Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 27, 1895, Image 1

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    a —
Ink Slings.
. —Why not recognize the Cubans as
belligerents ?
—The chestnut season is on and we
presume there will be the usual blow
about it.
—1It is really too bad that Col. DuUN-
HAM, of the Hornet, wasn’t informed
wanted to get married. =
—ToM REED was recently calied a
“poem in white,” when seen on his
wheel. He would sooner give rise to
such an expression with the word house
tacked on.
—We never neard of QUAY as a
female character, but from the way he
stripped “Our DAN” of his growing’
strength we are under the impression
that the ‘old man’’ could do a DELILAH
act all right.
-—Six aces turned up in a game of
poker in West Chester, on Saturday
night, and then FRANK Jonnsox “filled
his hand” by “drawing” a revolver
with which he riddled GEORGE DEE-
REY with bullets.
——1It was decidedly refreshing, the
other day, when the mercury was play-
ing peep-o with the 100° mark, to read
about PEARY’s return from the Arctic
regions and how his friend LEE was suf-
fering with a frozen toe.
—DuURANT, the San Francisco accused
murderer, might as well give up hope of
escaping the gallows. The women out
there are beginning to carry him flowers
and history proves that when such ccu-
ditions obtain there is little chance for
the recipient’s neck.
—The candidacy of JAMES CAMP-
BELL seems to have set the Republicans
of Ohio to jumping a little. There is no
State in the Union that shows the good
results of the WiLsoN tariff as the Buck-
eye State and it would not be surprising
to hear of the right kind of returns
from there this fall.
—How is the world to have a free
and independent form of government if
republics will not help the cause of
those struggling for freedom? Why
not recognize the Cubans as bellig-
erents. They have proven their right
to such recognition and it will be to our
advantage to give it.
—The name of the new boat that is
to be built to challenge for the Ameri-
cas’ cup will be the “Distant Shore.”
‘We hope Mr. Rose will change the
name to ‘‘Beautiful Shore” then when
the ‘Defender’ outsails her we can
sing “In the sweet bye and bye,” with a
tull realization of its appropriateness,
—Judge GREER, of Butler, has ar.
raigned the local water company for
violation of its franchise in not supply-
ing consumers of that town with health
ful, clean water. The judge is a great
temperance advocate and he does'nt in-
tend to countenance any such an excuse
for the people out there drinking beer,
—The recent encampment of the
Grand Army at Louisville put an ef-
fectual end to ‘bloody shirt” cam-
paigns. Aft:r the warm hearted man-
ner in which that centre of southern pa-
triotism received and entertained their
old time foe, the man who attempts to
stir up sectional feeling, for political
purposes, will find few ready to listen to
him. ’
—The Democrats of Utah have re.
sponded to the greeting sent them in
their flrst State convention, by the
Democratic societies of Pennsylvania in
a way that seems to augur well for
Democratic success in the new State,
They say Mormonism is dying out, but
we hope our fellows out there won’t
give up their polygamous practices un-
til they have enough Democrats to make
the State sure. -
—There is a woman up in Cambria
county who has given birth to five sets
of twins and is now the mother of six-
teen children. A singular thing about
this is that the newspapers give her all
the credit for such remarkable progen-
eration, If there is any glory to be
passed around it’ seems to us that the
daddy ought to have a share of it, since
his lot of providing for such a family is
hard enough.
—Because Judge SPEER has announ-
ced that the sale of imported meat in
Central Georgia has dropped off 85 per
cent. since 1891 the Philadelphia Zimes
concludes that she is now ‘keeping her
smoke-house at home instead of in the
West.” Possibly the Times is rights
but we are inclined to believe that im-
proved locks and the thinning ranks of
the itinerant colored ‘‘parson’’ class are
the true causes for the falling off.
—The Philadelphia Times’ Harris-
burg correspondent is of the opinion
that Governor HASTINGS’ defeat by
QUAY was not brought about because
of any unpopularity of his administra-
tion but because of his alliance with
MARTIN and MAGEE. If this is so how
does the gentleman account for the fact
that the only delegates the Governor
got, without the use of patronage, were
those from this county and the two cit-
OL. 40
ONTE, PA., SEPT. 27, 1895.
Hastings and the Presidency.
The many stories that have been sent
out from Harrisburg lately point to a
pooling of the Quay and HasTINGS in-
[ terests for the purpose of giving the
Pennsylvania delegation to the Gover-
nor in the next national Republican
convention. Naturally enough the
prospect of such a coalition has alarm-
ed Messrs MaGee and MARTIN, the
Pittsburg and Philadelphia lobbyists,
and late “Combine” partners of the
Governor. They see the effectual nip-
ping of their aspiration for State dicta-
torship in the plan which is said to be
on foot to re unite the junior Senator
and his late rival.
Should Governor Hastings and Sen.
ator Quay come together as friends
again there can be no doubt as to the
former's chances to figure in the pres-
idential race, for his parly’s nomina-
tion, at least. It is not unreasonable
to assert that’ Quay would be glad to
throw the Pennsylvania delegation—
which he will control absolutely—to
Hastings and what such a turn would
bring forth no man can tell. At all
events it would have gone a long way
toward bringing about a realization of
Quay’s oft expressed desire to “own a
Should the conqueror and conquered
become friends again there will be lit-
tle left for Martin and MAGEE, but
the farming of the cities that have
made them. Their probable wrath
would not be taken into serious consid-
eration, since QuAY's supremacy in the
country districts easily gives him the
whip hand in State matters.
Seriously considered there is no tell-
ing what might be the out-come of
HasTINGS once getting before the na.
tional convention. It has been his am-
bition to step into the breach that will
inevitably result should HarrIsoN and
REED become warring rivals for the
first place on the ticket. McKINLEY
having been as well as dropped ‘by his
party, on account of his extreme tariff
views, is not considered as a strong as-
pirant; while it is altogether likely
that Morton's age will prove the
stumbling block to his growing boom.
Under such conditions it is possible for
the Governor to realize the hopes thay
Representative Anges, of Clearfield
county, voiced at Philipsburg during
the recent factional fight, but hardly
probable. Aside from the fact that it
would be poor policy for the Republi-
can party to give a strong State like
Pennsylvania a presidential nominee it
is altogether likely that the convention
that will make that nominee will look
to his strength. Of course Hastings’
247,000 majority would be paraded be-
fore it in such a manner as to make it
appear almost a million, but back of
that would come the investigation of
the popularity of his administration
and with what result? You know
that without being told. The columns
of many of the State Republican pa-
pers, during the Iastsix months, answer
the question in uncontroversory facts.
As a Governor he has proven a disap:
pointment to his own party; as a can-
didate for President he would hardly
carry the State that once honored him
with the largest majority ever given
any candidate of any party.
McKinleyism as an Issue.
The Republican leaders show a dis-
position to make the McKINLEY tariff
their issue in the next presidential
campaign simply because they have
no other issue to go on. It is neck or
nothing with them. They can’t expect
to make much, if anything, out of it,
but with them it is HossoN’s choice.
It was on that account that Sugg.
MAN, McKiNLEY and Foraker made
the tariff the keynote of the recent
Ohio Republican State convention.
JouN SHErMAN declared that when
they get in power it will be their duty
“to provide a tariff and tax bill that
will yield-sufficient revenues to support
the government and at the same time
protect all home industries.” This is
a squint at the discredited and dis-
carded McKINLEY tariff as their is-
But by the time the next national
campaign comes off the Democratic
tariff will be found to be so abundant-
ly providing all the revenue the gov-
ernment requires and all the protection
the industries need, that the Republi-
can party, with its MoKiNLEY issu e,
will be hopelessly immersed in the
ies dominated by MARTIN and MAGEE?
McKinley Foolishness.
If the Philadelphia Inquirer believes
that the tariff is still a political issue
and will be of service to the Repubii-
can party in the next presidential con-
test it is welcome to such a fatuous
It bases this foolish notion upon a
number of alleged facts which are as-
sumed as proof that the Democratic
tariff is an injurious and objectionable
meaepre. One of these facts is that “in
six months under the new tariff the
imports of manufactured goods has in:
creased $56,000,000, or over 100 per
Admitting this to be a fact it proves
nothing but that there has been such
animprovement in the general condition
of the country under a Democratic tariff
that it is able to buy an increased
amount of imported goods. As a
consequence of this increased importa-
tion is it seen that our industries are
injuriously affected, our factories
closed, our workmen thrown out of
employment, or their wages reduced ?
What is seen is directly the opposite.
It is an incontestible fact, obvious to
everybody, and experienced by a mil-
lion of workmen whose wages have
been increased within the last six
months, that there has been a remark-
able revival of the industries under this
Democratic tariff, and in view of this
fact what does the Inquirer's fact of
increased importations amount to as
proof that this tariff is so objectionable
that a return to the Republican high
tariff policy is desirable ?
The other facts, arrayed by this
Philadelphia McKiNLEY organ against
the WiLsox tariff, and in support of
its assertion that Republican protec.
tion has not been eliminated from the
political issues, are equally unreliable
and inconsequential. For example,
its assertion that the effect of the Dem-
ocratic tariff has been to depress the
American and stimulate the English
woolen manufacture .is entirely devoid
of the element of truth that constitutes
a fact. Itis simply a misrepresenta.
tien recklessly and foolishly resorted
The nonesense of its assertions on
this subject, and the mental confusion
that characterizes its argument, are
shown by its including among the
chargesit makes against the WiLsox
tariff the statement that in six months
under the operation of that measure
“we have imported $12,000,000 more
of wool than we did the last year the
McKINLEY law was in operation.”
In the name of all that!'is sensible
what would be wanted with all this
extraordinary amount of imported
wool if our woolen manufactures were
as disastrously affected by the WiLsox
tariff as the Inquirer represents ? That
there is much more wool imported
than under the Republican tariff is a
fact, but with this fact are connected
those other facts that our woolen mills
have generally resumed and some of
them have enlarged their operations,
that they are giving employment to an
increased number of men whose wages
have in many instances been advarcced,
and that our people have been given
the advantage of better woolen goods at
lower prices.
These are the effects intended to be
produced by free raw materials, and
that they are in full and beneficent
operation nnder the WiLson tariff ie
evidenced by the great increase in wool
importations which the Inquirer fat-
uously alludes to in support of its
McKINLEY argument.
The editor of “that paper strongly
draws upon his imagination in repre-
senting that in consequence of the wool
importations “whole flocks have dis- |:
appeared and millions of sheep have
been exterminated.” This is foolish
exaggeration. The number of sheep
is about the same. That they have not
been entirely exterminated, and that at
least one survives, would j appear from
the character of the Inquirer's tariff ar-
2 New Jersey turns up with an all
powerful Republican boss, the same as
New York and Pennsylvania. Jersey
Republicanism has SEweLL's stamp on
it as the mark of ownership, so that
there is no question as to whom it be-
longs. In Pennsylvania and New
York the party 1s the acknowledged
property of Quay and Prarr. It
would seem that the career of ‘the
grand old party” will ingloriously
terminate as a sort of political chattel.
NO. 38.
The Trouble With the Gold Reserve.
The report is that the gold reserve is
again in so delicate a condition that it
will require strengthening by another
loan. Itisto be regretted that this
part of the national exchequer needs
80 much tinkering, and that it is
necessary to give the job to syndicates
of Wall street bankers who would
make even old SHyLock smile,
The trouble we are having with
that reserve will have to be taken
along with the other afflictions that
must be endured in consequence of
former Republican policies. A deple-
tion of the Treasury, as a result of bil-
lion dollar legislation, has had the ef-
fect of making the government's credit
a little shaky, and a Democratic
administration has the trouble of
keeping up a sufficient stock of
gold to maintain that credit by meet-
ing the obligations imposed by Repub-
lican extravagance and the require-
ments of vicious revenue laws, for
which Republican administration was
solely responsible,
Itisa thankless task that the ad-
ministration has on hand in maintain-
ing the public credit. The perfor-
mance of such a duty is always open
to censure and misrepresentation.
Even the rascals who were the chief
cause of the embarrassment have
cheek enough to criticise and con-
demn the expedients that have to be
resorted to for the maintenance of the
reserve. But the administration is do-
ing its duty, in the face of difficulties
for which it is not responsible, and is
entitled to the sympathy and support of
all good citizens,
EN ———————
Third Term Worry.
Senator Gray, of Delaware, isa con-
spicuous supporter of a “third term”
for such American Presidents as de-
serve the’ confidence of the people.
He believes that Mr. CLEVELAND is de-
serving of such confidence. But he
ingeniously argues that another term
for the present incumbent would not
be open to the objection that is usually
urged against a third term, for the suc-
cession of terms would be interrupted:
by the intervention of four years dur
ing which he was a private citizen.
It appears to us that there is no oc-
casion for worrying over this question.
It looks like borrowing trouble too far
in advance. Mr. CLEVELAND has giv-
en no indication that he wants another
term. There is no popular demoan-
stration in tavor of giving him another.
The success of the Democratic party in
the next presidential contest, which is
the most important consideration, will
depend in a large degree upon the char-
acter of the nominee, and the party may
be trusted with making a selection that
will be most conducive to its success.
Should Be Recognized.
There is no question as to the senti-
ment of the American people on the
Cuban trouble. Nine-tenths of them
would approve the immediate recog-
niticn of the struggling revolutionists
as belligerents, and the same nine-tenths
would warmly endorse the administra.
tion in any effort it would make in tha,
direction. While President CLEVELAND
might feel it his duty, out of respect to
Congress, to wait a month longer and
submit the question to the judgment of
that body, he would add very material- |
ly to the strength and popularity of his
administration by taking the initiatory
in the matter and giving such recogni-
tion at once, to the oppressed and re-
volting Cubans, as will secure them, at
least, a fair show in their fight for free-
——They have a compulsory educa-
tion law in New York and its enforce-
ment is attended with some of the dif
ficulties that may be expected in this
State. Although the law requires
every child to attend school, yet last
week when the schools were opened
for the tall term, admission wae denied
to 40,000 children on account of defi-
ciency of school accommodations, In
Chicago even a larger number were
excluded for the same reason, Philadel"
phia’s schools are inadequate to the
number of scholars to be taught, and
this deficiency seems to prevail in
most cities and large towns. Under
such circumstances it would be a su-
perfluous service to send the truant
catchers out to bring in delinquent
| tions with foreign States. The objec-
In the Name of Humanity America
Must Speak.
From the New York Sun.
The Government of the United
States cannot afford to overlook the
manifesto issued by the Prime Minis-
ter of Spain. In this shameful procla-
mation, Senor Canovas del Castillo
warns the Cuban revolutionists that
death or banishment awaits them. It
behoves us as the leading representa.
tives of humane and enlightened feel-
Ing on this continent, to answer this
manifesto bv an official declaration
that the rights of belligerents must be
conceded to the Cubans,
So long as we refuse to recognize
the Cuban insurgents as belligerents,
Spain has the legal right to sentence
them to death by courts martial, and
to buy in our markets armored vessels
and munitions of war. Why should
we continue to grant to Spain an ac-
cees to our markets which is denied to
the revolutionists ? And why, by an
attitude of indifference, should we con-
nive at her barbarous treatment of
men whose crime is that they are fol-
lowing our example and are struggling
to be free ? Is it because Spain recog-
nized the Confederates as belligerents
within forty days after battle of Bull
Run, a battle not more decisive than
that fought near Bayamo, the result of
which was that Marshall Martinez
Campos, the Spanish commander in
chief, had to flee for his life? Is it be-
cause the Madrid Government has
paid the Mora claim, a claim which it
acknowledged to be just many years
ago ?
There is no true-hearted American
who will answer these questions in the
affirmative. There is none who will
say that the Cuban revolutionists have
a weaker claim to recognition as belig
erents than that which we pressed suc-
cessfully on France in I778. It is im-
possible for ue to pay the tremendous
debt then incurred to the French na
tion, except by passing on the honor-
able obligation to another people com-
bating for liberty. It would be a blot
upon the record of our country if Cuba,
alone of Spanish-American communi-
ties, should be left, without a proof of
sympathy from the earliest and great-
est of American republics.
The Caban ro eats have met
all the conditions defined by -interna-
tional law for the recognition of belli-
gerents. For many months they have
made head againet the entire military
and naval power of Spain. They con-
trol a great part of the island. They
bave in the field alarger force than
the American colonies could muster at
the time when their title to belligerent
rights was recognized by France. They
have organized a provisional govern-
ment and have commissioned delegates
who are authorized to conduct negotia-
tion which withheld us from recogniz-
ing the Chilian insurgents against
President Balmaceda, does not apply
to the case of Cuba. An attempt to
overthrow the duly elected President
of a republic is one thing; an effort to
thrown off the yoke of an oppressive
monarchy and found a republic is an-
other. Every motive which prompted :
us in the first quarter of this century
to regard with satisfaction the libera.
tion of Spain’s possessions on the
American mainland, should be em-
phagized in the case of Cuba, which
now has ‘te bear the whole brunt of
Spanish tyranny and greed.
There never was a case in history
where the duty of according to insur-
gents so much protection as is assured
to recognized belligerents by interna-
tional law, was so clear and impera-
tive. To the program of butchery and
blood announced by Senor Canovas-
del Castilio, our Government should
reply by a declaration that the Cuban
revolutionists have made good their
title to be treated with all the leniency
prescribed for belligerents by. the law
of nations.
Good News for the Farmers.
: From the Philadelphia Times.
The price of wheat has fallen trom 83
to 60 cents a bushel, but this is no argu-
ment that the low valuation of last year
will succeed the rise of six months ago
ior that wheat growers will suffer by
holding back their harvests. In the na-
ture of things a reaction was inevitable
and the reaction came, but the short.
crops in Argentine and lack of Russian
supplies in European markets means a
demand before long upon American re-
serves whieh must restore the figures to
quite near the dollar mark. This year’s
crop in the Northwest is below the av-
erage and there is a good market in
sight for every bushel the farmers may
have to sell.
A Mistake in the Prophecy.
From the Northumberland Democrat.
All those tin-plate establishments that
would surely go out of business after the
pissags of the Democratic tariff bill
ave doubled their forces, put up their
wages and increased their output beyond
the hope of the most radical tariff re-
former !
Spawls from the Keystone.
—A Reading factory makes 2002 shoes
—Hanover hasa new water company,
capitalized at $60,000,
1 —Lafayette College students now issue
their magazine weekly.
—More young shad are in the Susque-
hanna river than ever before.
—There is said to be quite an exodus of
miners from the DuBois region.
—Berks County teachers are holding
their annual institute atReading.
—Stepping in front of an engine at New
Tripoli, little Harry Clauss was killed.
—George Brown, cashier of the Lock
Haven trust company, died last week.
A Lehigh Valley train at Pittston ran
over and killed an unknown man of mid-
dle age.
—For missing mails Carrier Owen
Thomas, o1 Pottsville, was dismissed from
the service.
—The Pennsylvania railroad company
has commnieneed work on a new depot at
Smoke Run.
—Rev. Isaac Roeller, of Kutztown, aged
88 years, is the oldest Lutheran preacher
in the State.
—A copperhead snake that had crawled
in the woodpile bit Mrs. Henry Hopkins,
near Uniontown.
—Owing to the awful smoke in that
town, it is said the population of Pitts.
burg is decreasing.
—Two boilers exploding at the Enter
prise Colliery, at Shamokin, seriously in-
jured John Podonk.
—The Major Robert Klotz farm, near
Mauch Chunk, has produced this season
2000 bushels of apples.
—The corner stone of St. Stanislaus
Catholic church, a fine new structure at
Erie, was laid Sunday.
—Search parties were hunting at Leb.
anon Saturday for David Youtz, who
strangely disappeared.
—Reading, which makes fine govern-
ment guns and projectiles, wants Uncle
Sam to foster its forges.
—Cooler weather was enjoyed all over
Pennsylvania Tuesday, and there was a
slight rainfall in some sections.
—Luzerne county jail, built to house 100
prisoners, contains 163, and the State
Board of Charities has protested.
~The Dauphin Turnpike company has
halted the Womelsdorf Water company
from laying pipes upon the roadway.
—Williamsport lock-up is so insecure a
locality that it is easy for culprits to es-
cape through its basement windows.
—The trial at Wilkesbarre of the al-
leged murderers who blew up a boarding
house and killed five people is not ended.
—A wreck of six coel cars on the Penn-
sylvania railroad at Spring City Saturday
blocked the Schuylkill division for as
many hours.
—Treasurer Bartley Kinney, of the Al-
toona Maennerchor Singing Society, was
arrested on a charge of embezzling #370
of the society's cash,
—The coroner's jury at Reading learned
that young Henry Sallada, before being
killed had jumped on and off the train
several times for fun.
—A “medicine man” was arrested in
Williamsport on Thursday for selling a
compound called “balm of life,” which
was pronounced rank peison.
—A twenty foot wall 1s proposed along
parts of the river front at Williamsport,
as a protection for life and property dur-
ing floods in the Susquehanna river.
—The wheelmen, of Johnstown, are up
in excited demonstration against the ac-
tion of the councils of that eity to re-
strict, tax and otherwise eontrol them.
—M. P. Mervine, a leading lawyer of
Altoona, met with an accident Sunday
evening when the horses he was driving
ran away, which may eost him his life.
—A Mrs. Burrows charged a Williams-
port constable with undue force in serv-
ing ejectment from her premises the rent
| of which she had failed to pay for a long
—The storm of last Thursday damaged
the new M. E. church at Grampian to the
extent of $300. It was nearly completed
and was soon to be dedicated. Other
property in the town was also badly
—The largest blacksnakes ever caught
and killed in Lycoming county are now
being slaughtered there. The skins of
these snakes are supposed to contain
panacea for all sorts of bone and flesh
—Eight new class R. R. freight engines
were turned out ot the Altoona shops
last week. They will be used on the
New York and Philadelphia division.
The shops have orders for 750 new freight
—The marriage of Dr. H. M. Keller,
superintendent and surgeon in chief of
the State Hospital at Hazelton, to Miss
Gertrude Pardee, daughter of the late
Ario Pardee, patron of the Lafayette €ol-
lege, will shortly oeeur.
—A peculiar tale comes from Cammal
village, up in the Pine Creek country.
Monroe Meringer found a three year old
child sitting at a spring playing with a
big rattlesnake. The reptile allowed it-
self to be pushed about with a chip in the
hands of the baby. Meringer killed the
snake which was five feet long:
—Henry Miltenberger, of Comemaugi
township, Soraerset county, claims to be
the champion potato grower of Pennsyl-
vania. Froma three bushels of seed plant.
ed he gathered ninety bushels. Several
of the potatoes weighed two pounds and
five ounces apiece, and Seventy-four oth.
ers weighed sixty-three pounds.
—In Seuth Williamsport Sunday after.
noon a dog, supposed to be mad, belong-
ing te William Bryne, knocked down
that man’s daughter and bit her on the
arm. Bryne's son attempted to capture
the dog with a rope when the canine
sunk 1ts teeth into the child's back. Af-
terwards the dog bit another little girl.
It was finally shot.
—The improvements and changes at
A Big Drop.
From the Pittsburg Post.
A Republican Congressman from
Ohio, considered well posted, claims his
party will have 40,000 majority this
year. As they had 137,000 last year,
lopping off two-thirds is significant.
hy not give away the other third ?
' the Cambria Iron Company's works at
| Johnstown, which have been in progress
| for several months are almost completed,
and within a tew weeks the manufacture
of steel by what is known as the direct
process will be commenced. A large ad-
dition has been built to the Bessemer
steel plant and expensive machinery