"af Port Matilda Pointers. As our few iter.s in last weeks paper were eagerly read by mamy in this-vicinity, and even by some who had ’nt read a county paper in years, we are encouraged to try it again and let you know of the doings in and about Port Matilda. George R. Price had a very close call last Saturday. While putting the harness on one of his horses the animal kicked at him, split- ting his chin open. Fortunately he was too close to it to get the full force of the blow, alse he would not have been living to have told the tale. Mr. J. H. Patton, one of our live hucksters, met with quite a loss last week. He was re. turning from a trlpte Philipsburg and as he was crossing the bridge over Cold stream, on the out-skirts of that place, one of his horses’ shoulders became dislocated. Impossibility to get the joint in place again necessitated the shooting of the animal. The loss is a serious cne to Mr. Patton as he is a poor man, though he has the determination to go ahead and try to replace it. One of our neighbors having sent his wife and children on a visit to her child hood’s home, in a distant county of this State, his bachelordom was invaded last Sunday morn- ing, by some boys, who took advantage of his temporary absence from home to play a joke on him. They set the table, as if for breakfast, and put chairs all around, They then dress- ed up two broom sticks; One in the man’s clothes, the other in his wife's and left them sitting at the table.” When the bachelor came in he forgot that his wife was away and is said to have really embraced the inanimate broom- stick girl thinking it was her. Keep in gcod ‘heart Orie they will return to you ere iong. Quite a pretty wedding service was solem- nized at the home of Mrs. 8. E. McKinney, on the morning of the 15th inst. It was the occa- sion of the marriage of her daughter Gertrude Stetler to Mr. Z. I. Woodring, a successful school teacher and upright young gentleman of this place. Rev. G. P. Sarvis performed the ceremony at 5 o'clock in the morning and af- tera wedding breakfast that would surpass the chef @ oeuvre of a Delmonico the bride and groom departed on an early train for a tour to Philadelphia, Reading and othercities. They received. many handsome presents. Upon their return they will go to house-keeping in Philipsburg where the groom will begin a nine month’s school term, New Advertisements. OR SALE at McQuistions, A few good substantial home made Buggies at amoderate price. Also two good second- hand top Buggies, both end springs, almost as good as new, at a very low figure. . McQUISTION & CO. 40 32 3t Bellefonte, Pa, Dantel Irvin’s Sons. 10 CASH HARDWARE. New Advertisements. QUAEFFER'S WONDERFUL —+j-~ OFFER. 6 FINE CABINET PHOTOS FOR QQcts. 0 0 SUPERIOR FINISH and guaranteed First-class in every respect. This remarkable and unprecedented offer is being made by Shaeffer, the photographer, and will last for a short time only. The above remarkable low price can be given for the follow- ing reason: When the large photo- stock house of Johnston & Co., of New York, failed recently, at the sale we seized the opportunity of purchasing an enormous stock of photo-material at a remarkable low price—a mere song. The same has arrived and preparations are being made in our gallery to turn out FOR A SHORT SEASON, a fine grade of work at a price that will be within the reach of all. This low offer of 6 Cabinet, Photos for 99 cents will be good only until. ...SEPTEMBER Ist, 1895..... a Don’t wait, but come early, or you may miss this opportunity to gat THE o FINEST o PHOTOS for the least money at H. B. SHAEFFER'S ART STUDIO, Bellefonte, - . - Penn’a. 40 30 6t M OUNT GRETNA < AGRICULTURAL, , MECHANICAL and {EX Posivrion) MOUNT GRETNA, PA, AUGUST 19th TO 24th, 1895. THE GREATEST EXPOSITION IN THE EAST. A building 120x144 feet entirely filled with fine Carriages. : A building 70x150 feet entirely filled with high bred Poultry and Pigeons. 76,800 square feet of platform covered with Ag ricultural Implements of all kinds. Ten acres of ground occupied by Traction En- gines, Wagons, etc. A fine display of Blooded Live Stock. In order to dispose of our large stock of Tin Cans we offer them ——AT 48 CENTS — per dozen. These are our own make, of a good quality tin, and every one is _guar- anteed perfect. BELLEFONTE, PA. Music and Distinguished Speakers in the Au- ditorium each day. No fakirs or side-shows permitted. Fare from Lewisburg, $2.67 for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 19th to 24th good to return until August 24. 40 291m Poa TO PRAVEL. WANTED.—Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for an established house. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited; also increase. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, 316-317-318 Omaha Bldg., CHICAGO. 40 31 4m Investments. B IG PROFITS ao ON, SMALL INVESTMENTS. Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make 30 much within short time as by successful Speculation in Grain, Provisions and Stock. FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our $10.00 originated by us. SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECULATION —— All successful speculators operate on a regular system. It is a well-known fact there are thousands of men in all parts of the United States who, by systematic fading through Chicago brokers, o from a few thousand make large amounts every year, ranging lars for the man who invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to $50,000 to $100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively small invest- ments on this plan are persons who live away from Chicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on successtul speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of mone Ping pointers, plains margin trading fully. Highest references in For further information address ALL FREE. Our Manual ex- regard to our standing and success. THOMAS & C€O,, Bankers and Brokers, 40 29 6m 241-212 Rialto Building, GHICAGO, ILL. Most News for the Least Money. P= UNDISPUTED FACTS. WHAT PAPER Gives you the Latest and most Reliable News—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Has the most Interesting and Valuable Reading—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Gives more Local News than any other in the County—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Gives the Fullest and most Reliable Market Reports—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Furnishes the Brightest and most Readable Editorials—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Is always Reliable in its Statements and fair to all Sides—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Do the Best and most Influential People Read—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Is Read by the most People in Centre County—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Has Always Stood hy the Peoples Interest—THE WATCHMAN, WHAT PAPER Has never Failed in the Support of Its Party—THE WATCHMAN WHAT PAPER Should be in Every Home in Centre County—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT PAPER Do the People of the County Depend Upon and Pride in- THE WATCHMAX. WHAT PAPER Is the Cheapest Considering its Worth and Reliability—THE WATCHMAN. WHAT CAN YOU GET IT FOR ———40 CENTS UNTII, JAN. 1, 1396.—— # i 1 MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. —WILL BE IN— BELLEFONTE, PA BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, —SATURDAYS— Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2-30, Dec. 28. ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. « UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Deafness, Ringing Noises and Catarrh Cured by Dr. Salt. For along time I noticed that I became Fraauslly harder and harder of hearing. inging noises came in the ear after a while, and I became very much alarmed. So I went to Dr. Salm and put myself under his care and to-day I am grassy) to state, and forthe bene- fit of those who may suffer in a like manner, that I can hear once again as good as ever,an those infernal noises have disappeared, al- though I am nearly 60 years old. Dr. Salm said all of it was caused by catarrh: M, B. Buck, Spring Mills, Centre Co., Pa. A ‘Lady 69 Years Old Cured of Catarrh and Deafness. Some years ago I contracted catarrh and it went to my ears. Gradually I became worse and my ears began to trouble me very much, my strength began to give out, and I "became weaker and weaker so that I was not able to work. I took treatment from several of our doctors in the county, but somehow they couldn’t do me any good ; so I went to see Dr. Salm. He promised to cure me, and I dare say, he kept his word, for to-day I am again stout and healthy as could be expected of any one of my age, 69 years, and .I find that I got value received for-the money paid to the doc- or. . Mags. Jaco D. FiNpLEY. Brush Valley, Indiana Co., Pa. Thought His Time Had Come but was Cured by Dr. Salin. For some years I have been suftering very much with various ailments and broke down at last. I suffered most excrutiating pain from head to foot all the time. My stomach troub- led me a good deal, liver and kidneys as well were out of order; in fact, I thought my time had come. The doctors couldn’t do me any good : patent medicines had no effect ; so I went at last to Dr. Salm, and after a course of treatment, I am now again as hale and hearty and strong as ever. F. L. CONFER. Warriors Mark, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Serofulous Limb of 8 Years Standing Cured, For the last 8 years I have had fearfully sore limbs ; they would swell and break open and run; giving me a world of trouble, and mak- ing me unfit for my daily labor. I have had four Doctors trying to cure me, but they could'nt do it. At last I went {o Dr. Salm, who made a perfect and complete cure, and I feel as if I could enjoy life once more. Epiti V. GuTaRIE, Kittanning, Armstrong Co., Pa. Growth Removed from the Eye-Ball by Dr. Salm. For 10 years my wife, Susanna, had some- thing Slowing over her eyes, making her al- most blind. Dr. Salm performed an operation, and made a perfect success, as she can now again thread the finest needle, and read the finest print, and her eyes do not give her the least trouble. It was a fine piece of work. JonN BERGEN, Holsopple, Somerset Co., Pa, Granulated Lids Cured by Dr. Salm. For the last 4 years I have been troubled very much with granulated eye lids; it partly blinded me. Doctors here did me no good, it also seemed to affect my general health. Dr. £alm has cured me. I can again see splendid- ly, and feel better than ever. Bessie THoMAS, Indiana, Pa., Dec. 5th, 1894, After Total Blindness Made to Sce by Dr. Salm. About 1 year ago my” brother accidentally hit me in my left eye, with a how-gun. I be- gan to get blind'rapidly in that eye, and ina short time, could'nt see anything out of it; total blindness was cauesd by the hurt. 1 heard so much of Dr. Salm’s wonderful suc- cess in his eye operations, that I went to him, and he has once more proven his wonderful skill on my eye. For {o.day, after having been totally blind, I can see splendidly out of the same again. Stulton, Somerset, Co., Pa. March 28th., 1895. Josep HENRY, Case of Stomach and Inward Trouble Cured hy Dr. Salm. For some months I have been feeling miserably, on account of stomach and private- trouble. I was always afraid to eat, and the | ain in my stomach and chest was terrible, ut after a term of treatment, I feel now, once more, as good as ever. I can eat everything again, without trouble, thanks to Dr. Salm’s wonderful treatment. Tueresie DEveach, Dunlo, Cambria Co,, Pa. Address all communications to hox 17460, Columbus, O. OUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. {One more week of grand values | at the clearing up sale of all sum- | mer goods at the Globe. | + 2 We must have the Room for our large Fall and Winter stock which 1s now coming in. Shirt waists, choice of all our 75Cts. 1.00 and 1.25 quality all go now at 43cts. =r Dimities all go now at gets. this includes the 20 and 25 cent kind. Cotton Challies now at 3cts. Sw Half wool Challies, the 15 and 20 cent kind, we will sell at 6cts. f All wool French Challies now 25cts. Light ground Satines, worth 18cts. now go at 7l4cts. + + French Zephyr Ginghams, the kind that never shrink, now at ricts. Standard Dress Ginghams now 7%cts. Printed Ducks, the 15 cent kind, now go at 8cts. o———DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. Katz & Co. Limited. New Advertisements. 1 ex GLOBE. | . | 0 Best quality Percales now Scts. | White dress goods at 5, 8 and 1octs. (that at are worth double what we ask for them. sr Hosiery, that others price you for 12cts., we will sell you at gcts. Hosiery that others price you for 25cts. our price is 21cts. m———t We will sell youa full, regular seamless hose for 15cts. It is extra good. | rem} | Great values we are giving in | Handkerchiefs. See our 5ct. ones and the one embroidered in 4 cor- | ners, with lace inserting, that we tare selling at. gcts. “It is a great seller and always pleases. Soe} Silk sun Umbrellas at less than cost to close them out. —MILLINERY.— Choice of any trimmed hat in stock now $1.69. Some of them were sold at 6.00 and 8.00 dollars early in the season. Choice of untrimmed hats 3qcts. . IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH THE GLOBE. | 40-15 KATZ & CO. Limited. BELLEFONTE, PA. Faubles. i Faubles. JGroveH gance. are not too old will be sure to purse heavier. once. Get in the game. that the last week brought. are buying and hundreds looking. Everybody seems satisfied that the time spent with us, either in look- ing or buying, is time well spent. of our Fall Stock here to give you an idea of its immensity and ele- You want to come and see it. Don’t buy, merely look. You to learn, and a half hour spent among our von: NEW STOCK... teach you much clothing sense. It will be the kind of knowledge that will make your The kind that you can see and reap the benefits of at Our tables fairly groan un- der the weight of the NICE, NEW, BRIGHT AND STYLISH READY - TO WEAR GARMENTS Many Join the crowd. We promise to give you the great- est Clothing Surprise you ever ex- perienced. See us and be satisfied. FAUBLES. Clothiers and Outfitters. | ' 40-10 OR RENT.—Good seven room : house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte Sor to E. BROWN, Jr. UGGIES, Carriages, Phwtons, Surries, and Spring Wagons. The largest stock, best in quality, lowest in prices. For sate by 40 28 6t McCALMONT & CO. OR SALE, CHEAP.—Will sell for cash, very cheap, house, stable and lot, No. 57, Willow-Bank street and ad- ppl, No. 58. For information apply to 40°13-t C. L. GATES, Bellefonte, Pa. HRESHERS AND SEPARA- TORS.—Two small second hand 'I'hreshers with horse powers for sale. A No. 1 Geiser Separator, 30 inch Cylinder, quite as good as new, for sale. 40 28 Gt McCALMONT & CO. RAIN DRILLS.—We are agents - for the sale of the Superior Grain Drills, the most complete grain drill now in use. This claim can be vertified by all the farmers who have these drills on their farms. For sale by 40 28 6t McCALMONT & CO. ARM FOR RENT OR SALE.— The fine farm of Wm. Reed, in Patton township, Centre Co., i known as the Philip Carper farm. It is bounded on the south and east by lands of the Thompson brothers, on the west by lands of the Carnegie Steel Co. and on the north by lands of i Gray. For further information address or call on WM. REED, 40-30-4t.% Waddle, Pa. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— . Letters testamentary on the estate of V. H, Noll, Sr,, Dec’d, late of Spring township, Centre county, Pa., having been granted the undersigned he requests al J pesos knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate settlement and those having claims against it to present them, properly ‘authenticated. for payment. W. H. NOLL, Jz., 40-27-6t Pleasant Gap, Pa. DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.— Letters testamentary on the estate of the late John Garbrick Jr., deceased of Spring township, Centre county Pa.., having been granted the undersigned she hereby notifies all persons having claims’ against said estate to present same, bropesiy authenticated, for payment, and those knowing themselves in- debted thereto to make immediate settlement. EMMA GARBRICK, 40-30-6t Administratrix. IRE EXTINGUISHERS.—Mer- chants and all others who use Coal Oil as an illuminator, cannot afford to be with- out the Chemical Fire Extinguishers or Hand Grenades. When a lamp explodes or acci- dently falls, creating a fire in a Store room or elsewhere in a building, the Hand Grenade is the only thing, when at hand. that will ex- tinguish a fire created by Coal Oil, immediate- ly, if promptly applied. The cost of these Grenades is a small matter compared to the Fos, when promptly used on a fire. For sale 1 28 6t McCALMONT & CO. FHE STANDARD FOR THE WORLD. COLUMBIA BICYCLES. You see them everywhere. They differ from others in the chain, sprockets, hubs, bearings, cranks, pedals, tires, rims, tubing, handles, construction, finish and in every point of difference there is marked superiority. Columbias $§100—Hartfords $80, $60 and §50— next to Columbias. Bargains in 2nd hand wheels. One lady’s Victor cheap. Send for catalogue. A. L. SHAFFER, Agt. Bellefonte, Pa. 40 17-4m HE BELLEFONTE ACADEMY Will open its Fall season on the second Wednesday of September with the following gorps of experienced anf ruccessiul instruec- ors. Rev. J. P. Hughes, Principal; Wlathematics and Philosophy. Miss Julia L. Reed, teacher of English His- tory and Literature. F. P. Bassett, teacher of Chemistry (with experiments.) -R. Hughes, teacher of Ancient and Mod- ern Languages. : Miss Helen Overton, teacher of Primary and intermediate departments. ; 50°27 6t teacher of ERTILIZERS.—High grade Acid Phosphate guaranteed to contain 15 per cent. available Phosphoric Acid. + This is the best quality of dissolved rock and in the best drilling condition. Large yields of grain have been harvested this season by farmers who used it last fall. Our Champion $25.00 Ammoniated Bone Super Phosphate produces au honest return on all crops where it has been used for the money invested ; and scores of farmers who have used it will verify our claim of its superior quality. We defy com- etition in quality and price of this grade of ertilizers. We are prepared to furnish these at all stations in Centre county. All of one kind or part of a car of each kind making a full carload at the very lowest prices on liber al terms. We will have a full supply at our warehouse at Bellefonte, Pa. For sale hy 40 28 6t McCALMONT & CO. HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that an APRlisning will be made to the Governor of the State of Penn- sylvania, Monday the 16th day of September, 1895, hy William Whitmer. S. E. Slaymaker, M. F. Nagle, Chas. A. Meck, R. F. Whitmer and Charles Steele, under the Act of Assem- bly of the Commonwenith of Pennsylvania, entitled * An Act to provide for the incorpora- tion and regulation of certain et ib approved, April 29th, 1874, and the supple- ments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to be called Linden Hall Lumber Company, the character and object whereof is manufacturing and preparing for market and selling lumber and transacting the usual and customary business of a lumber company and for these purposes, to have, possess and en- joy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. 40-33-3t C. M. CLEMENT, Solicitor. NSEATED LAND APPEALS. — Not.ce is hereby given that an ap- peal for unseated lands will be held at the Commissioners’ Office, in Bellefonte, for the several assessment districts, as follows : — For Rush, Spring, Potter, Harris, College, Benner, Forgison, Patton, Halfmoon, and Worth Townships, on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 1895. x: Kor Snow Shoe, Taylor, Union, Huston, Boggs, Howard, Liberty, Marion and Walker Townships, on Thursday, Sept. 5th, 1695. For Burnside, Curtin, Gregg, Penn, Haines and Miles ‘Townships on Friday, Sept. 6th, 1895. G. L. GOODHART, @ T. F. ADAMS, Co. Cont. J.B. STROHM, Attest :—R. F. Hunter, Clerk. Commissioners’ Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Aug 13, 1895. 40 32.3t. OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that the following acts of Assignees and Committees will be presented to the Court on Wednesday Aug. 28, 1895. Unless exceptions be filed on or before Aug 27th, 1895 the same will be confirmed absolute. The second and final account of W. L., Wil- son, committee of Jacob Daniels a lunatic. The account of A. L. Nearhood committee of Henry Rishel. The account of Isaac M. Orndorf, assignee of Chas. W. ITosterman for the benefits of eredi- tors. The first and final account of N. B. Spang: ler, assignee of W, H. Runkla, Jr., for the ben- efits of creditors. : The account of W. H. Corman assignee of Wm. Meyer for the benefit of creditors. The account of W.H. Corman sequestrator appointed by the Common Pleas of Centre county in No. 409 April Term 1892. 40-31 W. F. SMITH, Prothontary.