Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 27, 1895, Image 6

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    = Beliefonte, Pa., Sept. 27, 18
Pennsylvania at Atlanta.
Some tacts That May Prove of Interest to Read
Pennsylvania will be well represent.
ed at the Atlanta exposition. ack of
space has compelled the curtailment of
the great exhibit originally contemplat-
ed and partially arranged for by the
various sub-committees of the Pennsyl-
vania commission, but the 4,000 square
feet of floor area allotted to the Key-
stone State by the exposition manage-
ment will be utilized to the very best
advantage, and from present appear-
ances the prediction that Pennsylvania
will hold her own at Atlanta with any
northern state seems amply justified.
~Bhe state building, which, by special
arrangement, occupies a commanding
site on the grounds of the Piedmont
Driving club, overlooking the main por-
tion of the exposition grounds, will be
completed and ready for furnishment
within a few days. The value of build-
ing and contents will be between $9,000
and $10,000. Owing to the compara-
tive small cost of labor and materials,
this will represent in results what an
expenditure of three times the amount
would have produced at the Chicago
World’s Fair.
The general style of the building will
be Grecian Ionic, differing from any
other building on the grounds. Sur-
rounded, as it is, by terraces on the
front and sides, and backed by the large
trees of the park, it will present a most
attractive appearance.
The building is intended to serve as a
club house for Pennsylvanians visiting
the exposition, and will be equipped
with a post office for mail delivety,
writing facilities, etc. There will be no
exhibits in the building itself, but out-
side, in the open loggia, .the greatest
single attraction in the entire exposition
will be displayed. Upon a raised dias,
in the centre of the loggia, the world-
famed Liberty Bell will be installed on
October the 15th, with appropriate
ceremonies, after a trumphant journey
through the south from Philadelphia.
The main state exhibit will be in the
manufactures and liberal arts building,
instead of in the minerals and forestry
building, as originally intended. A
space of 770 square feet on the main
floor of this building will be occupied
by a display of the birds and mammals
of the state. This will far surpass a
similar display made at Chicago, and is
said to be one of the finest exhibits of
the kind ever prepared in America.
Among.the animals in the collection is
the only Pennsylvania panther ever |
killed in the sfate and preserved bya
In the gallery cf the manufacturers’
building, occupying the entire second
floor of one of the main towers, will be
an exhibit from the educational and
public. institutions of Pennsylvania.
One of the main features of this display
will consist of the results of manual
work in theeducational, penal and re-
formatory institutions of the state. The
educational exhibit will be quite exten-
sive. Amond the well known institu-
tions that will be represented are Gi-
rard college, the Pennsylvania Museum
and School of Industrial Art, the Cen-
tral and Northeast Manual Training
shools, of Philadelphia, the Public
School of Industrial Art, the Philadel-
phia and Pittsburg schools of design for
Women, the Master Builders’ Trade
school, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum,
the*Morganza Reform School, the State
College, the Western Pennsylvania
university, and the Eastern and West-
orn penitentiaries. Models of a number
of public institutions will be in this col-
lection. There will "be an immense
map showing the location of every
school house in the state. A large mod-
ol of the tower of the great municipal
building in Philadelphia, the tallest
structure in tbe world, which was
manufactured for the Vienna exposition
will be publicly exhibited for the first
time 1n this country. There will also
be a model of Independence Hall, origi-
nal plans of the state house at Harris.
burg, and photographs of other historic-
al structures in the state.
In the minerals and forestry building
the state mineral display will be made.
It will occupy a space of 426 square feet
near the centre of the building, and will
present everything in the line of useful
curious and ornamental minerals to be
found in Pennsylvania.
In the woman’s building, which will
have a peculiar interest for Pennsylva-
niane, owing to the fact that its archi-
tect is a Pennsylvania woman, and that
the statues which crown it were present-
nd to the women of Atlanta by the
women commissioners of this state, will
be found the results of the work done by
the woman’s Auxiliary of the Cotton
States and International Exposition
commission. There will be a very in-
teresting exhibit of the silk industry of
Pennsylvania, which is entirely in the
hands of women, displays of the work
of the womans excharges and schools
of design of Pittsburg and Philadelphia
of the various ceramic clubs and of
gimilar institutions throughout the state.
From October 15 to November 15 the
new and wonderful oral method of
training deaf children will be exhibited
by Miss Mary S. Garrett, secretary of
the woman’s auxillary commission.
November 14 has been designated as
Pennsylvania Day at the exposition.
Governor Hastings and his staff, with a
military escort, will be present, accom-
panied by the entire Pennsylvania com-
mission and the Ladies’ auxiliary. The
indications are that several thousand
citizens of the Keystone state will also
be on hand to participate in the cere-
monies. A programme for the obser-
vance of Pennsylvania Day is now be-
ing prepared. Pennsylvanians who
contemplate a visit to Atlanta exposi-
tion should arrange, if possible, to be
present on Pennsylvania Day. The
robability that the dedication of the
ennsylvania monuments on the battle-
fleld of Chickamaugua, within four
hours’ ride of Atlanta, will take place
on November 12 or*13, should be an
additional incentive for patriotic Penn-
sylvanians to make a southern journey
at that time.
All citizens of Pennsylvania visiting
the exposition are requested to register
i September 20.
at the state building. They may also,
if they desire, have their mail addressed
care of state building while in Atlanta.
The exposition opened September 18
and closes December 31. The head-
quarters of the Pennsylvania commis-
sion will be removed to Atlanta about
Louisville, the Gateway of the South.
A Few Facts Gathered by Our Special Corre.
spondent While Attending the Encampment,
Louisville was established as a town
by the Virginia Legislature, May 1780
and incorporated as a city Feb. 13,
1828. Although the last charter was
obtained July 1st, 1893. The old
pump is still used cn every corner
with two tin dippers as drinking mugs.
The city is goverced by twelve al-
dermen and twenty-four councilmen all
Democrats. Its regular police force
numbere 285 men, but 250 extras
were put on for the G. A. R. gathering.
600 day and 50 night teachers are
employed in the public schools, which
boast of as well equipped buildings as
there are in the Union. Parks cover-
ing an area of 1,000 acres and beauti-
fied at an outlay of $384,000, make the
city beautiful and healthy.
The city proper covers an area of 15
square miles ; but an annexation is
pending which will cover 20 square
wiles. The assessed value of real es-
tate within the city limits is over $87,
000,000. The personal valuation is
about $40,000,000. The present popu-
lation 200,000 of which 4 is colored.
$100,000 is annually spent cleaning the
streets and byways.
The city has a network of electric
and horse cars that stretch miles ont
into the blue grass regions.
The key to Louisville, the old fort
on Muldraugh’s Hill, built to prevent
Gen. Buckner from entering the city,
is little changed since the war.
It is located on a high rocky cliff,
commanding a splendid view of the
Ohio river and the adjoining valley.
As far as the eye can see flows the
Ohio between corn tasseled fields and
towering hills. A most remarkeble
feature of the old structure is the con-
dition of the earthworks and entrench-
ments. Neither time, elements nor
the farmer's plow have wrought much
change. It was occupied by the ninth
Michigan, first Wisconsin and six-
teenth and twenty-eighth Kentucky
regiments. It was constructed by
order of Gen. Sherman, under Col.
Duffield’s plans. The earthworks sur-
round five acres. The wallof the clift,
a sheer descent of 150 feet, forms the
protection on the eide next the Ohio
river. The top of the wall is flat and
wide enough for four men to patrol
abreast. The wallis trom 15 to 20
feet high. The spring, inside the wall,
which supplied the soldiers with water
is still as good as ever.
Mr. Henry Dink, who owns the
property has had no occasion to dis-
turb the earthworks or entrenchments,
but he had much of the underbrush
cut, band stands erected, arches cov-
ered with flags and bunting, in honor
of the G. A. R. encampment.
Another historical point is the ob-
servatory Gen. Sherman had erected
on the high cliff below the city.
Louisville can well afford to boast
of beautiful cemeteries, for North or
South, East or West it would be hard
to find more beautiful cities of the
dead than Cave Hill or the National
Nearly five thousand soldiers rest in
the beautiful Cave Hill cemetery located
in the eastern part of the city. The
graves of the Federal and Confederate
soldiers are ; but a few feet apart. On
the Federal side the stars and stripes
wave over grim cannon, in the east
ooly the white headstones mark the
last resting place of those who fought
and lost. Itis a pretty spot indeed,
with its long rows of green carpeted
mounds, white tombstones and old field
pieces standing here and there as they
did during the war. Simon Bryant a
private of Co. H. 5th Kentucky Reg.
was the first soldier buried there. No
soldier who has not been honorably
discharged can be buried in this plot.
The same rule applies to Uncle Sam’s
navy, but & number of nurses, who did
service in the hospitals and field are
buried here and the same kind of
headstones mark their resting place as
those of the old soldiers.
At three points there stands as many
cast iron tablets like sentinels guard.
ing the dead on each of them appear
the words done in iron.
“The muffled drum’s sad rol! has beat
The soldier's last tattoo :
No more on life's parade shall meet
That brave and fallen few.
On fame's eternal camping ground
Their silent tents are spread,
And glory guards with solemn sound
The bivouac of the dead.”
Col. Keigwin of the 49th Indiana is
the superintendeat and to him are we
in debted for many kindnesses while
in city.
——Subscribe for the Warcuman
Defense of the South.
Facts for Fanatics and Others to Ponder Oveop—
Now the Confederate Soldier lias taken his Des
On Friday night the 20th the closing
meeting of the survivors of the Army
of Virginia and that portion of the
Army of the Potomac that fought at
Chattanooga, was held at Chattanooga,
in connection with the dedication of
the Chickamauga and Chattanooga
Military park. ‘The meeting was held
inthe tent, and was presided over by
Gen. E. C. Walthall, Senator-elect from
Mississippi, who fought against Hook-
er in the clouds on Lookout mountain.
Senator Walthall said the fate of the
Southern soldier, like it always is of
the vanquished, was a far harder lot
than that of the victorious soldier of
the North, and he “deserves credit for
the fortitude with which he has borne
it. Continuing on this theme, he said;
“Desolation, destruction and the
waste of war, the rule of the bayonet,
radical changes in the laws: of citizen-
ship, chiefly affecting tbe Southern
States, and the great problem of the
races, on whose solution so much for
him depended, were some of the stern
realities which confronted him at home
to try his pride and manhood and to
test his spirit of independence and his
powers of self-restraint. To such bur.
dens as were his to bear you happily
were strangers, and in congratulating
you on this exemption, he would have
you know he bore them as became a
foeman, who had stood four years be-
fore your guns,
“Upon the bounty of the govern:
ment he had forfeited his claims, and
against the consequences of his own
action he uttered no complaint. There
were no pensions for his disabled com-
rades or the dependent families of those
who freely gave their lives for the
cause they had espoused. “The gov-
ernment could provide no soldiers’
home for such as he—no beautiful
National cemetery, tastefully arranged
and ecrupulously cared for, where a
grateful nation guards the graves of
those who fell in its defense. He be-
grudges you no benefit which the gov-
ernment has bestowed on you and
youre. You, as its defender, earned its
gratitude and favor while he who
fought against you, incurred the penal-
ties of failure which he becomingly ac-
“Promptly, he betook himself, with-
out repining, to the earnest work of re-
habilitation and restoration. He has
built up the waste places in his ection
~~has been the friend of order and he
has upheld the law. In matters relig-
ious, social, political and material he
has been a busy factor and a power of
good. He has been the champion of
progress and improvement and hag
worn worthily all the highest honors
his people had the power to confer.
He feels that his record as a citizen in
peace ig a fit compliment to that he
made ae a soldier in war, and he is
“His tattered banner aod his sword
have been laid away forever, but his
army record will always be his pride,
and Lee his idol of a soldier and a
man. Such he ig, and such he must
be ever, and as such he would meet
you and cordially would greet you as
his friend and fellow countrymen, with
whom he has a common interest in
he greatness and glory of our common
country.” :
Gov. Oates, addressing his remarks
to the ‘“‘soldiers of the lost cause, and
successful defenders of the Union,”
made some exceedingly pointed com-
ments upon the causes of the war.
Among other passages were the fol-
“Let the blasphemous mouths of the
bloody shirt ehriekers be closed, and
the truth be told. Then our cause and
the heroism which sustained it for
four immortal yeare, will illuminate
the brightest chapters of the true his-
tory of that great conflict.
“Slavery, it must be conceded is con-
trary to natural right, but it was a
lawful State institution and was recog-
nized by the Conetitution of the United
States. Being a State institution it
was the right ot the State in which it
existed to continue or abolish it. Tt
was abuse, threats and impending as-
saults'upon the rights of the State to
regulate its own local and domestic af-
fairs, voiced by leading Northern men
of the Puritanical type, who denoun-
ced slavery and polygamy as twin
relics of barbarism, as the sum total of
all villainy, as a league with death
and a covenant with hell, until their
doctrines incited a band of fanatics to
believe that they were inspired by
Heaven ta light the torch of revolution
in Southern homes, and to invade a
Southern State for the purpose of in-
citing the slaves to insurrection, arson,
and indiscriminate murder of white
people. When the chief of these male-
factors was executed, church bells were
tolled in some of the Northern cities to
canonize him as a martyr. These
were the irritating causes which arous-
ed the feelings ot indignation and pre-
pared the minds of Southern people for
secession from the Union.
“Then when a great political party
confined to the Northern States, whose
orators were full of intemperate de-
nunciation of the Southern people, suc-
ceeded in electing their President, who
had proclaimed irrepressible conflict—
that this country must all be slave or
free labor—the apprehensions of the
Southern people were awakened to a
common danger, not about slavery
alone, but that their ancient and well-
defined right to govern their own inter-
nal affairs in their own way, would be
denied and destroyed.
“Thus was presented a great issue
for which unfortunately our Constitu-
tion provided no umpire to peaceably
adjudicate, and hence the question was
necessarily submitted to the arbitra.
ment of arms—the court of last resort
among nations.
“It was not for slavery, for the ma-
jority ot our men never owned a slave,
and get all the news of the county.
A large majority ot our soldiers were
poor laboring men. They were horri-
fied at the idea of 4,000,000 emancipa-
ted slaves turned loose in their midst,
raiced to the equality of citizenship,
invested with the electric franchise
and brought in competition with them
as free laborers. The pride of race
superiority and the invasion of their
right of local cr State government of.
fended alike the dignity of these men
and the elave owners ; they stood unit
ed and fought like devils, as every Un-
ion veteran will testify, and their flag
floated trinmphantly on pearly 100
fields of battle.”
Experience the Best Teacher.
The great value of Dr. David Ken-
nedy’s Favorite Remedy in curing dis-
eases of the blood, particularly the ills
of women, has again been demonstrated.
Mrs. W. J. Anderson of Bruyn St.,
Kingston, N. Y., in speaking of her ex-
perience, says : “I was an awful suf-
ferer from troubles common to my sex,
was reduced to 70 lbs. ; four “physicians
prescribed for me, but I kept growing
worse. Until I began™ the use of Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy I
never knew a well day. By its use I
grew stronger the pain less frequent, un.
til it entirely disappeared. I now weigh
125 lbs. and am a well woman. I must
know a dozen women who suffered sim-
ilarly and have been cured by its use.”
——DMrs. Rorer recommends plenty
of salad in the diet for nervous persons.
Fat around the nerves. she says, smooths
them out very quickly. Meat, such as
lean roast beef, broiled steak, broiled
mutton, or broiled chops, should be
used three times a day. Cereals are to
be avoided and little fruit taken, and
such as is should be eaten at the end of
breakfast, or luncheon, never in the lat-
ter part of the day.
“With step as noiseless as the summer air
Who comes in beautiful decay ? Her eyes
Dissolving with a feverish g.ow of light and
Her cheek a rosy tint, as if the tip
Of beanty’s finger faintly pressed it there!
Alas ! Consumption is her name.”
This terrible dsiease which has num-
bered its victims by millions, comes in
the most insiduous way. Getting one’s
feet wet ; a slight cold, a cough, and
then other indiscretions until it gets a
firm hold. Why fall a victim when a
cure is within reach ? Dr. Pierce's Gol-
den Medical Discovery will effectually
cure consumption in its earlier stages.
For weak lungs, spitting of blood,
asthma, lingering coughs and kindred
ailments, it is a sovereign remedy.
—— Russian journals are still mourn-
ing for the late czar. They will con-
tinue to surround their front page with
a border of black until a year has
elapsed from the date of his death.
undeniable fact that these Bitters are
composed in the main of Speer’s Wine,
with Peruvian Bark, Snake Root, ete.,
analyzed and recommended to invalids
and the medical Profession, by the best
Chemists in the United States cannot
fail in inspiring confidence in the use of
these Malarial Bitters.
——The rice crop of both Louisiana
and Georgia will be very large this year,
several districts producing the largest
crop in their history.
give them Laxol,—it is palatable.
——Piano Turner—¢“Good-day, mad-
am ; I came to tune your piano.”
Pianist—“But I did not send for
you.” Se
Piano Turper—“¥ know, but your
next door neighbor did.”
| ——1t is estimated that if the present
' methods of capturing salmon in the Pa-
cific ocean rivers are continued, this
great food fish will be exterminated in
three years.
——The Democratic party never put
a better man in the field tor any office
than Benjamin F. Meyers, our nominee
for State Treasurer.
——A dozen people have courage to
one who has patience.
——Greteful content is a good sauce
to serve at any dinner.
——The cultivation cf tobacco is pro-
bibited in Egypt.
——1It takes two ton of rags to make
one ton of paper.
——Read the WATCHMAN.
|it orders for our hardy Nurs-
ery Stock. Expenses and
BY THE salary to those leaving home,
. |orcommission tolocalagents.
CHASE Psrman en Emplovimen;,
e business eas earned.
40-35-1y. co, 1430 So. Penn 8q., Phila.
Estate of Edward Wellington, de-
ceased, iate of Bellefonte borough.
Letters of administration on said estate hav-
ing been granted to the undersigned, all per-
sons indebted thereto are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
or demands against the same will present
them without delay for settlement to the un-
20-36.61* Bellefonte, Pa.
OTICE.—In persuance of the pro-
visions of the 11th Section of the Act of
Assembly of May 24, 1871, and also Act of As-
sembly of 1889, relative to catching fish in any
of the streams of the Commonwealth of Penna.
by means of fish baskets, eel wires, kiddles,
brush or facine nets, or any permanently set
means of taking fish. All of which are declar-
ed common nuisances by said Act of Assembly.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Sheriff of Centre county, that such contriv
ances are known to exist in certain streams
in Centre county, and the owners or managers
of said contrivances are hereby ordered and
directed to dismantle the same so asto render
them no longs? capable of taking or injuring
the fishes of said stream, and if at the expira-
tion ot ten days, from the publication of this
notice the same are still known to exist, they
will at once be dgmantled in accordance with
the provisions of the said 11th Section of the
aforesaid Act of Asssbly
Sheritf’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Sheriff.
Sept. 12 1805. 40-36-
When the children need Castor Oil,
P.M. |
New Advertisements, |
1 In the Court of
i Common Pleas
ys: ¢ of Centre coun-
P. G.]M. Ardery, Respondent, | ty. No. ¢4¢ Jan.
Term. 1885.
Please take notice that the undersigned
was appointed a commissioner by the Court of
Common Pleas of Centre county, to take the
testimoffy of witnesses in the above stated
case and report the same to Court ; and that
he will have a meeting at his office in Crider
Excharge, Bellefonte Pa. on Saturday the 5th
of October, 1895,at10 o'clock A.M. for the
purpose of his appointment, when and where
all parties, interested can be present if they
see fit. N. B. SPANGLER,
40-36-3t Commissioner.
SPECIAL TERM.—Whereas the Hon.
John G. Love, President Judge of the Court of
Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District,
consisting of the County of Centre, aud the
Hon. C. A, Faulkner and the Hon. Benj. Rich,
associate judges, in and for said county, hav-
ing issued their precept bearing the date the
26th of August, 1895, to me directed, for hold.
ing a special term of the Court of Common
Pleas, for the said county of Centre, notice is
hereby given that the said special term of
tha Court of Common Pleas, Oyer, Ter
miner and General Jail delivery, Quarter ses-
sions of the peace and orphans court of Centre
county will convene on the 2nd Monday of
October, being the 14th day of October, 1895,
upon which said court all jurors summoned
to attend are hereby required to attend.
Given under my hand at Bellefonte, the
25th day of August, 1895, and the one hundred
and eighteenth year of the independence of
the United States.
Ida R. Ardery, Libellant,
40 35
Railway Guide.
May 20th, 1895.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.26 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone.
6.40 a. m., at Altocna, 7.40 a. m., at Pitts-
burg, 12.10 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 10.09 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.25 a. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts-
burs, 6.50 p: m. .
Lesve Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.33, at Altoona at 7.40, at Pittsburg at 11.30,
Leave Bellefonte, 5.26 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
6.40, at Harrisburg, 9.30 a. m., at Philade}
phia, 12.17 p.m. ’
Leave Bellefonte 10.09 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.25 a. m., at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., at
Philadelphia, 5.47 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Locs
Haven, 10.30 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.50 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.49 EB m.
Leave Belle onte at 8.41 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 9.40 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.30, leave Williamsport, 12.35 p. m:,
arrive at Harrisburg, 3.20 p.m, at Philadel
phia at 6.23 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.50 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.49. p. m.; arrive 6.45 Williamsport
leave 7.00 p. m., Harrisburg, 10.00 p.m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.41p. m., arrive at Lock Hs-
ven, 9.40 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.26
a. m., arrive Harrisburg,3.22 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.52 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m.
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.
Leaye Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewis.
burg, 1.47, at Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Phila
___delphia at 11.15 p. m.
* Daily, f Week Days 76.00 p. Mm.
{10.10 a. m. Sunday.
Philadelphiaand New York SLEEPING Cams
attached to Beech Creek R. R. train passing
Mill Hall, East bound at 9.37 p. m. West
bound at 8.13 a.m. Pullman Parlor Cars on
Day trains between Williamsport and Phila.
General Superintendent.
N-Y.C. & H. BR. R. BR. Co., Lessee.
Condensed Time Table.
Reap Ue. | Reap Down.
+ |
Exp. | Mail. MAY 12th, 1895. | Exp. Mail.
No. 37 No. 33
No. 30 No. 36
{1 HH... |
“525 1250 ....MAHAFFEY....T500 43
9 00 12 15 Lv... Kerrmoor....Ar| 5 28) 5 05
| 838 515
545 5 22
550 521
558] 533
6 08] 539
6 26| 557
Lv Ar| od
wo Liv)
755 11 10|....CLEARFIELD....
| |Ar Lv |
5 11 01/...Clearfield Junc...
Munson. ...Ar|
| Lv {
| 9 55...PHILIPSBURG....,
6 40 745 805
7 23, 10 40|...PHILIPSBURG..... 7 00|
lar Lv |
7 05 722 740
6 40| 9 | 805
62 9 8 23
613 9 8 30
520 8 9 24
505 813 9 37
458 807 ! 9 43
4 47 7 58/Youngdale (Wayne)! 9 27, 9 52
4 35] 7 45|Jersey Shore Junc., 9 40| 10 05
14 00] 7 05{.Lv W'MSPORT Ar.| 10 12| 10 45
a | Ae [A NM. PM
A Golden Harvest. E u g 3 May 20, 5 m 2 g
Is now assured to the farmers of the West | ¥ B= § iz55, Fe tH 2
and the Northwest, and in order that the peo- | — ! | fm! i
, re Eastern States ma d [PM AM A MAT. Lv. A Mipulpowm
ple of the more Eas ern States may see an 633) 1155 “5 0 ot ronal 3 0 oi Tos
realize the magnificent crop conditions which | g 27/ 119 634. E ae 816340 731
prevail along its lines, the Chicago, Milwau- 9 2) 11 15! 6 30]... Vail...... | 820344 735
3 "we ed a seri ol 1111 626 i 821348 1739
kee & St. Paul Ry Bas arrange d a series of 6 13) Flies, Sabeal | sa0nogl 78
three (3) Harvest Excursions for August 29, | ¢ 10! 17 02 617 833357 748
September 10 and 24, for which round trip ex- 2 ge 11 00, 6 Ls .. Hannah... 835359, 750
i i 3 Fri- 10 52] 6 08 Pt. Matilda.| 8 42/4 06 7 57
cussion tickets fed oe A » 4 ° 52 10 44 001 ..0arthars| 8434 ” 19
day from Sepeember 18 to Qateber U1 inclu 15 39) 1p 36! © sol Jollan- ol 3530305 S13
sive) will be sold to various points in the : 35! 1027 544 Unione] 907431 §22
Tet Nothuot Southeest at the 1 28 10 201 5 37|...S.S. Int...| 915439 830
West, Nothwest and Southwest at the rate of 5251017 5 34 Milesburg | 9 181412 833
about one fare. 515 1069 5 26.Bellefonte.| 9 28/4 50' 8 41
For further particulars apply to the nearest 3 ” 957 51% Mijssing, 94115 02 853
ar $s Jon It, 949 507...Curtin....| 949/510 9 01
Yonpon Hinleet agent or Sddress don R Pout, io oo Zola Eagle.| 953514 905
District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee 444 9 39, 4 57|...Howard...| 959/520 911
& St. Paul R'y. Williamsport, Pa. 435 930 4 48. Eagleville. 10 08 5 20 9 20
—_ ———_—. 432 927 445 Bch. Creek. 1011/532 9 23
$ i 916 4 861. Mill Hall... 10 22/5 43 9 34
{ 914 433 Flemin’ton.| 10 24545 9 36
Central Railroad Guide. |{,; g; 43) ck Haven 10505 4 ooo
P.M. A. M. [A M.| A. M. P.M.| P, M.
. | |
Condensed Time Table. Bn | ® May 20, B
EIBE} 5 1895 bo V8
| | 2 | 2 | = . 1%
Reap Down | ! Erap Ur. l | 8 | ’
es Mav iy, Taos TT ee ee) free mes
No.5 No3 No.1 No.2 No.4 No.6 P.or.| p. M. | A. M. Lv. + Ara. wm |arm |p. W
: J 730 315 820|..Tyrone...| 635 11 20612
p.-m.ip. m.a.m. Lv. Ar.a..m'p.m.'p.m. | 736 321 8 26.E. Tyrone. 6 29 11 14/6 06
18 15 13 33 7 40 BELLEFO'T 10 20! 6 1010 47 | 7 38, 3 23; 8 28/.Tyrone 8.|......... | 11 1216 04
829 347758 ...... Nigh....... {10 07| 5571032 (7 41 32 8 31/...... Vail on 6 25 11 09/6 01
8 35 3 53 800 ....,.%i0N.... 1001 5511027 |751 336 8 £2, Vanscoyoe. 6 18) 11 025 64
8 40 3 58 8 05 .Hecla Park..! 9 56' 5 4610 22 | 7 55| 3 40| 8 ¢ |.Gardner.... 6 15 10 59.5 50
842 4 00 8 07...Dunkles....' 9 54 5 44/10 20 | 8 04 3 49, 8 57/Mt.Pleasant| 6 07, 10 51/5 41
846 404 811 HUBLERS'G 9 50 5401017811 355 9 05..Summit... 600 10 45 34
8 50 4 08 8 15 .Snydertown..| 9 46/ 5 37/10 13 | 8 16, 3 59, 9 09 Sand.Ridge 5 54| 10 385 27
8 52; 4 10! 8 17,.....Ni 1944 5351010 | 818 4 olf 9 Nis Retort..... 5 51, 10 355 23
854 412.819... i 942 53831008818 4 02] 9 13|..Powelton...| 5 49: 10 23 5 21
8 56 4 14; 8 21 ...LAMAR....| 940, 5 31110 05 [ 8 27, 4 08] 9 21 ...Osceola...| 5 39| 10 235 10
8 58 417 8 23 .Clintondale.. 9 37 529/10 05 | ......| 411 9 28 Osceola Ju.| ...... Booosenns |5 06
9 04 4 22/ 8 28 Krider'sS'n'g 9 32 5 24 957/881 416 9 31... Boynton 5385 10 19 5 03
9 10, 4 28 8 34 .Mackeyville.” 9 26 518, 9 51 | 8 35] 4 19] 9 35|..Steiners...| 5 31] 10 15'4 58
9 17 4 34] 8 40 Cedar Springs 9 20 5 12) 9441886 423 9 42/Phili sbu’g| 5 30| 10 14/4 87
919 136/842... Salona ..... 918 511/943 |8 41 4 29 9 47..G am... 5 26 10 09 4 52
925 443 8 50 MILL HALL 19 12 5 05/19 37 | 8 3 : 33 9 2 Be Bal 5 21 10 144 46
Te 7 8 52) 439 9 58 Wallaceton.| 516! 9 58/4 39
P.M. | A. MLV. > Anja. alr on 007] 36% Doll orice 511 9 53/4 33
7937 le... MILL HALL....[ 813 505 903 450 10 10| W lend 506 947427
10 05° 9 40 Jersey Shore Junc.| 745 435] | o 53 10 13 Mi Bi | 7)
10 45 10 12 WILLIAMSPORT..| {705 11 00 | 3 05! % 53) 10 13 Mineral Sp 505 94142
a ay leks 7| 10 17 .. Barrett... 501 9404 20
YY : 915 501 1022. Leonard...| 456 935416
P. M.| A.M. | A, M. P.M. [919 506 10 28. .Clearfield..! 4 52! 9 31409
*11 15110 30 Lv. WIL’MSP'T.Ari 635 240{924 5 11] 10 34 .Riverview.| 458 9 26'4 02
~~ FP. MN. 9 30! 5 17' 10 41 Sus. Bridge! 443 9 20'3 56
N12! 5u3Ar... PHILA... Lv *11 30 835|935 522 10 46/Curwensv’e 4 39 9 15/2 51
FIN Yorn win 0 | 10 52 ....Rustic.... | .u0ned] |
5 45 N. York, via Tamgq. «| 11 02 _ Stronach. 3
19 80 7.25 .N. York, via Phila. 2 7 30 } 4 30 ..| 11 06 .Grampian..
- (Foot of Liberty St.) } A.M. |
9 25 7 00 ...Atlantie City..... 930 630 =
A, M. | P. M. {P M..A.M,
Time Table in effect on and after
May 20, 1895.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......
Arrive in Bellefonts,...............ce....... 4
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....
Arrive in Snow Shoe........... >
Schedule in effect May 19th, 1895.
MM | 1031 114 | 112
—— | STATIONS. {
P. M. | A.M. | AMP om
158 5 40|....... Montandon........ | 910 458
2 08; 6 15! .Lewisburg........| 9 447
6 439
6 435
6 4
6 415
6 407
TAS], Cherry Run 3 48
I ¥88L...,00m CODUIN. cecaerssen 3 30
7 55|....Risin; Springs 72 3814
401; Sool... Centre Hal | 301
407 816 Serve 00, 254
413 823 2 47
4 18, 8 28 2
4 22 8 32 2
427) 837 2
437 847 2
445 855 2
P. M. | A. M. ;
= Nov. 26, 2 =
H 1894 u "
g | 2 | 8
A.M. P.M.
4 50|....8cotia..... 9 20! 440.
5 07|..Fairbrook.| 9 03/ 4 23/.
5 19|Pa. Furnace| 8 51) 4 11/.
5 25... Hostler...| 8 45/ 4 05.
5 31|...Marengo..| 8 39 3 59.
5 85/..Loveville.. 8 85) 8 55.
58 5 41) FurnaceRd| 8 29| 8 49|.
setiee[ 1101 4 Dungarvin.| 8 5 3 46].
wee] 11 10{ +3 52... W. Mark..| 818 3 38].
wean 1 6 01 Pennington; 8 09, 3 29.
sevree 1.82 5 1%.Stover....) 758 815...
Tyrone....| 7 50 3 10.
wees] 11 40; 6 20]...
To take effectMay 20, 1895.
P.M. A.M. Phila.& Reading RR| A. u. |». M.
f2 40, ¥ 85 Ar WMSPORT Ly. {10 30,11 15
18 35 11 30 Lv..PHILAD’A. LAr 5 08 711
t4 30, /Lv.NY via Ta ri 645
| #7 30 Lv.N Y via Phila.Ar| 7 25 19 30
AM PM | Ip. a | A. wm.
tWeek-days. '36.00 p. M. Sunday
110.55 A. Mm. Sunday.
between Clearfield, & Philadelphia daily, ex-
cept Sunday on trains Nos. 36 and 33.
Through coach to New York, and through
Pullman Buffet Parlor cars to Philadelphia on
train leaving Williamsport 10.30.
ConNEcTIONS.—At Williamsport with Phila-
delphia and Reading R. R. At Jersey Shore
June. with the Fall Brook Ry. At Mill Hall with
Central R. R. of Penna. At Philipsburg
with Pennsylvania Railroad. At Clearfield
with Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway.
At Mahaffey and Patton with Cambria & Clear-
field. Division of Pennsylvania Railroad At
Nahafey with Pennsylvania & Northwestern
A. G. PALMER, Gen'l Pass'r Agent,
Superintendent. Philadelphia, Pa.
No [Nol nr + No.
12 t No.8 No.2 Stations. | 1 [No.7] a
| ol! rT
ol P. M.| A. M. |Ar. Lv.|an. a. mm. P. NM.
6 45/ 3 25) 8 45|.Bellefonte.(6 30| 10 30, 4 55
638 319 8 40|...Coleville..|6 37 10 37 5 00
6 35 3 16| 8 37|....Morris. f|6 40 10 42| 503
632 313 8 35.Whitmer.f|6 44] 10 47) 508
6 27] 3 08/ 8 31|..Hunters...|6 50] 10 53/ 5 11
6 24 3 06| 8 28)..Fillmore.f|6 53/ 10 56 815
619 301 8 24|..Brialy.. {700 11 02, & 20
615 258 8 20..Waddle...|T 05 11 05) 525
612 262) 8 18/8cotia Cr.f[7 08) 11 08' 5 27
6 02) 240 8 07/Krumrine.f(7 17| 11 20, 837
5589 235 804 ....Struble.f 7 20| 11 24| 5 40
587 232 8 32 Univ. Inn.f/7 28 11 28) 8 43
555 230 800 StateColl’ge,7 30, 11 30| 5 45
“{" stop on flag. { Daily except Sunday.
F. H. THOMAS, Supt.
i you want printing of any de
scription the
is the place to have it done.