Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 10, 1896, Image 4
Demorealic Watcha rn pe re ie Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 10, 1896. P. GRAY MEEK, - - - EbpiToR. John Sherman's Assurance. It takes a great deal of assurance on the part of JoHN SHERMAN to get up on the floor of the Senate and arraign the Democratic party for being respon- sible for the present financial embar- rassment. Immense cheek is required for such a pertormance, but ‘Honest JorN (2) is equal to that requirement. 1f there is any public character who has done more than SHERMAN for the promotion of vicious financiering, and tor the enactment of injurious carrency laws, it will be certainly hard to find him. Financial and currency legisla. tion, since the war, has been nothing but a system of makesnilts and tem- porary expedients, The Republicans have been entirely responsible for it, it having been done exclusively by them, and JoHN SHERMAN wae the head manager of their financial policy and currency measures. They estab- lished the various kinds of government paper mouey, inciuding the greenbacks, treasury notes, silver certificates, and all the floating evidences of govern- ment indebtedness for the redemption of which the treasury is responsible. If there is anything wrong in this system, and if itis productive of embarrass- ment, they are to be blamed for it. Our currency is certainly a very complicated affair, and the manage- ment of it imposes great difficulties upon the government. The task of re- deeming this vast paper indebtedness with payment in gold is not an easy one, particularly when Republican ex- travagance bas depleted the treasury, and every effort is made to prevent the administration from replenishing the reserve that is required for the redemp- tion of the government demand notes. This ie the situation at the time Jonx SHERMAN has the face to get up in his seat and charge the Democrats with having caused this trouble. Does he suppose that it has been forgotten that the last Democratic Congress had to apply itselt to the work of repealing his gilver purchaeing act, a measure that caused more embarrassment than any other that ever affected the finan- ces, and which, by the heavy outlay of government money in the purchase ot unneeded silver bullion, would have ‘swamped the treasury ? That result was only a question of time, whena Democratic Congress put an end to such a drain on the resources of the government. It canvot be supposed that he mis- understands the cause of the existing financial difficulty, and therefore he must be regarded as deliberately mis. representing it when he declares that the trouble is due to a want of revenue, and that the reduction of the McKix- LEY tariff must be blamed forit. This position is entirely untenable in the face of the fact that the WiLson tariff is producing more revenue than was produced by the McKINLEY measure, and that all the tariffs that could be laid would not produce the gold coin that is required to redeem the govern ment’s paper money. The embarrass- ment springs from this requirement, imposed by Republican currency laws; but SHERMAN would like to take ad- vantage of it as an excuse for restoring the taxation or the McKINLEY tariff. Slunk Out of Sight, What has become of the paltry character named BARRETT, a represen: tative in Congress from Massachusetts, who in the rs of this eession introduced a resolution for the im- peachment of ambassador Bayarp ? -At the time that fellow committed this foolish act the Republican jingoes were riding a high horse. They were bringing all sorts of insane charges against the administration for knuck- ling to England and sacrificing the national honor at the foot of the Brit- ish throne. Ambassador BaYarp was particularly the object of their scur- rilous attacks: According to their representations his entire time was taken up in toadying to the English no- bility and patting the British lion. Such windy patriots as BouUTELLE, LoDGE, CranbLER; ‘and others of the jingo tribe, were emptying the vials of their abuse and misrepresentationupolr him, and the climax was put on these crazy proceedings by the jackaes trom Massachusetts offering a resolution for the ambassador’s iinpeachment. While these high jinks were in progress the American representative at the English court was engaged in the high ministerial duty of urging the protest of his government against British encroachment in South Amer- ica. He was the medium through which the administration was insisting | cription the WATCHMAN office is the that Venezuela shouldjhave her rights and should not be trampled upon by English power, and he was performing this duty with excellent ability and pa- | triotic fidelity at the time his con- | temptible jingo traducers were charg: ing him with sacrificing American in. | terest and honcr. At the very moment | when the foolish representative from : Massachusetts was presenting his reso- lution of impeachment in the House, and Republican partisanship was re-' joicing over it, the ambassador was grappling with the English pretensions | in the controversy that culminated eso gloriously in the Venezuela message. | The President’s position on this im- | portant international question, of which ambassador Bavarp” was the | able representative at the British court, bas been trinmphantly maintained, and the petty creature who introduced the impeachment resolution has siunk out of sight. Expected Attack on Havana. @ eat Preparation Being Made on Account of the Unchecked Advance by Gomez. Havana, January 5.—Havana has spent a day of nervousness and has been in hourly apprehension of an attack by the insurgent army or a part of it. The authorities no longer make the slightest concealment of the serious view they take of the situation and there are some who donot hesitate to rail at the Spanish generals and the troops and make bitter criticisms of them. There has been great fear that the light and water supply of the city would be cut off by a sudden raid of the insurgent forces. Special preparations for the defense of the works that supply these have been made and artillery has been placed to command them against all probable sources of attack. All possi- ble recruits have been enlisted for the defense of the city and the available, grounds about the city has been fille with batteries of artillery, which are manned night and day, The Spanish authorities have main- tained a cordon of military forces run- ning from Havana to the town of Ba- tabano, on the south coast, since the invasion of Matanzas province by the | insurgents, beyond which they hoped to prevent the advance of the destroy- ing columus of their enemies. This cordon has proved no more eftective than did the line of La Techa, which was laid to keep the insurgents out of Santa Clara province. : This line was broken yesterday by the forces under Gomez, and the main body of the insurgents to-day passed into the Province of Pinar del Rio, and are now overrunning that province with fire and the sword. The passage was affected near Ralabano at Poso Redondo, and Gomez burned the vil- lage of Gabriel on the way, and par- tially destroyed the town ot Guira Me- lena and of Alquihar, The work of destruction in Havana Province has been ae complete as was that in Mat. anzas, and the sugar lands ot Pinar del Rio have all been overrun by the insurgents, and all the plantations de- stroyed. INSURGENTS NEAR HAVANA. Tanpa, Fla., Jaouary!5——An Ameri- can passenger arriving from Cuba to- night reports that the insurgents are within seventeen miles of Havana. According to his statement Gomez has 22,000 men. The insurgents buroed Quivican, San Felipi, Duran, Melena, Del Sur and Guara on Friday night. These places are twenty miles from Havana. General Campos has issued a mani- festo to his officers, urging a strict obe- dience to his orders and threatening those disobedient to dishonorable re- turn to Spain in forty-eight hours. SPANISH TROOPS ROUTED. Boston, Jawuary 5.—The Globe's staff correspondent in Cuba cables via. Vera Cruz “A desperate battle was fought yesterdey near Colon. The Spanish troops were rounted and suf- fered heavy loss. “The insurgents captured the Span- ich artillery and have gained a position commanding the overland entrance to Havana. General Oliver was killed and General Campos’ son seriously wounded.” Belligerency of Cuban Insurgents. To Be Considered by Senate Committee on For- eign Relations. ‘WasHINGTON, Jan. 8.—The senate committee on foreign relations met this morning, but considered no business of importance. Among the questions re- ferred to the committee for action are the affairs relating to Cuba, Venezuela and Armenia. The recognition of the belligerent rights of the Cubans will be the first thing taken up at the meeting on Saturday. There ie no division of sentiment among the members on this subject. should the insurgents secure Havana or make a vital attack on the Spanish troops that would give them a stronger foothold on the island, the Senate will, it is believed, at once pass the resolution recognizing the belligerency of the Cu- bans. The informal discussion by the members of the committee has shown the pratical unanimity with which they look upon this question. The only ele- ment of doubt in the whole case is, when is the proper time to grant the rights prayed for by the Cubans. The meet-| ingon Saturday may result in impor- tant action on this subject. SIEGE GUNS FOR HAVANA. Havana, Dec. 31, via Tampa, Fla., Jan. 8.—Four heavy siege guns have been disembarked at La Machino in this harbor. They will complete the several forte and sea batteries of this city. They are the heaviest and most destructive guns in the West Indies. ——1If you want printing of any dis- place to have it done. $£100,000,000 of New Bonds. Secretary Carlisle Offers Them for Public Sub. scription.— Purchasers Must Pay Gold.—The Bonds to be Dated February 1, 1895, and to be Payable in Coin Thirty Years After That Date and to Bear Interest at Four Per Cent. Per Annum—Sealed Proposals for the Pure chase of the Bonds to be Received at the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury Until 13 o'clock M. on Wednesday, February 5th. WasHINGTON, January 4.—Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle at 11:55 o'clock to-night issued the following bond circular from the Treasury De- partment : : “Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, at Washington. D. C., until 12 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, the 5th day of February, 1896, for the purchase of one hundred million dollars ($100,000, 000) of United States four. per cent. coupon or registered bonds, in denomi- nations of fifty dollars ($50) and multi plies of that sum, as may be desired by biddere. ; “The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. PURCHASERS MUST PAY GOLD. “I'he bounds will be dated on the 1st day of February, 1895, and be payabie in coin thirty vears after that date, and will bear interest at four per centum per annum, payvatie quar terly, in coin, but all coupons ma- turing on or before the Ist day of Feb- ruary, 1896, will be detached, and pur: chasers will be required to pay in Uni. ted States gold coin, or gold certifi- cates, for the bonds awarded to them, and all interest accrued thereon after the 1st day of February, 1896, up to the time of application for delivery. “Payments for the bonds must be made at the Treasury of the United States at Washington, D. C., or at the United States sub-treasuries at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Cincinnati, Chicago, St Louis or New Orleans, or they may be made at San Francisco with exchange on New York, and all bids must state what denominations of bonds are de- sired, and whether coupon or register- ed, and at what place they will be paid for. THE PAYMENT OF THE BONDS. “Payments may be made by install. ments, as follows : : “Twenty per cent. upon receipt of notice of acceptance of bids, and twenty per cent. at the end of each ten days thereafter ; but all accepted bidders may pay the whole amount at the date of the firet installment, and those who have paid all installments pre viously maturing may pay the whole amount of their bids at any time, not later than the maturity of the last in: stallment. “The bonds will be ready for deliv- ery on or before the 15th day of February, 1896. “Notice is hereby given that if the issue and sale of an additional or dit ferent form ot bond for the mainte- nance of Rs reserve shall be au- thorized by aw before the 5th day of February, 1896, sealed proposals for the purchase of such bonds will also be received at the same time and place, and up to the same date, and wae A upon the same terms and conditions herein set forth, and such bids will be considered as well as the bids for the four per cent. bonds here- in mentioned.” Will Be No War. German-American Papers’ Opinions on the Transvaal Trouble. New York, Jan. 8.—The Staats Zeitung to-morrow will say editorially regarding the Transvaal situation, that England will soon cool down, just as she did in the Venezuelan affair. It calls the raid into the Transvaal a game, aod says the powers have grown tired of “fetching England’s chestnuts from the grate.” CiNciNNATI, Jan. 8.—The Volks- blatt, Republican, does not believe the affair portends war, and says there will be an adjustment by England quietly pocketing tbe justly deserved slaps she received from Germany. The Volksfreund, Democrat, also declares there will be no war between Germany and England, and expresses the opinion that England bas no more right to ex- ercise a protectorate over the South Af- rican republic than Germany, and tbe-| lieves that the quarrel, like the Vene- zuelan matter, will be settled by diplo- macy. Cricaco, Jan. 8.—Postmaster Wash- ington Hesing’s paper, the Democratic Staats Zeitung, says that Englands traditional rowdyism has been gone one better by Kaiser William, whereat England is angry, and asserts that Great Britain’s prestige is on the wane, St. Louis, Jan. 8.—Editor Pre- torious, of the Westliche Post, who is a namesake and kinsman of the first president of the Trausvaal republic, Andrew Pretorious, in whose honor the capital was named, forcibly con- trasts the courage of the Boers with ‘the pitiable position of the ‘‘peace-at- any-price’”’ men in this country, led by stock jobbers and boards of trade, and applauds the stand taken by_Em- peror Williaa. MiLwaukee, Jan. 8.—The Herald does not fear that it will result in an explosion, saying that England can- not aftord to pick a row with the whole world. “The Date Still a Secret. No Announcement Made of When Mrs. Vander- bilt and Mr. Belmont Will Wed. NEw York, Jan. 9.—A friend of Mrs. Alva Vanderbilt said to-day that no one except Mrs. Vanderbilt, Mr. Belmont and two or three intimate ac- quaintances had any real knowledge of the wedding arrangements, and they will not tell. 5 January 8th and 16th wore mentioned as probable dates of the marriage. It will be a very quiet event. Mr. Belmont called at Mrs. Vanderbilt’s home this afternoon and again this evening. Celebration of Jackson's Day. The Victory at New Orleans Remembered Wednes- day Night. Big Time in Philadelphia— The Young Men’s Democratic Association Gave a Dinner—Among the Guests of the Evening Was Vice President Stevenson. Secretary Smith Spoke to the Toast. “The Public Credit” PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 8. —For the six- teenth year the Young Men’s Demo- cratic association, of Philadelphia, to- night, observed the anniversary of the victory of Andrew Jackson over the British at New Orleans, by a dinner. The dinner was held in the banqueting ball of the new bourse building, and was attended by about ers of the association. The pfincipal guests of the evening were : Xice President Stev- enson, Secretary of the Interior, Hoke Smith ; D. N. Morgan, treasurer of the United States; United States Senator James Faulkner, of West Virginia, and John L. Seymour, commissioner of patents. . Attorney General Harmon was ex- pected to be present to respond to the toest, ‘The President of the United States,”” but he was detained in Wash- ington by government business before the supreme court. Secretary Smith spoke to the toast, ‘The Pablic Credit.” Mr. Smith’s speech wasone in advocacy of a gold standard. as opposed to free silver. ; In opening his address, Secretary Smith declared that Andrew Jackson wag a sound money Democrat. He then reviewed the record of the Democratic administration from March 4, 1885, to March 4, 1889, showing that it had paid over $230,000,000 in the treasury in ex- cess of the gold reserve. While the Re- publican administration which followed paid off $288,000,000 of bonds, it found a surplus in the treasury almost suffi- cient with which to make the payments, and left the treasury practically empty, with the exception of the gold reserve, when it turned it over to the Damocrats on March 4, 1893. Annexation of the Hawallans. A Resolution on the Subject Introduced in the House. WasHiNGTON, Jan, S—The House celebrated the anniversary of the bat- tle of New Orleans, known as ‘Jack- gon's day,” by remaining in session but forty minutes. Half of that time wag occupied in the reading of the journal. In the other twenty minutes geveral unimportant routine matters were considered ; and a joint resolution offered by Mr. Spalding, Republican, of Michigau was read and referred to the committee on foreign affairs look- ing to the annexation of the Hawaiian islands. The session of the Senate to-day occu- pied less than an hour's time, the rest of the afternoon being given up to the caucus of Republican Senators to agree upon a line of action on the House ter- iff bill, when Mr. Sherman, Republi- can, of Ohio, made the motion to ad- jours. He gave a hint as to the pur- pose he had in view in waking it, and assured the Senate that an early ad- journment would expedite business, and so the motion was agreed to with- out dissent from any Senator, except Mr. Stewart, Populist, of Nevada, who desired the Senate to continue in ses- sion an hour longer that he might make a speech in favor of the free coinage of silver. The only incidents of note during the filty minutes of the session were these: The swearing in of Senator Wolcott, Republican, of Colorado, for his new tern; the reporting of an important bill from the committee on naval affairs for the enlistment of additional men for the navy, and the notice by Mr. Butler, Populist, of North Carolina, of amendments to the Hopse bond bill, with the tree coinage substitute. The amendments propose to prohibit any issue of United States bonds without the authority of Congress, and to re- auire the payment of greenbacks, treasury notes and the interest and the principal of bonds in either gold’or silver, but in the cheaper of those metals, The adjournment was until to-mor- row. 1 Looks Like a Backdown. Salisbury to Place the Venezuelan Matter Be- fore Parliament. Loxpon, Jan. 8.—There is little doubt that the Chronicle's Washington dispatches have had a good effect bere in showing that it is more than likely that Great Britain is wrong in the oundary dispute, and, following the hronicle correspondent’s suggestion thet some means of arbitrating the méitter should be promptly found, the foreign office to-day issued a formal statement that, while it wishes to do everything in its power as consistently ag it can to furnish all the available matter that may tend to better the feel- ing between the two governments, it must be realized that the correspond- ence extends over 55 years and is in various languages. Therefore it is not a matter which can be compiled in a few daye. The statement of the foreign office ended with the remark : “The Marquis of Salisbury is engaged upon the matter and a full statement will be placed before Parliament as speedily as poesible.” Things That Have Happened at State College. Prof. L. E. Reber, who has been on the sick Aist for some time, is rapidly recovering. Prof. W. B. Jackson, of the University of Wisconsin, is visiting his brother, Prof. J. Price Jackson, of this place. Mr. Chas. L. Heisler, a prominent engineer of New York city, has been employed by the Dep't. of Mechanical engineering. Dr. Uriah Reed, of Jersey Shore, one of the solid men of Lycoming county, visited his nephew, Mr. Oliver Glover, a few days last week. Miss Nell Patterson has gone to College Park, Md:, where she will visit her brother, Harry. director of the M ryland agricultural experiment station. I'he Rev. A. Laurence Milier and wife are visiting at the home of Mr. W. C. Patterson. | We are much gratified to see Rey. Miller in improved health. off $341,448,000 of bonds and had left | An Entergaining Letter from California. Miss Chestie A. Potter, at cone Time a Resident of Bellefonte, Writes to Tell Her Sister, Aimy, in Milesburg, all About Her New Home in California. Many Facts of Interest Told in an Entertaining Letter. SANTA BARBARA, CAL. DEC. 25. 1895. My Dear Sister :—Something over a year ago I gave you an account of my trip to this place. I will now give you a description of this quaint old city, after a year’s experience. I have been boarding at the Arlington hotel almost ever since I came here. It isa very commodious building, having over four hun- dred guest rooms in itand a most excellently appointed hostlery. The guests here repre- sent almost every portion of the two conti- nents. Wealth, fashion and learning are signif- icantly represented here. The exquisite beauties that nature has bestowed upon this part of her creation augments the joys of every refined pleasure seeker—and he or she whose privilege it is to accommodate themselves to these felicitous eircumstances, is immeasur ably happy. The hotel commands a delightful view of the oceans pacific waters and the steamer and sail ship as they come and go from land to land. These sublime waters create within your bosom the most lofty conceptions of the purity and power of nature's God They per- fectly electrify the higher nature of man and bear him to Elysian fields! This city is a great health resort and has many advantages over inland towns ; it is one hundred and ten miles up the coast from Los Angeles and is the most picturesque of all the southern California towns. Situate on a nar- row portion of land that lies between the Santa Inez mountains and the ocean it ccmbines all the advantages of a mountain and a sea-side resort. Here we find ldxuriant foliage reaching to the very edge of the ocean and the bracing air of the sea combined with that of the mountain. In front of the city, stretch- ing away to the southwest, is the smooth, hard beach, presenting an unbroken drive-way for many miles ; while in the rear of the city the toad-ways lead into deep wooded canons, where one is completely shutin by the tower- ing mountains and where the many shady trails, within the foot. hills, afford oppor!unities for delightful horse-back rides. Owing to the moistening influence of the sea fogs, which invade the coast at night, the entire country round about is always clothed with verdnre, not to be found elsewhere, except during the rainy season, which renders it possible, to raise all kinds of products, with- out the irrigation necessary in other parts of the State. It is said that southern Californians ‘irrigate, cultivate and exaggerate.” In Santa Barbara, by reason of the first being unnecessary, we might readily believe that we are addicted to the last, as the most wonderful stories of Cali farnia growths are to be heard on every hand. I here repeat what I have been jnformed. It has been said that a tomatoe vine, less than a year old, measured twenty feet in height and thirty feet in width. Pumpkins weigh two hundred and fifty pounds and measure from six to eight feet in circumference. One is said to have been so large that when it was cut and scooped out by the man who raised it his daughther and little child got inside of it and as there was yet room to spare he and his wife got in—the daughter and child first got out. Cucumbers are said to grow six feet in length. It is said that seven beets, raised near here, aggregated five hundred pounds in weight ; while strawberries large enough for three or four bites, are not at all uncommon. The century plant, which matures here, in twelve years, sends up its flourishing shoot, at the rate of twelve inches a day ; and it is said the soil is so fertile, that if a cigarette is placed in the ground at night, in the morning it is a cigar. A truthfu! woman, has told the follow- ing : “A farmer raised a thousand bushels of pop corn, and stored it in a barn; the barn caught fire, and the corn began to pop, and filled a ten acre field ; an old horse in a neigh- boring pasture, had defective eye sight, saw the corn, thought it was snow, and lay down, and froze to death.” These stories—after be, ing properly discounted, will serve my purpose of illustrating the vigorous growth of vegeta- tion in California. A truthful natural curiosity, is a big grape vine whose trunk measures eighteen inches in diameter, whose branches extend horizon- tally over an area of ten thousand square feet, and produces over ten thousand pounds of grapes, annually, growing in Monte Ceto. Wild flowers abound on every hand and es- pecially do the fields of golden eschscholtzia, acres in extent, brighten the landscape with their gorgeous colors. Roses clamber over the roofs of houses, and it is said that one bush bore two hundred thousand blossoms. About Santa Barbara there are many beauti- ful drives, one of the most prominent being that to the north, passing through undulating country where the hill-side vineyards are even more picturesque than those in the leveler lands, and leading to the Cooper and Hollister ranches and through the beautiful Elwood cancn, lying between them. Another equally attractive drive, but in the opposite direction, is through Monte Ceto, an ideal suburb of handsome residences, with magnif- icent grounds surrounding them. In the open, to the rear of, and above the city, com- pletely overlooking it, stands the Santa Bar- bara mission, built in 1786. Another of the very few still standing and in use. Extending to the left the building used by the monks is fronted by & most beautiful cloister with tiled floor and numerous arches. An extension to therear, together with the other two just mentioned, form three sides of the rectangle enclosing the garden. Within this garden no woman's feet have ever trod, except those of Princess Louise, of England, who upon her visit here some years ago was permitted to step just within the door. A protanation which was immediately dispelled by the sprinkling of the ground with holy-water. The city is built after the olden Spanish style of architecture, though of recent years reatly modernized. What man has been acking in art kind nature has abundantly supplied. David must have been stopping -here for his health, when he wrote the -nine- teenth and twenty-third Psalms for his imagery is true to the surroundings. The greatest, the wealthiest, the wisest King of the East, in all of his glory is not to be compared to even —our lilies of the valley. Say nothing about our innumerable flowers of incomparable love: liness and ordors of inexhaustable sweetness ! Hoping I have not wearied you Iam , as ever, Yours affectionately. CHESTIE A. POTTER. —— Books, Magazines, Etc. No one ever thought of introducing so ex- pensive a feature as lithographic color work in the days when the leading magazines sold for $4.00 a year and 85 cents acopy. But times change and the magazines change with them. It has remained for The Cosmopolitan, solo at one dollar a year, to put in an extensive litho- graphic plant capable of printing 320,000 pages per day (one color). The January issue pre- sents as a frontispiece a water color drawing by Eric Pape, illustrating the last story by Robert Louis Stevenson, which has probably never heen excelled even in the pages of the finest dollar French periodicals. The cover of The Cosmopolitan is also changed, a draw- ing of page length by the famous Paris artist Rossi, in lithographic colors on white paper takes the place of the manilla back with its red stripe. Hereafter the cover is to be a fresh surprise each month. Pine Grove Mention. This being the week of prayer union services are being held inthe M. E. church and are well attended. On account of the cold snap last Satur- day thc Decker and Marts shooting match was almost a fizzle. Nothing but a few cockerels were disposed off. The gobblers were held over for fairer weather. Mrs, P. F. Bottorfand Mrs. J. B. Mitch- ell are both under the care of Dr. Woods suffering with pulmonary trouble, while Mrs. W. Harris Bloom is slowly recover- ing from a severe attack of pleurisy. Young William Musser’s inclination are for wildwestern scenes, for which he started on the 8th inst. expecting to spend some time in northern Illinois and then continuing his journey westward in the spring. : Our young friend Samuel McWilliams took his leave from his hosts of friends» last Monday morning, to be enrolled in the 1896 class at the Lock Haven State Normal. Young Samuel will be found to possess the required physical qualifica- tion to be admitted and we hope to hear ot his early graduation at the head of his class. At the last meetingin the old year of '95, Cap’t. J. O. Campbell, post No. 272, G. A. R, of this place, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: William F. Heberling, P. C.; D. W Miller, S.V. C.» J. W. Sunday, J. V.C.; William H. Fry, Adj't.; J. G. Heberling, Q. M. ; W. D. Port, Surgeon ; D. S. Erb, Chaplain; H.R. Yar- nell, 0. D.;: D. LL. Miller, 0. ¢.; J. He. Miller, 8. M.; J. G. Tyson, Q. M. S. ANOTHER MIDWINTER WEDDING.—Anoth- er young couple unable to longer resist Cupid’s darts. In this time of numerous weddings Mr. James Asher Sankey‘yield- ed to the advice of his legion of friends to go and do likewise and a ceremony, on Thursday, the 2nd inst. united him in marriage to Miss Gertrude Osman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Osman, near Pine Hall. The marriage nuptials were per- formed at noon at the bride's home, by Rev. Aikens, in the presence of a number of invited guests. After the usual con- gratulations a splindid dinner was served, after which the newly wedded couple left for Pennsylvania State College, resuming their journey next day to the home of H. P. Sankey, the groom’s father, in Potter township, where a large reception was tendered them. This ended the honey- moon trip as the bride will finish her term of teaching while the groom goes to the sunny South with a view of looking up a location in which to launch their matri- monial boat. Miss Osman, the bride, is anaccomplished young lady, well known in educational circles, as she has for years been one of our most efficient teachers and is in every way fitted for a helpmate to the man of her choice. The WATCH- MAN tenders congratulations. Port Matilda Pointers The holidays passed off very pleasantly, so did a lot of fine turkeys. The week of prayer is being observed in the M. E. church here this week. There is quite a large attendance. Having been silent for some time we will try and give you some of the happenings of our community for the past few days. We are having very cold weather at present and, in consequence, those who have ice houses are filling them with good clear ice, preparatory to the ice cream season. Mr. Stine,an Altoona evangelist, has been holding very interesting services in the Bap- tist church at this place. Several penitents have been at the altar. Mr. Stine is a fine Bible scholar, therefore attracts large audi- ences. \ W. M. Chronister, one of our good natured as well as corpulent citizens and an aspirant for sheriffalty honors in Centre county, pack- ed his grip and hied himself off to New York State, on business, on Monday. Before start- ing he promised your correspondent not to electioneer any up there. Mrs. Mollie Cowher, wife of Samuel Cowher, of this place, died at 1 o'clock New Year’s morning ; having passed away with the old year, leaving a husband and five children to mourn their loss. Deceased was buried in Black Oak cemetery on the 3rd inst., Rev. G. P. Sarvis, officiated. From reports it would seem that Halfmoon township has a white elephant on its hands in the shape of a new road scraper which was received at this station a few days ago. About a year ago the supervisors of that township purchased a stone crusher at considerable cost to the tax payers and some of them are kicking like Texas steers now. They say that a road machine can not be operated in that township, because of the solid limestone road-beds, but others hold different views and the court might yet be appealed to to set- tle the controversy. We were informed by a resident of that township that there would be a meeting of the tax payers in the Centennial school house, on Wednesday evening, to dis- cuss the wisdom of the purchase. Marriage. McMONIGAL—EWING.—At the residence of Samuel Cowher, at Port Matilda, on the 20th ult. Daviel McMonigaland Emma Ewing, by H. H. Osman J. P. New Advertisements. 7 "A FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. The home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale cheap. A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 75x 200, new frame stable, brick ice house and” other out buildings. The house is in excellent repair, has all modern improvements, bath, hot and cold water on two floors, furnace in cellar and a large cistern. Write or call on M. W.COWDRICK, 40 43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. A IKEN'S STORE. N.™ LADIES’ AND MISSE'S AND CAPES ——HALF PRICE— $10——COATS FOR—$ ——ALMOST———GIVEN——=AWAY,— A few left at $1.00 a piece. 0o—COME IN QUICK.—o A new stock of fine fur capes, just from New York. Awfully low. Real barj:atns, A1k+N Brock. J. A. AIKENS, 41-2-4t BELLEFONTE, PA.