iT a ct Pért Matilda Pointers. © ~~ |” As we have been.unavoidably silent for the last two weeks we will again endea¥or to en- lighten the public as to the doings of our town and neighborhcod. ‘ ‘ Qur town and township were pretty well represented at the county seat last week. |' Court was in session. Some came home well is life. - _ As Christmas is only a short way off our Sanday schools are putting forth every effort to have agrand entertainment on Christmas eve. They are all well attended at this par- ticular season of the year. . “lng Mr. Curtin Thompson, principal of the Snow Shoe schools, was called home, on Tuesday, on aecount of the serious illness of his father, Mr. A. J. Thompson, who resides at Storms- town. As the gentleman is very. carpulent, weighing about 350lbs there is little hope of his recovery trom this, the third stroke of paralysis he has suftered. ri It is reported that we are. to have a new rail- road within a few miles of our town. The engineers are now on the route. Itis said it will cross the public. road to Philipsburg at what is called “Flat Rock,” three miles. from here. The ‘line should bé'run right up the valley {6 Por} as there is as good a grade to cross the mountain from- this place as could be desired and would not cost half as much to build as the route the engineers are now on. If this assertion is doubted we. invite them to come this way and we will prove it by showing them the lay of the land. : ET SES AR Grange Resolutions of Respect. CHRISTIAN DALE. Resolutions in respect of Christian Dale Jr. of Pleasant Gap, by Logan grange, No. 109, P of H. . : Wuereag, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our worthy Brother, our kind “meighbor, a good citizen and loyal friend we trust that our Joss may be his gain. Resolved, That in the death of Christian Dale Jr., Logan grange has lost one of her charter members, one of the instigators of the grange, whose untiring energy and devotion has brought it to be one of the most progressive granges in this county. Resolved, That the patrons of Logan grange and the people of the community in which he lived have sustained a loss which nothing can replace and received a wound which time can” not heal. j . Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the Drmocratic Warcuwan and Gazette a copy to be sent to the bereaved fam" ily and that the charter be draped in mourn” ing. : ) dae : C.S. Hazen, A W. H. MILLER om. 6 G. W- MILLE, : WILLIAM THOMPSON SR. Resolutions of respect on the death of Wm. Thompson Sr;, worthy lecturer of Victor grange, No. 159, P.of H. > WieReas, It has pleased Almighty God, in his wise providence, to remove from our midst our worthy and esteemed brother: Therefore be Resolved, That we the members of Victor grange No. 159, P. of H. sincerely_mourn our loss that in the death of our brother this grange loses one of its ‘most earnest and ac- tive members ; ready ‘at all times to promote the interests of the order, a man whose vir- tues and Christian character endeared him not only to the members of the order but to all with whom he came in contact. Resolved, Therefore whilst the order and community deeply feel the loss of a most honorable Christian citizen and neighbor let us ever follow his example and yield to him who doeth all things well. Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days and that these resolutions be published in the county papers, J. B. Mavrs, { W. E. Grove, » Com. Mrs. A. E. Grove. J Marriage. SMITH—~HAMILTON.—At the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. A. Hamilton, on Wil- lowbank street, Dec. 8, 1895, by Rev. G. E. Zehner, Mr. A. Clyde Smith and Miss Han- nah B. Hamilton, both of this place: ; ——All the new weaves in dress a= boucle crepons, at Lyon & Co's. Sechler & Co. SECHLER pleased, but it was different with others. Buch" ' administration : settlement. ‘New Advertisements. S.. TAYLOR, Attorney and Counsellor eo at-Law. Office, No.24 Temple Court fourth floor Bellefonte, Pa. Ali kinds ‘of legal business attended to promptly. . 40-49 - DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of. bonus non, on estate. of Samuel Noll Sr., late of Spring JoRnehl: ‘deceased were issued to the undersigned. Al persons knowing themselves indebted to said ' estate will make immediate payment. Those having claims will present them at once for JOHN NOLL, Adm: d.b. n/ 40-48-6t Bellefonte Dec. 4th, 1595. OTICE OF INQUEST IN PAR- TITION. - To the heirs of the estate of John Rishel, Dec'd. late of Gregg township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, to wit: ‘To Catharine Rishel, widow of decedent, Farmer's Mills, Centre county, Pa. M. L. Rish-, el, Farmer's Mills, Centre county, Pa. Rosetta E. Smith, Dakato, Illnois, Sarah” Weaver now deceased, leaving to survive her, William Weaver her hus and, Penns Cave, Centre county, Pa., Andrew J. Weaver, child, Colyer, . Centre county, Pa, Emma R. Scholl, child, Farmer's Mills, Centre county, Pa., Newton 8, Weaver, child, Williamsport, Lycoming coun- ty, Pa., Martha Schreckengast, Penns Cave, Centre county, Pa.,John Weaver, child, Penns Cave, Centre cornty, Pa., Elizabeth Armbrus- ter, now deceased, leaving to survive her George Armbruster her husband, Farmer's Mills, Centre connty, Pa., Kate B. Armbruster, Rosetta Armbruster and Lottie M. Armbruster, minor children, who have for their Guardian M. L. Rishel, Farmer's Mills, Centre coun- t a. Si sy Lan Ys notice that in Lujtanes of an order of the Orphans Court of Centre Lonniy a writ of | partition has been issued from said court to the sheriff of said county, returnable on Mon. day the 27th day of Jan. 1895, and that an in- quest will be held for .the Purpose of making rtition of real estate of said .decedent on onday Dec. 30th, 1895, at 9 o’lock a. m.,on. the premises, at which time and place you can be Desont if you see proper. ; All that certain. messuage, tenement and tract of land eituate in the township of Gregg, county of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On. the north by lands of the heirs of I. J. Smith and Samuel Jungs on the east by lands of Catharine Neidigh, D. Armbruster and I. J. Smitk’s heirs ; On the south by lands of J.B. Fisher and Catharine Rishel ; and on the west by lands of Catharine Rishal, Mrs. Samuel’ Rachow, Sarah A. Weaver's heirs, Elizabéth Armbruster’s heith, Jermiah Stover, and Mc- Murray's heirs, containing one hundred and fifty acres (150) more or. less. ‘Th ed a two story dwelling house, on erect- nk barn and ‘| other out buiidings. Whergof partition yet remains to be made to and’among the heirs of said decedent. Sheriff's office, JNO. P. CONDON, Bellefonte Dec. lith. - Sheriff. 40 49 . § jzapEns ,CEADER’S CEADER’S Anything and everything for the holidays in’ the way of sweet. meats and tree trimmings can be-had «t the lowest. possible prices. THE FIN —THE FINEST BREAD AND CAKES— Buy where you can get everything of the best ——ICES IN ALL DESIGNS — For the Holiday season we will make a specialty of ices and eakes made to order and delivered in any design desired. JOSEPH CEADER'S, Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE, PA. 40 49 New Advertisements. Watchmaking-- Jewelry er SUN. The first of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor, . The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spir- it. These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, . : Daily and Sunday, by mail, 48 a year. THE SUNDAY SUN—— is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c, a copy. By mail, §2 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. 40 49 4¢ RUITS I AND CONFECTIONS ACHENBACH'S = Rt OUR SPEQIALTIES 0 0 0 o 0 0 "FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. © 0 oo © o0 0 oo o FINE CANDY BOXES, HUYLER'S GOODS TREE DECORATIONS -—AND —- 40c CHOCOLATES FOR 25c — in Besides a full line of all kinds of con- fections we wili make a specialty of ices and cakes for the: holiday season. Any thing and everything iu style and to the taste. Orders taken at any time. ACHENBACH, Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE, PA. 40 49 OTICE OF INQUEST IN PAR. TITION.—To the heirs of the estate of Margaret Reese, deceased, late of Union township, Uentre county, Pennsylvania, to wit: To T. M. Reese, Conrad, Potter county, Pa., Anna E. Homan, Philipsburg, Centre county, Pa;, Clara J. Snyder, Tyrone, Blair county, Pa., Bella Weld, Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pa., Euretta E. Hoover, Flemin , Centre. county, Pa., Loey V. Marshall, Linden, Lycoming county, Pa., Francis M. Reese, Milesburg, Centre county, Pa., George B. Reese, Punxsu- tawney, Pa. Take notice that in Jorshsnce of an order of the Orphans Court of Centre county, a writ of partition has been issued from said court to the sheriff of said county, returnable on Mon- day, the 27th day of ‘Jan. 1896, and that an in- quest will be held for the purpose of making artition of the real estate of said decedent on Tuesday Dec. 31st, 1895, at 9 o’clocka. m., on the premises, at which time and place you can be present if you see proper. A certain message and tract of land situate in Union township, Centre. county, Penn’a., bounded and described as follows, to wit : beginning at a stone corner in line of land of Valentines & Thomas: thence north sixty- eight degrees west, twenty-six and 4.5 perches to stones : theace by land of Valentine Reese, north twenty one degrees east, forty-eight and 2-5 perches to a hickory : thence by land of Reuben Iddings, south sixteen degrees east twenty-four and 2-5 perches to a ‘White pine : thence south twenty-nine and 1-5 perches to the place of beginning containing four acres and one hundred perches and allowance of six per cent be the same more or less. Also 2 acres adjoining and lying immediately south of the four acres and one hundred Jones, making in all 6 acres more or less. Whereof partition yet remains to be made to and among the heirs of said decedent. JNO. P. CONDO, Sheriff's office Bellefonte, Dec. 11th, Sheriff. 40 49 Sechler & Co. Sechler & Co. & CO’S OPEN LETTER. Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 25th, 1895. As the Holiday Season is so near at hand we wish to remind our friends and the public, generally, that we are well prepared to supply all demands in our line. Almost all kinds of goods are now so low in price that a good American Christ- mas Dinner is within the reach of all. ‘While giving careful attention to securing a fine stock of fruits and luxuries we have not overlooked the every day substantials. We have Pillsbury’s “‘best’”” Minnesota Flour and the leading brands of home manufacture. Bradford Co., pure Buckwheat Flour, new kiln dried Corn Meal, extra fine sugar cured. Hams, breakfast Bacon and dried Beef, white, fat, new Mackeral, rich mild Cream Cheese, genuine Maple Syrup, pure-sugar table Syrups, fine roll dairy and creamery Butter. . We have just received a lot of bright clean New York state Beans that we are sell- ing at the low price of five cents per quart. . The entire lot of twenty-two. bushels will go at that price (no advance) but we can hardly get any more as good as these to sell Don’t miss them, They are fine. > ~ One of the most satisfactory lots of goods we have to offer is our own Mince Meat. Every ounce of material in it is sound, clean and of the finest quality, nothing equal to it has ever been dbtainable. Price, ten cents per pound.. ; It has been almost impossible to get satisfactory Oranges this season, but we have secured some fine Floridas, also some Mexican fruit that is equally as fine as the Flori- das and quite reasonable in price. Our stock of Cranberries, (at 10Cts per quart,) white Almeria Grapes, New York Catawbas, (2 baskets for 25cts), Lemons, Bananas, | and Sweet Potatoes have received careful attention. Figs, cleaned Currants, California evaporated fruits, fine mixed table Nuts at 15Cts find 20cts per pound, soft shell Almonds zocts per pound, finest Princess paper shells® at 25cts per pound, finest Java, Mocha and'Rio Coffees, Extracts, Sauces, Pickles, Capers, at the same price. Mushrooms, Truffles, Etc., but we cannot enumerate further. We keep a large and well selected stock: our store once a week. The first principle of economy is not alone in saving, but in ‘making a good investment. Trusting you will act on the suggestion. We remain yours very respectfully, 38-1 Also. Raisins, Prunes, Citron, It will pay any house-keeper to visit $6 a year. |, Hoovw THOUGHTS We have made generous provis- ion in all our lines, and are pre- pared, as never befole, to meet your demands, with a CHOICE STOCK —— from the best manufacturers, at — PRICES —— that are —VERY MODERATE,— 2 s in addition to a choice selection ot WATCHES, JEW CLOCKS, Hic. WE ARE SHOWING SILVER GOODS ee ——— e—— in endless variety. We believe an inspection of our stock will-be to your-advantage. 27-49 TF. C. RICHARD'S SONS. Wilkinson's China Hall. er Did you ever pass the China Hall when we were’nt either un- packing or shipping goods? Must Must be treating our customers right or be some good reason for it. they would’nt be using so much of our ware. It is, that we sell only the best quality, buying direct from the manufacturer or importing. Saving you two profits—jobber’s.and trad- ing salesman’s,—and money back, We don’t see now anything could be for the asking, if you want it. fairer. Do you? Just now, we are selling Havi- lands Decorated Dinner Sets, ten per cent. cheaper than in Philadel- phia. Decorated English Porcelain Dinner Sets, 112, 117 and 130 Néw Adertisements. OR RENT.—Good seven room Appiy to y JI. 40-13 FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE, The home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale cheap. A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 75x 200, new frame stable, brick ice house and other out buildings. The house isin excellent repair, has all modern improvements, bath, hot and cold water on two floors, furnacein cellar and a large cisters. Write or call on M.W.COWDRICK, 40.43-4 Bellefonte, Pa. the Court of Common Pleas of Centre the Universal Manufacturing Company. undersigned appointed a commissioner by said court to take testimony and ascertain the amount of stock of said company and how dis. tributed among its shareholders, and report same to court, gives notice that he will be in his office, in Bellefonte, on Saturday, Dec. 21st 1895, at 10 a. m., for duties of his appointment. 10 47 3t N. B. SPANGLER, Commissioner. OUSEHOI'D SUPPLIES.—The a _* The Boss Washing Machine, is one of the most complete and successful washers in the market. The Pan American Washing Machine isa very excellent washer for the price and is us- ed by many people. WRINGERS.—We are Jiapased to furnish the greatest variety of the best Clothes Wringers now offered for sale in Centre coun- ty. Notwithstanding the advance in rubber goods, we can sell Clothes-Wringers at’ lower prices:than they have ever been sold inthis community, quality considered. . We invite a careful inspection before purchasing. - 40-45-3m- McCALMONT & CO, A SSIGNEE'S SALE a er iis . VALUABLE FIRE BRICK PROPERTY. The well known William R. Miller Fire Brick Property, Situated at : SANDY RIDGE PA. ‘To be sold at public sale on the premises, on the Tyrone and Clearfield Branch of the Ty- rone Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on Saturday, : DECEMBER 28th, 1895. . . .. At11o%clock A.M, . This property consists of. certain real es- tate situated in Rush township Centre county, Pennsylvania and ‘contains about 374 ACRES OF FIRE CLAY LAND, from which the celebrated William R. Miller fire brick were manufactured, and has there. on crecteda ~ . VALUABLE PLANT eee for the manufacturing of fire brick, RESIDENCE HOUSE, 13 DOUBLE TENE, MENT HOUSES, STORE ROOM, outbuildings, &c., &c:, as per detailed descrip: tion of the premises to be read at the sale. Terus :—Cash, fifteen per cent of bid to be paid when property is knocked down and bal- ance upon delivery of deed to be made within fifteen days after the day of sale. There wilt also be sold at public sale at the same time and placea v ~——LOT OF FIRE BRICK— such as soaps, splits, keys, jambs, arches checkers, wedges, cirele brick, hexagons and furnace tiles; also a lot of other personal prop- erty consisting of mine wagons, mining and firing tools, presses, ‘office furniture, &c., &c., together with all other personal property on or about said promises belonging to the as: signed estate of William R. Miller, Terms for sale of personal Rropetly : cash ve Pieces, full assortment, $9.00 to ode pala hg of sale, upon delivery of ersona! . ‘ $16.00. y _~° JOHN BLANCHARD, W. B. WILKINSON, Asser hs hopret s1e0iam of die Bs. os . . ale of iam R. er. 0 431m BELLEFONTE, PA. 40-47-3t Bellefonte, Pa. Faubles. QUALITY........ Coupled with the Price possible. lowest, Is exactly what you expect from US Is exactly what is promised by US Is exactly what you receive from US YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? - HERE IS A CHANCE! MEN'S SUITS $5.00 we will say nothing about the quality. Oth- ers ask for ‘same goods $7.50. “ MEN'S SUITS $7.50 good honest wearing strictly all wool goods ina styles, dozen different considered cheap in other stores at gx 2.00. MEN'S SUITS $10.00 The very finest Dress Suits, ways. Sack or Cuta- It will amuse ~ you, when others tell you how cheap theirs (the exact same goods) ARE AT g15.00 AND $18.00. OVERCOATS, BOY'S anp SECHLER & CO. CHILDREN’S SUITS, everything IN THE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS LINE, PROPORTIONATELY AS CHEAP. See us and you will buy. Buy, and YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. 4019 FAUBLES. house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte *E1% 8 BROWN, OMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. —In county, in the matter of the ie Bl e Katz & Co. Limited. I THE GLOBE. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY We must have roem for our Holi- day goods. Prices of all goods cut to the very lowest notch. Good fast color CRHCOES......urecrunndets Yard wide unbleached Muslins...414cts Good quality Canton Flannels........ Sets All wool Red 15CtSs Good quality Outing Flannels........ 6cts ‘Red Table Linen, fast colors.........19cts English Cashmere, one yd wide...16cts Ali wool Serge, all. colors, yd wide,25cts _ 50 inch Dress Flannels.... . Storm Serges, yard wide....... rite 17cts All wool Dress Flannele, yawide.25cts inte All Novelty Dress goods reduced ‘one third. Good quality White Table! Linen..25cts Lumbermens Flannel, 80z....... wsi30cts Factory Yarn, 3 ply... eerrenABets Great reductions in Undewear. Ladies Heavy Jersey Vests.......... 17cts: Misses and Childrens Underwear from...... exes. 490erebesrssrnnes «ene 136t8 up. ~ Mens Heavy Undershirtg..............25¢ts. Childrens Silk and Plush Caps re- duced from 75¢cts to 48cts. Every piece of goods in our store shares in this great reduction. 60 SAMPLE COATS AND CAPES AT 350.CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. We purchased this week from a leading New York manufacturer their line of Sample Coats at less than one half what the cloth originally cost. They are all fine’ goods, and we will sell them at one half the regular price. 3 We are overstocked on Misses and Childrens Coats and extra’ bar- gains are in order. Children’s Coats, ‘from 6 to 14 years, formerly sold at $3, $4 and $5. All now reduced to go. ATTEND OUR GREAT . OVERCOAT SALE. $10. Overcoat we are selling at.......§5. $15. Overcoats we are selling at.....$7.50 $20. Overcoats now go at,........50.80. Boys and children’s Overcoats at the same reductions. J i — : ian MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The prices on all trimmed and un- trimed Hats cut exactly in half. Lo —— . KATZ & CO., Limited. 40-15. ;