Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 20, 1895, Image 1

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Demortaiic; Wal jt
Ink Slings.
—It is the wise Democrat who at
this season of the year sees—that his
taxes are paid.
— Lord DUNRAVEN should have
sailed his temper in place of his boat.
It was by far the quickest thing in his
— HASTINGS bas the presidential bee
buzzing in his bonnet, has he ? Let
us see, did’nt DANIEL once have a
GILKESON bee buzzing too ?
—It would be a pretty commentary
on the intelligence of the voters of Cen-
tre county to elect a District Attorney
who had never tried a case in court.
— What ought to be done now is for
Mr. IseLIN and his Defender partners
to take the Yankee craft over to Eng-
land and out-sail Valkyrie on her own
waters. :
——The girl who said she hadn’t the
face to wear bloomers possibly hadn’t
the limbs either. You know ‘the latter
is the striking feature of the bloomer
get up.
—ABE MILLERS war record would
make an interesting picture if SAMMY
DEernL could be induced to show it up,
in various parts of the county, with his
magic lantern.
—Recent developments have demon-
strated that the Ps and Qs Republicans
will be expected to mind, is boss
P—1ATT, of New York, and boss
Q—UuAY, of Pennsylvania.
—Democrals have reason to be proud
of the condition of business. Everything
is conspiring to help us this fall, but let it
be understood that success will not come
unless we help ourselves a little.
—The national hay association being
in convention in Cincinnati, the porkop-
olis of the West, it is quite likely that
the citizens of that great hog killing
centre will révive the game of ‘pigs in
clover” on a large scale.
—The Junior class at The Pennsylva-
nia State College having decided to re-
turn to regular college work the
idle chatter of certain State papers
about appropriations that are ‘doing no
good” will possibly stop.
—The Jewish New Year began at
sun-set Wednesday evening and lasted
until yesterday. Just what new leaves
our Hebrew friends turned over is hard
to tell; but there is not much probabil-
ity that any of them decided to leave
“their hands out of their conversations.
—It is announced now that that visit
of HasTINGS’ to New York was not
made to rest his tired body, bat to form
a combine with the anti-PLATT people
- to boost himself for President. DANIEL
is such a success at combines that it
would’nt be surprising to see PLATT
do the QUAY act to his plans over there.
—The extraordinary and unseasona-
ble cold snap of Sunday and Monday
last, that frosted the fruit and nipped
vegetation generally throughout Penn-
sylvania, might be accounted for in the
fact that his ex-Excellency, BENJAMIN
HARRISON, passed through the State on
his way home from his summer outing.
—Its better to borrow trouble than to
buy it. You can borrow all you want
now from the candidates for Superior
court judge on the Republican ticket.
Their trouble is to find out how to
straddle between the boss and the com-
bine without splitting. Its a wide dif-
ference that but few will be able to cov-
—1Its just about that time a-year that
Democrats should resolve anew to be
Demoerats. [ts comin’ time to whoop-
er-up, and if its only whooped up right
the Republican barrel, that was emptied
during their factional fight, will.-do for
a pickling pot for the “Hog Combine”
candidate that boss QUAY proposes
shall have it ‘‘in the neck.”
—There is an animal freak in Lock
Haven in the shape of a cat with three
eyes. The third ocular member is locat-
ed under the chin of the cat and ‘to all
appearances is just as, useful as either
one of the two others that appear in their
normal position. Now if girls had eyes
under their chins they would soon be
jabbed out by fellow’s fingers.
—The Pittsburg Times is worried be-
cause Hon. W. U. HENSEL has an-
nounced - his determination to with-
draw from active politics. : Now the
Democratic party will lose one of the
strongest exponents of Democratic prin-
ciples who has ever been heard in the
State, but there is no ground for sniffing
Democratic defeat, as the Times does, be-
cause of Mr. HENSEL’S action. It tries
to make its readers believe that he is
leaving the party for fear of the Repub-
lican land-slide it predicts for this fall.
But why should Mr. HENSEL’S deter-
mination to give his undivided time to
private business make him any the less a
true and tried Democrat than he has
always been? And as such party mis-
fortune would affect him just as griev-
ously as a private citizen as it would as
an active politician. The Times is
wrong. There will not be any land-slides
next fall ; there will be wholesome, nor-
mal Demccratic majorities.
VOL. 40
BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPT. 20, 1895.
NO. 37.
Vote tor All of Them.
Talk is heard about this or the oth-
er of the six Democratic nominees be-
ing the one that is most liely to be
elected, upon the presumption that on-
ly one can be successful. Such kind
of talk should not be heard among
Democrats, and least of all should it
be acted upon in the casting of their
ballots for the Superior judges. The
party convention furnished a list of
nominees for that court, every one of
whom is worthy of a seat on the bench,
and the members of the party should
vote for all of them with the. purpose
of electing the entire six, allowing the
Republicans but one, if possible, and
thus reversing the numerical arrange-
ment intended by the unfairest bill
that was ever passed by any Legisla-
The design to give the Democrats
but one judge out of seven was the
most indecent attempt to exercise par-
ty power that even the history of the
Republican party can show. It was
such a shameless and arrogant de-
pendence upon the brute force of a nu-
merical superiority that there must
thousands of fair men who, although
not affiliating with the Democrats,
will want to rebuke it b defeating the
proportion of judges so” impudently ar-
ranged by the Republican leaders.
Therefore let the Dendocrats vote their
full Superior judge ticket, without a
scratch, depending upon the fairness
of the people to help elect all six of.
them as a rebuke to the greed and ar-
rogance of those who passed the law
that has called this court into exist:
ence. :
Not in Position to Speak.
The Philadelphia Press, because one
of its semi-silly suggestions was not
carried out by the recent Democratic
State convention, is heaping abuse on
that body for not giving Philadelphia
a candidate on the Superior court tick-
et. The opinion of the Press never did
count for much among reasoning peo-
ple and the conviction of its irrespon-
sibility was made conclusive by the
notorious untruthfulness that charac:
terized it during the recent factional
disturbance in the Republican party.
If Philadelphia stands in such great
need of having a judge on the Superior
court bench, as the Press would have
the public believe, why didn’t it urge
that need on the Governor prior to
his making the appointments ?
The Press is very close to Governor
Hastings? Its advice would not be
thrown aside by him without due con-
sideration. It knew from the day the
Superior court bill became a law that
judges were to be appointed. Why
did it not suggest and insist on the nam-
ing of some prominent Philadelphia
Republican for one of the appointees ?
Or later, why did it not advocate the
nomination of a Philadelphian by its
own party conveation ?
The answer is not a hard one.
~ The Press and the Governor both
knew that more delegates for the fac-
tion, known as the combine, could be
secured by placing these appointments
and subsequent nominations in other
sections of the State. Philadelphia in-
terests and pride were sacrificed for
the selfishness that breeds and creates
factions. And the Press was the
mouth-piece and advocate of the fac-
tion that demanded that sacrifice.
Shame on it to say a word now.
EE .
‘Should Succeed.
There is a movement on foot to
have Congress recognize the Cuban
insurgents as belligerents. Peti-
tions to this effect are being extensive:
ly circulated, particularly in the West
and South. It would seem that the
Cuban patriots have shown their
ability to resist the military power of
Spain, and therefore it is idle to deny
their belligerent capacity. They cer
tainly are fighting in a good cause,
and for that reason are entitled to our
sympathy. There are certain interna.
tional obligations that compel our
government to prevent direct assist:
ance from being given the insurrec-
tionists, and it is right that the admin-
istration should enforce respect for ob-
ligations imposed by international law;
but the recognition of belligerent
rights is in accordance with interna-
tional custom when insurgents show
their ability to carry on belligerent
operatione, and the sooner recognized
| the more creditable the act will be to
this government.
| Pennsylvania.
Mr. Hensel’s Determination.
The determination of ex-Attorney
General HENSEL to retire from active
participation in political caucuses,
conventions, and councils and devote
his time more closely to his profession,
will be a matter of regret to the Demo-
crats of the country generally, and
particularly to those who have the in-
terests of the party at heart here in
General HENSEL, since
becoming interested in political mat-
ters, over twenty years ago, has been
known and recognized as one of the
most unselfish, eloquent and trusted
leaders of his party. His counsel was
always for the advancement of ‘le
principles of his party ; his efforts and
labor for the succees of those prinei-
ples. Personal aggrandizement or in-
dividual triumphs with him counted
for nothing. He was forthe cause—
for the right—and no-matter who car-
ried the flag he followed it loyally and
supported it enthusiastically. His ef-
forts, his~time, and his money were
given tnstintedly and ungrudgingly to
is party without question of who was
at the head, or what personal sacrifice
he was compelled tc make.
As a counselor and adviser in party
conventions and preliminary caucuses,
he will be greatly missed, for there was
none safer or more unselfish than he.
But it is a matter of gratifiegtion to
know that it is only from these—from
participation in the active management of
party affairs—that he retires, from its
many demands and annoyances, and
from these only. In the future he
8ays :
Iam, and propose to remain, a Democrat;
my vote and voice and pen and money shall
be, as heretofore, at the service of the Demo-
cratic party, if needed or asked for, to aid in
any legitimate way the election of its candi-
dates, local, State or national, whenever they
are fairly nominated and truly representative
of Democratic principles.
Take Them at Their Word.
At least one half of the Republican
party of this State were agreed in
their-opinion, before their State con-
vention was held, that most of Hasr-
INGS' appointees to the Superior court
were a poor lot, and that two or three |
of them were especially unfit for the
position to which they had been ap-
pointed. The Quay faction were open |
in declaring that these judges had’
been appointed for no other purpose |
than to serve a dirty factional design, |
and they did not hesitate to reflect se-
verely upon occupants of the bench
who allowed themselves to be used in
a disgraceful political intrigue.
There was no question about the
truth of such a charge. The Quay
faction meant it, and they were cor
rect in making it, but now since these
judges are the nominees of the party
its leaders ealeulate that they will get
the full party support. But it should
be the determination of the people to
take such nominees at the valuation
which halt of their own party put up-
on them before they were nominated.
The two Republican factions told a
great deal of truth of a damaging char-
acter about each other, but they are
mistaken if they believe that it has
been smothered over by the action of
their convention. 2
The Taxpayers’ Candidate.
Mr. SINGER, the Democratic nomi-
nee for District Attorney, has had
experience as prosecuting attorney.
He has proven himself a competent
and faithful official. Daring his term
of office he has been careful, polite
and thoughtful of the taxpayers’ inter-
ests. He is acquainted with the du-
ties of the place—has the ability to
perform them—and if the people of
the county who are interested in the
economical management of county af-
fairs, are desirous of seeing the
county offices filled by competent of-
ficials, who will not be compelled to
hire assistance to do the work they
are elected to do, they will, without re-
gard to partisan feeling, vote for Mr.
SINGER. An examination of the court
and county records show that his term
of office has cost the public less than
any term of equal length for many,
many years. He is exactly the kind
of a man the tax-payers of the county
should have as a candidate for this
important position, and he is the man
they should all vote for.
—C. M. Bower Esq., says: “I
am always loyal to my party.”
Easily Accounted For.
It should not take a very far-sighted
individual to see, or an exceptionally
bright ove to understand, why the late
combine organs are so positive in their
opinions that Judge MAGEE, of Pitts
burg, is certain to be the one Democrat
elected to the Superior court bench, or
why they are so confident that he will
have the highest vote on the Demo-
cratic ticket.
To receive the highest vote Judge
MaceE must get the largest number of
complimentary Repuliican votes. To
get these some one on the Repnblican
ticket must be cut. Five of the candi-
dateson that ticket are friends of the
combine, and itis but fair to presume
will receive the solid support of that
faction. The only one then who can
be cut, in order to run Judge MAGEE
ahead, as the combine organs assert he
isto be, is the one Judge who was
named by Quay—Judge Wicka.
We heard it whispered weeks ago, that
not only Quay's man Wickay, but
Quay’s candidate for State Treasurer
—Havywoop,—was to “catch it,” from
the combine, but we had no idea that
the newspapers supporting that faction
would “give the thing away’ so plain-
ly as they are doing in asserting so
positively just what is to happen,.and
who, upon the Democratic ticket, is to
profit by their votes.
It is because they know what they
are talking about and know how it is
to be done, (and not the pretended ex-
cuse given by them that Judge Ma-
GeE’s Democratic friends will cut the
balance of the ticket and thus run
him ahead) that makes them so posi-
tive that he will poll a large vote.
We. congratulate Judge MAGEE on
the prospects that promise him such
| an easy victory, and we congratulate
the other Democratic nominees on the
opportunity that is given them to de
feat Judge Wiockam. We hope the
ood work will goon, and that the
cutting of tbe Republican ticket will
not end only in the slaughter of Quay’s
two candidates. There are others on
that ticket equally deserving the con-
demnation of the decent voters of the
Satisfactory Settlements.
The Spanish Minister has handed a
draft to the amount of $1,140,000 over
to the United States government.
This was the result of the manner in
which the administration pushed the
Mora claim aud settled it to the ad-
vantage of the American claimants,
notwithstanding the Republican ecrit-
ice represented that it was being neg-
lected, and indulged in their custom-
ary abuse about it. The claim wag
of long standing, the payment of which
might have been compelled by Repub- |
lican administrations, but it wasn’t.
In every respect the CLEVELAND ad-
ministration has acted with vigor and
dignity in its attitude towards Spain,
but at the same time it scorned to
play the part of the bully. The wmork
was done without fuss, parade or brag:
The same result will be brought
about in the WALLER case, in which
France is involved. ‘I'he policy of the
administration in such cases is to be
sure of the facts and then to act upon
tuem with determination and effect.
It may be depended upoa that Secre-
tary OLNEY will ascertain every fact
involved in that issue, preparatory to
securing from France the reparation
which the merits of the case may re-
quire, and that, while the jingoes are
still howling, it will be settled honora-
bly for our government and to the en-
tire satisfaction of our people.
The Pay of Election Officers.
The opening of the political cam-
paign has caused considerable specula-
tion as to whether the recent act of
assembly, increasing the pay of elec-
tion officers, would be in effect this fall.
The act was passed in February, after
the spring election, and consequently
no matter when it became or is to be-
come operative it cannot affect elec
tion officers elected last spring
to serve at the November and Feb-
ruary elections to come.
The constitution provides that the
pay or emoluments of elective officers
cannot be increased or diminished dur-
ing their term of office. Thus it will
be seen that neither the inspectors nor
the judge, elected last February, will be
allowed the increase, though the clerks
appointed will benefit by the act as
they are not elective officers.
And Yet They Parade as Reformers.
From the City and State.
“The Hastings-Quay contest has done
more to debauch the politics of the State
than any compaign in its history. It is
estimated that no less than a million
dollars was spent in the primary elec-
tions and in the corruption of delegates.
Both sides were well supplied with mon-
ey, and it was Sp iberally where-
ever it was thought its use would
accomplish results. Quay played the
poor dodge, and his adherents were
given the cue to spread the tale that the
innocent and traduced leader was with-
out funds, and that his entire private
fortune would be swept away in the
effort to stem the tide of opposition that
had set in against him. Poor Quay!
One of the stories since the convention
is that, as soon as the fight was declared
on, a prominent Western Pennsylvania
steel company contributed a check of
$25,000 as a nucleus for the campaign
fund which the manufacturers of the
State rolled up for the man from Beaver.
Of course on the other side the cash was
also plenty. There was never any lack
of it. Tt is said that one side spent $15-
000 in Montgomery county, and the
other side half as much ; that in another
county, toward the close of the contest,
the snug sum of $25,000 was offered for
the delegates: that $3,000 was tendered
for the vote of another county, and that
similar sums were offered for the dele-
gates of many counties in the State. It
will take years and the active participa-
tion of the people at the primary elec-
tions to purify the polls of the debauch-
ery of the campaign just closed.
What Depew Thinks of Cleveland.
From an Interview with a Republican Presi-
dential Possibility.
“Either he has extraordinary luck
in accidentally doing the right thing
or he is really a great statesman. I
confess I am not sure in which aspect
I regard him. Certainly he has twice
in two years saved American credit
abroad. When he sent federal troops
to quell the Chicago riot he enunciated
a new principle in American constitu-
tional interpretation. We had ac-
cepted federal authority in subduing a
general rebellion, but we superstitious-
ly disclaimed the power of that au-
thority in intervening against disorder
merely within the limits of a State.
Cleveland boldly brushed away that
superstition. The people thel" accep-
ted his interpretation without ecavil,
and it is now as firmly established as
the constitutional doctrine of the equal
ity of all men. Had he acted otherwise
American state and municipal as well
as railroad securities held abroad
would have been affected to a degree
that such financial troubles as we have
just pasged through would have been
slight indeed as compared with what
would have happened. Again, this
year he forced his Secretary ot the Treas-
ury against that gentleman’s own con-
viction to save the South from the
silver heresy and alarmed Europe now
recognizes that the heresy is dead.”
He Was a Favorite Campaigner in
This County.
From the Pittsburg Post.
The Democrats of Pennsylvania will
miss the activity, sagacious- counsel and
eloquent arguments of General Hensel
in their political campaigns, but we re-
ject the idea of any such thing as a per-
manent retirement. Like the old war
horse, in future conflicts, when he smells
the battle from afar, he will be found in
the thick of the fight, unless we very
much mistake the man, and we don’t
think we do. Twenty-flve years of hard
and unselfish service, however, fairly en-
titles him to a furlough, and to that we
are all agreed ; but no discharge be it
understood. There is work for such
men as Hensel in all parties, not simply
because of partizan advantage, but for
the reason that their participation and
influence elevate the standard of politics
and administration. The work of Gen-
eral Hensel in the iaw department of
the state the last four years was worth
millions to the people, and they are not
likely to forget it. He can take a vac
tion on waiting orders.
Water on the Magnet's Mill.
From the Milton Record.
The French Academy of Medicine
has had several sensations recently. As
the result of official investigation it was
reported that wine drinking was the
principal agent in producing disease,
crime and poverty. At once it was sug-
gested that this was true because of
adulterations. Now M. d’ Arenberg
has startled the Academy by asserting
that the finer brands of spirits and liq-
uors contain more poisonous matter
than the cheaper kinds sold at the work-
men’s wine shops. He injected fine old
cognac, at twelve francs a bottle, into
rabbits, and found that it killed them
all, while the cheaper brands were not
so deadly. Science joins with morality
and political economy in condemning
the use of alcohol as a beverage.
TC ————
My, How Patient Those Congregations
Must Have Been.
From the Pittsburg Times.
The United Presbyterian church, at
Hickory, Washington county, which
celebrates its centennial to-day, has
had only four pastors since 1809, one
of them serving for 32 years. But out
there pastors do not have to meet so
many requirements which are no part
of their profession as they doin the
Spawls from the Keystone.
—The water famine has made 1050 min.
ers at Hazleton idle.
—President Warfield, of Lafayette Col.
lege, says hazing must go.
—Water is so scarce at Wilkesbarre that
the mines are partially idle.
—Ex Judge A. L, Sassaman is reported
to be dying at his Reading home.
—A car famine made all Philadelphia
and Reading collieries idle Friday.
—The frost on Saturday night did
damage to the Lancaster tobacco crop.
© —One-half of the city of Wilkesbarre is
without water, owing to the drought.
—On Wednesday the East Pennsylvania
Lutheran Synod convened at Pottsville.
—As he wasat work in his Pottsville
shop, William A. Sigfiried dropped dead.
—Work was begun Friday upon the
trolley line from Allentown to Kutztown.
—Several tons of clay in a Wilkesbarre
brick yard buried Andrew Dock, killing
—Nearly 200 of Easton’s representative
business men enjoyed a dinner at Paxino-
sa Inn.
—A hand car upon which he was riding,
jumped the track at Pittston, Killing
David Glosk.
—A team of horses ran over and frac.
tured the skull of Mrs. G. Williams, at
—Robbers made an unsuccessful at-
tempt to blow open the safe in the Ber-
wick Post Office.
—Leon Roeder, a farmer, at Heidelburg
Church, Lehigh county, hanged himself
in the woods. :
—The bricklayers, organization at
Pittsburg has split, owing to a revolt
against the officers.
—C. F. McKinney, of Titusville, has been
lost in the mountains of Northeastern
California tor 10 days.
—German Catholics at Pottsville dedi:
cated their new £50,000 parochial school
building on Sunday.
—Caught between a belt and a wheel at
a Wilkesbarre colliery, little James Quinn
was mangled lifeless.
—Mrs. Caroline Newhard has lived at
Allentown 40 years, and yesterday enjoy-
ed her first trolley ride.
—William Bergan, of Heckscherville,
dropped dead on the street, and it is sup-
posed that he took poison.
—While coupling cars at Aramingo,
Brakeman Frank L. Miller, of Palo Alto:
was dangerously crushed.
—Brakeman Frank Bishop. of South
Easton, was cut in two by a Lehigh Val:
ley train at Philipsburg, N. J.
—! rseriously cutting a man’s throat
Salvador Dorio, of Luzerne county, was
sent to prison for seven years.
—Two performing bears climbed a tele-
graph pole at Milford, Pike county, ani
pulled down all the electric wires.
—While ironing clothes at her homc,
Miss Effie J. Fairchild, of Slocums Valley,
Luzerne county, was burned to death.
—~General Superintendent F. L. Shep-
pard of the Pennsylvania Railroad Mid-
dle division, is seriously ill at Altoona.
—A train at Allentown decapitated EIf
Gildner’s little son, Charles, who had
crept under the car while it stood still.
—The anti-Quay people in Lancaster
county will make a big effort to control
the delegates to the national convention.
—Among the cases tried this week at
Doylestown was that of Rev. R. S. T.
Cocker, on a charge made by a young
—Allentown newspapers claim that city
has entertained more conventions than
any other in the State, outside of Phila-
—While eating luncheon in a Wilkes.
barre restaurant, Jacob Morganstein, of
Kingston, was strangled Dy a tough
—Little Charles Hodden, tascinated by
a Wild West show, ran away from his
Stroudsburg home, three days ago and is
still missing.
—Candidates for trustee for the Miners’
Hospital, at Hazleton, to succeed the late
Daniel Coxe, are Alvan Markle and Wil-
liam Schwartz.
—The Carnegie Library building at
Pittsburg will be opened on November 6,
when the Smoky City folks expect to hear
some good music.
—Allegheny county’s first woman law.
yer, Miss Agnes F. Watson. who passed
her examination last week, was admitted
to the bar Saturday.
—William Rote, the Renovo young man
who left that place early Saturday morn
ing while delirious, was found Saturday
afternoon at upper Lockport.
—Judge Bechtel, of Schuylkill county,
ousted the Failey township School Board
because they were at loggerheads over
the appointment of a teacher.
—A. J. Rotherick, of West Chester, has
been appointed state forestry commis.
sioner, and Dr. D. B. Warren, has been
appointed economic zoologist.
—The Lehigh Presbytery met at Potts.
ville on Tuesday and the churches of
Reading asked to be attached to the
North Philadelphia Presbytery.
—Neil McKinsey, of Philadelphia. has
purchased from John S. Shull his interest
in the Spring City Sun, owned by Carney
& Shull, and one of the oldest Chester
county newspapers.
—Representatives of the Cambria Iron
company, of Johnstown, have inspected
the Gaysport furnace with a view to re-
suming operations at the plant, after a
close down of five years.
—A Philadelphia & Reading freight
train ran into an open switch at Sinking
Springs, derailing the locomotive and six
cars and injuring Engineer Kershner, ot
Allentown, and Fireman William Roth.
—The thirty first annual Convention of
the Homapathic Medical Society of Penn.
sylvenia, founded in 1866, opened in Pitts-
burg on Tuesday morning. The Society
counts more than 400 members, including
about a dozen women practioners. Less
than 100 delegates were expected to be in
attendance, and nearly all were present
at the opening session. The address of
welcome was delivered by J. Richey Hor-
ner, M. D., President of the Allegheny
Society to which Dr. Pitcairn, of Harris.
burg, responded.