Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 14, 1895, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., June 14, 1895.
To CoaRESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of thewriter.
——Two year old Willie Bowser was
killed by an electric car in Lock Ha-
ven, on Tuesday evening.
—— Fishing Creek is getting so low
in water that there is hardly enough
power to drive the axe factories at Miil
——The band tournament and races
at Philipsburg on the 20th and 21st will
attract a large crowd of people to that
——Marie Wise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wise, of Bellefonte, died
on Tuesday afternoon. Her age was 2
years and 3 months. Interment in the
Catholic cemetery.
There are three cases of scarlet
fever in town, two children in Harry
Gehret’s family, on east High street, and
a child in Peter Keichline’s family.
Both places are under quarantine.
——A. OC. Mann’s large dwelling
house at Mill Hall was recently moved
a distance of thirty yards. The work
was so skillfully done that the vases
that stood on a mantel in the house
did'nt even have to be removed.
——Miss Anna R. Whitney, daught-
er of Rev. W. R. Whitney, of Philips-
burg, was married to Chas. H. Winder,
of Onanccck, Va., last Thursday. The
ceremony was performed at the home
of the bride's father who is well known
in this county.
——Rev. L. R. Janney, who lectured
Tuesday evening in the Methodist
church on ‘Life in India” is a very
pleasant and entertaining talker. His
lecture was replete with interesting facts
and personal observations and it was a
great pity that more did not hear him.
———Children’s day will be celebrated
Sunday in the Methodist and Presby-
terian churches. The Presbyterians
will have their services in the morning
and the Methodist will have their exer-
cises in the afternoon when an enter-
taining programme will be carried out
by the children, amid elaborate decora-
——Captain Stephens, Col. Jimmy
Young, Col. J. S. Kent and old Mr.
Campbell will be very apt to remember
the good time they had at Bellefonte’s
Centennial—all of them had pockets
into which other folks poked their fin-
gers and extracted money, ranging in
sums from $10 to $100.
—-— Mrs. Eliza Pifer, widow of Jacob
Pifer, deceased, died on last Sunday
evening at the residence of her daughter
Mrs. Adam Bucher, 212 Sixth avenue,
Altoona, Pa., after a lingering illness
from sappoplexy. She was formerly a
resident of Pine Grove Mills, this coun-
ty, and died at the advanced age of 81
years. She was buried in the Green-
wood cemetery, Altoona.
——--In theindustrial parade on Fri-
day last Mr. L. C. Bullock of Miles-
burg, bad a most creditable display.
Among other things was a gipsy wagon,
finished in the most artistic style. Some
people we understand have an idea that
the wagon was a gotten up affair for
show only. When we tell them that it
was built for a gipsy down the country
at & cost of $650. They can imagine
the kind of a “get up” it was.
-~—On Friday morning a man nam-
ed J. C. Wilson was brought to jail in
this place for having stolen a gold watch
that belonged to Mrs. Lukens, of Phil-
ipsburg. He stole the watch from the
residence of Mrs. Richards, who is Mrs.
Lukens’ mother. Wilson is an assumed
name, but the thief refuses to divulge
his identity, as he claims to have sprung
from a very respectable Washington
family upon whom he does'nt want the
disgrace of his plight to fall.
-—— While yesterday’srain wesineed-
ed badly it could not help but interfere
with the success of the Mattern reunion
which was held in Funk’s grove, near
Warriorsmark. A great family gather-
irg was anticipated. Most of the three
thousand invilations issued had been
accepted and arrangements had been
meade for a very pleasant day. Hon.
John W. Mattern, of Huntingdon,
to have delivered the historical address
and other well known members of the
family bad their part on the program.
— While the fakirs in town last week
were many they were jollied so by the
firemen that their harvest was not great.
The pickpockets, however, got there in
great shape. James Young, a traveling
man well krown in this section, was re-
lieved of twenty-five dollars. Mr.
Summers, of Beech Creek, and one of
the Holters lost every cent they had with
them. Mr. Kent, had his pockets rifled
to the tune of seventy-five dollars and
his ticket to Colorado. Sam Ewing, of
the College, is looking for thirty-eight
dollars: Mrs. Beezer, Mrs. Saterfield,
Mrs. Hazel, and the many others who
are out of pocket will long remember
the Centennial.
Another Class of Graduates From The
Pennsylvania State College.
The Centre County Institution of Learning.—
Growing in Everyway.—The Story of an In-
teresting Commencement Week.
Though the average person would be
confounded at hearing the closing of a
collegiate course spoken of in any other
terms than that of a commencement, yet
strange as it may seem, there is no well
understood reason why the exercises at-
tending the graduation of a class from
any institution of learning are spoken of
collectively as commencement. Unless,
perchance, it signifies the beginning of
the real life for men and women, who
have heretofore been more or less de-
pendent on parental care. :
The 29th annual commencement
at The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege opened with the baccalaureate ser-
mon, on Sunday. Rev. Dr. D. R. Breed,
of Pittsburg, preached from the text
“Godliness is profitable unto all things’’
—1I Timothy, 4-8. The minister did well
in abstaining from high flown philosoph-
ical discussions and did a good work
for the students in a simple, practical
talk on the profit of Godliness. The ser-
mon was necessarily directed to the mem-
bers of the graduating class, who oc”
cupied the front seats in the pretty little
chapel, and the seeds of good sown on
Sunday in that talk will never be known
until they blossom forth in the lives of
those who heard them.
The chapel was crowded with people
to hear the baccalaureate sermon. The
day was perfect and the many students
"with their visiting friends spent the day
that was left to them in roaming idly
about the well kept campus. The
grounds surrounding the institution
were in excellent condition, but the
want of rain was made very evident in
the brown, dusty lock thatthe grass
had and the dulled green of the over-
banging maples, the pride of the
Monday proved a twin of Sunday.
The weather could not have been finer
had it been a special order for the oc-
casion: Visitors continued arriving all
day, until by noon there seemed more
there than ever before. There being no
particular exercises scheduled for the
morning most of those already arrived
at the College spent it resting for the
festivities yet to come.
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the 6th
annual inter-class athletic contests were
held, on Beaver field under the auspices
of the athletic association. The officers
in charge were .
Referee, J. M. Wolfe; starter, G. W.
Hoskins ; judge of cycling, Geo. Bush
L. A. W.; track judges, Prof. Foss,
Prof. Ihlseng and H. A. Lardner;
timers, M. M. Garver, E. H. Dunkle
and J. A. Hunter ; clerk of the course,
E. J. Haley; assistant clerk, W. J.
Moore ; judge of walking, Dr. H. P.
Fernald ; scorer, Nesbit ; grand marshall,
W. A. Lyon ; assistant marshalls, J. S
Harris and P. F. Sellers ; announcer,
H. M. Beaver.
The events, run as follows, resulted
100- Yard Dash--Won by C. M. Thompson,
96; second, Cumin, "95; third, Warn, 98,
Time, 11 seconds.
120- Yard Hurdle—Won by Harder, 95 ; sec-
ond, Rawn,’98; third, Conrad, '97. Time,
17 4-5 seconds.
2- Mile Bicycle Race—Won by Greenland, "96 ;
second, Sprecher, '98 ; third, Tyson, '97. Time,
5 minutes 40 1-5 seconds.
440- Yard Dash—Won by McKibben, '36 ; sec-
ond, Kaiser, '98; third, Price, '96. Time,
54 4.5 seconds.
Half-Mile Run—Won by Price, '96 ; second,
Espenshade, '98. Time, 2 minutes 17 seconds.
One-Mile Walk—Won by Taylor, '98 ; second,
Painter, '98 ; Price, '96, ruled out for running.
Time, 8 min utes 44 seconds.
One-Mile Run—Won by Price, '96 ; second.
Espenshade, ’98 ; third, Keenan,'98. Time, 5
minutes 53 seconds.
220-Yard Dash—Won by Thompson, 96 ;
second, McKibben, "96; third, Conrad, '97.
Time, 25 seconds.
Throwing the Hammer—Won by Fisher, '96 ;
second, McGee, '97; third, Dixon, "06. Distance®
91 feet 6 inches.
Pole Vault—Won by Thompson, 95 ; second,
McKibben, ’96 ; third, Galloway, 98. Distance,
8 feet feet 10 inches.
Running High Jump~Won by Harder, '95 ;
second, Bowen, '96 ; third, Cutnmins, '93;
Height, 5 feet 6 inches.
Running Broad Jump—Won by Rawn, '98;
second, Harder, '95; third, Cummins, 95
Eighteen feet 614 inches.
Putting the Shot—Won by Fisher, 96 ; sec-
ond, McGee, '97 ; third, Rawn, 98. Put, 34 feet
7 inches,
The total number of points won'by the re-
spective classes was as follows: '05, eighteen
and one-half ; 96, fifty-five ; '97, six and one"
half; ’98, thirty-one.
The evening found the chapel packed
with people to heer the Junior’s contest
in oratory. and after music by Stopper
& Fisk’s orchestra Gen. Beaver, Presi-
dent of the Board of Trustees, assumed
charge of the exercises in the absence of
Dr. Atherton, who was forced to remain
at home owing to indisposition. The
programme was carried through as fol-
lows :
Oration—Education and the Laboring Classes»
Raymond Adam Klock, Tiadaghton.
Oration—The Young Man in Politics,
Lewis Benscoter Carter, Retta.
Oration—The Lack of Reverence in American
Youth, Waller Addison Lyon, Harrisburg.
Oration— Electricity,
Frank Woodward Jessop, York.
Oration—Hidden Fires,
Frederic Alter Hemphill, Allegheny.
Oration—Lasting Impressions, i
John Frank McCormick, State College.
When John Frank McCormick had
concluded his last sentence, a pretty
tributejto maternity, the judges : Con-
gressman ‘‘Jack’”’ Robinson, of Media;
Prof. C. Alfred Smith, of Chicago, at
one time professor of chemistry at the
College and J. S. Weller, Esq., 89, dis-
trict attorney of Bedford county, filed
out to come to & conclusion as to which
of the six orators had excelled in the
various requirements laid down. Of
course there were many who thought
the judges would decide at once on Mr.
McCormick and then others believed
that Mr. Carter was best, but when the
announcement, that Mr. Hemphill had
been deemed the best, was made all re-
vised their opinions and agreed with the
As far as delivery and force were con-
cerned Messrs. Carter and McCormick
far surpassed any of the other cortest-
ants. They seemed enthused with their
themes and entered into the work with
a vigor and earnestness far removed
from the average student oratorical
After the contest many of the visitors
were entertained at the Phi Gamma
Delta, Beta Theta Pi and Phi Kappa
Sigma fraternity houses, where dances
were given. The two former having
divided the Stopper & Fisk orchestra to
procure music for dancing. The late
moon had risen far above Nittany’s
head ere the last tired couple found their
resting places for the night and slept,
while bright dreams of the morrow,
scurrying through their tired brains,
only cessed when the morning sun
peeped in to tell them Tuesday had
Tuesday was by long odds the busiest
day of the week. Every hour was taken
up with something or other and not the
least of it all were the meetings relative
to the government of the institution.
As early as 8:30 the old graduates of
the College, who had returned, met as
the alumni association and transacted
the usual routine business, included in
which was the election of officers for
the current year. They were all re-
elected except Prof. C. A. Smith 61, of
Chicago, who will succeed J. Price
Jackson ’89, of State College, as presi-
dent of the association.
The artillery salute at 9:45 was ex-
pected to waken late sleepers, but when
Commandant McCaskey’s squad of ar-
tillerymen, under Lieut. B. F. Fisher,
the stalwart atiblete, assembled at the
armory to man the guns they found
several of them spiked and all the rounds
of ammunition, but two, gone. The mid-
night pranks of happy students had done
the work of the artillerymen many hours
before they turned out for duty, so two
lone shots had to suffice for the usual
Gubernatorial salute of seventeen guns.
The Board of Trustees met at 10
o’clock in the chapel and had hardly fin-
ished their work when the call was made
for the alumni dinner at noon. The
business transacted at this meeting was
not made public, but 1t is generally un-
derstood that it had considerable bear-
ing on the work that has been planned
in consequence of the recent legislative
appropriation, to the College, of $212,-
000. The specific purposes for which
the mcney is to be used have not been
announced yet, but we were able to
learn that first of all, all the indebted-
nest of the College, except its bonded
obligation, is to be wiped out. Then
there is a sufficient amount provided for
the completion of the Mechanical
Engineering building, which is in sub-
stance really to pay & debt contracted
for its completion. Each of the depart-
ments are to have sums ranging
from $2,000 up for maintenance;
there is a portion for insurance and
lastly, the old stcne building is to be
improved with a new roof that will give
it a more modern appearance. We
speak of “improvement” with a reser-
vation in this instance, for it is a ques-
tion in the minds of many whether the
maseive old building can be improved.
It is the only familiar remnant of the
College of the sixties and to our mind |
itis more imposing in the solemn severity
of its present construction, than if it
would be capped with later day
minarets, domes and angles.
One of the best things done at this
meeting was the raising of the salary of
the President. It haslong been a cause
for wonderment that Dr. Atherton
should remain at the College, when ig
was known that he was continually re-
ceiving most flattering offers from ail
parts of the country. His love for State
and his untiring desire to place her on
a level with the most advanced universi-
ties of the land is the only reason thay
could be ascribed for his remaining her
President in the face of such conditions.
The increase was granted without solici-
tation and was an action in which the
Trustees recognized a service that even
under the new salary can never be fully
The alumni dinner was served in the
Armory, as usual, and furnished enter-
tainment for several hundred people for
nearly three hours. Caterer Achen-
bach, of this place, had charge of it and
of course the substantial part of the din-
ner was satisfactory. It seemed strange
to the old men not to see Hon. Francis
Jordon, of Harrisburg, present -to
preside. The dinner has been under his
especial care for years, but Gen. Bea-
ver filled his vacant chair, on Tuesday,
and did it with his accustomed grace.
Among those who responded to the
toasts that were proposed were :
Hon. “Jack” Robinson, of Media ;
General Latta; Congressman C. W.
Stone ; Judge John Greer, of Butler ;
Prof. C. Alfred Smith, of Chicago ; J.
S. Weller Esq., 89 of Bedford and
Chas. W. Burket, a member of the
graduating class.
At the meeting of the delegates and
alumui to elect trustees for the termes
of office to be filled the following were
chosen : ex-Senator Hood, of Indiana ;
Andrew Carnegie, Pittsburg ; Judge H.
B. White, Washington and J. A. Herr,
Clinton. Judge Cyrus Gordon. of Clear-
field, was elected alumni trustee.
The exhibition drill of the cadet
corps under Commandant Lieut.; E. W.
McCaskey, U.S. A. was given at 3
o'clock and notwithstanding the
threatening weather a large crowd
gathered on the parade ground to
watch the manceuvers. The new tac-
tics have eradicated many of the pret.
ty evolutions that the cadets used to
execute, but they made a fine exhibi-
tion in their drill, on Tuesday. The
appearance of the entire corps in white
duck trousers and blue blouse was de-
cidedly pretty and elicited much admi-
The closing exercises of Tuesday
were the address before the alumni as.
sociation, by Hon. John B. Robinson,
of Media ; the faculty reception to the
alumni in the ladies’ cottage and the
Adelphi club dance at the Inn. The
address was made in the chapel on the
subject “Forces that make for Civili
The graduation day, proper, came
with Wednesday morning, and the
thirty-five men who were to leave col-
lege were seated on the rostrum with
the faculty and trustees when the ex-
ercices began at 10 o'clock. The fol.
lowing program was carried out :
Oration—The Monroe Doctrine, Budd Gray.
Oration—The Coming of Liberty,
David Leslie Patterson, Jr.
Oration—Utility the Criterion of Worth
Ralph Lachelle MacDonald,
Oration—The Ideal Voter,
Melvin Jesse Kieffer.
Valedictory Oration, Byron Barnes Horton.
Commencement Address—The Hon. Robert
C. Ogden, of Philadelphia.
Conferring Degrees and awarding prizes.
> ‘The honor men of the class were lst
Gray, Green, Harder, Marshall, Wie-
land ; 2nd, Burkett, Horton, Kiefer
McDonald and Smiley.
Prizes were awarded as follows:
the English prize, to the student in the
Prep. department excelling in the Eng-
lish branches, to Henry Passmore
Newell, Towanda. The McAllister
prize to Edward Bowman Espenshade,
Lancaster. The Junior Oratorical
prize to lst, Walter A. Hemphill, Alle
gheny ; 2nd, Lewis Benscoter Carter,
The members of the graduating class
were :
H. McA. Beaver, Bellefonte; C. W. Burkett,
Remington; T. R. Cummins, Conneaut, O.
H. G, Fleck, Allegheny; H. H. Geary, Cata-
wissa; W. K. Gibboney, Belleville; Budd
Gray, Tyrone; G. D. Green, Fillmore; R. B.
Greer, Butler; J. E. Hall, Fleming; E. P.
Harder, Catawissa; E. H. Harris, Bellefonte;
J. L. Harris, Sharon; S. F. Herr, Parnassus;
B. B. Horton, Sheffield; M. J. Kiefer, Sun:
bury; R. L. MacDonald, State College; J. G.
Marshall, Bellefonte; R. F. Martin, Skane-
ateles, N. Y.; Robert Mathias, Chalfont; W.
J. Moore, Altoona ; D. L. Patterson, Jr., Alle
gheny; H.C. Peffer, Tarentum; L. A. Reed,
Alexandria; J. F. Rodgers, Allegheny ; T. W.
Rutherford, Harrisburg; G. E. Seibert, Belle
fonte ; W. P. Smiley, Factoryville; G. B. Sny.
der, State College; J. E. Snyder, State College
G. K. Spence, McKee’s Rocks; R. W. Wieland,
State College ; B, F. Williams, Wilkesbarre ;
H. L.. Wishart, Wells’ Tannery; W. A. Hare
vey, Scranton; Miss M. B. MacDonald, State
The commencement address by Hon.
Robert C. Ogden, of Philadelphia. a
partner of John Wanamaker, was con-
sidered the best one ever delivered at
the College. Without any prepara:
tion, whatever, he gave such & talk be-
fore that crowded chapel as thorough.
ly delighted all who were there and
made them lose sight entirely of the
uncomforts of the heat.
The exercises were successful and
entertaining throughout and marked a
pew standard for those in years to
During the afternoon the College
ball team, played the Demorests, of
Williamsport, on Beaver field, and
easily defeated them, in the best play-
ed game of the season, by the score of
The Junior Assembly in the Armory
in the evening made a delightful clos:
ing for the week's exercises and the
¢ix hundred and more people who
| were on the floor were convinced that
"it was one of the nicest affairs they
"bad ever attended.
——About the time of the closing
ceremonies of our Centennial on Friday
afternoon, the alarm of fire was sound-
ed, which proved to bein J. Malcolm
Laurie’s steam laundry. This building
is known asthe old Bayard foundry
and had been refitted for laundry pur-
poses by placing a board ceiling above
the second story, thus forming a loft
next the roof. The fire was started in
the second story—the wood work being
very dry ; it leaped like a flash from the
second story into the loft. It appears
that Mr. Laurie was out of the building
when the fire took place. As soon as
the alarm was given, Roy McCalmont
and George Harman gathered up four
hand grenades, which are quart bot-
tles containing a chemical fire extin-
guishing liquid and hastened to the
building where they succeeded in ex-
tinguishing the flames in the second
story ; but the fire having already gotten
into the loft, next the roof, they were
not able to inject the chemicals into
that locality. In the meantime, John
S. Walker and Isaac Underwoed at-
tached the small hose to a hydrant in
the Hale building, the water from which
also assisted in keeping the fire out of
the second story until the firemen ar-
rived with their large fire hose ; when
holes were cut into the loft through
which a supply of water was forced and
the fire was soon extinguished. Mr,
Laurie and Mr. Kearns, one of the em-
ployees of the laundry, state that the
chemical fire extinguishers furnished by
McCalmont & Co. were very effective,
wherever the liquid was applied to the
burning flames. >
—— Cultivators for one or two horses,
spring or pin hoe at a way down prices.
We are lower than than the lowest on
the prices on these cultivators. Me-
Calmont & Co. 3t
News Purely. Personal.
—William Fisher, of Flemington, was a
visitor in town last week.
—A. 8. Boalich and wife, cf Osceola Mills,
spent Centennial week in Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reederand their son
Wallace will sail for Europe on the 29th:
—Harry U. Tibbens and his wife came over
from Altoona last week to join in the celebra-
—Mrs. Neglie, of Beech Creek, visited her
daughter Mrs. John Trafford of Lamb streets
this week.
Mrs. Jas. Pierpoint of East End, Pittsburg,
wit h her children and nurse are s‘opping at
the Bush House.
—D. Dunkle Esq., was up from Mingoville
last week and made the printer's heart glad
by paying for his paper in advance.
— Mrs. Barbara Rankin and her daughter
Miss Bella left this morning for an extended
visit in Philipsburg and Harrisburg.
—G. H. Hile, of Pleasant Gap, who has been
wor king at Du Boise for some time has left
the employ of Harry Loeb and is now travel”
— Miss Carrie E. Gramley, who has been in
D akota Ill. for more than a year, is home at
her father’s Mr. James Gramley, on Bishop
—Andrew Morrison of Williamsport and
John Bartruff, of San Jose, Cal., were two
Bellefonte boys, older grown, who attended
and enjoyed the Centennial.
—Paul J, Myler Esq., of Pittsburg, passed
through town on a morning train,on Monday,
on his way to Commencement at{The Pennsyl-
vania State College. It was his first visit to
the College. :
—George Poorman Esq, came over from
Osceola Mills, to see the Centennial last week
and visit some of his relatives who live at
Coleville. He was much pleased with the
—Mr. P. W. McDowell, one of the WarcH-
mAN’s oldest readers, was in town last Saturday
and called tosee us. He resides at Mackey.
ville, one of the prettiest places in the whole
Nittany valley.
—James Johnston, who reads the WarcaManN
regularly at his home near Zion was in town
last week and made the editor feel more like
celebrating the Centennial by leaving some
money behind him.
— Among the many Centennial visitors in
town were Miss Dumbleton and her brothers
daughter and son of James Dumbleton Esq.,
of near Philipsburg. While here they were
guests at the home of Miss Anna Green on
Water street.
— Judge J. H. Smith, of Lock Haven, gets
up h ere quite frequently, but it is not so often
that he favors this office with a call. He was
in last week, however, and says the Mill Hall
brick works, in which he is interested, are
busier than ever. ,
-— Miss Ella Switzer, of Philipsburg, is off for
London, Eng., as a national delegate to the
W. C. T. U. convention that will convene
there on the 14th'inst. She sailed on the City of
Ber lin and will be gone until September. She
will visit the continent while abroad.
—Mrs. and Mrs. George B. Brandon came up
from Carlisle last week presumedly to attend
the celebration, but from the admiration and
attention their little daughter Winifred is re.
ceiving at her aunt’s Mrs. Rowe's. We imagine
that she was the cause of their coming.
—After a ten days visit to their relatives in
this place Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Keller
and their little son Daniel, left Wed"
nesday for their home in Lancaster. We
know Will is getting along splendidly for no
one could look as well as he does and be as
happy if his clientage did not pay.
—Harry Green came over from Philipsburg,
last Wednesday, to spend the remainder of
the week with his parents here. He was
tickled almost to death with the Centennial
demongtrations and returned to his adopted
home, Monday morning, firm in the conviction
that Bellefonte is the place after-all.
—Lieutenant and Mrs. Samuel S. Pague,
were in town over Sunday the guests of Mrs.
Louisa Bush. They were on their way to the
commencement at the State College, where
the Lieutenant was Commandant from'sé to’89
and a more popular or capable man was never
detailed to take charge of the boys at the Col.
—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rankin left Wedunes.
day morning for Harrisburg where Ed has a
position awaiting him in the Insurance de-
partment. They expectto go to house keep- :
ing in a few weeks. John Wilson formerly
with the B. C. R. R. Co., has been appointed to
succeed Ed. as manager of the Western
Union office here.
—— Philipsburg expects, and we have
no doubt will have, a big time at the
band tournament which comes off in
that place on the 20th and 21st inst. In
addition to the music, parades and gen-
eral festivities that will be enjoyed the
following programe of sporting events
kas been prepared ;
Road Race—First, set of harness; second
blanket ;-third, whip. Open to all horses that
have never raced for money.
Running Race--Purse £100. One-half mile
and repeat. Money divided 50-35-15. Three
to start.
Foot Race—100 yard handicap foot race
Purse £30. Divided 15-10-5. :
Dog Race—2(0 yard handicap dog race.
First, one pair of silver cut glass vases, pre”
sented by Wm. Perker, valued at Forty dol-
lars; second, ten dollars; third five dollars.
Foot Race—2C0 yard handicap foot race
Purse 830. Divided 15-10-5.
Sack Race—50 yard sack race. Purse $6,
Divided 3-2-1.
Horse Race—2.28 class for trotters and pac:
ers. Purse $100.
Two bicycle races each day.
Band convention} first day and contest
second day. Sports to commence at 1 o'clock
p. m. each day.
——The South Bena chilled plow, the
farmers favorite plow at reduced prices
McCalmont & Co. 3t
On June 20th, the Central R. R. of Pa,
will move trains to Hecla park as fol-
lows ; Leave Mill Hall for Hecla-park
at 8:1%3s. m., 9:123. m,, 12.00 m., 5:05
p: m., 7:45 p. m., and 9:37 p. m. Leave
Bellefonte for Hecla park at 7:40 a. m.,
10:20 a, m., 2:00 p. m., 3:33 p. m., 6.15
p. m., and 8:15 p. m.
For further and detailed information
as to movement of trains for this date
consult ticket agents or special schedule
published by the Central road.
——The Keystone side delivery hay
rakes and the Keystone hay loader are
now being sold at reduced prices. They
are the best in the field. McCalmont
& Co. 3t
——Next week we will give a full
account of the recent meeting of Pomona
grange at Milesburg. Want of space
precluded its publication this week.
——Hand hay rakes, hay forks, mow-
ing scythes and grain cradles for sale by
McCalmont & Co. 3t
—On account of the grangers gathering
on Saturday, June 15th, the Central R.
R. of Penn’a., will sell round trip tick-
ets from all stations to Hecla park and
return at the usual picnic rates. In ad-
dition to regular trains, special trains
have been scheduled as follows for that
day. Leave Bellefonte for Mill Hall at
10:30 a. m. Leave Mill Hall for Belle-
fonte at 12:30 p. m. Leave Bellefonte
for Hecla park at 2:00 p: m. Leave
Hecla park for Bellefonte ai 4:00 p. m.
——Buggies, carriages and phaetons,
a new stock just received and of the best
quality, call and see them. McCal-
mont & Co. 3
——The coming Centennial of Belle-
fonte—will be an enormous and phe-
nomenal success, mark our work for it.
Our clothing business is going to be
greater than ever--and to enable you to
“fall into line’’—we give you all tke
opportunity you can possibly wish.
Buy clothing, hats, mens furnishings,
ladies waists, chemisettes, ties and Ster-
ling silver sets for waists from us.
MoxTgoMERY & Co. tailors and
EsT.--It is a question of dollars and
cents afterall. No matter what people
say it is as natural to save a penny in
buying as it is to eat dinner -at the din-
ner hour. Opportunities to make great
savings are not often to be had, but
Lyon & Co’s., big advertisement in
this issue affords just such a chance.
Read it and profit by the bargains it
holds out. A dollar saved is a dollar
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press:
ed wheat....
. 30
Corn, ears, per b ‘ 25
Corn, shelled, per bus 50
Oats—new, per bushe 32
Barley, per bushel.. 43
Ground laster, per 9 60
Buckwheat per bushe. 40
Cloverseed, per bushel to 87 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ........c.cussssissesiisnin 80
Eggs, per dozen... 12
Lard, per pound... 8
CountryShoulders 8
ides 8
Hams... 12
I'allow, per pound. . 4
Butter, per pound.... - 1217
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday EI0TRing: in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); 82.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
Oneinch(1211nes this type
Two inches....
Three inches. 1018] 20
uarter Colum 12/2] 8
alf Column ( 9 inches 20 | 85 | 50
One Column (19 inches, 35 | 55 | 100
Advertisements in special
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts
Local notices, per line....ccuueeene 25 cts,
Business notices, per line +... 10 cts.
Job Rrinting of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcaman office has
nen refitted with Power Presses and New
Twvne,and everything in the printing line can
Le axecuted in the most artistic manner and at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters anould be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.