Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 04, 1895, Image 5

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Pine Grove Mention.
Whew! how it did snow on the last
day of September.
Miss Jennie Keyser left for her home in
Milton after a pleasant visitat the cosy
home of Mr. and Mrs Levi Kreps, on Main
The two fever cases announced in our
last issue, Misses Smith and Krebs, are
past the critical period and are conval
escing. .
We are sorry to note the serious illness
of old Mrs. Catharine Kreps, who is suf.
tering with that much dreaded disease
The dry and windy weather with sever:
al frosts have hastened the maturing of
the corn crop. It is ready for the crib.
The crop is the largest in many years.
The clover seed crop is being hulled and
proves tobe the most prolific crop grown
in the valley for the last twenty years.
Some farmers will have as much as eigh-
ty bushels of seed.
The panther shooting incident that was
supposed to have occurred last week has
put our nimrods on the watch in the vic-
inity of 0. M. Whipple's log camp where
report says the logmen shiver in their
bunks listening to the hideous midnight
squals of a man.eater. We wouldn't be
surprised if it were a catamount,
old soldier made happy. After being re-
peatedly rejected by the Harrison admin-
istration Harvey Yarnell was agreeably
surprised last week on receiving notice
. from his attorney that his pension had
been passed upon favorably, allowing him
eight dollars per month with three years
of back pension. The old veteran is to be
congratulated on his good luck. This is
the third case in our town, turned down
by the former administration, that has
met with favor by secretary Hoke Smith
and Comissioner Lochren.
A recent six o'clock a. m. marriage par-
took very much of the nature of a sur-
prise to the hosts of friends of the young
couple participating when 1t was
learned that Jacob Neidigh and Cora
Cronemiller, armed with the proper
credentials, took advantage of the pure
and fresh morning air and drove
from Pine Hall to Boalsburg, without
a stop, presenting themsclves before
lev. Black, really before breakfast. But
the reverend gentleman is always pre-
pared for any emergency and in
his usual happy manner pronounc-
ed the young people man and wife.
Then they journed back home, more
leisurely, to pursue their daily vocar
tions, as though nothing of importance
had occurred. The bride, Miss Cora, is
the second daughter of Geo. Cronemiller
of Pine Hall, and is a pleasent and estim=
able young lady, while the groom, Jacob
Delvin . Neidigh, is a young
farmer. We hope the young couple will
have as fair sailing all through the voy-
age of life as they had in the early morn.
ing hours to the Boalsburg parsonage.
Howard ‘Happen ngs.
Miss Lizzie McKibben, of Bellefonte, has
heen spending a few days with Mrs. Dr. Smith
and Mrs. R. P. Long. ~
The funeral of Herbert, infant son of Mich-
ael and Susan Holter, took place Sunday P. M.
from the Evangelical church. Interment was
made in Schencks cemetery. Rev. Sechrist
conducted the services.
Mrs. Sweeney of Washington, Pa., asister of
the Bennison sisters, who was cslled
here to attend her mother’s funeral, has since
_ spent a few days in our village, and is much
pleased with the great natural beauty which
surrounds it.
On Wednesday evening a very quiet wed-
ding took place at the M. E. parsonage. The
contracting parties were Mr. Harvey Gruver
and Miss Lizzie Rupert both highly respected
young people of this vicinity. They have our
best wishes for a long, happy and useful life.
About four o’clock Sunday P.M. the town
was get in a commotion by the alarm of fire
which was found to be at the home of the Hon,
John A. Woodward ; fortunstely the family,
and neighbors who responded promptly, had
the fire under control before the people from
town reached them. We are pleased to say
that no further damage than the burning ot
the porch roof was sustained.
The funeral of Miss Annie Haines, of Liberty
township, who had been teaching school in
Altoona for several years, and died at her
home near this place, last Thursday, with
cancer, took place Saturday the 28th ult. Inter-
ment was made in the M. E. cemetery. The
services were conducted by Rev. Bell, of
the eigth Ave., M. E. church of Altoona. Many
were present to pay their last respects to the
Port Matilda Pointers
As we were silent last week we will try to
give you all the news since our last appear”
Mr. John T. Fowler, who had been confined
to the house with sickness, is able to be on
foot again, he having been in our town on
Tuesday of this week.
Our farmers, having finished their seeding,
are busy with their apple crops—those of them
whoare fortunate enough to have any—mak-
ing cider and giving the boys a chance to help
the girls stir apple butter.
—Little Jennie Stevens, the nine year old
daughter of David Stevens, of Altoona, who
died in that city on the 23rd, ult, was brought
here for burial the following Wednesday,
Rev. G. P. Sarvis conducted the services.
Qur schools opened on last Monday for a six
months terms. Our population having in-
creased very materially since last school term
we now have 3 schools in progress in our
town. The following teachers have charge of
the - schools. Mr. A. C. Williams, graded
school ; John C, Harpster, intermediate; and
. Miss Fannie Sharer, primary.
—Rev. Cramer, pastor of the U. B. church
at this place has been appointed to the South
Williamsport charge and will depart in a few
days. Owing to Rev. Sarvis’ absence, last Sun-
day Rev. Cramer, filled the pulpit in the Meth-
odist church and preached his farewell ser-
mon. The people of this community are very
sorry to iose so good a man as Rev. Cramer.
Your correspondent having been in conser-
vation with one of the faithful who had attend-
ed the convention at Williamsport, found him
so delighted with his trip that he says he
would go every week if he could have as good
a time as he had while there. He reports no
end to the good things to eat and, of course,
not much to drink but as he was not used to
city water he took his iced all right. Dave
there may be another for you yet.
We were informed, on Monday last, by one
of our neighbors that there was a coal bank
being opened up at Six Mile run on the public
road leading from this place to Philipsburg
and that he was told by the parties opening
the bank that he could get all the coal he
wanted, so that we will have a coal mine with.
in six miles of our town. This will very
| be elected. Being informed as to the places our
materially lessen the price of coal at this place
and will be quite an item in the expenses of
the poor of our community.
What has become of the candidates for the
different offices in Centre county this fall ?
We have not had a glimpse of one yet and we
had almost forgotten there was to be an elec-
tion this fall until reminded of it by a voter
asking us, the other day, what officers were to
interrogator wanted to know whether his par-
ty had made any nominations and on learr-
ing to which faith he belongs, being a Popu-
list, we told him we could not find it in the cal-
endar so there might be a chance for some of
the aspirants of the other parties if they would
interview the gentlemen, as he seems very
anxious to see good men placed in office this
Books, Magazines Etc.
“Alone in Chins,” by Juliar Ralph, pub-
ished in Harper's Magazine for October, is a
‘new departure in fiction. The heroine is the
daughter of a wealthy Pittsburg m anufactur-
er, who marries a Chinaman engaged in a dip.
lomatic mission at Washington. The story
concerns itself chiefly with the troubles of
the American pride in her oriental home, and
is based upon Mr. Ralph's observations of the
domestic customs of China during his
recent journey. The story is admirably illus-
trated by C. D. Weldon.
We are in receipt of a handscmely bound
little volume containing a life of the “Queen
of the Turf,” Nancy Hanks, together with all
her performances. The volume contains,
among other things, a description of the many
deseases of live stock, together with their
treatment ; also the standard of registration of
the American Trotting Register and of the
National Saddle Horse Breeders’ Register,and
a complete list of Horse Breeders’ Assozia-
tions, It also contains the fastest trotting and
pacing records in races, against time and at
different ages. The book is full of valuable
suggestions in regard to live-stock. The pub-
lishers, The H. L. Lohmeyer Drug Co., Pitts-
burg, Pa. will send this interesting volume
free toall who apply at once, although the
regular price is 50 cents.
——The following letters remain uncalled
forin the Bellefonte P. O. Sep. 30,1895.
Filippo Cleiaso, John Genticuar, Kazimera
Krazier, John Krupimsky, Guiseppo Mello,
Ciali Tem.
When called for please say advertised.
Davip F. Forryey, P. M.
New Advertisements,
ANTED—Apples.—T. B. Bud-
inger, of Snow Shoe, buys hand
picked Apples. Write or telephone to him.
40 39 4t
ANTED—Hay. — Have vou a
carload of good timothy hay you
want to sell for cash ? If so, write to
49 39 Snow Shoe, Pa.
Letters of administration having
been granted the undersigned on the estate ot
George McC. Potter, Dec'd. late of Milesburg,
Centre Co., Pa., all persons having claims
against said estate and those indebted thereto
are notified to make immediate settlement.
40 39 6t JOHN F. POTTER, Admr.
a meeting of the lot holders in the Bellefonte
Cemetery, on Saturday, the 12th day of Octo-
ber, 1895, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the office of
Beaver & Dale, in the borough of Bellefonte,
for the purpose of electing officers tor the said
corporation and transacting any other busi-
ness that may be proper. All persons inter-
ested in the Cemetery and all owners of lots
in same are requested to be present. 4039 1t
Orphan’s Court of Centre county, in
the matter of the estate of George M. Brown,
late of Huston township; the undersigned
having been appointed an Auditor by said
court to take testimony and pass upon the ex-
ceptions and re state, the account, according:
to his findings, gives notice that he will be in
his office, in Bellefonte, on October 12th, 1895,
at 10 o'clock a. m. for the duties of sald ap-
pointment. Parties interested piease attend.
40-37-3t Auditor.
OTICE,—is hereby given, that in
pursuance to the Act of Assembly of
May 22nd 1895, the undersigned have been ap-
pointed to survey and mark the line between
Centre and Huntingdon Counties, according
to its provisions, and that they will meet in
the law office of E. R. Chambers in Bellefonte
on October 11th, and in the office of J. Murray
Africa, in Huntingdon, on October 12th 1895,
for the purpose of hearing the testimony of
parties interested in eaid line.
40-38-3t D.F. A. WHEELOCK.
Will immediately Strengthen Stomach and
Restore Appetite. For sale by Druggists or
sent by mail on receipt of price, 50c. a box.
40-38 3m.
nm —
Daniel Irvin's Sons.
In order to dispose of our large stock of
Tin Cans we offer them
——AT 48 CENTS —
per dozen. These are our own make, of a
good quality tin, and every one is guar-
‘Katz & Co. Limited.
Lyon & Co.
Our Prices
bring the people.
Our values |
| Our Assortment
is the best.
Our Customers
merit their friendship.
prosperous business, and we welco
increasing trade.
us the centre of attraction.
Notwithstanding all assertions
at 25 cents a yard.
Don’t be hum-bugged with t
paying more money for it.
We are safe in saying we have
the only Dress Goods stock in town.
We cannot only show all the lead-
ing things, but also a full line of
We make a specialty of our Black
Dress Goods Dept. We can show
over 50 styles in Black to select
Half wool cashmeres 36 inches
wide only 16cts: a yard worth ful-
ly 25 cts. We guarantee these all
All wool cloths 33cts. worth 50
All wool cloths 50 inches wide
48 cents. These goods were never
sold under 75 cents.
French Broadcloths 50 inches
wide 75 cents regular price of these
goods is $1.25.
All wool red flannel good width
and good quallity for 15 cents a
Wider and better goods at zo
cents, worth 3o.
30 inch Red shaker flannel only
27 cents. These goods are woven
36 inches wide and shrunk down
to 30 inches. The quality is most
Cotton flannels 474 cents a yard,
better Cotton flannels 6 cents a
Extra good Cotton flannel only
8 cents.
We are ever alive to the interests of our customers and we strive to
Summer is past, leaving with us the pleasant recollections of a
me Fall with the assurance of an
We have tons of Dry Goods at prices that will keep
to the contrary we are still selling
alk about a superior quality and
We guarantee ours to be the very best.
Red Table Linen guaranteed
fast colors at 3o cents. These goods
are usually sold at 50 cents a yard.
We can give you extra value in
Bleached and Unbleached Table
Linen at 28, 36, and 58 cents a
yard. These goods are well worth
your inspection when you visit the
Our Wrap and Cloak Depart-
ment is now open. We will give
you big values in this Dept. You
will save a big five dollar bill on
your Winter Wrap if you will look
at our stock before buying.
We can show three times the
quantity and variety that you can
find in any othér establishment in
the city.
We are are making our Cloak
Department one of the main feat-
ures of our store.
The reputation which we acquir-
ed by merit during our first season
as the
will be upheld by us.
Our Millinery Department is
questioned ability, and all work
turned out by us, will be of the
highest degree of excellence.
KATZ & CO. Limited.
I am going out ‘of the Hard
TooLs, Paints, Oris,
you will loose no time in taking
anteed perfect.
ng Out Sale.
and thousands of different articles.
Such an opportunity may never come again.
ware business and commencing
Monday, Sept. znd, will close out my entire stock consisting of
The stock is complete in
every thing. I cannot mention all the bargains offered but if
you want to buy anything in the Hardware line come and see.
If you are wise
advantage of this sale.
H. A. McKEE.
superintended by an Artist of un- |
() Ey 1Yo gre
* I I I I *
! y < x)
0 sere THE FALL, CAMPAIGN....... 0
I ll I I #
Against al! High Prices; against all old methods
of business,
We are ready with the largest stock of Clothing,
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter
A Cassimere suit at $5, as good as we had a year
ago at $8. An extra heavy mixed Casimere suit at $6
| as good as we had a year ago at $10.” ~
| An all wool black Cheviot at $5.50, as good as we
| bad a year ago at $8. A fine black Diaganol suit at
$8; would be cheap at $12. A fine black Diaganol
at $10; ueually sold at $13. An extra fine Nigger
| Head Cheviot at $8, something entirely new, as good
| as a $12 suit.
! An extra fine Nigger 18d Cheviot at $10 ; extra
| fine trimmings and linings, extra making, worth
| every cent of $15. An extra fine Nigger Head Cheviot
at $11.50, as fine as any tailor made at $18 or $20.
Childrens suits 90¢ up. Childrens brown, blue
and black Cheviots from $1.25 up. A good heavy
If- “Cheviot Cassimere in black, blue and mixed at $1.50.
We have the greatest lot of boys suits at $2.50,
all wool, extra wearing, as good as you can buy for
| $4. Childrens overcoats $1.39 up. Youths suits from
| $3 up to the very finest, all the varieties.
ll Boys knee pants 23c up the very finest. Boys
all wool knee pants at 50c. Mens all wool pants at
| $1.50 per pair. Mens good quality heavy merino
| shirts and drawers at 37c. Mens merino under shirts
and drawers at 19c. Childrens merino shirts and
| drawers 7c up. Mens suspenders 8c up.
! We have the greatest line of boys suits at $3.50
in black, blue and brown Cheviots, Casimere, etc., as
good as you will buy anywhere for $5.
Mens fur hats, a regular $1 hat for 69c; mens fur
stiff hate worth $1.25 for 98¢c; boys wool hats 18c;
boys first quality wool hats 40c; boys first class fur
hat 49c.
Canton flannels 4c up. Shaker flannels 5c up.
All wool splendid quality dress goods 37 inches wide,
30c per yard. Plain dress cloth from 18c up. Dress
plaids from 5c up.
All wool serges in all colors 40 inches wide 34c.
All wooll serges 46 inches wide in all colors 37c up,
Unbleached muslin 1 yd wide from 33c up. The very
best calico 44 and 5c. Good quality dark dress ging-
ham at 5c, Bleached muslin from 43c up.
The greatest stock in this part of the state.
Ladies kid shoes at 99c. Ladies genuine Dongola
kid shoes, patent leather tip, opera toe, common sense
toe, razor toe $1.25 per pair, every pair warranted.
A ladies very fine quality Dongola kid, all the latest
shapes, every pair warranted, at $1.39.
Ladies very fine Dongola kid, McKay sewed, in all
the different styles, at $1.90; every pair warranted.
A still finer grade Dongola kid, all the latest shapes,
Goodyear welt as fine as hand made, at $2.40; every
pair warranted.
Mens heavy boots $1.45, $1.90 etc. Mens drees
shoes $1.24 and up, all warranted. A mans working
shoe at $1 up to $1.48. If they don’t give satisfaction
we will make it right. : cs
We have the largest stock of all the above goods ;
our prices will compete with New York and Philadel
phia prices. We bave opened a mail order depart-
ment; if you can not come and see us, write for prices
and samples.
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