the admipistration’s
appeal to Congrees for better laws has
thus far failed to-have any result,
good, bad or indifferent.
Re ————————————————
Shooting Other Bullets Than Their
From the Philadelphia Record.
The value of a free press is. some
times made startingly apparent:by the
antics of journals which only say so
much as they have leave to say under
the censorship of despotic governments,
Last week there was a general chorus
of denunciation of England-in German
newspapers. Nothing was quite severe
enough to say of the English people
and government. This week the tune
is changed. Parliamentary utterances
are pacific; the war lord has smoothed
his wrinkled front, and the newspapers
coo as gently as sucking doves. The
value of German press opinions on in-
ternational affairs is confined to its
parrot-like quality of saying enly what
it has been taught to say.
Cannon Law.
Geo. T. Angell in Qur Dumb. Animals, ;
We think the so-called ‘Monroe Doe-
rine’ should be more properly named
“The American cannon law.’
When we have spent a thousand mil-
lion of dollars, fortifying our sea and
lake coasts—[against the best customer
we have for all our farm products]—
and building and arming great navies
and establishing great standing armies
—then we can add to the eagle on our
national flag a dremendous rooster—lay
in a large stock of fire-crackers—and say
to the whole world, “Atéention, Uni.
verse!’ No European Monarchy or
South American Republic shall hence-
Jorth dare to change the ownership of
one acre of land in this Western hemis-
phere, except by our permission.’
They Will All be Abroad Next Tues.
From the Doylestown Democrat.
Francis Schlatter, the “healer,” who
bad been missing some time, has turned
up in a chain gang in California. There
are thousands of other frauds, of various
kinds avd elasces, who are not in the
chain gang, but should be there,
Schlatter should not be alone.
——Subscribe for the WaToHMAN.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—ZElection ballots will cost Schuylkilj
county $474.50.
—Four people at Reynoldsville died in
one day with measles.
—Theice gorge in the Delaware river
at Milford broke Saturday.
—During the year 1895 there were 117
births and 63 deaths in Renovo.
G. E. Sprenkle was appointed fourth-
class postmaster at Roy on Tuesday.
—An elevator in a Pittsburg furnace
crushed to pulp the head of eharles Mel.
lon, =
—Owing to the ill-health of Editor J. A.
Nash, the Huntingdon Journal is for
—A kerosene lamp upset over Mrs
Mekolah, at Nanticoke, burning her dan-
—J.F. Schell was appointed a fourth.
class postmaster at Dillingersville on
—Wanted in Lebanon as a horse thief,
W. H. Watson was found in a ‘Lancaster
jail on Friday.
—-There are in Berks county 3000 war
pensioners, who receive annually "$362,000
from Unole Sam. .
—While skating at Reynoldsville,
Charles H. Kritzer broke through the ice
and was drowned.
—The attorney general has now brought
suit against 177 corporations for being de-
linquent on state tax.
—The Indiania Ladder works are run-
ning full time with orders for over 200
dozen of ladders ahead.
—Professor A. H. Hibshman, who taught
mathematics in Stroudsburg state Nor
mal school, has resigned.
—Owing to an election contest Schuyl-
kill county will buy 143 new ballot-boxes,
the old ones being sealed up.
—The Catholic cathedral at Pittsburg
may be sold for $2,000,000 and a new edifice
be erected in the East End.
—About 2000 Philadelphia & Reading
cars will be sent to the Reading shops to
be raised to the standard height.
—Judge Miller, of Mercer county, de:
nied all applicants for liquor licenses at
Mercer borough and Stoneboro.
—A rock weighing several tone, in a
quarry near Hollidaysburg, fell upon and
crushed to death Stephen Lassetts.
—By the breaking of a plank at Gilber
ton, Charles Bulaski and John Censtine
were dropped 2) feet and badly hurt.
—The Rast and Potts collieries at Ash.
land, which suspended indefinitely last
week, resumed Monday with 900 hands.
—The Perry county Sunday school con-
vention will b i) the Presbyterian
church in Neg Bloomfield, June 2 and 3,
—Blast furnace No. 3, of tie Brooke
iron company, at Birdsboro, was blown
out on Saturday to be idle several months
for repairs.
—Fearing home punishment for playing
truant at school, little Joseph: Kuhns, of
Reading, disappeared three weeks ago
and is still missing. .
—Rev. Dr. Jacob Fry, an iastructor in.
the Lutheran Thsological seminary in.
Phi Jadelphia, will retain the: pastorate of.
- his Reading church.
In speaking of the suceess of the re- |
—Divers are trying to fin@ the body of
George Bahl, of Overton, Bradford coun-
ty. who was drowned while- lumbering on
Loyalsock creek.
—The registration in DuBois from May
to December shows that there were 119
births and thirty-six deaths. Eighty-three
more births than deaths.
—One day last week Mrs. Maggie Davis,
of McAlevy’s Fort, Huntingdon county,
‘tripped and fell down a flight of staire
‘breaking her right leg;
—On Wednesday of last week while
John Powell, of Jackson township, Hunt-
ingdon county, was hauling logs he slip-
ped and fell, breaking a leg.
—The barn of the Emanuel Moyer es-
‘tate, located near Mifikintown, was burn-
ed a few nights age. The about
$1,560 ; partly covered by insurance.
—The fire clay works at Patton, which
were burned on the night of December
27, are being rebuilt, and it is. expected
they will be ready for work ia a short
—A few nights ago the meat market of
W. B. Lowman, in Indiana, was entered
by thieves ane a quantity of meat, sixty
pounds of butter and twelwe dozen eggs
—The Philips sand wenkis at Mapleton,
whieh were destroyed, by fire on the
night of the 8th of last December, have
been rebuilt and the making of sand was
again started on February 5th.
—Rev. Father P. J. Howe, of the Catho-
lic chureh at Huntingdon, has been trans:
ferred to the chureh. at Ebensburg. He
is snoeeeded by Rew: Father D. Walsh, of: .
St. Bridget's churéh; Pittsburg.
—The Clearfield nty reunion of the
| Grand Army of the Rep
at Coalport on July 3and 4. The citizens.
of that place will make every effort tc
give the old soldiers a rousing recep:
—A few days.age Mrs, Simon Yeagey, of
Williamsport, fell on the sidewalk in
front of her howe and fractured her right
hip at the joint. Ben Stahl, of the.same
city, also fell on a sidewalk.and broke
his left arm, ’
—Recently Charles Kelly, aged id years,
employed ia the rolling mill at Saltsburg,
Indiana county, was caught in the shaft
which runs the shears and his left arm
was broken below the elbow andthe bone
above was splintered.
—William Rainey was found dead in his
bed at Kylertown, Clearfield county, a
few days ago. He lived by himself and
was in his 67th year, He was an old sol-
dier, having been in the service during
the whole period of the war.
—John Watson, employed as an extra
freight conductor on the West Penn rail-
road, on Friday last, while working in
the Blairsville yard, had his right leg so
badly crushed by the wheels of an en-
gine that it was necessary to amputate
the member just above the knee.
—The scarlet fever is taking off the lit.
tle ones in Perry Valley, Perry county.
Within a short time three children of
Adam Goodling having died, and two oth-
ers and the mother are lying ill with it.
A child of Josiah Sweger died on Mon-
day, after only about twenty-four hours,
illness. There are twelve children in the
1 family.