“ar “play fox with us concerzing the investi- ier says “Prince DAMRONG Of Siam’ ‘are being proven as unprincipled a lot wurst. Bemorwiic Wada. BY P. GRAY MEEK. ssa Ink Slings. Socn the “bleacher” will refuse to bleach, And the‘‘shore” refuse to tan; Then the stage will have its inning, With its Hamlet and its ‘‘ham.” —Don’t fool your time away. Be sensible, at least, while in idleness. —QuUAY’s eyes are not as good as they once were, but he sees things yet, so they say. - —-How many voters are there in Cen- tre county who have ever heard HENRY QUIGLEY plead a case in court ? —Can it be that China is trying to gation of the outrages on American mis- sionaries. —Balloon sleeves must go, says & Paris fashion paper. This is a well tim- ed determination, coming just in ad- vance of the opening of the theatres. Garter shows are a Paris fad. Un- fortunately for the success of the new craze the exhibit of gorgeous nether circlets is being made off instead of on. —CALvVIN M. Bower Esq., a Demo- cratic candidate for Superior court judge, would mean many votes for the ticket in this county, where he is so popular and so well known. --All that is needed in Centre county this fall is for every Democrat to vote for the Democratic ticket and the ques- tion” “of Centre’s political inclination will be positively settled. —The reason that maidens at the shore always pose as being so youthful is probably because they reckon them- selves’as merely summer girls. Winters don’t count in age with them. —The announcement that Wm L. ELkiNs, the Philadelphia millionaire, is to be a candidate for congressional honors is simply another evidence that Republican “bar’l” fillers must have their reward. — Republican talk of ‘‘getting to- gether’’ is more of the nature of prize ring parlance than anything else. In- fighting will certainly follow when they once try to join hands against a common enemy. —If CAMERON and QUAY don’t soon have a reconciliation the people will get tired of this flap-doodle diet and awaken to a realization of how com- pletely the two Senators are bound up in each other’s success. —BiILL SMITH is careful, conscien- tious and clean. He is just the man to be re-elected prothonotary and it is ri- diculous for such a fellow as ABE M1L- LER presuming to think that Democrats will vote for him in preference to SMITH. —The Pittsburg papers are blowing about HARRY DAVIS, the museum man- ager out there, being a self made man. ‘What if he is, he can’t hold a candle to the figure of some of the self made woman he has had on exhibition and made money out of. — While our Governor was in New York rusticating and recovering last week he might have asked Tom PrLarr why he wrote to that Wyalusing agent of the United States express company asking him™ to vote for QUAY at the State Convention. ——The Charleston News and Cour- should settle in the United States and cast his fortunes with the Republicans and protection party. The News has a fine sense of the eternal fitness of things when it tries to associate Republicanism and DAMRONG. —The settlers around JACksoN’s Hole of murderers and cut throats as ever tried to squeeze Indians off their lands. In the case of the whites who tried to extermi- nate those inoffending Bannocks there should be but one loop hole of escape and that the hangman’s noose. —The appointment of GEORGE G. HurcHISON, of Warriorsmark, to bea delegate from this State to the National farmer’s congress at Atlanta, Georgia, is an honor worthily bestowed. Though GErorGgE would much rather be deputy Secretary of Agriculture it must be gratifying for him to fee] that he is still in the Governor's sight, at least. —QUAY began the butchering season earlier than usual. Sausage hardly ever finds its way into the market be- fore the middle of October. But then you know circumstances alter cases. ‘When the hogs are ready. they must be killed. It was considerate of the ‘old man,” too, to give the ‘Combine’ something, even if it was only the —The discovery of the Spanish fili- busters at Penns Grove, below Phila- delphia, last week, proved the vigilance’ of United States authorities in their desire to avert international complica- tions with Spain. But when we recall the recent tardy action of that govern- ment, when it was asked to explain the firing upon American merchant vessels off the Cuban coast, we are most tempted to wish that Pana’s expedition had | not been discovered until it would have been too late to foist it. Demacralic Ro STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 40 BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPT. 6, 1895. NO. 35. . An Attempt to Fool the Farmers. We favor the adoption of a fixed and well- considered policy for the permanent better- ment of the highways of the State, so that the means of communication by private convey- ance between the farms of the State and the neighboring markets shall be improved and encouragement be given to the enlarged use of the highways by our citizens. The above we find among the reso- lutions of boss Quay’s convention. It is a «bid for the farmer vote and is about as rotten as the balance of the’ bait the party that the Beaver county boss speaks for proposes to use to catch political gudgeons at the November election. Since 1883, Mr. Quay’s Republican party has had absolute control of both branches of the Legislature of the State. It has had an overwhelming majority in both the Senate and House. During that time it could have enact: ed any law it wished or adopted any “policy” it desired. Not a session of the Legislature, since the date given, has been held, that the farmers of the State were not present praying for the enactment of such leg- ielation as would secure them better highways. They have been represent. ed by council, by delegations, by com- mittees and by petition. They have been earnest and they have been ac- tive and yet, during all this time, they have met with nothing but refusals and rebuffs. But they had nothing to “put up” for the legislation they asked for and they got nothing. The representatives of the boss and the party that now pretends to ‘‘favor’ such legislation, ridiculed them as “hay-seeds” ; derided them as ‘buck: wheat eaters from the rural sections” and sneered at them as ‘‘the hoe: handle and dung-fork brigade.” “But things are different now.” The boss and the party that jibed, ridi- culed and heaped insults upon them ; that refused to legislate either in the interest of better roads or the equaliza- tion of taxation, want votes. They want them badly. They need them. Their ringsters and roosters, their thieves and heelers have fallen out over the division of spoils and neither trusts the other. They know not where they stand or who can be relied upon, among the many had their favors and grown rich on the opportunities they have furnished: In place of depending upon the man- ipulations of combines and the work of ward heelers, they are now com- “pelled to seek other strength and for this purpose they throw out this poor, miserable sop to the farmer in the shape of a platform resolution favor- ing better roads. Farmers are not - as gullible as some people imagine they are. They will understand that this profession of pro- fessional politicians, seeking votes, is meant not to secure better roads, but support for a ticket that can only be elected by their votes. They will treat it as it deserves, and from them it will deserve less respect than did “Coxey’s Army” of tramps who marched to Washington carrying aloft the same banner, — The Smoke 's There All the Same. We have been faithfully walching to see the smoke curl up of the bon-fire the Democrats of Bellefonte intended to build in the event of a split in the Republican convention at Harrisburg on Tuesday.— Gazette. Sorry indeed, Mr. Gazette, that you were disappointed in your expectations, but if you had looked sharp you might have seen a dense smoke curl up from the fire upon which was cooked the crow yourself and other Bellefonte Republicans have been eating since that convention. ——The most pathetic thing in the campaign of aesassination’” was QuAY’s complaint that he was being koifed "by bribery. No doubt that money was used in buying delegates. When so sacred a thing as the judicial ermine could be huckstered for the purpose of securing delegates, it is foolish to suppose that there would be any hesitation about using cold cash in such a deal. But there is some- thing disgustingly babyish in an old political huckster like Quay making a fuss about it, and complaining that he was made the victim of that kind of corruption. Complaint coming from such a quarter is enough to make satan wink his other eye. who have | _A Platform That Insults Intelligence. The platform adopted by the Repub- lican State Convention is too contemp- tible to be considered in the light of a declaration of principles. No intelli- gent person will for a moment give the least credit to promises of reform made by such a political character as M. S. Quay, and therefore the declarations he inserted in the platform about bet- ter government and purer politics, will be regarded by the people as so much campaign rubbish intended to affect the gullibility of the uninformed. That the resolutions were not design- ed to bean appeal to the common sense of the people is shown by their charging CLEVELAND and the Demo- cratic party with being responsible for a business panic that existed all over the world, and giving Quay and the Republican party credit for having saved the country from the ruin brought upon it by the Democrats. + Public common sense will regard such an assumption with contempt. It will be resented as an “offensive esti- mate put upon popular intelligence by a set of tricky politicians who repre- sent that a condition of (affairs, world- widen its extent, but greatly aggrava- ted in this country by Republican cur- rency laws and a Republican tariff, was chargeable to a Democratic ad- ministration that had this ruinous con- dition dompcd upon it by its Republi- can predecessor, and that the improve- ment which has dawned upon the country is to be credited to MAT Quay for his having tried to delay and de- feat the passage of the tarift bill under which business has revived, workmen have found abundant employment, and their wages have been increased. The American people have stood an infernal lot of fooling ard lying in par- ty platforms, but they are not prepared to stand such stuff as this. : — A Full Judicial Ticket, The Democratic State Convention should and, we believe, will make a complete State ticket by nominating the full number of candidates for the Superior court. The situation is fav- orable to such a policy and a bold movement would accord with the feel- ings of the party. The new judicial body was evidently designed to be a Republican machine. That intention was shown by the coo! manner in which it was arranged to give the Democrats but one judge out of seven. In response to so unfair and illiberal an allotment the Democrats should make the effort to reverse this proportion at the polls. The situation should encourage the effort. The creation of this new and unnec- essary court was largely political in its conception, as it was designed to use the appointment of the new judges as a means of promoting the factional ends of the appointing power. Their selection was made with special refer. ence to the securing of delegates to the State Convention for the Hastings fac- tion. So barefaced a prostitution of the judiciary was never before attempt- ed, and no feature of the reprehensible schenie more offensively presented it- gelf than the design to perpetuate the political character of thie court by making its members almost exclusive. ly Republican. The people owe it to themselves to reprove such a scheme as this, and the Democratic State Convention should give them an opportunity to do so by nominating a full Democratic ticket for the Superior court. A public of- fense has been committed by the con- duct of the Republican Legislature and the Governor in regard to this Court which should meet with popular re- proof at the polls. ——The Evening News, the union daily that began life in Harrisburg a little over three week ago seems, to be marching steadily on to a position among the best journals in the State. The News is working in a field pos- sessing unsurpassed advantages for a good live newspaper and there is every reason to believe that it will succeed. ‘GEORGE S. LENHART, at one time editor of the Williamsport Breakfast Table is on the editorial staff and is impart- ing a spice to it that cannot but make it a popular paper. The News is a strictly union paper, run on the co-op- erative plan. Quay as a Reformer. Nobody can doubt Quay’s ability as a political wire-puller and machine manager, but who ever thought that he had talent as a humorist ? There could not have been a more amusing bit of humor than the remark he made before the caucus of his faction on the evening before the convention that the fight he wags leading was “a contest in the interest of good government and purity in Republican politics”? The fan of such an observation coming from such a source, must have been appreciated by his assembled hench- men, How the gang must have chuckled over the reform gag that the “old man” was getting off. : QuaY’s reform platform is also per: vaded by a humorous epirit. Mark TwaIx could not have got off a neater bit of fun than is contained in the first line of the resolution which says “we decry the growing use of money in politica.” Such a joke coming from the humorist who used halt a million dollars in securing the election of HAR. RISON, is positively ‘delicious. Even brother WaNAMAKER would not be too solemnly pious to enjoy its flavor. When thatdeclaration against the use of monev in politics was read to the convention, how the henchmen and hangers-on, the rounders, heelers, pimps and parasites, who were brought to Harrisburg to pack the hall in QuAY's interest, must have enjoyed the jocularity of the platform. There were other choice bits of hu- mor in the resolutions, such, for in- stance, as the declaration against the corporate control of Legislatures and and improper influence over primary and general elections, and in favor of public office being used for public benefit. All of which was no doubt highly amusing to the convention, and convinced the followers of the old boss that he could get off a joke as successfully as he could pack a conyention or put money into a cam- paign where it would do the most good. Exhibits at Atlanta. The Governor some time ago issued a proclamation urging the people of Pennsylvania to send their most inter- esting products to the Atlanta exposi- tion. This was a proper request, as the State should make a good showing at the great southern fair. But the great- est Pennsylvania curiosity that could be exhibited there would be the Gov- ernor himself. As a specimen of a political failure he would be a highly interesting exhibit, and could not fail to attract a great deal of curious, atten- tion, . The boss, also, if put on exhibition, would add greatly to the interest of Pennsylvania's contributions to the fair. As a specimen of a tricky and corrupt politician, posiag as are former, he would be a more attractive curiosity than a woolly horse or a calf with a double allowance of heads and legs. If it should be determined to make an exhibit of the animal products of our State, at Atlanta, the “Hog Combine” would furnish an extremely interesting addition to that department. Having been recently slaughtered it might be exhibited as pickled pork. We trust that the State, as recom- mended by the Governor, will make an attractive exhibition of its products at the southern fair, but no exhibits it could furnish would attract more cu- rious attention than the “Hog Com- bine, including the Governor and the elated and corrupt boss in the roll of a reformer. The Boss' Threat. The judges will owe their positions on the bench to Senator Quay's forbearance. Now they should go out of politics for good. Other- wise this court, which is not a constitutional court, but one created by the Legislature, may find itself abolished by the power which creat- ed it. The above is from the mouth-piece of boss Quay—the Philadelphia In- quirer. Plainly interpreted it means that the five Republican candidates for Appellate court judges, who preferred the rule of the Combine to that of the boss, must hereafter bow the knee to Baal of Pennsylvania politics ; must know po power, no rule, no authority, no interest, but his. It is to be his to order—their's to obey. Such is the edict. Such will be their duty. if the court created by the boss’ Legisla- ture, is not to be “abolished by the power which created it.” Great is the boss! But oh, what subserviency must come by serving him! rem— Evidently Not Pleased With Quay. From the Troy Gazette, Rep. Quay has won. ing and corruption, has carried the day in Pennsylvania. The disgrace of the State is complete. The people have been sold out by the delegates whom they have elected, and the Reign of Terror bas begun. The worst, most unscrupulous politician in the State bas been seated, like the old man of the Sea, on the neck of the Republican party of Pennsylvania, and henceforth, every office in the State down to school director, will be for sale. The man who did more than any other man, to defeat Harrison, because he could not rule him, is now in a position to entire. ! ly negative the wish of the State, in tbe National Convention. It insures the continuance of Don Cameron, democrat, in the office of U.S. Sena- tor, to misrepresent this Republican State, and affiliate with the Democrats, It means the prolongation in office of Matthew Quay, the Republican Dave Hill, whose every vote in the last Con- grees was anti-Republican. So far as Pennsylvania is .concerned, we had better lose the next presidental elec- tion, than to have lost this election. With Quay in the saddle, honest poli- tics is a thing of the past, and the State of Pennsylvania, has gone iato a continuance of the Cameron dynasty. Henceforth law, justice, office and position will all be for sale. Boodle has triumphed. . Not a Pleasant Dose for Magee. From Magee’s Pittsburg Times. It is unnessary to say that the result of the Republican State Convention yesterday in the matter of the State chairmanship of the party is not what the T%mes desired or expected. Nor.de the methods by which the cam- paign for Senator Quay was waged, and the agencies by which victory was ac- complished, make the result any more palatable. The narrow margin of a mere majority in a convention does not alter or transpose the abiding right and wrongof things. We believe as firmly as ever that Senator Quay’s attempt virtually to take into his own hands as a personal appointment the selec- tion of a mayor for the great Republi- can city of Philadelphia, out of which this contest had its beginning, wasa despotic invasion of the right of - home rule, which deserved the resentment and defeat it received at the hands of the Republican manhood of that city. We do not see that the result of the ballot in the convention yesterday bas whiten- ed the record of his subsequent invasion of the prerogative of the Governor of the Commonwealth, and his interference with Gov. Hastings and the Legislature to prevent the performance of their sworn duty. * * * It Is the Almighty Dollar, Not Esteem, That They Seek. From the Lancaster Intelligencer. The fact that Pinkerton detectives in the pay of Spain are on the watch for Cuban filibustering expeditions will help the growing public sympathy for the Cubans and add but little to the reputation of the Pinkerton people. The Pinkerton detectives did not cut a happy figure when they invaded Penn- sylvania as the armed mercenaries of Mr. Frick, and they will hardly win applause as spies of the crown of Spain, operating upon American soil against a people who may soon have the for- mal recognition of the United Statesin their revolt against foolish, seifish and tyranical misgovernment. Perhaps Spain is at liberty to thus employ Americans to sneak about after Cuban fiilibusters and tell what they are up to, but men who take a job of that kind will be apt to find that they are not much thought of. Where Bigotry 1s Lost Sight of. Frora the Philipsburg Ledger. Narrow-minded Methodists who think it their duty to denounce and revile the Catholic church, may learn a lesson from their great apostle, Bishop Vin- cent, who has given the use of the col- lege hall at Chatauqua to the Roman Catholics for the celebration of mass on Sundays until such time as they shall be able to construct a chapel of their own. When the union of Christian churches comes about, as it surely will, it be throughithe efforts of such noble souls as Bishop Vincent, Philips Brooks and Archbishop Ireland. How About This, Governor 2 From the Pittsburg Post. The reported revival of Quay’s dor- mant ambition to become governor of Pennsylvania is probably attributable to his well-known desire to know how it feels to ‘own a governor—a senti- ment which he has never yet experi- enced. He is confident of his ability to own himself, which is more than can be said for Governor Dan. A Situation that Would'nt Cause Much Alarm, From the Altoona Gazette. It is really astonishing the way the iron business is booming, and it i8 not surpricing that some fears should be expressed that its activity should be- come too great. But we don’t suppose that there is going to be any eerious trouble. ——Read the WATCHMAN. Trickery, fraud, ly- | Spawl!s from the Keystone —Ebensburg had a frost as long ago as last Thursday. —A belated Armstrong county apple tree 1s in full bloom. —A Carlisle butcher, William Hartzel, hanged himself Monday. —The water famine at- Pottsville and vicinity is growing serious. —Over 100 students will enter Lafayette College this fall in the freshman class. —The body of David Hofvara, colored, was found in a hay mow at Mechanics. burg. —The price of milk has been advanced in Johnstown from six to eight cents a quart. —Luzerne's Democratic favorite for Su- perior Judge, John T. Lenahan, declines to be a candidate. —The Juniata Valley campmeeting as- sociation has decided to have open gates g on Sunday hereafter. —A mob at Maltby, Luzerne county, forced two constables to release John O. Royle, who had been nabbed. —The wages of the Schuylkill county miners for this month will be ten per cent below the basis of §2.50. —Three thousand children and mem- bers of secret orders paraded at Colum- bia in honor of a flag raising at the pub- lic school. —Charters were granted to the Cyano Chemical Company, of Williamsport, capital $14,000 and the Pennsylvania Title and Trust Company, of Pittsburg, capital $250,000, —The Williamsport boom company rafted out the last of their logs last Satur- day. There are still about 30,000,000 feet of logs lying along the river waiting for a freshet. . —Greensburg, Westmoreland county, is the best governed borough in Western Pennsylvania, having very little debt to carry and the lowest rate of taxation lev- ied in any borough in the state. —George and Charles Berger found four silver watches and an empty case in the river below Miffiintown lately. How they got there is a mystery. They were all in a good state of preservation, being water. tight. - -—The nail mill at Lewisburg has been sold to Harrisburg capitalists for a con- sideration of $12,000. Arrangements are being made to resume operations at an early date. Over 150 menand boys will be given employment. —After ten hours work the St. Mary's hospital physicians in Philadelphia, suc- ceeded in saving the life of Rudolph Pan- zan, who tried to commit suicide late on Saturday night at his home. He was de. spondent and swallowed a big dose of laudanum. —George Kendal, a 12 year old boy, caught with his hands, at Black Rock, on South mountain, a rattlesnake which measured four feet and had ten rattles and a button. He is in the habit of cap- turing and handling all kinds of snakes without being bitten. —Lock Haven can boast of an aged lady whose vigor is above the average. Her name is Mrs. Mahony and her age is 84, She resides in the Fourth ward, and has frequently gone to the woods this sea- son for berries. She not only walked, but went in her bare feet. —Mrs. Mary Kistler a widow residing at Mantz, near Pottsville Monday had her pocketbook containing $200 stolen from her pocket. Mrs. Kistler is 70 years of age and says the robbery was accomplished by four young men, who jostled her while she was on her way to the depot. —While William Stanton, a well known business man of Chester was riding a bi- cycle on Second street a dog ‘ran at him, upset the machine and threw Mr. Stanton in front of a trolley car. With great presence of mind Stanton rolled off the track, but his wheel was wrecked. Stan. ton was badly bruised. —N. W. Bennett, a butcher of Spangler, is the possessor of a natural curiosity in the shape of a three legged pig. The pig, is perfectly formed in every way with the exception that it has but one hind leg The hip of the other is well developed but there is no projection of the limb be- low the body. The animalis very lively. —Highwaymen Tuesday night at Pleas: ant Hill near Hazleton assaulted Anthony Urban with a sandbag and then shot to death his brother Matthew, who had come to his rescue. The murder took place at Urban’s house and the fatal bullet hit him while he stood on the door step. Peter Arschecavage was today arrested and locked up on suspicion of having commit. ted the murder. —Owing to the fact that Rev. George Trach, of Wallaceton, has withdrawn from the ministry, onaccount of ill health some changes have been made necessary in Methodist pastorates. Rev.J. W. Glov- er, has been moved to Wallaceton to take charge of the work there, and Rev. H. L. Houghton, a student of Northwest. ern university, Evanston, Ill, has been appointed to the Ansonville charge. George McEwen, an 11 months’ old son of Hoover McEwen, of Newton Hamilton died late Sunday night from an overdose of laudanum, given him by his parents through an error. The drug was admin- istered about 4 o’clock Saturday morning to quiet the child, and in the dim light too much was given. The child layin a stupor until towards evening, when mus. cular convulsions set in and continued until death came. —A disastrous wreck occurred near Barree on Saturday night, caused by the breaking of an axle. Fourteen cars heavi. ly loaded with bridge iron and lumber were torn to pieces. 8. C.Frank, a brake- man 22 years old was killed, He lived at Harrisburg and was married and had ene child. The three tracks were torn up for a distance of about 350 feet, and & number of trains were run round by way of the Philadelphia and Erie and Bald Eagle Valley railroads. r —Before the Governor left Harrisburg Thursday he authorized the following ap. pointments which were announced to- day: James E. Roderick, of Hazleton, to be mine inspector of the Fifth anthracite district ; Miss Elizabeth Myer, of Towan- da, tobea member of the Atlanta ex. position ladies’ auxiliary; Charles T. George, of Harrisburg, and Dr. F. A. Boericke, of Philadelphia, to be members of the state pharmaceutical’ examining board, the latter taking the place of Alonso Robbins.