Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 2, 1895. To CORRESPONDENTS. — No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of thewriter. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY ——OQats harvest is on now. ——One of J. S. Herman’s horses choked to death, near Lemont, one day last week. ——An interesting tennis tourna- ment is in progress on the association grounds here. ——50cts. will have the WATCHMAN sent to your address from now until Jan. 1st, 1896. ——The Pennsylvania railroad com- pany advertises a cheap excursion to the sea-shore on an inside page. ——Company B. 5th Reg., N. G. P. will leave for camp at Glen Cairn, above Pittsburg, this morning. ——Tell your neighbors that they can get the best paper in Centre county from now until Jan. 1st, 1896, for 50cts. ——A fine grey horse owned by Perry Gentzel, below town, died with lock jaw on Wednesday. Itrana nail into its foot. ——Curt Thompson has been elected principal of the Snow Shoe schools. He has taught at Cold Stream sever- al years. ——A. F. Harter, of Millheim, fell off his bicycle, the other day, breaking his collar bone. He was on his way to Coburn. ——Craig Hunter, of Lemont, has bought himself a bicycle and is learning toride it. © He isa novice on the sad- dler’s hoss too. ——Newty Bailey and his Magnet have asked bad boys not to play ball any more on Sunday. Of course it will stop forthwith. ——A three ionth’s old child of John Wagner died at the home * of its parents, on north Spring street, last Thursday night. > ——Junior members of the Y. M. C. A. are at Eagle's Nest, Spring creek, camping for a week. Secretary Cota is master of ceremonies for the boys. ——A. Bellefoute Central passenger train killed a good sized calf on the farm operated by James Waddle, near Hunter's park, Saturday evening. ——Joseph Rightnour has purchased ex-sheriff W. A. Ishler’s interest in the livery firm of Ishler & Rightaour and will hereafter conduct the business alone. . ——Parish’s drug store is now tem- porarily moved into the new room in the Pruner block, where}it will be locat- ed until the old rcom is thoroughly re- modeled. On Sunday evening Rev. W. W. Hess, of Boalsburg, will preach a ser- mon for rail-road men in the Evangel- ical church, in this place. Every body is invited. ——St. John’s Catholic church, of this place, will picnic at Hecla Park, on Wednesday, August 7th. Every-one is invited to attend. The proceeds will be for the new parochial residence. —— These nine cent sales don’t bother wise people, they buy where bottom cent sales are going on every day, without special fuss. Lyon & Co’s new adver- tisement contains bargains for you. ——Mr. and Mrs. John T. Laurie lost their sweat little daughter Martha, on Tuesday'morning. She was seized with convulsions and died from ex- haustion. Burial was made Wednes- day morning. The county Commissioners have realized at last that the Sheriff has papers and documents in his possession constantly that should be protected in case of fire. Accordingly they have or dered a large safe for the jail. ——The State College Methodist Sunday school picnic at Hunter's park, last Saturday, was spoiled by the rain. Most of the picnickers returned to the College on a morning train. They could not stand the immersion. ——John Davis, employed at Morris’ Coleville lime kilns, fell through a tres- tle early, on Tuesday morning last. in- juring himself to that extent that his life was at first despaired of. He was attended by Dr. Hayes and is now rap- idly recovering. ——James R. Hughes has been elect- ed associate principal of the Bellefonte Academy. This is an honor meritori- $usly and judiciously bestowed. Mr. Hughes has been untiring in his work for the advancement of the Academy and holds testimonials of the most com- plimentary kind as to his scholarly at- tainments. ——Prof. John Hamilton is proving to the people of College township that brains and good roads go together. He is the supervisor ard has undertaken a system of road making that already evi- dences its practicability. The College township roads are growing better every day and all because the work that is done on them is made effective. NEARLY A SuccEsSFUL FORGERY.— On Tuesday of last week a fairly well dressed man, about 28 years old, of medium stature, with mustache, entered the coun.iag room of the Penns Valley Banking Co. at Centre Hall. He pre- sented a check signed by Enoch Hugg, a reputable Milesburg merchant, and asked for payment of the same. It was drawn on the First National bank, of this place, for the amount of $197.00 payable to —— Carpenter. At the time the stranger presented the check he handed cashier Wm. B. Mingle a letter in which it was stated that the check had been drawn too late Monday night to get it cashed in Bellfonte and that Carpenter had to leave early Tues- day morning, before the banks were op- en. Carpenter said he was going to buy cattle. The whole thing seemed very plausible but to make everything certain the cashier called up the First National to ascertain whether Mr. Hugg’s check was good for $197.00. He was informed that it was and then promptly paid the amount to Carpenter. Before going to the bank the sharper had ordered a buggy from Boozer’s liv- ery stable in which he said he intended to drive to Bellefonte, but here is where the rest of his nicely planned scheme was knocked into a cocked hat. Mr. Boozer, the liveryman, happened to be in the bank just when the stranger ap- peared to get his’ check cashed, but was called out later to look after the buggy that had been ordered. When he found out that the fellow in the bank was the same one who wanted to go to Belle- fonte he thought there was something suspicious about it and went back to the bank to notify them of his suspi- cions, meanwhile he had ordered the buggy beld until he returned to the stable. Upon learning that Carpenter intend- ed coming to Bellefonte instead of driv- ing ‘‘out into the country three miles to buy cattle’ as he told in the bank, Mr. Mingle called up the First National again and found out that the number on Carpenter’s check did not correspond with the series in Mr. Hugg’s check book. The latter gentleman was called up and preacunced both letter and check a forgery. Fortunately it was not too late, for while Carpenter had left the bank Mr. Boozer’s shrewdness had detained him in town and he was arrested (?) by bogus constable, Frank Crawford, a few moments later, at the instance of Mr. Mingle. He was made pay back the money and did it all but a few cents, which he had spent at the hotel bar. After doing this they left him go. It was wrong not to bring the fellow to justice as the probability is great that he will continue such tricks. Tey Leave For Camp To-Day. —Co. B. 5th Reg. N. G. P. will leave for its annual military encampment with the second Brigade, at Glen Cairn, this morning. The boys are not in as good shape as they have been in the past, but if there is anything in deter- mination to try they will still make a creditable showing while away. The following is the roster of officers and men who will go : Commander, First Lieut. Geo.. L. Jackson ; Second Lieutenant, Hugh S. Taylor; Sargents, P. D. Garbrick, Claud W. Smith, James W. Alexander, J. R. Hughes and L. M. Rearick ; Cor- porals, Chas. Taylor, Chas. Dorworth, John Lose, Wm. Smeltzer, Harry Rine, and Chas Garis; Musicians, Samuel B. Shoud, W. M. Heddinger ’ Privates: C. Crossmyer, W. H, Crosth- waite, J. H. Cole, G. W. Fishburn, Wm. Fishburn, J. G. Flemy, I C.. Holmes, Grant Hoover, B. L. Hunter, Harry Keller, J. F. Koch, Geo. A. Krape, Cyrus Lucas, F. E. Latterman,. Wallace Markle, Geo. McKee, Geo. Miller, Harry Miller, Maurice Miller, James Morrison, A. G. Noll, Fred Rob- inson, John Robinson, A. R. Rutt, C. H. Steel, H. G. Swabb, W. H. Shaw- ley, E. E. Sunday, John Spearly, A. D. Smeltzer, Earnest Stine, E. C. Tuten, E. R. Taylor, Wm. Tonner, F. E. Tay- lor, C. E. Taylor, F. H. Taylor, Wm. Wetzel, Willis Williams, Chas. Schroy- er, M. N. Trone and Cal Pifer. Two GRAVE BLUNDERS. —In giving account of a Philipsburg scrap, in our last issue, we said that Bob Cole had undertaken to separate two fighting wo- men, whereupon they both set to beat. ing him, so that he had to take to his heels for safety. X Now a great many people have thought that the Bob Cole reterred to was Robert Cole Esq., Bellefonte’s ar- chitect, but we want to assure you that such was not the case. Our Mr. Cole has’nt been in Philipsburg for sev- eral years and furthermore he was in doubt as to whether he ‘would interfera when women get to quarreling.” In publishing an account of Lewis H. Watson being tramped to death by a horse, in our last week’s is- sue, we said he had been buried at “Hickory shingle” grave yard. . Now this statement sorely grieved Irvin Walker, Esq., who wanted to know “who in the h—— ever heard of a hickory shingle” so to make amends we will state that the burying place re- ferred to is known ay the Messiah grave yard. ——Don’t fail to read Shaeffer’s ad. ——George Deitz has sold his farm on Marsh Creek and bought another some where on Wallace run. ——Think of it, a paper like the WATcEMAN from now till Jan. 1st, ’96, for only 50cts. ——Two hogs owned by Joe McClos- key, of Marsh Creek, ate paris green, that was intended for potato bugs, and are dead. : The Eagleville Baptist Sunday school will picnic on August 10th, at the old picnic ground above the P. R. R. station. ——Lyon & Co’s new advertisement on another page will give you an idea of the marvelous low prices at their store just now. ——Samuel Shoemaker had two ribs broken and was otherwise injured in a runaway accident in Lock Haven, on Saturday afternoon. ——Mr. Clark, Irvin Spangler, Dora Bechdol and Annie Kunes have been elected teachers of the Eagleville schocls for the ensuing year. ——Labor day falls on the first Satur- day in September in Pennsylvania. In most other States the first Monday in September is set aside as Labor day. ——A two-year old baby of L. M. Patterson fell out of a second story win- dow of its home, in Lock Haven, on Friday, and was not hurt. It alighted on its shoulder. ——Mrs. H. E. Crouse has returned to her home in Aaronsburg after having undergone an operation for the removal of a tumor. It was performed in a Philadelphia hospital. ——Taxpayers of the old town of Huntingdon will have to pay a rate of forty mills this year. A new school building has necessitated the raise. Ty- rone has a 21} mill levy, the highest ever known there. ——A half ton of rock fell on W. W_ Waters and his son David in the Far- randsville fire clay mine,on Thursday- The boy was crushed to death, while his father escaped with a compound frac- ture of the skull and a broken arm. ——The residence of Mrs. Sarah M. McCloskey, at Eagleville, was totally destroyed by fire last Thursday. Near- ly all.of the contents were burned. The origin of the fire is not known. The loss is’ placed at $2,000, with $1,000 in- surance. N \ me ——“Prof."” Davit;._ the one legged magic lantern show man~who got to know Mrs. Redding, of Howard, too well, was released trom jail, on Tuesday, after fifteen months incarceration. Hae will be remembered as the individual whose horse was drowned during the spring flood of ’94, while he was trying to cross the creek below Howard. ——The Philipsburg Journal says : —4“Dr. J. W. Clark, of Bellefonte, a graduate of State College and Jefferson medical college of Philadelphia, has located in Philipsburg. His office is in the Barnes block. We heartily wel- come him to our town and we trust he will receive a liberal chare of the public patronage.”’ Dr. Clark is a son of Mr. James Clark of near this place. ——TFifteen year old Annie Betts, of Homestead, Pa. was found the other day by ber father working for a Clinton county farmer. Sho had run off with Main’s circus and traveled with it as far as Lock Haven, where she left it and began service as a domestic. Her father is one of Carnegie’s mill men and could give no explanation for the girl’s running away. She returned home cheerfully. ~ —— While Mr. and Mrs. A - F. Sweeley were at market in Lock Ha- ven, last Saturday morning, (their fine farm house, near Salona, was totally destroyed by fire, with most of its con- tents. They had staried away at a very early hour leaving the nine children asleep in the house. One of the daugh- ters was awakened later by a strangling sensation and found the room filled with smoke. She sprang from her hed to find the summer kitchen on fire. Only three of the children were able to save any clothing, so narrow was their escape. The Joss on the house is $1000. ——Charles Smith Sr., father of ex county Treasurer Charles Smith, died suddenly at the home of his son, on east Bishop street, on Saturday night. De- ceased was 82 years and 6 months old. His demise was not at all expected 2s he had been down town several times, on Saturday, and seemed better than he had been for some time. While preparing for bed he called Mrs. Smith and com- plained of feeling sick at the stomach, she sent for a physician at once, but the old gentleman sank rapidly into uncon- sciousness and died within an hour. Burial was made Tuesday morning from the home on Bishop street, Rev. Robt. i&. Wright, of the Episcopal church, » having officiated. ‘sea-shore. Cros ALL WiNDows DURING A TaUNDER SToRM.—Taking for granted that all of our readers are not of the persuasion that believes that ‘‘ what is to be ig to be” we want to advise every one of the danger through open windows during this hot summer weather when up frequently and suddenly ; often-times bursting in fury before you realize their gathering. Under such circumstances the house is very apt to be standing wide open, as the saying is, with windows all hoisted and doors thrown wide. Such a condi- tion is solely to create a draft of cooling air which is very refreshing under ordi- nary circumstances, but makes an ex- cellent conductor for electricity. The electric current is very aptto be at- tracted by such a draft, as was the case in Tyrone, on Sunday night. There lighting jumped in-at an open window in Eli Garber’s home and after tearing thes up a little went the way it came. Four ITeMs FRoM THE VICINITY OF Su1LoH.--The Christian Endeavorers of the Shiloh church are looking forward with pleasure for the 10th of Aug. when they will hold their picnic in McBride’s grove to which they have in- vited the church, Sabbath school and congregation, as well as several other societies. All expect a good dinner and good time. o Harvest home service will be held in the Shiloh Lutheran church on Aug. 18th at 10 o’clock a. m., by Rev. G. W. Leisher, the pastor. On Saturday last the following gen- tlemen Samuel Zettle, James Peters, Frank Kline and Wesley Tate, with their best girls, picnicked at Penn’s Cave. They report having had a good time in spite of the rain. Mr. D. M. Tate, while out driving, met with what might have been a se- rious accident. He was thrown from his cart head formostinto the road, but escaped with a few bruises and scratches. A Sap DeatH—.Mrs. Katharine, wife of Wm. Harrison, died at the home of her tather Mr. Ross, near Pleasant Gap, on Saturday, under most distressing circumstances. She was the second daughter of Mr. Ross, was about twenty- four years old and was married last fall. Her death resulted from confinement, the babe having died also. Deceased was the second wife of Mr. Harrison the other having died under exactly similar circumstances. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning. A large number of grief ‘stricken friends followed her remains to their last resting place. Interment was made in the Lutheran cemetery at the Gap and Revs. Zehner and Young officiated. To THE SEA-S HORE. —On August 15th and 29th, the Beech Creek R. R. will run two more low rate excursions to the The season at the Ocean sum- mer resorts is now at ite heighth and the low rates and excellent train service in connection with the Beech Creek route, come at a very opportune time. The tares good to return within ten days, to Atlantic City, Sea Isle and Cape May, are from Lock Haven, $5.50, from Philipsburg, $8.85, from Clear- field $8.90 and proportionate rates from all other points. Stop off can be made at Philadelphia. In this connection it would be well to state that the rates given above cover transportation over the Reading Railroad’s double track “Royal. Route to the Sea’’, the safest and fleetest scheduled trains in the world. THE VICTIM or A PREMATURE Ex PLOSION.—An accident occurred at Morris’ Coleville quarries, early Tues- day morning, whereby L2muel Poor- man was terribly burned oa his right side. His face and arm being the worst burned. He had putin a blast at the quarry and while ehigaged at that work some powder fell into a crevica in the rock. It became ignited later and caused a premature explosion, resulting in the serious burning of the unfortu- nate man. He will be laid up about a " week. THE Logan PicNic.—The Logan engine company will hold their annual picnic at Hunter's Park this year, Thursday, Aug. 15th, has been settled as the date on which it will be held- A great time is anticipated by the Lo- gans. They will run a train from this place every hour and all sorts of amuse- ment will be provided, together with good meals. ——The entire Junior class of The Pennsylvania State College has been notified of suspension because of failure to make up an examination in History in which the class was conditioned last Fall. The trouble arose out of the stealing of the examination papers and cribbing in examination. The class would not deny the charge and suspen- sion was the natural result. —— Rosie Heinle, aged 52 years, died at Cameron, on Wednesday morning and was brought here last evening. She was a sister of Mrs, Corney Bland, from ! | ter Hazel, Mollie Snyder, the Misses Pearl, | Howley, Lowenstein, Anna Lose, Mrs. Anspach whose house at the glass works, she will be buried this afternoon at 2:30. Con- sumption caused her death. News Purely Personal. —General Wilbur F. Reeder returned from his Europeon trip yesterday morning. —Mr. Miller Hirlinger, of Philipsburg, is in town visiting Frank Shugert for a few days. —Alexander Dixon, of Warriorsmark, has gon e to the National soldiers home at Dayton, | Ohio. sharp electrical storms are likely to come | —Mr. Edward Hannan, of Milton, is visit ing at the home of E. L. Powers, on Spring street. —John M. Dale Eeq., Judge Beaver's law partner had business in Tyrone Monday morn- ing. —Clayt Poorman Esq., one of Tyrone’s hust- ling business men, paid Bellefonte a visit on Monday. —Monroe Armor, of east Linn street, spent |. Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Claude Jones, in Tyrone. — W. W. Curtin, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. A. G. Curtin, in this place. —Miss Anna Mann, who has been in New- ton Hamilton for a month, came home Wed- nesday afternoon. —Mrs. Harry Williams entertained Miss Clara Edmiston, of Philadelphia, fora few days last week. — Mrs. Sechler and her daughter Miss Anna, are visiting in Frederick, Md., where they went Tuesday morning. —Miss Ohnmacht, distinguished and splendid looking as ever, left Thursday for Baltimore, Md., where she will stay for some weeks. — Mrs. M. A. Kirk, with Harold and Norman, left this morning for Clearfield, where they will visit Mrs. Kirk's sister Mrs.| Rhinesmith. ~ Miss Maud Moore, of Lemont, was in town Thursday, on her way home from Boston, where she attended the Christian Endeavor convention. = Prof. M. C. Ihlseng, who is head of the new department of Mining Engineering at The Pennsylvania State College, was a visitor in town yesterday. --Mrs. Jack McClelland, of Allegheny, Pa., ig visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Spangler, on Allegheny street. Mrs. McClelland is recover- ing from a recent serious illness. —The venerable Shannon McCormick, the old Democratic war horse of the east precinct of Ferguson township, was in town yesterday with his son‘Charles B. McCormick. — Harris Heylmun has left his desk at the First National bank for a brief sojourn at Atl antic City, whither he has gone, with his fa ther, for the benefit of his health. —Mrs. George Brew, of Grantsviile, Md. and Miss West, of Baltimore, arrived at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Geo. W. Jackson, on Linn street, on Monday- evening. —Sup’t. W. C. Patterson of The Penn's, State College experimental farms, spent the latter part of last week with friends in and about Warriorsmark. His youngest daughter, Miss Nell, accompanied him. —Lieutenant H. 8. Taylor and corporal Gares left with a detail of Co. B, for Glen Cairn, on Wednesday morning. They will have tents up ready for the company when they arrive at camp to-night. —Esquire W. H. Corman, of Rebersburg township, is combining pleasure with busi- ness, on a trip to Illinois, to which State he started on Monday last to dispose of a farm property belonging to his father’s estate. —Abe Markle, State College's good natured , healthy looking butcher was in town last Fri- day showing his son the sights. Abe doesn’t seem to be growing any thinner than he used tobe. Indeed he is aregular walking sign of prosperity. —Mrs. Barbara Rankin and her daughter, Miss Bella, are home froma seven week’s visit in Harrisburg and Philipsburg. They have with them for the month Mrs. Rankin’s little grand-daughter, Sarah” Hastings, and her nurse. —Mr. Philip Barnhart was in to see us Tuesday inorning in all that rain storm. He didn’t ‘mind the wet,” he said, “and then I had a little money that I thought belonged to you.” What a happy lot printers would be if every one looked at the subscription question as Mr. Barnhart does. —Whileon a visitto State College, on Sat- urday, we met John Fortney, the hustling Boalsburg plaster. He seemed up to his ears in work and said that he is really so busy that he never gets time to come to Bellefonte any more. The fact that his work is always satis: factory is explanation of his beiag kept so busy. —Ed. Kerlin, who manages Brockerhoff’s Roopsburg flouring mill in such a way as to make it a very profitable industry for the owners, spends many of his evenings in this place. He is a young man of excellent char- acter and seems to have inherited most of his lamented father’s knack for running a mili properly. * —Thos. K. Morris who makes his home at the Bush House while looking after his fath- er’s extensive lime interests here, spent Sun- day with his parents in Tyrcne. On Wed- nesday morning he left for Milroy where his father is opening extensive lime operations. Itis possible Tom will be located there per- mently, hereafter. —Mr. A. Katz, of the Globe dry goods and millinery store, left yesterday morning for the east to purchase his fall stock. He has full con. fidence in Bellefonte and says he intends to put in the largest stock of cloaks, blankets, comforts, etc, connscted with the best as- sorted stock of dry goods and notions that has ever been carried in this city. —Among the twelvé or more Bellefonters who left on the C. R. R. of Pa., excursion to Niagara Falls, on Tuesday morning, were Mrs. Morris Cowdrick, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Showers, Miss Sallie Miller and Miss Lizzie Gehret. While away Mrs. Cowdrick will visit her son, Will, who has lately began the manufacture of brick, together with a general building business at the Falls. —John Mulfinger, of Pleasant Gap, was in own on Tuesday and took the opportunity to call at this office and renew his subscription. He likes to have his paper paid for in advance and in that respect he is like Mr. J. J. Gar. brick, of Spring township, who called for the same purpose on Friday. We are always glad to see visitors, but doubly so, such ones as these gentlemen. —Among the thirty people, who took ad" vantage of the Pennsylvania excursion yes- terday morning to Atlantic City, were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mingle and their two daughters, Helen and Roxy, Sadie and Helen Malin, Mrs. S. M. Buck and herson Will, Mr. and Mrs. John Nighthart, Miss Kitty Potter and her niece Tameazine, Mary Hoy, Mollie Eck- art, Mrs. Ruth Sharp and her grand.daughter Ruth Stringfelt, Mrs. Ed. Cook and her daugh and Messrs. Henry Lyon, Will Runkle, and Homer Barnes, A Big Circus CoMING.—Scribner & Smith’s circus is coming to Bellefonte, Sat. Aug. 10. The above circus will be twice its former size and all new. They will have 250 people, 125 horses, 10 cages of animals, three open dens in parade, three golden cars, two bands of music and an extra strong ring perform- ance. Mr. Wm. Lowanda, for many years the principal bareback rider for Barnum, will be one of their features, and another feature will be a giant ele- phant, Bazal, the largest in this coun- try. The followiug is from the New York Clipper of March 7. _ “J. D. Harrison, a former New York news- paper man, but now connected with Scribner & Smith’s circus, ‘is in the city. After en- deavoring for two years, Harrison has suc- ceeded in obtaining possession for his firm of the largest elephant in the world, Bazal. The beast was bought by Scribner & Smith’s for- eign agent from a Hindoo trader two years ago at Tassisudon, Bhotan, India, but the authori- ties there would not allow the animalto be re- moved. After almost endless red tape, Har: rison succeeded in winning the Maharajah’s favor and that dignitary ordered the author. ities not to interfere with the elephant’s re. moval, and the brute is now with this show. ——Clearance Sale — One Price— Cash— Montgomery & Co. HONESTY IN THE CUMBERLAND VAL- LEY.—It is little wonder that George Brandon thinks he has found a veritable Kden in his new home at Carlisle. Read the following advertisement, which is taken from the Carlisle Daily Herald, issue of July 9th, and you will quickly agree with us when we say that the former proprietor of the Brockerhoff house here ought to be happy in falling in with such a lot of honest people. FOR SALE AT WHEELBARROW PRICES. A TOP BUGGY. Has seen one year’s light service. This buggy bears the manufacturer's plate of the “Lancaster Safety Buggy Works,” and for this reason may commend itself to some. As for me, the machine has been unsatisfactory, and for this reason I desire to sell it to some per- son who has an admiration for this class of vehicles. I will attach no guarantee to the machine and whoever buys must depend on his eyes for his market. I may state for the information of purchasers that I know more about buggies now than I used to. N. W. BOYD. ——Clearance Sale -- One Price— Cash— Montgomery & Co. —— While Clarence Ohl, of Wool- rich, Clinton county, was out berrying, last Thursday, he became separated from other members of the party. A large bear got after him, but the young man promptly climbed a tres at the foot of which bruin squatted for about an hour. It left, after a while, and Ohl climbed down and struck a bee-line for home. ——The body that was tound near Fowler station last fall, has been identi- fied as that of J. H. Garman, of Ful- ton, Mo. Identification was brought about through the efforts of ’Squire H. H. Osman who sent the clothes to Mo. —Shaeffer th photographer is making 6 cabinets for 99cts. See ad. Casn PAID For ScrAP IRON.—Cash paid for cast and wrought iron scrap, at the Cooke coal yard, Bellefonte. 40-30-1m ™ BR. B. Tavion. ~—Clearance Sale — One Price— Cash—Montgomery & Co. WHERE You CAN Buy THE CHEAP- EsT.--It ie a question of dollars and cents after all. No matter what people say it is as natural to save a penny in buying as it is'toeat dinner at the din- ner hour. Opportunities to make great savings are not often to be had, but Lyon & Co’s., big advertisement in this issue affords just such a chance, Read it and profit by the bargains it holds out. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo, W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : New wheat. Red wheat... Rye, per bushel...... Corn, ears, per bushel... Corn, shelled, per bushel. Oats—new, per bushel.. Barley, per bushel........ esse Ground laster, per ton. Buckwheat per bushel. Cloverseed, per bushel.. ae ———— Bellefonte Produce Markets, Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ...........coveanicnian 50 ORIONS ec reeseeertereeners 65 Eggs, per dozen... 12% Lard, per pound... 8 CountryShoulders... 8 Sides... 8 Hams.. 12 Tallow, per pound. 4 Butter, per pound. 15 The Democratic Watchman, Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at 82 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, vhen not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- {ite by-the quarter, half year, or year, as fol- OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. |sm | 6m ly Oneinch (121l1nes this type 8588810 Two inches Yi10; 15 Three inches.............. 1015 20 Faerie Column (4% inches). 1220 | 30 alf Column ( 9 inches)... 20 | 86 | 50 One Column (19inches,)............... | 35 | 85 | 100 Advertisements in special column 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions......20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line. Local notices, per line.... Business notices, per lin 0 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with neat- ness and dispatch. The WarcEMAN office has been Tofittod with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the mst artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.