~ at 3 Some of the Fads of Fashionable Peo- Gold in Cameron County. Faubles. Saddlery. Demorealic ate ple Long age. The Cameron Press says years ago —~Sreo Some of the old time fashions were | when J. W. & J. H. Cochran were very odd indeed. In the reign of Henry | lumbering on W ykoff Run they erected Po. $5.000 $5,000 Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 24, 1896. III. of France, gentlemen and ladies of | large splash dams, and the steady wear UALITY Doe mmm mmm coe fashion thought the comfit-box a requis- | of the great volume of watersoon wash- Q ay eataes Farm Notes. ite. In the reign of Charles V. breeches | ed away the mountain sides and rolled Coupled with the lowest WORTH OF wany large boulders from their native locations. Some months ago'a gentle- man from an adjoining county, while walking the almost dry stream noticed a species of rock or sand that attracted his attention. He picked it up and car- ried it home. This gentleman had a son who was located in the Colorado gold fields and he immediately sent it to him for inspection, who pronounced it gold bearing rock. The young man was 80 impressed with the idea that gold existed in these hills that he came east and explored the region, Blasting has been going on for some time and very short and very close-fitting were —Place a shovelful of manure around | worn by ultra-fashionable gentlemen. every rose bush, currant bush, rhubarb | This style gradually went out and stalk, and do not forget gooseberry and | breeches grew larger and larger until sage bushes. The manute will prottt | they were simply enormous. Indeed. them and also give them an early/start | in the reign of Elizabeth, the gentlemen in spring. ’ of fashion stuffed out their breeches — Working in winter is not always with cotton, feathers and other light urgent, and a few days devoted to oiling gd to make thera look as large as and cleaning the machines and imple- Oo 3 5 : A a yaphice, aod geting he The fashionable ladies of that time, : f : k | Dot wishing to be outdone by the gen- tol in complet oder for pring work | pe, fusanied the large hop fst: farmer Js busy ingale, which spread out the dress skirt AE Rag: like the modern crinoline. — Price possible. ; HARNESS HARNESS HARNESS Is exactly what you expect from US Is exactly what is promised by US Isexactly what you receive from US SLEIGH BELLS SLEIGH BELLS SLEIGH BELLS YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? HERE IS A CHANCE! FUR ROBES FUR ROBES. FINE CRUSHED SILK ROBES — GOAT ROBES—BLACK DOG ROBES—BLACK —XKeep only the ewes : sell off ali'The It was in the reign of Elizabeth that | capitalists, representing a large amount MEN'S SUITS wethers as soon as in & marketable con- | ‘deep ruffles and long rapiers’” were | of money, satnd ready to invest if a rea- dition. With the average farmer, who | quite the fashion. But the ruffles be- | sonable show of gold exists. : . . . BEAR ROBES AND ALL STYLES $5.00 we will say nothing coming too deep and the rapiers too long, Elizabeth issued a proclamation against them and stationed salected citi- zens at every gate to ‘‘cut off the ruffies and break the rapier points of all pas- sengers that exceeded a nail of a yard in depth of their ruffles and a yard in length of their rapiers.” is keeping only a small number of sheep, the increase is largely the source of pro- fit. Market, too, the scrub ewes. Do not keep too many, but keep well. —Train the motion of the young horse. With him the walk is the found- ation of all other gaits, and without be- OF BLANKETS. Doctors and nurses Make slender purses; The road to health aboutthe quality. Oth- ers ask for same goods Is the way to wealth, Many persons of slender means have $7.50. ¢ seen the savings of years swallowed up ' in a few weeks by exhorbitant doctor nT NOW IS THE TIME - - - FOR BARGAINS, ginning at this foundation all future Ta th . bills. josis iliness and its result ; developments will be unsatisfactory. A [7° gi 9nibry Must ROAST Sib nS Mioast se prostts 12 MEN’S SUITS —— slow walker in the wagon or the plow world. The sanate os finally grew to | taken in time. ~ When the system seems . To-d ; is a worse possession than an indolent Soh BOP Rr Err was | to be run down, the blood weak and $7.50 good honest wearing — To-day Prices have Dropped— farm band. issued to the effect that ‘no person LBDRIe, SAuSiDg Leipuony sdachs, strictly all wool goods on every thing in. our store. We —Pennsylvania and other States | should wear shoes more than six inches hess an tude, backache; scrot- : : must make room for Spring stoc Bave laws ris the use of wide tires | square at the toes.” ula, biliousness, chills, aversion to work, in a dozen different os solicit your orders.” Don't de- on the public roads, theroad tax being | Thess were followed by narrow, | 8.) there is reason for belief that serious styles, considered reduced where wide tires have been | pointed shoes, which kept increasing in | illness is threatened. A bottle of Dr. cheap in other stores — adopted by a farmer, each individual | length until the wearer found it nec. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will : RE ATE CaO ae eksh receiving credit for tires used, those ad- | essary to turn up the toes and fasten | drive the impurities from the system, at gr2.00. S hering to narrow tires being compelled | them to his knees with chains. enrich the blood, bringing sound health, COLLARS IN THE COUNTY. to pay full tax. Some of the old fashionable people | ©Dergy, strergth and ambition. All rs considered a great many changes of | dealers in medicines sell it. MEN'S SUITS _— —There is a wide difference between ventilation and freezing the animals. It will not do to try and any .experi- ments with young stock. Warmth is more essential to them than fresh air in winter, as there will be more difficulty keeping the cold air out than it cures in the winter season. —Of all methods tried for preventing the injury to trees by mice, rabbits, and borers, the usa of wire cloth has given the best results. It should be about 18 inches wide, wrapped around the trees, extending into the ground about six inches below the surface, and fastened with copper wire. JAMES SCHOFIELD, clothing necessary. It is said that Sir BELLEFONTE, PA. Johh Arundel had a change of no less than thirty-two suits of cloth of gold tissue. And Elizabeth, wife of Philip II. of Spain, dressed very sumptuously and | ggqingt the very serious danger to the never wore the same dress twice. community caused by the electric light. . Such were some of the old-time fash+{ Several eminent eye doctors are agreed ions, and if iv be true that ‘‘history al. op the point that unless a stop is put to ways repeats itself,” we may expect the exposure of uncovered electric lights see them revived. in the streets and in shops and offices, nearly all the population will become blind. Experts are so greatly exercised ic the matter that they even suggest that parliament should take itup and prohibit the use of plain glass globes for electric light unless they are prop- erly shaded. Electric Lights. The very finest Dress 33-37 Suits, Sack or Cuta- ways. It will amuse you, when others tell you how cheap theirs (the exact same goods) ARE AT g15.00 AND $18.00. $10.00 London oculists are up in arms Daniel Irvin's Sons. J vins CASH HARDWARE. Lemons for Billiousness. A FEW HOLIDAY OVERCOATS, BOY'S AND CHILDREN’S SUITS, everything IN THE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS LINE, PROPORTI NATELY A billious attack my soon be over- come by taking the juice of one or two lemons in a goblet of water before —More sweet corn should be planted retiring and in the morning before ris- next spring. It may not be known by [ ing. When taken on an empty stom- soni? that sweet corn can be cut from | ach, the lemon has an opportunity ~to the ear, and dried, to be used on the work on thesystem. Continue the use table in ‘@xcellent condition. and with | of them for several weeks. Lemons little labor in winter, but such is the | are an excellent remedy in pulmonary - fact, and no deubt it could be intro- | diseases. When used for lung trouble, duced into marKet in that form and! from six to nine a day should be used. find ready sale, insted of being canned. | More juice is obtained from lemons by — Turning winter milkers out for ex- boiling them. Put the lemons into ——SUGGESTIONS.— BOYS SKATES 35 and 40cte. America's Growth. An enormous volume is soon to be is- sued by D. O. Hayes & Co., entitled One Hundred Years of American Com- merce, prepared under the direction of Dr. Ohty M. Depew, who sums up the material progress made by the Uni- LADIES SKATES, 90cte. HAND SLEDS, 50c. 60c. 75c. $1.00. : 5. days will | cold water and bring slowly to a boil. | ted States during the past century in . : EL AS CHEAP RAZORS POCKET KNIVES nOARVERS, duct. Relieve the confinement as much Zeioss from the water and when cold has grown from oan, 00n > 0, — i i 1 h il ; our accumulated wealth from less : ' A new style as possible by having the stalls clean | enough to handle squeeze until all the than $100,000.000 to about $70,000,000. See us and you will buy. ;Buy, and Lo juice is extracted, etrain and add enough loaf or crushed sugar to make it palatable, being careful not to make it to sweet. Add about twice as much and roomy, for if she has all the room necessary for her comfort she will get exercise enough for health and for milk giving. —TUnless making a specialty of early lambs for the market, there is no object in having them come before April. By re YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. ROASTER IN THREE SIZES, 000 ; our agricultural products from = water as there is juice. This prepara: Just Son font HUPRAR SL San FaUnIES tion may be made every morning, or | oy FEORC oo, 0 OC orkors comes enough may be prepared one day to | f h : ay i i Inst three of four days, but it wnat be! TPOD SUT farms 11896 jnoreaseq aos J. Closing Out Sale. that time the weather is warmer, the y8, about 400,000 to 9,000,000 ; the opera- 3 grass has started, and the conditions of kept 1n a cool place. tives in our factories from a few thou- : growth are more favorable in every _-_ sand dollars to $4,300,000,000. The way; and, as with all young stock, it | ___ wringeid S. Stratton, the owner | increase in wages has been correspond- 18 quite an item to procure & 8LroNg, | of the famous Independence mine of | ingly great. Even since 1870 it has vigorous growth from the start. Cripple Creek, who was a poor carpen- been 60 per and the pur- —1It has been stated, and with truth, | ter three or four years ago, 1s now |cbasing power of money has that farmers do not produce a sufficiency | worth $20,000,000, and he could get enchanced about the same. Our . of small fruit for their own use. Some | $12,000,000 for his mine any day. He | public school system was very crude at of them have large crops for market, but | don’t sell because he wouldn't know | the beginning of the century; and the there are thousands of farms upon which | what to do with the money and has | contribution of the state for its support the strawberry, currant, raspberry, | enough trouble now with an income of | Very small. Now we spend for educa- rape and gooseberry is never seen un- | $200,000 a month. Last fall he was | tion annually $156,000,000, as against ess purchased. Farmers deprive them- | worried for fear he had overdrawn his | $124,000.00 for great Britain, France, selves of the luxuries which they can | bank account, but upon writing to his | Germany, Austria and Italy combined. produce at home by not growing such | bankers found that he had a small bal- fruit. ance of $1,952,000 still to his credit. —A trip among the farms will show io dead weeds remaining in the fields the| BOILS AND PIMPLES DISAPPEAR.— seeds of which have fallen to the ground | Service, Pa., Jan 6, 1896. I was sub- or blown over the farms. When the | ject to boils and pimples, and sesing an spring opens the hardest work the [advertisement of Hood’s Sarsaparilla I farmer will have to perform will be to thought I would try it. After taking keep down the growing weeds which he | three bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla my has fostered and encouraged by not [face and body were clear of pimples. 75¢. 86¢c. and $1.00. LARGE COVERED ROASTER 75 cents, A complete line of —GRANITE WARE — at cost prices. DANIEL IRVIN’S SONS. 40 14 BELLEFONTE, PA. Miscellaneous Advs. EAT CHOPPERS AND SALT. / _ — Meat choppers of the latest im- proved pattern, which can be operated by It Had Barked. and, horse, steam or water power. We have the offer of two large butchers meat choppers, second hand, at low down price if taken quick. Sausage grinders and stuffers ot the latest and improved styles. SALT.—We have laid in a stock of the best quality of salt for salting meat, as well as Rock Salt for feeding stock ; which we sell in bar- rels and sacks, in lots to suit purchasers. McCALMONT & CO. ‘Papa,’ said Bobbie, pointing to the iron dog that stood on the lawn, “does dogs like that ever bite ?”’ *No,” said his father ; ‘‘but that one barked once.” - “Really 7”? cried Bobbie. : 40-45-3m “Yes,” said his father, “I stumbled CLOSING OUT SALE. Thirty second thousand issued clearing his flelds when he could have | R. W. Gorsuch. Ll over him one night, and he barked my ; . . destroyed the weeds with greater ease | Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. shins.” { I am going out of the Hardware business and commencing Within 4 JOaF of pabliostion. and efficiency. ma —— ——— ge hs a : 2 Lats CENTURY —Before buying more land consider Cottolene. Monday, Sept. 2nd, will close out my entire stock consisting of CYCLOPEDIA whether the present farm has been well cultivated. More land than can be OF NAMES. worked to its fullest capacity increases . Tike refivenceBio pad exielbiis expenses without adding corresponding HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, Not only the very latest, but the most won- receipts. It is better to put all the ma- OTTOLENE derful single-volume reterenee-book ever nure on a small surface than to spread it C S wade, k 3s us what SreTyIne wants Here, over a large area, and it is more eco- COOK Tools, Paints, O1Ls, GASOLINE, OIL, COOKING AND Shes pia in 8 nomical to plow one acre of land than OO0KS NAMES OF PERSONS . Sita two if the crops can be increased b . uthors, Artixts, Statesmen, Divinities, concentrating = efforts on the ratte AGATE AND TIN WARE, HEATING STOVES RANGES, Crstabtersin inion; elo, ) Should remember to use only two-thirds as much space: = NAMES OF PLACES: COTTOLENE as they formerly used of lard or but- Modern and Ancient Geographical Names, —1It is a sad--mistake the poultrymen ter. With two-thirds the quantity they will get HORSE BLANKETS, STOVE FURNITURE, ~— “Imaginary Places, etc. POPULAR NAMES AND EPITHETS. Names of Notable Streets, Parks, Animals, Ships, Buildings, Institutions, Parties in 8, Works of Art, Stars, Constellations ete. : better results at less cost than it is possible to get : ! with lard or butter. When COTTOLENE is used for frying articles that are to be immersed, a bit of bread should be dropped into it to ascer- tain if it is at the right heat. When the bread browns in half a minute the COTTOLENE is ready. Never let COTTOLENE get hot enough to smoke, on the farms are making in deserting the old and tried varieties, and taking up every new breed coming before the public. Why cannot our poultry breeders learn what everybody else knows to be true, that itis only by clinging to and improving any variety that excellence is maintained ? It is too bad that the business must suffer be- cause of the leap-trog practice of men keeping hens. SHOVELS, FORKS, RAKES, House FURNISHING GoobDs, Names of Books, Operas, Plays and Impor- tant Characters therein. HISTORICAL EVENTS: Wars, Battles, Plots, Congresses, Riots, Crusades, Alliances, ete. and thousands of different articles. The stock is complete im THREE ImporTANT POINTS ; The frying pan should be cold when the COTTOLENE is put : v a in: COTTOLENE heats to the cooking point sooner than : lard. It never sputters when hot. The COTTOLENE trade-marks are “Cottolene™ and a stéer's head in cotlon-plant wreath s . $ s : A book to which one may ti hen in doubt THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CHICAGO and 132 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia: you want to buy anything in the Hardware line come and see. 5510 guy Tits et with oe Ce Te 40-41 Sani from Slate $15, scnondin 39. bind 5 M 3 1 only subscr! on—no! n e Doo. Such an opportunity may never come again. If you are wise been biggs 1 Te Tos publishers THE CENTURY CO., Union Square, New York. every thing. I cannot mention all the bargains offered but if —A comparison of corn and clover for producing pork, made by an exper- ienced Wisconsin farmer, is more favor- able to clover than to corn. Allowing 50 bushels of corn per acre, estimating | = 12 pounds of pork from every bushel of corn, it gives 600 pounds of porks per acre. On the clover side, he estimated that one acre will pasture eight hogs of 100 pounds each, from spring to fall, that they would gain 100 pounds each, without any other food, making 800 pounds per acre. IMuminating Oil. you will loose no time in taking advantage of this sale. Fine Job Printing. H. A. McKEE. = HVE JOB PRINTING A°%% FOR 40-34 BELLEFONTE, PA. THE BOOKLET ON “LIGHT"—/—/]/——— 0———A SPECIALTY——0 AT TH® WATCHMAN o OFFICE. After a farmer has become familiar with the work on the farm there will be another opportunity for him to learn, |: and that is in selling his produce. The heaviest loss to yen ie in the sacrifice . » they make in selling their crops. The give no thought to the best herd ———BURN - CROWN - ACME - OIL.— and where to find them, but wait until 0,9 6 0 6 oo 0 0 0 their crops are harvested and time be- comes short. A study of market re- ports in winter, as well as correspond- ence with those who handle farm pro- duce, would save many dollars when the goods are ready for sale. Oe ANL 0 There is no style of work, from the cheapes’ Dodger” to the finest 0—BOOK-WORK,—o but you can get done in the most satisfactory manner, and at GIVES THE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD Prices consistent with the class of work by calling or communicating with this office. 39-87-1y AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE, ph