EE SE — New Advertisements. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. New Adertisements. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of administration de bonus non, on estate of Samuel Noll Sr., late of Spring township, deceased were issued to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. Those having claims will present them at once for settlement. JOHN NOLL, Adm. d.b.n. 40.48-6t Bellefonte Dec. 4th, 1895. ye ERIFF SALES. y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, inthe borough of Belle- fonte, on SATURDAY, JAN. 2511, 1890. At 10 o'clock a. gn. the following described property to wit: All that certain tenement, lot or parcel of land, situate in the township of Potter, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning in the middle of Sinking Creek : thence by land of William Mulbarger north 42 degrees west 97 perches toa post: thence sonth 53 degrees west 3134 perches to a post : thence north 38% degrees west 25.3 perches to a post: thence south 38 degress west by land of Andrew Jor- don, 28 perches to astone: thence north 63 degrees west 48 perches to stones: thence south 52} degrees west 31.6 perches to stones: thence south 34 degrees west by land of Ker- lin heirs 40.1 perches to stones : thence south 57% degrees east 25.1 perches to stones: thence north 34.degrees west 72 25.100 perches to stones : thence south 2214 degrees east 5.7 perches to middle cf Sinking Creek : thence north 85 degrees east 18 perches to a post: thence south 67 degrees east9 perches to a post : thence north 56 degrees east 15 perches to a stone : thence south 70 degrees east 4.4 perches to a stone : thence north 82 degrees east 7.2 perches : thence south 46 degrees east 12 perches : thence north 36 degrees east 6.4 perches to=——--: thence north ¢7 degrees 4 perches to : thence 83 degrees east 5.3 perches : thence 59 degrees east 9.7 perches to———: thence north 75 degrees east 12 perches : thence north 77 degrees east 9.8 perches to the place of beginning, contain: ing 91 acres and 66 perches, more or less, there- on erected a two story frame dwelling house, bank barn and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Abram Holderman. ALSO Ali that lot of land situate in the village of Lemont, Centre county, Pennsylvania, bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of lot of Wm. Schrech, south 7614 degrees, east 199 feet to an alley, thence along said alley north 13}4 degrees east, 56 feet to lot belonging to Boalsburg & Bellefonte Turn- pike company ; thence along ssid lot north 72}4 degrees west, 199 feet to Pike street, thence along said Pike street south 1334 de- grees weet 56 feet to the corner of lot ct” said m. Schrech, the place of beginning, con- taining 11,144 feet, be the same more or less, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. ALSO. All that certain piece of land lying and be- ing in College township, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at stones in the Brush valley road on the line of land of John Homan; thence by land of said Homan, north 3 degrees east 25.83 perches to stones ; thence by land of Wil- liam Bohn, George Kline and Nellis Kline, north 1} degrees west 49.9 perches to an iron tree : thence by land of J. C. Markle, north 114 degrees, west 484 perches to stones : corner of lot of James Poorman : thence by land of said Poorman, south 8414 degrees west, 25.3 perches to stone : thence north 51, degrees west, 20 perches : thence by land of William L. Tibbens, south 8414 degrees west 36 perch- es toa small pine: thence by land of Dale heirs south 2 degrees east 103 perches to a post, or line of lands of Henry Dale: thence along lands of Henry Dale, south 81 degrees east 20.6 perches to post : thence south 14 de. grees west 37 perches to Brush valley road : thence along said road north 7714 degrees, east 19.3 perches to a pine stump: thence north 8514 degrees east 21.2 perches to the place of beginning, containing 45 acres and 75 perches or thereabouts. Seized, taken in execution, and tou be sold as the property of John E. Murray. ALSO. All that certain messuage tenement and tract of land situate lying and being in the township of Curtin and state aforesaid bound- ed and described as follows viz: Beginning at a dead hemlock, thence north four de gees west sixty six perches to post. Thence ‘by land of Robert Mann, south twenty three . degrees west eighty perches to stones. Thence north seventy one “degrees west thirty one perches to a fallen white oak. Thence south fifty seven degrees west sixty six perches to a fallen chestnut. Thence south tourteen and one hal{ degrees east two hundred and four perches to stones ‘Thence south thirty five degrees east ninety five perehes to a white oak. Thence by lands of Roland Curtin heirs north forty two and three fourth degrees east one hundred and sixty two perches. to a ———. Thence south fifty degrees east thirty five perches to the place of beginning: Con- taining two hundred and sixty eight acres and and eighty five perches it being the tract of land, which by indenture of even date here- with was granted and conveyed to said John P. DeHass by said John Harris and Ellen M. his wife. Together with all and singular— ways, waters—water courses, rights, liberties Rrivieses, improvements, hereditaments etc. hereon erected a jarge two story frame house, small barn and other outbuildings. “Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Clement Dale Administrator of ete of John P. DeHass, deceased. ALSO. 1a All that certain town lot situate in the vil- cge of Port Matilda, township of Worth, ounty of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at High street corner of Cherry street : thence northeast along Cherry street 200 feet to Cen. tre street: thence southeast 60 feet along Centre street to lot No. 16; west 200 feet to High street : thence along High street 60 feet northwest to Cherry street the place of begin- ning, being 60 feet front and 200 feet back, and being known as lot No. 18 in the plot of said village of Port Matilda, public road across one corner of said lot, being the same lot which A. W. Reese et ux deed bearing date the 18th day of March A. D. 1889, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house. _. Seized, taken in’execution, and to be sold as tne property of Irvin Young, et al. ALSO (All that certain messuage and tract of land situate in Gregg township, Centre county, -Pennsylvgnia, bcunded and described as fol lows: * Béginning at a post, thence by lands of Catharine Gentzel north 36140 west 23 2-10 perches to a stone, thence along Egg Hill 58° east 23.4 perches to a chestnut oak, thence by same north 64° east 17 perches toa gum tree, thence by same north 3° east 12.6 perches to a stone, thence by land of Daniel Ludwig south 22° west 30.6 perches to a post, thence by land of James Hettinger south 50° west 45.8 perches to the place of beginning, contain- ing seven acres more or less, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, carpenter shop, summer kitchen, bank barn and other out-buildings. ALSO (All that certain messuage and tract of land situate in Gregg township, county and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a pdst, thence by land of Elias Gentzel and James Gentzel north 54° east 3Z.1iperches to a stone, thence by other land of grantors south 2514° east 44.9 perches to a stone, thence hy land of Samuel Ertle south 60° west 36.1 perches to a stone, thence by same north 20° west 41.4 perches to the place of beginning, containing nine acres and five perches neat measure. No improve- ments, r Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James D. Gentzell. ALSO All those two certain lots or pieces of ground, situate in the borough of Millheim, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : on the south by Main street, on the east by lot of E. C. Campbell estate, on the north by an alley and on the west by lot of J. H. Reifsnyder, each lot containing in breadth along said Main street 4914 feet, and extending to said alley. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, blacksmith shop, barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property cf William R. Weiser. ALSO. All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of or piece of land in Union township, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning on public road at stones which formed a common corner for this and the adjoining Iddings tract. Thence by land of Miller Iddings, north twenty de- grees east twenty-seven and one tenth perches to a post. Thence by lands of D. C. Hall, south fifty-six degrees east thirty-e‘ght and eight-tenth perches to a post : thence 4 land of same, north two degrees, east eighty-three perches to a post : thence by land of Phoebe Smith south fifty-six degrees, east one hun- dred and eighty perches toa post : thence by lands of the Ingram heirs, south fifty-six and one half degrees west one hundred and five perches to stones: thence by lands of R. T. Conly, north fifty five and three tenth degrees west fifty eight and three tenth perches to place of beginning containing three acres and ninety five perches neat measure. . ALSO. All that messuage, tenement or three town lots in the borough of Unionville, county and state aforesaid, bounded on the west by Wal- nut street on the south by Walter alley, on the east by Plum and onthe north by Race street, being lots No. 30, 31 and 32 in the Wil- liam P. Fisher extension of the borough of Unionville as shown on the record of said plot recorded in Miss book volume 26, page 329. Together with all and singular, the buildings, improvements, way waters, water courses etc. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, barn and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of M. B. Lanning. ALSO All those three certain messuages, tene- ments and tracts of land bounded and desecrib- ed as follows : One thereof being the certain tract of land situate in the township of Taylor, county, of Contre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Robert Elder, Jacob Van- Pool, Christian Buck and others, containing 225 acres more or less, One other thereof being that certain piece of land situate in Taylor township, Centre county Pennsylvania, bounded as follows : Beginning at post on division line of Benjamin Weaver and tnence by lands of John Shively and Thomas Cowher, south 31) degrees east 188.9 perches: thence by lands of D. Hen- derson 3614 degrees west 30 perches to post ; thence by lands of D. Henderson north 43 degrees west 51 perches to stones thence by lands of Henderson south 79% degrees west 46.6 perches to post: thence by lands of John A. Hunter north 2914 degrees east 134.8 to post; thence by division line with Benjamin Weaver north 59 degrees east 75 perches to post and place of beginning, containing 80 acres and 17 perches neat meas- ure, thereon erected a two store dwelling house, stable and other out-buildings. ALSO And the other thereof being that certain tract of land situate in the township, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described a¢ follows . Beginning at a post oa line of Theo- polie Moor: : thence by lands of heirs of Abram Elder and John Shively south 3134 degrees east 1455 perches toa post: thence by a division line with Andrew Weaver south 31 degrees west 75 perches to a post: thence by I lands of J. A. Hunter north 2914 de- grees west 145.2 perches to a post: thence by lands of Moore north 59 degrees east 67.7 perches to post and place of beginning, con- taining 65 acres neat measure. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Shively, Benj. Weaver and Andrew Weaver. ALSO All the real property composed of a certain piece or parcel, of land situate in Boggs town- ship, county of Centre, and state of Pennsyl- vania, bounded and described as follows, on the north by lands of John Powell de- ceased on the west by lands of McCoy and Linn on the east by Moose Run and on the south by lands of John Walter containing 8 acres more or less. Thereon erected one two story frame dwelling house, small barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to ba sold as the property of Clement Dale, Administrator of ect, of Eliza J. McMullen and with notice to James McMullen, Terre tenant. ALSO All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate in the borough of Union- ville, county of Centre and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows: On the south by Centre street, on the north by lot of Wm. Stover heirs,on the eastby Main street, and on the west by Dewitts Run, con- taining about 1-5 acre, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other out-buildings. . ALSO All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the above township, county and State, bounded on the eastand south by Dawitts Run and on the north and west by Christian Buek, containing about 14 of an acre. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John L. Rich, Admr. of ete. of Benj. Rich, deceased. ALSO. All that certain tract of land situate in Marion and Howard townships, county of Cen- itre and and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of Jerre Tressler, John Hagan and B. Lauth’s heirs, on the east by land in warrantee name of Simon Yeager, on the south by vacant land and on the west by land of said Jerre Tressler, containing 197 acres and 78 perches and allowance. No im- provements. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Mrs, M. M. Frank. ALSO All that certain messuage and tract of land situate in Union township county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des- cribedas follows : Beginning at a white' pine on the north corner of the Peters saw mill tract : thence south 43 degrees east 54 perches to stones : thence north 56 degrees east 60 perches to stones: thence 43 degrees east 10}4 perches to stones by pine stump : thence by a piece of land deeded to Thomas Whippo north 42 degrees east 102 perches to rock and stones; thence by land of Geo. L. Peters north 51 degrees east 54 perches to rock oak : thence north 68 degrees east 62 perches to black oak : thence north 66 degrees east 27 perches to dogwood : thence north 42 degrees east 14 perches to stones : thence by a survey in the vame of ‘thomas Burnside north 52 degrees west 48 perches to stones: thence south 68 degrees west 110 perches to rock oak : thence north 78 degrees east 92 perches to stones : thence south 38 degrees west 20) per. ches to a white pine, the place of beginning, containing 84 acres and 150 perches and allow- ance more or less. ALSO That certain messuage, tenement or tract of land lying and being in Union township, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a pine root : thence north 43 degrees west 42 perches to corner: thence south 57 degrees west 614 perches to corner: thence north 43 degreesiwest 56 to white pine : thence south 35 degrees west 36 perches to red oak (down) south 35 degrees east 82 perches to post: thence 52 degrees east 71 perches to the place of beginning containing 33 acres and 148 per- ches and aliowance. ALSO All that certain piece or tract of land situate in the township, of Union county and state aforesaid adjoining land of Geo. Hoover, Robt. Hall, Lewis Peters and others containing about 40 acres more or less. ALSO All that piece or plot of land situate in the township of Union, county and state aforesaid bounded and described ‘as follows to wit: Beginning at stones running thence by lands of W. H. Hoover, north 36 degrees west 26 perches to stones : thence by same north 30 degrees east 91 perches to pin oak: thence north 55 degrees east 37.4 perches to red Sechler & Co. Sechler & Co. Sechler & Co. SECHLER & CO’S OPEN LETTER. Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 1st, 1896. As the Holiday Season is now over we wish to remind our friends and the public, generally, that we are well prepared to supply all demands in our line. Almost all kinds of goods are now so low in price that a good American Din- ner is within the reach of all. While giving careful attention to securing a fine stock of fruits and luxuries we have not overlooked the every day substantials. 3 We have Pillsbury’s ‘‘best”” Minnesota Flour and the leading brands of home manufacture. Bradford Co., pure Buckwheat Flour, new kiln dried Corn Meal, extra fine sugar cured Hams, breakfast Bacon and dried Beef, white, fat, new Mackeral, rich mild Cream Cheese, genuine Maple Syrup, pure-sugar table Syrups, fine roll dairy and creamery Butter. We have just received a lot of bright clean New York state Beans that we are sell- ing at the low price of five cents per quart. The entire lot of twenty-two bushels will go at that price (no advance) but we cin hardly get any mare as good as these to sell . at the same price. Don’t miss them, They are fine. 2 ag One of the ‘most satisfactory lots of goods we have to offer is our own Mince Meat. Every ounce of material in it is sound, clean and of the finest quality, nothing = equal to it has ever been obtainable. Price, ten cents per pound. It has been almost impossible to get satisfactory Oranges this season, but we have secured some fine Floridas, also some Mexican fruit that is equally as fine as the Flori- perches to post. thence by land and 25 perches and allowance. the property of Harvey Hoover. ALSO Martin. Bein Jacksonville as lots No's 11 and 13. stable and other outbuildings. the property to Catharine Beck. ALSO ship of Gregg, county of Ce Peunsylvanic> rounded and more or less. buildings. as the property of H. H. Rachau. ALSO. buildings. said land of B. Lauth, on the east by land teen acres. the property of Robt. B. Loder. ~ ALSO / ed and described as follows, viz: outbuildings. ALSO house, bank barn and other outbuildings. ALSO buildings. as the property of Geo. Brumgart. til purchase money is paid in full. 41-2 oak : thence by land of Loeb, south 35 degrees east G1 perches to post north 47 degrees west 4 perches to post, north 6714 degrees Saat iH of sai Harvey Hoover south 47 degrees west 110 per- ches to place of beginning, containing 30 acres Seized, taken in execution, and to be soid as All that certain messuage and tenement, consisting of the two lots of ground situate in the village of Jacksonville, Centre county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by the great road Jeading from Belle- fonte to Lock Haven, on the east by lot of Enos Ertley, on the south by lands of heirs of George Hoy, and on the west by lot of James 132 feet in front and 214}4 feet in depth, and known on the genoa © an of hereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as All the right, title and interest in the fol- lowing described real estate. All that cer- tain tractor piece of land situate in the town- e and State of escribed as fol- lows to wit : Beginning at a white oak : thence by land of Adam Yearick, south 63 degrees east 149 perches to stones: thence south 60 degrees west 153 perches to a white oak : thence by land of Michael Homan, north 30 degrees west 149 perches to a post: thence north 60 degrees east 153 perches to the place of beginning containing 108 acres be the same Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house,bank barn and other out- Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold All those two certain tracts of land in Mar. ion township, Centre county and State of Penn- sylvania, lying about two miles east of Jack- sonviile, bounded and described as follows : The one thereof on the north by the public road leading from Jacksonville to Lock Haven, on the east by lands of C. F. Yearick, on the south by Jands of B. Lauth, and on the west by lands of D. B. Myers, containing about thir teen acres, Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, frame stable and other out- The other thereof bounded on the north by R. A. Tilgman and on the south and west by lands of Joseph Long, containing about four- Seized, taker in execution, and to be sold as All those several messauges, tenements of land situated in the township of Miles, coun- ty of Centre, and state of Pennsylvania, bound- One thereof bounded on the nortl: by lands of Henry Roy- er, on the east by lands of Mrs. George W. Wohlfart, on the} south by lands of Jonathan Walker, and on the west by lands of Jonathan Walker and Isabella Kreider, containing 258 acres more or less. Thereon erected a two story dwelling house, bank barn, and other Another thereof bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Schrack’s heirs, on the east by lands of Martin Rudy, on the south by lands of Henry Royer, and on the west by lands of Daniel Brumgart, containing 148 acres more or less. Thereon erected a two story dwelling And the other thereof situated in the town of Rebersburg, beginning at corner of lot of C. L. Gramley, thence along Main Street north 743/° east 105 feet to stone, thence along alley north 2114° west 2173 feet to a stone, thence along said alley south 743° west 105 feet to stone, thence along lot of C. L. Gram- ley south 214° east 21734 feet to beginning. Containing 82 perches. Thereon erected a two- story dwelling house, stable and other out- Seized taken into execution and tobe sold TerMs.—No deed will be acknowledgad un- JOHN P. CONDO, Sheriff. Watchmaking-- Jewelry. Houeay THOUGHTS We have made generous provis- ion in all our lines, and are pre- pared, as never before, to meet your demands, with a CHOICE STOCK —— from the best macufacturers, at PRICES that are —VERY MODERATE,— in addition to a choice selection ot WATCHES, JEWELRY CLOCKS, Etc. WE ARE SHOWING SILVER GOODS in endless variety. We believe an inspection of our stock will be to your advantage. ——WORTH OF— SLEIGH BELLS | FUR ROBES rn BEAR ROBES AND ALL STYLES OF BLANKETS. NOW 1S 70 TIME - - - 27-49 F. C. RICHARD'S SONS. | Saddlery. | 2.000 $5,000 * $5,000 Ee eS —_—— ee —e———; HARNESS HARNESS HARNESS SLEIGH BELLS SLEIGH BELLS : | Yarns one quarter off. FUR ROBES. FINE CRUSHED ‘SILK ROBES — GOAT ROBES—BLACK DOG ROBES—BLACK Katz & Co. Limited. New Advertisements. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY CLEARING SALE OF ALL WINTER GOODS. The policy of the Globe is to carry over no goods from one season to another, if prices will move them. We inaugurated this policy last July, when we made such low prices on our summer goods, that we sold every dollar’ sworth of, strictly speaking, summer goods before Sept. 1st. We follow this rule with our winter stock. We have had a good trade all this fall, and now are ready to give : the people some great bargains on what we have left. All our winter stock will be sold at a discount of 25 per cent from former prices. Dress goods one quarter off. Cloaks and wraps one quarter off. , Flannels one quarter off. Overcoats one quarter off. i Millinery one quarter off. ~~ - Underwear one quarter off. ~~ ral Le? Woolen Hosiery one quarter off. Cotton flannels one quarter off. 1 At the prices which we will ask, we confidently expect to sell all our surplus winter stock during this month. Blankets one quarter off. | | 412.4t. | be confirmed abso OR RENT.—Good seven room house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte Apply to E. BROWN, Jr. )-13 OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that on Weanesday the 29th, day of January A. D. 1896, the First and partial account of the Commonwealth Guar- antee Trust ana Safe Deposit Company as- signee for the benefit of creditors of The Bellefonte Iron and Nail SOMpany will b: presented to the Court for confirmation and unless exceptions be filed thereto on or betsre the 2nd day of the term the same wiil be con- firmed. W. F. SMITH, 41-1-4t Prothonatary. OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the 29th, day of January A. D. 1896. The first and partial ac- count of The Commonwealth Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company trustee of James A. Beaver and for the benefit of creditors of Jmes A. Beaver and The Bellefonte Iron and Nail Company will be presented to the Court for confirmation and unless exceptions there- to be filed on or about the 2nd day of the term the same will be confirmed. W. F. SMITH. Prothonotary. 41-1-4t OUSEHOLD SUPPLIES.—The The Boss Washing Machine, is one of the most complete and successful washers in the market. Tho Pan American Washing Machine isa very excellent washer for the price and is us- ed by many people. WRINGERS.—We are prepared to furnish the greatest variety of the best Clothes Wringers now offered for sale in Centre coun- ty. Notwithstanding the advance in rubber goods, we can sell Clothes-Wringers at lower prices than they have ever been sold in this community, quality considered. We invite a careful inspection before purchasing 40-45-3m McCALMONT & CO. OTICE OF DISSOLUTION—. The copartnership heretofore exist. ing between A. Allison and S. M. Buck, under the name of the Logan Machine Works, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm, to be paid to said Allison, and all debts due from the firm to ba presented to said Allison for payment. A. ALLISON. 5. M. BUCK. A. Allison will continue the plumbing and steam heating business at the old stand No. 61, High street. S. M. Buck taking the ma- chinery and tools of the foundry and machine shops, : Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 3rd, 1896. 41.2-3t. WE ARE GIVING AWAY PREMIUMS! —ARE YOU GETTING ANY OF THEM ?— If not, wky not ? — EVERYTHING FAIR. -— Call on Miss Lillian Barrett, at the Tele- hone Exchange, and get a Periodical Ticket ook FREE, have it explained to you, and then use the tickets atthe following stores in Bellefonte. ; Racket Store Co., F. B. Stover, Jas. Schofield, B. C. Achenbach, FP. P, Blair, Geo. T. Bush, E. L. Powers, Miss M. Graham, C. M. Parrish, Miss B. Straub, Montgomery & €o.,, R.J.Schad. - Jas, Harris & Co., Q. M. Sheetz. 41-1-81n RIT IN PARTITION. } In the Court of Common John J, Arney vs Pleas of Centre County W.J. Arney etal) No. 223 April term—1895. By virtue of an order of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Centre County issned in the above case, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Bellefonte on Sat- urday the 25th day of January 1896, the fol- lowing real estate, situate in the borough of Centre Hall, said county, bounded and de- scribed as follows. Beginning at stones in the Brush valley road, thence north 341{ de- grees east 12 perches to stones : thence north 53%¢ degrees east 4 perches to stones: thence south 3414 degrees east 12 perches to corner in Brush valley road : thence along said road south 5534 degrees east 4 perches to the place ol beginning, containing 48 perches, thereon erected a two story frarce dwelling house, sta- ble and other outbuildings. " TERMS oF SaLE.—One half of the purchase money to be paid on acknowledgment of deed, and the balance in one year, the deferred pay- ment to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, sale to commence at 10 o'clock a.m, JOHN P. CONDO, Sheriff. OURT PROCLAMATION. - Whereas the Honorable J. G. Love Pres ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleas of't 49th Judicial District, consisting of the ty of Centre and the Honorable Faulkner, Associate Judge in Centr having issued their precept, bearing date the 1st day of Jan. to me rected, . for holding a Court of Oyer and” Terminer and General Jail Delivery and QGarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte; for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of Jan. being the 27th‘day of Jan. 1896, and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constabtes of said county of Centre, that en and there in their proper per- 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 27th, Taper records, inquisitions, examinations, their own remembrances, to do those ‘things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recogni zances to 2 Pita use against the prisoners thal are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 1st day of Jan. in the year of our Lord, 1896, and the one hundred and nineteenth year of the independence of the United States. JNO. P. CONDO. 41-1-4t. Sheriff EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here- by given to all persons interested that the following inventories of goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provis- ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cen- tre county and if no exceptions be filed on or before the first, day of next term the same will utely. ‘ 1. The Inventory and appraisement of the PSrgonal property of George M. Rupp, late of aines township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Susan E. Rupp, : 2. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of John Horner, late of Spring township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Mary Horner. 3. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of George W. Vonada, late of Gregg townsh.p, deceased, as set apart to'his widow, Edith S. Vonada. 4. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of George Eckel, late of Ferguson township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Elizabeth Eckel. 5. The inventory and appraisement of the | personal property ¢f W. E. Duck, of Penn . . : | township, deceased, as set apart to his widow das and quite reasonable in price. Our stock of Cranberries, (at rocts per quart,) he : : white Almeria Grapes, New York Catawbas, (z baskets for 25cts), Lemons, Bananas, and Sweet Potatoes have received careful attention. Also Raisins, Prunes, Citron, . Figs, cleaned Currants, California evaporated fruits, fine mixed table Nuts at 15cts and 2octs per pound, soft shell Almonds zocts per pound, finest Princess paper shells at on every thifig in our store. We | toshis widow, Anna C.' Woodeock. | Sm IE Serban | 8. The inventory and appraisement of the 25Cts per pound, finest Java, Mocha and Rio Coffees, Extracts, Sauces, Pickles, Capers, | a bl enn bis ay them. AND GET BARGAINS. 2 \ | Half Moon township, deceased, as set apart to Mushrooms, Truffles, Etc., but we cannot enumerate further. | his widow, Mary Thompson. We k T 9. The inventory and appraisement of the 2 h2ep 2 large and well selected stock, ! Desiongl property of William Bryson, late of our store once a week | Philipsburg borough, deceaed, as set apart to ? | his widow, R. Louisa Bryson. |" 10. The inventory and appraisement of the | real estate of Michael Willow, late of Centre | Hall borough, deceased, as set apart to his | widow, Mary M. Miller. Dec. 31st, 1895. G. W.RUMBERGER, 1-1 Register. | : Alice Duck. FOR BARGAINS. 6. The inventory and appraisement of the , real and personal property of Benjamin Rich, ! — | late of Unionville borough, deceased, as set | apart to his widow, Martha J. Rich. 7. The invents SPpIajement of ihe : personsal property of John A. oodcock, late COME TO THIS GREAT SALE , of pein La nl Bing deceased, as set apart | — To-day Prices have Dropped—— It will pay any house-keeper to visit ; i] THe Trt ari : : . : | THE LARGEST STOCK OF HORSE e first principle of economy is not alone in saving, but in | COLLARS IN THE COUNTY making a good investment. Trusting you will act on the suggestion. We remain yours very respectfully, SECHLER & CO. JAMES SCHOFIELD, BELLEFONTE, PA. KATZ & CO., Limited. 38-1 33-37 40-15