Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 08, 1895, Image 5

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—Alan Sommerville, a son of Mr. J.
L. Sommerville formerly of this place,
is said to be the only man who has ever
been able to successfully manage the
Leuder coal mine near Philipsburg.
—— See “Winter is Coming’’—3rd
MARRIAGE Licenses.—Following is
the list of marriage licenses granted by
orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Rumber-
ger, during the past week :
James A. Emenhizer and Lizzie
Watkins, of Boggs township.
James Irvin Morris, of Milesburg,
and Mary Ellen Ward, of 228 North
Duke St., Lancaster, Pa.
Upton L. Hanes and Mary L. Wali-
zer, of Penn’a Furnace.
A Runaway AccipexT. — While
Mrs. L. B. McEntire and her daughter,
Ellen, of Fillmore, were returning from
a visit at Houserville, on Wednesday
afternoon, the horse they were driving
started to run down the steep hill in the
“big hollow”’ near Herkheimer’s place.
The ladies were thrown out and serious-
ly burt. :
They were carried into Hérkheimer’s
where Dr. Dale attended them. Mrs.
McEntire was cut about the head, while
her daughter suffered painful injuries
on the head and breast.
Diep IN ALTOONA.— Altoona has
suffered the loss of an aged and highly
respected citizen in the death of David
Bolinger, which occurred at his home,
1812, Eighth avenue, at 3 o'clock Mon-
day morning. Neuralgia pains seized
him on Sunday noon and for eight hours
his suffering was intense, but the end
was peaceful. .
Mr. Boiinger was born in Millheim,
Centre county, Pa., March 2, 1823, and
was therefore aged 72 years, 8 months
and 2 days. Helearned the coachmak-
ing trade in his native town ; then re
moved to Mifflinburg, Union county,
where he met and married Miss Cather-
ine B. Auble, rear fifty years ago. The
result of this union was a family of nine
children, one having died many years
ago.— Tribune.
News Purely Personal.
—Miss Emma Aikens is entertaining Miss
Bennett, of Washington, D. C.
—Mr. James C. Gilliland, of Oak Hall, and
his son Sam, who is a student at Millersville
Normal, were in town, on Monday.
—Edward P. Butts, who is connected with a
paper mill at Holyoke, Mass., tarried at home
for a few days this week on his way east from
Kalamazoo, Mich.
~—Joseph D. Mitchell returned, Friday eve-
ning, from a two week’s visit to the city of
Brotherly Love. If what they say is true Joe
would have us call it sisterly love.
—J. W. Tressler came down from Oak Hall,
on Wednesday, to see how itall happened.
He couldn’t stand it to wait for his Warcumax,
he simply had to know as soon as possible.
—Mrs. C. M. Bower, of this “place, and Mr,
and Mrs. D. J. Meyer, of Centre Hall, left for
the Atlanta exposition, Wednesday morning.
While away they will visit a number of south-
ern cities. .
— Col. Jas. P. Coburn, of Rebersburg, bounc-
ed into this office Monday evening to wish
us well for another year and disclose the fact
that he was in the best of health, whizh we were
heartily glad to" hear.
—W. J. Sweeny, of Boalsburg, was cne of
the many who couldn’t stay at home to walt
for the election news. He came down here
on Wednesday,so as “to know just exactly
how everything was.”
—On Nov. 11th Hon. H. R. Curtin and Mrs
Curtin, of Roland, will leave for the Atlanta
exposition. They will go as members ot the
Governor's party and will travel on a special
train of Pullman cars.
—Mr. William Stemm, one of Benner town-
ship’s fine looking Democrats, was an inter.
ested visitor to Bellefonte on Wednesday. He
took comfort with the rest of us in the fact
that this county, at least, was Democratic.
—Miss Sue Jack, who has been most of the
summer and fall with her aunt, Mrs. Boak, in
Hughesville, in and about which she has re-
ceived many favorable notices as a bright and
entertaining “reciter,” was in town Saturday
visiting friends,
—W. H. Noll and John Mulfinger, two Pleas-
ant Gap hard working Democrats, were in town
Wednesday being congratulated on the fine
showing their precinct of Spring township
made on Tuesday. They all deserve congratu-
lations out there.
—Rev. W. O. Wright, Mrs. Wright, and
their son, of Milesburg, with Mr. and Mrs.
Emanuel Noll, of this place, spent Sunday
with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Chauncey F.
York, al Warriors-mark. They returned
home on Tuesday evening.
. —Among the good loyal Democrats who
were home to do their duty for their country
and register their vote against Republican
rule and extravagance, were Miles Kephart,
Wools Sebring, Robert McKnight, Jr., A.
Sternberg, John O'Conner, and Thomas Youl
-=Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reeder and Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Spangler leave tdé-day for Harris.
burg. Monday with Gov. and Mrs. Hastings,
the State commissioners to the Atlanta Ex-
position, and their guests they will go south to
Chicamaugua, where the monument erected
inthe memory of the Pennsylvania regiments
vill be dedicated on Nov. 12th. After the
dedication Tuesday they will go on to Atlanta
to take part in the ceremonies of Pennsylva-
nia day, Nov. 14.
—Last Friday Mr. I. G. Walker, of Storms.
town drove to Bellefonte on business and part
of it was to see that his Warcuman was paid
fora year in advance. He is a brother of ex.
sheriff W. Miles Walker and some years ago
astonished the country bya marvelous feat of
strength, The windlass on a shaft having
broken while a man was being drawn up in
the face of a blast Mr. Walker grabbed the
rope and pulled him up, hand over hand, the
heavy well bucket adding enormously to the
weight. .
-— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Things That Have Happened at State
No positive damage was done about town on
Cornwallis or Hollowe 'en night.
- Dr. Christ is having his barn painted which
willimprove that corner very much.
The farmers are about through with their
corn. and are attending to late apples and
The water company’s mains are being laid
about town and connection with the town sys-
tem was made on Wednesday.
About fifty members of the Friday club were
very - hospitably eatertained by Mrs. Benj.
Gill on last Friday evening.
The rain on Friday and Saturday was fully
appreciated by every one especially the farm:
ers who have been hauliing water for so long:
The Adelphi club gave a delightful dance at
the University Inn on Friday evening Nov.
1st, which was very much @oved by all pres.
Miss Carrie McElwain, who has been visit-
ing her sister in this place for the last two
months, left Tuesday for her home in Spring
field, Mass.
About fifty expect to accompany the football-
team to Philadelphia to witness the great
game between U. of P.and P.S.C. on Satur-
day the ninth inst.
The State College choral society met at the
University Inn on Monday evening for organ -
ization and a general talk in regard to future
management. We think the move a step in
theright direction, as our musical talent only
needs proper direction to bring out its good
W.S8.N. E.
Pert Matilda Pointers
The saw mill of Chaney and Thompson is
running on full time filling a large order for
lumber which gives employment to several of
our citizens.
Recorder W. G. Morrison spent iast Satur-
day and Sunday in our town, revisiting the
scenes of his childhood days, and he did not
forget to mention politics.
A conversation recently overheard by the
writer on the respective merits of cows was an
eye opener. Asthe men who were talking
are truthful and noted for their veracity, there
is no reason for doubting their statements.
One of them said he had a cow that was little
larger than a sheep which had given them
180 lbs. and 20z. of butter in the last six
months. He (the speaker,) had weighed
every ounce of butter himself and expected
it to net 250 lbs, by the end of the year.
Just about noon last Sunday a livery rig
from Tyrone was driven into our quiet little
burg by a colored man, who halted in front of
the hotel to allow his three passengers to
alight. The men had scarcely landed, when
one of them drew a long necked bottle from
his pocket and gave the driver a generous
swig of something stronger than water as he
started on his return drive. The passengers
jollied each other traded hats and carried on
in a manner disgraceful to the Sabbath day!
On inquiry we learned they were from Phila-
delphia on their way to Snow Shoe on a hunt-
ing expedition. Let them come from where
they may, they ought to be compelled to ob
serve the Sabbath the same in Port Matilda as
they do in Philadelphia or any other city. A
team from Bellefonte carried them on their
way rejoicing.
Pine Grove Mention.
The obliging station agent at Struble’s
Capt. D. S. Erb, has Geen on the sick list
but is now better.
One of our big farmers, Newt. E. Hess,
lost a valuable cow recently with malig-
nant catarrh.
John Smith the Centre Democrat scribe at
Spring Mills, spent Sunday with his inve.-
lid father, H. R. Smith, on Main St.
Mrs. J. G. Heberling, who is known as
an expert nurse, has been called to Dun-
cannon where her friends wish her a
pleasant stay.
Mr. Edgar Myton, of Stone Valley, and
one of Lemont's pleasant and agreeable
young ladies were welcome guests at the
home of D. B. Louder recently.
We desire to correct an error in our last
mention, we stated there would be service
in the Presbyterian church next Sunday
at 2 o'clock p. m., which should have
been 7 o'clock p. m. by Rev. Hepler.
Weare glad to note the improvement
of G. W. McWilliams’ health. He is now
able to spend much of his time when the
weather permits in the field husking
corn although his eyesight is entirely
Fred Bottorf returned from East Lib-
erty stock yards at Pittsburg on election
day, with twenty-five steers that will get
away with all the provender in his well
filled barn. He will likely divy up with
his big brother Jacob.
Mr. Alexander Everhart, who came
down from Altoona several weeks
ago for a few week's visit with
Centre county folks, is prostrated with a
severe attack of fever at the old Ever-
hart homestead on the Branch .
The recent election was the quietest for
years, good order prevailed all day. In
this precinct of 225 voters registered,
216 voted. The nine stay at home voters
consisted mostly of old méh and invalids
about equally divided in both parties.
The followiug notice was taken from
the Tyrone Herald. Tussey council,
Jr. Order United American Mechanics,
is located at Pine Grove Mills, and
is made up of a lively, patriotic lot
of men, who displayed their patriot-
ism by coming to Tyrone with full ranks
They are all robust men and good march
ers, and being well handled by their mar
shal, W. H. Fry, were attractive features
ot the little parade. They had thirty
men 1n line including a good and w ell
equipped dium corps. =
——1If you want printing of any dis-
cription. the WATCHMAN office
New Advertisements.
G LOST.—Any one finding a
stray black and tan hound, will con-
fer a favor by Bddresminty
40.44 3¢, GEO. GROSS, Bellefonte.
UBLIC SALE.—Will ke sold at
public sale, at Snow Shoe Intersection,
on Thursday Nov. 21, at 1 P. M. sharp. Horses,
cows, wagons, buggies, and farming imple-
ments, by 40-43-3t
I TET ————
Our Clothing Stock is positively
the most practical Money Saving
institution in the county to-day.
You buy from us a man’s suit for
$7.50, a good one, handsome in
cloth, perfect in fit and style, and
honest in make and finish. The
kind WE guagantee. The kind
for which others charge ten and
twelve dollars, a positive saving of
from $2.50 to $3.50 on a single suit
it worth while to investigate.
And still more
The most popular lot of clothes
ever shown in Centre county. You
should see them, they are not the
same goods that others ask thirteen
and fourteen for,
they are the equal, and in many
cases superior to the very highest
priced goods shown in other stores.
They are good enough for a mil-
lionaire and cheap enough for
everybody to own one.
and you will go home satisfied
that all we say here is the plain,
every day truth.
40 10
i -
Katz & Co. Limited.
Our advertising is meant to eave time and money.
Our time and your money.
Therefore we describe goods as they are.
It we make misrepresentations
in our ads, yon would lose your time
in looking at our goods, and we would miss oar chanse to make any money on
them, and you would not be so quick to respond to our ad. the next time,
Everything is here as you would expect to find it, and the prices are
less than you ever paid for the same quality.
300 pair first quality kid gloves on
All sizes and colors.
sale Friday and Saturday ocly 49 cents,
These goods are strictly first claes and our recommendation goes with
See display in south window. Several new styles coats and capes this
week. Don't forget our Millinery Department.
Best quality calicoes, 4c.
Good ginghams, 414c.
Lancaster ginghams, 3c.
Best quality dress ginghams, choice styles,
Good quality yard-wide muslins, 417c.
Good outing cloth, sec. "
Good shirtings, 7c.
Good Canton flannels, 5c.
2000 yards of single width half wool dress
goods, 7c.
Double width flannelettes, 10c. ; this is cheap-
er than calico and twice as heavy.
Half wool cashmere, 36in. wide, all colors, 16¢;
8 yds. make a full dress.
All wool serges, 36in. wide, all colors, 25¢.
All wool flannels for dresses, heavy goods, 50in
wide, and 5 yds make a full dress, 48c.
All wool broadcloths, 50in wide, 73c.
We have the finest line of novelties and bou-
cles for dresses ever shown here.
We pay special attention to our black dress
goods; you can find anything you want here.
Fancy silks for waists, all colors.
Trimmings to match all our goods.
All wool red flannel, 15¢ ; this isa very good
quality, but we can show you better goods
at just about oné-half of last year’s prices.
Red flannel, heavy twilled, at 15¢c.
Grey flannel, heavy (willed, at 17c.
Lumbermen’s flannel, 8ez., 30c.
Good, heavy pantaloon cloth, 9c.
Good crash for towels, 3c.
Red table linen, fast colors, 17c.
"Unbleached table linen, good quality, 23c.
Extra fine and very wide bleached table linen,
the regular one dollar quality, for ¢gc.
Children's underwear, an A No. 1 quality,
either white or grey—we will sell you the
small sizes for 13c. ; larger sizes but very
little higher.
Ladies’ underwear, fleece lined, good, 25c.
@ Men's extra heavy undershirts, 25c.
Men's all wool socks, 15¢; children’s all wool
stockings, 15¢ + ladies’ all wool stockings,
15c—these are ail first rate quality.
Ladies’ handkerchiefs, 3c.
Men’s heavy leather gloves, 85c.
Men's heavy overalls, 39¢.
Men's heavy wool jean pants, 79c,
Good, large size blankets, 59¢ a pair.
Extraheavy blankets, 98¢ and $1.49 a pair.
All wool blankets, $2.25 a pair
Full size bed comforts, 75¢ ; better ones at a
trifle higher price.
We have the largest Notion Department in
town. You cau find anything you want at
popular prices.
Pins, 1c per paper.
40-15 KATZ &
Thimbleg, 1c each.
Vaseline, 5c.
Fine combs, 3c.
Good Redding combs, 5c.
Hair brushes, 9c.
Clothes brushes, 9c.
Scrubbing brushes, 5c.
Best quality of ink, 4c.
Mucilage, 4c.
Large box of blacking, 5c.
Best quality of shoe polish, 10c.
Very large bottle of machine oil, 5c.
Good suspenders, 9c.
Safety pins, Sc per dozen.
Shaving:brushes, 5c.
Two-foot rules, 8c.
Screw drivers, 2c.
Envelopes, extra heavy, 4c package.
Bost quality ;writing paper, one-fourth ream
Buttermilk soap, 5c; or 14¢ a box.
Side cembs, 5c.
Shirt buttons, 12 dozen for 3c.
‘Rubber hair pins, large 1c.
And one thousand other small notions at
equally low prices.
“A big silver dollar goes a long ways when
buying goods at THE GLOBE.”
to be sold at bargain prices. We have made a
great effort in this line and know we can suit
Good beaver coats, $2.98 and upward.
Boucle coats, $4.63 and upward.
Diagonal beaver coats, from $5.58 up.
Chinchilla coats, $4.75 and upward.
Plush capes, $5.50 and upward.
Cloth capes, $3.00 and upward.
Fur capes, $5.85 and upward.
Children's and misses’ coats, from $2.00 up.
We claim to have the =
as we employ more help than all other milli-
ners in town combined. We do the best work
and our prices are not over one-half what oth”
er milliners charge. .
A= Bring this paper with you when you
come to see us, and you will be convinced
that we always do as we advertise,
CO., Limited.
Toors, Paints, OiLs,
and thousands of different articles.
Iam going out of the Hardware business and commencing
Monday, Sept. 2nd, will close out my entire stock consisting of
every thing, I cannot mention all the bargains offered but if
you want to buy anything in the Hardware line come and see.
Such an opportunity may never come again. If you are wise
you will loose no time in taking advantage of this sale.
H. A. McKEE.
House FurNIsHING GooDs,
The stock is complete in
N ew Advertisements.
OR SALE.—House, barn, and out
buildings, 3 town lots. Also 36 acres
best farm land. Address
40-44 41% E. W. SWEENY, Boalsburg, Pa.
EGAL NOTICE.—The first par-
tial account of A. J. Gephart assignee
of W. L. Goodhart for the benefit of creditors
will be presented for confirmation by the
court on Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1895. Ijnless
exceptions be filed thereto on or before the
second day of the term, the same will be con
40-44.3t. W. F. SMITH, Prothéhotary.
Letters of administration having
been granted the undersigned on the estate of
George McC. Potter, Dec'd. late of Milesburg,
Centre Co., Pa., a!l persons having claims
against said estate and those indebted thereto
are notified to make immediate settlement.
40 39 6t JOHN F. POTTER, Admr.
The home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on
east Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale
cheap. A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 75x
200, new frame stable, brick ice house and
other out buildings. The house is in excellent
repair, has all modern improvements, bath,
hot and cold water on two floors, furnace in
cellar and a large cistern. Write or call on
40.43-tf Bellefonte, Pa.
TRAY.—Came to the residence of
the subscriber, in Harris,township, two
miles east of Boalsburg, on or about the 10th
of Oct., a small roan bull supposed to be about
one year old, and marked by a slit in each
ear. The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away, otherwise he will disposed of as the law
directs. ’
Will immediately Strengthen Stomach and -
Restore Appetite. For sale by Druggists or
sent by mail on receipt of price, 50¢. a box.
40-38 3m.
sesssrres TARE "THE......co0
Priaverenia INQUIRER
More than 500,000 other people are reading
it every day. They can’t afford to miss it and
neither can you, The Associated Press, the
best service of special dispatches in the State
and complete correspondence from the Le-
high Valley, the Schuylkill Valley, the Ches-
ter Valley, Central Ponnsylvania and New
Jersey, gives all the news in detail to Inquirer
readers. Pages on sporting Co articles
of special interest to women, rea estate, finan-
cial and marine intelligence; are thoroughly:
covered each day in The Inquirer.
the very best paper published anywhere.
Contains contributions by all the leading au-
thors, news letters from everywhere, carefully
conducted departments on athletics—both
amateur and professional, the stage, society,
the clubs, secret societies, fraternal orders,
music, literature, military matters, latest
scientific inventions, ete.
A most popular feature of the Sunday In-
uirer isa beautifully colored copy of some
amous painting issued each week as an art
By mai! postage paid to any part of the
United States 3s aie yr
Daily Edition . One Cent a Copy
Sunday Edition Five Cents a Copy
Daily Edition . . . $3.00 per Year
Sunday Edition vy +» « 8250per Year
4042 3¢
EGAL NOTICE.—Natice is here-
by. given to all persons interested
that the following inventories of foods and
chattels set apart to widows under’ the provis-
ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been
confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the
office of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cen-
tre county and if no exceptions be filed on or
before the first day of next term the same will
be confirmed absolutely.
1. The inventory and appraisement of the
ersonal property of Isaac Wrye, late of Half
Moon township, deceased, as set apart to his
widow Hester A. Wrye.
2. The inventory and Appraise ent of the
personal estate of John B. Shaffer, late of Miles
township, deceased, as set apart to his widow,
Elizabeth Shaffer.
3. The inventory and appraisement of the
Personal property of Robert F. Rankin, late of
ellefonte Boro., deceased, as set apart to his
widow, Lillie B. Rankin.
4. The valuation and appraisement of the
real estate of James Duncan, late of Rush
township, deceased, as set apart and elected
to be retained by his widow, Catherine Dun-
5. The inventory and Appr lagnien) of the
personal property of John Garbrick Jr., late of
Spring township, deceased, as set apart to his
widow, Emma L. Garbrick.
6. The inventory and appraisement of the
persona) property of Noah Weaver, late of
aines township, as set apart to his widow,
Mary C. Weaver.
7. The inventory and AppIRIseNont of the
personal property of Dr. R. L. Dartt, late of
ellefonte borough, deceased, as set apart to
his widow Annie L. Dartt.
8. The inventory and appraisement of the
Perna property of Henry Brown,late of
Walker township, deceased as set apart to his
widow, Julia A. Brown*
G. W. RUMBERGER, Register.
Bellefonte, Oct. 28th, 1895.
Daniel Irvin's Sons.
A partial list of seasonable
: goods on which we can
save you money.
A complete line of
es AN [) een
—atl cash prices,——
parfect oil stove,—Five dollars,