= ? SY PRP. GRAY M EEK. Ink Slings. —AL DALE made the HASTINGS peo- ple hustle it he did succeed in nothing else. _ —Roasting ears will soon be here and humanity will descend to the diet of the swine. —So the Republicans would like to elect HENRY QUIGLEY. ‘Well, HENRY is a nice boy, but he wont do for Dis- trict Attorney of Centre county. —The girl who did penance for sins by filling her legs with needles must have been laboring under a hallucina- tion of there being need for pin cushions in keaven. —It took Philadelphia police a long time to find out that HoLMEs is an “arch-fiend”” but now that they know it they are blaming him for all the mur- ders they have been unable to account for in years. —Trolley parties seem to be all the rage wherever trolley lines are in opera- tion. Unfortunately, however, they are of two kinds. One at which there is merriment and fun for all ; the other a sad procession with the victim at its head. —The head of the Cuban rebellion is beginning to be seen again among the columns of Republican factional fights that appear daily in the papers. For o nce the insurgents have been victorious and of course are dead sure of victory right off. —J. L. BaiLey, a Clinton county Commissioner, has announced to the world, through the columns of the Lock Haven Democgat, that he took a bath in the river Jordan. Some people are foolish enough to do such things whether they need it or not. —AL DALE and Jim ISRAEL, the Pittsburg Dispatch staff correspondent, who were both helping QUAY interests here at the Republican primaries, felt so bad on Sunday that they went off to the Cave, and there found a hole large enough for them hoth to crawl into. —The good people of the United States will have very little concern whether the new yacht ‘“Defender’’ out- sails the British “Valkyrie III’ now or not. There was no necessity for sailing the craft a trial trip on Sunday and it would be a lesson never to be forgotten + if she should be beaten in the coming race for the America’s cup. —Since Attorney General McCog~ MICK has decided thst the compulsory education law need not go into” effect until next spring there has been a de- crease in the valuation of fast Republi- can legs. “Kid-catchers” will not be in demand until then and the fellows who have been in training for the new offices can puttheir speed to some other use between now and then. —The fight goes on and with every whack the one faction gives the other Democratic prospects take a step for- ward. It isto be hoped that there will not be any foolishness in our party that will tend to lose the vantage ground we have gained. If the Democrats improve the opportunity ‘that the QUAY- “Combine” fight is affording them seven Appellate Court judges will more than likely be the reward. —The great silver debate between Senator HoAR and HARVEY, the “Coin’s Financial School” author, is now going on in Chicago. They are to talk three hours each day for a period of ten days. The former advocates the use of both gold and eilver, maintained at a parity, while the latter insists on the efficacy of free silver coinage at the rate of 16 to 1. There was no stipulation in the agree- ment before they began about who is to pay the funeral expenses of the victims of the debate. : —Messrs. DEININGER and HOOVER, who were £0 coolly turned down by the Republican county convention here, on Tuesday, have enough good hard sense to realize that only one man could win in such a fight, but it will be some time before they are able to comprehend the significance of every ward in Bellefonte instructing for HoovER. Neither ome of the gentlemen made a fight here, thinking, of course, the delegates would be divided but such an arrangement was * not conducive to the plans of the HasT- INGS people and they put Bellefonte where they thought it would do the most good for them. —“Combine’’ missionary W. I. FLEM- ING didn’t like it because we said, in our last issue, he had been working with “‘little success.” When trying to set us right in the matter he swelled himself up like a toad and said: Why in the eleven precincts I visited there were on- ly five QuaY votes polled.” We would have given him credit for having done something worth puffing himself about had the next breath not uttered the ex- planation of it all. He didn’t seem to comprehend how he was enuffing his own light when he announced -that he hadn’t “even found any one who said he would be for Quay.” emir tc a —— STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. 2, % 27 9 WYP Pon |. = 6) x 9) - BELLEFONTE, PA, JULY 26, 1895. NO. 29. The Republican Ruction. The fight between the Republican factions furnishes one of the most re- markable and interesting spectacles ever presented in the political arena of this State. It is an unexpected eequel to the unparalleled victory of laét year. A thunder storm appearing where a cloud wasn’t to be seen half an hour before, could not be more astonishing. The astonishment, however, is confin. ed to those who are unacquainted with the causes that bring on such storms. The one ibat is sweeping through the Republican camp in Pennsylvania is caused by the ambition of opposite bosses to ruc the party. machine. There ie no other cause for it. Not a particle of principle is involved in this contest. Anything like regard for the public interest has as little to do with it as concern for their soul's sal- vation has to do with the movements of machine politicians. The disturbance is nothing but a factional fight, with all the low mo- tives, tricky intrigues, dirty expedients and mercenary objects that are patur- ally and necessarily involved in such a conflict. There is no doubt that this fight has split the party in two. Which will be the bigger half of the divided organiza- tion will be seen when the two fac- tions have their round up in the State Convention on the 28th of August. All the bitterness of factional ani- mosity is displayed in the contention. HastiNes has bis headquarters in Philadelphia, from which the fight is being conducted in systematic style. The machinery of a regular campaign has been put to work. Anti-Quay lit- erature-is being cireulated and agent, of the State administration are opera- ting in every county, making as hot a fight against the other faction as if they were engaged in a contest with the Democrats. The Governor himself takes a hand in the unseemly disturbance, letting himself down from his high position to become the leader of the less repu- table of two warring facticns. Quay is not behind Hastings. in putting his forces in battle array. The old Boss ie on the warpath, and if his Republican enemies don’t lose their scalps, and DaN's ien’t dangling at his belt by the time the fight is over, it won't be his fault. He also bas his headquarters, his corps of workers, his organs, his cam- paign literature, and the necessary boodle, which is said to be furnished by Cameron. He is making as lively a fight as it he was grappling with Democrats instead of with enemies in his own party. He suffers, however, some disadvan- tage from the factthat Hastings is prostituting his administration for the purpose of carrying his ends, , using his appointing power as a factor in the contest, and emploving his force of of- ficial under-strappers as factional in- struments. For this reason Quay seems to have most of the active politi- cians against him, but there is scarcely a doubt that a majority of the rank and file of the party are in his favor, preferring to wear his collar, which they have become accustomed to, rather than to put on a new one with Daxien H. Hastings’ name on it. That the Republican party of the State is going to be greatly damaged by this factional ruction cannot he doubted. That the State will be the gainer by it is a matter of just as little doubt. : The fact is that the Republican domination in Pennsylvania has be- come 80 utterly corrupt, so thoroughly rotten, eo unspeakably disreputable, so disgraceful to the good name of the State, and sq injurious to its material and moral interests, that it cannot pos- sibly continue much longer, and no other end could be more fitting for it than that it should wind’ up with a fight among its leaders. SE ———————————— ——After this when members of the Grand Army of the Republic come belly-aching around about Democrats not giving all the offices to old sol- diere, ask them how it came that every mother's son of that organization here in Bellefonte, voted to endorse Gov. HastiNg’s who vetoed the bill giving to the veterans of the war the prefer ence of appointment to positions at ' Harrisburg, Tic al Waves in Politics. - Political tidal waves do not appear to be confined to American politics, nor does Pennsylvania furnish the on: ly conspicuous examples of them. They are having one of unusual sweeping capacity in the English Parliamentary elections now in progress, and the Lib eral party in Great Britain, like the Democratic party in the United States, particularly in Pennsylvania, have learned how it feels to be swept off their feet by the overwhelming force of a tidal wave. Nevertheless, those two parties the one inthe old world and the other in the new, are the true representatives of constitutional liberty and political progress, notwithstanding occasional michaps of such dimensions. The defeat of the English Liberals appears to be of a real Waterloo char- acter, but a good deal of the. disaster may be attributed to their own fault. If they had taken hold of the home rule queetion in earnest, and had not pot- tered with other issues, which affected the rights of the common people, they would no doubt have been able to maintain their Parliamentary major- ity. But their leaders became weak- kneed and vacillating at the time when they should have been bold and ag- gressive, and in this way lost the popu- lar confidence. Their case bears a strong resem- blance to that of the Democrats of the United States in respect to the tariff question. The shirking of the full peformance of & duty imposed by great constituencies, in both instances, re- sulted in giving the popular tide an op- posite flow. But in the case of the American Democrats it can be said that if tariff reform was not carried out to the ex- tent demanded by the expression of the elections in 1890 and 1892, it was due! to the peculiar eitudtion in the Senate which enabled a handful of misguided-i Democrats to defeat the will of the i party and disappoint the expectations | of the people. Nevertheless, the peo- ple beld the great Democratic organ- ization responsible for the misdeeds of | the few theeame as the English peo- ! ‘ple charge the Liberal party with the short comings of its ministerial repre- sentatives, and tidal waves were the results in both cases. The tidal wave in Great Britain will | probably have as demoralizing an ef- | fect upon the victors as a similar | sweep has had upon the Pennsylvania Republicans. They may get to fight- ing among themselves. Itis scarcely possible that the heads of SaLisBURY, Bavrour and CramserrLaiN will be swelled to the extent of the big-head- edness displayed by Hastings, MAGEE and Dave MarTiN, but the over confi- dence and arrogance inspired by their sweepiog majority may induce them to commit rash and imprudent acts that will cause the English electors to turn them out of office by as big a majority as the one by which they were turned io. Such an effect produced by the Re- publican tidal wave in Pennsylvania would not b&Burprising. In fact it can be looked for with a considerable degree of confidence by those who have reason to hope for it. — Are They Pulling His Political Leg ? Representative Asks, of Clearfield, is whispering it around as a public secret, that in return for his efforts for the: State Administration ring, he is to be made the next disbursing clerk of the Houee of Representative, at Washing: ton, the position now filled by Mr. Frank Sxvper-—He/d8T Tsay who is to give it to him nor does he explain bow he is to succeed without the back- ing of bis Congressman. The news- papers report that Mr. ArvoLp, who will represent the district and control its patronage in Congress, is for Quay. It is scarcely probably that be will se- lect for the best place he can get one who is opposing his wishes or is mak- ing himself obnoxious to his friends, nor is it likely that Congress will set ARrNowLD aside and give the patronage of his district to his political enemies. Evidently there is some one mixed badly in this matter, and appearances show every sign that Mr. AMEs is hav- ing his political leg pulled to a consid- erable extent. I EET Tn A “Slick” and a Dirty Trick. It shouldn't require much independ- ence or manhood on the part of the Republican majority down at Miles- burg to create a revolt against the methods of the Bellefonte ring that would teach'the bosses in this place a lesson that would be remembered When the Quay and Hastings war broke out in this county, u few weeks ago, it was discovered that Joux Con- FER, the member of the Republican county com mittee for Milesburg was a Quay supporter. This did not suit the bosses and every influence possible was brought to bear to have him change his views, but to no effect. On Tuesaday ot last week he was notified by Chairman Gray that he would no longer be recognized as the committee- man and that. THoMpsoN Bocas, an out-and-out HasriNe’s worker, had been gelected to take his place. This did not seem to worry CoNFErR much, but on Saturday evening when the dele- gate elections were to be held, his friends, who were Quay backers, rallied to the polls in such numbers that the new committeeman, who had been ap- pointed to carry the district for Hast- INGS, saw there was no chance for the success of his candidate, and to pre- vent the majority from selecting and instructing the delegates, peremptorily refused to open the polls or to hold an election. This of course left the Miles- burg Republicans—the strongest Re- publican district in the county in proportion to its vote—without a voice~jo the county conven- tion. eit disfranchised every Republican voter in that district and prevented them having any part in naming a ticket that they will all be expected to support. It was a trick the euccess of which the Bellefonte ring is highly elated over and one which if perpetrated upon the colored voters of any election district in the South would have raised a howl from the Republican press that would have been heard all over the country. What Milesburg Republicans will do about it we don’t know. We do know, however, that the little cabal ot young lawyers in this place, who are running the Republican politics of the county, are laughing in their sleeves at how ' “slick” they “done up” the Quay peo- | ple down there. ——— A Starting Point. If the Governor's friends are as anx- | ious as they pretend to be to ascertain and prove who furnised and who was handling the money they allege was sent to this county in the interest of QuAY there is an easy way to get on the track of it. Mr. BENNER Way, ot Ben" ner township, has publicly boasted that he was offered $25 for his influence and work in his district for the Beaver boss. Here is a starting point. Mr. Way, is a friend of the Governor's and certainly would not hesitate to ex- poee the individual who was trying to bribe men to defeat “Centre county's favorite.” Who was it that offered the money? Mr. Way can tell. When this is ascertained it will be but little trouble to show from whence the money came. To uncover and expose those who are charged with attempting to debauch the Republican voters of the county is a duty the Governor and his friend ¢we to the party, it such an attempt was made. If no such effort was made, it is a dirty and cowardly piece of business to try to cover up oth- er weaknesses by casting a suspicion upon the integrity and honesty of men who refused to vote contrary to their convictions. The Governor's friends have made the charge. They owe is to themselves, as well as to the Governor's standing at home, to prove it. We have given them a starting point. Can they make their assertions good ? ——Boss MaGeE, speaking of Mc- KiNLEY as a candidate for President, is certainly not justified in eaying that “the people of Pennsylvania seem to want him.” There is no present evi- dence that any large number of Penn- sylvanians are anxious to vote for the Napoleon of calamity. The business situation hae greatly changed since last vear, when Hastines and his corps of wailers were going through the State making the people believe their living depended upon the McKin- LEY tariff. That fallacy has been dis- proved by the revival of business un- ——Read the WATCHMAN. - der a Democratic tariff policy. The Point Where Our Good Sense Comes In. From the Pittsburg Post. A marked difference between the American electors and the English, as well as those of the continent, is that in this country results are almost uni- formly received by the defeated party with good humor and acquiesced in. That is the American way. We all Ag pretty hard until the polls close, when the feeling of good fellowship con.es back. In England we read that at Newcastle the supporters of John Morley, the defeated Liberal candidate, “paraded the street and stoned the windows and house rominent Unionist and Conservative wspa- pers.” They also attacked persons wearing Unionist badges. The mount- ed police were compelled to paf-] the town to hold the rioters in check. Morley, ex-secretary of Ireland, is a great favorite with the Liberals and home rulers, and” was defeated by the trick of running an independent labor candidate against him, thus splitting the Liberal vote and giving the Tories an advantage ; and the Tories are sup- posed to have kept the labor candi- dates in the field in different parts of England for this purpose, and by a large expenditure of money. That is an American idea. [ee —————— Why Democrats Favor Quay. From the Clarion Democrat. Some of the Republican organs claim that the Democratic newspapers of the State are fav-ring Quay’s cause in pref- erence to tl it of Hastings. This is probably true, and there is a good rea- gon for it. Small as isthe confidence the Democrats have in Quay, they are yet more suspicious of the Governor and the corrupt gang with which he bas chosen to associate himself. It will be a sad day for the State if it gets into the control of such desperate cor- ruptionists as Dave Martin, Chris Ma- gee and their crowd. As an evidence of this may be cited the vicious Legis- lation of the last session of the Legisla- ture, in the enactment ot which Magee and Martin exercised a_controlling in- L fluence. Many of the Democrats, rec- ogizing the calamity of such control in state affairs are simply desirous of helping to prevent it by choosing the lesser of two evils. ET ABET Let Them Be Boycotted, We Won't Do It. From the Williamsport Sun. Master Workman Sovereign wants the labor and reform organizations of the country to boycott national bank notes. How this is to be done is not clearly stated. Workingmen are gen- erally giad enough to get money in any shape, and have shown no dispo- sition to refuse national bank: notes in exchange for their labor. But Master Workman Sovereign will probably pro- mulgate in detail his plan of campaign, and until he does so there is not much danger of anybody refusing to accept national bank notes as readily as other ‘coin of the realm’ in payment for labor and other services. Politics Makes Strange Bed Fellows. From the Grand Forks, N. D. News. There is the hottest kind of a battle on in the old Keystone State between Senator Quay, our farmer Stokes’ old friend, and ‘Daniel Hastings the pond lily of the Salona slashers—who being Governor, wants to run the Keystone Republicans. Hastings had the best of it at the start but Quay was not built in a day and the end is not yet. A sin- gular feature of the fight is that all the Democrats are howling for Quay, the man they denounced only a few years ago. t ——— Discrediting the Grand Army. From the Columbia Independent. Boss Gilkeson served just eleven days in the Pennsylvania militia, and we are surprised to learn that he isa member of the Grand Army, in good standing, in Bristol, Bucks county. That Post must want members awfully awful bad. To take in that kind ot soldiers only serves to discredit the G. A. R. EOI RST He Sees Different Things When at Washington, No Doubt. From the Lebanon Siar. Senator Dubois, of Idaho, talks silver all the time when at home, according to the Washington papers, he tells snake stories when at the National Capital. A Clear Straddle. From the Chester County Democrat. The Kentucky Democrats were bound to get on the right side of the currency question, so they got on both sides of it, to make it a sure thing. —— The discrimination made in New York between difterent classes of drinkers in enforcing the Sunday law is objectionable, yet the World is not successful in its argument that the cause of good government in that or any other city or town is set back by closing the ealoons on Sunday. —Sistarville, W. Va., now claims the world’s largest gas well and McKiN- LEY’s birth place will have to take a back seat. : rounds. days ago on the farm of R. C. Quiggle and son, near Pine station, a rattlesnake and a groundhog were found, the reptile hav- ing his fangs inserted in the animal's side. The two had evidently had a com- bat with the result that the snake had overpowered the hog. killed by Jacob Smith, the farm hand, and a son of Mr. Quiggle. hog was laid to one side, where it soon died. The snake was about four feet long and had four rattles, while the hog weighed between ten and fifteen pouflds. sSpawls from the Keystone —A moral crusade is on at Shenandgah. —Street fakirs have been driven out of Reading. 2 ol \# ° —At Wilkesbarre the’mercury touched 100 on Saturday. —Derks county preachers have organ- ized for mutual benefit. —The cigar industry in York and Lan. caster counties is very lively: —A rush of ceal in a Pottsville mine crushed lifeless William Mitchel. —The Citizens’ National Bank of Ash. land will erect a new building. —Little Clyde Yeonash was drowned near Lancaster Sunday while bathing. —DMiss Mabel White, who went driving at Bradford a week ago, is still missing. —A union of furnacemen is forming at | Sharon that will embrace 100¢ members. —Jumping from a coal train at Potts. town, James Pierson was dangerously in. jured. —Oats poisoned with arsenic; have killed a number of mine mules at Shenan- doah. : —The business at the Pottsville Post, Office has increased so that extra clerks are employed. —A trolley car: et Braddock ran over and killed Coldnian McDonough in front of his own door. —Edward Nangle, residing at Reading, is 97 years old and has regularly smoked since he was a boy. —Two shell game sharps captured £200 in a few hours from Richard Colliery em- ployes at Shamokin. —By an explosion of gas in a Pittston mine, William O’Hara and his son John were scriously burned. —A partially-built house was blown down at Harrisburg Saturday injuring John Reed, a carpenter. —Trackwalker James Morrison, after years of service at Altoona, was killed by a train Saturday night. —Tower City Council is opposing the entrance of the Williams Valley Street Railway into that borough. —Five days’ work this week is the pro- gram for :the employes of all Philadel- phia & Reading collieries. —Lycoming county will probably build a $25,000 annex to ae Court house to ac- commodate the Supreme Court. —Brakeman W. McDougall, from Bos. ton, Mass., was Killed while coupling cars at Falls Creek, near Dubois. —While stealing a ride on a Lehigh Val- ley car at Yatesville, James Campbell was mangled to death in a wreck. —A passenger and freight train, at East Smethport, collided, running full speed, but ro One was severely injured. —Pittsburg district soft coal miners held a convention at the Smoky City Monday to discuss the wage question. —John Weismiller, of Palo Alto, was bitten several times on the hand by a copperhead snake, while huckleberrying- —Luzerne county coal Taen think the Philadelphia & Reading Company should be given the 21 per cent. output claimed. —The Bethlehem Iron Company ship- ped five turret plates for the United States battleship Indiana to Philadel- phia. —Failing to see an approaching train, young son of Amos Hershey, of Gordon- ville, ran upon the track and was fatally hurt. —Ona charge of impersonating a Roy- ersford Councilman to obtain money from E. T. Plush, Constable Emmanuel Essick was arrested. —While bathing in the Susquehanna River, near Mountville, on Sunday, Har- vey, the young son of Rev. J. K. New- comer, was drowned. —Charles Emory Smith, of Philadel. phia, was the guest of honor Saturday night at the Lehigh Valley Writers’ Club banquet, in Allentown. —John Glace, whose wife was killed by a Williamsgort trolley car, has sued the city for $15,000, as the accident was due to an obstruction in the street. —On account of the large sales of these especial articles on those days, Reading grocers call Monday soap day, Tuesday sugar day and Friday flour day. —Farmer Charles K. Miller, of Ham- burg, has been arrested for the alleged appropriation of a $500 check sent to him through mistake by Albert S. Seidel. —Suit for $15,000 damages has been brought against the Lehigh Traction Company by Miss Ida M. Lewis, of Zea- ver Brook, who was injured in a wreck. —Elmer States, of Punxsutawney, son of County Commissioner States of Jefferson county, committed evening by shooting himself through the head. The young man was 25 years old and is supposed to have been slightly de. mented. Owing to trouble at home he lived by’ himself in a shanty near the town. It was In this shanty that the young man took his life. ing he made a will personal effects and about $30) in money toa young lady of that town. His funer- al took place Sunday and was largely at- tended. - suicidc late Friday Béfore suicid leaving all his —Snake stories are now going the Here's another one. Several The snake was The ground- —OQur readers may not be aware of the fact that at the last session of the legisla. ture an amendment was passed to the marriage license law, which was signed by the governor June 18. ment makes & marriage license now good 1n any county in the state, instead of sim. ply in the county of issue. performing the ceremony must make the return to the office that issued the license It would be well for clergymen and oth- ers authorized by law to perform mar- riages to make a note of the above fact, as there is a heave flne for a failure to properly report within thirty days all marriages performed. The act went into effect at once, law remains as it was. The amend- The party In all other respects the