Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 14, 1895, Image 1
AL UDINE. Sra BY PRP. GRAY MEEK. m——— Ink Slings. —The ticket is made. Now the next thing to do is for the Democrats to elect it. —The Cuban revolution is still be- tore the people, but the average Cuban revolutionist is usually behind a tree or a fence. —The Legislature just adjourned ap- propriated $817,000 for salaries for new officials and increases for old ones dur- ing the present session. —When HARRISON visits WANA- MAKER and then says there is no poli- tical signification in it, ordinary people are excused if they laugh. —The sweet girl graduate who has'nt sized up to an honor position in her class puts a few more yards of dimity in her sleeves and looks just as puffed up as the valedictorian, —The fellows who had their pockets picked during the Centennial have some satisfaction, at least, in the thought that other people have been informed that they had some money on their clothes —“Two Students Shot” was a start- ling head line in Monday’s papers and many readers were surprised, when they read the particulars, to learn that bullets, not rum, were the missiles of destrue- tion. —To-day is the anniversary of the adoption of the stars and stripes as the national emblem. Cumberland county people should pay particular attention to their Representative, BEN SPANGLER. A man who loves the flag as BEN does should not be neglected on an anniver- sary of this sort. —The Legislature adjourned at noon on Saturday and signalized its comple- tion of work by ousting Senator Lav- BACH, of Northampton county, and giv- ing HELLER his seat. Senator LAUBACH is to be congratulated that he has thus been freed from connection with such a disreputable body of law-makers. —The Legislature adjourned on Sat- urday and the robbers left Harrisburg for their respective homes as soon as they could. While they all acted as though they were glad to get away everyone knows how much of an effort it must have been for them to let go the public teat they have sucked so hard since January. —The rate at which many State papers are cackling over the defeat of the apportionment bills at Harrisburg is enough to give their readers an attack of bilious colic. There is nothing that Republican Legislatures cannot be guilty of and this offense should not be looked upon as a crowning act of wicked- ness. It was only a case of dog eat dog, and QUAY carried off the canine bone. —Seven Big Run girls were bathing in Mahoning creek, near DuBoise, on Sunday, when all of them got in too deep and four were drowned. One of the girls could swim and was able to save two of her companions. They were all between 13 and 16 years old and came of well known families. There is a little raoral attached to this sad story which should teach young women to stay out of the water when they want to go swimming on Sunday. --Editor HARTER, of the Gazette made a Decoration day s peech at Phil- ipsburg and of course it was one of his regular pyrotechnical effusions, larded over with cheap poetry. He managed to veer oft at one place long enough to lie a little about ex-President Lincoln. He declared that the war time Presi- dent had offered to sattle the trouble without a fight by paying for all the Slaves. Just where Mr. HARTER got a ‘scoop’ on this bit of news we are un- able to learn. —President CLEVELAND has been in- vited to make the address at the formal opening of the new two million dollar CARNEGIE library in Pittsburg. What, with giving all hands a ten per cent in- crease and having GROVER on this oc- casion, more could Democrats want to prove ANDY'’s affiliation for Democracy ? ‘Why it was only a short time ago that he declared that the WiLsoN bill would do the country good and now he is cer- tainly proving his assertion in a way calculated to make the average Repub- lican sick. —There was something really pa- thetic in the appeal of the Mennonites, Dunkards, Moravians and Quakers, who appeared in delegations at Harris- burg, asking the Legislature not to pass the religious garb bill that would prohibit school teachers belong- ing to those sects from appearing in habiliments to which they are con- scientiously attached. The purpose of the fanatics in the Legislature was to strike at a particular denomination by their intolerant measure, but its blind aim strikes at protestant denomi- nations that have been among the best and worthiest people of the State ever since its settlement. The passage of that bill was as great an outrage up- on religious liberty and personal rights ag could be perpetrated by a legisla: tive body. s STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 40 BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 14, 1895. NO. 24. The Close of a Disgraceful Session. Last Saturday closed the session of one of the most disreputable legislative bodies that ever disgraced the annals of any State. It took its character from the majority that controlled its proceedings, the Republican party be- ing responsible for its acts of commis- sion and omission. No Legislature ever had the public confidence reposed in it to 80 great an extent, and none ever so completely betrayed that con- fidence. The people invested it with the power of an.overwhelming majori- ty, and there was scarcely an interest of the people that it did not trample under its feet. Thies shameless majority, an aggre- gation of political henchmen and tools of a party boss, had hardly gotten to- gether before it began to plan for the profligate expenditure of the public money by making more officers and increasing official salaries. This was required for the reward of party workers who demanded the substantial recognition which new offices and en- larged pay would afford. The interest of the corporations and monopolies was next attended to. First and most impudent in its de- mands was the Standard oil company, which had no difficulty in having a pipe line bill passed that has removed the last vestige of competition with its grasping monopoly, and given it abso- lute control of what is left of the oil traffic in this State. In addition to this corporate favoritism bills granting exorbitant franchises to street railroad companies, and giving them privileges which deprive the public of the advan- tage of competing lines, were put through at the bidding of those corpo- rations. The end of the session wit- nessed the disgraceful passage of bills that are intended to create electric light monopolies, against which neith- er municipalities nor citizens will be able to protect themselves. These acts in. behalf of corporate interests are such outrageous infringements up- on public rights that they can be ac- counted for in no other way than that the beneficiaries of such legislation se- cured it by the use of money . ery is the only plausible explanation | of such legislative conduct. While such probable corruption was in pro- gress for the advantage of incorporated wealth, labor, which has no filthy lucre to extend for legislation, had to stand waiting for recognition, and failed to get it. Religious tolerance and meddlesome sectarian bigotry helped to increase the offensive character of that Legisla- ture, as manifested in the passage of a bill intended to increase denomina- tional discrimination into the schools by regulating the garb of teachers for a sectarian reason. The religious garb bill is a blow aimed not only at religious liberty, but also at the per- sonal right of citizens, affecting some of the oldest protestant denominations in the State as well as the Catholics; all this being the result of the domina- tion of an intolerant and oath-bound secret organization over the law mak- ing body. The education force bill is also to be placed to the discredit of that body, a measure which uncalled for by the educational interests of the State, will encroach upon the personal authority of parents, furnish positions for unnecessary officers, increase the expense of the school system, and re- sult in no appreciable benefit to the cause of education. But the most shameful blot on the record of the past session is the outrage committed upon the organic law of the State by the deliberate re- fusal to pass the apportionment bills required by the constitution. The his- tory of legislation can show no paral- lelto so flagrant a disregard for a clearly defined duty, no similar con- tempt for the obligation imposed by an official oath. The constitution, which these Legislators were sworn to obey, requires the apportioning of the State which hae been wrongfully dis- obeyed ; but the interest of the party and the bosses called for the defeat of apportionment, The constitution was kicked aside that the party interest might be served and the bosses obeyed. In the meanwhile the financial con- dition of a depleted Treasury is neg- lected by the failure of legislation needed to furnish revenue. There is a deficiency of money for necessary State expenses ; the appropriation for the aa Sa Brib- | schools has to be cut down, the aid to charitable institutions must be cur- tailed, new outlays are incurred by new offices and bigger salaries, and in the face of this condition a prolonged session is allowed to come to a close without the passage of a revenue bill that would relieve this embarrass- ment. We have attempted to picture some of the glaring iniquities of the worth- less law making body that concluded its sessions last Saturday. We have nct alluded to its levity, its idle waste of time, its insubordination to parlia- mentary restraint, and its want of self- regpect as a responsible organization. But there is no use to continue the picture. That legislative body played its shameful part in full eight of the public. The people have been looking on with disgust, and they feel relieved when an adjournment stops the pro- ceedings of such a Legislature. The Proof of Its Good Effect. It is announced that the CARNEGIE company are altering one of their mills at Braddock into a tinplate mill, This ought to be taken as one of the evidences that the WiLson tariff has put vigor and profit into the tinplate industry. When a business man of Mr. CARNEGIE's sagacity gives such an endorsement of the good effects of the Democratic tariff there can be no doubt about it. The development of the tinplate business under the new fiscal regula- tions borders almost on the miracu- lous. It will be remembered that one of the industries that was to be espec- ially promoted by the McKiNLEY poli- cy was the manufacture of tinplate, and for this, purpose heavy duties were imposed upon everything connected with that line of production. That policy, adopted in 1890, had four years in which to show its eflect and all that it could show in that time was a few ‘one horse establishments employing a 1 small number of imported workmen. The country was standing a heavy, tax on tinplate for the supposed encourage- ment of this insignificant industrial de- velopment. | The WiLsox tariff bill cut off the | duties on tin and its products about t one half, making the success of the | tinplate industry in this country to be dependent upon the enterprise and en- ergy of those engaged in it, and upon healthy competition, instead of Mo- KinLeY coddling, and the result has been most wonderful. Since the Democratic tariff went into operation the starting of new tin mills, and en- largement of the little one-horse old ones, have altogether amounted to about fifty, some of them in size and capacity being first class establigh- ments, and all doing an enlarged and prosperous business. Impudent Assumption. Among a batch of bills signed by Governor HasTiNGs was one “to honor the United States flag and to protect it from domestic and foreign insult.’ Of course this act represents nothing but wind. Its only object was the ex- ploitation of cheap patriotism. Its ab- surdity displays itself in the idea that a set of roosters like the majority of the recent Legislature, who repudiated a constitution they were sworn to sup- port, and bent their servile necks to po- litical and corporate bosses, should as- sume the guardianship of the Ameri- can flag as against domestic and for- eign insult. The offer to take this duty off the bands of the United States govern- ment, to which it properly belongs, would be ridiculous even if made by a reputable State Legislature, but when made by such & gang as that which recently exercised the law-making power at Harrisburg it is difficult to say whether absurdity or impudence was the more predominant feature of the proposition. ——— ——As a result of the liberality with which the recent Legislature looked out for the interest of the office holders, it was found necessary to ap- propriate $817,000 more for salaries and contingent expenses connected with the new offices than was appro- priated for such purposes by the pre- vious Legislature. This increased and unnecessary expense was created not. withstanding the scarcity of money in the State Treasury for legitimate pub. lic expenses. The Ohio Straddle. The proceedings of the recent Ohio Republican State convention gave evi- dence of what the Republicans intend to do with the silver question. Their intention 18 to straddle it. The Ohio convention had not the mistaken can- dor of the extreme gold advocates in demanding an exclusive gold standard nor the honesty of the silver support- ers in declaring for a restoration of sil- ver to its proper monetary function. The bi-metalism which the convertion dubiously squinted at is dependent up- on such a remote and uncertain con- tingency that as an issue in the next presidential election it can be of no practical account. American politics can’t wait upon the slow movement of international agreements. Such bi- metalism as that suggested by the Obio Republicans in convention as- sembled can serve no other purpose than that of a straddle. JOHN SHERMAN was the moving spirit and chief spokesman at the Zanesville gathering, and a nice man he is to take the lead in the question of an honest monetary policy. While the general effect of his statesmanship has been to favor the plutocracy that is interested in maintaining the gold standard, be was nevertheless the au" thor of a silver bill that gave the fia- ances of the country most serious trouble, and did more than anything else to bring into disquietude a metal ‘which, if properly used, is indiepenss- ble to a well regulated monetary sys- tem. With such a record it is not sur- prising that “honest” JonN is prepar- ing to perform a straddle on the most important question that will force it- self into the next presidential and con- gressional contest. SPECIE SI ARG Causing Trouble Already. The educational force bill is al- ready showing its evil tend: eocy in Philadelphia. A controversy - going on between the board of education and the sectional school boards as to which authority shall have control of the official patronage in the appointment of the truant offi- cers. In the political machinery of the city it will be a great object to con- trol the army of officials which this new law brings into existence. There is no doubt that the full limit of the law will be taken advantage of by the appointment of two truant of- ficers for each school district and in view of the number of districts in the city 1t is easily seen what a large of- ficial force will be brought into the political service of the party machine that controls the city elections. Not only in Philadelphia but in most of the localities of the State an office worth $2 a day will be used as a re- ward and an incentive for party work, This in itself will be an evil not less objectionable than the expense that will be entailed upon the school dis- tricts. oa s———————— ~——It is to be regretted that in pass- ing the Quay county bill the eervile tools of the party boss, with no other object than to pay him a compliment, removed the restrictions which had been wisely set up against catting the State into small counties to satisfy am- bitious localities. The precedent set by this Quay county bill will encour- age projects for new county formations that will cause local strifes and entail upon communities the heavy expense that is always involved in such con- tests. Happily the State had been rid of this nuisance for a long while, but the impediment to the formation of new counties has been removed and a bad example set, in order that a com- pliment might be paid to a boss who owned a Legislature. ——The superior court bill was a measure that should not have been passed. There wae no urgent judicial necessity calling for it. Its chief ob- ject was to furnish lucrative places for ambitious Republican lawyers. The great attraction that induced its pas sage was the seven new judgships with a salary of $7,500 attached to each en- cumbency., The Governor 1s to ap- point these new judges until the places can be filled by popular election, and with that porcine disposition that governs the Republican idea of appor- tionment, he is going to apportion these judgeships at the ratio of six Re- publicans to one Democrat. Quay 1s Getting Foxy. From the York Gazette. Senator Quay is, of course, in sympa- thy with the movement to make Senator Cameron the Republican nominee for the Presidency next year. He has not shown any opposition to Senator Cam- eron’s silver views, and is looked upon as a friend of silver. Mr. Quay is keen enough to see, how- ever, that the more silver is talked about the weaker and weaker the cause of free silver grows, and he fears, and rightly go, that a whole year of active campaign- ing on the part of the sound money men will eliminate the free silver issue from practical politics. That he believes this and is desirous of hushing up the present discussion is shown by his late interviews in which he deprecates all this talk about the sil- ver question and declares that the Re- publicans ought to try to get the coun- try back to the tariff issue. These interviews are preparatory to a fight which is going to take place at the convention of the National Leagueof Re- publican clubs soon to be held at Cleve- land. Quay does not want the conven- tion to say anything about silver. The western silver men, on the other hand, will insist upon taking advantage of the opportunity to commit the Republican party to as pronounced a position on the subject as possible. his convention affords the only op- portunity this year of having the pariy speak nationally. Of course none but a national convention can make a plat- form for the party, but a National League convention has come to be used as 8 mouthpiece of a party during the period between national nominating conventions, and while sometimes deem- ed a very valuable and useful part of the political machinery of a national party, yet at such times as this, for in- jienss, it ie considered a very dangerous thing. Tees said that the Republican leaders are so afraid of unwise action on the part of this convention that they will turn up at Cleveland in strong force. If this is true the country will attach all the more importance to what the con- vention may say. All the signs point to a characteristic straddle. ee ——————— "——— Ships Without Sailors. From the Doylestown Democrat. Why will g great Government, like that of the United States, constantly be “pence wise and pound foolish’ and exhibit it to the world? In view of the increasing number of our war- ships, an effort was made at the last session of Congress to add 2,000 sailors to the navy, which Secretary Herbert strongly recommended, but it was without avail further than to increase the number 1,000. Now it is found there are no sailors to man the four new battle ships, Indiana, Oregon, Iowa and Massachusetts, rapidly ap- proaching completion, unless the De- partment shall put out of commission some other ships and transfer their crew to the new vessels. Unless the number of sailors be increased at the next session there will be a recurrence of this thing. Constantly building new ships but no sailors to man them is a species of Congressional tomfool- ery our national Legislature should not indulge. The problem of new Con- gressional timber is a query that will torce itself on the mind of citizens. That Would Be an Easy Job for Him. From the Pittsburg Post. The western silver Republicans are strongly in favor of nominating Don Cameron for President. We do not see how Don, with all his agility, can run as a Republican candidate for United States Senator in Pennsylvania and a Populist candidate for President sll over the United States, and all on the same day. Failing in the Pennsylva. nia Senator, the silverites, who seem bent on separate nominations, are talking of Senator Teller, of Colorado, for President, and either Senator Mor- gan, of Alabama, or Daniel, of Virgin- 18, for vice-president. A Degree of Suspicion About This. From the Westmoreland Democrat. For some weeks past Senator Thomas H. Carter, of Montana, chairman of the Republican national committee, has been in the east boosting the free and unlimited coinage of silver and Senator Don Cameron for the presidential nomination. With facts like these sta- ring one in the face, the truth of the statements by the organs that the Re- publican party is united for sound money, is not apparent to the naked eye. A Word in Time. From the Scranton Times. If Governor Hastings really believes that he has a presidential boom he had better get it vaccinated against some of the politicians that are rub- bing up against it. —The CocrrAN bill to tax beer twenty-five cents a barrel passed the House finally on Wednesday. If it becomes a law the treasury will be $800,000 richer per annum. + =—If you want printing of any dis- cription the 'WATCcEMAN office is the place to have it done. 7 sSpawls from the Keystone. —Reading’s public bath house will b completed this week. —Forest fires in the region of Bra dford were checked Tuesday. —A new 10,000,000 reservoir will in a few days add to Reading’s water supply. —Carlisle's School Board will elect a City Superintendent of Public Schools. —Michael Gears drank a fatal dose of laudanum in a Mahanoy City drug store. —Caught by a runaway carin a Pitts" ton mine, little Frank Davitt was ground to death. —Forest fires in the western part of the the State continue to destroy valuable timber. —Founzo Levento blew out the gasin a Pittston hotel and it is doubtful if he shall recover. —Eighteen mules were suffocated ina Pittston mine owing toa break in the ventilator fans. —A son of Sheriff Fullmer, of Lycom _ ing County, received a bullet, intended for a target, in the neck. —A Lancaster Judge sent John Wea- ver to prison for 10 years for robbing S. P. Levyy’s storeat Mount J oy. —An unknown man was killed and Brakeman Renninger seriously injured in a railroad wreck near Kane. —One hundred Catholic clergymen of the Scranton Diocese began their annual retreat Monday at Glen Summit. —The annual convention of the Central diocese of the Episcopal Church of Penn - sylvania is in session at Reading. —To stop Sunday drinking at South Bethlehem, warrants are out for the ar- rest of half a hundred saloonkeepers, —The Schuykill region Mine Inspectors will examine applicants for mine fore" men at Pottsville on June 14 and 15. —The Lancaster Bar Association Tues: day formerly requested the County Com- missioners to enlarge the Court House. —Five big carloads of scrap were gath- ered up on the scene of the Reading’s coal and freight wreck, near Ashland. —C. A. Rittenhouse was yesterday ap. pointed a fourth-class postmaster at Eleanor, vice John Nichols, removed. —A National Guard headquarters order announces the appointment of Hay G. Trexler as an aide on Governer Hasting’s staff, —Samuel Street was killed and Robert Henderson fatally injured by the fall ofa 1000-pound bloom at the Latrobe Steel Works. —H. M. Smith, of Pottsville, was bitten on the hand while handling bananas by a tarantula, and amputation may be necessary. —Agent Charles ¥. Hoffman, of the Pawnee Bill Sho.v, was arrested at Leb. anon, charged with embezzling £390 of the concern’'s funds. —Work was resumed on the Pennsyl- vania Midland railroad from Bedford to McKee’s Gap on Thursday, after a cessas tion since January. —As he sat upon a keg of powder ina Wilkesbarre mine, Joseph Smith struck a match and is now dying as the result of the explosion that followed. —A keg of spikes was placed on the Philadelphia & Reading’s track at Mid- dleport on Sunday, and nearly resulted in the wreck of the Buffalo express. —A spring from which they procured water has in several years caused the death from typhoid fever of five mem- bers of Edward Keffer’s family at Read- ing. —Owing to the low condition of the state treasury no appropriation will be made this year for the holding of farm- ers’ institutes in the various counties of the commonwealth. —An Altoona woman has had eleven hotel men arested for furnishing her hus. band liquor after she had notified them not tosell him any, as he is a man of known intemperate habits. —The State Board of Charities is ex- bected to inspect the Schuylkill County Almshouse this week in response .to charges made against the steward by a doctor and one of the directors. —Altoona has taken a forward step in the matter of sidewalks. The laying o board walks has been prohibited and brick, stone or cement will hereafter be used. Loose planks and rotten boards will soon cease to cause] trouble and ex. pense. —Two men, giving their names as James Fleming and George Shultz, were arrested at Lewistown last night and lodged in jail charged with passing coun terfeit money. The men had been follow- ing Pawnee’s show and were arrested on the information of Chief of Police : DeFor. rest, of Huntingdon. —At DuBois Sunday evening 5 year old Edna Fassett was badly burned by her clothing igniting from the flames of fire she had started in the back yard to smoke mosquitoes. The timely arrival of a neighbor, who succeeded in extinguish ing the flames, prevented the child from being burned to death. —A tramp called at the residence of Thomas Gorsuch, in Huntingdon on Saturday morning and asked for some- thing to eat. While Mrs. Gorsuch was in the cellar preparing him some food, the ungrateful scamp spied Mr. Gorsuch’s vest hanging on the wall from which he stolea valuable silver watch, and de- camped. —A Pennsylvania railroad train at Idle- wild ran down an Italian, cutting his leg off. The man at once drew a pen knife and cut his throat. This act was perform ed before the scores ot passengers on the train. The superintendent of the divis® ion was also on board. Ex-Postmaster Bide Wilde, of Hazleton, told the officials that they were committing anjinhuman act by passing the unfortunate man. The train was not stopped, however, until Halifax was reached, and a physician was sent down from there. —Robbers Sunday night entered the home of aged William Condon and wife, near Williamsport, bound the old couple with ropes and then compelled them to tell where they kept their money. The robbers got $25 and then stole a horse and wagon and escaped. Mrs, JCondon suc- ceeded in freeing herself and §fled to a neighbor’s house a half mile away when an alarm was given, A pursuing party found the stolen horse in a barn fifteen miles away. One of the robbers threaten. ed to kill the the old man with a butcher knife if he made any outery.