Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 07, 1896, Image 6

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Pranks of Scottish Fairies.
Belief in the “Fair
A Firm Folks” Still
There still lingers a whispered be-
lief in the north of Scotland that the
“fair foik” or ‘“‘gweed neebors,” as the
fairies are called, still live in the hills,
and during the first days of convales-
cence a mother must be zealously
guarded lest one of the “wee people”
come and rob the child of 1ts nourish-
ment. Sometimes they succeed in
carrying off the mother. Here is one
of the superstitious legends :
A vorth country fisher had a fine
child. One evening a beggar woman
entered the hut and went up to the
cradle to gaze into the eyes of the babe.
From that time good health left it, and
a strange look came into ite face, and
the mother was troubled. An old man
« begging for food passed that way.
When he caught sight of the chlld, he
cried :
“That’s nae a bairn. It's an image,
and the gweed folk has stolen his
Thereupon he set to work to recall
the fisher's bairn. A peat fire was
heaped high on the hearth and a black
hen held over itat such a distance
that it was singed and not killed.
After some struggling the hen escaped
up the lane. A few moments elapsed,
and then the parents were gladdened
by the sight of a happy expression
once more on the child’s face. It
throve from that day forward.—Scot-
tish Review.
About Girls.
“Girls,” remarked the small boy in
his composition upon the subject, ‘is
of several thousand kinds, and some-
times one girl can behave like: several
thousand girle. Some kinds of girls is
better than some other kinds, but they
ain’t any of them up to boys. This is
all I koow about girls, and farther
says the less I know about them the
better.”—New York Advertiser.
A ————————————————
CLUB.—A committees trom this club
report the wines of Alfred Speer, of Pas-
saic, N. J., the most reliable to be ob-
tained, and that his Oporto Grape
makes a Port Wine superior to any in
the world. His Claret and Brandy have
no superiors.
—*Gusie, why did you refuse
Smithett ? Did he show the cloven
foot 7
“No, but he showed
the cloven
_.—Laxol, the new Castor Oil is be-
ing used in hospitals. It is sweet as
New Advertisements.
(Philadelphia, Penp., Item.)
A healthier, heartier, happier man than
John!J. Neill, of 2437 North Eighth street
Philadelphia, could not be found in a day's
search. The fact that he is still alive is a con-
stant wonder to his friends.
In the fall of 1889 he began to suffer indes-
crible miseries from stone in the bladder.
Consulting an eminent physician in Philadel-
phia, he was told thata surgical operation was
necessary. So much did he dread the result,
for if unsnccesstul it meant death, that he put
off the evil day as long as possible, While in
this frame of mind, he heard of :
Although disheartened, on July 1, 1893, he
bought a bottle of 1t, and within a month had
experienced beneficial results, and before he
had finished the third bottle, the gravel was
completely dissolved and his sufferings at an
Mr. Neill feels that he owes a lasting debt of
gratitude to Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
and for disorders of the bladder and urinary
organs, says “it will eftect a cure if one be pos-
Favorite Remedy is prescribed with unfail-
ing succes: for rheumatism, dyspepsia and
nerve troubles in which it has cured many
that were considered beyond the aid of medi-
cine. All druggists, $1. 41-6-1m
‘The Cooly Creamers.
The Latest high Speed separators.
The Boss Churn, the favorite and the most
extensively used. .
The Bent Wood Churn a great favorite with
many butter makers. \
Butter Workers and other Dairy Fixtures.
40-45-3m McCALMONT & CO.
Write to T. S. QUIN.
a CEY, Drawer 156, Chica-
THE 80, Secretary of the Star
2 Accipext Company, for
STAR ACCIDENT information regarding Ac-
By so
cident Insurance. Men-
COMPANY. tion this paper.
; doing you can save mem-
bership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 tor ac-
cidental injuries.
Be Your Own Agent.
40 47 8m
If not, why not ?
Call n Miss Lillian Barrett, at the Tele.
phone Exchange, and get a Periodical Ticket
Book FREE, have it explained to you, and
then use the tickets at the following “stores in |
Racket Store Co.,
F. B. Stover,
Jas. Schofield,
B. C. Achenbach,
C. M. Parrish,
Montgomery & Co.,
Jas, Harris & Co.,
F. P. Blair,
Geo. T. Bush,
E. L. Powers,
Miss M. Graham,
Miss B. Straub,
R. J.Schad.
0. M. Sheetz.
Coin. Accounts in Detail.
Com. Accounts in Detail,
Com. Accounts in Detail.
¢ Unseated lands
“Liquor licenses .....
Jan. 6th, 1895, To Cash Bal. § 9685 00 |
§ 7351 76 By County orders paid on
31377 11 | the following accounts :
43052 88 Attwood, O.
1006 61 Assessors.
675 G0-$83463 36 | Auditors...
we——=e—mwuee | Adams, T P.. 7:
§ 83463 36 | Bridge ......... 6265 31
Co. Supt’s office... 104 42
Comml’'th cost of Peuna..... 11043 14
Commonwealth cost.. 2765 18
Condo, J P, Sheriff. 2218 15
Constables........... 574 04
+ Court House.. 1175 24
. Court Expense.. 5540 53
: Danville Asylum . 627 50
i Election ........ 2729 96
| Fortney, D F. 425 (0
| Goodhart, G L...... .. « 1078S 33
, Huntingdon Reformatory.. 73 50
Hunter, R F.. i 800 00
| Tnquests... 13 87
Jail . 1755 70
Jury Comm'rs 143 56
1/080 ..0uuneieeeq, ov 18739 04
| Lunacy Commisslon 17 28
| Miscellaneous......... 2917 41
2009 CO
1539. 41
10 69
26 59
149 55
100 C0
| 218 00
i 502 64
152 35
i Strohm,J B...... 958 58
| State Tax Expense. 425 4)
| Turnpike cost... 2 58
- Warren Asylum.... 396 25
| Western Penitentiary : 843 C8
| Wernersville Asylum......... 68 85-872243 01
| Paid by order of Court
| Stenographers bills..... ous 869 80
465 5
| Road & bridge views
Institute expenses.....
Total credits...
By balance......
$ 83463 36
200 00—$1535 35
§ 73778 36
9685 (0
$ 83463 36
mit eens
Milesburg Boro..
Howard Boro.....
Philipsburg Boro......
South Philipsburg Boro..
Boggs Twp.. hse
Curtin Twp
Liberty Tw
Taylor Twp
Case in hands of Treas.
Jan 6, 1896, Co. funds.....
Cash in hands of Treas,
| Notes outstanding........... 8
Amt. due J P Condo, sh'iff
| Amt. due W F Smith, Pro.
8 9685 00
| County. State. County. State.
Bellefonte... ....H.S. Taylor. $5002 87| $5050 74] $1616 32° 4173 82
Centre Hall IF. E. Arney...... .| 342 03] i 115 02) 3 or
Howard Boro.. 'A. B. Holter.. 342 54| a
Milesburg Boro. 292 22 1276
Millheim Boro 470 48) 3
Philipsburg. £931 19| 135 3
South Phili 157 49 i
Unionville 227 56
Benner T 1417 76]
Boggs Twp . 980 76] 3 80,
Burnside T 139 85 3!
College Twp... 1979 08! 2 04
Curtin Twp.... 196 47]
Ferguson Twp. 1845 (8)
Gregg Twp.. 1003 27
Haines Twp... 1633 44]
Haltmoon Twp. ..;Simon Sellers.. 766 32]
Harris Twp ..... J. T. Stuart... 1022 86,
Howard TWD..ccsrsriicciennndscsssininnecnscpran 594 00
Huston Twp.. E. R. Williams. 305 77
Liberty Twp. ..|Irvin Spangler. 6G5 90
Marion Twp. .|M. N. Zeigler. 892 77
Miles Twp... 1522 43
Patton Twp.. 958 03
Penn Twp... 1038 29
Potter Twp. 2175 55
Rush Twp... 663 04
Snow Shoe Tw! 597 57
Spring Twp.. 2566 48
Taylor Twp... 252 7
Union Twp... 428 18
Walker Twp. 1457 32
Worth Twp... 79 84
oe $35946 15 $510 59
ee ea | County State.
Beliefonte Boro.. 82 37 :
General expenses
Bridges ...........
Improvements on buildings..
—333 00)
Bellefonte... ...
Centre Hall.
Howard Boro.
Millheim ...
Phijlipsburg ..
8. Philipsburg..
Unionville .....
Benner Twp .
Burnsiae *
Ferg er
Rush: -.
Srotine >
pring ~~
Worth Si teteeeene weirs
18935, on
| Claims filed and remainer
*No Collectors.
| Collected during 1895, on 10 duplicates.
4 4 189
| Baiance in Treasur’s hands, Jan. 1 05
! Sheep damages paid during 1895
Outstanding on 1895, duplicates,........ccevees veerereens
1 Outstanding on 1894, duplicates,.........
Collected |
Dog Tax, | less Cont. | Ba
« Levied. and
DIA ATIC secs secenrinnsnrsnrusivor rectsentrarsintenssrrererersrsiiapstsiessssasens sorariioisitnnarssasias
dunia, Jan OB, T000,...0c.r.u. cc 2onsiios soaeensi freien,
| Outstanding
$1993 28]
lance \claims Filed
mo 3Uring year,
_____|Oficers Fees
$118 42/ ns
10 52,
20) 48]
17 50;
89 24
32 25!
8 89,
70 50!
141 75,
37 49
8175 50
104 50
44 20
14 75
66 50
81786 07
8 915 02
1057 28
83 55-8 2060 85
1636 34-8 1636 34
$1903 23
211 60-2204 8s
Jan. 6, 1895, dog tax...... 424 51 | general account............ 452 85
Outstanding taxes for 1805 15426 18 Amt. due W F8mith, Rep.
Outstanding taxes from Judgements, ect. . ... 211 30
BOL bees 1011 50 Amt. due W F Smith, fees
Taxes 1n hands of Atty for | in commissioners cases.. 2665 15
collection ceuvvvsssrenessene.. 1204 85 Amt. due sundry persons
Asylum bills due from commissioners costs ..... E37
Townships and Boros... | Amt. due western peniten-
Notes,good and collectable { -tiary account, 1895......... 1024 «3 |
Dog tax outstanding from | Amt. due Huntingden Re- |
1201 ..eervecennsnaserssvinrenann., 211 60 i formatory account, 1845 174 CO ,
Dog tax outstanding from i Amt. due on sundry small
Ee... mm bills ie DIL murs
Sundry small claims, due | Amt. dune sundry ,persons
COUNLY eeeeverssssmsurerresisasas 41 53 { unpaid sheep damages=... 504 41 |
Due from Sheriff Condo, Estimated commissions on
costs and fines... oo 104 31-831098 U5 | unpaid taxes.......... ais 600 00
‘ i Estimated exon’rat’ons on S
! unpaid taxes.........cueeee., 300 00-319393 58
. | Assets in excess of liabili- i
’ jl. 11504 47
i Belletonte Boro.
Wm. J. Singer, Dis. Atty, fees
sundry Com. cases........... $107 28
Wm. F.Smith, pro. sundry
cases account of 1894....... 405 25
J. 8. Smith, J. P. fees in sun-
dry cases....,..
J. H. Oliger, J. P. fe 5's 7 80
J. M. Keichline J. P., of 205 87
S. F. Kline, J. P. ” 825
Jno. B. Linn, J. P. £8 310
W. F. Courter, J. P. $4 2.20
Hayes Schenck, J. P. ot 43
Thomas Weston, J. P. o 16 00
J. C. Williams, J. P. © 325
M. L. Rishel, J. P. a 10 00
Michael Schaffer, J. P. * 180
J. H. Miller. J. P. o 305
D. H. Yeager, J. P. H 3 87
J.S. Housman, J. P. 3 8 57
J. A. Reesman, J. P. o 27
David Rothrock, J. P, 135
Jacob Keller, J. P. £4 5 86
H. H. Osman, J. P. tt 2 50
J. I. Morris, J. P. at UJ
D. L. Zerby, J. P. £ 2925
J. W. Adams, J. P. £2
D. H. Bean, J. P. a£ 3 a
Alfred Lucas, Const: o 40 26
Wm. Gares, Const. Ly 86 36
James Ray, Const. ae 704
H. H. Montgomery, Const * 33 09
Harvey Benner, Consf. 704
Jacob Robb, Const. "6%
V. Beckwith, Const. i 24 79
Jas. Lucas, Const. “ 9 34
Ambrose Holter, Const. * 9 06
M. Cowher, Const. “ 17 88
Oscar Holt, Const. 2) 9 06
J. L. Walkey, Const. sy 5 2
Joshua Folk, Const. 1 24 11
Henry Swabb, Const. 6 533
Charles Sweigart, Const.* 14 89
A. R. Barr, Const. * oo
Jas. Watchman, Const.* ¢
G. W. Curtin, Const.* be 63 21
Harry Gunter, Const. of 438
S. J. McClintic, Const. ** 50
Wm. Batchelor, Const-# ¢ 21 58
Reuben Kline, Const. s 3 98
James McMullen, Const. ** 474
Amts. paid sundry witnesses,
for services and mileage,
in sundry Commonwealth
“Non-resident R. R. police,
costs, mileage in P. R. R. cases.
Bellefonte Boro. N. W... $ 14 16
ts ts SW. 13 90
se oo WwW, 19 50
Centre Hull * .... 22 58
Boward £ 20 99
Milesburg 20 06
Miliheim® *“ ... 23 78
Philipsburg * 26 22
" “" 25 67
ef 2 «23 07
South Phi'pg* ..... 25 94
Unionviile * 20 26
Benner Twp. 16 66
“ se 8 . 2073
:+ | Burnside Shing we 23 54
Boggs 1 y. 2. es 1663
! 2 Ma 5. P. ... 16 07
64 of . ee 1963
Curtin $00 ees vt 2075
College o , P, 20 67
o . . P. ae ISTO
Ferguson * E, 26
“ # Wy 90
V bt N. 1 86
a i
“" “ 5 50
Haines 48 86
o. “ 98
Harris 2 22 55
Halfmoon ** 83
Howard & 50
Huston ’ 3 08
Liberty sh : 70
Marion tet 5 22
Miles tt 54
“ « 39
4 $ ee 63
Patton "aan . 2271
Peon & “ 67
Potter ¢ NN. 18 43
so bad S. 22 54
| Rush nN 20 84
“ “ S. a 3
Snow Shoe * E. 21 24
“ «WW, 18 79
Sprin oN. 16 22
PL 2 od S. 17 80
4) so 20 47
Taylor 47 11 99
Union At 21 28
Walker i 22 71
Worth 4% 23 07
GASES... .ove0srs0eareraroenserrene $1156 39—§2765 18
$1078 89 $1511 83
Samuel Bruss, Booth service...§ 1 00
J.L. Dunlap, d’livering ballots 15 63
Harvey Baney hauling booths 50
W. R. McCloskey, hoothsrv’ce 675
J. S. Martin, booth servic: 1 50
Eli Baney, hauling booth 1 50
(reo. Ward, furniture... 100
I". R. Dubbs, hauling booths... 5 00
Jas. H. Weaver, booth service 6 00
Sechler & Co. candles for b'ths 10 35
(+.J. Woodring delivering bal. 1 50
Isaac Armstrong, booth ser... 125
J. W. Lucas, booth service..... + 00
C. M. Muffiey, booth service... 1 50
Jas. Ray, booth service........... 300
C. H. Small, booth service...... 1 00
(veo. E. Mensch, booth service 1 00
Geo E.Mensch,dliveringbal. 1 20
H. Simler, light, heat, ete....... 150
Wm. Gares, b'th ser. chairsete 2 00
Joshua Folk, booth service..... 100
Jacob Dunkle, booth service... 1 00
Harrison Stine, booth service 50
H. F. Kessinger. booth s’rvice . 4 €0
C. H, Smull, delivering ballots 25
E.G. Mingle, booth service... 1 00
IZ. G. Mingle, delivering bal... 2 00
J. C. Rossman, booth service... 3 00
Boggs Twp. E. P. special
election, Mar. 17............... 18 22
Boggs Twp. W. P. s
election, Mar. 17
Boggs Twp. N. P.s
election, Mar.
R. TI. Gates, Const. Nov. elec.
1894, W. P. Ferguson Twp.
2 00
Jland Ceok, clk eounting vote 5 60
L. A. Schatfter elk, count’g vote
Nw S.A, Bell,val.& reg. 119 84
s w JA MeCf'rty, val & reg 106 88
sw J L Runkle. : 20
ww AV Smith, v 7164
Centre Hall Boro.
D A Boozer, val & reg bal’ 14 42
D A Boozer, val & reg.. 45 08
| Howard Boro.
—§304 41 !
Christ Pletcher, val & reg... 62 37
Milesburg Boro.
F G Mattern, val & reg...... 2 00
PH jisnpl, val & reg......... 67 82
Millheim Boro.
A. P. Maize, val & reg......... 49 30
C W Hartman, val & reg..... 2 00-
Philipsburg Boro.
1w A H Smith, val & reg..... 59 43
1w J A Lukens, val & reg... 25 13
2w D A Paul val &reg bal
ABO cers ooieroscorfiessnesennrness 26 85
2w Owen Hancock, val &
TOR isecasisesnsisciairrisnae rene 101 05
3w M G Gray, val & reg 2 00
sw G M Rhule val & reg..... 107 59
"nionville Boro.
Wm Iddings, val & reg
bal 180%...cnciieisnscicnnns 6 00
A J St Clair, val and reg..... 52 77
Benner Twp.
L C Rerick, valuation......... 65 22
~ p Geo G Hastings reg 2 00
~ PJ B Roan, reg........ 21 05
s » John P Ishler, reg.. ; 2 00
sp M F Hazel, reg............... 217
Boggs Twp. ’
Geo Taylor, valuation......... 93 66
N P Harris Poorman reg... 2 00
Alfred Poorman reg........... 2615
w Pp Geo Taylor, reg... 2 00
w p E Hancock, reg. 29 05
PJ M Parker, reg... 21 34
Burnside Twp.
Geo Hodallar, val & rex
1804..... ....
freee sraserensvincnseit = 12100
A V Daugherty, val & reg... 68 09
College Twp.
Wm Everhart, valuation..... 89 98
E Pp [saac Armstrong, reg..... 321%
wp Clark Herman, reg..... 31 55
Curtin Twp.
D B Delong, val & reg... 84 68
Ferguson Twp.
H Fry, valuation 81 00
er W H Roush, re 2 00
E P.8 I Corl, reg... 30 72
wp J M Campbell, reg.. 24 70
we W E McWilliams, 24 32
Gregg Twp. 5
G F Weaver, valuation...... 78 04
x pr F Weaver, reg bal
18M ...viiii en Verserresess 16 50
~ pJ F Waugh, reg 24 07
wrJ]Co-10, reg... ar
5 00— 2729 96
w rJ O McCormick, reg.....
£ p F M Fisher, reg.............
Haines Twp.
E M Boone, valuation.
r. p H. O Fiedler, reg.
wr J N Bower, reg..
Halfmoon Twp,
J C Mattern, val & reg..........
Harris Twp.
J P Weber, val & reg bal
O W Stover, val & reg..
Howard Io
N G Pletcher, val &reg......
Joseph Dunkle, val & reg...
Huston Twp
L C Bullock, val & reg........
W P Parsons, val & reg......
Liberty Twp.
A C Bowes, val & reg.........
D M Burlew, val & reg........
Marion Twp.
A H Spayed, val & reg........
Miles ag
Daniel Harter, valuation.....
EPC D Weaver, reg............
er Henry Gilbert, reg.
M PJ N Moyer, reg.... 5
W PJ A Deitrich, reg........
Patton Twp.
H D Lee, val &reg.............,
J L Mattern, val & reg........
Penn Twp. .
W H Ertle, val & reg...........
J 8 Meyer, val & reg...........
Potter Twp.
W W Royer, valuation......
Nr Jas Keller, reg.
sp W W Royer, reg
Rush Twp.
Jas Dumbleton, valuation..
~ p Jno D Gill Jr, reg.
~ Pp W E Frank, reg..
s Pp Lincoln River, reg.
Snow Shoe Twp.
J D Brown, valuation.........
E Pp D R Thomas, reg....
Ep Jas I Yarnell: reg...
w p Simeon Hazzard, reg...
Spring Twp.
M F Riddle, valuation........
N p Jno G Dubbs, reg..........
sp J T Zeigler, reg.....
w pr Bert Poorman, reg.
Taylor Twp.
Vinton Beckwith, val & reg
Union Twp.
E P Barton, val & reg.........
D P Shirey, val & reg.........
Walker Twp.
€ S Bock, val & reg............
JA Hoy,val&reg...........
Worth To.
G R Williams, val & reg......
South Philipsburg Boro.
JM Tho'pson, val& reg _
Sundry witnesses ass't re-
TOVISI0N creerseveresserecererrsrens
N B Spangler, stenographer
98 92
30 93
43 21
25 95
64 90
15 63
16 35
27 99
98 91
24 00
34 50
30 40
62 91
2 00
76 92
2 00
89 93
78 2
28 31
23 17
22 4)—§3813 65
Grand jurors, Jan sessions. $227 88
Ey Apr sessions. 171 2%
Aug sessions. 242 76
: Nov sessions. 178 24
Trav. jurors, Jan sessions
1st 56:3 36
Jan sessions
2nd week....... renin 143 00
Apr sessions -
18 week...coveireeee. 374 24
Apr sessions
2nd week...... tosses 454 96
Aug sessions
I8t WeeK....heeeeeee.. 552 72
Aug sessions
204 WERK cererseerss.. 441 00
Nov sessions
Ist Weelt <ecesreroareee 391 56
Nov sessions
2nd weels,............. 439 04
Special Oct Term.. 415 08
Talesmen ay 12 00
A S & CM Garman, meals for
JUBA. rrieniniss 31 50
Dr G F Harris, medical ser-
vice for jurors.............. 400
Simeon Haupt, court mess-
CDZOT:osvesseesevnsersares none 144 00
J L Dunlap, court crier........ 2 00
Steele Hunter, court crier 146 00
Orrie Attwood, tipstaff. 102 00
D 8S Dunham, tipstaff..
Thomas McCafferty, ti
100 00
104 00—8§5510 28
W H Musser, agt insurance 8 45 00
Chas Smith, agt
Geo L Potter, agt
Samuel Rine, repairing water
DIPS»... tstenstrvieeivsernie
Electric light Co, light lamps
: and repairing......cceines
Bellefonte gas Co, steam heat
MeCrlmont & Co, seed ¢c’'ment
J W Gepbart, agt coal............
R J Schad & Bro. repairing
to steam & water pipes..
J A Harper, janitors supplies
O Atwood, shields for stairs
Joseph MeSully, painting
fonntning, ste................
H A McKee & Bro sun sup...
Daniel Irving’ Sons &
CJ & F E Taylor, repairing.
A S Garman, asphalt gutter
fOr yardec...cccesesrsasesnes
J L Dunlap, sundry repairs..
Jas Harris & Co, rent ot
SIOVeH, O10. crerecrsrveeees ser
Jas Harris & Co. ad'm’nte, ete
Vo!mer Bros. decoration of
building for centennial
Joshua Folk,dis’nf’ct’ng tre’s
Atwood & McKibben, paint-
ing roof, ete... :
J Zeller & Son, suppli
John Pacinni, rep’ring foe
Lyon & Co. janitor supplies...
Harvey Baney, hauling...
R Bariett, hauling
Jas MeDermot, repairing wall
Schreyer & Reese, mdse.
Wm Dawson, cement... :
O Atwood, manure grass plots
T I Adams, sund for office.
90 00
90 00
2 00
263 00
356 90
10 49
5 00
63 68
6 59
38 74
30 00
3 00
12 75
15 00
11 50
S3 00
8 29
5 00
W R Brachbill, cots and fur.
Carey Safe Co. safe for office.
E K Rhoades, hauling safe...
Mrs Catharine Solt. washing
for prisoners, clothing.
Electric light Co light and
AMPE...ooiitieennsienn inn
Bellefonte Gas Co., steam
heat ...........s.o..
J J Gramley, supplies.. wrk
Beaver Lumber Co., lumber
for repairs.. ee i
Dr J C McEntire,
teeth for prisoners..
R J Schad & Bro. plumbing...
Joseph Bros. & Co. cl'th’ng ete
Orrin Miller, plastering, wal!
Orrin Miller, sun plastering..
J P Condo, whitewashing in-
terior ...
J P Condo, washing, etc........
H H Schreyer, wall paper.....
Jas Harris & Co. cement,
hardware, elg......ccs..rnee
MecCalmont & Co. cement, ete
M Shields, carpentering......
J L Dunlap, carpentering......
Wm B Rankibp, agt insurance
J C Weaver, *
C I Solt, sundry hauling........
A C Mingle, shoes ete for
EIBONGTSI cceecrrsroresesrenss
McSully Bros. papering, ete
Loner Wian, filling bed ticks
Dr R G H Hayes, medical
assistance to jail phys.
Geo T Bisel, blanks..............
Wm Galbraith, plumbing......
Ollie C Miller, rep. slate roof
B F Deitrich, pa'ntng Co. iail
H A McKee, hardware, etc...
111 46
148 60
468 45
13 78
26 62
2 00
11 05
43 56
127 44
18 25
Ree wise
54 96—8§1755 70
Philipsburg Ledger, cir state-
ments, printing ete...... $15 83
Centre Magnet, cir st'tmn'ts
Bellefonte Republican cir.
stat'm’nts, printing, ete
Weekly Hornet, cir st'm’nts
Keystone Gazelte, cir state-
ments, printing ete
Philipsburg Journal, cir.
statements .........ccoeeen.
Centre Reporter, printing
statements, ad. ete......
Mil!heim Journal, cir state-
ments printing, ete...
Democratic W atchman, cir
st'tem’nts, printing ete
Bituminous Record, cir state-
Centre Democrat, sundry
pr'atng, cir and ad’ving
232 10
9 40
515 80
57 80
196 50
13 09
451 65-8 1539 41
Thos Shaughenay, trees for
Harvey Baney, hauling........
Harvey Stine, hauling ..... ....
75— 810 60 !
Hough. & Hawley, mimograph
8 Pp OS corareercsssesansesisss $ 705
Commercial stamp Co. num-
bering machine, etc..... 15 30
John Underwood & Cq, ink... 00
Geo T Bisel, stationary,
bIanks, fC eceeseerersceess. 56 45
J H Wright & Co. blanks, etc 45 14
FR Miller & Co. blank books 13 00
W F Murpheys’ Sons ¢ 16 00
Wm Mann Co. u 73 65
Geo D Barnard & Co “ 15 40
The Sun printing & binding
Co. Blk. books....... wee 47 00
F LL Hutter, st*agrphers pap’r 8 50
Wm G Johnston & Co. assmt
& blk. books............... 212 13
Mary J. Hunt, stationery 9 56
J C J Kurtz, stationery 1479
Robert McGuire, ink. 75
H Y Stilzer, stationer 8 Tl
‘| Geo T Bush, stationer G 40
G W Rumberger, Rec. ri
© ranging doc. as per de-
erae of court.............. 218 50
L A Schaffer, items omitted
from old acet............... 4 50
L A Schaffer, ex Prothy, on
acet. rearranging docu-
ments, as per decree
GOULE onvorerireaneeseressesenie 1000 0)
W G Morrison, Rec oaths,
filing bonds, etec......... 100
Telephone Co. rent of instru-
ments, ete......ccccc coins 77 50
D F Fortney: P M postage... 94 70
Wm Culveyhouse, repairin,
locks, ete nie OGD
R G Larimer, mdse. .-
John Miller, labor..
J L Dunlap, labor.................. 1 80
American Exp. Co. sundry
Cn I =. 1003
Adams Exp. Co., sundry
CHATEES...c.crenriirerrsensss 50
Western Union tel. Co. sun-
dry messages....... veserr 2 22
Penna. R R Co., freight. . 927
E F Garman, peng, etC........... 25
O W Hunter, copying duplict 14 00
G L Goodhart, sundry livery
BiB... iss spreenserrseness reser 00
H 8S Taylor, Coll. water, tax...
pub buildings........ we.” 303 13
R E Cambridge* copying du-
plicates............cieevennrees. 12.00
LM Adams, copying registers 37 11
R 1' Strohm, copying regist'rs
& duplicates........cerss... 03 96
Jas © Goodhart, co
isters ........
Harry Jackson, copyin
books, duplicates, etc...
66 00
O D Eberts, copying catch
books, ete. ........coonne is 5 00
R I Hunter, typewriter
PAPLTS, BfC...corrcisrrrne.n. - N40
A Garbriek, jen..................... 23 20
John Wagner, lawn mower
BIVENS. oioiri rer esrinisninnss 1 00
Ishler & Rightnour, !'vry hire 35 50
D A Paul, 4 3 00
A Baum, se 21 50
R J Haynes, Jr. 4 3 90
Jesse Cox, £ 1 50
Jas McMullen, Const. service
in Beggs Twp. division 11 40
Sund1y persons, viewers on
Howard Twp line.........
Bellefonté Boro county’s
share paving diamond 280 13
A Campbell, sub to telephone
18 00
XChange .....c covercnririen 1 50
R Barlett, sundry hauling..... 170
Eli Baney, 4 235
Harvey Stine, : 25
J H Miller, J P notice to kill
sheep dog...cceevunnn oe. 104
Racket store Co, legal blanks
for Dist. Atty.......uu wee. 10 80
S J McClintie, Const notice
to kill dOg..ccereresrernsrern 50
D L Bartges, room for appeal 2 00
J W Weaver 4 200
Sec Int affairs, draftof
county ine... 10 00
Orvis, Bower & Orvis,
appeal cases, court.. 25 00
Suudry witnesses, in appe
cases, court... 3 28 20
Subp:na services, ppeal
CASE, COUN. ccererrerrarssn 201
J H Wetzel, measuring prop-
‘dt cost 23 50—§2017 41
John Gowland, burial of
Thomas Handlon........ $ 3500
John Gowland, burial of
Geo D Simmonds... .......
D W Meyer, burial of
Joseph Kreitzer............ 34 64
H P Harris, burial of
John Pafficcccc oor i viernes . 3500
S R Pringle, burial of
Wm Askey.........ooenvevieee 35 00
John B Long, burial of
Robert Matley............... 35 00
John BB Long burial of
Daniel Butler................. 35 00
WV C VanValin, burial of
Lewis Watson ..c............ 35 00
T G Edmunds, burial ot
Joseph George............... 33 00
Win Pealer, burial of
Henry Grimm...... ..... .. 30 00
C W Hunter, tombstones for
Wm Askey.........ccooieeen» 13 00
C W Hunter, tombstones for
John 1 Dellett............... 5 00
C W Hunter, tombstones for
David Watson (Rep,)... 8 00
A M Mott, tombstones for
| Peter McMahon ........ 1500
A M Mott, tombstones {
John Mowery.... 15 00
A M Mott, tombstones
Jacob O’Donnell............ 15 00
A M Mott, tombstones for
Thomas Ammerman...... 15 00
A M Mott, tombstones for
PPB Smithe..ceceesssnseee.s 15 (0 :
A M Wasson, tombstones for =v
PB Redding.......... rss id 15 00
A M Wasson, tombstones for
Michael Fausey............ 15 CO
A M Wasson, tombstones for
John R Tate...eeericinsens 15 00—38 502 64
7S Welsh, costs in BE& NV
turnpike case.........ceeens
W R Campbell, on duplicate
Milesburg Boro........ccc. $626
S H Schaffer, on duplicate
Walker Twp. ....-.coe...iivs 13D
Jno Ardell Jr.. on duplicate
Huston Twp 92 & 93......... 419
F A & M L McManus, on dupli-
cate Bellefonte Boro........ 3 €0
Samuel Gault, on duplicat
Bellefonte Boro.. 60
R E Stover, on duplic
Haines Twp...... 4 52
A R Alexander, on dupli
Penn BWP... eeerrann 136
Geo W Jackson, trustee, decree
of court changing values _
of properties Bellefonte
Boro 1895........ 4 56—8 26 59
Nelsen & Buchanan, Elk
creek bridge, Miles
TWD -corrrrssusessesvanaenraens 000 00
W C Hipple, replanking
Karthaus bridge......... 42 09
Geo Hodoller, Jepuirin
K'rth’us bridge abut-
ment uveneniieansisrrinne 10 00
Nelson & Buchanan, Lamb
street bridge, Bell'f't 2400 00
D M Butts, civil engineer
on BE 48 25
Wm Hipple, repairing pie
of Juinshs bridge. 212%
King? Bridge Co. Centre
5 Bai share Philips-
burg bridge......... sere 128750
Clinton county com. Centre
county share of re:
pairs to old Beech erk
DriGE0 sresssessaaseessress . 61 72
Nelson & Buchanan, Centr:
Co share joint bridge
at Lucas’ in Snow
SHOB TWh cereracrcerrsesanne 1382 50—6265 31
Jackson, Crider & Hastings
loans and interest... § 17742 44
AC Mingle, interest on
OAD coririeranne tresssanres 60 00
Benj Kaufman, interest on
10RBueer seueee sosuvequnieiss 110 00
W A Ishler, loan and inter. 627 50
Mrs M H Wilson, interest
on loan .... .... 200 00—18739 94
W G Morrison, Rec reporting
¢ EP su
mortgages, ete
WF Smt Broty reporting
udgments, efe.............. 184 20
R F Hunter, clk rec of judg-
ments, ete ..............o.cns 200 008 425 40