hr Bellefonte, Pa., July 26, 1895. a SUMMER WISDOM. The man whose rule it is to take The weather as it comes, Without a word of fuss, finds life A pudding full of plums. He doesn’t care how high or low The mercury has got, And even when its mid Jaly, He hardly knows it's hot. But he who when the mercury Goes up to eighty-five Makes such a fuss that every one Regrets that he’s alive, Thus makes himself unhappier Than he was meant to be, And feels the heat at seventy-two As if 'twere ninety-three. So take a warning from these lines— It’s good advice, though free— And when the hot days really come Don’t watch the mercury. J about your daily tasks egardless of the heat, And you will find that every day Your life will grow more sweet. Somerville Journal. I ———— A MODERN CINDERELLA. Deland tured from the shady lane into the suuny highroad with an ex- pansive mental comment on the ways of the semi-developed watering place. Why should a hotel advertise as such and then coolly request an expected guest to renounce his room upon arriv- al and try his luck elsewhere because an influential party threatened to leave if the new arrival’s room were not sur- rendered to the demands of gout? Why should the new arrival submit to bullying ? Because he was more of a gentleman than the influential party. Why should the proprietor permit such things? Because he knew that there are occasions where it is the part of wisdom to let the influential party and the new arrival settle matters be- tween them ? Why should he not manage his hotel on a more elevated plane of justice? Because so long as people continue to fill his rooms de: spite protests it was absurd to worry. Moreover, the proprietor was not whol- ly to blame. The laiese aller principle was indigent to the place—and:- 80 was he. Deland accepted the inevitable and took from his pocket the letter from his - crony, Bob Barnard, summoning him to this particularly seductive Saturday night hop. “I’ve a room engaged for you, but come prepared for anything from the eoft side of a billiard table to the best room in the house! “They've an odd way here of mix- ing people and dates, and we may both be high and dry at the last moment. It's a feature of the place, which quite endears itself to you once you're used to it! If you are willing to hob-nob with the unexpected, I can at least promise you a good floor, good music and good partnere Saturday night and deep sea fishing Sunday. Yours, Bos. Judging from appearances Herbert Deland was one of the last men on earth fitted to risk billiard table repose or put up with the Bohemianisms of a chance-taker. He was tall, dignified and athletic. His costumes were the essence of elegance and their chief in- dividuality lay in their preserving this essence under all conditions. Herbert could have gone through everything from a Sunday school picnic to a prize fight and come out with a clean shirt. He had that morning journeyed in summer regimentals donned at short notice from Manchester-by-the-Sea, hy steam and electricity, through sun and dust to the threshold of the hotel that cast him forth, yet dbw at high noon, from the hatband to the ehoestring, he looked the picture of all that was cool, serene and immaculate. How he did it, as he invariably did, was a secret he revealed to none. His deportment matched his costumes. Never yet had his savoir faire failed him, even in the most trying circum- stance. It clung to him as dust to or- dinary mortals. He replaced the letter in his pocket He had arrived to find Bob, not ex- pecting him so early, off on a forage for hall decorations, and the influential party in possession., The proprietor, button-holing him after the battle, bathed him in concililations. He spoke eo rapidly that Bert had a con- stant expectation that the second word would get'out ahead of the firat. “It's too bad, Mr. Deland, I'm mighty sorry, but it’s no kind of use arguing with that old gentleman—he’s like a bear with a sore head. I'll tell you what to do. You just go over to the Post cottage : Mre. Post’ll put you up first rate; feed you well, to; you won't mind a lot of women, Just go back down the lane and turn to the right, and keep right on till you see a brown house with an apple tree in tbe front yard, and a seat: Anyone’ll di- rect you. All right there.” a He vanished and hence Deland on the highroad moralizing and keeping a sharp outlook for apple trees and rus- tics seats. He recognized his destina- tion several rods before he reached it —a demure-looking little house, scant in piazza, rich in flowers and dignified by sundry outbuildings, annexes, barns etc., in the rear. The apple tree stood in the centre of a lawn or front yard, where the grase ran riot, and the rus- tic seat was a very long Sunday school settee. But whatever the furnishings, nature's scenic effects were incompar- able in the noon sparkle of sun, gky, sea, and the dramatis personae, a man and a*girl, were stimulating the fore- ground with a spicy dialogue—their backs turned to the road. The girl eat in the centre of the im- menge settee, the man occupied a part of the wooden seat which encircled the tree trunk, Bert had just noted that the girl's hair was a pretty shade of brown, and her head artistically set on her shoulders, when these words tell on bis ear: “Well, I am to go into the best shoe store in town, demand a pair of ladies’ rubbers, and when asked the size ad- mitmeekly that I don’t know ? They’ll have me in for lunacy ! What was the number of the other pair?” “But I tell you the others were a size and a half too big, Horace! That's bog, still, I reckon, it you want to be sure.l"” The voice was sweet and pitch- ed low, and the ripple of laughter 1n it altogether infectious, Deland slackened his pace as it added : “Go along now, and don’t tease, or you'll be late for dinner. I told you the size once; and I’m sensitive about its being . known all over the place!” She bent down. “You can’t manage that withouta shoehorn." remarked her companion. “Here, let me—"" “Yes, I can! Please leave it alone, Thank you kindly, I don’t need—O Horace! Horace! that’s too bad of you.” he cause of this outburst was the sudden confiscation of the shoe in ques- tion by Horace. With a careless “I lightly vaulted the settee and darted out of the yard, passing Deland with a swift glance of covert interest. The Joie on the bench had ceased abrupt- y Deland the Magnificent walked on, torn by curiosity and chivalrous con- sideration for the shoeless damsel, btt evincing no sign of having had eyes or ears as he entered the place by a gate- wav, farther down. Here ¢the discov- ery of an utter absence of a front door gave him momentary pause. — Search was brief, but baffling, He found three doors, of no reassuring as- pect, aad concluded - that the main en- trance must be at the back ; also that there must be half a dozen windows to each door. He was conscious, poig- nantly conscious, that other eyes than those of the apple tree nymph were covertly watching his movements, Passing from view of the lawn, he dis- covered around a far corner of the pi- azza, a fourth door, opening into a cheery, though deserted, little parlor. Directly opposite was door number one again, opening upon the inevitable ap- ple tree, and he was wondering if the entire establishment had been planned and erected with a view to eternal vigi- lance over the apple crop, when his eye fell upon an excrescence in the cen. tre panel of the door by which he had entered. Closer inspection revealed a likeness to a handle. Advancing bold- ly, he polled the same, the result be- ing a sound which put him in momen- tary expectation of the arrival of the fire department and police corps. He was somewhat taken aback to find his onslaught productive of no results whatever. Again he waited stoically much impressed with the guileless faith 1n human nature exhibited in the careless abandonment of property around him. It was Arcadian, truly, but how long was he to wait? Mean- while, his best evening trousers, pack- led with something as near akin to haste as was possible to Deland, were slowly crushing in his volise. It had struck him at the time they would be none the worse for a little pressing. This thought stirred him to action.) “This is absurd,” he told himself, rising. “I’m not going to hang around here ail day to be giggled at by those argus-eyed windows. Neither do I propose further monkeying with that alarm clock attachment. Shoe or no shoe, that girl must help me out of this.” He strode forth, and his first glance towards the tree revealed a change in the scenery. The girl was leaning back comfortably absorbed in punching pin holes in a leaf. One small and ex- tremely shapely foot and ankle, encas- ed in a well-fitting russet shoe. peeped demurely beneath a skirt of some dsin- ty black and white material, and the other was propped carefully upon the wooden tree seat and covered with a shawl, Deland grasped the situation. “Pity she couldn’t have added a lini- ment bottle and a roll of bandage!” he soliloquized. Wonder how it would do for me to suggest going- for the doc- tor.” He advanced determinedly, aod she raised a pair of soft gray eyes, with a tint of blue in them. “Can I do anything for you?’ she ‘said, kindly. “Is there someone you wish to see ?" “Thank you. Could you tell me where I can find the landlady? My ring was evidently not loud enough,” he added, deprecatingly. His face wae a quiet one aud he was not prepared for the transformation wrought by the smile he received. It was as if the sun had suddenly danced out from a cloud upon a demure lake. ‘It fairly sparkled. Deland forgave the Blithedale Inn. “No,” she responded, ‘‘you couldn’t ring loud enough here. Do you see that door under the long flight of steps?” “1 do.” “Well, just open it and ask the first woman you see (there will be several all come at once) for Mra. Post. I hope you're not in a hurry, I think she’s preparing dinner. I could get her in a second, but—' she paused here. “I see,” said Deland, sympathetical- “I nope it's noteerious. Isit a sprain? “Much worse, thanks.” she stirred slightly and her eyebrows contracted. Then she laughed. “It is better now vou see, and I keep trying to see if I can move it. I can wiggle it some- times.” She surveyed it pityingly. “How did you do it?’ inquired Le- land with a solicitude which alone proved hia histrionic powers. shame, The inevitable low shoe and high rock, I suppose ?”’ “It was more shoe than rock, I reckon,” she answered, shaking her there's Mra. Post now, coming out of the barn | (Bert reflected upon the way the transgressor.) Mrs. Post! Oh, Mrs. Post! Can you go to the parlor a moment, right away ?"’ and there be- why they fell off. They’re up in the |” must have something to go by!” he’ “IVs a | head, “I'd no business to have—Oh, ! in which Providence sometimes favors ing no chance to disregard this hint, by reason of the approach just here of four or five women from as many di- rections, Deland made his acknowl edgment coupled with best hopes for the injured foot, and returned to the parlor, chuckling surreptitiously. “‘She’ll do!” he muttered. 1 wonder if that foot will recover in time for the hop to-night? But why does she say ‘reckon ? ‘‘She’s no more Baltimore than Boston!” ? There his meditations were inter- rupted by the advent of Mrs. Post, a sweet faced motherly woman, who list- ened attentively to his tale, and taking him through dark and devious ways and up two tortuous tlights of steps, showed him a clean little attic room with a pretty straw matting, a cot bed, a kerosene lamp, and from a skylight window a sweeping prospect of earth, heaven and sea which no castled king ever saw surpaesed from his proudest casements. Bert, not perhaps un- mindful of the apple tree nymph, took prompt possession and then confided tor her his fears for his valise and his pre- cious trousers. Did she know of any Haze where the latter could be press- ed? Mrs. Post proved herself fitted by long experience to cope with the va- ‘garies of summer boarders’ predica- ments. Hers was a house where, if the conveniences were few and far from modern, the luxuries were many and unexpected. She boasted no bells nor call boys, but her small grandson was quite ready to go for the valise, and as to the trousers, she hesitated, but hopefully. “Well, now sir,” she said, “if I was you, [ wouldn’t take them clear to town to-day. Of course they might be done better, but it's Saturday, you see, and you mightn’t get em back in time without you waited for ’em goodness knowns how long. Why don’t you jest run up here to Mrs. Donald—she's right round the corner at the top of the hill in the last house. She's a first- rate Jaundress when the rheumatism don’t get her, and I guess she’d press ‘em fine for yer, if ys go right off after dinner.” Deland could have embraced ber, but took the suggestion instead, ‘and sent for his valise, having unpacked which he descended a little late for a well-cooked “home’’ dinner, to which he did justice quite unmoved by. the more or less obvious glances and com- ments of thirty women, three men and a boy. Cinderella-up-to-date was nowhere vigible, but there was a vacant chair beside the irrepressible Horace, who Deland decided looked a ‘‘very decent chap, and not her brother, further- more |" © \ Presently his quick ear caught the following undertones : “Down for to- night, of course. Not from Boston though, do you think ?" “I don’t know ; he won’t stay long. He belongs in Manchester or Newport. Can’t carry this own valise.” Smoth- ered giggles. Deland sent for a second piece of mince pie. It was not a la Manches- ter, but it was altogether satisfying. Presently : : “It's a perfect shame! Why couldn’t she have waited a few days? She oughn’t to dance a step ?”’ “How in the world did she do it, Horace ?” “How does a girl usually do it? Al- ways bet on the shoe, and you're safe.” “But she hasn’t been near any rocks to-day!” “Oh, that doesn’t signify. Sylvia could break her arm without moving a firger, if she chose. She studied Del- sarte, you know.” > “You're 4 horrid unsympathetic thing! Delsarte is supposed to keep you from breaking, if you did but know.” : . . “Yes, but she’s says it’s a poor rule that does not work both ways, Sorry I can’t enlighten you, but the truth is, she won't even tell me, thongh she ad- mits the partial guilt of the shoe!” Here Horace left the table, meeting Deland’s eyes as he passed for one try- fng transient second, and causing that gentleman to speculate a little as to the advisability of their being intro- duced. » After dinner Deland sought Mrs. Donald, armed with the cherished trousers. He strode up the little hill, threading his way through a ‘wilder- ness of picturesque babies, flower beds and kittens, to g dingy little laundry in the farthest cottage: Mre. Donald was alone worth the journey—a rosy- cheeked, bright eyed lively littie wom- an who called him “dear” at the end of two minutes, and proved so enter- taining that he lingered a little to make friends with the surly black dog, who by degrees unbent to him. Mrs. Don- ald did not consider herself no tailor, she said, but she guessed she could make them trousers look better'n they did now, anyway. But she couldn’t let him have ’em before 5 o'clock, no way in thie world, and bhe’d have to call for 'em himself, her daughter’d gone to town. They parted naturally pleased with each other, Deland en route for the Blithedale Inn. : “On the way he encountered the re pentant Barnard, who in a rally of self humiliation, was seeking to invite his friend to set foot upon his abject neck. He was scarcely prepared to find De- | land disposed to treat quite pleasantly I the base conduct of the influential | party and the delinquent proprietor. | “Well,” hesaid in mystified relief. { “If you don’t mind, I suppose I needn't —especjally as you're quite as well off, | I fancy, at the Post place. If any fel ' low can stand forty-eleven women,thou art the man! I say—met any of the ' dear girls yet ?"’ “All of them!” replied Herbert gravely, “and they've all invited me to ‘ call next winter!” “Nonsense! No, but really some of them are very good tun, and you want to get in some work to-night. There's ove fellow there, Horace Stanton, from Pennsplvania somewhere, whom | you must meet. He’s coming to-night ! with seven women, he says. Did you i see him 2” “Barnard, you're asking rather too . much of 8 man who's spent less than two hours in. a place, half of whieh [time was given to running the landlady | to earth and the rest to eating dinner. !T shall be charmed to meet Horace and the girl's to-night. Meantime. what's on for the afternoon? Fine place, this!” “The wind’s right for a sail, though it may not last: Come to the Inn float. Boat’s all ready now. gust afternoon Deland stood once more at the outer screen door of Mrs. Don- ald’s laundry. He heard her energetic tones from an upper room break off summoning tap. “Are my trousers ready, Mrs. Doa- ald 2" he called, cheerily. swinging the door ajar. “I'm afraid—oh—I—beg your pardon—" Well he might. Before the ironing board on two very shapely russet-clad little feet, ber dainty morning gown half-covered by a huge kitchen apron, her sleeves rolled back to the manitest ly advantageous display of two round white arms, her cheeks flushed and her brown hair curled prettily oa neck and temple by the heat of the room and labor, stood his Cinderella of the apple tree. It was a thrilling moment. As her eyes beheld the magnificent appara- tion in the doorway, she started vio lently and set the iron down hard on its stand. When Bert's startled se cord glance told him that tne object depending from the irghing board was nothing more or lesz than a leg of his beloved trousers, he appreciated in full her presence of mind in “placing” that iron under stress of circumstances. But her face was one of crimeoning dismay and horror. “Are—are they your trousers ?'’ she gasped. Her hand tell nerveless to her side. “Oh, dear me !"’ The almost child-like anguish in her voice brought Deland’s momentarily paralyzed savoir faire to its feet. Nev- er before in his recollection had it de- serted him (but then, never before had his trousers been thus ironed) and it redeemed itself grandly. “They are mine yes,” he answered soothingly, as he advanced. ‘How beautifully you’ve done them !” This was in itself a master stroke, considering he did not know whether they were ruined or not. “But this is pretty hard work for you such a warm day, I think. Why they look fine !” he added fervently, for closer investi- gation proved his unwarranted gallant. ry not in vain. . The distress softened visibly. “They do look better than they did,” she ad- mitted, ‘“‘but—" “Better | A tailor couldn’t have put them in better shape. Where did you learn how to press eo well 2" asked Deland, keeping his attention riveted to the trousers, for which she blessed him. “T have brothers who taught me to rise to emergencies,” she replied. “You see,” hesitating slightly, **Mrs. Donald forgot when she told you she’d do these that she had promised to fin- ish my white gown for to-night. (Oh, 80 she was going, but she didn’t know she had committed herself!) and I knew she couldn’t do both and not spoil one, if she hurried. So as I can press and couldn't fix the gown I thought I'd help her on these. That's all. They're done, and,” she folded them once, deftly, ‘if yon carry them this way, they won’t be hurt. I can’t find a paper but Mrs. Donald will. I must go.”” Her nervousness was re- turning -and she spoke hurriedly. “And, please excuse me, but won't you pay her just the same, you know ? [t's all right. She'll be down pre- gently.” She had flung aside the apron, rolled dowao. her cuffs and started for the door. *‘But, I say—please wait a secord ! You “on’t even let me say thank you. Can't 1 see you again? ‘You're surely going to-night, I hope ?"’ cried Deland, anxiously. “Yes—I—I don’t tknow—Really I can’t stop! Mrs. Donald,” she called, stepping to a side door, “I'll come for ‘that gown or send right after supper. Good-bye! Never mind.” She turn- ed again to Bert. “Don’t you see,” she explained, lowering her voice, but a little impatiently, “that it I'm here when she comes down she'll. talk a week about taking your money, and that won't be any pleasanter for me than it is already!” The sudden flashing little smile which had been bitten off severely once or twice, now conquered, though a tiny frown fought bravely. : “Well, but can’t I help you home ? Your foot, you know” It was abominable in him, he knew, after what she had just done for him, but how else could he make her wait ? Her face became bewildered, but not for long. “My foot? What's the matter with—Oh !”” She paused and recovered. “It’s really very much better, as you see, I may have to look on most of the time if I go to-night, that’s all. But it won't kill me. Oh, she’s coming !” With a wild skirt rustle she fled at a pace which reflect. ed everlasting credit upon weak an- kles. by Deland stood a moment like one i turned to stone till the consciousness that the Donald was approaching and he was in for a singlehand struggle Taking from his pocket some { bills he placed one beneath the | ironstand and left the room, closing the { door quickly and noiselessly. Outside | be abruptly realized that the cause of ! the whole trouble lay yet on the iron- ing board. At this juncture Mrs, j Donald's voice and step sounded on the stairs, She was not moving rapidly but It is a pity those who aver that the abruptly with a “Law sakes I" at hie i what Mrs. Donald saw when she At quarter past 5 that golden Au- ' with much enthusiasm a college 'anec- word haste was barred from Herbert Deland’s understanding could not have been in the vicinity of the Donald laundry that afternoon, Herbert could vot hurry, but he had played foot-ball and he could act on time. He re-en- tered the door and it banged, he re- emerged from the door and it banged, and to Mrs. Donald’s ears the second bang was a swift and loud echo of the first. Yet in the brief interval had cleared prey and reached the nearest corner of the next cottage. ‘The surly dog barked, the babies squealed, the kittens scattered, and ain- ed her threshold was a hustling maes in the air, a pair of flying trouser-lags and then a motionless, open-eyed, ny mouthed child sitting in the hill path, gazing in mute inquiry to heaven. This meant that Bert had not stopped obstacles, But that baby never knew what darkened ite sky an io- stant of an August day in ite early in- fancy. “Well! The Lord bless and pre- serve us !”’ gasped Mrs. Donald. that’s the kind he is, is it! Chasing the good-looking girls as if Beelzebub was after him and jumping skyhigh over innocent babies with his trouser. legs in_the air, because he couldn't wait to have ’em done up decent! Tech! tch I” Mre. Donald chucked disapprovingly. “These smooth-spok- en city fellers do beat all when there's a girl around ! Might have given me a chaace to speak!” Then Mrs. Donald went in and found her athletic customer’s bill, and dissolved in be- wildered remorse. : Meanwhile Herbert, finding his phy- sical trianing at a discount in racing with girls handicapped by weak ankles, had comforted hie soul with his escape from the Donald, and betakes himself to his room, where he paused to chuck- le over his recent adventures and ad- mire Cinderella’s handiwork. Pre- gently he heard voices, breathless and laughing, and light steps on the stairs. A door on the floor below him closed, and the words which reached him sounded so distinctly close that had he not proved the acoustics of the board partitioned house before dinaer by dropping his boots, he would have be- lieved the speaker to bein the very room. “Go and sit still all the evening | At my time of lite? Never, my dear! No, I shall sit in solitude and write a commemoration ode in honor of this inglorious occasion !"”’ “But Sylvia, you can’t give that ankle as an excuse after running down that hill like that.” “He didn’t see me.” “But he’s not a fool. He knows you couldn’t have vanished so quickly without running.” “He knows nothing of the sort. He is supposed to suppose I was behind the bushes, or—somewhere! No, Amy I will nob face that man again, much as I yearn to know if 1 did scorch those trousers when he caught me at it. (Bert hastily turned the gar- ments over and over, but found no flaw.) I shall give out that my ankle is suddenly worse—mortification hav- ing setin this afternoon. I'm sure that's true if nothing else. What's the matter with that?’ in a tone of supreme satisfaction. Oh, Sylvia, please be serious.!” “Serious! I like that! I should say I was the only one who has a right to be serious—pressing a man’s trous- ers before he’s even introduced to me ! Amy !” a sudden explosion of mirth, “] wish you could have been there! It was a scene for—a—painter | And he is such a swell! Oh! How do you snppose he arranged matters with Mrs. Donald ? Suppose she tells. Lim to give the money to me ? I'd take it, I vow I would, and treat all you girls. Oh, my ! oh, me! I shall die! And he is so good-looking! Amy, I'vea plan! I will go to-night Listen! He can’t ask questions. He's too well- bred, and I've pressed his trousers for | him! There’sno need of his ever sus- pecting I sat under that tree with a big hole in my—"- Bang! Crash! The conscience and endurance of the helpless eavesdropper had revolted. He had repaid ber ser- vices by an unmanly allusion to her ankle, but at least he would take no fug:her advantage if he could help it. He snatched off his boot, held it on high and dropped it, at the same in- stant striking out from the other shoul der at an inoffensive chair, which reeled and fell. A suppressed scream trom Helen, a giggle, then silence, then a prompt flow of well-bred, well- sustained conversation. During the remainder of his stay in that room, which he limited to five minutes, he took care to govern his movements audibly. At supper Cinderella Sipested, making a hasty meal and a light one, apparently, for Deland heard Horace ask her if she expected to sustain the evening eolely upon pilot-biscuit. Her presence might have surprised Bert had he not already named ber as one of whom the unekpected is a close ally. When next they met it was in the pretty Casino, alive and alight with the stimulus ot a hop in full swing. De- land had found Barnard did not over- estimate floor music nor partoers, and he was in great spirits. But Cinderella arrived late, and his eye st quently to the door before quest was ended, Suffice it toss came, she saw, she danced with several times. He decided that b oom at- tire became even more tha kitchen apron, that she danced bftffr with a sprained ankle than other@ without, and she desired no allusions "to feet or flat irons. He took his cue. But at last he inveigled her for some fresh air to a quiet corner of the piazza of the main house, and there told her dote. A pause followed the laugh. Sud- denlv she turned on him. Bert | the laundry seized his | i801 frankness. ‘Did she take it ?” “I redlly don’t know. I Jeftit ard ran.” “Ran ? Why did you run ?"’ “To escape her protests and catch up with you !” “Oh—h ! Well, but Mr. Deland, I'm awfully afraid she’ll send it back to you by me ! She never will take it ?” “All. right—take the girls over to wn and treat !| Well, then, give it to "the heathen kids. There are bushels of them around the Donald cottage ! I saw them.” ““That’s quite an idea !’’ She reflected absorbedly. ‘How do they look ?’’ she inquired presently with interest. ‘Look ? Well—artistic, certainly, a) not over clean!” ¥ “What ! They were clean when I left them ! Did you drop them ?” . “Drop—what ?” “Why, the trousers !” : “Ob, I beg —1I mean the trousers. I wish I could know of a way to thank you.” “There is a way !” she announced darkly. “I’m very glad. Tell me.” She faced ¢him, leaning forward im- pressively. ‘Mr. Deland, can you, without further question, make me a promise ?’’ “I can and I do.” “Good ! That is splendid of you ! Then promise you'll never, while we live, allude to either the trouser episode or—my ankle ! You don’t know what depends on my hushing this up. (Didn't he ?) It’s asking a great deal, I know, for it would make an awfully good story but you mustn’t !” “Miss Hunt,” said Deland firmly, “set your mind at rest. The only time I ever gave a girl away was at my sister's wed- ding. I must remind you, however, that Mrs. Donald may prove the undoing of us both.” . “Then I shall go home next week ; that’s all !”’ “Oh, no, you won't ; you promised to come over to Manchester. Really I wouldn’t worry. It strikes me it can’t reflect anything but credit on you. 1 don’t believe one girl in ten could press like that. And itisn’t as if it happen- ed in the city or in the winter. It all goes in thesummer months, you know.” ay * * * * * * It was November before Herbert De- land found himself at liberty to accept an invitation to a charming country house not too far from the Quaker City. Once there, however, he did not readily forget the way. As the winter advanced his friends began to comment at times upon the ease with which some men contrive to make their business trips lie in the same direction as their social de- siries, and upon the growth of Herbert's Philadelphia interests. As his infinite equanimity, physical and mental, re- mained unimpaired, however, and as he developed no peculiarities of any sort, conjecture, after a few intermittent struggles, died of starvation. Its best meal occurred when Deland confided to Barnard that Horace, who, it appeared, lived “‘next door,” was less uniformly cordial to him than others. Early in April he received a note from Cinderella announcing her engage- ment to Mr. Horase Stanton, and in- cluding the following extract : - “Horace sends his kindest regards and fully forgives you for being the only man who ever made him jealous. Do come on soon and see us !”’ = And Deland, true to his colors, an- swered by return mail : “Horace is the : luckiest man in the United States. Téll him so from moe. May I now agk the question long hover- ing on my lips, steadily thwarted by you: ‘Did those rubbers fit 2’ By S. Beresford, Phila. Times. \ Days of Grace. Business men should take note of the fact that the last legislature passed a law abolishing days of grace on promis- sory notes and drafts, and determining when such obligations maturing on Sun- day ‘or legal holidays or half holidays shall become due. As the new miea- sure makes a radical change in the law and hastens the ‘maturity of notes by three days itis essential that the day when the act takes effect should be re- membered. It goes into force January 1, 1896. All notes made before that | date, irrespective of the time when they fall due, will be subject to the old rule as to the days of grace ; but all notes and drafts and acceptances made, drawn oraccepted after that date shall be pay- able without grace unless they contain an express stipulation that the usual grace shall be allowed. Drawers of commercial paper who neglect to pay notes drawn after January 1st, at the expiration of the time mentioned there- in will subject their paper to protest, afd their credit will suffer, . There was no. pressing reason for the passage of the new law. The old rule is absurd, but: business has been adapted to it, aud it will take some time to adapt itself to the new regulation. Ss of the states have departed from the ancient custom, and to insure uniformity of practice, it is highly important that the other states should abolish it also. Fbe.eonflict of laws creates unnecessary friction in busi- ness affairs and the tendency of legisla- tion throughout the country is towards uniformity. The same act which abo- lishes the days of grace also provides that all notes, drafts and bills of ex- change drawn after January 1 next —— fall due on Sunday or legal holi- daysor any half-holidays shall be deem- ed to be due on the next secular or busi- ness day thereafter. No paper shall be protested on any Saturday, -but must be protested on the ext secular or business day. The legisiaturein fixing January 1 as the date when the new law shall take effect, has given ample notice to the public and nobody should be caught napping. All commercial paper after that date will be saved on every note. A Feminine Reason. Oh, but my dear Laura, you realy ought to see Mrs. Dainty’s ! Is it any nicer than this ? | N—no. I don’t think it's as pretty. But ever so much more interesting. She smuggled it her own self. -._—_._. ee ——————__ ——Genius hears one individual and “How did you manage with Mrs. then comprehends ten. Donald,” she demanded with engaging : pardon—I was thinking of the infant heathen ! They look finély"" re