Pine Grove Mention. W. H. Fry'sinteresting communication from Louisville,where he is havingaroyal good time attending the G. A. R. encamp- ment came a little late for this issue so it will be published next week.—[Ed.] We are glad to note the improvement of our former townsman, J. H. Miller, who was operated upon in the Penn. hos- pital for cancer of the rectum. His wife, who has been with him constantly, writes that she is in hopes, he will be able to be taken to his home in Tyrone next week. Our sympathy goes out to Walter E Meek, of Houtzdale and his estimable wife. Recently while on their way to the seashore for a season of rest, their little son was stricked with diptheria and quar- antined in a Philadelphia hospital for weeks. Just after their return home a second child was taken, with scarlet fev. er in such a malignant form that it was thought best to send the other two child. ren to friends in Altoona. Walter is pros trated by the continued seige, so upon Mrs. Meek falls the burden of the nurs. ing. Howard Happenings. Mr, Harry Holtz, of Bellefonte, was seen on our streets last Sunday. Mr. Walter S. Sutherland, a clerk in the purchasing department of the P. R. R.Co., at Philadelphia, is spending his vacation here Mr. S. spent a week here last summer and was 80 delighted with the country, as well as with the people he met, that he decided to return. Welcome Mr. S. Misses Lonise and Annie Hensyl started Monday morning for a trip of sixor eight weeks to friends at Harrisburg, Sunbury, Shamokin and Treverton; as they are both highly respected young ladies and havea host of friends doubtless they will be missed dur- ing their absence. We wish them a pleasant trip and a safe return. We are pleased to learn that Ira C, Mitchel) will again preach here Sunday, the 15th, Morning at 10:30 evening at 7. On Monday night, about -ten-thirty while our little village was quietly slumbering the death augel called to summon one of our old- est citizens to the presence of Him “whose ways are past finding out.” Mrs. Jonathan Bennison, mother of our es- teemed friend Captain S. H. Bennison, after spending eighty-two years with her friends of earth, has quietly closed her eyes in that sleep which knows no wakening until she be sum- moned to the presence of Him who shall judge the quick and the dead. Surely God had alloted many years to her and yet death ica fearful thing, come in what form it may ; fearful when the vital cords so gradually relax and life passes away sweetly as the music from a slumbering harp string. At 10 o'clock, Thursday 12th, services were conducted by Mr. Pomroy of the Presbyterian church of Mill Hall. After rendering all the assistance that willing hands and sad hearts could offer many gathered to pay their last respects to the dead. Interment was made in the family lot at the Cedar Hill cemetary. Em ——————— Things That Have Happened at State College. Mr. George T. Sellew and bride have arrived and taken rooms at the University Inn. Excavation is being rapidly pushed for the new Holmes building on College Avenue. Postmaster Thos. .F. Kennedy is making fine progress on the new porch at Dr. Ather- ton’s, and it will soon be finished. Rev. Craighead, of Curwensville, Pa, preached two interesting sermons in the Presbyterian church that were listened to with rapt attention. Miss Harriet A. McElwain, accompanied by her sister, Miss Carrie M. has returned from her eastern trip, and has resumed her college duties. Prof. E. E. Sparks and wife have returned for a few days. Prof. Sparks has resigned his position as principal of the Preparatory De- partment and is going to Chicago. Dr. Wm. Frear has returned from a pro- tracted itineracy, during which time he was a distinguished participant in the Boston meet- ing of the American Association of Agricul- tural Scientists. Assistant in mathematics Mr. Jas. H. Ludor has returned from his summer home in Florence, N.J. and now this department of the College is ready to cause ‘grind,”. which it will no doubt do to perfection. Rev. Geo. Glenn a brother of Dr. W. 8 Glenn of this place, delivered a very able ser- mon in the M. E. church on Sunday evening, to an appreciative audience that filled the church even to standing room. The College football team, that reported for practice Sept. 3, is making fine progress, and works together like clock work, the fol- lowing shows the team and the reserves: Curtin, end; J. A. Dunsmore, half-back ; Hechel, ;half-back ; J- G. Dunsmore, tackle ’ Murray, guard; Jos. Thompson, full-back, McCaskey, (captain) quarter-back ; Clark quarter-back ; Sellers, quarter-back ; reserves, McKibbin, Scott, Patton, C. M. Thompson, Dixon, Thomas, McCrea, Price, Deal, McGee, Fisher, Randolph and Cromlish, “General” Hoskins is building up a team that will sur- prise some of the kickers we know of when they meet it. Increasing business has required the re- moval of the partition and the use of both store rooms by the State College Supply Co. at Fosters corner. J W.S.N.E. Daniel Irvin's Sons, J AVIN'S CASH HARDWARE. In order to dispose of our large stock of Tin Cans we offer them ——AT 48 CENTS — per dozen. These are our own make, of a good quality tin, and every one is guar- anteed perfect. BELLEFONTE, PA. Katz & Co. Limited. THROUGHOUT OUR STORE In lots to small tobe mentioned here, are many hundreds of dollars worth of desirable merchandise marked at a cleaning up prices e of which the early shopper will have the pick. O Katz & Co. Limited. THE GLOBE ADVERTISERS OF FACTS NOT FAKES. Katz & Co. Limited. NEVER HAS BELLEFONTE See such sweeping reductions as we are making during this cleaning up sale. Every odd lot, every broken line is being swept from our counters by a whirlwind of Low Prices. OUR CLEANING UP SALE 0 Is the magnet that attracts the multitude. All goods happening to be of a broken line or odd lot are going next to nothing. READ the list of BARGAINS we offer, to last until all are sold. ; OUR ANNUAL REMNANT SALE BEGINS TO-MORROW MORNING. Tomorrow morning we will place on sale our entire accumulation of Dress goods Remnants during the past five months busi- ness. This Lot consists of over 1300 yards of Dress goods, in Serges, Cashemers, Henriettas and all wools silk mixed and cotton novelties, Gingham in Dress and apron styles, ete. in lengths from 114 yards to 10 yards if you need a separate skirt or waist or childs dress yon can buy it at this sale at less than 14 cost of the manufacturer. LOT NO. 1. Consists of remnants of all wool Serge, Henriettas and Cashmeres, worth up to 75cts ayard. Choice of this lot per yd. 37% ets. 1.OT NO. 2. Consists of all wool and cotton warp serges. cashmeres and novelties, worth frem 15cts to 25cts a yard. Choice per yard 8 cts. LOT'NO. 3 Consists of calicoes, ginghams & ete. worth all the way from 5 cts to 12 cts a yard choice per yard 314 cts. LOT NO. 4. Consists of all odds and ends at Muslins, Tickings, Cambrics, Table Linens, Outing Cloths & ete. in fact all odds and ends left from our stock whicv go some at 14 and some 24 of ‘their real value. SUSPENDERS. 1.07 NO. 1. 179 pair Mens Suspenders, a mixed lot, worth regular from 15c¢ to 25¢c a pair choice 9c. LOE NO. 2. 150 pair Boys Suspenders, worth 10¢, choice 4c a pair. LOT NO. 3. 75 pair Men’s fine Suspenders, improved wire buckle, cord fastenings regular value 40c a pair, choice of this lot 19¢. LOT NO. 4. 65 pair Men’s Suspenders ro two pair alike some in this lot worth as high as 35c a pair take them to clear them up for 12¢ a pair. THE GLOBE. - - Closing Out Sale. LACES 150 pieces Torchon [Lace running from 1 inch to two and one half inches in width worth from Sc to 7c per yard, we will close out by the web for 9c a web. Warranted 10 yards to the web. +20 pieces Valenciennes Lace, all alike, 3 inches wide, never sold under 8c a yard clear this lot out for us at 4c per yard. DOMESTICS AND WASH DRESS GOODS: - Good Bleached MusliB..uuu....iviereenee esetenueny 4c Scotch Lawn fast colors Fast color Challies.......... Dress Ginghams worth 10c.................. oss Outing Cloth, nice enough for anybody..... Percale for shirt waists 10¢ quality.. French BSatines worth 15¢c............. Fine Dimities worth 15¢ and 25¢.............coeen 9c 3 LADIES SUITS AND CAPES. An sll wool Ladie’s Suit in Black and Blue only sold during season for 86.50 choice of broken sizes $3.89. 23 Ladies Capes in Blue, Black, Tan and Brown, just the weight for fall wear, trimmed in jet ribbon and silk, choice of these 81.29. RIBBONS. 20 pieces Black Ribbon, in numbers 7, 9 and 12 regular prices from 8 to 12¢ct a yard, take them while they last at 1c per yard. CASSIMERES. One special lot of Cassimeres worth all the way from 1214c a yard up to 25¢. choice of pat. terns during this sale at 9¢ per yard. SPECIALS IN LINING. Grass Cloth Crinoline.........cuus Fibre Chamois (genuine). Silisia (good quality)..... Cambries (best)....... 9c a yard 80 | HE ~25¢ * ~8¢c Ade Faubles. A SENSATION IN HANDKERCHIEFS. 20 dozen Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs fine quality colored border, regular price 15¢ now ge. 35 dozen Ladies Embroideried Handker- chiefs, neat designs, good quality worth 10c now 5e. 78 dozen, a mixed lot of Ladle’s and Gents handkerchiefs worth allthe way from 5c up to 25c. now 3c. This is by far the biggest bargain ever offered you in this line. SUNDRIES. Belt Pins Buttermilk Soap per box for.. Thimbles,.....c.ors0s ieee , Safety Pins per paper.... Pius per paper........ .o Pad Looks........c00nis Black Board Erasers... Chalk per box..... Hook and Eyes Combs........... Tooth Brushes. Thimbles...... Shoe Buttoners. Tea Strainers.. Egg Beaters........ Slate penciis per dozen. Scrubbing Brushes.... Potato Masher..... Ink per bottle ren Mucilage...... iter irs Lunch Baskets....ouuu Hair Brushes Shoe Brushes... Rolling Pins ....... Writing Tablets.. Sliates............. 3 and a host of others too numerous to mention. MAKERS OF LOW PRICES. KATZ & CO. Limited Faubles, CLOSING OUT SALE. I am going out of the Hardware business and commencing Monday, Sept. 2nd, will close out my entire stock HARDWARE OF ALL KinDps, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, TooLs, Paints, OILs, AGATE AND TIN WARE, HoRSE BLANKETS, STOVE FURNITURE, SHOVELS, FORKs, RAKES, and thousands of different articles. The stock is complete in every thing. I cannot mention all the bargains offered but if you want to buy anything in the Hardware line come and see. Such an opportunity may never come again. you will loose no time in taking advantage of this sale. H. A. McKEE. BELLEFONTE, PA. 40-34 HEATING STOVES RANGES, House FURNISHING GooODSs, If you are wise consisting of GASOLINE, OIL, CooKING AND | Fvetes Of the fall months comes our invitation to you to look. Re- member, not buy, but just look at the greatest line of $r1o suits ever shown in America, (covers a good bit of ground), but we can convince you that the statement is correct. COME. DON'T BUY.,....... oh JUST LOOK. . Get a glimpse of the greatest $10 assortment of Men's Suits ever shown in America. FOR THE LITTLE FELLOWS. With every $3 Boy’s clothing purchase, we are giving a full regu- lation. ——FOOT BALL FREE.— This is something the boy will ap- preciate. SEE US AT ONCE. Many new, good things to show you. FAUBLES. Clothiers and Outfitters. New Advertisements. J ArPERRY WONDERFUL —+j-+~ OFFER. 6 FINE CABINET PHOTOS FOR 99cte. [] 0 — ~—AUPERIOD FINISH and guaranteed First-class in every respect. meme tm This remarkable and unprecedented offer is being made by Shaeffer, the photographer, and will last for a short time only. The above remarkable low price can be given for the follow- ing reason: When the large photo- stock house of Johnston & Co., of New York, failed recently, at the sale we seized the opportunity of purchasing an enormous stock of photo-material at a remarkable low price—a mere song. The same has arrived and preparations are being made in our gallery to turn out FOR A SHORT SEASON, a fine grade of work at a price that will be within the reach of all. This low offer of 6 Cabinet Photos for 99 cents will be good only nntil. «SEPTEMBER 1st, 1895..... me (ee ee Don’t wait, but come early, or you may miss this opportunity to get THE o FINEST o PHOTOS for the least money at H. B. SHAEFFER'S = ART STUDIO, Bellefonte, - . - 40 30 6t Penn’a. OR RENT.—Good seven room house on Alisgheny street, Bellefonte . BROWN, Jr. Apply to 40-13 ANTED|ENERGETIC MEN to solic- it orders for our hardy Nurs- ory Stock. Expenses and BY THE salary to those leaving home, or gommission to local agentsq CHASE berm au ent Employment, e business easily learned. NURSERIES |Address The R. G. CHASE 40-35-1y. CO., 1430 80. Penn Sq., Phila. ROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIV- ed by the Bellefonte Gas Company for the necessary quantity of coal to supply the Steam Heat Works for the season of 1895-96. All bids for the same to be in the hands of the Secretary on or before 12 o'clock noon, Wed- nesday, Sept. 25,1895: The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN C. MILLER, Secretary. 40-36-2¢. DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.— Letters testamentary on the estate of the late John Garbrick Jr., deceased of Spring township, Centre county Pa.., having been granted the undersigned she hereby notifies all persons having claims against sald estate to present same, Dopey authenticated, for payment, and those knowing themselves in- hi thereto to make immediate settlement. EMMA GARBRICK 40 30-6t Administratrix. DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Estate of Edward Wellington, de- ceased, late of Bellefonte borough. Letters of administration on said estate har-- ing been granted to the undersigned, all per- sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the un- dersigned. KATE WELLINGTON, 20-36.6t* Bellefonte, Pa. D IVORCE NOTICE.— 1 In the Court of Ida R. Ardery, Libellant, { Common Pleas vs, + of Centre coun- P.G.|M. Ardery, Respondent, | ty. No. 64 Jan. J) Term. 1885. Please take notice that the undersigned was appointed a commissioner by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to take the testimony of witnesses in the above stated case and report the same to Court ; and that he will have a meeting at his office in Crider Excharge, Bellefonte Pa., on Saturday the 5th of October, 1895,at10 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of his appointment, when and where all parties interested can be present it they see fit. N. B. SPANGLER, 40.36-3t Commissioner. OURT PROCLAMATION. SPECIAL TERM.—Whereas the Hon. John G. Love, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of ¢ Centre, and the Hon. C.'A, Faulkner and the Hon. Benj. Rich, associate Jains, in and for said county, hav- ing issued their precept bearing the date the 26th of August, 1895, to me directed, for hold- ing a special term of the Court of Common Pleas, for the said county of Centre, notice is hereby given that the said special term of the urt of Common Pleas, Oyer, Ter- miner and General Jail delivery, Quarter ses- sions of the peace and orphans court of Centre county will convene on the 2nd Monday of October, being the 14th day of October, 1895, upon which said court all jurors summoned to attend are hereby required to attend. Given uuder my hand at Bellefonte, the 26th day of August, 1895, and the one hundred and Sippisontl year of the independence of the United States. JOHN P. CONDO, 40 35 Sheritt. OTICE.—In perenance of the pro- visions of the 11th Section of the Act of Assembly of May 24, 1871, and also Act of As- sembly of 1889, relative to catching fish in any of the streams ot the Commonwealth of Penna. by means of fish baskets, eel wires, kiddles, brush or facine nets, or any permanently set means of taking fish. All of which are declar- ed common nuisances by said Act of Assembly. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, | Sheriff of Centre county, that such contriv- ances are known to exist in certain streams inCentre county, and the owners or managers .of said contrivances are hereby ordered and directed to dismantle the same so asto render them no longer capable of taking or injuring the fishes of said stream, and if at the expira- tion ot ten days, from the publication of this notice the same are still known to exist, they will at once be demantled in accordance with the provisions of the said 11th Section of the aforesaid Act of Assembly. : P. CONDO, JOHN Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Sheriff. Sept. 12 1895. 40-36- Pons TO TRAVEL WANTED.—Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for an established house. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited; also increase State reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, 316-317-318 Omaha Bldg., CHICAGO. 40 31 4m