Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 22, 1895, Image 4

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    in Advance
Terms 2.00 A Year,
Seliefonte, Pa., Nov. 22, 1885.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebpror.
An Impending Calamity.
Though the fact that an unprece-
dented drought has prevailed in all
parts of this State during the late sum-
mer and fall, has been forcibly im-
pressed on nearly every community, a
greater calamity is yet to befall if co-
pious rain-fall is not soon had.
The question as to the cause of the
frequency of long droughts of late
vears is no. longer a mooted one.
Those who have given it any cousid-
eration, whatever, invariably arrive at
the same conclusion. The gradual de-
struction of the wooded areas of the
Commonwealth is the cause of io-
creased . floods and droughts. From a
logieal —standpoint the course from
cause to effect is a most direct one.
When trees are cut away nature's
“greatest absorbents are taken from her.
They take up more water and hold it
longer against “dry spells” than any
of her other agencies. The result be-
ing that wheo heavy rains fall over a
large wooded area the normal condi-
tion of the streams draining it is hard-
ly ever disturbed, for the simple reason
that the trees drink~1n the water and
absorb it about their roots in such a
way as to prevent its all running away.
When the ground becomes thor-
oughly saturated it is a constant well
spring for streams and keeps them at
‘a steady flow.” On the other hand,
where there are no trees to aid the
ground in drinking up-rainfalls, the
water runs away, leaving the earth
packed and hard’and causing sudden
floode. -
Thus it will be seen that the de-
struction of Pennsylvania's forests is
PL e indisputable cause of her droughts
and floods. To avertthe latter is now
a serious question with our peogle.
In truth so serious has the annual loss
from floods and water famines become,
that it might be wise for the Legisla-
ture to step in and give us a law that
will preserve some of our forests.
Arbor day is a step in the right di-
rection, but we fear that it is not ob-
served generally enough to be of any
material benefit to ue. Were the peo-
ple of the Commonwealth to take an
active interest in the matter, the dan-
ger of greater calamities would be
The condition in which this particu-
lar community finds itself on the verge
of winter is certainly most discouraging
At present the streains, wells and
springs in the county are either en-
tirely dry or at the lowest ebb that has
ever been known and unless we have
abundant rain befcre the winter sets
in there is going to be actual distress.
Bellefonte is not likely to suffer, since
her spring has shown no signs ot less-
ening its wonderful flow, but through-
out the country districts, families are
hauling water already.
The approach of Thursday, Nov.
28th, should call to mind the fact that
it will be.the annual day of thanksgiv-
ing. Aside from its being looked for-
ward to as a day of rest-from secular
labor there is a graver duty ior all
to perform. v
It bas heen set aside by proclama-
tion, of the President and &t the Gov-
ernor, a8 the particular day in the year
on which all persons should render
thanke to Gob for the blessings they
have enjoyed.
While some will imagine it a diffi-
cult matter torecall any Divine favor
if they delve deep into the matter they
will find something to be thankful for
and, poseibly, that there has been a
good reason for their wretched condi-
Most of all, should we be thankful
for life and health and those who have
not the latter should thank Gob thay
they are no worse. In this christian
land, Gop's own country, we sincerely
trust that there will be none eo blind
as not to see and recognize the lavish
hand of a kind Providence.
"Blizzard in Indiana.
Laporte, Tad., Nov., 19.—Northern
indiana is in the throes of a: blizzard.
A gale is blowing irom the ncrth and
the enow is being piled up in drifts.
The traine on north and south bound
roads are delayed. Telegraph com-
munication has been seriously interfer-
ed with.
Close of Convention of Methodist
DENVER, Col., Nov. 19.—The Meth-
odist bishops will close their conven-
tion thin evening. This morning they
made a liberal appropriation for mis-
sion work in South America, China
and Japan and contributed uwearly
$40,000 for Methodist mission work in |
. politician and lawyer.
Wish to Lynch the Wreckers.
Great Crowd at Rome, N. Y , Clamoring for the
Lives of Boy Fiends.—Ditched a Fast Mail
Train.—Two Men Killed ani Three Others
Badly Hurt.— Four Lads Did the Foul Deed,
Rome, N. Y., Nov. 19.—The city
hall, in which the police station is lo-
cated, is surrounded to-night by a large
crowd of men, who express freely the
opinion that the New York Central
train-wreckers should be lynched. The
night and day police force is on duty
to prevent trouble.
The inquest over the bodies of Hager
and Bond was commenced to-night.
The principal witness was Miss Celia
Perryn. She testified that Hildreth
came to her home on Cottage street
this morning and ate breakfast. He
told her all, acknowledging that he
took part in wrecking the train. When
they parted he told her she would
probably not see him again, for he ex-
pected to be arrested, as he had lost
his hat, containing his name. He ask-
ed her to telegraph to his father, J.
Homer Hildreth, New York, and tell
him he was in trouble, and to come
immediately, and she said she did as
directed. When Hildreth left her he
said he was going to see the wreck,
aod heftold her she ought to go, for it
was a sight. He told her also that
they did it to rob the passengers. He
said all he did was to lead the boys to
the place.
Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 19.—Four
boys this morning wrecked train No.
6, on the New York Central railroad,
a mile west of Rome, N. Y. The en]
gine and all of the cars on the train
were ditched. The engineer;” Nate
Hager, of Albany, and William Bond,
of this city, a tramp, were killed. The
fireman, Chris Wagner, of Albany,
Mail Car Porter M. J. McCarthy, and
John Nacey, atramp, were injured.
This is the second attempt within
three weeks to wreck the same train
near the same spot. Itis on a heavy
down grade, and trains usually run
down it at'the rate of 65 miles an hour.
This train is believed to have been
running close to 75 miles an hour in
order to make up a few minutes’ lost
time. There isnot a house within half
a mile of the place. The wreckers
broke into the section toolhouse and
stole some tools, with which they re-
moved the fish plates, which faeteus
the rails to the ties, and pulled out the
The train consisted of four mail cars
and three sleepers. There were 11
postal clerks and 14 passengers abroad,
besides the members of the crew.
When the crash came the engine was
thrown from the track into the ditch,
and submerged in the mire, only the
driving wheels on the left side being
above the earth. The forward mail car
was thrown two car lengths ahead of
the engine, and rolled down the bank,
80 that it lay lengthwise toward the
rails. The second car, in which the
mail clerks were working, was thrown
on the tender of the engine, and badly
demolished. = The third and fourth
cars were also ditched, theends of each
being broken. The first one of the
sleepers was thrown from the rails,
rolling over. The second car was
simply turned on its side, while the
as sleeper did not leave the tracks at
John Hildreth and Frederick Bris-
tol, boys, have been arrested for wreck-
ing the train, Hildreth confessed that
he and Bristol, with Herbert Plato
and Theodore Hibbard, also youngsters,
committed the crime.
Earthquake in the East.
Parts of Pennsylvania and Delaware Gel a
Little Shaking Up.
CuesTER, Pa., Nov 20.—A slight
earthquake shock was felt in this city
this morning. Windows rattled and
chairs and tables trembled. The
shock was also felt at Thurlow, a
small town a short distance below this
WiLmiNcToN, Del, Nov. 20.—Resi-
dents of Claymont, six miles north of
this city, report having felt a severe
earthquake shock to-day. At Lin.
wood, Pa., a short distance from Clay-
mont, the shock was also felt.
——Fisher’s Cold Day" cotnpany
will appear at Garmau’s next Thursday
—Cbrist. H. Murray has lately
been commissioned a notary public. He
filed his bond on Wednesday.
——Out-of-town papers assert that
Bellefonte is flooded with counterfeit
nickles and dimes. We have not seen
any of them.
——Lots ot fun, for a Thanksgiving
attraction, will be realized from Fish-
er’s “Cold Day” company that comes
to Garman’s next Thursday night.
——Lyon & Co. are selling a special
bargain in ladies kid gloves at 75 and
85 cents, worth $1 and $1.25 per pair.
——While Joseph Bitner was riding
bome from Spring Mills, a few days
ago, his horse fell and broke its neck.
The rider had his collar bone broken.
—— Boiler maker Wm. B. Maitland
tumbled head-foremost down a flight of
stairs in his works, here, yesterday
morning, and was found some time later
in an unconscious state. It was a long
time before he recovered, His injuries
are serious and he is confined to his
—— Roger Bowman, of Philadelphia,
and Miss Lydia C. Musser, a daughter
of Emanuel Musser, of State College:
were marrie] at the home of the bride,
at noon, yesterday. The groom is a
graduate of State and a brother of Col.
W. P. Bowman, a noted Philadeiphia
——The Clearfield business college is
a thing of the past.
——1It is reported now that W. T.
Mauck, of Millheim, who has been
dangerously ill for the past two months,
will recover.
——J. S. Bennett, aged 32 years, was
brought to jail here, on Monday even-
ing, by policeman Funk, of Philipsburg.
The man is charged with adultery and
——Millheim has finally decided to
build a new public school building. It
will _be a six room brick structure and
must be ready for occupancy by Aug-
ust 1st, 1896.
——The largest assortment of men’s
dress overcoats, that can be found in the
State, from $3.50 to $18 a piece, at Lyon
& Co's.
——Dave Hall shot a 5001b bear in
a corn field, near his house, on Dix run, |
a few days ago. His friends have all
dined on bruin since his unerring aim
laid the bear low. 7
——Millheim has organized a home
telephone company for the purpose of
connecting that town with the service
at Coburn. W. S., and John Good-
hart are digging pole holes now.
_<—Amy Marietta Huey, daughter of
A. Huey, of Millheim, died, in her fif-
teenth year, last Tuesday, with inflam-
mation of the bowels. - The remains
were buried yesterday.
—— William F. Isett, of Sinking Val-
ley, bas two carriage robes made entire_
ly of coon skins. The ome containg
twenty-five and the other eighteen. He
killed all the coons himself.
——Tyrone’s new mail carriers start
on their first collecting route at 5:40 in
the morning and the last one is begun
at 7:20 in the evening. Pretty long
hours for Uncle Sam’s mail men.
——The dwelling house of Frank
Brown, at Eagleville, caught fire from
a defective flue, last week, and was en-
tirely destroyed. The loss is a serious
one to Mr. Brown and he has our sym-
——TFrank- Miller, colored, of this
place, is-in the medico-chirurgical hos-
pital in Philadelphia, where he is re-
covering from a successful operation for
the removal of that large tumor on his
neck. He will be home in a few days.
——Johnny Miller, a Lock Haven
train jumper, died Tuesday afternoon,
as the result of having had his leg cut
off by a freight car which he was at-
tempting to couple on Monday. The
boy was one of that class that hangs
around the trains.
——Powell, the magician, gave a de-
lightful entertainment at Garman’s,
Wednesday night. In many of his
feats he was thought to be the superior
of Kellar. His “rapid transit,” “She”
and ring tricks were all exceedingly
clever and caught the house.
——Dropsy and rheumatism caused
the death of John Holt, of Boggs town-
ship, on Monday morning. He was
58 years old. He was ason of Robert
Holt, deceased, and a brother of Frank
Holt, of Roland. Deceased was a vet-
eran of the late war and died at the
home of E. Confer. Interment was
made at Roland Tuesday afternoon.
——Signs multiply all over the coun-
try that the coming winter is to arrive
early, be severe and last a long time.
Big flocks ot wild geese have been leav.
ing Michigan for their winter quarters
during the last week or so, considerably
ahead of schedule time, and this the old
settlers regard as a certain weather sign.
——A prisoner named Walters, in
the Lock Haven jail, awsiting trial for
assault on an aged Leidy township
woman, was found to have a small saw
on Saturday night. An'‘examination of
hie cell disclosed the fact that he had
sawed the chain that held his cell door
shut almost off and would have escaped
that night had a discharged prisocer
not told of his intent.
——On Monday night three people
who had taken the electric cars from
Lock Haven to Mill Hall, fell over a
high embankment into the creek that
rung near tha trolly station in the latter
place. A man was the first victim.
He was followed by two women. The
place is said to be very dark and with-
out a light. Had it not been for Mr.
George Hall’s timely appearance both
ladies would possibly have drowned, as
they were taken from the deep water
with difficulty.
——The editor of the ‘Tyrone Times,
being so tickled with tho establishment
of a free mail service in that town, acts
like a boy witha new sled and blows
himself up like a toad to ask Hunting-
don, Bellefonte and Philipsburg why
they have'nt said something about it.
Free delivery is not such a wonderful
thing. There are lots of other towns
that have it and had Tyrone been half
as big as she was blowed upto be she
would have had it long ago. As for
Bellefonte’s not keeping up to the re-
quired $10,000 business, there has been
but one year when the Bellefonte office
went below the mark and then only a
few dollars.
MARRIAGE LiceNsEs.—Following is
the list of marriage licenses granted by
orphans’ court clerk, G: W. Rumber-
ger, during the past week :
Huey Best and Viola Machlin, of
| Rush township.
Charles W. Atherton, of Philipsburg,
and Carrie McComb, of Scottdale, Al-
legheny county.
Percival Thorpe and Nettie A. Reese,
of Penn township.
Bond V. Fisher and Ada Shuey, of
Spring township. .
Albert Page, of Rebefsburg, and
Mable Maize of Aaronsburg. 7
asmuch as he was so well known in all
parts of this county the announcement
of the sudden death of Jesse Fredericks,
the pula at his homa in
Unionville, last Sunday morning, was
heard with profound regret. He was one
of the pioneer builders of the county
and many a large barn did he raise dur-
ing his long and useful career.
His death was caused by paralysis
and will be very much mourned in that
vicinity. A widow and four children
survive: Benjamin, Mollie, Matilda
Roller and Annie Holt. Deceased was
67 years old, a native of Union county
and early in life connected himself with
the Methodist church, his zealousness
having directed him in a conscientious,
upright life.
Mr. Fredericks was a Democrat of
the Jacksonian stampand a man whose
affiliation for his party was remarkable.
Interment was made at Unionville,
Wednesday morning.
TUTE.— The annual institute of the pub-
lic school teachers ot Centre county will
be held in the court house, in this place,
during the week beginning Monday,
December 16th and concluding Friday
The instructors who have been se-
cured are . Dr. J. P. Grady, professor
of psychology and pedagogy of Obio un-
iversity ; Dr. Byron W. King, presi-
dent King’s school of oratory, elocution
and dramatic culture, Pittsburg, Pa.,
Dr. A. R. Horne, editor of National
Educator, Allentown, Pa.; Sopt. Jas.
M. Coughlin, Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; Prof.
Chas. H. Albert, State Normal school,
Bloomsburg, Pa.; Miss Margaret Mec-
Closkey, principal training department
of the Lock Haven State Normal echool;
Prof. I. D. Gresh, musical conductor,
Milton, Pa. 5
The evening entertainments will be
as follows: Tuesday evening Dr. A.
R. Horne, of Allentown will lecture,
subject “Push and Pull.” Wednesday
evening Dr. Byron W. King, president
of the Pittsburg school of oratory, will
hold the boards. Thursday evening the
New York male quartette will sing and
on Monday evening there will be enter-
tainment arranged by the friends of
——Men’s all wool cheviot suits, at
Lyon & Co’s. at $4.75.
Jerome Zimmerman and Mrs. Susan
Parker, thetwo Loganton people, whose
sensational elopement created such a
furor * last week, were discharged from
the jail, in Lock Haven, on Saturday
morning. Zimmerman went West the
same night and Mrs. Parker went to her
father’s home in Clearfield county.
Both of the elopers were heartily
ashamed of themselves.
The Lock Haven Democrat has the
following to say of their discharge :
Alderman Anthony this morning de-
cided that there was not sufficient evi-
dence to hold Jerome Zimmerman and
Mrs. Susan Parker on the charges that
were preferred against them. Accord-
ingly they were released from jail.
It is understood that Zimmerman re-
turned all the money that he had taken
from his wife to the rightful owner and
that he is not “to annoy her any more
with his presence. Mrs. Zimmerman,
this morning, filed the papers necessary
to obtain a divorce from the man. Zim-
merman, it is thought, will leave the
county and will probably go West. Mrs.
Parker will also leave the county.
Be THis WayY.—My last bulletin gave
forecasts of the storm wave to cross the
continent from the 22nd to 26th, and
the next to reach the Pacific coast about
the 27th, cross the west of Rockies
country by close of 28th, great central
valleys 29th to Desc. 1, eastern States
Dec. 20d. The warm wave will cross the
west of Rockies country about Nov. 27th,
the great central valleys 29th, eastern
States Dec. 1st. A cool wave will cross
the west of Rockies country about the
30th, great ‘central valleys Dac. 20d,
eastern States Dec. 3rd. The most notable
features of this disturbance will be the
precipitation, which will be above the
average of the last four months. With
each succeeding disturbance the rain or
snows will encroach on the drought sec-
tions of the last summer and fall till by
the first part of January, 1896, an un-
usual amount of snow and rain will have
fallen. As the October drought was
correctly foretold it will be of much
more interest to note the forecasts of
these general snows and rains. If these
latter verify the forecasts the interest
will largely increase as to the crop sea-
son weather of 1896, the calculations for
i which are now complete.
On Tuesday J. W. Tussey, celebrated
his 25th anniversary as a Pennsylvania
railroad engineer. For a quarter of a
century be has been running an engine
and is one of the most careful men in
the company’s employ. Ever since
the road was built from this place to
Lewisburg he has driven a passenger
engine betwoen the two places. He has
many friends all along the line who
wish him continued bealth and safety at
the post he has so faithfully maoned.
——All the new weaves in dress
( goods, boucla crepons, at Lyon & Co's.
ToAT Long DrAWN-oUT Cross
Suir.—Samuel F. McCloskey, Cur-
wensville’s veteran land surveyor, and
J. H. Wetzsl, a Bellefonte surveyor,
were in town, Monday, on business con-
nected with the rather famous Cross
land suit, which has been tried in court
three times and is to be argued Thurs-
day before the state board of properties
at Harrisburg. The property in ques-
tion is 200 acres of very rich iron ore
land at Gatesburg, Centre county, and
the litigants are A. V. Hoyi, G. H.
Ashman and others vs. T. J. Gates, of
Tyrone, and Lyon, Shorb™ & Co., of
Pittsburg. The plaintiffs have won the
case twice out of three times. The prop-
erty is estimated to be worth a half
million of dollars. The vein of iron
ore covers the entire tract and is eighty
feet thick.—Philipsburg Ledger.
——Men’s nobby hats, in black and
brown, at 99 cts. $1.24, $1.89, $1.74 and
upwards at Lyon & Co’s.
The story of a thrilling adven-
ture, in which a young boy and
a full-grown deer were the promi-
nent features, has just been receiv-
ed from Aaronsburg, a little country
village that nestles between the Brush
and Seven Mountains in the lower end
of this county.
Such a thing as a hunter having a
band-to-hsnd encounter with a deer
that he has wounded and has turned on
him to fight for its life is not unusual ;
but when a boy, of only seventeen years,
catches and kills a full-grown doe, with
no other assistance than his hands and a
rusty old pocket-knife, a new mark is
made for stories of hunting adventure.
George Stover is a well-to-do car-
penter living in Aaronsburg and work-
ing wherever his services are demanded
in that vicinity. His son, Newton,
having reached his seventeenth year, is
an apprentice to the trade of his father.
Tuesday morning of last week the
two left home to work on a job they
had procured about a mile and a half
distant, and while walking along the
road they were overtaken by a neighbor.
As he was alone in his buggy, he 1nvit-
ed the elder Stover to ride with him,
the invitation being accepted, and the
boy left to complete his journey by him-
In order to shorten the walk for him-
self Newton decided to take a near cut
across some fields, and had just started
to climb the fence at the rodeside when
his attention was attracted by light,
‘crunching hoof-falls’’ on the frosty
ground. On looking in the direction
the buggy had taken, he was startled to
see 8 full-grown deer trotting towards
him. It had evidently come out of the
strip of woods in which the two men had
been lost sight of. Crouching down in
the angle of the old ‘“worm’’ fence the
boy grasp a large stone and waited.
In a moment the deer was directly
opposite bim, and then he raised and
threw the stone with all his might. It
struck the startled deer in the side and
away it sped like the wind. Newton
was able to follow its tracks, and as they
turned back in the direction he was go-
ing he thought he would see the point
at which it entered the woods at least.
Running along with his eyes on the
ground, he reached the top of a little
knoll in a large field, and, in 8 cusory
way, looked in all directions. Imagine
his surprise to see the deer lying under
atree just a few rods beydhd. With an-
other stone he gave it a second pelt.
This time he hit it on the head, and
must have dazed it, for 1t sprang to its
feet and ran directly towards him.
Ast this juncture the boy grew desper-
ate, and just as the deer sped by him he
threw himself at it and caught it by one
of it hind legs. Both went down to-
gether and a fearful struggle ensued.
Deer and boy rolled over and over—
the marks of the combat were viewed by
many people from the village later—
until finally he got his knee on its neck
and held it while he drew an old rusty
penknife and cut its throat. After it
was dead he carried it ack homa on his
shoulder, and is now the hero of the
When asked why he did not try to
capture it alive, he replied: “I did
think of that when I made up my mind
to grab it, but it was to strong for me to
hold much longer.”
[t is supposed that the first blow the
boy gave the deer must have injured it,
else it would not have stopped to lie
down such a short distance from the
place he had frightened it.
A Boy's FigHT
A boy’s fine chinchilla storm
overcoat for $4, worth $5.50, at Lyon
1 & Co's.
cording to its usual custom the Belle-
fonte band will give an open-air concert,
‘in the Diamond, on Thanksgiving after-
noon, provided the weather permits.
The following program will be render-
March—* Mt Kinco.”
Overture—*‘ The Diamond.”
Polka —“The Queen.’
Romance—'‘Rippling Brooklet.”
Waltz —¢“Love’s Dreamland.”
Selection from “Martha.”
Piccolo Solo—*The Canary,”
8. March—*‘‘Canton Halifaz.”
Concert will begin at 2 o’clock p. m.
0 ND im
——See our swell, Englisch cut over-
coats, in blue and black Kerseys, from
$7.50 up. Matchless in quality, style
and price.
There is great excitement in the vicinity
of Karthause because the Salt Lick oil
and gas company’s second well prospect
has actually showed gas to be in that
region. The Lock Haven Democrat
tells of it as follows :
The meeting of the directors of the
Salt Lick gas and oil company in the
office of county treasurer McCrea, last
evening, was attended by president
Isuac McCloskey, J. H. Heckendorn, O.
T. Switzer, T. B. Budinger, M. D.
Kelley, F. L. Coudriet, John Q. Miles,
Samuel Christ, Hon J. W. Smith,
Hon. J. H. Holt, the organizer of the
company, was also present, as was
George Rohn, of West Keating.
W. W. Grove, the contractor, gave
an account of the gas that had been
struck at the well. He, however,
stated that with the gas an immense flow
of fresh water had been struck in the
second sand, which with the gas was
running continuously. This,he thought,
would make it a useless expense to drill
the well any deeper. He gave the opin-
ion that from the gas and oil they had
found in the first and second sands, there
was certainly oil in that vicinity.
It was then decided by the directors
to stop drilling and if they could raise
the required amount of funds they would
put down another test well, as from the
tests already made, they are confident
that they can find a location where the
sand is free from water. Several hun-
dred dollars have been promiged if the
location is made in Centre county.
One of the directors this morning
stated that he was firmly of the opin-
ion that there would be a number of
wells godown in that vicinity before
long. Ifthe third well of the Salt Lick
company is started, it will be drilled at
a point in the opposite direction from
the second well.
You “ean buy 8s good
lady’s cape at Lyon & Co's. for $3.50
as you pay $4.50 for elsewhere.
Stormstown Statements.
Water is still very low in the valley.
Mr. J. H. Griffin and his good wife spent
Sunday and Monday in Tyrone with their
Messrs. Brumbaugh and Test are drilling a
well on the lot of Dr. J. A. Thompson. They
are down 70 feet now and intend going deeper:
Mr. Hicks is busy crushing stone for the
roads and if the winter holds off long enough
the tax payers of this end of the township
might get their taxes worked out yet.
William R. Way and his son Howard are
spending this week in Philadelphia. The
former has gene to consult some of the big
doctors at ths hospital about au ailment that
has been troubling him for some time. The lat_
ter will attend an Odd Pellows gathering.
Is it any wonder that persons owning
lands along the mountain object to peo-
ple hunting in the woods adjoining their
farms. Some time ago Mr. John W. Gray had
too of his largest turkeys shot. .Augustine
MecDivitt bas had nine fine ones killed seven
of which were carried off.
Alas, Alas ! the school board of this township
is in a hole. The thistle seed didn’t go worth
a cent before the election and now they have
concluded to hold the crop until immediately
preceding the spring election when it is
thought it will sell like hot cakes in townships
electing Republican school directors.
Things That Have Happened at State
Merchant John H. Krumrine spent Tuesday
in Bellefonte.
President Geo. W. Atherton left for eastern
cities'on Monday. :
W. E. 8. Slagle is building himself a new
house on Front street.
Newton Showalter’s new house, on Front
street, is nearly ready for occupancy. -
Mrs. Edwin E. Sparks, is a guest et the
pleasant home of Mrs. Louis E. Reber.
Abner A. Miller has laid a new walk in front
of his residence on College avenue.
We noticed the venerable John, B. Mitchell,
of Pine Grove Mills, about town on Tuesday.
Jas. H. Holmes Jr., returned to Pittsburg, on
Monday, to resume work for the Eelly & Jones
Co. .
The Rev. Hook, of Tennessee, preached in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening.
His sermon was well received by an attentive
On Friday evening the Presbyterian church
was enlivened by a sociable given by the junior
Christian Endeavor Society, at which every one
had a splendid time.
Prof. John Hamilton, deputy secretary of
agriculture, was at home over Sunday, and re-
turned to Harrisburg on Mcday evening.
Miss Julia C. Gray, the efficient secretary of
the Experiment Station, is enjoying a very
pleasant visit to her sisters in Philadelphia.
Rev:Chas. T. Aikens, of Pine Grove Mills
preached in the M. E. church, on Sunday eve-
ning, a very able sermon, which was well
apoken of by the crowd that packed the church
to standing room.
- W.S.N.E.