Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 24, 1896, Image 2
Bema Ji Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 24, 1896." ONE OR MANY, BY J. L. 8COTT, D. D. Should you ever want religion be sure and get the best, Not over muck at starting just a sample of : the rest ; You may not want to use it and then again you may, So I'd write my name ‘upon it and lay it safe away. I'd also Fitts upon it and in letters bold and air, This isn't your religion so handle please with care. And should one try to steal it, as men often times will do, Just say it ain’t of value if it don’t belong to you. One ought to be religious, at least each Sab- bath day It helps to sing the better and better helps to Dreyy ‘And when the preacher preaches or the choir sings a song One wants enough religion to point out what was wrong. Those sermops all need sifting and sifting mighty fine, They have so many notions that don't come up to mine. . We hear too much of mercy, of the wide and crystal sea, And too little of the judgment or the wrath that is to be. God’s ways are straight and narrow nor can we preach them wide Enough for me to walk in with one or two be. side. Long years have I been walking through the scorching heat of day While few indeed were with me in, the straight and narrow way. Alone have I been going toward the land of distant blue, Ard I've wondered what awaits me or what I'll have to. I dread to think it lonely up there before the throne, As Ising the songs of Zion and sing them all alone. Perhaps there may be others whom my eyes have failed to see Who are on their way to heaven and so very near to me, For when the Saviour promised those man- sions fair and new More folks he thought were coming than merely one or two. , The ways to God are many, or I half believe it 80, As many I am thinking as are Those who wish to go, And when my journey’s over and the gates are coming near, I'll see a thousand faces that I might distsin- guish here. Re —————————— ET TN THE MONROE DOCTRINE, Something on Its Origin, Meaning and Appli- cation.—A Masterly Paper by Jon Bach Mec- Master, Professor of History in the Uni- versity of Pénnsylvania—Not a Temporary Policy by any Means, but one that ia Meant Jor all Time. . The flat denial by Lord Salisbury that the Monroe doctrine is alive to- day and his poeitive assertion that it never applied to anything but the acts of the Holy Allies have produced three views which are current among those of our countrymen who differ with the President. Some agree with the noble Coroner and declare that the doctrine perished in early infancy. Some believe it to be still alive, but not applicable to a territorial project which does not in- volve colonization or the erecting of a monarchy on a spot where a republic once stood, Otbers believe that noth- ing dangerous to our peace and safety is under way in Venezuela An examination of these views in the light of our past history may not be untimely. Nor may it be unwise to attempt to tell, by “way of preface, who the Holy Allies were, what they did, and why their conduct called out the famous doctrine of Monroe. As all the world knows, the over- throw of the French at Waterloo was followed by a second abdication of Na. poleon, by a second restoration of Louis XVII to the throne of France, and by a gathering of the allied Kings or their representatives at Paris. On one of the sovereigns there assembled these events seem to have made a deep impression. To Alexander of Russia the eecond fall of the Man of Destiny was but another illustration of the way in which God, in His own good time, confounds the councils of the wicked and lifts up those who put their trust in Him, and, grateful for this signal _ lesgon, Alexander determined hence- forth to rule, and, if possible, induce his fellow -monarchs to rule, in ac- cordance with the principles of the Christian religion. To accomplish this end the more eagily he persuaded Frederick Wil- liam, of Prussia, and Francis of Aus- tria, to join with him in a league which he called “The Holy Alliance,” and to sign a treaty which is common- ly supposed to have bound the Holy Allies to pull down constitutional gov- ecroment and stamp out liberal ideas. It was, in truth, a meaningless pledge, framed in a moment of religious excite- ment, and well described in its own words, which assert ‘“‘that the present act has no other aim than to manifest to the world their unchangeable deter- mination to adopt no other rule of con- duct eitherin the government of their respective countries, or in their political relations with other governments, than the precepts of that holy religion, the precepts of justice, charity, and peace.” That this little society of Christian monarchs should have any interest for us of to day is due solely to the fact that their trealy contains the words “Holy Alliance,” and that to it have wrongfully been attributed results which sprang from the quadruple treaty signed two months later by Ruesia, Prussia, .Auetria and Great Britain ; a new alliance which bound | the four powers to do four things—ex- | clude Napoleon forever from power ; | maintain the government they had just | set up in France ; resist with all their might any attack on the army ot oc- | cupation, and meet in 1818 to consult ! concerning their common interests, ' and to take euch measures as ehould then seem to be best fitted to seMye the peace and happinces ot Europe, Each | pledge war faithfully kept, and in the autumn of 1818 the four powers niet at Aix-la-Chapelle avd reviewed the events of the past three years. Mon- archy was so firmly establisbed in France that the army of occupation was withdrawn and Louis XVIII. was suffered to have a voice in tne affairs of Europe. But in Spain matters had gone from bad to worse. For 10 years past her South American colonies bad been in rebellion, first against Joseph Bonaparte, then against the Cortes of Cadiz, and since the restoration of 1814 against the King, That Ferdinand, eingle-handed, could never reduce them to subjection was apparent. ‘He had built his lest ship, had sent regiment after regiment to perish of fever in the tropics, had spent his last dollar, and had ~ven appealed to England and to Russia for aid. Yet the rebels were as unconquerable as ever. Russia sold him a fleet 80 rotten that he dared not send it to sea. Eng- land would gladly have interfered if he had agreed not to stop the trade she was then carrying on with his South American colonies. This he would not do, and at the conference at Aix-1a-Chapeile Russia brought the matter before the powers in a paper which described the dangers to which the monarchies of Europe would be exposed it a federation of republics were allowed to grow up in America, and asked that Wellington preside over a conierence of ambassadors at Madrid to decide what terms Spain should offer her colonies. Against this England stood out, and Spain was left to go on with the struggle in her own way. Her way was to gather a rabble at Cadiz in the summer of 1819, call it an army, and send it to America. But yellow fever broke out, and before the troops could be shipped a conspiracy was hatched, a revolution was started, and on the 9th of March 1820, Ferdi- nand was forced to re-establish the constitution of 1812 and swear to sup- port it. Ag tidings of this outbreak spread over Europe the friends of Li- beralism took heart, and in July, 1820. the people of Naples forced their king, Ferdinand, to proclaim the Spanish constitution and swear toup hold it. The men of Portugal were next to awake, and in September, 1820, they deposed the Regency which ruled in the name of the absent king, set up a Junta, and elected'a Cortes to frame a constitution. For a moment it seem- not unlikely that France might be the next pation to throw off the yoke of absolutism. But Louis cried out for another meeting of the powers, and in Oct. 1820, the Emperor of Austria met the Czar and the King of Prussia in the little town of Troppau, in Moravia. England sent an ambaesador, but he was instructed to look on and do noth ing. France sent two envoys, but they took oppogite sides, and her influence counted for nothing. The three tound- ers of the Holv Alliance were thus for the moment baffled, and the congress was adjourned to meet the next year at Laybach. When the congress at Laybach ad journed, in 1821, it did so with the’un- derstanding that it should meet in 1822 and take up the affairs of Spain, which both in the Old World and the New were now far beyond her control. The place of meeting was in Verona, where, in Oct. 1822,'the question of “restor- ing order,” which, being interpreted, meant ‘‘re-estatlishing absolute mon- archy” in Spain, was Jong debated. At length it was decided that no joint ac tion should be taken, but that certain changes in the Spanish constitution should be demanded, and, if not grant. ed, a French army should enter Spam. The demands were made and refused. The ambassadors of the Holv Allies then left Madrid, and on April 7, 1823, a French army crossed the frontier and occupied Madrid in May and Cadiz in August. That moment Canning, who, in 1823, held the place now filled by Lord Salisbury, began to act. He knew, as evervbody knew ; that when the allies had ounce settled the affairs of Spain they would go on and settle the at. fairs of her former colonies, now recog nized as republics by the United States. Turaing to Richard Rush, who repre: sented our country at London, he pro posed that the United S.ates should join with England in a declaration that, while neither power desired the colonies of Spain for herself, it was im- possible to look with indifference on European intervention in their affairs orto see them acquired by a third power. Hardly had the request been made, when Canning received a formal notice that later in the year a congress would be called to consider the affairs of Spanish America, and again press ed Rush for an answer. Rush bad no instructions, but with a courage that did him honor, he replied that ‘we should regard as highly. anjust and as fruitful of disastrous consequences any attempt on the part of any European power to take possession of them by conquest, by cession, or on any o'her ground or pretext whatsoever,” and promised {0 join in the declaration if England would first acknowledge the independence of the little republics. This she would not do, and the joint declaration was never made. One of the arguments which Can- ning used is given in Rush's letter to Secretary Adams, and shows that he at least had no temporary policy in mind. “They,” (the United States), he said, “were the first power establish- ed on that continent, and now con- fessedly the leading power. They were connected with South America by their position and with Europe, by their re- lations. Was it possible they conld see with indifference their fate decided upon by Europe? Had not a new epoch arrived in the relative position of the United States toward Europe which Europe must acknowledg - ? Were the great political and commer- cial interests which hung upon ihe destiny of the new continent to he can vassed and adjusted ou this hemisphere without the co-operation or ven know- edge of the United States ?” When Mouroe received the letters of Rush he seems to have been greatly puzzied how to act, Tne suzgextion of England that the time had come to make a declaration of some sort ad- mitted of no dispute. But how was it to be made ? If he joined with Great Britian would he not be forming one of the ‘‘political connections” Wagh. ington had denounced in his “Fare- well Address ; one of the ‘“entang. ling alliances” which Jefferson had given warging ‘in his first inaugural speech ? ould be make it alone, would be not be violating that policy of non-interference in the aftairs of the colonies which he had himselt advised in eix messaves and two inaugural speeches ? Uacertain what to do, he turned to Jefferson for advice, and seut the letters of Rush to Monticello, and late in October received a reply. “The questiun presented by the let ters you have cent me is the most mo- mentous which has ever been offered to my coutemplation since that of In- dependence. That made us a nation ; this sets our compass and points the course which we are to steer through the ocean of time opening on us, And never could we embark upon it ‘under circumstances more auspicious. Our first and fundamental maxim should be, never to entangle our~elves in the broils of Europe ; our second, never to suffer Europe to intermeddle with cisatlanuc affairs, America, North aod South, har a set of interests dis- tinct from those ot Europe, and pecu- liarly her own. She should, there- tore, have a system of her own, sepa- rate aid apart from that of Europe. While the last is laboring to become the domicile of despotisin, our en- deavor should surely be to make our hemisphere that ot freedom,” Thus encourzed, vot simply to meet an emergency, but to point the course which. we are to steer through the ocean of time opening on us,” Monroe consulted his eecretaries, and, with their approval, announced the new policy of our conutry and applied it in these words : i “The political system of the -allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that ot America. This difference proceeds from that which exis'a in their respective governments. And to the defense of our own, which has been achieved by the loss of so much blood and treasure, aud matured by the wisdom of their most enlighten ed citizens, and under which we have enjoyed unexampled felicity, this whole Nation is devoted. We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amic- able relations existing between the United States and those powers to de clare that we should consider any at- tempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hem- isphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependericies of any European power we have not intertered, and shall not interfere. But with the governments who have declared their independence and maintained 1t, and whose indepen- deuce we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for tbe purpose of oppressing them, or con- trolling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifesta- tion of an unfriendly disposition to- ward the United States. “Our policy in regard to Europe, which was adopted at an early stage of the wars which have so long agitated that quarter of the globe, nevertheless remains the same, which is not to in- terfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers ; to consider the govern- ment de facto as the legitimate gov- ernment for us ; to cultivate friendly relations with 1t, and to preserve those relations by a frank, firm and manly policy ; meeting in all instances the just claims of every power, submitting to injuries from none. But, in regard to these continents, circumstances are eminently and conspicuously different. [vis inpoesible that the allied powers should extend their poliiical system to any portion of their continent without endangering our peace and happiness ; nor can anyone believe that our south- ern brethren, it left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord. It is equally nnpossible, therefore, that we should behold euch inposition, in any form, with indifference.” The doctrine was tor all time, snd, put in plain language, was this : 1. The United S:ates will “not in- tertere in the internal concerns” of any European power. 2. “But in regard to these conti nents (North and South America) cir- cumstances are eminently and con spicuously different,” and if any Euro- pean power atliempts at any future tune to extend its political system to any part of this hemisphere “for the purpose of oppressing’’ the nations or “controlling in any other manner their desuiny’ the United States will inter- fere. Of this doctrine an immediate ap- plication was made to the Holy Allies. It might have been conveyed to each of them under cover of an official note. But Monroe preferred to announce it before the world, and in this message waroed them that any attempt on their part to violate the doctrine would be “dangerous to our peace and safety” aud a “manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.’ Having thus announced that we would not meddle in European affairs , ror suffer the nations of the Old World to intertere with the domestic concerns of the nations of the New, it soon be- came necessary to define our own atti- tude toward the young republics of South America. . Indeed, two years had not elapsed when the United States ! was tormally invited by Columbia and Mexico to be represented in a con- gress of republics at Panama, at which It was officially stated the delegates would be expected ‘to take into con- sideration the means of making effec tual the declaration of the President of th- United Sates respecting any ulter- ior der'gn of a foreign power to colonize any portion of this continent, and also the means of resisting all interference from abroad with the domestic con- cerns of American governments.” To cite the debate which in the Sen- ate and House followed the request of the President that commissioners be gent to Panama is idle. Adams, as President, and Clay, as Secretary of State, approved, and that was reason enough why Hayne, of South Carolina, and Woodbury, of New Hampshire ; White, of Tennessee; Van Buren, Buchanan, Polk, Berrien and Rives should oppose it. The discussion was partisan throughout. But the resolu- tion which the House spread in its journal is worth citing : “It is therefore the opinion of this House that the government of the United States ought not tebe repre sented at the Congress of Panama ex- cept in a diplomatic character, nor ought they to form any alliance, offen- give or defensive, or negotiate respect- ing such au alliance, with all or any of the South American republics; nor ought they to become parties with them, or either of them, to any joint declaration for the purpose of prevent- ing the interference of any ot the Euro pean powérs with their independence or form of government, or to any com- pact for the purpose of preventing colo- nization upon the continents of Amer ica, but that the people of the United States should be left free to act, in any crigis, in such a manner as their feel- ings of friendship toward these repub- lics and as their own honor and policy may at the time dictate.” Thus was affirmed two parts of the Mouroe doctrine : 1. Not to form any alliance with any foreign nation, nor join with it in any declaration concerning the inter- ference of any European power in its affairs. 2. To act toward them “in any crisis’ as our “honor and policy may at the time dictate.” Thus was oar true attitude toward the nations of the New World defined and the Monroe doctrine completed. Of the men who took part in that famous debate two are of especial in- terest to us, for the course of time each was called on to apply the doctrine he opposed, aud each in turn abandoned the position he held in 1826. One is James K. Polk ; the others is James Buchanan. “In 1826 Po'k in hia speech said : “When the message of the late Pres- ident of the United States was com- municated to Congress in 1823, it was viewed as it should have been, as the mere expression of opinion ot the Exe- cutive, submitted to the consideration and deliberation of Congress ; and de- signed probably to produce an effect upon the counciis ot the Holy Alli- ance in relation to their supposed in- tention to interefere in the war between Spain and her former colonies. That effect it probably had an agency in producing ; and, if so, it has performed its office. The President had no power to bind the nation by such a pledge.” When Polk uttered these words he was a member of Congress from Tenn- essee. But when our country was next called on to apply the doctrine Polk was President of the United States and had been elected by a party whose cry was “Give us Texas or di- vide the spoons!” “The whole of Oregon or none; fifty-four, forty or fight!” and saw before him a war with Mexico and serious trouble with England. In 1827 the Monroe doc- trine, he thought, had been “designed to produce an effect on the councils of the Holy Alliance” and “bad per- formed its office.’ Now be found it had still an office to perform, gave his “cordial concurrence in its wisdom and sound policy,” and sent his message to Congress : : “It is well known to the American people and to all the nations that this government has never interfered with the relations subsisting between other governments. We have never made ourselves parties to their wars or their alliances ; we have not sought their territories by conquest; we have not mingled with parties in their domestic struggles ; and believing our own form of government to be the best, we have never attempted to propagate it by in- trigues, by diplomacy, or by force. We may claim on this continent a like exemption from European inter ference. The nations of America are equally sovereign and independent with those of Europe. They possess the eanye rights, independent ot all for- eign interposition, to make war, to conclude peace, and to regulate their internal affairs. The people of the United States cannot, therefore, view with indifference attempts of European powers to interfere with the independ- ent action of nations on this conti vent.” The cause of these remarks was the dispute—in which we were then en- gaged with England—regarding the ownership of the Oregon country. She claimed as far south as the Co- Jumbia river. We claimed as far north as 54 degrees 40 minutes. It wag as much a territorial dispute as that now going on’ with Venezuela. Yet Polk did not hesitate to apply the Monroe doctrine and to assert that ‘in the existing circumstances of the world, the present is deemed a proper occasion to reiterate and reaffirm the principal avowel by Mr. Monroe, and to state my cordial cocurrence in its wisdom and sound policy. The reas- gertion of this principle, especially in reference to North America, is, at this day but the promulgation of a policy which no European power should cher- ish the disposition to resist. Existing rights of every European nation should be respected, but it is due alike to our safety and our interests that the efficient protection of our laws should be extended over our whole territorial limits, and that it should be distinctly announced to the world as our eettled policy that no future European colony or dominion shall, with our consent be planted or established on any part of the North American continent.” Again a little while and Polk ap- plied the doctrine to the purely territo- rial case of Yucatan. A war had broken out between the Indians and the whites, who, driven to desperation appealed for help to England, Spain "and the United States, offering in re- turn the dominion and sovereignty ot the Peninsula. This was not a case of interference by any foreign power. No effort was being made by any Eu- ropean nation to “extend its system.’ Two such powers bad bgen invited by a bard pressed people struggling for life to defend them and take in return their country. But Polk taking the broad ground that any European peo- ple who by any means gained on our continents one foot of territory more than they had in 1823, even with the consent and at the request of the own- ers of it, were ‘‘extending their system?’ sent this message to Congress in 1848 : “While it is not my purpose to tec- ommend the adoption of any measure with a view to the acquisition of the dominion and sovereignty’ over Yuca- tan, yet, according to our established policy, we could not consent to a trans- fer of this ‘dominion and sovereignty’ to either Spain, Great Britain, or any other European power. In his mes- sage of December, 1823, ‘we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of the hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.’ It would be controlling “the destiny’ of the people concerned. Precisely the same view was taken by Caes when Secretary of State under Buchavan, in the case of Mexi- co. The political condition of Mexico was frightful. Since the day Spain ac- knowledged her independence in 1821 there had never been a moment ot qui- et. In 33 years 36 governments had been set up and. pulled down, and of them all, the worst were those of Mira. mon and Juarez, by whom such enor- mities were committed that England. France and Spain decided on armed in- tervention in Mexican affairs. Against this, in 1860, both Cass and Buchanan protested. “While,” said the Secretary, “we do not deny the right of any other power to carry on operations against Mexico for the redress of its grievances, we firmly object to its holding possession of any part of that country, or endeav- oring by force to control its political destiny.) * ® x “I deemed it my duty,” eaid the President in his message in December, 1850, ‘‘to recommend to Congress, in my last annual message, the employ- ment of a sufficient military force to penetrate into the.interior. * * * European governments would have been deprived of all pretext to interfere in the territorial and domestic con- cerns of Mexico. We should thus have been relieved from the obligation of resisting, even by force should this become necessary, any attempt by these governments to deprive our neigh- boring republic of portions of her terri- tory—a duty from which we could not ghrink without abandoning the tradi- tional and established policy of the American people.” : Three statements are contained in this exposition of the doctrine : 1. That we have a duty resting on us which we cannot shirk without abandoning the traditional and estab- lished policy of the American people. 2. This duty is to resist any at- tempt by a European gevernment to deprive our neighboring republic of portions of her territory. 3. That, it necessary, resistance must go even to the use of force. Thie exposition * by Buchanan is 1 sound and good and is exactly the posi- tion taken by Mr. Cleveland. Great Britain is to-day attempting to take from Venezuela, not 30,000 square miles, as is commonly stated, but 109,- 000 square miles, to which she has no just claim whatever ; an area as large | a8 Nevada and exceeded by no State in the Union save Texas. California and Montana; an area 99 times as large as Rhode Island, 54 times as large as Massachusetts, and 40,000 square miles larger than the six New England States! When a European power rightfully or wrongfully attempts to acquire 80 immense an area as this, she does, in the worde of Monroe, “spread her system ;’ she does at- tempt to ‘‘control the destinty” of Venezuela ; she does, in the language of Polk, ‘interfere with the indepen- dent action of the nations on this con tinent ;” she is, as.Cass expressed it, holding possession of that country” and endeavoring “to control its politi- cal destiny,” and the Monroe doctrine does apply. We are bound, as Buch- anan asserted, to resist this attempt “to deprive our neighboring republic of her territory,” and we should in duty to a sound American policy use force if necessary. From 1783 until 1842 we had a dis- pute with England over the boundary of Maine. Had she during that time extended ber claims till they ‘included all of New England and “seven-eights ot New York, would she not have been extending her system ? Of all the nations of the world she is the most aggressive. Take a map of the world and mark on 1ther possessions in 1800, in 1825, in 1850, in 1896, and see what she bas been doing. Then take Mr. Gignilliat’s map of the British claims in Venezuela and see that his. tory repeated. For 56 years she has slowly but surely been spreading her claims from the Essequibo to the Or- inoco river till they now touch its mouth. Are we to consider this of no moment ? JorN Baca McMaster. Almost An Insult. The legislative member turned red in the face and shook his fist violently un- der the lobbyist’s nose. “What !”” he thundered, in 8 gust of indignation, ‘you come to me—me— and seek to buy my vote for your in- famous measure for $1,000? I've a notion to knock your head off, and then publicly denounce you from the floor of the House 1” The lobbyist shook the ashes from his cigar. “Suppose,” he said in a soothing manner, “we make it $2 000 ?”’ The member from Jay Centre took off his hat-und wiped his forehead. “Now,” he answered in a calmer tone —“now you're talking!”—New Fork Recorder. For and About Women . Plunge the feet into cold water, rub briskly and quickly put on your stock- ings and shoes is a formula which if fol- lowed will insure you against cold ex- | tremities when you go out. Yawning is said to devolop the throat. If it happens that you are detected in this very reprehensible act in church this morning you can argue that you can easily listen to the sermon and add to your physical loveliness at the same time. z The up-to-date woman storns ice cream. Her preference is for toasted crackers and cheese, with a cup of black coffee for dessert. Women who walk well are the ex-o ception. Shawl capes are among the newest fashions. Green and brown is considered a sty- lish commingling. Dreseing and recurling ostrich tips may be done at home with a little prac- tice. Hold the feathers over a kettle containing boiling water and shake them energetically through the steam, not allowing them to become too damp. This freshens the tips, absorbs the dust, and restores the lustre. Take a few of the flues between the thumb and the blade of a dull knife,draw them easily over the edge, and repeat this until they are curled as closely as desired. Do this down each side of the feather. Then take a very coarse comb and carefuily comb out each one, and the plume will look like new. The deep corsage has put in ite ap- pearance once more on many of the new evening gowns. This looks well made of cream-colored lace studded with very large clouds of jet, while again it is to be found in gold tinsel em- broidered in many-colored jewels; and it is no less successful when made of satin to match the skirt. —— Satin ribbons and lace are the most appropriate trimmings for young wom- en, but for the older the smartest effects are produced with sequin trimmings in various shot colorings, which are more brilliant and effective this year than, ever. Bright, irridescent trimmings and spangles may be bed, which will tone with alorost any colored dress, and look well on black also. These sequin trim- mings may be had on flounces and frills, and they are also made in the form of insertions for trimming bodices and panels on skirts. Some are made with spangles sewn on flat, and others have banging sequins, which glitter with every movement of the wearer. Ribbons are to be extremely tashion- uble next year, and already they are be- ing put to the new purpose in the way of trimming for evening and other smart dresses, while at the same time milliners are once more resorting to them. It is principally owing to the sudden reaction in favor of a simpler style of hat for ordinary wear that rib- bons are to the fore again atthe mil- liner's. For thy sailor-shaped silk hat | and the smooth felt Amazon hat turned up at the side, ribbun trimmings are re- quired to compose the decoration, with the addition of quill or cocks’ plumes, or sometimes a large bunch of flowers. The ribbon is banded round the crown and arranged in simple bows or flutings on one side. . When you are dieting to reduce flesh you must eat stale bread and give up potatoes, rice, beets, corn, peas, beans, milk, cream, all sweets, cocon—indeed, anything which even suggests sugar or starch. Dry toast without butter, tea without either milk or sugar, rare meat with no fat, and, as far as possible, no vegetables at all should form your diet. Take all efercise you can in the way of walking, go twice a week to Russian bath/ (where possible) and invariably go to bed hungry. Anybody brave enough to live up to these laws will certainly lose flesh. One style of evening wraps this sea- gon, cut circular fashion, has in the back deeply-laid godet plaits. A shoulder cape with plate collar of one piece is gathered around the neck and divided behind in the centre, where it tapers to a point. This shoulder cape has ostrich feather garniture matching the stuff and a Stuart colar trimmed with the same garniture. For these wraps are employed light woolen fabrics of such shades as red, terra cotta, ciel, dark blue, garnet, cherry, heliotrope, reseda, brown, tabac, etc., and lined with suitable satin- stitched lining. Another sample of dark blue stuff, also has loose Empire folds in the back and a double shoulder cape, the lower pelerine of which is uniformly rounded and hangs in folds. The upper pelerine is plain, without folds, and scalloped Eliffel like. ~The scalloped cape is trimmed with colored bead embroidery and surrounded with swansdown or feathers, as one might choose. The Stuart roll colar is also scalloped and trimmed with a feather bow. One of the best and latest utility ‘‘creepers’’ is very easily made. Gingham is the fabric used. First measure baby’s length and breadth in order to allow the little one room for freedom of mo. tion. The gingham is then cut bag shape, sewed up at thesides and Sottom and then it is gathered into a band with buttons and button holes. In each lower corner openings are made. These ure bemmed and are ready for the chubby legs. Drawing them up over the child’s limbs you will find the dainty clothes snugly incasea, and yet the limbs of the toddler at liberty to move at will. It is only for the very informal party that a high-necked bodice is permissable, The months of January and February literally teem with engagements for dinners, balls, cotillions »nd card parties, What to wear is the ne “ding ques- tion. This winter the my gowns are more elaborate than - Toey ara made of silk, satin or velvet, the skirts and bodices often elaborately jeweled, the sleeves and herthes formed of tulle, mousseline de sole or chiffin.