Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 13, 1895, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 13, 1895.
To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of thewriter.
——Squirrels are reported scarce in
the vicinity of Potters Mills.
—— About forty students are attend--
ing the new business college in Philips-
.—— Monday night will be the open-
ing of the regular fall season at Gar-
H. C. Quigley has received his
commission as Cap’t. Co. B. 5th Reg.
N. G. P., of this place.
——J. S. Reish, of Potters Mills, re-
cently raised 114 bushels of potatoes
from less than } of an acre of land.
——Remember the festival at the U.
B. church, on Saturday evening. Ice-
cream, cakes, fruits, Etc. Don’t forget
— The regular Reformed sociable
will be held this evening at the home
of Mr. ‘A. C. Mingle, on east High
—— Mr. Charles Schreyer and family
moved to Altoona Wednesday, where
Charley haz procured steady employ-
‘ment. :
——A little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Sydney Bartlett died, on Tuesday after-
noon, of dysentery. It was aged 2
years. :
——Tha “Money Order” is the name
of the new musical comedy that will be
presented at Garman’s next Monday
—— Wm. Pealer, Howard Rossman,
‘Wm. H. Smith and John Smith were
Spring Mills Democrats who took in
the State Convention at Williamsport.
——The new quarters of the K. G.
E. on the third floor of the Eagle build-
ing, will be among the finest of any
Secret organizations in town, when com-
——Mr. Will F. Holt, who is inter-
ested with S. M. Buck of this place, in
several coal operations, is ill with ty-
phoid fever at his mother’s home in
——Train master D. D. Wood, of
Tyrone, had his $200 diamond stud
stolen from his shirt front while he was
leaving a crowded car at Altoona, last
Saturday, when Buffalo Bill's wild west
show exhibited there.
——Nineteen persons took advantage
of the C. R. R. of Pa. $5.75 excursion
to the sea shore on Monday. Several
people from Lock Haven sent up here
to purchase tickets, as the excursion was
not on for that point.
—— Jake Wilson, a clerk in Daniel
Irvin's Sons hardware store in this place
will soon give up his position there to
move to Penns Cave where he will live
with his mother. Failing health has
necessitated the change.
——Washburn’s circus showed to
poor business in Philipsburg, Monday,
because the people out there refused to
pay fifty cents to see it. The same
trouble met the management's raise
from twenty-five cents here.
Fourteen people took in the ex.
cursion to Eagles Mere, over the new
road, on Saturday. That is there were
fourteen from this point, though about
a car load had been picked up by the
time the train reached Mill Hall.
——The trouble between the Central
Penna. Telephone Co. and its patrons
on the State College and Penns Valley
lines has been adjusted. The company
has fixed a rate of $3 per month and
six additional subscribers have been.
secured for each line.
: “Frances Spear,” the ubiquitous
local gossiper of the Gazette, had a
sketch of his life and a picture or what
he doesn’t look like in last Sunday’s
Grit. 1f Francie feels anything like
that picture looks his friends had better
gather round and condole with him.
Helen Hastings, daughter of
Governor Hastings, was stricken with
bronchitis gfhile visiting the family of
Col. B. F. Gilkeson, at Bristol, Pa. It
was so serious as to necessitate Mrs.
Hasting’s being with her. We are pleas-
ed to learn thatshe is recovering now:
When Johu C. Miller moves to
the county to become a farmer he will
occupy the Reynolds farm, just at the
top of the hill on the other side of the
“big hollow,” on the Boalsburg Pike.
From that point he can direct the farm-
ing of the many Reynolds’ farms sur-
rounding it.
——Messrs. J. C. Meyer Esq., and
Dr. J. E. Ward, have both started the
erection of new homes on Curtin street.
When completed they will occupy sites
between the property now occupied by
J. W. Gephart Esq., and the Joseph
DeATH oF DR. DARTT.—For more
than a year Dr. Robert L. Dartt, the
well known and successful homeopathic
physician, had been suffering from
an incurable disease but so hero-
ically that even his most intimate
friends did not suspect the serious-
ness of his condition until he started
away on a vacation about July Ist.
After his return three greeks ago from
Wellsboro, where he and his family had
been visiting his father, he failed so rap-
idly, although he still practiced and sel-
dom complained, that at the earnest so-
licitation of his wife Drs. Carl Vischer,
port, were sent for to consult with Dr.
practice while he was away and his at-
tending physician. They were here
last Thursday and after a careful exami-
nation frankly acknowledged that his
case was almost hopeless. With his in-
domitable will and marvelous courage
he decided to undergo an operation,
and, after a few words of advice and
comfort to his family, walked down to
the station, got on the afternoon train
and started to the Hahneman hospital,
in Philadelphia, accompanied by Dr.
day morning fairly well; but the
hourly telegrams Dr. Locke sent Mrs
Dartt gave no encouragement and
his death, Monday afternoon, was not
unexpected to those who knew the na-
ture of his disease, cancer of the bowels.
Robert L. Dartt was born in Wells-
boro, Tiogo county, where he received
his early education. On graduating
from Hahneman Medical College, in
March, 1875, he came to Bellefonte and
began the practice of medicine with his
uncle, Dr. Tipple, who at that time was
the leading homeopathic phesician of
the county. Dr. Dartt was successful
from the first and for years he has had
one of the best paying practices in the
town. Sixteen years ago he married
Lydia Gregg Lieb, a daughter of the
late John D. Lieb, and built the house
on Allegheny street which has been his
home ever since.
His second wife, Annie Brumbaugh,
of Clearfield, her two little sons
and his two children John L. and
Robert Leroy, by his first marriage,
have the sympathy of the entire com-
munity for he was a kind companion-
able man, a valued member of his pro-
fession and his death will break up
their comfortable and happy home.
He was a member of the Methodist
church for years and his pastor, Rev.
Mr. Rue, assisted by the different minis-
ters of the town conducted the services
at this funeral, which took place at his
Interment was made in the Union cem-
etery and the pall bearers were W. T.
Speer, Mose Montgomery, John Ardell,
John Meese, H. H. Harshberger and
John P. Harris.
Last Saturday it became generally
known among Bellefonters that the
nail works, in this place, the property
of the defunct Bellefonte iron and nail
company, had been leased by the Com-
monwealth Trust Co., assignees for the
defunct nail company and Judge Beav-
er, of this place, to James Bailey, of
Harrisburg. The latter gentleman, no
doubt, representing a syndicate that is
endeavoring to secure control of all the
nail factories in the country, but for
what purpose ?
The leasing of the Bellefonte fac-
tory has caused no little excitement
among our people and business. men,
and well it should, for in the event of
its resumption employment will be giv-
en to about 200 workmen.
Exactly what conditions are binding
in the lease are not known, but while
Mr. Isaac Mitchell, agent for the as-
signees, is very sanguine that Mr.
Bailey’s people intend starting the mill
an early date there are others who think
it will not be put in operation. Mr.
Mitchell bases his conclusions on state-
ments made by the lessees. They want
the factory cleaned up at once and told
Judge Beaver that the Rogers tin plate
experimental apparatus should be re-
moved from the packing room. There
was a story going the rounds that Mait-
lands had been ordered to repair the
boilers, but Mr. Wm. B. Maitland, the
proprietor of the boiler works here»
knows nothing of it.
We have Judge Beaver as authority
for the statement that the Bailey people
objected to an operating clause in the
lease and also refused tu take the com-
pany houses about the mill. Now this
can be interpreted in whatever light
you please. We do not wish to be
considered as a pessimist but it
looks very much as if the lease
of the property was secured as
part of an organized scheme to get hold
of all the nail plants in the country.
The Lock Haven and Lewisburg mills
have been leased by the same people
within the last tw@@@®eeks. Neither
one of them are to bg'put in operation.
Consequently we are of the opinion that
the Bellefonte factory will be left stand
idle. The idea is simply to gain con-
properties. Both hoases will be of cased | ro] so that no opposition to the big syn-
brick, of modern architecture and very
ornamental in appearance. Henry
house, whiie Samuel Gault is
builder for Dr. Ward.
. dicate mills can be started up again to
| beat down the present extremely high
Lowery has the contract for Mr. Meyer's | Pres of nails.
The consideration for which the prop-
. erty has been leased is about $1800 per
of Philadelphia, and Cheny, of Williams-
Locke, the friend who had charge of his.
He stood the operation Sun- |
home yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. |
—— The opera house will be opened
for the season of 1895-96 on ‘Monday
evening, September 16th.
——Five hundred and forty-three
scholars were present at the opening of
the Jersey Shore schools.
——The Snow Shoe people appreci-
ated the visit of the Bellefonte band to
that place last Friday night.
—— Will the weather next week be
agreeable for the granger picnic? Is
the-question that puzzles our granger
friends just now.
——Hon. Volney 2. Cushing, the
celebrated temperance orator, will lec-
ture in the court house, here, Saturday
evening, September 21st.
——The members of the TU. B:
church will hold a festival at their
church, on Saturday evening, of this
week, Sept. 14. Everybody invited.
——O0Id Mr. Daniel Schilliag-fell from
an apple tree, on the Alexander farm,
near McCalmont & Co’s. lime kilns, one
day last week and seriously injured
——After undergoing treatment in
Philadelphia for defective eye-sight
Miss Myrtle Bitner, of Beech Creek,
has returned home with her’s fully re-
——Two Tyrone girls recently ran
away from home and landed in the
Huntingdon lock-up, where their
fathers got them. Their names were
Killinger and Briner, aged 17 years.
—— Wm. H. Smith, of Ferguson
township, who was a defendant at the
recent term of court was brought in on
a charge of assault and battery and not
of larceny, as stated in this paper last
eee —S
——The annual convention of the
Altoona district women's foreign mis-
sionary society in Philipsburg, last
week, is reported to have been highly
successful. It was the 25th anniversary
of the society.
——At the reunion of the ‘Buck-
tails,” at Lock Haven, last week D. M.
Glenn. of this place, was considerable
of a hero. He was one of the only two
survivors of the regiment whose wound
was apparent to all. He lost an arm at
Fredericksburg, while the other man,
“Jimmy’’ Glenn, was minus the leg
that he left at Dranesville, during the
dark days of war.
——The report of Inspector General
Morrell’s summer inspections of the Na-
tional Guard of the State has just been
published. It shows the following
standing for the 5th Reg. Attendance,
99.80 ; general appearance, 84.2 ; school
of batallion, 92.5 ; extended order, 85 ;
guard duty, 59 ; discipline, 95 ; condition
of arms, 94; condition of equipments,
93 ; condition of clothing, 95; books
and papers, 87.5.
——Mr. Chas. Ardell, a brother of Mr.
John Ardell Jr., of this place, died at
his home, in Williamsport, at4 o'clock,
last Thursday morning. He had been
ill only about ten days, though his
health had been failing for a number of
years prior to that. Deceased was a
well known lumberman in the West
Branch valley and leaves a widow with
four children. Besides his brother John
three others, James and Tevil, of Julian,
and George, of Atlanta, survive.
—— When John C. Miller moves to
the country in the Spring to become a
farmer his home, on Linn street, will be
occupied by Mrs. J. V. Thomas and
daughter, Miss Mary. Mrs. Thomas
has rented her beautiful home, corner of
Curtin and Allegheny streets, to Mrs:
Wister Morris, of Overbrook, who will
take possession the latter part of this
month. She is the widow of the late
‘Wister Morris, the Pennsylvania rail-
road magnate, and comes to Bellefonte
to bring her grand-children here.
——In our obituary of Miss Kath-
arine Gross, last week, we neglected to
speak of a most commendable trait of
the dead girl. In her death the fact
has come to light that during the last
winter she almost alone sustained sever-
al needy families in the vicinity of her
home. The beneficiaries of her gener-
ous bounty will perpetuate the memory
of her sweet life as long as they live to
tell what an angel of mercy she was to
them in their period of destitution.
——The labor day races at the driv-
ing park, in Philipsburg, between the
Houtzdale fire company and the Hope
company of the former place, resulted
in a victory for Houtzdale. It has long
been a point of rivalry as to which or-
ganization could do the hub and hose
races the fastest. At the contest at
which the companies had backed their
men to the extent of $100 the Houtzdale
boys ran away from their rivals. In
the hub race they were winners by 14
seconds, while they won the hose race
in 38 seconds. The Hope team now
claims one of its men sold the race and
will issue a challenge for another $100
contest. The Hopes won everything in
sight at the tournament here in June.
OFF ¥OoR LouIlsvILLE.—The national
encampment of the Grand Army of the
Republic at Louisville, Ky., this wesk,
has been a remarkable conveation of
old soldiers and their friends. Not
alone owing to the magnitude of the
gathering, but possibly more to ths sig-
nificance attached to the first visit of
the organized federal veterans into ter-
ritory 30 contiguous with that of their
enemy of three decades ago.
‘While Henry Watterson, the distin-
guished editor of the Courier Journal,
through whose efforts the blue was per-
suaded to accept the hospitality of Lou-
isville, will doubtless be very happy, he
will not be more so than the twenty-
two vets and their friends who left here
in a special car, on Saturday evening
at 5.15. When the train pulled out
the old fellows looked ss Kappy as a
parcel of kids, all with 8 sleds, and
the way John Bryan stood¥on the rear
platform and saluted the little group of
people about the station reminded one
of Ben. Harrison’s memorable speech
making tour of the country by rail, ex-
cept that John pulled hard and fast on
a cigar that had Benj, smoked he would
never have lived to suffer defeat at the
hands of the Democracy.
In the party was David M. Glenn,
who lost his buck-tail not long since,
and thought he would lose his identity
with the famous regiment of that name;
Thomas Donachy, commander of Gregg
post, Ne. 95, whose knack for making
friends of most anybody was nicely dis-
closed during the recent Quay-Hastings
fight in this county ; then there was
James Ray and Cal. Bathgate, of Le-
mont ; S. H. Osmon, of” State College ;
James Knox, Charles Eckenroth, John
Bryant and Andy Lucas, of this place ;
J. P., and J. M. Ross, of Linden Hall ;
George Ulrich, of Millheim ; Wm.
Horner, of Pleasant Gap ; George W.
Schrock, of Mifflinburg ; J. S. Kream-
er and Will Motz, of Woodward ; and
J. W. Showalter of Buffalo Run.
Awong others in the party were Frank
Wallace, of Milesburg, Harris Calhoun,
J.D. Long, W. H. Morton, Samuel
Little, William Cronoble and Wash-
Williams. or
~ Wedon't like to say such a thing
but the delegation that went from here
must have been pretty full by the time
it reached Pittsburg for, notwithstand-
ing it took only one car to get them in
when they departed, the Pittsburg
Times says they had two cars when
they passed through the Smoky city.
For the consolation of friends here we
might add that newspaper people often
get into a seeing ‘double condition.
The most of them will return to-mor-
Washburn’s circus was here, last Thurs-
day, the weakness of the bands was
commented on by everyone, but naone
appreciated the fact any more than the
proprietor himself. He had just sent
his concert band off with his Uncle
Tom’s Cabin Co., the week before, and
was onthe lookout for musicians to
strengthen up with. Upon inquiry he
made arrangements with a number of
the embers of the Coleville band to
join him for the balance of the season,
lasting three months, on a southern trip.
They were to have furnished a band
of eight pieces for the show and the
boys contemplated doing it with the
following men : Samuel Bryant and
Charles Rote, cornets, Coleville; Clay-
ton Rote, baritone, Coleville; Bruce
Garbrick, bass, Coleville; Jim Stover,
big drum, Coleville; George Glenn,
snare drum, State College ; Clay Rider,
alto, Coleville and “Doc’’ Proudfoot,
tenor, Milesburg. All the men agreed
to go, but when Monday came, the day
on which they were to join the circus in
Philipsburg, Glenn and Rider had
backed out. The other fellows started
off determined to have a good time and
make as much out of it as possible.
—In the last issue of the Gazette a writ-
er in that journal promised its readers
some information in its issue of to-day
that it stated would startle all the peo-
ple between Milesburg and Pleasant
Gap. Now just for fear the Gazette
doesn’t reach you as early as the
WATCHMAN to-day we will give you a
“line” on our contemporary’s public
If we are not away off in our conject-
ure the Gazette will tell you to-day that
an electric railroad is to be built be-
tween Milesburg and Pleasant Gap,
with Bellefonte as the central point.
It is to be done in the interest of trade
in our town, so the Gazette will say,
but there is no reason why any one
should be startled over such informa-
——Dr. Grant S. Keyser, a well
known Jersy Shore dentist. was out in
the river fishing, from a boat, near that
place, last Thursday evening, when sud.
denly his body began swaying to and
fro and notwithstanding the strenuous
efforts of his companion, George Swarts,
he fell into the river. The water was
only a foot deep, but Swarts could not
lift his body out and the dentist was
dead when finally taken out. He was
a veteran and leaves a widow with three
——Sylvester Brady has rented his
building, opposite the Wilt house, in
Mill Hall, and will move to Coburn.
——“The Money Order,” next Mon-
day night, should attract & large audi-
ence to Garman’s. It will be the open-
ing night.
——At & recent sale~ of Illinois
horses in Mill Hall only one wassold,
and that one, to liveryman Xalmlee, of
Lock Haven.
——See Shaeffer’s ad.
——ZEarnest Blint, aged 24 years,
formerly 1st lieutenant of Co. H., N. G.
P. of Lock Haven, was run over by a
shifting engine in the yards in that
place, about 5 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing. The young man was the fligman
GoxNE 10 THE HospiTaL.—Mr. Phil-
ip Beezer, Bellefonte’s well-known
meat dealer, left for Philadelphia, on
Monday morning, where he entered the
German hospital for treatment for ap-
pendicitis. He did not appear to be a
very sick man when he left and his
friends all felt very sanguine of Lis be-
ing able to survive the operation that
was made Wednesday morning.
Mr. Beezer is to all appearances a
man of perfect physique. He has rare-
ly beer. ill, though a few years ago an
injury he sustained from a strain at
lifting caused him considerable trouble.
‘When the disease, with which he now
suffers, developed it was at first thought
to be a return of his old trouble, but the
location of the pain proved otherwisa
and it was pronounced appendicitis.
He was accompanied to the city by
of the shifting crew.
——*‘“Johnnie’” Hazle, the principal
solo cornetist of Canterna’s Ninth Reg-
. Miss Elizabeth Dougherty, who had
‘ been visiting Mrs. Beezer.
] Sa
iment band, of New York city, is srell. gars arrested Tom Flack and Harry
known in Bellefonte. He lived at Snow
Shoe for a long time, then went to Wil-
liamsport where he was the leading
cornet player in the Fisk milit:ry band
and Stopper & Fisk orchestra, the latter
"organization being knowp in this vici-
nity as one of the leading) orchestras in
the State. As a soloist and master of
the cornet ‘‘Johnnie” hag few equals
and scarcely any superiors ip this ecoun-
try. For the past few years he has
traveled extensively with lsome of the
leading bands and concert companies of
the country. A year or two ago he was
with Buffalo Bill's cowboys all over
continental Europe.
——Shaeffer the photographer is mak-
ing 6 cabinets for 99cts. See ad.
——The Lewistown centennial last
week attracted a large crowd of people
to that place and every one thought
they had a good time. The parade
formed at 2 o'clock and it rained dur-
ing the entire time. The parade was
composed ofseven divisions under the
marshalship of Gen. John P. Taylor,
with Capt. R. J. McNitt and Major
W. T. McEwen as aides. And
then -all the neighboring towns
were represented by floats, indi-
cative of their various industries and
business houses. Printing presses,
planing mills, tanners, blacksmiths.
broommakers, brickmakers, bakers, in
fact representatives of every. trade and
business were at work on their floats and
distributing their products to the as-
sembled throngs watching the display.
——A halt dozen fine cabinet photos
for 99cts. is the latest departure at
News Purely Personal.
—Miss Mary H. Linn leaves, Saturday, for a
six weeks stay in Dimock, Susquehanna
—Mr. J. J. Garbrick, one of the WarcHmax
readers who gets his mail at the Bellefonte
post office, dropped in on Friday and we were
richer by a year's subscription when he left.
—Jay Woodcock leaves to morrow for Prince,
ton, where he and Fred Blanchard are entered
for the Freshman class. Jay will stay in Har:
risburg over Sunday and Fred will leave here
—Monday morning Mrs. Mary Blanchard
and her three daughters leave for Boston,
Mass., where they willspend the winter. Anna
and Christine attending Miss Emerson's
school and Rebecca, Wellesley college.
—T. B. Buddinger, of Snow Shoe, who isa
most excellent example of what a hustler can
do in a small town, was in Bellefonte Tuesday
attending to some business. He has grown
rich because he knows just how to handle the
country mercantile business.
—PROF. W. 8S. Goodwin, organist at St. John's
Episcopal church, has returned to take charge
of the organ, after a two weeks visit to his
home at Wissahickon, Phila., and including a
delightful trip to Albany, N. Y., where he
spent a few days with his old instructor, who
is organist in the cathedral there.
—D. J. Gates, who makes himself happy on
a fioe farm about a mile and a half west of
Stormstown, was in town, on Tuesday, on his
way to the State Convention at Williamsport.
He joined the crowd on the night train and
sported a flaming red Bower badge just as
gayly as the scores of boomers who left here
to push our candidate for a place on the ticket
for Superior court.
—Andrew Jackson Griest, ex-county Com”
missioner and merchant, lumberman and mil-
ler, of Unionville, was in town bright and early
Tuesday morning. Not on his way to the
State Convention, however, for he was com-
plaining of rheumatism in his feet and
thought he wouldn't enjoy ‘running round
much.” From the tales of the way in which
our friend lives up there at his pretty home
we are inclined to think that his rheumatism
is gout.
—On Wednesday morning Mrs. Charles
8chroyer and her family of little children said
good bye to their friends here and left for Al-
toona, where Mr. Schroyer has been working
for some weeks. For twelve years Emma
Crosthwaite Schroyer set type in this office
and that alone ought to entitle her to the
comforts and prosperity which we wish for |
her and her family in their new home. Her
father, Robert Crosthwaite, accompanied
them ; *‘but only fora time, he says, as he
cannot leave Bellefonte for good."
—Agnew Sellers, from up Buftalo Run, bus,
tled into this office Tuesday afternoon, and
opened up on us by saying : “Give me a Centre
county check, I'm tired hearing you harping
on fellows who owe you.” Of course
you will realize that it did'nt take us long to
comply with his wish, but we nearly fell over
dead when he wanted to pay several years in
advance. We have been scanning our files
ever since he weng out to find just what mov-
ed him to such desperation as it might do
som»s good to say the same thing over again.
But what is there surprising in Mr. Sellers ac-
tion? He has had a most prosperous season
on his farm and very naturally he should
think of the printer. The only trouble is we
Meese, popularly known among his
gamin friends as ‘‘Beany,”’in front of
the Bush House, on Monday evening.
The boys are not more than 13" or 14
years old, but belong to a notorious
gang of young toughs who make the
day and night hideous in the west side
of town where they have their rendez-
The police have determined to route
the young rowdies and a good move it
will be. The earnest desire of every-
one is that the good work will not stop
until the gang is effectually broken up.
Flack and Meese were taken before
Burgess . Gray who gave them a good
plain talking to after which he dis-
charged them.
wedding of Mr. Charles T. Cruse, the
popular young tobacconist who is so
successfully continuing bis late father’s
business, to Miss Rebie Garman, young-
est daughter of Bellefonta’s well known
retired hotel man, Daniel Garman, has
been announced for Wednesday even-
ing, September 18th. The ceremony
will be performed in St. John’s Episco-
pal church and only the immediate
relatives of the young people will be
present. : :
After a wedding tour they will return
and go to housekeeping in the house,
on east Linn street, now ocupied by
Edwin F. Garman, who will move
to rooms in his father’s home on
Spring street.
——At a picnic at Port Matilda on
Saturday last, John Young, aged about
12 years, son of William Young of that
place, fell from a swing to the ground,
a distance of about twenty feat, and
broke the bones of both legs a few inches
above the knees. There were some
stones where the lad alighted and one
Jeg was considerably cut. from the fall,
and his chin was also cut by coming in
contact with a stone. Itis thought the
lad alighted on his knees and the weight
and force of his body caused the bones
of his legs tosnap in two. The swing
is a wooden one, and it was about
level with the tree when the
boy’s feet slipped, and losing
his grip atthe same time he fell. An-
other lad was on the swing at the time,
but did not fall. Dr. Ewing, of Tyrone,
rendered the necessary surgical assis-
tance, and the injured lad is getting
along nicely.— Altoona Tribune.
Lost.—Between Bellefonte and Old
Fort, a black cheviot overcoat, light-
weight. Finder will be suitably re-
warded by returning same to this office.
' ——Pott’s shorthand college open
day and night the year round. Com-
plete mail course. State plan preferred.
Catalogue and first lesson free.
tion for all graduates. Address, Wil-
liamsport, Pa. 2 : at.
——~Come and see the good things we
have bought for you in the way of
clothing and hats—for the fall and
winter season—bought before the rise
in price. Styles more beautiful, prices
more reasonable, goods more durable
than ever before. Agency for Dunlap
and Knox hats. Montgomery & Co.
EST.--It is a question of dollars and
cents afterall. No matter what people
say it is as natural to save a penny in
buying as it is to eat dinner at the din-
ner hour. Opportunities to make great
savings are not often to be had, but
Lyon & Co’s.,, big advertisement in
this issue affords just such a chance.
Read it and profit by the bargains it
holds out. A dollar saved is a dollar
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected weekly by Gxo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
es to press :
ew wheat
Red wheat...
Qats—new, per bushel. 25
Barley, per bushel......, 38
Ground Plaster, per ton 9 60
Buckwheat per bushel............ccconseeeesennes 40
Cloverseed, per bushel. 86 00 to §7 OC
Bellefonte Produce Markets..
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ........e:ceeeensieseseserars 20
would like to know lots more such men.
Eggs, per dozen. 12
Lard, per pound.... 8
CountryShoulders. :
Tallow, per pou! 4
Butter, per poun 20