Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 04, 1895, Image 1
——— "have had a hard 8Y P. GRAY MEF. Ink Slings. —.The death of M. PASTEUR, the eminent French scientist and hydropho- bia expert, will give the mad-dog a bet- ter chance to get in his work in the fu- ture. —Germany has declared war on the Standard oil cctopus. Emperor WiL- LIAM deserves great credit for his under- taking, but he’ll hardly succeed. Why even the Governor of Pennsylvania saw the futility (?) of fighting the Standard. —MAHONE stricken with paralysis sounds the knell of Republicanism in the “Old Dominion.” Ever since the days of reconstruction he has been the head of that party in Virginia and to-- day he is the last leg upon which it’ stands. : —Pittsburg is bidding high for the next national Republican convention and if she) gets it possibly ANDREW CARNEGIE can be prevailed upon to tell a few things that he knows about the comparative benefits of bigh and low tariffs. —CHAUNCEY DEPEW’S assertion that President CLEVELAND ‘‘knows exactly how to say the right thing and always at the right time’ takes nothing from the President’s beautiful tribute to Gen- eral SCHOFIELD, the retiring comman- der of the United States army. —A party of Pittsburgers, calling themselves Korashanites, left that city, Tuesday evening, for Estero, Florida, where they believe they have a Divine command to locate. There is no doubt of the fanaticism’ manifested in their undertaking and it is only to be regret- ted that in this enlightened country so many christian fanatics are to be found. They bring an un wonted ridicule upon christianity. — Truth thinks that we ought to pass a law to make titles for sale by the gov- ernment so that American girls will nog have to go abroad to buy them from the petered out nobility of foreign countries. The suggestion is a good one, so far ac replenishing the public treasury would be concerned, but it is better for the country to be in debt than to hold out inducements to keep fools of girls in the land. Let them go. We are better off without them. —The farmer who thinks he has made a rare stroke of economy by sub- scribing for one of the city papers that offer a hay wagon load of paper for $1. ‘per year will look ’till his eyes wear out before he sees the advertisement of his cattle when they become estrays. Every man ought to take a local paper. The advertisements init, which are always ready for him to take advantage of, will alone, more than make up what he pays during the year. It is very evident that Texas has a Governor who means to govern, and how well he has succeeded is nicely seen in the action of the Legislators of the “Lone Star” State, as evidenced in their passing his proposed special legislation to prevent the CORBETT—FITZSIMMONS fight, in particular, and prize fighting, in general, in that State. Governor CUL- BERSON has evoked the admiration of honorable people in &!l parts of the world by his determined stand to sup- press prize fighting. —1In view of the fact thai the Legis- ature of Texas adjourned for ten days, last spring, so that it could attend a bull fight in Mexico, in a body, Gov- ernor CULBERSON of that State, must time inducing it to pass laws necessary to stop the com- ing CorpETr-FirTzsimmons- fight. In the case of the fight in Mexico both the bulls and a lion refused combat with the matadors, but it is hardly probable that the bruisers will show as much sense as those dumb animals did. — GILKESON believes (?) that the Re- publican ticket will have 200,000 major- ity in the State this fall. Democrats will not need to lose heart over this announcement, for BEN is simply try- ing the game of pace making tor QUAY. He thinks he will make people believe that the majority ought to reach 200,- 000, which, of course, will not be the case, then he will blame the failure to make that mark on QUAY. As a pace- maker GILKESON is not a success. The old-man’’ rode right away from him in the last race. —The report of the suffrage com- mittee of the constitutional. convention now in session at Columbia, South Caro- lina, recommends that those persons who apply for ‘registration must be able to read and write any section in the constitution.” A property clause of $300 is also inserted. While the action of the convention will not be final in the adoption of 8 new constitution tor that State its recommendation on the suffrage question should certainly be followed. Of course Republican papers will howl that this is a move to disquali- fy the colored voters, but the better sense of people, everywhere, will en- dorse the assertion that a man who can- not read and write is not capable of voting intelligently. VOL. 40 e BELLEFONTE, PA. OCT. 4, 1895. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. fic: Aladpmang NO. 39. The Right of Equality Outraged. One of the worst political signs of the times is the growing disposition to take unfair and unjust advantage of political opponents. The very basis of our popular institutions is the right of everybody to fair and equal treat- ment, and it applies to political parties as well as to individuals. When this right is denied—when, in the case of a political party, it is not allowed the right that is due it on the basis of po- litical equality, violence is done to the principle upon which our popular form of government is founded. Unfair and unjust advantage taken by one political party of another most frequently assumes the form of une: qual apportionment of representative districts, This is a wrong that has be- come habitual with the Republican party of Pennsylvania, inflicting a po- litical outrage upon nearly half the people of the State, and making a bur- lesque of popular representation. But partisan unfairness and injus- tice have agsumed even a more obnox- ious form in the unequal provisions of the law that has called the Supczrior court into existence. The judiciary should be entirely dis- tinct from politics. [ts machinery should be unaffected by party influen- ces. Bat in addition to the wrong of giving a political cast to the new court, its Republican creators have arranged to make it outrageously one-sided as a party machine that decent and right- thinking members of both parties must be disgusted and alarmed by so shameful an attempt to pervert the legitimate object of the judiciary. The difference in the numerical strength of the two parties in this State is comparatively trifling, yet a Repub- lican Legislature is found unjust, mean and impudent enough to make such a division of the new judges that one of these almost equal political par- ties is intended to have six of them and the other but one. Thisis to be effected by an arrangement in the man- ner of voting that will give the ma- jority party this outrageous dispropor: tion of judges on the bench of the Su- perior court. When it is considered that this wrong was deliberately planned, in ut- ter defiance of fairness and decency, and with contempt for the sense of right that is inherent in all good citi- zens, there should be such a rebuke at the polls, by the defeat of the candi- dates who are the representatives of this outrage, as will put upon it the stigma of public reproof, and stamp | with an unmistakable mark of condem- nation the iniquitous scheme of con- verting the courts into political ma- | chines. Beiiveratic. Encouragement. The Democrats of Pennsylvania have every reason to go into thia year's political campaign with revived cour- age and hopeful spirits. The circumstances are all favorable to their cause. Improved times and renewed industrial activity are work- ing in its interest. The people are experiencing the beneficial effects of Democratic meas- ures after a period of prostration due to Republican policy. The centres of industry have new life infused into them. They are all astir with the movements of reanimated labor. Industry no longer lacks employ- ment. The reduction of wages, which was a feature of the McKINLEY period, has been succeeded by an advance in the daily earnings of working people. Labor strikes that immediately began to disturb the relations between em- ployers and employed, after the passage of the last Republican tariff bill, no longer occasion disturbance, since wages are being voluntarily increased. This is the situation that greets the Democrats at the opening of this year's campaign and encourages them to hope for the most favorable results. With such a vindication of the policy of their party they have a right to expect that it will receive the endorse- ment of a popular majority. A year ago their opponents were go- ing through the country howling ca- lamity and charging the Democrats with having ruined the country. The prevailing prosperity is a sufficient ref- utation of such a charge and a reason- able assurance of Democratic success this year and in the greater contest a y ear hence. A Factional Ticket. In regard to the new court for which the people of the State will have to elect a set of judges at the No- vember election, it may be €aid, in the first place, that there was no actual occasion for creating it. The legal re- quirements of the State did not demand such a tribunal. The next fact connected with it is that those who are responsible for its establishment intended it for vo other than a partisan. purpose, and proposed to use it a8 an instrument in accomplishing - factional designs. When Hastings and his fellow fac: tionists conceived the scheme of this new court the leading object was to make such a distribution of the judge- ship appointments as would secure the largest possible number of delegates to the State convention, as against the QUAY faction. The Governor having thus made the judicial appointments for a factional purpose, his appointees, as presented to the party convention for nomina- tion, represented nothing but a faction. They would have been thrown over- board at the word of the notorious boss, if it had not better suited his de- signs to treat HasTINGs leniently and allow his judge appointees to go on the ticket as the party candidates. This is the kind of judicial ticket that is offered the Republicans for their suffrage. Originally selected for the use that might be made of them in advancing the designs of a faction, and their nomination allowed by the party boss for reasons best known to himself, these candidates are merely the representatives of an exploded fac- tional scheme. Members of their own party can not regard them in any oth- er light. Conscientious and fair-minded Re- publicans, who can not help being dis- gusted with the object for which Hasr- INGS originally selected these judges, and with their indecent participation inthe dirtiest of faction fights, will find it difficult to consider themselves bound to support such judicial candi- dates. Ex Wirrg, a Brooklyn man, is serving ten day’s sentence for forci- bly hugging and kiscing five girls cn the street, the other morning. What a boon such a fellow would be in Bellefonte, for with a Witte here the streets would be crowded with giris all the time. New York people will more than likely consider Witte a misnomer for a man who could be guilty of kissing Brooklyn girls. | Why They are Distressed. | The fact that the receipts in the Treacury for the month of September exceeded the disbursements, indicates that a gratifying turning point has been reached, and that the deficit of the past two years is about being con- verted into a surplus. This should make every good citi zen rejoice, but it is a cause of sadness to the Republican politicians. They are deeply distressed by such a dis proof of their assertion that the finan- cial condition of the country was'being ruined by the Democrats: They would much rather have the ruin in order that their predictions of ca- lamity might be fulfilled and their party might have the political benefit of it. In every respect these are sad and distresstul times to politicians whose ‘political success requires ruin and ca- lamity. The influence of Democratic policy has restored the industries of the country, but busy and well paid industry is a grief to them, and their country’s prosperity a source of sor- row. The sympathy and support of the people wiil not be given to a party that bases its hopes of success upon the ruin of business and the prostra- tion of labor. ——In adopting the blue law as their platform the Republicans of New York are likely to discover that the result will not be a brilliant success. The people of that State are capable of self-government, and when they are re: fuged the right to determine for them- selves whether or not they shall be subject to Puritanical regulations, there is every probability that they will kick. Rot, Rubbish and Reaction. The steady progress the country is making in financial and industrial im- provement renders the Republican cause the more hopeless. It has par- ticularly the effect of making McKin- LEY appear ridiculous as a presiden- tial candidate. His tariff policy can be his only claim to the suffrage of his countrymen, but when there is such abundant evidence that his policy was a fraud and a nuisance, to base a presidential claim on it will strike the American people ag laughably absurd. In view of the beneficent effects of the Democraticic tariff policy, which are becoming more manifest every day, for McKINLEY or any other Republi can candidate to go to the country with the old high tariff arguments will be but an attempt to revive the cauce of rot, rubbish and reaction. Presidents are not elected in such a cause. The people recognize the rot there is ic the claim that labor is bene- fited by a monopoly tariff. They re- gard as rubbish the doctrine that in- dustry is encouraged by measures that limit and restrain its operations, and they will not give their countenance to a policy of reaction that would restore | a tariff under which production was re- stricted, wages were reduced, and oc- casion was furnished for strikes and other labor disturbances. A party whose cause is based on rot, rubbish and reaction is not going to succeed in the next presidential elec- tion. - EE ——— Suspended Investigation. As was to be expected, the investiga- ting committee that made such a great parade about exposing Philadelphia’s municipal corruption, is not displaying an uncontrollable determination to get to work. It is very leisurely in its movements, with every probability that 1t will finally come. to the conclu- gion that the interest of the party will | not be promoted by probing into the | rotten methods of Philadelphia Repub- | licanism. The proposition to Lexow the mu- nicipal rascality of that city, with the object of reform, had about as munch | sincerity in it as can be found in | QuAY's reform State platform. It is safe to bet that there will be no Phila- delphia investigation, or that if there is one its result will be a neat job of whitewashing. Mr. Se. our present Pro- thonotary, has been a careful, trust. worthy official. - Courieous and digni- | tied at all times he has filled the office | during the four years of his term in a mauner to whizh no exception can be | taken. He is a Democrat, with hosts of Democratic relatives and friends in- terested in his success, and has a right to expect the vote of EVERY Demo- crat in the county. Asa representive of the end of the county to which we look for party strength he should be given the earnest support of the Demo- crate in other precincts. As to fitness for the office there can be no compari- son with Ape MiLLEr. The latter would never do as Prothonotary and the people cf Centre county should let him understand, at once, that he is not wanted. -—There are nl Republicans in the vicinity of Pine Grove Mills who have reason to know that the Democrats arz better friends of worthy old soldiers than the Republicans ever were, There are just three cases in that locality in which applicants, who were turned down by the Harrison ad- ministration, have been handsomely taken care of by Hoke Swmira’s de- partment. ——It has been announced that Hexry QuicLEy, the Republican nominee for District Attorney, is very much concerned to know when the Democratic papers intend opening up on him. He must have a skeleton in his closet. Worrying will not help him much the time will come soon enough- EE ——— English Conservatives have got- ten the potiof into their heads that the House of Lords must be made an elective, instead of a hereditary body. Should the plan fructify there will be a shaking up of dry bones among her Majesty's pets, the like of which has never before been known. BROWN OCTOBER. A SONNET. O Brown October, with thy ruddy face! Thou bringest with thee glad and grateful cheer; Of the Apostles twelve, who serve the year , The Almoner thou art of bounteous grace ; Thy annual round doth bless the human race, Thy visitations are to it most dear, Nor less to sentient Nature art thou near, For everywhere thy bounty leaves a trace. So whilst thou’rt here we'll on contentment feast, Heap high the board and fill the generous bowl ; Nor wastefully, but like a thankful soul, Rememb’ring that, once in the Holy East The Prince of Life and Charity did say : “Ye have not me, but have the poor alway.” Henry H.GoobricH. Let us Emulate Such an Example. From the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. One thing may frankly and truth- fully be said. In no other part of this country to-day is the old-fashioned American Sunday—a day of cessation from secular labor, respectful quiet, and worship forall who are so inclined ——s0 generally observed as in the South. This fact is noted with ex- treme gratification by Northern visit- ors, already unhappily familiar with current practices throughout this sec- tion, and the West particularly. There is to be no unseemly and costly contest over opening the Atlanta Ex- position on the first day of the week. There was a feeble effort in this direc- tion, but it has been speedily disposed of, and in a characteristic way, by the Directory, which unanimously voted to postpone all consideration of the subject. This course is taken in defer- ence to local public sentiment and in accordance with fundamental Ameri can principles. Atlanta is a very busy city six days in the week. Itis forg- ing ahead in every element of material prosperity ; but on Saturday night it lays aside the tools of labor and re- frains from unnecessary trespass upon the rights of those who toil. In this respect the New South sets a health- ful and inspiring example to the reck- less cities of the West, which have al- most abolished the American Sunday. A Thorn in Republican Flesh, From the Pittsburg Post. As great a thorn in the side of the Republicans as the prosperous times | and increasing wages is the fact that | the month of September showed a sur- | plus of over three millions between government receipts and expenditures. They try to break the force of this by claiming that the books were doctored, much in the same way as they sought to belittle the reports of good times end increased wages. The books can’t ‘be doctored. No Secretary would | countenance anything of the kind. i The surplus is a reflex of the good i times dawning on the country. Of | course the revenues of the government are benefited by the business revival. Nor is it likely this September surplus indicates a permanent monthly sur- plus. We have not reached that solid | | ground, but are gradually nearing it. How About His Reputed Friendship for Lincoln ? — From the Easton Argus. A New York paper announces on on what it considers good authority, that General Harrison has withdrawn from the race for the Republican presi- dential nomination in favor of William McKinley. Thus far the ex-president has carefully avoided any admission that he was in the race, and friends, reputed to be in close touch with him, have said that he would not make any effort to secure the somination. How Mr. Harrison is to withdraw from a contest in which the public has vo rea- son to believe he was engaged, will be difficult of determination. The Lone Discovery otf the Arctic Ex- pedition. From the Philadelphia Record. Lieutenant Peary says that the Es- quimaux women are exceedingly amia- ble, and have not yet acquired the habit of scolding ; and elsewhere in his inter- view he mentions that they were the pioneers in the wearing of the bloomer costume. This fashion revelation is commended to the strait-laced Ameri- can women who have been scolding about the bloomer costume. Perkaps if they were to get into the bifurcated garb it might assist them to recover and pre- serve their tempers. None of Them Like to Hear It. From the Williamsport Sun. It makes McKinley tired when a man like the president oi the Southern Pacific railroad says that ‘the general condition of the country and the rail- roads is better than it has been for years.” Of course it is. Ee It Ought to be Adopted Everywhere. From the Pittsburg Times. The grand jury of Washington would like to send wife-beaters to the whipping post. and it is a pity that it cannot. The black-snake is a fine re formatory for the men capable of that cowardly and brutal offense. ——Read the WATCHMAN. Spawls from the Keystone —Berks County’s potato crop is esti. mated at 2,500,000 bushels. —Alumni of Reading High School con. template starting a public library. —County Commissioners of Pennsyl- vania had a convention at Meadville. —A three-minute system ot telephones at Pittsburg is unpopular with business men. —Schuylkill region miners’ wages will this month be 17 per cent. below the £2.50 basis. —Clarkson Sheppard, the widely known Quaker preacher, is seriously ill at Media. —The Philadelphia & Reading has or dered all its Schuylkill collieries to work full time. —Extensive operations are in progress in Ross township, Monroe County, by coal prospectors. —Wilkesbarre liquor dealers held a meeting Monday to form a league for mu- tual advantage. —While clearing away a wreck on the railroad near Altoona, James Mulharn, of Gallitzin, was killed. —Footpads tried to hold upand rob three employes of the Huntingdon re- formatory, but failed. —The Deposit National Bank, of Du- bois, capital 100,000 was Monday authoriz- ed to begin business. —The publishing interestsof the United Brethren conference of East Pennsyl- vania are worth $330,000 —John O. Deshong, a millionaire citizen of Chester, swooned in a barber shop and was removed to his home. —Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphias dedicated St. Michael’s seminary for young ladies at Reading. —The negro Rice, who shot flagman George Beam, at Coatesville, last week, is now in jail awaiting trial. —A Delaware & Hudson train struck and killed constable Jefferson L. Rossle at a crossing in Scranton. —Illness compelled telegrapher George Israel to shoot and kill: himself at Rey nolds Station, near Tamaqna. —A train struck and killed William Snyder, a lad picking coal at Bethlehem, and injured his boy companion. —Several hundred Odd Fellows from that vicinity gathered Saturday, at Mor- gantown, paraded and enjoyed a picnic. —R. B. Stone, of McKean, and T. J. Smi- ley, of Crawford, have been a; ated trustees of the Warren Insane Hospital. —A new trial has been asked by Nelson Miller, convicted at Wilkesbarre as a dynamiter, who helped kill four peo- ple. —Kostan Bumard is in Pottsville jail, accused of trying to rob bookkeeper F. L. Benner, of the Silver Brook coal com - pany. —Newsboy Clayton Ricker, who was thrown from a Jersey Central train at Bethlehlem, on Sunday, has since ex- pired. —John Robinson, one of the murderers of Barney Reich, at Wilkesbarre, was Sat- urday sent to the penitentiary for 18 years. —For fighting Miss Bittinger, a school teacher, Anna Norman, a colored pupil at Chambersburg, was sent to jail for a month. —A movement is being agitated in Wil- liamsport to establish a home for friend. less girls, out of employment, and fallen women. —The Chamberlain colliery, Pottsville, after several weeks of idleness, resumed on Tuesday, giving employment to over 400 hands. —For the alleged forgery of a deed for a McKeesport property, worth £9500, real estate broker O. E. Krueger, of Brad- dock, was mobbed. —Rev. E. E. Berry, former Lutheran pastor at McAlisterville, has been indef- initely suspended by the Synod for al. leged dishonesty. —Disappointed in love, Lewis Young, of Bradford, shot himself, then laid the crime to a robber, but subsequently con- fessed. IIe will die. —Pittsburgers are chagrined becausc the Deep Ways convention refused to in dorse the scheme for a canal from Lake Erie to the Smoky City. —Judge Endlich, at Reading, refused to discharge artist D. W. Barlow, who i= accused of causing the death of Miss Cora Rapp by criminal malpractice. —Murs. Margaret Rhodes, who has just died at the Delaware Water Gap, had eight children, 58 grandchildren, 6) great- grandchildren and one great-great grand child. —Pennsylvania newspapers are almost ananimous in condemning magistrate Hughes, of Philadelphia, for his high- handed assumption in dealing with the Salvation Army. —Charters were Monday granted to the New Eagle Coal Company, of Carroll township, Washington County ; capital, $3,000, and the Kane Flint Bottle Company, of Kane ; capital, $15,000. —The Erie Evening Herald, the leading afternoon newspaper in Northwestern Pennsylvania, has purchased the service of the United Press, the greatest news gathering agency in the world. —These Bedford countians have died recently : Mrs. Barbara Weyant, at Clays. burg, aged 75 years; Mrs. Jacob Rhodes at her home in Liberty township, aged 59 years ; Mrs. Sarah Ashcom, widow of the late George B. Ashcom, in Everett aged 77 years. —Daniel Drawbangh, of Elerly’s Mills, isat present working on a device by which bicycles are made to climb a hill with but little effort on the part ot the rider. Mr. Drawbaugh is also the inven- tor of the telephone, which patent he was swindled out of. —The saw-'mill proprietors of Williams- port are greatly in need of logs to keep them in operation and if they are not soon supplied with what they want, must stop operation, by which hundreds of men would be idle. A number of mills have already shut down, —A letter received by his Huntingdon friends from D. S. Bagshaw, a missionary in India under the auspices of the Centre Baptist association, and a native of Hunt - ingdon county, announced his leaving for home on the 7th instant. His health has been greatly impaired, and his return is on this account.