SAE A - Continued from Page 5 phernalia and records. Rooms were then secured iu the new bank building- of W. F. Reynolds, on the southeast ¢or- ner of the Diamond, where the home of the lodge is at present. The pres- ent membership of the Blue Lodge is something over a hundred. The officers ot the current term are : In 1867 he put up six dwellings, and the next year added the most beautiful and valuable improvement in Belle- tonte, the “Bush House,” which has a favorable reputation throughout the State. Itis located near the passenger depot of the Bald Eagle Valley Ruil- { W. M., John Noll; S. W.,C. P. road, onan island formed by Spring | ffewes; J. W., F. H. Clemson ; Sec. Creek and the race which conveys water | Geo, B. Johnston. Time of meeting. from that stream to the mills below. | (ho Tyesday on or before the full The building has a front of one hun-| 0 co | onth. dred and forty-five feet on High street, with wings of one hundred and twenty feet each. It is built of brick, four stories high, and contains one hundred and twenty-five sleeping apartments, with ample accommodations for three hundred guests. The house is supplied with all modern conveniences, and is thoroughly ventilated. Halls twenty feet wide extend the entire length of the building. Every floor supplied with cold spring water and hot and cold baths. The parlor isa most attractive room on the second floor, overlooking the swift ranning waters of Spring Creek, and within a few rods of the house is the celebrated spring from which the town derived its name. : In 1868-69, Mr. Bush also built the fine brick block opposite the “Bush House,” and added to the dwellings of the town some fourteen buildings. In 1869 he erected a block of three dwell- ings on Spring street, in all twenty- saven. Heis consequently without & rival in adding to the natural interests of Bellefonte and Centre county. In order to show their Mpprecialion of Mr. Bush’s public spirit, all the leading citi- zens of Bellefonte on the 4th of May, Constans Commandery No. 33, Knight Templar was chartered June 10th, 1868, S. T. Shugert being the first eminent commander. The 2let annual conclave of the KnightaTemp- lar was held in Bellefonte, May 12, 1874. Present officers are: C. R. Hewes, eminent commander; A. C. Mingle, generalissimo ; W. F. Reeder, captain general; Geo. B. Johnston re- corder. Time of meeting, second Fri- day of each month. Bellefonte chapter No. 241, Royal Arch Masons was chartered May 2, 1872, D. G. Bush being the first high priest. Present officers are: W. F. Reeder, high priest; M. O'Donoghue, king ; Geo. B. Johnston, secretary. Time of meeting, first Friday of the month. ODD FELLOWS. Centre Lodge No. 152, I. O. O. F. was instituted Feb. 23, 1846, and re- organized April 10, 1848, since which time it has enjoyed an uninterrupted existence. James Armour and James 1869, joined in a letter of thanks to him { Gilliland were two active members at and the tender of a public dinner at the | the time of its organization and Bush House, which Mr. Bush accepted { through their help and influence a and designated June 1st for the occa- | guitable building was erected for the sion, which passed with great eclat. use of the lodge on High street north In 1873 Mr. Bush went to Elizabeth | of ¢,e Court House and was known as City, N.C ) and there with T. Conrow, The Odd Fellows Temple. This build of Philadelphia, made large purchases of ing is still standing and is now occu- city and country property. This part- pied as a dwelling house, it continued nership became dissolved by the death to be the home of Centre Lodge tor of Mr. Conrow in 1882. At Ilizabeth SI a City Mr. Bush formed an organization | M&NY YEArs, inally ’ iy di ilroad | doned in 18—for more desirable quar for the purpose of building a railroa ; ) ap : ii . | ters in the McClain block, opposite the from Norfolk, but failing to get North 9 ] Da ital interested he resigned the Bush House. In 1887 they leased the ile in 1875. He, however, again | 3rd floor ot the Crider building, on Be hold of the project in 1879, and suc- | High street, adjoining Crider’s Ex- ceeded in forming a syndicate in New | change and have fitted it up and far- York, which built the road, and it was | nished it for the use of the lodge and opened through in 188L. Since the |the encampment. The present mem- completion of this road there is morede- | bership is 120. mand for property, and his investments a there, which were a source of much | Bellefonte Encampment No. 72, I. trouble, are likely to prove fortunate. [ O, 0, F. was chartered Mar. 6, 1872, Following his bent for improvements, The Odd Fellows enjoy the distine- he built fourteen houses in Bellefonte in | in) of being the oldest organization in 1881. i continuous existence in Bellefonte. It In 1868 he went to Pittsburgand ob- | jo" 4 fiourishing and prospering con- tained the best method of building & | 330.0," ad has in ite membership glass furnace with minute details as to many of our wealthy and prominent cosh of buiiding ard, running Who sams citizens. Time of meeting for the and came home and raised a company lod . Thursd ai Fo. and built the works subscribing consid- | 00g every fhursc os 2 g- Jo erable stock himself. campment, 2d and 4th Mondays of the The car works was started in 1873, | month. Mr. Bush contributing the use of the valuable water power and subscribed $10,000 stock. He being elected the first president of the Company. : He was also chiefly instrumental in getting the nail works here. Mr. Ach- «nhach having come to tha town to try and start a company but left without success. Mr. Bush not being homo at the time. He met him ms, Lock Haven i ck and immediately peli oe influential citizens | W. Bickle, M. of R. Time of meeting together and a Company was formed | every Tuesday evening. ail works built. —e bn following is an extract from his | Bellefonte Commandery No. 89 K. obituary published in this paper on Fri- | G. BE. was organized May 1st, 1894, day, September 24th, 1886, the morning | 4,4 has a membership of 41 Sir after his death. Kuights- H, S. Taylor is chaplain Beikronte's Bexeracron Gone—The death \ and § D. Gettig secretary. The Ea- of D. G. Bush, Esq., which occurred at his resi: | oleg have leased the 3rd floor of the dence in this place on yesterday (Thursday) {nog biildng, E. S. Pruner is erecting morning, of a complication of diseases which | Allghiny sireet and will furnish have kept him in poor health for several years, and oway ihem 5s soon as the build. removes from our midst one of the biggest- KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Bellefonte Castle, No. 357, K. G. E., of Pa., was instituted April 8, 1890, with a charter membership of 50. Al- though a young organization it has es- tablished for itself an excellentjfounda- tion apd hag excellent prospects of a long ite. Its SP Lorhr is about 140 and the present officers are: J. S. Strayer, N.C; C.C. Bell, V. C; H. hearted, liberal-minded and enterprising citi- zens this section of the State has ever had. In his death Bellefonte loses one who has done more to build up the town, to enlarge its business facilities, to add to its real wealth, and to improve it in every way, than all its other capitalists combined. It loses a citizen whom every one respected ; a neighbor who was loved by all; a man who needed no seals or written contracts to require him to keep his word ; whose integrity was above suspic: ion and whose liberality in public enterprises « thers might feel proud to emulate. HE HISTORY OF SECRET SOCIETIES IN BELLEFONTE, A Story of the Fraternal Organizations in the Town—Their Dates of Incor- poration and Present Condition. FREE—-MABSONS, The first secret organization formed in Bellefonte, of which there remains any record,was a lodge of F'ree and Ac- cepted Masons known as Central Lodge No. 192. The Bellefonte Patriot ot 1825 contains a notice of a pro- cession by this lodge on Dec. 27 of that year under the charge of John Ran- kin, Constans Curtin aud Jas. Armour. The loses of the masonic records, by fire in 1887, included the records of this lodge and prevents the procuring of any authentic information in regard to its history. [It seems to have gone out of existence some time prior to 1850, probably during the anti-masonic WAT. Bellefonte Lodge, No. 268, F. and A. M. was chartered Jan. 24th, 1853. The list of charter members include James Armour, Isaac May, Andrew Gregg, James Gilliland and Aaron Stewart, who were among the influen- tial and leading citizens of Bellefonte at that date. The first lodge room was in the building known at that date as The Old Fellows Temple. It in very probable that this lodge is a re- organization of the old Central Lodge which had ceased to meet as a lodge on account of the antagonism to ma- sonry that existed in the public mind during the later part of the “forties. It this surmise is correct the Masonic . Lodge in the oldest secret organization in Bellefonte, When the first Arcade was built, the lodge secured rooms in it and furnished them very handsome- lv. The building was destroyed by ing is completed. At present the Cas- tle meats in McClain’s block opposite the Bish House. In the way of pub- lic denorstrations by this order, the Eaglet of Central Pennsylvania held a reunio in Bellefonte Aug. 18, 1892. ROYAL ARCANUM. Bellfonie council, No. 1050, R. A. was chartered June 11, 1888, and has contined in a prosperous condition up to thi present time. The present membrship is 45 and the total amount of insrance carried by the member ship i over $130,000. The council meete its own hall in Crider’s Ex- changon the 2d and 4th Mondays of the mcth. Officers are : C. K. Kri- der, rent; B. C. Achenbach, vice- regent J. C. Miller, secretary. HEPTABOPHS, Bellonte conclave No. III, I. O, H., waoriginally organized in 1885, but aft a short life the charter was surrenced and the conclave went out of exishce. It was reorganized, how- ever, Jie 1, 1892 with 26 members. Its mevership is now 50 and total in- suranctarried amounts to over $70,- 000. ‘e conclave meets the 1st and 3rd Friysot the month in the G. A, R. roo. Present officers : H, K. Hoy, shon; Geo. Mallory, provost, A. Dalaigh priest ; H. H. Harshber- ger, secary. MERICAN MECHANICS. A coil of the Jr. O. U. A. M,, was orally organized in 1871, but it was 1 until Dec. 13, 1889, that the present.ellefonte council, No. 270 was insted with I. D. Yerger, as councel, The present membership is 25 ¢ the officers are: Edward Sunday councellor ; Jno. Clapper, vice cowllor; H. B. Askey, record- ing secary. The council meets in the hallthe Knights of the Mystic Chain Crider's Exchange. On Columbiay, Oct. 21, 1892, this coun- cil raise handsome silk flag over the Higchool building in the bor- ough. PADTIC SONS OF AMERICA. Washton camp No. 639, P. O. S. of A wanstituted Mar. 17, 1892, in the hallM«Clain block with a char- ter memsu.; of 23, A. S, Garman being thrst president. July 4th of the samar a reunion of the order in Central na. was held in Bellefonte, The canjas raised a number of flags fire in January of 1877 and the lodge over diffit school houses in Spring suffered a severe loss in all its para- townshi{l'he present members num- ber 35 and they meet in the hall of the Knights of the Mystic Chain. Officers are: J. M. Wallace, Pres.; G. L. Jo- dun, Vice Pres. ; Geo. Harman, Sec. KNIGHTS OF THE MYSTIC CHAIN. Golden Link Castle, No. 193, K. of M. C. was transterred, by dispensation trom Unionville to Bellefonte in Aug. of 1894. Present membership is about 40. Officers are : Geo. Harman, commander ; Geo. Riter, vice com- mander ; Geo. Fishburn, recording scribe. The Castle meets in their own hall in Crider’s Exchange. UNITED WORKMEN. A couacil of A. O. U, W. was or- ganized in Bellefonte in May of 1889, but meeting with reverses the council has decided to surrender their charter and consolidate with the Lock Haven council. OUR VETERANS. Gregg Post No. 95 Grand Army of the Republic was organized June 3rd, 1879. Its first place of meeting was in the Humes block, on Allegheny street. It met in that building till April 1st, 1885, when it removed to the Harris block, on High street, where it has the finest appointed hall in this part of the State. The rooms are large and beauti- fully furnished, over one thousand dol- lars having been spent in furnishing and decorating. The Post is in a flourish- ing coudition and has done a great deal for its sick and indigent members, their widows and families. A certain amount of its funds is set apart each year for charity, and a committee appointed to see that it is judiciously applied. The following have been commanders of the Post since its organization : Geo. F. Harris, Amos Mullen, H. H. Benner, D. S. Keller, John Noll, John I. Curtin, S. H. Williams, James H, Rankin, T. R. Benner, W. H. Taylor, George B. Brandon, John C.- Miller, Thomas Donachy. The present officers are W. I. Fitz- gerald: commander; George A. Bayard, S. V. C. ; Monroe Armor, J. V. C. ; ad- jutant, F. Peebles Green ; quartermast- ok, Wm. Jones. —I have two little grand children who are teething this hot summer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy and it acts like a charm. I recommend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps and pains in my stomach, one-third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty- four hours I was out of bed and doing my house work,’ Mrs. W. LL. Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn. For sale by F. P. Green. ——PFigured China silks 20cts. a yd ; striped wash silks 80cts. a yd.— Lyon & Co. ——To have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsa- parilla. New Advertisements. Br SALE, CHEAP.—Will &gell for cash, very cheap, house, stable and lot, No. 57, Willow-Bank street and ad- joining lot, No. 58. For information apply to 40'13-tf C. L. GATES, Bellefonte, Pa. XECUTORS NOTICE — Letters testamentary on the estate of Z. T. Williams, Dec’d, late of Walker township, Centre Co., Pa., having been granted the un- dersigned all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, Properly authenticated, for payment and those indebted will make immediate set- tlement thereof. MARY JANE WILLIAMS, Nittany, Pa. Executrix. 40-16-6L* DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of Aaron Williams, late of Bellefonte bor- ough, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to W. H.” Williams, of Port Matilda, Pa., and Mrs. Jennie Williams, of Bellefonte, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. W. H. WILLIAMS, - 40-20-5¢ MRS. JENNIE WILLIAMS. RIENNIAL ASSESSMENT. APPEALS FOR "95. Notice is hereby given that the Commission- ers of Centre county will meet the taxpayers at the following times and places for the pur- e of hearing and determining Sppesis for he triennial assessment of 1895. The time for hearing appeals will be between the hours of9 o'clock a. m. and 4 p. m., except where otherwise noted. Miles township, Monday June 17th, at the election house, Rebersburg. Haines and Penn townships and Millheim Boro., Tuesday June 18th, at the election house, Millheim. Gregg and Potter townships and Centre Hall Boro, Wednesday June 19th, at the election house, Centre Hall. Harris and College townships, Thursday, June 20th, at the election house, Lemont. Ferguson township, Fridav June 21, at the election house, Pine Grove Mills. Spring and Benner townships, Saturday, June 22nd, at the Commissioner’s office in Bellefonte. Half Moon and Patton townships, Monday June 24, at the election house, in Stormstown. Taylor and Worth townships, Tuesday June 25, at the election house in Port Matilda. Huston and Union townships and Union- ville Boro., Wednesday June 26, at the election house in Unionville Boro. Snow Shoe and Burnside townships, Thurs- day June 27th, at the election house in Snow 10€. Walker and Marion townships, Friday June 28th, at the election house, Hublersburg. Boggs township and Milesburg Boro. Satur gay June 29, at the election house in Central ity. Howard, Liberty and Curtin townships and Howard Boro., Monday July 1, atthe election house in Howard Boro. Rush township and Philipsburg and South Philipsburg Boroughs, Tuesday July 2,at the public hall, Philipsburg, Bellefonte Boro., Wednesday July 3, at the Commissioners office, Bellefonte. Notice is hereby given to the Assessors of the several aistricts that they be present with the Board of Commissioners on the day of said appeal in their respective districts, as well as all persons who may feel themselves aggrieved. Assessors will please bring all books and papers they have to the appeal. A general appeal will be held at the Commis: sioners office, on yiidsy and Satarday, July 5th, and 6th, 1895. ersons wishing to be heard at the general appeal must have the assessors present and arrange with them as to their compensation. No appeals will be heard after the time above RO], GEO. L. GOODHART, T. FRANK ADAMS, J. B, STROHM, . gm Tx New Advertisements. Green’s Pharmacy. ORK WANTED. Any intelligent man or woman seeking employment and ambitious to make trom $40 to $150 monthly, can secure same by addressing Groee Briere PusLisming Co., 723 Chestnut St, Phila, Pa. No capital required, nor stamp for reply. Young man or woman wishing to earn a few hundred dollars in the next two months preferred. 10-20-3¢ Mss BLANCHE STRAUB, 29 ALLEGHENY ST. Ladies and childrens’ wear, Embroideries, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. CHILDRENS’ CAPS. Just received a fine line of Kai Ki silks for waists, 5 and 6 yds in piece, no duplicates. Sponge Crepon the new interlining for dresses. 40-17-3m EWIS’ 98 PER CENT LYE POWDERED AND PERFUMED (PATENTED The strongestjand purest Lye made. Unlike other Lye, it being a fine powder and packed in a can with removable lid, the contents are always ready for use. Will make the best per- fumed Hard Boap in 20 minutes without boil- ing. Itis the best for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, trees, ete. PENNA. SALT M’F’G CO. 40-20 Gen. Agts., Phila., Pa. TT STANDARD FOR THE WORLD. COLUMBIA BICYCLES. You see them everywhere. They differ from others in the chain, sprockets, hubs, bearings, cranks, pedals, tires, rims, tubing, handles, construction, finish and in every point of fe tase gliers = Haro superiority . olumbias —Hartfords and $50— next to Columbias, ib 9 Bargains in 2nd hand wheels. One lady’s Victor cheap. Send for catalogue. A. L. SHAFFER, Agt. 40 17-4m Bellefonte, Pa. Watchmaking-- Jewelry. A) TPRLING SILVER ..... . +... TABLE WARE, NOVELTIES SILVER SILVER PLATED WARE. 0000000000000 F. C. RICHARDS’ SON§ JEWELERS, High St. opposite Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PA. 27 49 .| A GOOD 2 HOOP WOODEN 40 14 Hee SUMMER COMPLAINT, —DIARRHEA,— and relaxed Condition of the bowels there is nothing better than PRICE 25 Cis. SOLD AT GREEN'S PHARMACY. 0 0 oOo GREEN'S INSTANT......... wre HEADAOHE WAFERS, Have attained a very large sale, WHY ? Because they do the work, are the cheapest and those who use them recommend them to others. 25 cts. for box of 12, at GREEN'S PHARMACY. 40 21 3t Daniel Irvin's Sons, PAIL, 10 CENTS, Whitewash brushes from 5 cents up, Poultry netting 8, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and i2 cents per yard. Rubber hose 6, 7, 8, and 9 cents per foot. Fly screen wire 4,5 and 6 cents per foot. Horse shoes, iron or steel. $3.60 per keg. Lewis’ white lead, 6 cents per Ib. Our own brand White Lead, 5% cts. Ib Faubles. Faubles. are equal to the on 1t is not because we love profit less, but because we love business more. THAT We are selling suits for $10.00 that es sold elsewhere ttest R. F. HUNTER, Clerk, County Coms. Comes. office, Bellefonte, May 21, '95. 40-10 for $15.00. It 1s a new departure in the clothing business of Bellefonte, to give such values. BUT WE FIND IT PAYS. Our sales on these goods have been enormous; your confidence and good judgment having made it possible for us to actually save you a five dollar bill on a ten dollar purchase. ....... WE ARE SATISFIED....... Our profit on the whole is just as large as if we sold only 14 as many. The gap made in our stock by your liberal patronage last week has been filled and we are ready once more to please all comers, even better than before. The season being so far advanced enabled us to make several large purchases of suits that were intended to retail at from $18.00 to $20.00. We have plac- ed them on our counters at the You had better join your neighbor, get quick sale price of $10.00. in the procession and see these goods. They wont last long and you only will be the looser if you buy before seeing them. Special: Mens’ blue and black serge suits, strictly all wool, elegantly made, usual price $10.00, our price $7.00. FAUBLES, Bellefonte, Pa. A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. —WILL BE IN— TYRONE, PA. ~——EMPIRE HOTEL,— FRIDAYS. From 1 to 6 o’clock p. m. June 14, July 12, Aug. 9, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1-29, Dec. 27, ALSO BELLEFONTE, PA BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, —SATURDAYS— June 15, July 13, Aug. 10, Sept. 7 Oct. 5, Nov. 2-30, Dec. 28. ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Deafness, Ringing Noises and Catarrh Cured by Dr. Salm. For along time I noticed that I became radually harder and harder of hearing. inging noises came in the ear after a while, and I became very much alarmed. So Iwent to Dr. Salm and put myself under his care and to-day I am grateful to state,and for the bene- fit of those who may suffer in a like manner, that I ean hear once again as good as ever,and those infernal noises have disappeared, al- though I am nearly 60 years old. Dr. falm said all of it was caused by catarrh: M, B. Buck, Spring Mills, Centre Co., Pa. A Ludy 69 Years Old Cured of Catarrh and Deafness. Some years ago I contracted catarrh and it went {0 my ears. Gradually I became worse and my ears began to trouble me very much, my strength began to give out, and I "became weaker and weaker so that I was not able to work. 1 took treatment from several of our doctors in the county, but somehow they couldn’t do me any good ; so I went to see Dr. Salm. He promised to cure me, and I dare say, he kept his word, for to-day I am again stout and healthy as could be expected of any one of my age, 6) years, and I find that I got value received for the money paid to the doc- Tr. Mags. Jacor D. FiNpLEY. Brush Valley, Indiana Co., Pa. Thought His Time Had Come but was Cured by Dr. Salm. For some years I have been suftering very much with various ailments and broke down at last. I suffered most excrutiating pain from head to foot all the time. My stomach troub- led me a food deal, liver and kidneys as well were out of order; in fact, I thought my time had come. The doctors couldn’t do me any good : patent medicines had no effect ; so went at last to Dr. Salm, and after a course of treatment, I am now again as hale and hearty and strong as ever. F. L. CoNFER. Warriors Mark, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Scrofulous Limb of 8 Years Standing Cured. For the last 8 years I have had fearfully sore limbs ; they would swell and break open and run; giving me a world of trouble, and mak- ing me unfit for my daily labor. I have had four Doctors trying to cure me, but they could'nt do it. At last I went to Dr. Salm, who made a perfect and complete cure, and I feel as if I could enjoy life once more. Epitu V. Guthrie, Kittanning, Armstrong Co., Pa. Growth Removed from the Eye-Ball by Dr. Salm. For 10 years my wife, Susanna, had some- thing growing over her eyes, making her al- most blind. Dr. Salm performed an operation, and made a perfect success, as she can now again thread the finest needle, and read the finest print, and her eyes do not give her the least trouble. It was a fine piece of work. JouN BERGEN, Holsopple, Somerset Co., Pa. Granulated Lids Cured by Dr. Salm. For the last 4 years I have been troubled very much with granulated eye lids; it Darily blinded me. Doctors here did me no good, it also seemed to atfect my general health. Dr. Balm has cured me. I can again see splendid- ly, and feel better than ever. Brssie THOMAS, Indiana, Pa., Dec. 5th, 1894, ' After Total Blindness Made to See by Dr. Salm. About 1 year ago my brother accidentally hit me in ny left eye, with a bow-gun. I be- gan to get blind rapidly in that eye, and ina short time, could'nt see anything outof it; total blindness was cauesd by the hurt. 1 heard so much of Dr. Salm’s wonderful suc- cess in his eye operations, that I went to him, and he has once more proven his wonderful skill on my eye, For to-day, after having been totally blind, I can see splendidly out of the same again. Josern HENRY, Stulton, Somerset, Co., Pa. 4 March 28th., 1895. 1 ene Case of Stomach and Inward Trouble Cured hy Dr. Salm, For some months I have been feeling miserably, on account of stomach and private- trouble, I was always afraid to eat, and the pain in my stomach and chest was terrible, but after a term of treatment, I feel now, once more, as good as ever. I can eat everything again, without trouble, thanks to Dr. Salm’s wonderful treatment. THERESIE DEYBACH, Dunlo, Cambria Co,, Pa. a Address all communications to box 760, Columbus, O. * OUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers