DemoreaticA chem 8Y RP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —Because a man is toothless it does not follow that he is without acres. —The Republican gingo isn’t swag- gering as much as he did some weeks ago. —England’s attempt to grab s small patch of Veuezuela’s territory may lose her as large a tract as Canada. — Ex - Presidert HARRISON'S first matrimonial venture was so satisfactory that he proposes to have a second term. — Big appropriations will be about all that Tom REED’s Congress will be able to show as the result of a protracted ses- sion. —We have had some experience with English “flying squadrons” on the Lakes. PrrrY and MACDONOUGH werd after them. : —The President’s prudence may be depended onto do the right thing in recognizing Cuba’s belligerency at the right time. —The wind for which Chicago is celebrated should blow success to the party that is going to hold its National Convention there. —As “all the world loves a lover,” the Republican party should be in an amiable mood towards a Harrison Presidential boom. —The United States has not yet rec- ognized the belligerency of the Cubans, but General Campos has had reason to be fully cognizant of it. —Talking about pugilists, while the undertaker may not be boastful of his muscle, science or wind, yet in the end he generally lays them all out. —If Jorn BurL sends his flying squadron nearer towards our shore than Bermuda UNCLE SAM will have reason to ask him whether he wants to pick a quarrel. : —“Reform within the party’’ at the recent Philadelphia primaries resulted in the triumph of the Hog Combine, with Dave MARTIN siill in control of the machine. : —As the church which it is said Bos INGERSOLL intends to join has neither creed nor religion, the prospect of RoB- ERT becoming an evangelist and leading in prayer at revivals, isstill remote. —A matrimonial and presidential boom on his hands at the same time would probably be more than Brother HARRISON would be physically able to stand. BENJAMIN is no longer young. —General CAMPOS is about to retire in disgust from the command of the Spanish forces in Cuba, and the com- mander who will succeed him will no doubt be equally disgusted with his job. —The loud applause which Chaplain CoNDER’s political prayer received in the House of Representatives can scarce- ly be considered respectful to the Deity to whom they are supposed to be ad- dress. —1If the dutch Boers, in their fight near Jobanesburg, accomplished noth- ing else, they can, at least, congratulate themselves on getting rid of a couple of very expensive and unpleasant British Rhodes. —In wying to discredit the adminis- tration’s ections with respect to the gold loan the New York World attempts the most reprehensible piece of Journalistic mischief that was ever perpetrated in this country. —The morality of some of the Colo- nial Damesis getting so high-strung that they object to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN being included among the Revolution- ary worthies because there were a fow specks on his moral record. —1It is reported that Tom REED is unhappy, and there is good reason for it, as he has a Presidental boom on his hands and at the same time must keep a lot of green Congressmen from behav- ing in a way that would spoil his boom. —The crank who was arrested in ‘Washington for--walking up and down the avenue crying, **Ho | for the White House," seems to have an idea of the amount of hoeing it takes to become the occupant of the executive mansion. —Almanac editors who are making calculations ahead, predict terrific wind storms in the vicinity of Washington about March 4th., 1897. They evident- ly know what they are talking about. FORAKER goes into the Senate at that time. — When-the Senatorial Investigation Committee at Philadelphia is warned by ite offensive smell that something rotten has been struck it withdraws the probe before too much corruption is developed. It isn’t intended to go deep enough to hurt the party. —The Board of Naval Inspectors who have been instructed to make a close search for blowholes would find the newly elected Senator from Ohio a prop- er subject for inspection with that ob- ject, and it-wouldn’t take much of a search to find ForRAKER’S blowhole, as it makes itself heard as distinctly as a fog-horn. ‘the determinatiou of i { ee Y . CHLACTd EO » | STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. “C. % PV VOL. 41 BELLEFONTE, PA., JAN. 24, 1896. NO. 4. Politics and the Monroe Doctrine. Our government is not only justi: fiable in taking high ground in sup- port of the Monro doctrine but it is its duty to maintain every point as" sumed in the original declaration of that principle. This is necessary not only to prevent foreign encroachments | upon weaker republics of the con tinent, but to preserve our own bound- aries intact. The land grabbing which England is attempting on the Venezue- la gold district she is showing a dis. position to try in Alaska on gold pro- ducing territory that belongs to the United States. Not only for the protection of our weaker neighbors, but for our own safety, a halt must be called upon the foreign trespasser. This can be ac- complished by our government taking its stand firmly on the principles of the Mon~roE doctrine. The scope of that doctrine has not been clearly defined, but its general purpose isto prevent the extension of European possessions, and influence, on this side of the At- lantic, and to protect the autonomous governments that have taken the place of former European colonies. Presi dent CLEVELAND'S message comes with- in this general purpose of the doc- trine, and in its application to the spe- cial case of Venezuela sets forth with sufficient distinctness, and emphasis, the American people and government that this con- tinent shall no longer furnish a field for European encroachment and domi- nation. The enthusiaem with which the message was received showed that the people fully endorsed the Presi: dent’# interpretation of the doctrine. But it eeems that some of the Re- publican politicians are not satisfied with CLEVELAND'S version of this great American principle. If there is any political capital to be made out of it they would like to have a share of it. Senator SEweLL evidently thinks that the best way to do this is to depreciate the President’s position by declaring 10 a resolution that he has gone too far in maintaining the MoNRrOE doctrine ; that bis action has been not only “premature,” but so ‘inopportune’ as to have injured the business and finan- cial situation, the Senator's purpose being to belittle and misrepresent a patriotic action in order to gain a partisan advantage. Senator Davis, with the same motive, takes another tack with a resolution, the purport of which is that the President has not gone far enough in sustaining the MoxroE principle. He would go to the extreme of having the United States assume not only a protectorate but a controlling supervision of the foreign relations of the countries South of us. This is not the MoNRoE doctrine as contemplated by its originator, nor: is that doctorine susceptible of any such interpretation. 1t is merely Republi can jingoism endeavoring to turn a patriotic question to political account. % May Have an Early Death, Czar Reep’s tariff bill lies in a hope- lees condition in the hands of the Sen ate finance committee. It was rushed through the House in three hours and forty minutes, but it is likely to stick in the Senate for the balance of the session, She Senatorial tariff doctors are puzzled to determine what treat- ment should be applied to it. The free silver Senators are; indifferent about tariff politics. They have been given almost absolute control, and if they could advance the silver interest by throwing the tariff bill in the Senator- ial waste basket, they would not hesi- tate a moment about doing it. The sugar Senators are trying to doctor the bill in the interest of the Trust, and the Ohio shepherds are doing what the can to restore the duty on wool; but the whole business looks so much like playing at legislation, particularly io the face of a sure veto from the President if it should be passed, that it would not be surprising if the bill were allowed to draw its expiring breath in the Senate finance committee, ~——The hot politics of Pennsyl- vania so impaired the Governor's health that he had to resort to the Hot Springs of Arkansas for relief, probably on the homeepathic principle that ‘like cures like.” Sample Pension Cases. A writer in_the Philadelphia Call, who is by no medns opposed to every worthy veteran receiving a reasonable pension, if his circumstance require such assistance, gives the three follow- ing cases connected with the pension system, they being within his personal knowledge, : “Oae of these cases is that of an old soldier who is a house painter by trade: Singe the close of the war his physical condition has enabled him to work at his business every day—when not drunk ; aod he is sure to get drunk whenever he draws bis pension, Some weeks ago his pension wae increased, with the result that the spree be im- mediately got on was of larger size to conform with the increase of the gov- ernments bounty. The query ie, how much good does the pension system do that veteran, and why should a heavy burden be imposed upon the govern- went to provide for such a class of beneficiaries, thousands of whom are on the pension rolls ?" “The second case is that of a work- man in the writer's mill, who, since the war, was able to earn good wages. While industriously engaged in his business he never thought of a pension as a reward for his condition was not such that he needed it. But the back- pension bill was paesed, and unfor- tunately for him, a lawyer got hold of his case, worked it up, and got him $2000 back pay and a monthly pension, Such fortune was entirely “too rich for his blood,” the result was a spree, followed by others, and never since that day bas he bad a steady job, as he cannot stay sober long enough to hold one. The query that was applied to the first case is applicable to the second.” A pension abuse of a different order is mentioned by the writer ds within his personal knowledge. It is that of the senior partger of a large banking house, worth a million and over, who having done some service in the war draws $30 a month from the pension fund. Such cases furnish food tor reflec tion at a time when on account of a reckless expenditure of its means, en- tailed by past legislation, the govern: ment finds its resources crippled and experiences great difficulty in main. taining the public credit. Among its burdens is the enormous pension ex- pense, a very large percentage of which is required for such cases as are meo- tioned above. We believe that we are within bounds when we say that half of the $140,000,000 annually appropri ated would be sufficient to meet every worthy pension claim. A Backset for Quay. Just at the time when Boss Quay was preparing to dance a final Indian war-dance on the prostrate bodies of the enemies he had scalped in the bat. tle of the factions, they sprung at him, tomahawk in hand, renewing the fight with a vigor that should convince him that they are far from being ‘‘dead In- juns.” In Philadelpbia the MarTIN “combine” routed the Quay faction at the primaries, carrying a majority of the wards and capturing the city com- mittee, while in Pittsburg } Mace holds his old stamping ground against the henchmen of the Boss. The result in Philadelphia shows that Quay is not supreme in the city, and that the defeat of the state admin- istration gang last summer, which he claimed to be the greatest victory of his political career, has not impaired the ability of that faction to keep up the fight. Italeo shows that the develop- ments of Quay’s investigating commit- tee has bad no effect in turning Phila. adelphia Republicanism against the corrupt practices of its machine politi- cians... The fact is that the preference of the old party strongly inclines to rascally politics; but even if this were not 80 the want of confidence, in reform engineered by Quay, would prevent the investigation of hie committee from making apy impression upon public sentiment, : The backset of the Boss in Philadel- pbia and Pittsburg indicates that the opposite faction is in condition to con- tinue the fight. This sbould be a source of eatislaction to those who hope that better politics will eventually pre vail in this state. There is encourage- ment in the prospect that the corrupt domination that has so long misruled the State will be broken down by the contention of its factions. A Shattered Idol. From the Philadelphia Times of Sat- urday last we get the following, refer- ring to evidence produced before the in- vestigating committee that is looking into the management of the affairs of that city :— The worst case of all was that which accuses House Sergeant Saddington, of the Chestnut Hill station, with having assaulted an 8-year-old girl in her parents’ home in 1891 Although held for court and indicted by the grand jury, he has never been tried and is still on the force. Five times the case has come up in the Quar- ter Sessions, and each time it has gone over. The little girl, her father and a physician all told their stories on the stand. Let us see , don’t Philadelphia have a District Attorney by the name of GRAHAM—GEO. S. GRAHAM if we are not mistaken—a much vaunted, thorough- ly advertised and often referred to ‘re. former,” and for whose unswerving fidelity to every trust ; to whose ability, and determination to see that the laws are fully enforced against all criminals, to whoee integrity as an official and to whose watchfulness and fearlessness as a public prosecutor, the Zimes has time and time again vouched ? Talk ahout “pigeon-holeing’’ cases for five years for ‘criminal aesaults’’ upon little girls, while Gro S. GramaM is District Attorney! Who would believe it Mr. Zumes, in the face of your mul- titudinous professions that this same GRAHAM is a “model official I" the per- sonification of independence, prompt- nees, and purity in public place I” ‘“‘the only lawyer in all of Philadelphia deserving of being elected by the unanimous vote of the people.” “A° Republican worthy the support of all Democrats I” “a Reformer entitled to the vote of all reformers ?’ Holy Moses, bow our idols are shat- tered and reform beauty fades ! Fraudulent Reform. It did not require much sagacity to see at the start that the movement for the investigation of abuses in the Philadelphia city government was in- tended to be a fraud. Everything that has been eo far done by the invegti- gating committee shows that reform is about the last thing that is to be ex- pected of its operations. Among the abuses that have been exposed by the investigation was the interference of the police in the elec. tions. It did not require a committee to bring this disgraceful fact to light, for ii was a matter of shameful notorie- ty that in a large number of the voting divisions in the city the polls were sub- jected to the intrusion and control of the police at every election. It was no new development, therefore, when witnesses appeared before th e commit tee and proved this fact in the most positive and direct manner. But what good has it done? If reform had been the object, such exposure would have had the effect of checking this evil, but in the very face of the testimony that brought to the notice of the inves- tigators the interference of the police at the polls, the same thing was repeat- ed atthe Republican primaries last week as flagrantly as ever. It was done openly, deliberately and at the instance of the faction, headed by the Mayor, that has control of the city government, The farce of exposing such abuses before an investigating committee, with the alleged object of reforming them, is made apparent by this circumstance, as well as by ot hers of a similar character. ——— Additional Bills For the Tax-payer. The tax-payers of Pennsylvania, who viewed with astonishment the extrava- grant proceedings off the last session of the Legislature, had reason to believe that the appropriations were liberal enough to meet all necessary anda large variety of unnecessary expenses. Liberality was no name for them, a8 they ran into absolute profligacy ; but notwithstanding these lavish provisions for demands on the State Treasury for 1895, they are about three millions short of what is required. This short- age will have to be met by the tax;pay- ers ot the State, and should serve as a remembrances of a State administra: tion and Legislature that were put in power by the biggest majority on re- cord, which was rolled up to colossal proportions as a vindication of Repub- lican “protection.” A nice protection it bas been to those who have to foot the bills. Looking to the Right Man. From the Washburn (N. D.) Leader. “There is a man in the Slate of Pennsylvania who now lives in com- parative retirement in the city of Phila- delphia, He is a man of magnificent proportions—mental and physical. In contour of profile he much resembles George Washington's picture at the age of fifty. He is in robust health, Twice this man has been nominated by the democrats of that State for Gov- ernor to lead a forlorn hope—having to face the Republican’s usual State ma. jority of from 125,000 to 150,000. Twice has thie man overcome that ma- jority and was placed in the Governor's chair and a sturdy, good Governor he made. Although in his own city 4000 “trading” Democrats, under orders from corrupt party bosses were thrown to his opponent, 100,000 “Dutch” and Quaker farmers grandly offset the treacherous work of these mercenary hirelings, for convenience sake labeled “democrats,” although they rarely ever vote the Democratic ticket. : Among the farmers of Pennsylvania ex-Governor Robert E. Pattison is as strong as ever. He made an ideal Governor and they all know it. They believe he will make a good President. Pennsylvania is next to New York in electoral votes. Quay knows well the feeling “in his state. Let things go wrong—with him at St. Louis—then look out for the Democratic possibility.” Have Got His Measure. From the New York Sun. 1t Colonel Pat Donan, that multi- vocal son of genius and wandering wind of poesy, is really to become the editor of a Duluth newspaper, then Duluth is to become mightier in the mouths of men than Chicago or Cripple Creek. He will salt the seas discovered by the Hon. P. Knott. He will hop up to the zenith and pin it with a star. With molasses and with manna, with vast mensageries of adjectives and uncount- ed herds of wild tropes, with Mam- moth caves of the wind of the tongue, and with Metropolitan museums hung with his own gorgeous and panti- chromatic wordpaintings, Colonel Pat Donan sails over the lands and skips acrogs the seas. If’tis a match be: tween Duluth aod him, the eagle in the porthwest will not content herself with screaming; ehe will have to buy a calliope. = An Agricultural Boom. From the New York Sun. The Hon. Simon P. Sheerin exhibit. ed at Washington yesterday duly re- corded and registered photographs of a red cow and a dun cow with a crump- led horn, and also affidavits that said cows have been milked, personally and without assistance, by the Hon. Claude Matthews of Indiana, the Farmer Democratic candidate for President. Popcorn raised by Farmer Matthews on his own garden patch was distribu- ted among the members of the Nation- al Committee, and a large oil painting representing Farmer Matthews driving his celebrated tandem ox team, Buck and Bright, to light harness and a two wheeler, was much admired. Exactly the Way It Works. From the Dubois Express. The textile business is in a very flourishing condition under free wool. A trade journal has listed over 350 new mills which were built last year, in ad- dition to a large number of enlarge- ments. Even the Reynoldsville mill, of which Mr. Sykes is the buyer, is do-- ing a greatly increased business, The most pleasing feature of the activity is that the 70,000,000 people of these United States are able to buy home- made cloth, blankets, flannels, shawls, carpets and other woolen goods at low- er prices and of better quality than be- fore. The Father of Our Financial Ills, From the Clearfield Spirit. John Sherman 18 the daddy of the financial legislation which precipitated the accursed panic which overwhelms the business interests of the country, and now the old sinner has the hardi- hood to stand up as a self-appointed Moses to lead the country out of the wilderness of “Black Fridays™ into the sunshine of better days. The old man isin his dotage and his head is full of notions that are no good. The Way They Talk About Their Preachers in the West. From the Walla Walla, Wash., Statesman. A fast preacher doesn’t travel about the country with & young grass widow, and keep her in his house, and pay her money, for nothing but friendship of a platonic nature. But a man whois so “fly” with red-headed grass widows should give up the game and retire from public view shen he allows an old female swindler to pull his leg. More Wind Than War. From the Chicago Record. Some of those war scares seem to be destined to be fought out on the Fitz. simmons Corbett high-pressure oratory plan of warfare. = —=Subscribe for the WATOEMAN, / Spawls from the Koystone, —Reading factories employ 18,248 hands. —Port Clinton with a population of 700, has no physician. —The Superior Court has adjourned and ‘will next met at Williamsport. —Schuylkill county has paid $50,000 of its floating debt the past three weeks. —The Westinghouse Electrical Works in Allegheny eounty are idle, owing toa strike. —The Brocker Iron Works, at Birds® yo have closed for an indefinite per’ od. —There were 3000 cases of typhoid fever in Allegheny City and Pittsburg last year. —Cuban cigarmakers who come to Pennsylvania are often driven home by the cold. —The third attempt to sell the Susque- hanna and Tidewater Canal failed at York on Saturday last. —Disappointment in love induced David D. Steher, a farmer near Erie, to shoot himself dead. : —Northumberiand county has a hotel the name of whose landlord has not been changed for 100 years. —The shanty in which John Meisel lived at Dubois, burned and he was suf- focated by smoke on Sunday. —Crawford county citizens are excited over what they believe to be a discovery of a coal deposit in Stuben township. —Hon. J. H. Hopkins, the last of the Lancaster county iron masters, died at Conowingo,Furnace on the 18th inst. —Mrs, Joseph Southwood, of Mt. Carmel has sued the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company for $45.000 damages. —The remains of Brigadier General Charles A. Heckman, who died in Phila® delphie, were yesterday buried at Easton. —It is said that more timber will be made in Clearfield county this winter than has been made for se 1 winters past. —Eleven fatal accidents have been re- ported at the collieries in the Sixth dis- trict of the anthracite region since Jan- uary 1. —The alleged leader of the Maffai at Hazleton, Mike Speri, who was arrested in Chicago a week ago, was lodged in jail yesterday. —For perjury in the famous Duse case John Weggie, an aged Economite, of Beaver county, has been sent to prison for a year. —Pittsburg is obliged to pay 5 per cent. interest on a loan of $60,000 recently made and as much more must be horrowed to meet a deficiency —Congressmen Leisenring and Col. N. ‘J. Harvey will probably be the National delegates from Luzerne county. This is an anti.Quay victory. —The Bethlehem Iron Company has shipped material for four and five-inch guns to the Washington Navy Yard. The shipment weighed twenty-five tons. —The property of the Turners’ Singing Society, at Altoona, Pa, was seized by the Sheriff on Friday last on an execution of $1200 issued by the Columbus Brewing Company. —Between Lisburn and Lewisberry, Cumberland county, there are sixty acres of solid ice with a surface as smooth as a floor, to which skaters for miles around are flocking. —E. H. Wetzel, proprietor of the Ash- land House and one of Ashland’s leading citizens, died at his home here of spinal trouble, from which he has suffered the past six months. —Martin C. Herman, one of the ablest lawyers at the Carlisle bar and Judge of Cumberland county from 1874 to 1884 died at his home in Carlisle in on the 18th inst. of pneumonia, aged 55 years. —By the deaths of Mrs. Anna Me€arthy and Josiah Kurts, at Connellsville, Fayette county lost her two eldest citiy zes. Both were born in 1800 and were, therefore in their 96th year. --The report of adjutant general Stew- art of this State shows the strength of the national guard to be 685 commissioned officers and 7,987 enlisted men. The total expenses from June 1st to Dec. 17, 1895 are $330,719.68 —Christopher L. Magee has swept the Quay forees in Allegheny county into the sea. Charles Geyer was nominated for Mayor on the Republican ticket, after one of the hardest fights ever fought in the county. —Burglars made attempts to ente seven houses at McVeytown on Sunday night succeeding in three of them where they ransacked a great part of the houses. The only booty secured was & few cents. —Robert Weimer, the 15-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Weimer, of Gibson Fayette eounty fell from the top of a box car and broke his neek. He was playing “railroad brakeman’ with & number of companions. —At a hearing before Wnited States: ‘| Commissioner E. H. Reppert on Saturday last Nelson Wiltrout was bound over for trial in the United States Court on the charge. of robbing’ the Wooddale post office, in Bullskin ‘township Fayette Co. —While returning on the ice from Northumberland, early Sunday morning, George Seers of Lewisburg drove into a large hole from which the ice had been eut near Winfield, drowning his valuable horse and narrowly escaping the same fate himself. —Several well known mining men of - Pittston, have leased the Gweenough tract of coal land near Shamokin and will begin to operate it as soon as possible. A breaker to havea capacity of 800 tons of coal per day, costing $50,000, will be erecs- ed and 500 men will be given employ- ment. —At the annual election of the Altoonar Clearfield and Northern Railroad held in Altoona on the 20th. F. G. Pattison was re-elected President and W. W. Yon Thomas H. Greeyy, &. T. Bell, John K. Patterson, E. M. Amies, H. J. Davis, John W. Ebert, Frank Brant and W. Scott Gwinn, Direetors. —As showing the decline in farm values, a sale ot one of the finest properties in Berks county was made on Saturday last at about one-half the price (that it would have commanded a few years ago. It was the farm of Jonas Shalter, five milesnorth of Reading containing 120 acres which was sold to John 8. Dreibeiss, of Maxa- tawny township, for $16.000. I has been valued as high as $30,000. x