A LarGE FaumiLy CAME TOGETHER. —The reunion of the Matterns at War- riorsmark, last Thursday, attracted con- siderable attention in this county owing to the well rooted branch of that family that has flourished in “Half moon’’ for years. The Grays, the Matterns and many other well known names to most of our readers are in the clan, in one way or another, so that the following account of their reunion from Monday’s Huntingdon News will be of interest to most of you : “The long-talked of gathering of the direct and indirect descendants of the early settlers in the Mattern family took place in Warriorsmark, Thursday, the morning exercises being held in the Methodist Episcopal church and those of the afternoon in the beautiful grove adjoining the town. The early morning trains, regular and special ‘on the Lew- isburg and Tyrone railroad, poured into the town a delegation of about six hun- dred representatives of the family, to which the people in the immediate zountry added enough more to swell the morning company to about one thou- sand people. At 9:15, according to pro- gram, the exercises began with prayer by Rev. W. A. Mattern, of Blair county, followed by the old and famil- iar hymn “Blest be the Tie that Binds,” excellently rendered by a select choir of the young members of the family. The address of welcome was delivered by Hayes W. Mattern, of Warriorsmark, and was filled with kindly greeting and hearty good wishes. The response was by Rev. J. A. Mattern, of Newton Hamilton, and was couched in words well chosen and forcibly expressed. The tribute to the honesty, integrity and piety of the elder Mattern people was one of which any family might well be proud. He made the following remarkable statement: “1 say it to the credit of the Mattern name, they have been a moral and a religious peo- ple. I know of no one who bears that name who is a drinker of strong drink to excess. I am acquainted with none who sell rum.” Miss Eva Mattern, of Pittsburg, a grand-daughter of Geo. W. Mattern, who was killed during the building of the present railroad bridge at Tyrone Forges, recited most artistically Will Carlton’s poem, ‘Over the Hills to the Poor House.” This recitation was heartily applauded ; as was also the genealogical history of his direct ances- tors as given by J. Randall Mattern, a very young man whose home is in Half Moon valley. The historical sketch of the Mattern family from the time of their advent in this country was then read by Hon. John W. Mattern, of Huntingdon, Pa. This was a most in- teresting paper and it was to be regret- ted that the enfeebled condition of the speaker made it impossible for many of those present to fully hear and enjoy this well prepared history. By motion of the assembly a vote of thanks was re- turned the author, with the request that the history be given publication. Brief addresses were then made by different ones of the elder members of the family after which the next two hours were spent in social intercourse and in dispos- ing of the well filled baskets and boxes which had formed so prominent a spec- tacle of the morning arrivals. By 2 p. m. fully fifteen bundred peo- ple had assembled in the Funk grove where a naumber of addresses were de- livered, one of the principal being by Hon. J. G. Love. The entire direct re- lationship present were then posed and photographed by R. A. Bonine, of Tyrone. The balance of the afternoon was spent in social intercourse and was much enjoyed. A permanent organi- zation was formed by the election of the following officers : President, Rev. Jno. A. Mattern; Newton Hamilton ; vice president, Wm. J. Mattern, of Franklin, Pa.; Dr. Wm. K. Mattern, of Philadelphia; John A. Mattern, of Danville, and Samuel H. Mattern, of Whiting, Ind.; treasurer, A. J. Mattern, of Tyrone; secretary, C. S. Jones, of Tyrone; corresponding secretary, Dr. W. H. Flenner, of Ty- rone ; Executive committee, John B, Mattern, of Buffalo Run. Jacob H. Mattern, of Warriorsmark, John W. Mattern, of Philipsburg, Jerry C. Mat- tern, of Hollidaysburg, and G. Perry Mattern, of Osceola. It was to be regretted that the threat- ening weather of the early morning de- terred so many who otherwise would have been there. The day all in all, was 8 most enjoyable one, and will be look- ed back to with pleasant recollections. The Logan band, of Altoona, made most excellent music during the day. Upon the platform at the morning’s session were the following aged re pre-. sentatives of the Mattern family : Mrs. Katie Gray, of Matternville,aged, 93 Geo. W. Mattern Franklinville ¢ 86 Mrs. M. Cryder, Warriorsmark ‘¢ 87 “ Julian Parks, Tipton it. 80 ¢ Elizabeth Jones, Tyrone, fs: 87 ¢ Jane Rohland, ¢ s“: 75 “ Alex Bobb, Martinsburg, “ 71 Samuel Fulton, Smecksburg, - ¢ 81 Jno. B. Mattern, Buffalo Run, “ 65 Jno. W. Mattern, Huntingdon, ¢ 74 —= Cultivators for one or two horses, spring or pin hoe at a way down prices. e are. lower than than the lowest on the prices on these clltivators. Me- Calmont & Co. 3 Higher Wages. Three Conshohocken Iron Industries Make In- creases. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., June 18.—Yes- terday the Conshohocken tube works started on double turn with a force of 100 men and an advance of 10 per cent. in their wages. On top of this Alan Wood company and the J. Wood & Bros company an- nounced to their employes that com- mencing July 1, the reduction made in October, 1894, would be put back. This means a general raise of 103 per cent, Atthe Alan Wood mills 400 men are affected and 600 at J. Wood & Broe. company, which, with the pipe mill make over 1,000. A NEW MILL FOR CHESTER. CHESTER, Pa., June 18.—The con- tract for a new mill has been awarded by Galey & Lord, which will employ 350 hands. ; IRON MILLS IN BLAST AGAIN Mavca CHUNE, Pa., June 18.—The Carbon iron and steel company’s plant at Parryville has resumed operatiors, after a shut-down of over a year. improvements amounting to over $100, 000 have been made at the plant. MINES START ON FULL TIME. Mavca Cnunkg, Pa., Juve 18.—The Lehigh & Wilkes Barre coal company started on full time yesterday morn: ing. GLOUCESTER PRINT WORKS START, The print works at Gloucester City, N. J., started up yesterday morning after four month's idleness. The works give employment to several hun- dred men and women. Pine Grove Mention. There is considerable speculation among sporting circles over Saturday’s base ball game. On that date the Lemont team is coming to do up our nine. The venerable Peter Keichline has been lying at death’s door for some time. His entire left side is paralyzed and his death may occur at any moment. Mr. C. B. McCormick has started out as a reformer, he is now preaching clean- linessdown in Nittany Valley, and indeed is meeting with much success as a wash- ing machine agent. He has sold sixty washers in a very short time down in Nittany, for the people recognize a good thing when they can get it and at grange prices too. The prolonged drought still continues and all vegetation is suffering. Unless rain comes very soon, our agricultural population will not enjoy the fat things of the land. The frost did more damage than was at first apprehended. With the currency question and short crops we have much to discourage us this season. Many of the oat fields have been turned into pasture lands while grass is scarcely worth cutting. . We desire to correct the name of the little girl who was assaulted, she is the daughter of John Holderman not Calderwood as we stated. Sheriff Eckley arrested George Goodwin the villain, who was given a hearing before 'Squire Miller when he was committed to fort Condo to await the action of the quarter sessions. He will in all probability serve a time in the reformatory. He is also charged with larceny. Mrs. Sarah, wife of Peter Louck is suf- fering from a partial stroke of paralysis. She left her home in the early morning to do the milking but not returning as soon as usual, search was made when she was found lying in the stable unconscious, she was carried to the house and for a time it was thought her life had gone but at this writing she is better, and it is sin. cerely hoped that her life may be spared. Last Sunday evening was dedicated by our M, E neighbors to the Children. The services were in charge of the pastor, Rev. Guyer, who commended both teach- ers and scholars for the excellent pro- gram. The music was excellent and the exercises good. Little Homer Decker, the boy orator was specially commended for one of his years. The church was pro. fusely decorated with roses and potted plants and blooming flowers and stand- ing room was in demand. Mrs. Annie Leech, widow of the late squire John Leech, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Black, in Altoona on the 18th inst, aged 82 years, from diseases incident to old age. She was a good and kind woman, who spent her busy life at Graysville where her memory will be revered. Her remains with a large num” ber of mourners came by rail to Penna Furnace on the a. m. train on the 19th. Interment was made in the Graysville cemetery on the hill, where her remains now repose by the side of her husband who preceded her years ago. On Monday the 17th the sad message was received hare announcing the death of Thomas Weaver, only son of D. M. Weaver of Bellwood. well for his boyhood was spent in this place where he was universally liked and respected. He was only twenty two years old and had been for some time a ! clerk in the R. R. office at Bellwood. Uneasinesss and worry over his father’s condition, which has been precarious tor months, broke his health down and his death came first. He wasa young man of excellent moral character and his death is exceptionally sad for his mother, who knows that her husband is suffering from an incurable disease. DEATH OF Mrs. GARNER.—Mrs. Sarah. wife of William Garner, died at her home | near Pine Hall the night of the 18th inst of paralysis and heart trouble aged 62 years and 11 days. About three years ago she received the first shock from which she lingered some months | unable to speak or move about. The last year, her health improved suf- ficiently to visit her children and aid in do- ing light work. Another attack brought | the death message and she has gone from ' whence none ever return. Thus anoth- er mentor of the family is gone and her kind and motherly acts haye left their impress on those left behind. She was a lifelong member of the Reformed church and was buried at Pine Hall on the 20th inst. Rev.A. A. Black had charge of the , large num. | religious services and a_very . ber of friends an d neighbors assembled to i Wm. K. Corl, D. Tanyer, Mrs, Franc Martin, { Daniel i pay the last tribute of love to one who d no enemies. Her children are Mrs. Mrs. Chr.s. Wright, Mrs. J H. A. and .» ll married, and with her hus- band mourn a good wife and kind moth- er. Mrs. Albert Hoy, of State College is her only sister. We knew him very ’ The Mate Found Guilty. LoxpoN, June 17.—The board of trade, the court of final judgment, has rendered a decision upon the reports of the Lowestoit inquiry into the circum- stances of the sinking of the North German Lloyd steamship Elbe through collision with the British steamer Crathie. The board finds that Craig, the mate of the Crathie, was alone at fault and bis commission is accordingly cancel: ed. Raised Ten Cents Per Day. SHARON, Pa., June 18.—The wages of the Shenango valley street car em- ploy’s have been advanced 10cents per day. Books, Magazines Etc. A number of extracts frora an amusing Japanese “Life of Ganeral Grant” will be printed in the July Century. The book was written and circulated soon after General Grant's tour around the world, but has become very rare. The author has the greatest re- spect for the soldier and statesman—this “Heaven-bestowed wise man”—and he ex presses it with true Oriental impressiveness. He pictures General Grant at the head of his troops, “shooting a glittering light from the midst of his eyeball, lifting up his sword) raising his great voicelike a peal of thunder.’ The iliustrations are characteristic. The “As. sassination of Linccln” represents the mar- tyred President struggling in the grasp of five men with up-raised daggers. New Advertisements. OR RENT.—Good seven room house on Allegheny Sesh, Bellefonte Apply to ROWN, Jr. 40-13 TOBIN, M. D., Ihsiclsn and surgeon T. offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office No. 7, North Spring street. 40-25-1y. OR SALE, CHEAP.—Will sell for cash, very cheap, house, stable and, lot. No. 57, Willow-Bauk street and ad- joining lot, No. 58. For information apply to 40°13-tf C. L. GATES, Bellefonte, Pa. OING TO CHURCH.—An active intelligent church member, male or female, wanted to represent usfor special work, Splendid inducements to right party. No capital needed. Reference required. Good pay’ Address GrLopeE BisLeE PUBLISHING Co., 723 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. 40-23-3t XECUTOR’S NOTICE. — Letters testamentary on the estate of John Powers late of Bellefonte borough, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Edward L. Powers residing in said borough, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. Crexest Dare. EDWARD L. POWERS. 40 19 6 Attorney. Executor. testamentary on the estate of Z. T. illiams, Dec’d, late of Walker township, Centre Co., Pa., having been granted the un- dersigned all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, proferly authenticated, for payment and those indebted will make immediate set- tlement thereof. MARY JANE WILLIAMS, Executrix. Bama NOTICE — Letter’s Ww Nittany, Pa. 40-16-6t* DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of Aaron Williams, late of Bellefonte bor- ough, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to W. H. Williams, of Port Malilda, Pa., and Mrs. Jennie Williams, of Bellefonte, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. W. BH. WILLIAMS, 40-20-5t MRS. JENNIE WILLIAMS. UDITOR'S NOTICE—In the Orphans Court of Centre county. In the estate of Joseph B. Kunes, late of Liverty township. . : The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said court to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant to and among those legally entitled thereto will attend to the duties of his Sppoment on Thursday the 18th of July. A. D., 1895, at 10:30 o'clock, a. m., at his office in the borough of Bellefonte when and where all parties in interest may appear and present their claims or forever A mri e debarred from gopoe in on said fund. H.C. QUIGLEY, 40-23-3t. Auditor. rpreasaL ASSESSMENT. APPEALS FOR "95. Notice is hereby given that the Commission- ers of Centre county will meet the taxpayers at the following times and places for the pur- pose of hearing and determining appeals for the triennial assessment of 1895. e time for hearing appeals will be between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 p. m., except where otherwise noted. Miles jownsip, Monday June 17th, at the election house, Rebersburg. Haines and Penn townships and Millheim Boro., Tuesday June 18th, at the election house, Millheim. Gregg and Potter townships and Centre Hall Boro, Wednesday June 19th, at the election house, Centre Hall. Harris and College townships, Thursday, June 20th, at the election house, Lemont. Ferguson township, Fridav June 21, at the election house, Pine Grove Mills. Spumg and Benner townships, Saturday, Jun. ‘ad, at the Commissioner’s office in Bellei. i _ Half Moon and Patton townships, Monday i June 24, at the election house, in Stormstown. Taylor and Worth townships, Tuesday June 25, at the election house in Port Matilda. Huston and Union townships and Union- ville Boro., Wednesday June 26, at the election house in Unionville Boro. Snow Shoe and Burnside townships, Thurs- | gay June 27th, at the election house in Snow ! Shoe. \ Walker and Marion townships, Friday June : 28th, at the election house, Hublersburg. Bogas township and Milesburg Boro. Satur. i day une 29, at the election house in Central ity. Howard, Liberty and Curtin townships and Howard Boro., Monday July 1, atthe election | house in Howard Boro. { _ Rush township and Philipsburg and South i Philipsburg Boroughs, Tuesday July 2,at the | public hall, Philipsburg. Bellefonte Boro., Wednesday July 3, at the Commissioners office, Bellefonte. Notice is hereby given to the Assessors of i the several aistricts that they be present with | the Board of Commissioners on the day of . said appeal in their respective districts, as i well as all persons who iy feel themselves aggrieved. Assessors will please bring all books and papers they have to the appeal. i A general appeal will be held at the Commis- ! gioners office, on Friday and Saturday, July 5th, and 6th, 1895. ersons wishing to { be heard at the general appeal must have the ' assessors present and arrange with them as to , their compensation. No appeals will be heard after the time above stated. GEO. L. GOODHART, T. FRANK ADAMS, Attest J.B. STROHM, R. F. HUNTER, Clerk, County Coms. Comes. office, Bellefonte, May 21, '95. New Advertisements. en Green’s Pharmacy. Katz& Co. Lim, E HAVE NO AGENTS but ship from our factory at wholesale pr ces. Ship anywhere for examination ; pay reight both ways if not Satis leon. 100 styles of Carriages. 90 styles of HARNESS, Send 4cts. for 112 page catalogue. ELKHART CARRIAGE & HARNESS Mfg, Co., 4018 10t Ww. B, PRATT, Sec'’y. Elkhart, Ind. ISS BLANCHE STRAUB, 29 ALLEGHENY ST. Ladies and childrens’ wear, Embroideries, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. CHILDRENS’ CAPS. Just received a fine line of Kai Ki silks for waists, 5 and 6 yds in piece, no duplicates. Sponge Crepon the new dresses. 40-17-3m EWIS' 98 PER CENT LYE POWDERED AND PERFUMED (PATENTED The strongestland purest Lye made. Unlike other Lye, it being a fine powder and packed in a can with removable lid, the contents are always ready for use. Will make the best per. fumed Hard Soap in 20 minutes without boil- ing, Itisthe best for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, “trees, etc. PENNA. SALT M'F’G CO. 40-20 6m Gen. Agts., Phila., Pa. pay STANDARD FOR THE WORLD. COLUMBIA BICYCLES. You see them everywhere. They differ from others in the chain, sprockets, hubs, bearings, cranks, pedals, tires, rims, tubing, handles, construction, finish and in every point of difference there is marked superiority. Columbias $100—Hartfords $80, $60 and §50— next to Columbias; Bargains in 2nd hand wheels. One lady’s Victor cheap. Send for catalogue. A. L. SHAFFER, Agt. 40-17-4m Bellefonte, Pa. interlining for > FE SUMMER COMPLAINT, —DIARRHEA— and relaxed Condition of the bowels there is nothing better than GREEN'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM. PRICE 25 Cis. mm SOLD AT em— GREEN'S PHARMACY. 0 00 00 0 GREEN'S INSTANT......... tetris .HEADACHE WAFERS, Have attained a very large sale, WHY ? Because they do the work, are the cheapest and those who use them recominend them to others. 25 ets. for box of 12, at GREEN'S PHARMACY. 40 21 3m Watchmaking-=- Jewelry. Daniel Irvin’s Sons, {&) TERLING SILVER ........ . .. TABLE WARE, “oe SILVER NOVELTIES SILVER PLATED WARE. —— ee 0000000000000 3 F. C. RICHARDS’ SONS JEWELERS. High St. opposite Arcade, ; BELLEFONTE, PA. 21 49 Faubles. os CASH HARDWARE. Screen Doors, complete with Spring Hinges, £1.00. Window Screens, 20 and 25 cents. Full length Mexican Hammock, 50 cents. Colored Cotton Hammock with Pillow and Spreader, $1.00. Scythe and Snathe, 85 cents. Hand Hay Rakes, 15 cents. 40 14 ES Faubles. Ends. and ends. value. early if you care 40-10 will save you big money. A CHANCE For you to save money that you cannot afford to miss. To make it plain for you we have started what we call a REMNANT SALE! It is simply the remnants of the best stock of Clothing ever shown in Centre county. Some people might call these goods Odds and But they are too New, too Nice and too Desirable to be con- founded with the ordinary odds They are merely one or two suits of a kind left from THIS SPRING’S STOCK and if you can find anything among them that will suit you we We do not quote prices because you must see the goods to appreciate their We would have you. call to take advantage of this money saving sale. FAUBLES, Clothiers and Furnishers, BELLEFONTE, PA. rpHE GLOBE. DRY GOODS. .......AND MILLINERY. SECOND WEEK OF OUR GREAT JUNE SALE. Such prices were not before made in the history of Retailing here. A keen blade cuts the prices and pares the profits on our merchandise to the lowest point yet. KEEP YOUR EYE ON OUR AD. Nobby ties for Ladies to wear with shirt waists, 25 cents, worth double what we ask for them. Silk Sun Umbrellas the $1.75 kind for $1.25 and the $2.50 kind for 81.69. 28 inch China Silk superb quality 49 cents, worth 75 cents, easy. We have it in ten different colors. Good stylish well made Wrappers 48, 69 and 95 cents. The material is worth more. Imported Dimities the 35ct. kind at 25 cents. Domestic Dimities at 12% and 15 cents. clusive styles. 10, Ex- White India Linen, 5 gents. White Check Nansook, 5 cents. Shantong Pongees, warm weather dress goods, 10 cents, both black and light grounds. Printed Sateens, the 15 cent kind at 1x1 cents. The 1214 cent kind at 9 cents. French Zephyr Gingham, 8 cents. Dress Ginghams at 5 cents. Best quality Apron Gingham, 5 cts. New lot Ladies Shirt Waists at 48, 69 and 85 cents. They are daisies. Ladies seamless fast black Hose, they are cheap at 15 cents, but still cheap- er at 10 cents, the price we sell them at. Regular made, those genuine imported goods. Our opening price was 35 cents or 3 pair for a dol- lar. Our price now is 21 cents. Great line of Ladies Muslin Underwear just opened. Night Dresses, Chemises, Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers. We bought them at a forced sale and will sell them at less than cost of material and trimmings. See dis- play in south window. Only one thing we say, we undersell the market. If you don’t believe it, come and see us. MILLINERY, and the best kind is be- ing cut without regard to value. KATZ & CO. Limited. Bellefonte, Pa. 40 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers