-r Bomar tcp "Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 2, 1895. The Mount Gretua Exposition. The Eastern and Western Men Will be There in Force—A “Gathering of the Clans—The Lo- cation Superb—The Beautiful Grounds—The Implement and Vehicle Display to Eclipse all Other Fairs. The Mount Gretna Agricultural, Me- chanical and Industrial Exposition will be held the third week in August at Mount Gretna Park, in Lebanon coun- ty, Pa. The location is well known to the traveling men in this territory, and is regarded as ideal. Itis in the center of the agricultural belt of eastern and midd1@@ Pennsylvania, as well as the center of the wealth and population of the State. Mount Gretna is a magnificent do- main, consisting of native woodland and meadow, covering an area of 5000 acres, situated in the heart of one of the high- est mountains in eastern Pennsylvania. ~The Pennsylvania Chautauqua and the United Brethren church are per- manently located there, and the State Teachers Association of Pennsylvania held its Annual Convention there this year. The Third Brigade of the National Guard of Pennsylvania will spend the last week of July there in camp, to be followed three weeks later by the Exposition. Although this is the Sixth Annual Exposition, no per- sonal effort has been made in the past to get western manufacturers fo exhibit. It is true that a number of western manufacturers have made exhibits, but they were induced to do so by corres- pondence. This year the Manager spent three weeks in soliciting exhibits from manufacturers in Cleveland,. .Foledo, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Jackson, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Elk- bart, South Bend, Fort Wayne, Rich-’ mond, Cincinnati, Dayton, Springfield and Columbus, and has returned with a large number of new applications for space. The old exhibitors have also se- cured their usual spaces, and so great is the demand for space that the manage- ment are contemplating building addi- tional platforms. A new building, 122x144 feet, is be- ing erected for thaexhibition of car- riages, harness, et8®® This building has 12,000 square feet of space, and it is nearly all rented. Buggies, pbaetons and'surreys of all sizes, styles and de- scriptions will be exhibited. There will be an exhibit of carriages as has not been seen in the East since the -Cen- tennial. Arrangements have been made to in- duce the dealers of Pennsylvania and adjoining States to be present this year in larger numbers than 1a the past. Positive assuranc2: have been received already from a large number of manu- facturers who will be there. Apart from much business that will be bound to result from such a meeting, it will be pleasant for an old manufacturer to meet an old dealer for the first time, and that meeting in so pleasant a place as Mount Gretna, and at an Exposition where the most modern agricultural im- plements are exhibited. How pleasant to compare the implements of thirty, twenty or even ten years ago with the implements of the present day. The sole object and aim of the man- agement is to make the Mount Gretna Exposition of as much value and im- portance to the manufacturer and dealer who transact business in the Hast, as the St. Louis Fair is to the West. Their efforts in this direction this year will surprise the most sanguine, and we wish this worthy enterprise the succes: it deserves. SL TC RST Ths %1,000,000 Mission Fund. Presbyterian Churches dre Raising More Than Their Apportionment. Sunday School Children to Take a Hand. ‘ Rev. Dr. W. L. McEwan of Phila- delphia, chairman of the committee to raise the $1,000,000 quarter centennial fand for Presbyterian miszions, says that the progress already made indicates that the required amount will bo raised with no more difficulty than was at first anticipated. Most of the big city churenes have deferred their collections till fali. Dr. McEwan has heard that the First church, of Buffalo, has raised $8,000 considerably more than its ap- portionment. Among the churches heard from in Western Pennsylvania are: MeKeesport, which reports $250 ; that at Latrobe, $220; and Tyrone, $472. All of these sums are larger than asked for on the basis of apportionment. Most of the churches are reporting di- rectly to Dr. William H. Roberts, of Philadelphia, treasurer of the fund. September 22 is known in Presbyte- rinnism as “Rallying Day,” and on that day the committee expects to raise a large amount from the Sunday schools. There are 900,000 Sunduy school chil- dren in the Presbyterian church, and they are expected to give over $100,000. The executive committee has. ordered a circular letter sent to all school super- intendents, explaining the movement and asking assistance. In the meantime nothing will be left undone to advertise the project through toe church. Another edition of the Assembly Herald, 225,000 copies, will ba sent into every Presbyterian family. The clerk of each presbytery wili be re- quested to give placs on the docket for the presentaiion of the subject at the fall meetings of the preshyteries, and a similar request wili be wade of the clerks of synods. “The movement is thoroughly organized,” said Dr. McEwan. “We have besides, a special agent in every Presbyterian preacher in the country. If the miilion dollars ate notraised it will be because the peo- p'e du cot wish to give it, not because they d» net know about it.” —— Two tine horses belonging to a rancher of Mason Valley, Nev., wore killed 1s an odd way last week. The owner was leading them to water, and for convenience had tied the twe halters together. The horses shied at something, broke away from the man, and started off at a wild gallop. After racing a few hundred yards they ran one on either side of a cotton-wood. tree the halter struck the trunk, and the horses were brought up so suddenly that both their necks were broken. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. HERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issuedr out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, atthe Court House, inthe borough of Belle- fonte, on SATURDAY AUGUST 241m 1895. All that certain lot or piece of land situate, lying and being in the Boro. of Philipsburg county of Centre and state of Penn’a bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of north Centre snd Spruce street; thence along ssid north Centre street north 33° west 66 feet to a post, thence north 57° east 120 feet to a post; thence south 33° east 66 feet to a post on Spruce street; thence along same south 57° west 120 feet to the place of beginning, Being one haif of lot No. 117 on the Town plot, and which above described, there- on erected a large two story frame dwelling house and other necessary out-buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of-Ruth A Jones. ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and tract of land lying in the township of Walker county of Centre aforesaid hounded and des- cribed as follows viz. Beginning &t a pine stump ; thence north sixty four degrees west ninety perches to a chestnut oak; thence north eighty-three degrees west six perches to a chestnut oak; thence north 83° de- grees west 6 perches to a post; thence north nine degrees west eighty-one perches to a stone; thence north seventyone and one half degrees east thirty eight perches to a stone ; thence north 41° east and 6-and eight tenth perches toa post; thence north 1014° east 10 perches to 2 pine ; thence north 12° west ;2 and 6-10 perches to a pine thence 31° west and 5 and 3-10 perches to a line ; thence 72 and 14° east 10 perches toa post; thence north 6614° east 9 and 1-10 perches to a sugar; thence north 43° east 20 and 4-10 perches to a stone; thence north 6014° west 22 and 6-10 perches to a stone; thence north 2814° east 10 and 7-10 perches to a stump ; thence south 6114, east 10 and 6-10 perches to a white oak ; thence north 8° east 25 and 2-10 perches to a stone; thence north 8° east 38 perches to a chestnut; thence by Nit tany mountain, south six degrees west 146 perches to the place of beginning. Contain- ing 109 acres and 124 perches net. Thereon erected two dwelling houses one bank barn, one wagon shed, good water power with 27 feet all. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John B. Crawford. ALSO All the defendants right, title and interest in all that lot or plece of ground situate in Snow Shoe nA county of Centre and State of Penn’a. being in the Town of Moshan- non, bounded on the north by lands of the Le- high Valley Coal Co., on the south by land of the Martin McGowan estate on the east by land of Josephine Davis and on the west by land of Sophia Yodis, containing 2 acres more or less, there- | on erected a one and one half story frame npsiing house and other out-buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John A. Yeager. ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and lot of ground in Central city in the township of Bons bounded and described as follows viz : On the north by lot formerly in possession of Robert Poorman’s heirs, on the east by an al- ley, on the south by lands formerly owned by J. P, Shope, but now by James Teller, and on the west by a pnblic road, fronting on said road fifty feet, and extending back to said al- ley one hundred and ninety feet, thereon erected a large two story frame dwelling house, and the usual outbuildings being the same lot of ground which J.C. P. Jones and wife by their deed dated the 23rd day of July A. D., 1832 recorded in Centre county in Deed book S. No. 2 page 125 &c granted and conveyed to said William H. Poorman. There- on erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other out-bnildings. Seized taken in execution and tobe sold as the preperty of William H., Poorman. ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and piece of land situate in the borough of Belle- fonte in the county of Centre aforesaid bound- ed and described as follows to wit: Begin- ning ata corner of the brick building the cor- ver of High and Dunlap streets ; thence south by Duulap street 62 feet and 6 inches to post, corner of the lot of Geo. A. Bayard ; thence east along land of Geo. A. Bayard 17 feet 6 inches to lot of D. G. Bush; thence north along lot of D. G. Bush 62 feet 6 inches to high street ; thence west along high street 17 feet 6 inches to piace of beginning, being a part of the same premises which Edward Blanchard by his deed of assignment dated July 8, A: D. 1865 and recorded at Bellefonte in Deed book A No. 2 granted and conveyed to Catharine B. Haupt Erected thereon a four story brick business block. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac Haupt and Catharine B. Haupt, ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and lot of ground situate in the township of Rush county of Centre and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows. Beginning at a point on the north side of the public road leading from Philipsburg Lock Lomond, six- teen feet east of the point where the eastern line of David Kidkead:, land cuts said road : thence along said road north 63°30’ east 210 feet tos post: thence north 36° 15’ west 210 feet to a post: thence south 36° west 210’ to a post : thence south 26°15’ east 210 feet to the place of beginring containing one acre be the same more or less. Thereon erected a two story dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Eugene Martin. ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and lot of ground situate in Spring township Centre county Pa, bounded and described as follows to wit : beginning at a point on Green street in what is known as Bush's Addition to the borough of Beliefonte where the west line of lot No. 141 intersects the same : thence westerly along Gireen street fifty feet: thence northerly along line lot No. 146, back one hundred and fifty to an alley : thence alongally to western line of lot No. 144: thence southerly along line of lot No. 144, to Green street the point of beginning, being lot No. 145, on the plot or plan of said Bush's, Addition to (lie borough of Bellefonte. Being the same premises which D. G. Bush and Louisa his wife by deed dated the 1st day of June A. D. 1882, and recorded in deed book W. No.2 page 118 granted and conveyed to Sarah A. Sager and which the said Sarah a Sager and Geo. W. Sager her hus. band by deed dated March 10, A. D. 1888, rec orded in deed book No. 57 page——granted and conveyed to Amelia Ann White. There- on erected a two story frame dwelling, stable and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Amelia Ann White and Samuel White. — ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and tract of land situate in the township of Union county of Centre and state of Penn’a, bounded and described as fol ow to wit : beginning ata Rock oak : thence north 34° east 130 2 perches to a post: thence south 894° east 1302 per- ches to stones: thence south 34° west 130.2 perches toa post: thence north 8914° west 130-2 perches to the place of beginning. Con- taining one hundred acres and allowance. Thereon erected one dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wm. R. Griffith, ALSO All that certain messuage tenement and tract of land situate in the township of Sprin county of Centre and state of Penn’a: bounde and described as follow to wit : beginning at a point on west side of right of way of Belle- fonte Nittany and Lemont R. R. Co. where the road crosses the same going to the mill: thence north 234° west 5 6 perches toa post: thence north 1234° west 1.1 perches to post : thence west ( perches to post: thence north 6234° west 3 perches to post : thence 281° west 12-2 perches to a post : thence north 181° east | 9-4 perches to a post: thence 314° east 6-5 perches to corner of lands of Wm. Stuart : thence by land of said Stuart, north 44140 west 17-5 perches to corner of lands of Wm. H. Miller : thence by lands of Wm. H, Miller, south 4934° west 7 perches: thence by lands of same, south 7334° east 18-6 perches to a post: thence 3014° east 10-2 perches to corner : thence Jsouth 31° east 15 perchestoa post: thence south 62° west 1 perch to post west side of race : thence 35° east on west side of race 12 perches to post: thence north 62° east 10 Peraiies to west side of right of way of said R. R. Co: thence along said west side of right away north 15° west four perches to place of beginning. Containing about 3 and 24 acres. Thereon erected a three story stone mill dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as ~ the property of John H. Townsend and Mary A. Townsend with notice to Sarah E. Vanoda and Theodore Steele tenants. ALSO Ail that ceriain lot or piece of ground situ. ate in Huston township, County of Centre and State of Penn’a. hounded and described as fol- lows ; On the north by land of Edward Drum- mel, on the east by James Turner, on the south by E R. Williams, on the west by pub- lic road leading from Julian to Beaver Mills, containing 1 acre more or less, thereon erect- ed a two story frame dwelling house, and cth- er out-buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Fry. ALSO All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough Bellefonte, County of Centre and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the western side of Water street; thence along lands of E. W. Hale, south 67° and 53 minutes west 141 7-16 feet to post; thence along land of E. W. Hale, 19° and 6 minutes east T4 feet to post; thence along tot of W. T. Twitmire, north 6814° east — feet to post on western side of Water street to the place of beginning, Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, wagon and Carriage making shop combined, blacksmith shop, Implement shed, stable and other outbuildings: Seized taken in execution an to be sold as the property of J. S. Waite and :Darius Waite trading as J. S. Waite & Co. ALSO All those two certain lots or pieces of ground situated in the borough of Milesburg, Centre County, Penn’a, adjoining lot of Jonathan Bul- lock, and pins on Turnpike street, bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of said lot of Jonathan Bullock on Turnpike street; thence by said street north 115 feet; thence 200 feet or there abouts to a 16 foot alley ; thence by said alley 115 feet to line of lot of the said Jonathan Bullock; thence along said lot to the place of beginning. con- taining about 4 of 1 acre. Thereon erected a good two story frame dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Tobias Green. ALSO That certain piece parcel or lot of ground situated in the Twp. of Spring, County of Cen- tre and state of Penna. bounded and described as follows: Beginning atthe south-west ,cor- ner of lot of John Cole; thence along said lot north 17° west 180 feet to corner; thence along the Fair ground of the Agricultural So- ciety of Centre county, north 63° east 51 feet to a corner; thence along lands of the Estate of Wm. A. Thomas dec’d south 17° east 180 feet to a corner on Halfmoon street; thence along said street south 69° west 51 feet to the place of beginning, it being lot No.1 in the general plan of Cule’s Addition to the Borough of Bellefonte. Thereon on erected a two story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Mary Bland, (now Shil. ling.) ; ALSO All defendants one half interest in, and to a certain tract of land situate in Haines town- ship, Count, of Centre and state of Penna. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone; thence by lands of Philip Meyer north 80° east 52 perches to a stone, north 63° east 13 3.10 perches to stone, north 14!4° east 16 4-10 perches to a Walnut; thence by lands of 1saac Behm north 85° east 7 1-10 perches to Elm; thence north 36° east 15 5-10 perches to stone, north 194° east 7 1-10 perches to Maple, north 35° east 6 2 10 perches to an Ash, north 70° east 16 5-10 perches to Sugar; thence across Pine Creek south 16° west 6 5-10 perches to stones; thence south 66° west 11 5.10 per. to Birch, south 30° west 44 perches to white pine, south 10 14° east 17 5-10 perches to Hemlock ; thence by lands of Jacob Ketner south 79° west 16 perches to a stone, north 64° ‘west 15 8-10 perches to Hemlock, south 13° west 15 perches to post, north 83° west 43 per. 4 to a post in said creek, north 9° east 26 perches to post along lands of Philip Meyer, north 53° east 14 6-10 perches to post, south 69° east 40 perches to the place of beginning, containing 14 acres, 67 perches and allowance of 6 per cept. for roads &c. Thereon erected a flour- ing mill, saw mill; two dwelling houses, stable and other outbuildings. ALSO All defendants one half interest in, and to all that certain tract of land situate in Haines and Penn township county and state aforesaid bounded and described as follows: Begin- ning at a spruce: thence by lands late ot Jacob Stover south 14}4° west 36 perches to a post; thence south 7314° west 2614 perches to a stone; thence by lands of Henry Vonada south 914° west 74 perches to a stone ; thence by land of Andrew Stover, south 14° east 70 per. to a post, south 61° west 13 perches to a pine; thence up Pine creek by land ot Jacob Evert 130 perches toa Linn; thence north 73° east 8 perches to the place of beginning, containing 11 acres and 40 perches. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of P. S. Meyer. ALSO All those two tracts or pieces of land situate in Potter township, county of Centre and state of Penn’a, bounded as follows: No.1 beginning at a stone on the north side of Tussey moun- tain : thence by land of heirs of Samuel Spang- ler de’ed., north 5° west49 5.10 per to stones : thence by land of Josiah Taylor north 84° east 32 per to stone : thence by land of heirs of John Fye dec’d, south 5° east 76 7-10 per to chestnut oak ; thence by mountain north 5514° west 40 7-10 per to the place of beginning, con- taining 12 acres and 96 perches, No.2 begin ning at a stone; thencs by land of Amelia Ditzell, sonth 32° west 84710 pr to stone: thence by mountain north 24° west 31 per to post : thence by land of heirsof Samuel Spang- er dec'd, north 75° east 24 per to pine: thence by lands of Elizabeth From (now John H.Shutt and Henrv Fye and heirs to John Fye dec’d.) south 61° east 46 3-10 perches to the the place of beginning, containing 10 acres and allowance. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Malinda Fye, Wm. Fye and John Shutt. ALSO A certain piece of land situated ia the bor- ough of Milesburg county of Centre and state of Penn’a, being bounded on the north by an alley, on the east by Pike street, on the south by lot of Rebecca Green and on the west by an alley. . Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of E. A. Green, owner or reported owner. ALSO All the interest of defendants in and to all those certain premises, tracts or parcels of land, situate in Ferguson tswnship, county of Centre and state of Penn’a, bounded and des- cribed as follows ; the one thereof beginning at stones on line of Jacob Way ; thence by same south 51° west 115 perches toa post; thence south 29° east 212 perches to a post; thence north 51° east 71 perches to stones ; thence north 18° west 224 perches to the place of beginning, containing 114 acres and 14 per. more or less, the other thereof beginning at Hickory on line of Lyon Shorb & Co. ; thence south 33° east 63 perc.ies to stones; thence south 61° west 4014 perches to stones ; thence north 33° west 63 Psienss to post ; thence north 61° east 414 perches to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres 126 perches more or less, having thereon an ore washing machine, dwelling house and other improvements. Seized taken in execiition and to be sold as the property of R. B. Wigton, ¥. H. Wigton and W. H. Wigton. ALSO All that certain tract of land situate in the township of Harris county of Centre and State of Penna. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone by land of Rollin Curtin ; thence by the same north 66¢ east 28 perches to a stone; thence by a lot south 84° west 14 perches toa stone ; thence by the same north 71° east 36 perches to a stone ; thence by land formerly of Philip Meyer south 22° east 76 perches to a white oak ; thence by lands of Henry Meyer south 6° east 139-5 perches toa stone; thence by land of Jacob Sparr south 66° west 135, 4 erches to a stone; thence by land of Henry eyer north 5° east 253, 4 perches to the place of beginning, containing 143 acres and 58 perches thereon erected a two story brick dwelling house, bank, barn, wagon shed and other outbuildings. Also all that certain tract of land bounded and described as follows : Be- ginning at a stone of lands of Sager; thence by the same north 62° east 63 8 perches toa stone ; thence by land formerly of Philip Meyer nortn 18° west 89 perches to a stone at the road ; thence by land of Henry Meyer and John Kimport south 66° west 50 perches to a stone ; thence by land of Henry Meyer south 11° east Deh to the place of beginning situate in Harris township aforesaid contain- ing 31 acres and 80 perches. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Cyrus Durst. Terus.—No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full. : dNO. P. CONDO, Sheriff. Bellefonte, Pa., July 29th, '95. A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT : TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. ~ —WILL BE IN— BELLEFONTE, PA prem AT emi BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, —SATURDAYS— Aug. 10. Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2-30, Dec. 28. ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Deafness, Ringing Noises and Catarri Cured by N Dr. Salm. 3 For along time I noticed that I became gradually harder and harder of hearing. Ringing noises came in the ear after a while, and I became very much alarmed. So Iwent to Dr. Salm and put myself under his care and to-day I am grateful to state,and forthe bene- fit of those who may suffer in alike manner, that I can hear once again as good as ever,and those infernal noises have disappeared, al- though Iam nearly 60 years old. Dr. falm said all of it was caused by catarrh: M, B. Buck, Spring Mills, Centre Co., Pa. A Lady 69 Years Old Cured of Catarrh and, Deafness. Some years ago I contraeted catarrh and it went to my ears. Gradually I became worse and my ears began to trouble me very much, my strength began to give out, and I became weaker and weaker so that I was not able to work. I took treatment from several of our doctors in the county, but somehow they couldn't do me any good ; so I went to see Dr. Salm. He promised to cure me, and I dare say, he kept his word, for to-day I am again stout and healthy as could be expected of any one of my age, 69 years, and I find that I got value received for the money paid to the doe- tor. Mgrs. Jacos D. FINLEY. Brush Valley, Indiana Co., Pa. Thought His Time Had Come but was Cured by Dr. Salns. For some years I have been suftering very much with various ailments and broke down at last. I suffered most excrutiating pain from head to foot all the time. My stomach troub- led me a good deal, liver and kidneys as well were out of order; in fact, I thought my time had come. The doctors couldn’t do me any good : patent medicines had no effect; so I went at last to Dr. Salm, and after a course of treatment, I am now again as hale and hearty and strong as ever. 2 F.L.CoNrEr. Warriors Mark, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Serofulous Limb of 8 Years Standing Cured. For the last 8 years I have had fearfully sore limbs ; they would swell and break open and run; giving me a world of trouble, and mak- ing me unfit for my daily labor. I have had four Doctors” trying*io cure me, but they could'nt do it. At last I went {o Dr. Salm, who made a perfect and complete cure, and I feel as if I could enjoy life once more. Eprri V. GUTHRIE, Kittanning, Armstrong Co., Pa. * Frowth Removed from the Eye-Ball by Dr, Salm. For 10 years my wife, Susanna, had some- thing growing over her eyes, making her al- most blind. Dr. Salm performed an operation, and made a perfect success, as she can now again thread the finest needle, and read the finest print, and her eyes do not give her the least trouble. It was a fine piece of work. JoHN BERGEN, Holsopple, Somerset Co., Pa. Granulated Lids Cured by Dr. Salm. For the last 4 years I have been troubled very much with granulated eye ids; it partly blinded me. Doctors here did me no good, it also seemed to affect my general health. Dr. talm has cured me. I can again see splendid- ly, and feel better than ever. Bessie THOMAS, Indiana, Pa., Dec. 5th, 1894, After Total Blindness Made to See by Dr. Salm. About 1 year ago my brother accidentally hit me in my left eye, with a bow-gun. I be- gan to get blind rapidly in that eye, and ina short time, could'nt see anything out of it; total blindness was cauesd by the hurt. 1 heard so much of Dr. Salm’s wonderful suc- cess in his eye operations, that I went to him and he has once more proven his wonderfu skillon my eye. For to-day, after having been totally blind, I can see splendidly out of the same again. JoserH HENRY, Stulton, Somerset, Co., Pa. March 28th., 1895. Omse of Stomach and Inward Trouble Cured hy Dr. Salm. For soma months I have been feeling miserably, on account of stomach and private- trouble, I was always afraid to eat, and the [Al in my stomach and chest was terrible, ut after a term of treatment, I feel now, once more, as good as ever. I can eat everything again, without trouble, thanks to Dr. Salm’s wonderful treatment. TuERESIE DEYBACH, Dunlo, Cambria Co., Pa. Address all communications to box 760, Columbus, O 4 3 OUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. Ver ‘Wall Paper Store. Railway Guide. ” ALL PAPER BOOM! 0000000000000 —— AT ——— }—S. H. WILLIAMS —} 117 Hien SrrEET, : BELLEFONTE, PA. The Same Old Place Where we have been for thirty. years, and notwithstanding the fact that wall pages is advertised to be sold at cost elsewhere we will still continue to sell in Newest de- Latest of WALL PAPER signs and Colorings. fresh from the factory at prices that knocks the bottom out of old goods at “old and higher cost prices. We quote the following prices which will stand from now until July 1st, 1895. ..4, 5 and 6 cts per piece 5,8 * 10% ® .8,10 “19 “ A012 15% « ...15and 20cts and upward I ..20 and 25 cts to $1.50 Light Weight Felts cessesesee 12 204 15 cts Boston Felts and Ingrains......15, 25 and 30 cts Window Shades with Spring Rollers at 18, nd 50 cts. As itis the intention of the citizeN§ of Belle- fonte to celebrate the 100th ann{versary of the town in June next we will be glad to do what we can in the way of — PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Golds and Flitters. Embossed Golds....... And all Kinds of Interior Decorating that will improve the appearance of our homes before that time comes.” We keep in stock a large line of Window Shades, Extra Wide Shades and Store Shades a Specialty. Room and picture moulding in great variety, San poles, fixtures, pictures frames made o order. With my years experience and a dozen good Prostiss painters and paper hangers, the argest and finest stock of wall paper ever brought to Bellefonte, we can gay to our many old customers that we thank you for your liberal patronage in the past and hope to serve you in the future. And to those who have not dealt with us we simply ask you to come in and see what we can do for you. Prices and samples sent by mail on applica- tion. 40 4 Central Railroad Guide. ENTRAL RAILROAD OF . . . PENNSYLVANIA. Condensed Time Table. Reap Down | Reap Up. No. J No3 No. 1 | May. 13, 1895. |No. 2 No.4 No.6 p.m./p.m.jam. Lv. Ar.[a..m|p.m.|p.m. 18 15/13 233/17 40. BELLEFO'T|10 20; 6 10/10 47 8 29/'3 47/7 54,......Nigh....... 10 07! 5 57/10 32 8 35 3 53) 8 00.0 ur ZiON........ [10 O1| 5 51/10 27 8 40! 3 58! 8 05!..Hecla Park..| 9 56 5 46/10 22 8 42/ 4 00| 8 07|....Dunkles....| 9 54| 5 44/10 20 846, 4 04] 8 11[ Hi UBLERSG 9 50| 5 40/10 17 8 50 4 08) 8 15/.Snydertown..| 9 46 5 87/10 13 8 52| 4 10{ 8 17|.....Nittany....| 9 44| 5 35/10 10 8 54 412| 8 19 .....Huston.....| 9 42| 5 33/10 08 856 4 14) 8 21 ...LAMAR....| 9 40| 5 31/10 05 8 58 4 17| 8 23 .Clintondale..| 9 37| 5 20/10 03 9 04 4 22| 8 28 Krider'sS'n'g| 9 32| 5 24| 9 57 9 10 4 28| 8 34/.Mackeyvilie.! 9 26] 5 18] 9 51 9 17) 4 34| 8 40 Cedar Springs: 9 20, 5 12| 9 44 919 4 36 842 ...Salona.....| 918) 5 11| 9 43 9.25| 4 43| 8 50 MILL HALL 19 125 05/19 37 P.M. | A. M. (Lv. Ar} A. MIP M 9 87 19 12\....MILL HALL......| 813 5 05 10 05] 9 40|.Jersey Shore Junc.| 7 45| 4 35 10 45/ 10 12. WILLIAMSPORT. 17 05] {4 00 P. M. | A. M. (AT. Iva. mir nm P. M.| A.M. | | A.M. | P. M. *11 15/110 30 Lv..WIL'MSP'T..Ar' 6 55 2 40 | P. M. { 712) 5 08/Ar....PHILA.....Lv *11 30, 8 35 | | 645N. York, via Tamgq. 19 80| 7 25/.N. York, via Phila.|3 7 30} 4 30 | | (Foot of Liberty St.)| | 9 25, 7 00|.....Atlantic City... 9 30! 6 30 A.M. IP, MW. } ip mam. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. May 20th, 1895. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.26 a..m.. arrive at Tyrone 6.40 a. m., at Altocna, 7.40 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.10 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 10.09 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.52 8. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts- burg, 6.50 p: m. Lesve Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.33, at Altoona at 7.40, at Pittsburg at 11.30, VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD, Leave Bellefonte, 5.26 a. m., arrive at Tyrone 6.40, at Harrisburg, 9.30 a. m., at Philadel phia, 12.17 p. m. Leaye Belletonte 10.09 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.25 a. m., at Harrisburg, 2.40 p. m., a Phiaieipls, 5.47 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.16 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m. VIA LOCKE HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock - Haven, 10.30 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.50 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.49 p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.41 Pp. m., arrive at Lock Haven at 9.40 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.28 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.30, leave Williamsport, 12.35 p. m;, arrive at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadel: phia at 6.23 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.50 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.49. p. m.; arrive 6.45 Williamsport, leave 7,00 p. m., Harrisburg, 10.00 p. m. Leave Belléfonte, 8.41 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 9.40 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 a. m., arrive Harrisburg,3.22 a. m., arrive at Philadelphia at 6.52 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leaye Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m. Phi Aleipin, 3.00 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewis hae 1.47, at Harrisburg, 7.10 p. m., Phila- delphia at 11.15 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD, » EASTWARD. E R M = A o n May 20, > o F Bs B 1895. FH E P.M.| A, M. | A, M. |ATT. Lv.|A. M. |p.w.| p.m. 6 33| 11 25| 6 40 nilgtone 810/384) 725 6 27) 11 19| 6 34!..E.Tyrone.| 8 16/3 40| 7 81 623| 11 15) 6 30|......Vail......| 820(3 44| 7 35 619) 11 11| 6 26/Bald Eagle| 8 24/3 48] 7 39 6 13| 11 05/ 6 20|......Dix......| 830|3 54| 7 45 6 10/ 11 02| 6 17|... Fowler...| 8 33|3 57| 7 48 6 08 11 00| 6 15|... Hannah... 835/359! 7 50 6 0 10 52| 6 08|Pt. Matilda.| 8 44/4 06] 7 57 552) 10 44| 6 01..Martha....| 8 49/4 13] 8 04 5 44 10 36 5 63|....JJulian....| 8 58/4 22| g§ 13 535 10 27| 5 44|.Unionville.| 9 07/4 31| 8 22 528) 10 20| 5 37|..8.8. Int...| 9 15/4 39] 8 30 525 10 17| 5 34| Milesburg | 9 18/4 42| 8 33 5150 10 09; 5 26/.Bellefonte.| 9 28/4 50] 8 41 502| 957! 5 14|.Milesburg.| 9 415 02| 8 63 464 949) 507..Curtin....| 9 49/510| 9 G1 450 945 5 03.Mt. Eagle..| 9 53/514] 9 056 4 44| 939) 4 57|...Howard...| 959/520] 9 11 485 930] 4 48|.Eagleville.| 10 08/5 29| 9 20 432) 927] 4 45 Bch. Creek.| 10 11|5 32| 9 238 421) 916 4 35/.Mill Hall...| 10 22/5 43| 9 34 419/ 9 14| 4 33/Flemin’ton.| 10 24/5 45| 9 36 415) 910] 4 30/Lek. Haven| 10 30/6 49] 9 40 P.M. A.M. | A M. A. M. [A.M.| P, M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. o ATHWARD, SOUTHWARD, M M ] o May 20, © § £ 3 1895. e P.O.| P. M. | A. M. | Lv. Ar. (A. M. [A.M [P. ® 730 315 820|..Tyrone...| 6 35 11 29/6 12 736| 321 8 26l.E. Tyrone.| 6 29| 11 14/8 C6 738 323 828. Tyrone S.|........| 11 12/6 04 741 32 881...Vail....| ¢ 25 11 09}6 01 7 51 336] 8 42/.Vanscoyoc.| 6 18| 11 02/5 54 7 65 340) 8 47|.Gardner...| 6 15] 10 59/5 50 8 04 349) 8 57|Mt.Pleasant| 6 07] 10 51/5 41 811 355 9 05)..8ummit...| 6 00] 10 41/5 34 8 16| 359] 9 09 Sand.Ridge! 5 54 10 385 27 8 18 401| 9 11(.. Retort... 5 51) 10 35/5 23 819 402 9 13|.Powelton.. 549 10 236 21 8 27] 408 9 21..0sceola...| 5 39] 10 23/5 10 Anns | 411 9 %40sesola du.) J)... 1506 881 416 9 311. Boynton... 5 85/10 19/6 03 835 419] 9 35..Steiners...| 5 31] 10 15/4 58 8 36| 4 23 9 42/Philipsbu’g|. 5 30] 10 14/4 57 8 41 429! 9 47|..Graham...| 5 26 10 09/4 52 8 46 433 9 52[..Blue Ball..| 5 21| 10 14/4 46 8 52) 4389) 958 Wallaceton.| 5 16! 9 58/4 39 8 67) 4 44| 10 04....Bigler....| 511| 9 534 38 9 03) 4 50 10 10/.Woodland..| 506] 9 47/4 27 9 06) 4 83| 10 13| Mineral Sp| 5 05 9 444 24 9 10 4 57 10 17...Barrett....| 501] 9 10/4 20 9 15/ 501 10 22. Leonard...| 4 56| 9 35/4 16 9 19! 506 10 28.Clearfield.. 4 52| 9 31/4 09 9 24| 511] 10 34|..Riverview.| 4 58 9 26/4 02 9 30| 6 17| 10 41 Sus. Bridge, 4 43| 9 20/3 56 9 35] 5 22] 10 46/Curwensv’e| 4 39] 9 152 51 5 10 52... .Rustie....le..ce0rnslseense, ..13 85 11 02 ..Stronach... 13 25 vee 11 06'.Grampian..|..... | PMP. MAW. AY * Daily, t+ Week Days 36.00 rp. Mm. Sunday 1 10.10 a. m. Sunday. Philadelphiaand New York SLEeriNg Cars attached to Beech Creek R. R. tran passing Mill Hall, East bound at 9.37 p. m. West bound at 8.13 a.m. Pullman Parlor Cars on Day trains between Williamsport and Phila. delphia. J. W. GEPHART, General Superintendent. EECH CREEK RAILROAD, "N.Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co, Lessee. Condensed Time Table. = Reap Ue. | Reap Down. Rese Cr. | Exp. | Mail. MAY 12th, 1895. Exp. | Mail. | i z = No. 37/No. 33 PATTON....Lv| | “850 1205 mr MEE 8 43| 11 58/Ar....Kerrmoor....Lv! 5 45| 5 22 8 38i 11 53!.....New Millport....| 550 5 27 8 32| 11 46 ..Olanta...........| 558; 533 ...Mitchells.. Ar 7 55) 11 10|....CLEARFIELD... i a i |Ar 9 Py 11 01!...Clearfield June... 7 35 10 53 .......Woodland.: ...... 7 30| 10 47/...........Bigler... 7 23] 10 42|.......Wallaceton.......| 7 15/ 10 32|..Morrisdale Mines.. 7 07 10 22/Lv.....Munson.....Ar| 7 | Lv Ar, 6 40. 9 55/...PHILIPSBURG.... 7 2) 10 40 SoHlLrsEuRg oo | | 7 05] 10 17 722 740 6 40 9 53|... 745] 805 620 933 8406| 8 23 613) 925 812) 830 520 826 859 924 3 03) 8 13).......: ana ai 12) 987 4 5 8 07|... LOCK HAVEN... 918f 9 43 4 47| 7 58/Yonngdale (Wayne)| 9 27| 9 52 4 35 7 45|Jersey Shore Junc.| 9 40| 10 05 14 00 17 05|.Lv W'MSPORT Ar.| 10 12| 10 45 P.M. | A.M. A.M. | P.M. P.M. | A.M. |Phila.& Reading RR| A. M. | ». M. i 40, #6 55. Ar WMSPORT Lv.|{10 30/#11 15 8 35/411 30 Lv..PHILAD'A. .Ar| 5 08] 711 +4 30 Lv.NY via Tam..Ar| 6 45 #7 30, Lv.N Y via Phila.Ar| 7 25 19 30 AM (BM | P.M. | A. M. "*Daily. tWeek-days. 36.00 P. M. Sunday 110.55 A. M, Sunday. TurouGH PurLLMAN Burrer SLEEPING CAR between Clearfield, & Philadelphia daily, ex- cept Sunday on trains Nos. 36 and 33. Through coach to New York, and through Pullman Buffet Parlor cars to Philadelphia on train leaving Williamsport 10.30. Convrorions.—At Williamsport with Phila- delphia and Reading R. R. At Jersey Shore June. with the Fall Brook Ry. At Mill Hall with Central R. R. of Penna. At Philipsbur, with Pennsylvania Railroad. At Clearfiel with Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway. At Mahaffey and Patton with Cambria & Clear- field. Division of Pennsylvania Railroad At Mahaffey with Pennsylvania & Northwestern Py F.E. HERRIMAN, Gen’l Pass'r Agent. A. G. PALMER, Philadelphia, Pa. Superintendent. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after May 20, 1895. : Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......3 00 p. m Arrive in Bellefonte,............ crrrts +443 p.m, Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday....8 56 a. m. Arrive in Snow Shoe............ aster m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect May 19th, 1895. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. My 103 114 | 112 rn STATIONS. P. M. | A. M. A.M [PM 1 58! 5 40|......Montandon........ 910) 4 55 208 6 15.......Lewisburg.......| 9 00] 4 47 217 623 222 628... Vicksburg. 847 485 2381 637 flinburg. 888 2 2 43] 6 50 ...Millmont... 8 25 15 251 6 58]. . 817 407 | 3 11 718 757 348 330 738 738 3380 347 756 721 314 401 809... 706 301 407, 816 700 254 4 13} 8 23|. 6 52) 247 4 18; 8 28|... 647 242 422 832 643 237 427 837. 6 28 ‘238 4 37 8 47|......Pleasant Gap 628 223 . 445 8565 .Bellefonte.........| 6°20! 215 P. M.| A M. | A. ML lp. M. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD = . Fifi IELR 2 | 8 28 A&M | P.M, A.M. [P.M 10 00 4 50|....Scotia.....| 9 20] 4 40 10 19{ 5 07/..Fairbrook.| 9 03] 4 23 10 33} 5 19/Pa.Fufnace| 8 51] 4 11 10 40| 5 25|...Hostler...| 8 45| 4 05 10 46/ 5 31|...Marengo..| 8 39 3 59|..... 10 51 5 35|.Loveville.. 8 35] 3 55|..... 10 58) 5 41| FurnaceRd| 8 29| 3 49|..... .[ 1101] 5 44 Dungarvin.| 8 26| 3 46|..... 411100 5 52\..W. ark... 818 388 -.| 11 20[ 6 J1{Pennington| 8 09] 3 29 .} 11 821 9 12... Stover....., 758! 818 11 40| 6 20|...Tyrone....| 7 50| 3 10|...... Re coroniE CENTRAL RAIL- To take effectMay 20, 1895. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. No No No. 2) + No.8|tNo. 2 STATIONS. | 1 [No.7 3 P.M.| P. M.| A. M. |AT. Lv.AM.| A um |p mM 6 45 3 25| -8 45|.Bellefonte.|6 30| 10 30| 4 55 6 38 319) 8 40|..Coleville...[¢ 37! 10 37| 5 00 6 35 3 16| 8 37|....Morris. f|6 40| 10 42| 5 03 6 32 313] 8 35/.Whitmer.f6 44| 10 47 5 06 627 308 8 31|.Hunters...|6 50| 10 53] 5 11 6 24) 3 06| 8 28|..Fillmore.f|6 53| 10 56] 6 15 6 19( 301) 8 24|....Brialy.. f|7 00| 11 02] & 20 6 15 258 8 20|..Waddle...[7 05] 11 05] 5 25 6 124 2 52| 8 18/Scotia Or..f[7 08/ 11 08| 5 27 6 2 40 8 07|Krumrine. f(T 17| 11 20, 5 37 5 59] 235 8 04|..Struble.f|7 20/11 24] 5 40 5 87| 232] 8 )2 Univ. Inn..f|7 28| 11 28 5 48 5 55 230 8 (0|StateColl’ge|7 30| 11 30| 5 45 “f" stop on flag. t Daily except Sunday. F. H. THOMAS, Supt. — som mS —— 1 you want printing of any de scription the — WATCHMAN OFFICE— is the place to have it done. “omy aye,