—_— IT LT 8Y P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —OId general humidity bad his forces lined up in good style on Wednesday. —Dog days will begin on Sunday and last until August 27th. Like the tin can this period iz bound to oc-cur. —1It is’nt always a desire to know the time that prompts a man to glance at the clocks on the stocking of a trim . girl. a —1It is getting pretty bad when Gov- ernor HASTINGS has to send political missionaries into Centre county to keep it in line for him. x —Republican papers are sorely off for something to fill space with when they begin to accuse President CLEVELAND | of launching a third term boom. —Gossip, a recently established even- ing paper in DuBaige, has suspended. Can it be that there was not enough to . talk about over there or is that town so good that it wouldn’t read Gossip ? —Factional fights among the Repub- licans elected a Democratic Governor in Pennsylvania in 1882 and assisted in the election of a Democratic President two years later. The same cause was large- ly responsible for PATTISON’S election STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., JULY 19, 1895, Political considerations more than | judioial qualifications were the control- Debasing Use of the Judiciary. i Singular Republican Claims. There is something amusing in the arguments that are being used and the ling influence in the appointmeiit of | claims set up by the opposite factions court, from the new superior judges. It was more | in the Quay and Hasrines fight. a matter of politics than of law. It is no exaggeration to say that everything connected with this new the inception of the bill that created it to the selection of the material to fill its bench, had but slight connection with the legal and judicial necessities of the State. There was po urgent need for a new court of that grade, but it appeared to the politicians of the Republican party that a new batch of judgeships would furnish places for Republican lawyers who had to be provided for, and would The supporters of the old boss are recounting the service be has rendered the party, and gre declaring it a shame that there should be any opposition to a leader who has been so serviceable. But what is the kind of service they put to his credit, and for which they say he is entitled to the gratitude of his party and his State ? They claim that his obstructive tactics delayed, if it did not entirely prevent. the passage of the WiLsox tariff bill, Now let us see how much good he did the State by his course in that mat- Hard Up for an Explanation. : The supporters of the McKINLEY policy are driven to desperate straits by the prosperois condition of the country. Instead of the financial die- tress and business prostration, which they predicted as the result of a Demo- cratic tariffe, they find their calamitous prophesy reputed by an easy financial condition and a revival of activity in every branch of industry. They are abashed by such a sequel to their calamity howl. Upon the first dawn of the industrial restoration, following in the wake of the WiLsoN bill, they endeavored to make light of the reports of factories resuming work and wages increasing. They represented it as being merely The Tale of Two Tariffs. From the New York Evening Post, July 8. COTTON MILLS, ADAMS, MASS, March 7, 1891, two| May 61895, mills closed. wages increas. ed. . RIVEREIDE IRON C0., WHEELING, W. VA. March 12,1891, nail| May 19 ' factory idle some time. | 1895, wages of 2,200 men in- creased 10 per cent. EDGAR THOMP3ON 6TEEL WORKS, BRAD- DOCK, PA. March 19, Too May 14,| 18 works closed. 95, wagesin- October 25, 1891, | creased 10 per scrapers’ wages reduc- |cent. 5000 ed over $10 per month ; | men affected. ladlemen’s 30 cents per day. Spawls from the Keystose. —Slot machines at Royersford have been shut up. —There are 15 men in Luzerne County Jail charged with murder. —Osceola Clearfield county, a town of 3000 population, bas no dentist. —Brisk work in coal mines have started the Jeansville shops on full time. * —Falling headlong into a mine shaft at Shamokin, Martin Balkers was killed. —The Lewistown Free Press has been sold by W. W. Trout to S. R. Frysinger. —Overcome by sulphuric fumes from a blast, John H. Whitman dropped dead at Lebanon. —Sebastian Wurl, of Allegheny, suc- ceeded after two efforts in ending his life with poison. : —A detail of the Third Brigade went to Mt Gretna yesterday to arrange for the encampment. —Rabbi A. M. Bloch, of Knoxville, Tenn., has been chosen pastor of the Easton synagogue. ! .—To kill his dog a Shenandoah miner tied a stick of dynamite- to "it, blowing the canine to pieces. —The Grand Divison, Sons of Temper. ance, of Pennsylvania, will meet at Jeanesville July 24. —DBishop Dubbs officiated at the dedica. tion at South Easton of the new United Evangelical Church. —The survivors of the 62nd, 1o0lst, and 102nd regiments, hold a reunion at Clar- ion on ‘July 36th. —Egey Lazze confesses that he was the footpad who attacked Robert Kennedy at Pottstown and is in jail. —Little Charles Hawk, son of Samue, also serviceably fit in with the party ter, and (o what extent he is entitled | the invention of Democratic news April 10, 1892. 50 in 1892. Form your own conclusion as | machinery. lo the gratitude of its people for that|,pipers, But when this could no longer hi discharged. Homaat iy in the Le- to the out come in 1896. : Seven positions on the bench of the | line of action! be successfully denied they attributed August 6, 1892, two | La Yor While Int oe —Eight thousand gallons of claret | Superior court, with annual salaries His ousiraetion prolonged the de- | the Improvement to the effect of last | furnaces closed. eS Ln si 1% were squirted on a fire in a San Fran- | Of $7500 for each incumbent, were | pression caused by the Republican year's election “and the hope thereby LUCY FURNACES, PITT3BURG) PA. fell 40 feet and was fatally hurt. cisco winery one day last week, and | valuable prizes that could be turned to | fiscal and financial policy. It ‘helped Inspired among manufacturers that | March 19, 1891, 0ne| Ma y 14,| —Patrick Green of Carbondale, made an even that was'nt enough to extinguish | political . account, and the appoint- | to continue the disordered condition of | the McKiNLEY tariff would be restored. | furnace closed. 1895, wages in- Sian at oi) his lifeat Potts. the flames. 'Twere better that that | ments he so distributed as to secure | business and the depression of labor,| Bat the absurdity of this became so May ib 1891, two | creased I0 per | ville by drinking laudanum. wineshould bave been, disposed, of in/| delegates for the Governor in the next | by delaying the definite settlement of apparent that they were forced to re- tne: 15, 1892 on Pr my er such a way than have it kindle fires | State: Convention, and assist in pro- | tariff measures. This delay was in- | sort to another line of reaconing, and | one furnace idle oe ing Railread train at 4 street crossing. that would eventually consume the hu- | moting his future political designs. sisted upon by him, and was caused by | now they claim that the Republicans | time. - ° —The quarterly meeting of the Father man beings who would have drunk it. Accordingly it is eeen that the vew | his obstruction, not merely in the; for- | are intitled to the credit for the good | ge 2 1891, Mathew Temperance Societies in a Le- judges have been appointed, not with | mative stages ot the tariff bill, but for | which the WiLsox tariff is doing the | WOTKS closed. bien district wil be at Audenreid July having bought one thousand tons of | 82Y regard to their legal qualifications, months after it had substantially as- | country. They represent thakif it had | LOCHIEL IRON WORKS, HARRISBURG, PA. ; Late y _| —William Bell, of Minersville, fell over steel from an Ohio firm seems almost | but in conformity with a close calcu- [sumed the shape in which it was final: not been for the efforts of Republican March 28, 1891, June, 1895, | an embankment on the Pennsylvania incomprehensible when Mr. McKINLEY | lation as to the effect the appoint. | iy passed, aad under which tbe ‘indus. | Congressmen to defeat obstruct | Works closed. Wages Increas- | Railrond near that place and was fatally has been so staunch an advocate of | ments will have in securing delegates | tries, and wages, and business general | that measure there is no telling what 5 ed 10 per cast, | 1njured. ; y s : : ’ : 4 9 r INION i > PA. —As the result of a quarrel at Cole keeping our bome industries exclusive- | who will work in the interest of Hasr- | ly, ste now undergoing the most 28 fe fos rade would have put into LOWER iy MILLS, PITTSBURG, PA Crock. Mehenns Counts, o Man nari ly for ourselves. It isa wonder thathe | 1NG3 as against Quay. It is regarded | tonishing revival. itfor the destruction of the industries May 1, 1892, wages| May 14, | Button dangerously shot young Leo y : g 8 : ; Z ans : don’t sue out an injunction to prohibit | by the Governor's faction asa great| The State, which he misrepreseated, | and the ruin of the country. It hav. | of 150 men reduced, 7511895, Wages In- | Philips. English manufacturers from flooding his | tactical achievement that the new | 10st millions by the postponement of ing turned out to beso beneficial a | Pl8ckemiths accepted | creased 10 per| _, respite from August 1 to November g : : g x : : the industrial toration in which | measure, i it f thei iti cut of 20 per cent ; | cent. 5 was granted by the Governor to Frank Biate with thei» gold. jadgeships were so mapipniaied inthe mavurial restoration in 2 renin Spite of thelr QPPOSINON | 75 ammermen struck’ | Bezek, the Lackawanna County mur- Luzerne and Lackawanna counties as | QUAY took the leading part. It can |and evil predictions, they would now | ~ August 11, 1892, re- docer. to make their delegations solid in the | hardly be calculated what his obstruc- | like to make it appear that 1t is not to hatin si 10 per cent —Charged by the 14-year-old daughter HasTINGS interests, and the appoint. | 40D cost the working people by delay- | be attributed to the Democrats. By a Pen of James Mahen with a serious crime, ments were handled in other parts of | ing the resumption of work and ic- | singular system of logic they advance young Evan Brabson, of Lancaster, bas : Aria : Fe 113 i : been arrested. the State with a similar object. crease of wages that were awaiting the he clai m that because they did all From the Delavars County Demonrat. DS stan Wt ti tates The history of no country can show | Passage of the Democratic tariff bill, t ey could to defeat the Wirsox tarift Ex-Senator Cooper in his Media foot, caused death by blood poisoning of such a debasing use of the judicial of. |8nd which immediately followed its | its good effects are to be entirely ascrib- American says, ‘The factional quarrels | Jerome Bixler's daughter at Millerstown, fice. No other high public function- | €nactment. This revival would have | ed to.them. ? in the Republican party of Pennsyl-| clinton county. in 1890 and again helped CLEVELAND —The impudence (?) of England's —It ie singular the way the currency question has almost ceased to be a ques- tion. The jump-at-ccnclusion people of this country saw only one cause for the business depression, just ended, and that, the currency question. Business has revived, however, and gold and sil- ver are rarely mentioned. People are EE ——————————— Signs of the Times. vania in 1881-82 lost us [the Republi- | A Coroner's jury has held James Kane too busy to think anything about.it and the question has seemingly adjusted it- self. : —The Republican party in the Unit- ‘ed States cannot aftord to allow such a sagacious, shrewd politician as Mr. QUAY to be defeated by a triumvirate of fly-by-night leaders. MARTIN, MA- GEE and HASTINGS might succeed in feeding Pennsylvania Republicans enough flapdoodle to carry the State in the present fight, but a fool’s diet won't make fool's out of people all the time and it would not take long to see what a bad exchange it would be to throw QUAY down for the “hog combine.” ary, but Daxigr HarTsMaN Hastings, Governor of Pennsylvania, ever gave the judicial ermine such a hauling through tbe dirty cesspool! of partisan politics. The people ehould have something to say about this degradation of the judicial office, and the Democratic party of the State should help them to say it by making such nominations as will give them a chance to vote for the very best candidates for the superior court. Christian Development. The growth of the Christian En: started in six months sooner, and the ter off, if it had not been for the ob- structive methode of Quay with rela- tion to the tariff, which his supporters are parading as being highly meritor- ioug, but which really made him a pestilent nuisance to the substantial interests of his State. and worthy of reward shows how the Republican conception of the public interest and welfare has become de- moralized and perverted. In Quay's case his supporters want the people to working people, as well as the business ' people, would be correspondingly bet- | Such an idea of what is creditable This claim won't stand the test of reasonable examination. If they would have had their way not a duty ona single article would have been reduced, but it is geen that in those industries in which the dutiess were cut down thirty, forty and even fifty per cent, each as steel, iron, woolen, and cotton fabrics, tin and a number of other articles that might be mentioned, the revival is the most marked and the in- | crease grows the greatest. When it appears that the restoration of pros- | perity is the most pronounced in the line of manufacturers from which the | largest amount of duty was remoy d, it | | | | cans] the Governorship in 1882 and the Presidency in 1884,” and “The faction- al quarrels in the Republican party of Pennsylvania in 1890 lost us the Gover- norship and in 1892 the Presidency,” and then adds this query, ‘Will the history of 1884 and 1892 be repeated in 1896 ?”’ To this we answer Yes, with only this qualification, namely, that the signs of the times indicate the election of a Democratic President next year, whether the Republicans shall continue these factional quarrels or not. a ————— ————————— Scratching the Wrong Head. From the Lancaster Intelligencer. We see it gravely stated in a Bos- ton newspaper that ‘whenever you responsible for the death of James Rior- dan, who was killed in a drunken row at Pottsville July 4. —The citizens of Indiana and West In, diana are to vote at the coming general election on the question of consolidating the two boroughs, —It is estimated that in the valley. be. tween Jersey Shore and Williamsport, 12 miles long, 500,000 bushels of wheat were harvested this month. —The father of William Webber visited the young murderer in Reading Jail Monday and learned from his son that he expected to escape the gallows. —Pottstown saloonkeepers complain thate the trolley roads greatly injure their business by taking all convival men to neighboring parks every night. deavor Society is one of the phenom- | be grateful to him for condu ) ise ai ithhat | Scratch the head 0f a strong man you y g or conduct that was | is singular logic that would creditAhat discover the marks of New Eugland {| —The Pennsylvania Railroad Monday fal manifesbitiony of winetesnis oth: injurious to them, and it would not be result to Republican opposition to the | training.” Which leads a ribald con- | began the construction of an iron bridge tury christianity. That portion of the surprising if the HasTiNGs supporters, | reduction of duties. | temporary in San Francisco to single | on the Trenton Cut Off, near Bridgeport, public, entirely too large, that is indif- as a set off to the Quay claim, should , A ——— | out the Hon. Jobn Lawrence Sulli- | where a trolley car broke down {he ferent to religious movements, had no represent the public as being under ob- ‘van as a living proof of this sage obser- | wooden bridge recently. —The hot summer season is the one during which the greatest care should be taken of the human organism. Re- member that fevers are the direct result Inequit able Sunday Regulations. pram p= of abused constitutions and are the cer- tain punishment of neglect of self. It is a moral duty for every one to pre- servo his health and thus add to the gen- eral healtbfulness of the community in which you reside. Don’t run risks of any sort. Doctors are in no immediate danger of starving and the world would gladly pension them all if its permanent freedom from disease could be securnd thereby. —The murderous assault on M. STAMBULOFF, ex-premier of Bulgaria, on the streets at Sofia, on Monday, is only another evjdence of the deep seat- ed animosities and vindictive spirits of what might be called only semi-civiliz- ed countries. That such an attack could have been made in broad daylight on one of the busiest thoroughfares of that city is not so surprising as was the evi- dent collusion of the police with the con- spirators with whom they did not inter- fere. In this country if we disagree with the methods of a politician we don’t murder him, we simply vote him into political obscurity, don’t we Mr. INGALLS. '—The window glass workers in con- vention at Pittsburg, on Tuesday, came to the conclusion that too many appren- tices are taken into their business to make it profitable as it has been in days past. Such a conclusion is a most natural one and that association is aboat the only one in existence with an or- ganization complete enough to relieve itself ot such a trouble. All avenues of trade are crowded now-a-days and skill in operatives has as much to do in business success as competition in trade. The window glass workers are in a posi- tion to protect themselves from the dap- ger of there being an over supply of workmen, but their standard must be kept up else their organization will fall. conception of the exten to which this line of christian endeavor veloped, until the recent meeting of the Society in Boston arrested their at- tention and gave them an idea of its numerical strength. It is computed that fifty thousand ‘Endeavorers were present at that meet. ing, from all parts of the United States and Canada, as representatives of this spiritual organization, and that its total strength amounts to twowand a balf millions, which on an average would give about one member to every five families. This precentage is great- er than can be shown to exist in con. nection with any other religious or moral agency, outside of church or. ganizations, and judging from the zeal and energy ‘of the Endeavor Society, there is every prozpect of its further enlargement. : —— It was supposed: by a certain class of observers that christianity is losing ground in consequence of the attacks of agnostics, free thinkers and otber kinds of infidels, and is being sapped by the enervation of those who profess The Boston meeting shows the fallacy of this supposition. Such a manifestation as that of the Christian Endeavor Society shows al- most the energy and zeal of those who founded the religion of Christ. its doctrine. SS N—————. The reports of railroad earnings for the last half year show a gain of $12,250,000, while the same roads dur- ing the year previous lost $74,500,000. The gain thus shown gives no reason for surprise, for it merely shows the effect that better fiscal laws, in pursuance of Democratic ! working people? The Democratic tarift policy, lmve on the business prosperity policy has succeeded, and in this world of the country. ligations to the Governor for having saddled an increased number of office holders, with enlarged salaries, ’on the shoulders of the tixpavers, and for having sacrificed private and public business interests for the advantage of monopolistic combinations like the Standard oil company. Such a claim for Hastings would not be more absurd and oftensive to the good sense of the people than the claim that is set up for Quay. CR ES. —-—Some people are desirious to know who is attending to the gubernatorial business of Ohio while Governor Mc- KINLEY is running about the country attending to his presidential boom. There was never a similar case within the knowledge of this or any other generation. © For more than a year the Governor of Ohio has been what may road in pursuit of ao object in no way connected with his official duties, while the Lord knows who is attend- ing to the business of the office to which he wae elected. The example he is eetting is not only unusual, but it is disgraceful, both as an exhibition of aeglect of duty and as an unseemly scramble for the presidential office. ——There is no more talk of “the army of the unemployed.” [Industrial activity has taken the place of tariff discussion ; the whistle of the factory engine and the rattle of the loom have silenced the protection yawpand calam- ity bowl of the Republican orator. When 400,000 workmen have had their wages raised since the lst of April, is it any wonder that content- ment is returning to the ranks of the nothing succeeds like success. be called a political tramp, out on the They are having quite a time in denies to the comwon working man his glass ot beer on that day, or his pitcher of that beverage for his Sun: day dinner, while no restraint is placed upon the aristocratic drinker who can afford to slake his thirst with cham- pagae or that kind of high priced tip ple. Every beer saloon on the first day of the week has a guard of police- men to prevent common imbibers from slipping in at the back door, while the wealthy {requenters of the Waldorf or Delmonico’s can order their wines, and other choice liquors without stint or restriction. : : This is an unfair and unjust regula- tion. It ‘is offensive because it dis criminates. between the indulgence of two classes of people. "The one is given entire liberty, the other is har- rassed by restraint and subjected to police interference. It is not surpris. ing that this has created great dis- content and indignation among those who are thus discriminated against, and that a sentiment has been aroused that demands the repeal of such a law. The efficacy of laws that are intend. ed to promote morality by compulsion is as doubtful as the efficacy of com- pulsary education laws, or of any en- actments that are intended to effect an object uy the restraint of personal liberty or the mvasion of private rights. But if laws are to be passed to restrain or prevent the drinking of liquor they should not be so framed and enforced that one class can have all the liquor it wants while another is prevented from indulging in even a glass of beer. ——Read the WATCHMAN. New York city over the enforcement | of an inequitabic Sunday law which vation. The marksjupon; Mr. Sullivan's erstwhile fist-defying conk may not be of the design intended by the” Bos- ton man when he made his philosoph- ical remark as to phrenology ; but i's safe to believe that they are just the eort designed by the Hon. James J. Corbett in that noteworthy contest in New Orleans not so long'ago. A Congressman to be Proud of (?) From the DuBoise Express. Congressman W. C. Arnold aud C. W. Redfern passed on Brady street in front of P. S, Weber's store this after. noon. Redfern spoke to Arnold as they passed. Araold called back aud told Redfern not to speak to him again and weut into the post office. Redfern wait ed for him and when he came out ask- ed him what he meant. Arnold got ex- cited and began to call names, make threats and shake his fist. Jerry Sul- livan was sitting on a step near by and rushed between the altercators and ad- vised Arnold to keep cool. Arnold heeded the. advice and walked away. No blood was spilled but the scene amused the spectators. Where the Difference Comes In. From the Williamsport Sun. The deficit of over $1,000,000 in the state treasury affects the people of Pennsylvania far more than the defi. cit in the national treasury. The latter can be made good by increased revenue from imports, but the former cannot be repaired without increased taxation of the people of the state. Ac- cording to McKinley's view, the for eigner pays the tax on imports. How About This Mr, Dale ? From the Altoona Times. We quite agree with a contemporary that Governor Hastings has not much cause to fear for the success of his candidacy in Centre 8ounty. The Gov- ernor’s popularity among his friends in that section is undoubted and his neighbors there have no intention of | forsaking him in his battle with the | junior Senator. rr —The Philadelphia company which is opening a new coal mine at Hastings, will erect 1,000 coke ovens. It is proposed to equip the mine with electric light and maghinery driven by electric power. —The governor recently signed a bill which makes it unnecessary hereafter to have the approval of a grand jury to in- corporate boroughs. The business is now placed wholly in the hands of the judges. —Two of the oldest people in Western Pennsylvania live within eight miles of Marienville. They are Mrs. McClaskey, " aged 106 years. and Mr. McLaughlin, aged 101. Both Jive near Crown, Clarion county. —A recent issue of the Clearfield Repul- tican said : Ata family gathering in the home of Wm. A. Terpe, at Redfern this county, last week, there was present Asaph Kirk, of Grampain, the head of five generations of his family. —A recent issue of the Tionesta Findi cator said: A #hower of small toads came down with the rain in the vicinity ot the railroad depot on Thursday evening last. A similar occurrence is also reported at several points on Tionesta creek. - —William Marphy, the DuBois lad who accidently shot himself through the lungs several days ago, 18 recovering, al- though he was given up at first by the physicians. James Murphy, a brother, was shot through the head a few years ago and recovered. —Secretary Edge, of the agricultural department, says a mouthful of mouldy straw will kill a horse in from two to eleven days, and so dangerous is the poi- \ son that they have been known to die from the effects of mouldy straw placed near them, but entirely beyond their reach. -» —Stephen Boaler, an umbrella mender, died at the Wilhamsport almshouse Mon- day night, aged 59 years. Boaler and his father, who is 81 years of age, were known as ‘Moody and Sankey.” They had a route covering Lycoming, Union, Snyder, Mifllin, Juniata, Perry and Dauphin counties which they traversed for many years. They have walked 96,36) miles in thirty three years in plying their vocation. -