Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 21, 1895, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa., June 2I, 1895.
To CORRESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the raal
name of thewriter.
——To-day is the first day of summer
and the longest of the whole year.
——Cherries will soon be in the
market. They are ripening fast, but
the crop will be light.
——An ordinary hay crop is reported
from lower Penns valley. Sorrel is said
to cover whole fields.
——The relic committee of the Cen-
tennial realized between $175 and $200
out of the antiquity exhibit they con-
——The abutments for the Lamb
street bridge being completed work on
the hanging of the superstructure has
been begun.
——A new son at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Keller, of east Linn
street, has been the cause of much re-
joicing out there.
——On Monday grand marshall H.
K. Hoy and all his aids in the late Cen-
tennial parade had their pictures taken,
mounted as they were in parade.
——The Granger’s picnic at Hecla
park, on Saturday, was thoroughly en-
joyed by all who were there, but the
crowd was not as large as was antici-
——Achenbach’s business has increas-
ed so much since he moved to his new
store that he has been forced to put in
a motor with which to make his ice
—— Calvin Pifer, ex-high constable
of the town, has taken unto himself a
bicycle, but he finds it almost as hard to
handle as the cows and pigs were under
his regime.
Last Friday was flag day and
the stars and stripes were hoisted on the
crown of the great stack at Valentine's
iron works. William Irvin climbed up
to fasten the flag on the stack.
-—-The story that the propcsed new
Reformed church at Centre Hall was
begun on Monday morning is untrue.
The congregation hasn’t fully decided
how they want to build it yet.
——The juvenile cadet corps that
made such a pleasing appearance in our
Centennial parade had its picture taken
the other day and is still drilling with
the thought of going to Williamsport
on July 4th.
——=St. John’s Episcopal Sunday
school, of this place, will picnic at Hun-
ter’s Park on Wednesday, June 26th.
A special picnic train will leave the
Pennsylvania station for the park at
8.45 a. m, returning at 4:15, p. m.
——Many Tyrone and Altoona
wheelmen arrived in this place about 8
o'clock Saturday night and staid at the
Brockerhoff house until Sunday, when
they continued their journey to the
the cave; returning the same evening.
——C. M. Bower Esq., of this place,
presided at the Franklin & Marshall
college banquet, at Lancaster, upon the
occasion of commencement exercises
there. He is a trustee of the institu-
tion and his only son, John, is a student
———CQConstable Josh Folk, has notified
North ward residents to destroy Cana-
da thistle growing on some lots in hig
district. He should see that his notice
is enforced as there is nothing so diffi-
cult to eradicate, when once started, as
the Canada thistle.
~——C. M. Parrish will move his drug
store into the room adjoining the one
he now occupies until it can be thor-
oughly remodeled. Col.- Pruner, who
owns the building, says he is going to
make it the finest room in Central
——Lee B. Woodcock, of this place,
joined Ed. and Harry Leyden and Bob
Clark, of Beech Creek, on a trout fish-
ing expedition last week. They return.
ed Tuesday, after spending three days
in the mountains and reported a catch
of thirty dozen fine mountain trout.
——TUnder a recent ruling of the su-
preme court when a poor veteran dies
his friends can have him buried at an
expense to the county of not more than
$50. Heretofore it has been the custom
to do the work as cheap as possible, giv-
ing little concern to the respectability of
the burial.
——Five horns from the Coleville
band furnished music for a dance that
Bellefonte girls gave to the young men,
in the Arcade, Tuesday night. We al-
ways thought the young ladies of the
town capable of raising more wind than
it took for five horns. Why they can talk
hard enough to do a whole band.
——The marriage of Mr. Claude
Jones, of Tyrone, to Miss Stella Armor,
will be solemnized 1n this place next
Wednesday evening. After the cere-
mony & reception will be held at the
Pride's home, 202 east Linn street. She
is the eldest daughter of Monroe Armor
Esq., and her future husband is editor
of the Tyrcne Daily Herald and a gen-
tleman of exceptional ability.
Councir’s REGULAR MEETING.—It ~~ ——Farmer’s Mills wants a base ball
was pretty warm around in the council club.
chamber, on Howard street, on Monday | Got ove apie wok P
night and the members present hurried | = oreSt ro kM in Se
through what business there was to be , Unt ard incalculable damage is be-
done with & vengeance. | ing done.
A request of Mrs. Bradley for exon-| __yyjttenberg college, of Ohio, has
eration of taxes, or a rebate of the 5 per conferred the degree of D.D. on Rev.
cent additional, was referred to thestreet mp pornblazer, formerly of Nittany
committee with the understanding that valley.
her tenants be given work on the streets |
to help pay the taxes. This was done
at her solicitation.
Samuel Gault appeared and asked for
a crossing over Curtin street, also a
board walk along Armor street between
Curtin and Linn. Both requests were
referred to the Street committee with
power to act on the former and instruc-
tions to investigate the need for the lat-
ter. At the solicitation of J. A. Wood.
cock and many petitioners this com-
mittee was authorized to move the arc
light, on Linn street, from immediately
in front of the Methodist parsonage to
the intersection of Linn and Ridge
streets. This action aroused president
Miller and he asked for an incandescent
light to take the place of the removed
arc light. Council grated discretionary
power to the committee.
The Street committee then reported
the laying of a crossing on Linn street
from the Methodist parsonage to the
north side; the settlement of all claims
of R. McCafterty & Sons for the Lamb
street bridge abutments and the pur-
chase of sand stone for their completion
from Thomas McCafferty.
The Water committee reported the
laying of a water pipe to the car works,
the addition of two new consumers, the
cleaning of the ‘‘big spring” and rec-
ommended the levying of the same
water tax rate as was laid last year.
This was adopted and a day will be set
for holding appeals later.
Burgess W. E. Gray appeared and
asked permission of council to properly
uniform the policemen. He stated that
it was his desire to have them wear
helmets and comport themselves with a
dignity in accord with the office they
filled. Council concurred in the opin-
ion and hereafter our policemen will
look like officers of the law in every
sense of the word. This is a good move
and will meet with the entire approval
of the public.
After approving bills
$380.89 council adjourned.
——Samuel Delong, of Poe Mills,
caught eleven trout, one night last week,
all of which measured between 10 and 14
inches in length.
——Huntingdon county farmers, in
; the vicinity of Warriors-mark, are com-
: plaining of petty thievery of poultry
and farm products.
—1Irv. Gray, of Stormstown, recent-
ly traded a fine standard bred gelding to
George Leister, of the Potter house at
Philipsburg, for a team of ponies.
——The fifth annual reunion of the
society of honorably discharged union
soldiers and sailors of Clearfield county
will be held in Houtzdale, on June
——The festival held last Friday and
Saturday evenings at Milesburg for the
benefit of the hook and ladder company
of that place, resulted in the raising of
about $125.
——J. B. Beatty, treasurer Co. A.
5th Reg. N. G. P. located at Hunting-
don, skipped off last week with $250
belonging to the company. He left a
wife and family.
——An effort will be made to estab-
lish a camp of the P. O. S. of A. at
Scotia, on Monday evening. An open
meeting will be held there by organ-
izers to-morrow night.
——Rev. Lewis Robb, of Altoona,
will fill Rev. A. A. Black’s pulpit in St.
John’s Reformed church at Boalsbutg
at both morning and evening services
next Sunday, June 23rd.
——James Mann, a resident of the
vicinity of Howard, on Marsh Creek,
died rather suddenly on Tuesday of last
week. Deceased was 53 years old and
leaves a widow with six children. The
funeral took place on Friday.
——Ex-post master William T. Cris-
pin, of Mill Hall, has just received a
post office draft for 1 cent, the balance
due him from the government in the set-
tlement of his official relations with it:
He will have the draft framed.
—The Undine fire company, No. 2, of
this place, intends holding a picnic and
celebration at Hecla park, on July 4th,
to which every one is invited. The
principal feature of entertainment will
be a band contest for a cash prize of
$50, the conditions governing it being
as follows :
1st. A cash prize of $50 will be giv-
en to the best band, providing at least
six bands enter the contest.
2nd. This contest is limited
bands in Centre county only.
3rd. No entrance fee will be charged.
4th. Notice must be given to secre-
tary of the Undine fire company before
July 1st, 1895, of any organization de-
siring to enter the contest,
5th. Each band is privileged to ren-
der the overture, of their own selection
in contest—one selection, overture,
only will be rendered.
6th. The leaders of the various bands,
entering the contest, will meetin con-
ference one hour previous to contest,
and select three competent judges, and
determine upon other necessary regula-
tions agreeable to contestants.
Tth. The contest will commence at
2p. m.
8th. The prize will be awarded im-
mediately after the decision of the judges.
Note.—The Undine fire company’s
own band will not be allowed to enter
the contest.
The Central R. R. Co., of Penna.,
will run excursion trains at a low rate
during the day and refreshments will
be served on the grounds to all who do
not care to take their own with them,
In addition, there will be an exhibition
of firemen’s work, such as handling hose
and a steam fire engine, athletic and
aquatic sports, good music for dancing
and everything needful to the thorough —— Earnest Stine, a nineteen year old
enjoyment of the day at the park. | | Pleasant Gap youth, is a sadder but
MANY NEW WoULD.BE TEACHERS. | Wiser boy than he was a few days ago.
—County Superintendent of schools, C. | He was boring a hole in an empty
L. Gramley, held an examination at this | Whiskey barrel, with a hot iron, and
place last week at which thirty-one when he had just punctured one of the
young ladies and gentlemen tried to | Staves there was & terrific explosion, rend-
prove themselves deserving a teacher's | ing the barrel in pieces and knocking
certificate. Out of that number the fol. | Stine senseless. He didn’t regain con-
lowing passed satisfactorily : sciousness for some time and his face is
H. Mary Underwood, Frances El- badly scarred by burns. It is supposed
more, Della Goodfellow, Hattie Stott, | that the explosion was caused by the
Lena Baum, Jennie Longacre, May ignition of the pent up gas in the bar-
Taylor, Mame Bell, May Johnson, | Tel:
Bella Barnhart, Maud Love, B. Agnes
Curry, W. H. Corman, Clyde Jodon,
H. P. Hartsock, Harry Smeltzer, S. T.
Brooks, J. H. Corl, C. H. Kirk, Roy
Bell, H. S. Chambers, C. V. Delong.
urday afternoon the large house
on the farm of Mr. George Dale, at
Dale’s Summit, near Shiloh church,
caught fire and was entirely destroyed.
No one knows exactly what caused the
conflagration. Most ot the furniture was
saved. The loss is estimated at $2,500
One of the engineering class di-
visions of The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege measured the volume and motive
power of the water in Bald Eagle creek,
at Milesburg, last Saturday. They
made estimates on twenty-four hours by
means of a small turbine wheel and va.
to | rious electrical appliances.
—1t is said that grass is so short in
many parts of the county that hay-
makers have difficulty in keeping it
from falling through the forks with
which they bandle it. The unusually
dry spring stunted the grass and has
made the wheat very low in stalk so
that there will be a scarcity of straw.
——Robbers entered tne store of
Thomas Gilmour, at Victor mines, near
Snow Shoe, cn Saturday night and car-
ried off between $350 and $400 worth of
goods, as well as $18 in cash. A great
many people were on the lookout for
the robbers on Sunday, but aside from
a lot of cost marks and chewing gum,
that wes found in Nuttall’s weods, there
was no trace of them left.
~—The remodeled Baptist church at
Philipsburg was opened for service last
Sunday morning. The interior im-
provement of the church was made at a
cost of $685, all of which has already
been subscribed except $240. Rev. F.
C. Davis, of New Britain, delivered the
sermon on the occasion of the re-open-
ening and the church was crowded with
people, all anxious to view the artistic
changes that had been made.
——1It won’t be long until J. Mal-
colm Laurie has his Bellefonte steam
laundry located in a building erected
expressly for it. Since being burned
out of the old foundry building at the
rear of this office, he has decided to find
better quarters and will build a laundry
on Water street, near the lock up. The
partially covered by insurance. to be completed by July 1st.
The entire community was startled to
learn of the sudden death of Mr. F. C.
Richards, which occurred at his home,
on east Linn street, in this place, on
Sunday afternoon. Very few of his
friends had heard of his being ill. In
truth there hadn’t been anything seri-
ous troubling him aside from a need of
rest and a change. It had been his cus-
tom for years to spend a week or so at
the sea shore every summer, and his
family, thinking that that was what
was needed advised him to go down last
week. He got as far as New York
where he was taken ill with heart
trouble and the proprietor of the hotel
at which he stopped, an old friend, tele-
graphed here of his condition. Edward
went on immediately and found his
father much recovered, but very anx-
ious to get back home. Upon return-
ing here he felt fairly well until Sun-
day, when he complained about an un-
easiness about his heart. He had been
smoking most of the day and being una-
ble to lie down went to his own room,
where a few moments later the boys
heard him gasping and ran to his side.
He was unconscious then and died in
five minutes, before a physician could
be summoned.
Frederic Constant Richards was
born at Locle, Canton Neuchatel,
Switzerland, on October 26th, 1826,
He came to America in 1848 af-
ter having completed his trade as a
watchmaker and opened a store here in
1871. When the war broke out he
enlisted and served honorably through-
out its entire duration and was a mem-
ber of Gregg post, G. A. R. No. 95, as
well as of the free masons.
As a watchmaker Mr. Richards knew
few, if any, more skillful mechanics.
He was entirely absorbed in his work
and had little enjoyment in anything
Deceased was 68 years old and leaves
a widow, one daughter and two sons:
The former, Constance, wife of Thomas
Hill, of Philadelphia; the Iatter:
Charles and Edward, both at home.
Funeral services were held at his late
residence Wednesday morning at 9
o’clock Gregg post and the Masons hav-
ing attended in a body, the burial being
made under the rites of the latter
CHILDREN’S Day. — Last Sunday
children’s. day was {appropriately ob-
served in the Methodist, Presbyterian
and Reformed churches. They were all
beautifully and elaborately decorated
with potted plants, roses and laurel.
The exercises in the Presbyterian and
Reformed churches: were held in the
morning and consisted of recitations and
songs by the little people and short ad-
dresses by the pastors, Dr. Laurie and
Rev. Gearhart.
In the Methodist church, after the in-
troductory address by Lulu Rine, in the
afternoon, the service prepared by Dr.
C. H. Payne, of the educational society
was rendered by Jennie Koontz, Edith
Otto, Katharine Schreffler, Josie Wil-
lard, Grace Blackford and Elizabeth
Rue, with Miss Lillie Smith as guardian
of the Golden Gate.
The members of the primary depart-
ment, one hundred and twenty in num-
ber, did themselves and their teacher,
Mrs. J. A. Woodcock, much credit.
Alice Lowry, Arthur Ward, Helen Ir-
vin, Mary Hicklen and Helen Rue, all
tiny little tots, delighted the audience
with their bows and appearance on the
platform, even if their voices were want-
ing, but Mary Crider, Helen Shaffer,
Frank Smith, Jennie Hafer, Rebecca
Hughes, Fanny Mulbarger and others in
the class did admirably in their recita-
tions, motion songs and commandment
and catechism drill. The evening ex-
ercises were a continuation of the after-
noon’s and from the modest man’s essay
on “the kind of a girl he would like to
marry,” to Elizabeth Rue’s collection
address, all were pleasing and good.
NEss,—On Tuesday H. Y. Stitzer sold
his stationery and book store in the
Reynolds’ bank building, on Allegheny
street, to Mr. C. J. G. Kurtz, of Read-
ing, who will conduct the business in
the future. He took charge the evening
of the day on which he made the pur-
chase. Mr. Stitzer will go back to the
practice of law and devote his time to
the management of his other business
interests hereabouts. It is possible that
R. M. Magee of Philadelphia, will re-
turn to Bellefonte to live and in such
an event the former partnership exist-
ing between him and Mr. Stitzer will
be renewed and they will once more be
listed among the legal firms of Belle-
there is any luck in four leafed clover,
then Robert Pearson is doubly sure to
have the best fortune beam upon him
for while walking across a field, in the
vicinity of the reservoir, a few days
ago, he was attracted by what he thought
to be a clover stalk with four leaves.
He picked it up to be amazed at finding,
building will be frame, 55ftx28ft, one | ed leaves.
story high, with engine room attached. |
It will be divided into. a wash room, anything in the old fable of luck ina
ironing room, dry room and a sorting |
It will be painted white and is |
instead of four, eight perfectly develop -
We saw the specimen and
know it to be genuine and if there is
four leafed clover then we envy Mr,
Pearson the fortune that must surely be
in store for him.
——Mr. Henry Brown, an esteemed
resident of Hublersburg, is said to be in
a precarious condition.
—W. W. Rugh, secretary of the
Lock Haven Y. M. C. A, has resigned
and will be married soon to an Indian-
apolis girl. :
—C. C. Cooke's saw mill on Marsh
Creek was entirely destroyed by fire
Wednesday night of last week. He had
no insurance.
——George Spangler and Jacob
Aikey, the two men who stole a steer
from Solomon Haagen, at Beech Creek,
last fall and killed it in the woods near
that town, have been sent to jail at Lock
Haven. Neither one of them could
procure bail,
——8. Peck Esq., is building a large
coal shed and grain elevator at Huston,
on the line of the C. R. R. of Pa. He
is determined to boom the new town
and is setting about it in a substantial
way. The elevator will have capacity
for 7,000 bushels of grain.
—— Hand hay rakes, hay forks, mow-
ing scytnes and grain cradles for sale by
McCalmont & Co.
——Many Lock Haven tax payers
have petitioned the court for an injunc-
tion restraining the council from paving
the streets in that place. They set forth
as reasons : that the city is already in
debt beyond the constitutional limit
and that water funds are being used, un-
lawfully, to pay other department ex-
——The farmers will have to do with-
out institutes this year. The funds in
the state treasury being so low no ap-
propriation was made for the purpose of
holding institutes. This will leave Hon-
John A. Woodward, of Howard ; Joel
Herr, of Cedar Springs and A. C. Sis-
son, of LaPlume, witha good bit of
time on their hands this fall.
——A fellow who was going to sell
Tyrone people magic yeast cakes, on
Saturday, started to walk across the
railroad bridge that spans the Juniata
river in that place. When he was about
midway on the structure a shifting en-
gine bore down upon him and with rare
through the trestle, hanging by hig
hands to a tie. He saved himself from
being knocked off, but had not strength
enough to draw himself up again,
after the engine crossed, and would have
dropped to the water, 25 feet below, had
not some other railroad men seen his
plight and rescued him.
——The South Bend chilled plow, the
farmers favorite plow at reduced prices
McCalmont & Co. 8t
News Purely Personal.
—Mrs. James Schofield, of South Thomas
street, is visiting Philipsburg friends.
—Miss Annie Shortlidge and Miss Ella Levy
spent Sunday in Westport with Mrs. James
—H. Elmer Yerger, a son of Mr. H. D. Yer-
ger of this place, is employed at Kittanning
Point, Blair county.
— George Hayes was one of the graduates,
last week, at the commencement of the med-
ical school of the University of Pennsylvania.
—Miss Martha McKnight, youngest daugh-
ter of Robert McKnight Esq., of Buffalo Run,
is visiting at 1814 Barker street, Philadelphia
—Bert Bayard is going to Boston to attend
the great gathering of Christian Endeavorers,
whic h conve:es in that city the second week
in July.
—Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sourbeck were at
West Chester yesterday seeing their daugh-
ter, Miss Mame, graduate from the convent
Villa Maria.
—Frank Shugert and Charles E. Dorworth
drove to Philipsburg, on Wednesday, to attend
the band tournament and races in that place
yesterday and to-day.
—General James A. Beaver was at Canons:
burg, Pa., on Tuesday, when the old log Col-
lege building that Rev. John MeMillin built
at McMillin 115 years ago, was moved to the
campus of Washington and Jefferson College
at W ashington.
—Mr. and Mrs Benj. Beaver came down
from State College yesterday to do some shop-
ping. Ben is about over the rush that com-
men cement always brings for him at the Col-
lege and feels that this year they had a finer
turn out than ever,
—Robert E. Urell Esq., of Tioga, Pa., was a
guest at the Bush House last week, during
his first visit to Bellefonte. Mr. Urell is quite
well known in political circles in the northern
part of the State and was a recent Democratic
candidate for Senator in the Potter, Tioga and
McKean district. The district is Republican,
however, and he was not elected.
—Dr. S. E. Noll, a son of the late Henry
Noll, of Pleasant Gap, left for Philadelphia last
Friday morning. He had been telegraphed
for on Thursday and went to the Quaker city
to accept an appointment as resident physi.
cian in the Medico-Chirurgical hospital there
We congratulate the doctor on his good
fortune. He was graduated in medicine only
about a month ago.
—Bright and early Monday morning Gott-
lieb and Mrs. Haag, of south Penn street, hied
themselves off to the P. R. R. station to start
for an extended visit to friends in New York
state. Mrs. Haag has a brother living in the
Empire state, and it is their intention to visit
him as well as friends in Philadelphia before
they return. Since retiring from the hotel
busi ness they have made up their minds to
enjoy a retired life and expect to spend no
little time in just such travel.
— Mr. Glenn Meek, of Altoona, who is travel.
ing for the Johns Asbestos Co.. of New York,
was in town a few days this week placing an
agency here fora novel invention that his
brother, Emory, has lately patented and gotten
on the market. Itis called an electrotherm
and is simply an electrical heater to take the
place of hot water bags and can be used for
electric street car heating as well as for build.
ings and hospital use. Itis a wonderful in.
vention and is destined to make its patentee
very rich.
presence of mind he let himself down |
NAME.—One of the stations on the
Beech Creek railroad is named ‘‘Pan-
ther Run,” and it is located ina most
picturesque part of the route traversed
by the railroad. “John of Lancaster,”
in an article written for the Williams-
port News, tells why “I onther Run’ is
so named, in the following words :
“Captain Sam Brady and Peter Grove
once pursued a band of murdering In-
dians up this little stream, and coming
upon their camp in the night killed a
big Indian named “Panther,” who had
scalped a number of white settlers in
Buffalo valley. The Indian path
leading over the mountains to the river
and Sinnemahoning, came up Beech
Creek to this run and then ascended it.
It was a favorite route for ‘sneaky’
Indians. Sam Brady knew this, and it
was here that he came ¢5 lie in wait for
them. And he got that particularly
bad one known to the white settlers as
the “Panther.” So it will be seen that
the little stream perpetuates more than
the name of an animal.— Ex.
——The Keystone side delivery hay
rakes and the Keystone hay loader are
now being sold at reduced prices. They
are the best in the field. McCalmont
& Co. 3t
It must be very gratifying to the prin-
cipal of the Bellefonte Academy and
his associate instructors to note the
good work recently done by boys who
have been trained at that institution.
James Marshall, who was prepared at the
Academy, was one of the first honor men
in the class of ’95, graduated from The
Pennsylvania State College last week.
Charles Kirk and Charles DeLong, two
later students at the Academy, were
among the three highest of those who
took the teacher’s examination recently
held in this place, for public school cer-
tificates ; while Fred Blanchard and Jay
Woodcock, who were prepared especial-
ly at the Academy, recently passed eat-
isfactory examinations for entrance to
Princeton. There is considerable sig-
nificance in this latter instance in that
the Bellefonte Academy is the only
school of its kind which has been grant-
ed the privilege of holding preparatory
examinations for Princeton.
A Harpy EVENT. At the residence
of Mr. Wm. Kerstetter, at Pleasant
Gap, on Tuesday evening, June 18th,
at 6 o'clock Mr. E. E. White and Miss
Minnie Steele, both of Axe Mann, were
united in holy matrimony, by Rev. J.
C. Young. The bride and groom are
young and we hope a long, happy voy-
age is before them over the sea of life to
the haven of rest and peace beyond
life’s transient dream.
——Buggies, carriages and phaetons,
a new stock just received and of the best
quality, call and see them. McCal-
mont & Co. 3t
——Business has been brisk with us
this season—the cause is easily explain-
ed, the right styles at the right prices.
We have already made some heavy
purchases of clothing for the coming
season, before any advance takes place—
all of which will be given to our cus-
tomers at the unusually low prices that
have prevailed this last spring. Clos-
ing out time has come with all our sum-
mer stock. Belts and white trousers a
specialty. MoxTtcoMERY & Co.
EsT.—-It is a question of dollars and
cents after all. No matter what people
say it is as natural to save a penny in
buying as it is to eat dinner at the din-
ner hour. Opportunities to make great
savings are not often to be had, but
Lyon & Co’s., big advertisement in
this issue affords just such a chance.
Read it and profit by the bargains it
holds out. A dollar saved is a dollar
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co.
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
Joes to press:
ed wheat....... 75
Rye, per bushel 50
Corn, ears, per bi 25
Corn, shelled, per bushel 50
Qats—new, per bushel 32
Barley, per bushel.......... 48
Ground Plaster, per ton.. 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel....uieiieeeeesenes 40
Cloverseed, per bushei.... §6 0C to §7 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel
Eggs, per dozen....... 12
Lard, per pound... 8
CountryShoulde 8
ides 8
Hams 12
I'allow, per poun 4
Butter, per pound. 12%
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belie-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
OWS: °
Oneinch(1211nes this t
Two inches...
Three inches.
uarter Colum €8).iiens
alf Column ( 9 inches).... .
One Column (19inches)...............
Advertisements in special column 25 per
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line........
Local notices, per line....ccuuiiieeenns
Business notices, per line .
Job Rrinting of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcumax office has
been refijte in PO Prassés sud New
Type, and eve ng in the printing line can
Po Dated in the most Meiel o manner and at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters snould be addressed tc
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.