Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 28, 1895, Image 1

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    Domooraic acon
Ink Slings.
——Don’t throw rice at a departing
bride. It might make her think she
is in the soup.
—All that the Democrats need to do
now is to yell, hiss! The Republi-
cans will do the rest themselves.
—Pray-what will become of the Belle-
fonte council and Curtin street now that
General BEAVER is to become a judge?
—The world is wide, but itisn’t half
wide enough to hold the fellow who
thin ks there is no one who can fill his
—Quite in reverse of the old maxim
that bids us “make hay while the sun
shines,” the Democrats are harvesting a
good crop right in the midst of an awful
Republican storm.
—LarpLow got $40,000 damages be-
cause he happened to be between Rus-
SEL SAGE and a crazy man’s bomb,
when it went off. He may have laid-
low, but he came high.
—If you have anidea thatyou are
just a little smarter than any one else,
just tell the world so. Such kind of
people are in demand now. The fool
killer hasn’t had much to do lately.
—Tomorrow $100,000 will be paid in
wages to the employees of the Home-
stead steel works. This will be the
largest pay day in two years and speaks
well for the Democratic WrILsoN bill.
—The fool killer got in his work in
great shape the other day when a man
near Lebanon, having decided to mur-
der his wife and family blew his own
brains out first, just to see if his revolver
was in good order.
—If your chicken hen has already
accomplished her day’s work, by laying
an egg, and you are anxious to have
two eggs just give her a good sharp rap
on the head with a stick and see if she
doesn’t lay over.
—X¥rom the way General BEAVER
slipped into the new appellate court
judgeship it begins to look as if he had
been throwing stones into some one else’s
garden too when he had fhat Curtin
street batter made.
—Lord RoOSEBERRY’s ministry has
fallen in England. His career was
short indeed, but it had been entirely
too long for Queen VICTORIA when
once she found out that he could not be
induced to marry her grand-daughter.
—The Pittsburg Dispatch stands on
five legs on the Republican state chair-
man-ship question. It thinks that
FLYNN would make good state chair-
men. The Dispatch is wise in such a
comprehensive understanding.
—Governor HAsTINGS wants to be a
delegate to the State Convention and
want to be candidates for prothonotary
in the county. There is a good chance
for these fellows to demand DAN’s sup-
port in return for theirs, but it is a
question if any of them will have the
nerve to do it.
—In commenting on the Hastings’
libel suit at Ebensburg last week the Re-
publican Johnstown Tribune concludes
a very uncomplimentary article as fol-
lows: “This beautifully arranged pro-
gram was carried out to a nicety thal
would delight a theatrical manager’
though it is safe to say that none of the
$3000 damages will ever find their way
into the gubernatorial pocket,
—Beaver Falls women have organiz-
ed a Trilby club. The only require.
ments for admission are to have good
social standing, a perfect foot and a well
turned ankle. They complain that the
membership is small. Why not get
men on the membership committee ?
They would be very apt to pay marked
attention to the duties of looking up
and passing judgment on well turned
—How are Centre county Republi-
cans going to act in the QUAY-HasT-
iNas fight? Of course DAN can have
just what he wants in this county from
the Republicans, but there are lots of
them who are nursing good sores over
the way they have been treated. Itisa
question whether HASTINGS could do as
he pleases here without & strong effort,
if there was an organizer for the oppo-
gition that could be stirred up in his
own party.
—With all the mean, low, despicable
political tricks that Centre county Re-
publicans have been guilty of in the
past we hardly believed them capable of
shystering out of at least a pretense of
support for Mr. LovELL, in his candi-
dacy for the appointment as judge for
the new Huntingdon —Mifflin district.
It was his magnanimity—no matter
what the pressure brought to bear—that
enabled Judge Love to become nomina-
ted and elected, yet when he asked for
the support of the latter’s friends—afier
they had promised it—they drew back
and left him to shift for himself. Ex-
been appointed by the Governor. A
most estimable man, indeed, but that is
no excuse for the way Mr. LovELL was
‘‘done dirt.”
VOL. 40
NO. 26.
The Warring Republican Factions.
There is a big storm brewing in the
Pennsylvania Republican camp. The
clouds have been gathering ever since
the inauguration of the present State
administration, and the thunder
and lightning is already playing
through the Republican atmosphere
in the most lively manner. It may be
expected that the storm will be at its
height about the time the State con-
vention meets.
The trouble has sprung from jeal-
ousy among the leaders and the clash-
ing interests of the factions. The first
indication that the screws®in the ma.
chine were getting loose, made its ap-
pearance lest February in Philadel:
phia when the MARTIN-PORTER fac-
tion turned down the PENROSE-QUAY
faction in the municipal nomirations.
Thiz was followed by the Quay influ-
ence in the Legislature getting up a
committee to Lexow the plundering
methods of the Philadelphia gang, not
of couree, in the interest of honest city
government, but from motives of re-
venge and to gain a factional advan-
This crack in the organization has
widened into a split that has become
broad enough to separate the party in
the State into two warring camps.
The enemies of Quay are arranging
themselves under the leadership of
Curist MacrEg, Congressman DALzZELL,
Dave MarmiN, CHARLEY PoRTER and
Chairman GILEESON, who have the as-
surance that Hastines and his admin-
istration will give its influence to their
faction. To meet, and if possible,
conquer these insurrectionists, the
boss is bestirriug himeelf, and is
having the support of the PrNRosE
contingent in Philadelphia, besides
such rural yeomen as Lieut. Gov.
Lyon, ex-Lieut. Gov. WATREs, Audi-
tor Gen. MyLiN, Senators ANDREWS,
McCarreL and KENNEDY, Represen-
tative LyTLE, and others who have
long and faithfully worn his collar.
The fight is a most important one
for the boss, and as an indication that
there is to be no compromise with
rebels, announces himself as a candi-
date for the chairmanship of the Re:
publican State Central committee.
The immediate object of contention
between the opposing factionists, is the
control of the coming State Convention
and the manipulation of the state dele-
gation to the next Republican National
Convention. Quay well knows that if
that power is taken from him he
might as well surrender his commis-
gion as state boss and acknowledge
Curist Macee and Dan Hastings to
be bigger ducks in the Republican
puddle than he ie.
The culmination of this storm will
be in the next State Convention,
and the Democrats can prepare them-
selves to enjoy the fun.
Signs of Party Decadence.
Abandonment of principles, or the
failure to advance to a new basis of
principle when the old has been aban-
doned is a sure sign of party decadence.
This is the situation of the Republi
can party to-day. The question of the
currency is now the most urgent and
momentous iesue that is being present-
ed for popular consideration. The Re-
publicans acknowledge that they have
no standing in this issue. No other
inference can be drawn from their
shirking it.
If they ever entertained a principle
associated with the currency, they
must have abandoned it, for they have
nothing to say about it now. Their
leaders and presidential aspirants
dodge it. Their leagues and conven-
tions talk and “resolute” all around it,
but whether they are for gold, or for
silver, or for a mixture of the two, or
what kind of money would suit their
taste, is one of the things that ‘no fel-
low can find out.”
There seems to be a disposition
among them to hold on to the old tar-
iff issue, but the improvement in the
times, the booming of business in all
quarters, the increase of wages in
every department give them such slight
encouragement in that direction that
they are likely to let go of the tariff al-
When a party abandons its princi-
ples, making a display ot its coward:
ice, and showing such an aesortmeat
of white feathers, it may be regarded
as about ready to give up the ghost.
Sham Patriotism.
The Republican pary has always
been offensive inits claim to superior
patriotism ; but that it is devoid of
that kind of patriotism which strives
to preserve the welfare of the country
and preserve the purity of its institu-
tions is proven by its general political
Under Republican administration
corruption has been the prominent
feature of public affairs. Combina-
tions of monopolies have been allowed
to own and rule Legislatures. Money
has been employed as a potential factor
in carrying elections. The fiscal laws
have been framed to favor and protect
the monied class. The burden of
taxation has been’ placed on the com-
mon people by discriminating tariffs.
The senatorial office has been made a
purchasable commodity. The public
conecience has been familiarized with
extravagance in the administration of
the government and profligacy in leg-
No one will deny that the influences
that brought about such a condition
of public affairs is chargeable to the
party which for more than thirty years
had almest exclusive control of Fed:
eral legislation and administration,
and directed the general governmental
policy. That party is clearly respon-
sible for these evils that menace the
very life of the Republic.
In view of such an infliction of in
juries that vitally affect our constitu-
tional government and fill every truly
patriotic mind with apprehension,
how utterly preposterous is the pre-
tension of the Republicans to superior
patriotism, in their assuming to be the
guardians of the flag and the conserva-
tors of the national honor.
A Fruoitless Performance.
If there is any pretension that is
particularly made by ‘the grand old
party’ it is the claim it puts forward
that the cause of “honest money” is
safe in its hands.
On a very recent occaston there was
an assemblage of representative asso-
ciations of that party convened for the
expression of principles and doctrines,
and what had it to say about ‘honest
money,” or about any kind of money
atall? If they thought that “honest
money” consisted of gold, they gave
no expression whatever to that opin.
ion. Itfit was their impression that
silver was a sufficiently “sound curren-
cy,” no word escaped from them signi-
fying that view.
A certain King of France once per-
formed the fruitless feat of marching
up a hill and then marching down
again. On the currency question the
performance of the Republican leagues
at Cleveland was equally inconsequen-
A Discussion Before the Governor.
The arguments that were made be-
fore Governor Hastings for and
against his signing the religious garb
bill were significant and furnish food
for reflection.
One of the advocates of the biil re
minded his excellency that it was
passed at the instance of a large and
powerful secret organization, and that
it would be vetoed atthe risk of in-
curring their displeasure. Another
speaker opposed the approval of the
bill for the reason that it was obnox-
ous to the Menonites and Dunkards,
who would vote against the Republi:
can party it it became a law by the
gignature of the Governor.
In the entire discussion there was
nothing said about the bill being
wrong in principle and an invasion of
the personal and religious rights of citi-
zens of the Commonwealth. There
can be no question that the chiet mo-
tives that brought about its passage by
the Legislature were politics and gec-
——One wey ot avoiding trouble is
to run away from it. That is the plan
the Republicans are adopting to avoid
trouble on the silver question. The
party leagues got together and dodged
it, and then like the ostrich that con:
ceals ite head in the sand, imagined
that they had escaped the danger.
The organs are boasting that their par-
ty is not being disturbed by this over-
shaddowing issue, but they will find
that in the coming presidential con-
test the silver trouble will not be run
away from as easily as the leagues
dodged it at Cleveland.
Ss Ee
A Disgusted Republican Editor.
The Scranton Republican is the lead-
ing Republican organ of northeastern
Pennsylvania, owned and edited by
no less a personage than Congress
man SCRANTON, who for years has been
the Republican representative of his
district in Congress. Now, after six
months of Governor Hastings’ admin-
istration this prominent Republican
journalist, politician and Congressman,
proceeds to give kis impressions of the
Governor's official conduct, and his
opinion of the characteristics he dis-
plays as the incumbent of a high office
into which he was placed by an un-
precedented majority,
Editor ScranTOoN does not hesitate
to say that the Governor's big majori-
ty has made him big headed, filling
him with an extravagant idea of his
importance, and inspiring him with an
overweening ambition to step into
something higher. This is exactly
what discerning people, previously ac-
quainted with General HastiNes,
knew would be the effect of his acci-
dentally large majority. They antici-
pated the inevitable swelling of his
The Scranton Republican editor sees
a weakness of character in the Gov-
ernor, a poorly concealed pride and
pomposity over his imagined populari -
ty. This has been plainly observa-
ble in his encouraging the setting up
ofa Hastings’ dynasty by the syco-
phantic members of his ‘cabinet,’
who, to use the words of the Scranton
journal, “have made themselves pliant
tools in formulating a bombastic fa-
vorite son Hastings’ presidential
These are far from being compli-
mentary phrases, as coming from a
Republican editor, but he goes on tur-
ther and charges the Governor with
countenancing the raids upon the
treasury required to increase the sala-
ries of his own appointees and those of
his “cabinet,” and surrounding him-
self with a largely increased horde of
official claquers,” enjoying augmented
emoluments, although every charita-
ble institution in the State must be
shorn of its accustomed appropriation.
In addition to this severe arraign-
ment, editor SCRANTON piles up the load
of condemnation upon his Excellency |
by declaring that ‘he must share with |
the Legislature the responsibility and
odium for the reckless extravagance
which has marked the advent of his
And as ir this were not severe
enough, Congressman ScraNTON calls
him the “calamity’’ Governor, thus re-
flecting upon the fraudulent scare by
which his big majority was secured.
To use Shakespeare's double superla-
tive, this is, coming from a Republican
source, ‘the most unkindest cut of all.”
The disgusted Scranton editor might
have mercifully stopped there, but he
goes on to draw an unfavorable com-
parison with the honorable and distin:
guished administration of Roeert E.
Parrison, and winds up with the with-
ering remark that a continuance of
such administration as has prevailed
at Harrisburg for the past six months
“will bankrupt even a quarter of a mil-
lion Republican majority in Pennsyl-
——Notwithstanding the lenghty de-
nial of WiLriam I. Swoore Esq., of
Clearfield, the scenes on the floor of
the Legislature the last night of the
session were disgraceful to the State.
Just why WiLLian should employ his
time in trying to cover up the orgies of
drunken Legislators is a source of won-
derment to many. He was not ac-
cused of being in it, and his uncalled
for defense of others falls flat under
such conditions. He fell short of
truthfulness also, since a Representa:
tive of his own party hastold us: “there
is no use of denying it, the scenes on
the floor during the last night were
certainly disgraceful.”
——The Governor has signed the
bili to establish an intermediate court
of appeal between the common pleas
and the supreme courts. Under the pro-
visions of the law there will be seven
judges elected to fill a term of fifteen
year’s service. The functions they
will be expected to perform will be of
the ordinary judicial nature.
—S ubscribe for the WATCHMAN,
ir ARAL 5 GA LRN Cia RN i
English Protectorates for America.
From the New York Mercury.
Well might public attention be
drawn to the game of the FOREIGN
MONEY LENDERS to mortgage the
resources of all American Republics in
the shape of BONDED OBLIGA-
TIONS for the purpose sooner or later
of assuming a FOREIGN PROTEC-
TORATE, by means of which Ameri-
can people are to be BLED at the lei-
sure of these USURERS.
Instances are cited of Argentina,
Peru, Mexico, etc., to show that these
countries are and long have been obli-
gated to foreign money lenders to pay
in GOLD, principal and interest, sums
SOURCES, and in default, the English
Government, at the instigation of these
lenders, is to be importuned to assume
a protectorate over these American
Republics, as was done in the case of
Egypt and cther European and Asiatic
The Marquis of Lorne, son-in-law to
the Queen of England, is quoted as
saying “that an English protectorate
should be established over Argentina,’
on the ground of its debt in gold to
money lenders located in England.
Perhaps the Nicaragua affair was a
‘“feeler’” in this direction, to learn
what the United States would do
about it. If it was, they have not
learned much.
When England lands troops upon
American soil to collect the debts of
their money lenders, they will hear
from the people of this country, and
utterly regardless of the opinions of
the present Administration at Wash-
Organizing for free Boodle, Not Free
From the Pittsbnrg Post.
Senator Dubois, of Idaho, is well
satisfied with the action of the league
convention at Cleveland as giving the
silverites in the Republican party the
point of vantage, Furthermore the
senator is strongly impressed with the
fitness of Don Cameron for the presi-
dency. He says the Republicans of
the states west of the Mississippi have
“in an informal yet definite way fixed
upon Senator Cameron as the man to
urge for the Republican presidential
nomination in 1896,” and that ‘his sil-
ver record is plain, straight a%& unim-
peachable.” In many a campfire,
gays the Idaho senator, Cameron is a
| familiar name, and miners and mine
; owners are whooping it up for him as
i the next occupant of the White House.
! He aleo says Cameron is organizing
| Pennsylvania for free silver. So far as
we catch the hang of the school house
the Quay and the Magee-Martin fac-
| tions are organizing it for boodle and
Democratic Laws and Dollar Wheat.
From the Harrisburg Patriot.
Only a short time ago there were
hundreds of Republican dailies wanting
to know about that dollar wheat some
mysterious person said should follow
immediately upon the election of Cleve-
land. And because wheat did not
command a dollar a bushel, as it did a
few years ago when Europe needed all
we had to spare, the Democratic party
was branded as false, traitorous and a
few other choice things. Then the
party passed the Wilson bill, which
was said to be destructive of everything
American. Last Friday the newspapers
contained this interesting bit of infor-
mation : a
“One dollar was paid for cash wheat
in the St. Louis market yesterday. It
consisted of a carload of the first new
wheat of the 1895 crop raised in
Missouri and graded as No. 2 red.”
We have both Cleveland and the
Wilson bill, but calamity refuses to
cloud the brow ot industry, for with
those two we have dollar wheat.
Pleased With Bellefonte.
From the Houtzdale Observer.
Our firemen who were at Bellefonte
last week are very outspoken in regard
to the treatment accorded them by the
citizens of that place. They were the
recipients of ovations and pleasant
words on every hand, and think that
Bellefonte is the nicest place they ever
struck. But then, our eompany is com-
posed of gentlemen who never forget
themselves, even when away for a good
time, and that has something to do with
the case.
Include Our Wiener-wurst and Frank-
forter Makers Too.
From the Pittsburg Times.
Emperor William, who is said to be
much taken with the New York, which
he visited while it has been cruising
about in the waters of the Dutch canal,
should take a peep at this whole Yan-
kee country, from & crap game in the
Bowery to the breweries at Milwaukee.
He would see lots of things to be de-
lighted with, besides war ships and fire-
She Swore and Paid for it Too
From the Greensburg Press.
The. first instance of a woman being
arrested for using profane language oc-
cured at Ligionier Saturday. The
prosecutor was Alexander Queer and
the defendant Mrs. Herrideth. Queer
alleged that Mrs. Herrideth abused
him with her tongue, making use of
ten oaths. Justice I, M, Graham, be-
fore whom the suit was brought, fined
her $4 for ten oaths.
Spawls from the Keystone
—Reading City Treasury is almost with-
out a dollar.
—Runaway mine cars at Wilkesbarre
crushed lifeless Robert Richards.
—An endowment of $500,000 is to be rais-
ed for Franklin and Marshall College.
—For forgery and embezzlement, Law.
yer 8. C. Kennedy, of Lancaster, was dis-
. —The water tax duplicate of Allentown
foots up 107,777 this year, an increase of
8,543 over 1594.
—For a rabbit he killed out of season,
Charles Vanlenvian, near Wilkesbarres
was fined $8 50.
—Sunstroke killed aged Samuel Ernst
a farmer at Mt. Bethel, Northampton
county on Sunday.
—Letter Carrier P. M. Frankenfield, at
Bethlehem, was sent to jail accused of
robbing the mail.
—Several young men at Mohnsville
have been nabbed, accused of an attempt
to wreck trolley cars.
—Schuylkill county’s grand jury called
the Court's attention to the great number
of trolley accidents there.
—Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, of Brooklyn,
preached the Baccalaureate sermon at the
High school, Pottstown on Sunday.
—About 2000 singers from Pennsylvania
New Jersey and New York willattend the
Allentown Saengerfest, on July 22.
—Interest-bearing securities held by an
administrator are subject to a State tax,
decides the Deputy Attorney General.
—Little Patrick Maloney fell down an
abandoned mine hole at Wilkesbarre and
his body has not yet been recovered,
—Carnegie Steel Company, at Home-
stead, has received an order for 37,000 tons
of steel beams for the New York elevated
—William Pflueger was indicted at
Pottsville for breaking the leg of Adam
Wanamaker, a lad whom he found in his
cherry tree.
—The late assessment of Hastings bor.
ough Cambria county, shows over 600
taxables and an assessed property valua®
tion of $211,000.
—The enterprising Canonsburg Notes
has taken a census of that growing town
and its suburbs, and finds the aggregate
population to be 3,167.
—Reading jail inspectors have had
their wings clipped by the Judges and
cannot hereafter discharge prisoners ex-
cept by due process of law.
—The trial of James Fisher, John Rob-
inson and Michael Kearney for the mur-
der of Barney Reick has been postponed
at Wilkesbarre until September.
—Five diagonal plates for the battleship
Iowa, weighing 112 tons, and considerable
armor for the Massachusetts, were ship-
ped Saturday from Bethlehem to Phila-
~The long established Washington.
Jefferson College, at Washington, has
conferred the degree of LL. D. upon Jus-
tice John Dean,of the State Supreme
—There are over one hundred applica -
tions on file with the Commissioners of
Clearfield county for the position of stew-
ard of the new Poor House they are
~The degree of doctor of laws has been
conferred upon Governor Hastings by the
Western University of Pennsylvania, at
Allegheny Oity; Dickinson College, at
Carlisle, and ¥rsinus College at College-
—Suit has been begun at Warren in be-
half of parties in Ireland who claim to be
nearest of kin for possession of the Jane
Ralston estate in Trumbull county, valu.
ed at trom $10,000 to $12,000. It has been
in charge of the court for two years or
more, awaiting claimants.
—The Altoona Sunday News says that a
physician said last week that he had nev-
er known measles to be so prevalent and
estimated that from the beginning of the
epidemic until that time there had been
38,000 cases in that city. The last week has
probably added several hundred new
—Mrs. Mary Annie Traugh, one of the
oldest eitizens of Westmoreland county,
died at her home, at Kecksburg, Friday
last, aged 95 years. She leaves 11 children
63 grandchildren, 101 great-grandchildren
and 19 great.great.grandchildren. She
was born in Ligonier Valley in 1800, and
her maiden name was Bishop.
A. W. Potteiger, of Reading, who was
appointed alternate cadet to the West
Point Military Academy, failed to pass
the examination. Congressman Erdman
says that he will make the standard of
the preliminary examination higher than
ever. Mr. Erdman says that few who
have not passed through college and are
nearly physically perfect stand much
—Our County Auditors, says the Lan.
caster New Era have. shownan extraor-
dinary desire to save the eounty some
money on a buteher’s bill, and have been
so intent on accomplishing it that they
entirely overlooked the faet that they
themselves charge $889.65 for auditing,
when the same work is done in York
county for about $200. Lancaster is a
larger county than York, but not four
times larger.
~The score or more female teachers, re
cently appointed to serve the public
schools of West Chester by the board for
the ensuing year, are required to sign an
agreement not to marry duringthe year
which their appointment covers. This
rule was put in force a year ago, and the
result, so says a dispatch, was very satis-
factory. Courting will be permitted, but
not during school hours. The directors
do not pose as being against matrimony,
but they say that the adoption of this
course was absolutely necessary in order
to avert breaches in the corps when it was
least desirable.
—A horse belonging to John Snyder, a
hotel keeper, near Lancaster, played
nurse to a baby under peculiar eircum.
stances. The child belongs to Christian
Wingerling, and the mother ‘placed its
coach close to the garden fence, under a
shade tree. Inan adjoining field was the
horse, and, finding the baby it poked its
head over the garden fence and lifted the
little one by the dress from the coach.
Its mother finally heard it crying and
found the horse carrying it around the
field as though enjoying its occupation,
The terrified woman was soon in pursuit
of the horse, which was at last induced to
relinquish its charge, quite uninjured,