Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 10, 1896, Image 8

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To CoBRESPONDENTS. — NO communications
ublished unless accompanied by the real
name of thewriter.
—— Assistant postmaster Thos How-
ley was particularly happy on Monday.
A new boy at his house caused the joy.
—— Riley Pratt, of Unionville, is be-
ing talked of as a possibility for the Re.
publican nomination for county treas-
H. H. Harshbarger Esq., has
moved his law offices into the rooms
formerly occupied by the Dale's in the
Crider building. .
——A third daughter came to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bul-
lock, on north Allegheny street, on
Monday evening.
——C. P. Long, of Spring Mills, and
Scott Bricker, of Boalsburg, are both
aspirants for the Republican nomina-
tion for county treasurer—so ’tis said.
——Miss Elizabeth Muffly gave a
tea, on Wednesday afternoon, at her
rooms in the Bush houte, in honor of
Mrs. George T. Brew, of Grantsville,
—— Argument court is being held
this week. Judge. A. V. Barker, of
Cambria county, and Judge Love are
both holding eessions in the court
—— Nob one will be more pleased with
the Sunday closing resolution introduc-
ed in council, on Monday night, than
the merchants whom it is designed to
——The preduction of “Black Crook,”
at Garman’s, Wednesday night, was
very fine and would have been more
liberally patronized bad the town been
properly billed.
——At the meeting of the trustees of
The Pennsylvania State College, held
last Friday, the treasurer’s report show-
ed that institution to be in excellent
financial condition.
——Mrs. Hugh S Taylor, of east
Howard street, accidentally fell down
the stairs at her home, last Thursday
afternoon, and received a painful frac-
ture of the collar bone.
——Reuben Meek has been appointed
post-measter at Clarence, this county
This announcement will tickle the
Democrats of that vicinity. The ap-
pointment was made on Wednesday.
——Wm. Corman, of Benner town-
ship, won the Centre Democrat's schol-
arship prize by having 4724 votes. The
nearest competitor was Miss Atwood, of
this place, who had 1770 votes. Alto-
gether there wero 7416 votes cast in the
—W. W. Royer, of Centre Hill,
H. W. Bickle Esq., of this place, and
John Wagner, of Gregg township, tha
gentlemen who compose the board of
auditors for the county, are in session
now looking over the accounts of the
county officials.
——The marriage of Martin Garman,
of this place, and Miss Grace Luken-
bach, youngest daughter of A. Luken-
bach, of Willowbank street, will be
solemnized at the bride’s home on
the evening of the 23rd inst. It will
be very unostentatious.
— The death of Mrs. Manno Gent-
zel occurred at her home, near Spring
Mills, a few days ago. Deceased was
29 years old. Another recent death in
the same vicinity was that of Ellen A.,
the 16 year old daughter of Howard
Smith, of Farmer’s Mills,
——The newspapers of neighboring
towns are very much agitated over the
probable building cf the Bellefonte and
Clearfield railroad. When the proper
time comes everyone will be told exactly
what is to be done and between what
points the line will extend.
——The partnership heretofore exist-
ing between S. M. Buck and A. Alli.
gon, under the firm name of the Logan
machine works, was dissolved on the
3rd inst. Mr. Allison will continue the
plumbing business, while Mr. Buck be-
comes owner of the dismantled machine
The wedding of Miss Ehzabeth
C., daughter of I. 8S. Frain, one of
Marion township's very prominent citi-
zens, to Mr. Ablert N. Wdmelsdorff,
was celebrated at the bride’s home on
the evening of the 1st inst. The affair
excited no little ripple on the social
wave of Nittany valley, owing to the
prominence of the contracting parties.
It is said to bave been one of the prettiest
weddings ever consummated in that
——Becoming frightened by a gust
of wind that shattered the globe of a
lan p he was carrying last Thursday
a‘ternoon, Sam Fisher, who lives on
Halfmoon bill, tumbled down the garret
stairs of his home. Of course the lamp
was upset and set fire to the building.
Had it not bean for the timely appear-
snce of Mrs. Fisher the whole place
wonld have been destroyed and the
valiant Samuel with 1t. She smothered
the flames and rescued her husband.
Councir’s MEETING.—Council met
in regular session, on Monday night,
and dispatched what business there was
before it. on
Gowan Thomas, colored, appeared
and asked to have a hydrant on St. Paul
order. The request was granted.
A request was received from Dr. Thos.
R. Hayes that he he exonerated from
the amount of time he is absent from
Bellefonte, The matter was referred to
the Finance committee with power to
act. We do not see how council can
consistently allow a concession of this
sort to Dr. Hayes and in the o.:n* that
it is done there will be no end of the
trouble arising from similar requests.
Whether the family of Dr. Hayes is ab-
sent from Bellefonte or not the property
is still here and might demand protec-
present system of levying water tax, ac-
cording to the number of faucets, in use
was adopted we recall a number of in-
stances where families did not use a pint
of water from the public service in years,
yet they paid taxes just the same as any
one else and more than sixty per cent of
the residents of the town.
Upon the written request of Sup’t.
S. 8. Blair, of the Tyrone division of
the P. R. R., council ratified burgess
Gray’s action in swearing Jesse Dawson
into service as a special officer at the
Pennsylvania station in this place.
H. CO. Quigley Eeq., secretary of the
board of health, appeared before council
and asked that Wilbur F. Reeder Esq.,
be retained as a member for another
year, also that the annual appropriation
of $100 be made to the board.
The Street and Water committees
were the only ones to report. The
former announced numerous repairs to
streets and side walks, while the latter
complained that there has been an ab-
normal consumption of water, during
the present cold weather.
After mewber Gerberich’s resolution,
to purchase a wagon scale and set it up
ut the water works so that ll coal could
be weighed as delivered, had been laid
on the table council approved bills, ag-
gregating $612.12, and adjourned.
we do not wish to appear as throwing
cold wagfr on any project looking to
the betterment of Bellefonte’s industrial
condition we feel called upon to correct
an erroneous assertion made by the
Daily News on Wednesday. For some
time that paper has been making much
out of the probable early resumption of
the Bellefonte furnace and, at last, has
itself worked up to a pitch where it as-
gerts ‘‘that the Collins’ furnace will re-
sume operation in the near future is an
assured fact. The above statement is no
rumor, but a verified fact.”
There is nothing more foolieh for a
paper to do than to start such stories.
While it is possible, and even probable,
that the furnace in question will resume
some time soon there is nothing of a
certainty about 1t at all. Certain nego-
tiations, that upon their consummation
would eventually result in the blowing
in of the large furnace, have been pend-
ing ever since last fall and while the
parties thereto are really getting a little
closer together than they were at first
there is still nothing to warrant the
News in its statement.
The WATCHMAN can be relied on,
when the proper time comes, to give to
the public all the facts concerning the
furnace—and, as was the case in the
nail-works gush, last fall, they will be
authentic, notwithstanding any state-
ments to the contrary. :
A Bap Mix Up.--An engine on the
Nittany valley railroad frightened a
horse that two women were driving on
the road leading to this place, last Fri-
day morning, and by the time it became
quieted down again there had been a
general wreck of four or five wagons
that happened along there just at that
The accident occurred near the home
of Samuel Markle, who lives or the
Jacob Valentine furm, just about a mile
east of this place. The women were
driving their horse along behind & num-
ber of other teams headed for this place.
When an engine steamed along and
frightened it the horse dashed into the
wagon ahead causing the team drawing
it to start to run away and in turn col-
lide with the wagon ahead of it. There
was a third run-a-way then and finally
a fourth added to the excitement until
eight horses and five wagons were tan-
gled up in such a shape that the whole
writhing, kicking mass tumbled into
the fence at the road side. Several
penels of fence were destroyed and one
horse was injured by being jagged by a
broken rail, but none of the occupants
of the wrecked wagons were the least
bit injured.
Tag CatHOLIC FAIR.—To-day and
tomorrow will probably be your last
opportunity of visiting the fair and fes-
tival of St. John’s Catholic church now
holding in Temple court. The many
tidy novelties in fancy-work have at.
tracted attention even since the opening
and you will be missing an opportunity
if you do not go. The benefit is for the
| new parochial residence.
street, near his home, put in working
payment of water taxes in proportion to |
tion from fire any day. Before the
——Samuel Gettig Heq., is acting as
clerk to the county auditors now in
. ——A farmer’s institute will be held
‘at Rebersburg next Tuesday and
| Wednesday the 14th and 15th inst.
| ——The nomination of C. E. Wil.
| liamson to be post-master at Jersey
| Shore has been confirmed by the Senate.
——Madisonburg schools have organ
ized a literary society that will have
exercises, hereafter, every Friday after-
——Philip Brendel, who disappeared
from Lock Haven in 1877 and bad not
beer heard of in ten years, has turned
up in Australia.
——Mrs. Jobn L. Barr, aged G7 years,
Tuesday morning, as a result of two
strokes of paralysis suffered recently.
——An exploded lantern set fire to
the barn owned by Manny Resides, in
Union township, last Friday morning,
and it burned, with all of its contents.
——John Mallory. of Rebersburg,
who has twice escaped from the Harris-
burg asylum and walked clear home,
has been taken back to that institution.
——Jame Morretta, an Italian tag
picker of this place, died Wednesday
morning. It is reperted that his wife
and family are enroute to this place
from abroad.
——The ten thousand miners ‘who
find employment in Clearfield county
mines worked 227 days in 1891, 212
days in 1892, 186 days in 1893 and only
134 days in 1894.
——Judge Mayer has directed all
hotels in Clinton county to close their
bars at 11 p. m. Failure to comply
with the order, he says, will be sufficient
cause for revoking the license.
——The Wellsbach gas lamp and all
repairs for same can now be had at the
store of R. J. Schad & Bro., on Alle-
gheny street, they having obtained the
exclusive agency for the lamp.
——On Wednesday afternoon Rev.
R. H. Gilbert, of Tyrone, married
Charles M. Whippo and Miss Annie
B. Wrye, both of Loveville,this county.
The ceremony was performed at the
Methodist parsonage in Tyrone
——The remains of Mrs. Mary Cal-
houn, relict of Wilson Calhoun, who
bad died at Millerstown, Perry Co.,
were taken to the home of her son,
Dorsey, at Unionville, last Saturday
and interment was made next day. Rev.
Jones officiated. Deceased was 84 years
of age.
——The verdict of $28,000 which Mr.
Goodhart, of Lewistown, has been award-
ed, for injuries to his spine sustained on
the Pennsylvania railroad, will stand.
A court of last appeal having refused to
grant a new trial the damages must be
paid. Mr. Goodhart is & brother of
county commissioner Geo. Li. Goodbart.
——The new home for the poor of
Clearfield county has been opened and,
thus far, only about fifteen per cent. of
those who had been living ai the ex-
pense of the various poor districts have
consented to be taken to the “poor
farm. This reduction of eighty-five per
cent. of the poor in that county is a
great thing. They say there isa won.
derful hustling of pauper bones over
that way. :
——A horse hitched to a spring wag-
on frightened at the cars just after Mr.
T. M. Rosser had helped the Misses
Miller, Stiver and Eddy into the wag-
on at Mill Hall, last Friday afternoon:
The man was unable to control it and it
ran madly through the town. The two
first named girls jumped out, but Miss
Eddy stuck to the wagon until the
frightened horse was caught by some
men at the upper end of the town.
None of the occupants were injured in
the least.
——On the inside pages of this issue
will be found some particularly enter-
taining reading. Two letters, one from
Will Truckenmiller, of North Dakota,
the other from Miss Julia E. Doran,
who is now studying music in Berlin,
are both interesting descriptions of the
remote countries from which they have
been securad for WATCHMAN readers
There is a goodly amount of salient
local reading tnat should be Jooked up,
among it a full program of the farmers
institute to be held at Unionville next
Castle, No. 360, K. G. E. of Madison-
burg, bas elected the following officers
to serve during the ensuing giz months ;
Past chief, G. R. Miller; noble
chief, J. N. Royer; vice chief, Jere:
miah Ertel ; high priest, Joseph Bierly j
venerable, hermit,
of exchequer, George N. Wolfe; keep-
er of exchequer, Isiael Spayde; sir
herald, J. B. Hazel.
died at her home in Philipsburg, on:
{the next afternoon.
Jobn H. Roush ; |
master of records, A. J. Hazel : clerk |
My last bulletin gave forecasts of the
storm weve to cross the continent from
the 8th to the 12th, ard the next wil)
cross the west of Rockies country by the
close of the 14th, great central valleys
States on the 18th. Accompanying this
disturbance will be a large amount of
precipitation, and immediately follow-
ing it the coldest part of the month.
Rockies country about the 13th, great
“| central valleys on the 15th and the
eastern States on the 17th. A cool
country about the 16th, great central
valleys on the 18th and the eastern
States on the 20th. The cold wave fol-
lowing this disturbance will increase in
severity as it moves eastward and will be
most severe in the Atlantic States about
the 20th.
Months ago these bulletins contained
an important forecast, to the effect that
rain and snow would largely increase
over the United States before the close
of December. It was also stated that
our atmosphere was greatly expanded
from the effects of excessive and long
evaporations and would collapse by pre-
cipitating by tho beginning of 1896.
position of the planets, and the reason
for this important and successful fore-
cast will be seen, as also the causes for
the April and May droughts of 1895.
A paragraph recently run through
the newspapers in which it was stated
that two full moous occurred in Decem-
ber, 1895, and that a like event bad not
been witnessed since the time of Christ.
This shows how little some people know
about oné-of the most common occur-
rences, and ‘the blunder ought to cause
them to hesitate when they come to dis-
cuss the changes of the moon, weather
events, forecasts, Etc. The fact is that
two full and two new moons, two first
quarters and two last quarters occur at
intervals of about thirty months. Us-
ing astronomical time, which begins at
noon, two full moons occurred in July,
1871 ; January, 1874; November,
1876 ; August, 1879; June, 1882 ; Dec-
ewber, 1884; October, 1887; July,
1890 ; January, 1893, and December,
1895. The two full moons and two oth-
er phases of the moon occur 1n the same
month at intervals of eighteen years
and also, with nearly the same regular-
ity, at intervals of nine years. If we
use civil time, beginning at midnight,
there are just as many such cases and at
the same intervals, but not always in
the same month.
CERS.--At the regular meeting for that
purpose, held at their engine house, on
Tuesday evening, the Logan company
elected the following officers to serve
during the ensuing year:
President, Thomas Shaughensy ; vice-
president, Robt. Montgomery ; treas-
urer, J. D. Seibert ; recording secretary,
H. J. Jackson; financial secretary,
John McGinley ; chief, Jobn Trafford ;
1st assistant, George Cunningham ; 2nd
assistant, Jno. Gould ; 3rd assistant, M.
Shields; 4th assistant, Elsie Sunday ;
engineer, Jas. D. Seibert ; 1st assistant,
Oscar Yerger ; 20d, Elmer Yerger ; fire-
man, Elmer Yerger ; 1st assistant, Jack
Gentzel ; 2nd assistant, Harry Diehl ;
plugmen, Jobn Q. Miles and Henry
Haupt ; trustees, T. Shaughensy, H. J.
Jackson and F. C. Williams ;-delegate
to state firemens’ convention, Ollie Mil-
ler; alternate tosame, T. Shaughensy ;
delegate to cendral district convention,
H. J. Jackson ; Blternate to same, Elsie
On the same evening the Undine
company elected their officers as tollows :
President, P. H. Gerrity ; vice presi-
dent, Scott Lose; recording secretary,
W. T. Royer ; financial secretary, Wm.
Flack ; chief, Jacob Knisely; 1st aseis-
tant, Wm. Rhinesmith ; 2nd assistant,
Wm. Doll; 8rd assistant, Jno. Lam-
bert ; chief engineer, Wm. Rogers ; 1st
assistant, Joseph Wise ; 2nd assistant,
Wm. Allen ; 3rd assistant, P. H. Ger-
rity ; 4th assistant, John Anderson,
trustees, Scott Lose, Wm. Doll and
Christ Smith ; leader of band, Wm. T.
Royer ; manager of band, Christ Smith ;
plugmen, Wm. Hill and Benj. Huff-
A Missing MAN Fouxp.—The de-
composed remains of the man found on
the mountain, above Mill Hall, last
week, an account of which is publizhed
on one of the inside pages of this issue,
have been positively identified as those
of Daniel Worner, who mysteriously
disappeared from his home on the
morning of the 18th of last July.
The coroner’s verdict was to the effect
that Worner had committed suicide by
shooting himself in the head with a re-
The body was taken to Lock Haven,
last Friday, where his widow identified
lit by the clothes and the straw hat that
Burial was made
Worner wis a
stone mason and was thought to have
been suffering with melancholia.
was found beside it.
Dont FAIL To Reap THis. — Dr.
Salm will make his regular visit, as
"usual, at the Brockerhoff House, on
‘ Saturday, Jan. 25th. Consultation free.
reach the Pacific coast about the 13th, !
on the 15th to 17th, and the eastern !
wave will cress the west of Rockies |
Apply the laws of magnetism to the.
——There are just 489 inmates in the
, Huntingdon reformatory now.
| ——A largely attended protracted
meeting is in progress at the Shiloh
Lutheran church.
——Quite a number of Aaronsburg
people are in attendance at the Boals-
burg musical convention. :
. —— While playing in the yard at her
i home in Philipsburg, Mildred, the little
The warm wave will cross the west of : daughter of W. P. Duncan, rar into a
| playmate and suffered a painful disleca-
tion of the left arm.
A Lucky WoMaNN—Mrs. W. W,
Thomas, of Vail, has drawn the gold
watch chanced off by the Logan steamer
{ company, of this place, last Saturday
{ night.” She held the number 3141 which
was the winner and cost the trifling
sum of 1 cent. James Snyder, a tele-
graph operator at Vail, who boards at
the home of Mrs. Thomas, gave her the
coupon one day, jokingly remarking :
To Takk CHARGE oF THE Haas’
B REWERY.—About February 1st. Mr.
Louis Doll will clcse up his shoe busi-
ness on Bishop street and direct his at-
tention to the management of the Haas
brewery, at Roopsburg. Associated
with him will be Peter Jacobs, the
well-known brewer, and together they
can be relied on to furnish consumers a
very fine beverage. .
Mr. Doll finds the confinement of
store keeping too enervating to con-
PuBricLY INSTALLED.— According
to the announcements made last week
Gregg Post, No. 95, G. A. R., of this
place, held a public installation and
camp fire on Saturday during which
Gen. Curtin, as installing officer, in-
ducted those comrades ifito office who
will serve during the coming year:
The new officers are commander, F.
Peebles Green ; S. V. C., Monroe Ar-
mor ; J. V. C., David Bartley ; sur-
geon, James Whittaker ; chaplain,
James Harris; Q. M., William Jones ;
0. of D.,, 8. H. Williams ; O. of G., F.
A. McMullen; Ord. officer, Charles
Eckenroth ; trustee, David Bartley ;
delexates to encampment, Thomas
Donachy and D. M. Glenn ; alternates,
S. H. Williams and W. B. Maitland.
After the ceremonies a general camp-
fire was enjoyed at which many of the
comrades told stories of war times and
when the hour for dismissal came all
were sorry to bave to go.
THE ANNUAL SEssioN.—The direc-
tors of the Centre county Mutual fire
insurance company, P. of H., “met. in
the parlors of the Brant house, in this
place, last Tuesday, (to sum up the busi-
ness of the company for the year that
had just closed and lay plans tor the fu- |
ture. The condition of business was
found to be most excellent and after
this gratifying report the officers were
re-elected as follows, for 1895 : Presi-
dent, I. S. Frain ; vice president, S. H.
Bailey ; treasurer, W. A. Kerr; sec-
retary, Jas. A. Keller.
Among the members of the associa-
tion who were present were: James
A. Keller, Wm. A. Kerr, S. H. Bailey,
I. S. Frain, H. J. Pletcher, R. L. Bier-
ly, Jacob Dunkle, J. T. McCormick,
W. F. Rearick, Jacob Yarnell, W. H.
Miller, J. H. Hiller, Wm. T. Irwin,
W. W. Rupert, Isaac Beck, Jos. W.
Marshall, E. Burket, Blair county; Jno.
H. Moses, Bedford county ; Adam Lef-
ford, Mifflin county and M. J. Owens,
Clearfield county.
News Purely Personal.
—James Stahl, of Centre Hall, was in Ty.
rone, on Monday, on his way to Des Moines,
—Postmaster D. F. Fortney, ot this place, re
cently visited Philipsburg and whils there
looked into the public school system; of that
place. :
—Among Patton township farmers few are
better. known than Mr. Wesley Biddle, of
Waddle station, He was in town, on Tuesday,
attending to some business and found time to
spend a few moments in this office.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEnight, of Fill-
more, left for Philadelphia, Tuesday morning,
a nd will be gone for some time. They will
visit their son Robert, who 1s in business in
that city, and also Mr. McKnight's brother's
—John McCauley Esq., was in town, Tues-
day, looking exactly as he has done ever since
we have had the honor of knowing him. Mr.
McCauley isone of the staunch residents of
Walker township and, best of all, he is a
Democrat among Democrats.
—Mr. Albert Hoy, the obliging gentleman
who looks after the express and mail deliv-
eries at State College, was in town between
trains Saturday morning. Mr. Hoy and his
brother, Joseph, are among the substantial
residents of State College and both have com.
fortable homes there.
—The Bellefonte friends of Mr. Will Katz
will be sorry to know that he has left Belle-
fonte to locate permanently in Philadelphia.
During his short residence here the young
man made hosts of friends and “the Globe”
will miss the artistic hands that always kept
the show windows of that establishment so at-
—'Squire A. G. Archey, H. M. Kreps, J. W.
Kepler and L. D. Musser came down from
Pine Grove Mills, on Wednesday, and spent
the day in town. Inthe evening they took in
the “Black Urook’ and were suspiciously near
the “bald-headed row.” Like avery one else
they were there to see all there was to be seen
and, as far as the Coryphees were concerned,
there was'nt much concealed. :
“There, you’ll win the watch,’ and she
\Two inches
complete record of the births and deaths
that occurred in Centre county during
the year 1895 are appended. They are
taken from the returns made semi-
annually by the various assessors to the
county register and by adding the May
and Decegrber returns together the total
births and denths of each district will be
bad. During the year there were 341
marriage licenses granted, an increase
of 3 over the preceding year.
May DEc.
Birth Death Birth Death
Bellefonte, N. W........... 21 13 15 15
Bellefonte, 8. W... § 13 20 8
Bellefonte, W. W. 4 4 4
Centre Hall tosoere 1 4 1
Howard Boro.... 13 8 4
Milesburg, Boro... 1 15 6
Millheim Boro..... sees 3 8 3
Philipsburg, 1st, W...... 3 7 4
Philipsburg, 2nd, W..... 8 23 9
Philipsburg, 3rd, W 6
South Philipsbur 1 8 1
Unionville Boro. 1 Gi 2
Benner, N. P. 3 5 1
Benner, 8. P.. 3 5 2
Boggs, EP. 1 6 4
Boggs, W. P. 2 1 5
Boggs, N. P 4 9 1
Burnside... 5 3 0
College, E. P. 5 5 3
College, W. 2 1 5
Curtin .......... T 8 3
“Ferguson 3 rw
Ferguson 9 3
Gregg, N. 5 1
Gregg, 8 2
Gregg, W 5 2
Haines, E 7 8 .
Haines, W. P. 5 4
Harris........ . 7 9 3
Halfmoon... .3 10 5
Howard Twp.. 13 12 2
Huston....... 11 16 15
Liberty ... 13 12 9
Marion.... .
Miles, E. .
Miles, M. P. .
Miles, W. P .
CU = 1 EO C200 C100 00 CT 100 =T 10 OV ID 00 00 a ih =I 1 1 OD 1D © STRD
. 9
. 1 8
16 12
17 10—1n
9 139 1
. 4 >
37 1 21 12
v5 19 2
«9 11 4
MARRIAGE LicENsES.—Following is
the list of marriage licenses granted by
orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Ruwmber-
ger, during the past week :
Charles Whippo and Anna B. Wrye,
both of Loveville.
Milton I. Wise, of Zion, and Sarah
R. Robb, of Nittany.
W. M. Sweeny, of Centre Hall, and
Maggie E. Faust, of Potters Mills.
David L. Ross and Blanche B. Wil-
liams, both of Port Matilda.
Adolphus Fields and Eisie Hassinger,
both of Patton township.
——Captain F. T. McNarney, Co.
H., 12th Reg., N. G. P. of Lock Hav-
en, has resigned his effice and enlisted
in the regular army. He has been as-
signed to the 7th U. S. infantry station-
ed at Fort Logan, Col.
— Frank Wingard, of Coburn, shot
a large wild cat one day last week.
For SALE.—A team of heavy draft
horses, 8 years old. Will weigh 1600 lbs.
T. B. BubpiNeer, Snow Shoe, Pa.
HayWANTED.—Have you a car-load
of good timothy hay you want to sell
for cash. If so, write or telephone T.
B. Budinger, Snow Shoe, Pa.
LosT.—A small sterling silver match
box with the monogram, G. R. M., en-
graved on one side. The finder will be
rewarded by returning same to this
RepuerioN SALE. —Eeclipsing the
great Fire Sale of 1894, when we sold
great quantities of goods in a short space
of time. Stock is in much better condi-
tion, prices are much lower. Values are
greater No reasonable man expects to
buy all wool Suits, and all wool Over-
coats, atthe prices named for Shoddy
and Satinets. We expect to get your
trade when you are through being de-
coyed and have your eyes opened.
QOlothing 18 our business.
MonTaoMERY & Co.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The Slowing are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
0es to press :
ed wheat.............. s8snesecennses sessrernissssense
Rye, per bushel....... sesee asse
Corn, shelled per bushel.
Corn, ears per bushel..
Qats—new, per bushel..
Barley, per bushel........
Ground Plaster, per ton.
Buckwheat per bushel.
Cloverseed, per bushei..
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Correctea weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel oh)
Onin ressers
ggs, per dozen..
Lard, per pound....
ran ame
ow, per pound..
Butter, per pound..
aseerenne Sesnese ci aeen aneene
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday i in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
‘year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
{ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
SPACE OCCUPIEL. |3m | 6m | 1y
Oneinch (12110es this type.........($ 6 [$8 [¢ 10
iy (oi ye
Three inches........... 20
Sane Column (434 80
alf Column ( 9 inches). 50
One Column (19inches)... ie 100
Advertisements in special column 25 per
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts
Each additional insertion, per line.. . 5 cts
wocal notices, per line..... 25
Business notices, per line .10 cts
Job Printing of every kind done with neat
ness and dispatch. The WaArcrMAN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic manner and at
the loweat rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters snonld be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietox.