Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 31, 1895, Image 4

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    T2rms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
3ellefonte, Pa., May 31, 1895.
P: GRAY MEEK, Ebp1ror.
The Object of the Constitution Per-
It was certainly not the intention of
the framers of the federal constitu-
tion that the wealth of the
country should be exempt from
bearing its just share of the burden of
government taxation, but the supreme
court of the United States has in ef-
fect made the decision that such was
their intention.
When the general government was
founded the individuality of the States
and their separate sovereignty were
questions that had predominant weight
with those who framed the constitu-
tion, and therefore when the question
of direct federal taxation was con-
sidered, in order that the exaction
might be imposed equally upon the
States it was made a constitutiona]
requirement that they should be
assessed and made to pay such a tax
according to their populatisu. The
framers were n=n
thzt would spring up in the future and
make this plan of taxation impractica. |
Nevertheless this does not alter
the fact that they ictended that the
wealth of the country represented by
incomes should be taxed.
The court erred in rot adjusting its
lecision to the obvious intenzion of the
‘framers of the constitution. It it is
found that the method prescribed can-
not be carried into effect, it is a
tion of the spirit and a defeat of the
evident intention of the constitution to
insist upon that impracticable method.
The only way of eftectually carrying
out, in present existing conditions, tha
object of direct federal taxation, as
contemplated ia the constitution, ia the
way whict the supreme sourt has
jected. To auppose for a moment
tua the framers of the constitution in-
waded that the platocracy of the coun-
try should not pay ite just share of
taxes would he an insult to the mern-
of wise and pairiotic
statesmen, ve! that is what the court
3 te,
ories teose
Well might one of the dissenting
judges stigmatize the decision as ca-
iamitous, It is a calamity in that it
insposes the chief burden of taxation
apon the poorer class of people, and
also fcr the reason that it is made to
appear that even our highest tribunal
is susceptible to the influence of wealth.
More Ineffective Labor Legislation,
Near the close of the session, after
corporate interests have been well at-
tended to, the state Legislature has
allowed its attention to be given
to a bill for the suppression of pluck-
me stores. A measure for this pur-
pose was introduced in the early
part of the session, but as the atten-
tion of the lawmakers at that time was
taken up with legislation demanded by
the Standard oil company, this bill,
besides several others intended to bene-
fit working people, failed to receive
enough attention to place it on the
calendar. It was dropped just abouy
the time when the bill that put the
pipe lines under the control of the
Standard company was rushed through
the Legislature by an overwhelming
majority, and received the prompt ap-
proval of the Governor amid the ap-
plause of the legislative shysters who
bad passed it.
Bat the session is drawing to its
close and it won’t do for it to adjourn
without an appearance of legislating
for the benefit of labor that may hum-
bug the working people. Itisa part
of Republican policy to practice sach
deception on the laboring class for po-
litical effect. Accordingly the Orue
bill is introduced that makes a great
parade of taxing “company stores’
out of existence. It provides that such
a tax shall be laid upon the “pluck-
me's” as will make them unprofitable
to their proprietors, thus bringing
about their extinction.
If this bill should be passed it will
be found that the people who pay this
tax will be the employes who are
foreed to deal at these stores, and not
the proprietors. An. increase will be
made in the price charged for the
goods, sufficient to cover the tax, and
the result will be that instead of being
relieved of this oppression, the em-
ployes will be still more oppressed.
Such a law would be only one more
added to the enactments passed by
Republican Legislatures for the pre-
tended relief and protection of working
people, but go devised as to be ineffec-
fe ———————— EE —E——————-————
~——Delaware is so small a State
that if Apprcks should buy it again he
ehould put it in his pocket immediate-
ly after the sale, and thus prevent hav-
ing any trouble about it,
Political Cowardice.
The cowardice of Republican leaders
is exemplified in their failure to come
to the front now and express them-
selves on the money question. With
a clear majority in the next Congress,
with the chances of capturing enough
of Senators to give them control of that
body and with the power to pass
such financial measures, as they deem
necessary for the prosperity of the peo-
ple, not one of their leaders has the
manliness to say to the public, where
his party stands on this question, or
what may be expected in the way of
financial legislation. The country is
all tora up on the subject. Prominent
Democrats, imbued with honest con-
victions, are to the front expressing
their views, but where is the Republi-
cau statesmen who has either the
honesty, manliness or courage, to tell
where he stands, or to attempt to pre-
dict where his party will be when the
determination of the money issue is
made ?
Secretary Gresham Dead.
The Secretary of State Passed Away on Tuesday
Morning,—Brief Sketch of His Career.
WasniNGToN, May 28. —~Hon. Wal.
ter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State,
died this morning at 1:15, Secretary
vie to see conditions |
i Gresham's ailment was pleurisy. He
{ contracted the disease by his frequent
i night visits 10 the President's country
| home, Woodley, more than a month
| ago, the weather at that time being
raw and damp, He proved 10 be a
good patient. His recuperative now-
ers, as described by his paysician, were
excellent, and Lis recovery, notwitk-
standing the severity of his illness,
was steady. On Saturday last he was
sitting up and anxiously anticipating
the time when he might with safety
leave the sick room. He was unusual
iy cheerful.
Itis believed that on that day he
contracted a cold, since there is no
other way of accounting for the sui.
den chasge in his eondition. This
change cama on duriag the evening,
He hada bad night Saturday, was
very ill Sunday, acd at noon to-day
gcarcely perceptibly better. Ilias re.
lapse on Saturday aight was believed
to be due io local causes, presumably
dyspepsia, to which he has long been
subject. It was discovered on Sunday
that his left lung was affected. Until
that time the pleuritic water had only
touched the right lung,
Walter Quinton Gresham was a sol-
dier, a judge and a statesman, He
roge to the rank of major general of
volunteers during the rebellion. He
was for fourteen years United States
district judge of Indiana and for eight
years United States circuit court for Ii-
linois, and held three cabinet portfo-
Postmasier general and secre-
tary of the treasury under Arthur, and
secretary of state under Cleveland.
Mr. Gresham was born in Harrison
county, Ind., on St. Patrick's day,
1832. His grandfather was a farmer,
honest, faithful and courageous, partic-
ularly noted for his piety. His father
learned the cabinet making trade,
which he pursued together with farm-
ing. His courage made him a most
popular idol in his neighborhood, and
he became a colonel of militia. His
mother, Sarah Davie, was of Scotch-
Irish descent. The house in which
she lived until her death, a few years
ago, and in which her distinguished
son was born, was a humble cottage
perhaps twenty feet wide and thirty
long, a story and a half in front, stand-
ing on a side of a hill past which runs
the old Indiana state road. Until his
mother’s death Judge Gresham often
vigited her there, #
In 1833 Gresham’s tather was elected
sheriff, and the next year was mur-
dered by a noted desperado whom he
had goue to arrest. His mother was
left a widow with flve small children.
Walter Q. was but 2 years old when
his father was killed, and Benjamin,
the eldest, was 8. A struggle ensued,
but from the hard hand of penury
they earned the right to live and final-
ly to prosper.
Benjamin, like his father, learned
the trade of carpenter, but also clung
to the farm. By dint of hard work
and the aesistance of his brother Wal-
ter succeeded in entering the seminary
at Corydon. Two years there and one
at Bloomington university completed
his education so far as schooling was
concerned. He began the study of law
under Judge W. A. Porter, one of the
noted’ characters of southern Indiana,
while acting as deputy clerk, and in
1854 entered into partnership with
Thomas C. Slaughter, an eminent law-
yer of that time and atterwards judge
of the circuit court.
To combine law and politica was
then the universal custom with young
lawyers in the United States, and
Gresham was no exception to the rule.
His admission to the bar and the Ne-
braska agitation were coincident. The
Whig party, with which all of his
political traditions were associated,
had dissolved. In 1855 the Republi-
can party was formed and with it
Gresham at once allied himself. He
stumped his section of the State for
“Pathfinder” Fremont, who had been
nominated at Philadelphia. In the
law Gresham had gained a good repu-
tation as a careful Jpainstaking lawyer.
Meantime the country was sweep:
ing on to great events, Mr. Gresham
was elected to the legislature, where
he, as chairman of the committee on
military affairs, brought forward a
militia bill which placed Indiana on a
war footing. With the first shriek of
war's alarm Governor Morton appoint-
ed him lieutenant colonel of the Thir-
ty-eighth Indiana, but before he saw
active service he was appointed colonel
of the Fifty-third Indiana, in Decem-
ber, 1861. Gresham's regiment was
ordered to join Grant after Donaldson.
Gresham was guarding the station
at Savannah when the battle of Pitts
burg Landing (Shiloh) occurred. He
participated in the siege of Corinth,
however, and later took part in Grant's
Mississippi campaign and the siege of
Vicksburg. August 11, 1863, he was
appointed brigadier general on the rec-
ommendation of Grant and Sherman,
and placed in command of the Natchez
In the following spring he was plac-
ed in command of the division of the
Seventeenth corps of the army of the
Tennessee, which took part in the
campaign against Atlanta. He was in
the battle of Kenesaw Mountain and
in the engagements that followed until
July 20. At Leggett's Hill, before
Atlanta, he was struck by a sharp
shooter’s bullet just below the knee.
It was a dreadful wound, and kept the
gallant general off the field for a year.
To the day of his death Gresham nev-
er recovered the full use of his limb.
Wilde Found Guilty.
He and Taylor Sentenced to Two Years’ Im-
LoNDoN, May 25.—The trial of Oscar
Wilde was resumed in the Old Bailey
Court this morning, Sir Frank Lock-
wood continuing his address to the jury
for the prosecution.
Sir Edward Clarke angrily objected
to the language used by the prosecuting
counsel, and a heated argument between
the two ensued. After a protracted
wrangle, the Judge interfered and ad-
vised Lockwood to confine himself to
discussion of the evidence, and not start
out upon any rhetorical denunciations
of the prisoner. Mr. Lockwood finish-
ed his address by saying that Wilde's
own admissions pointed conclusively to
his guilt.
The Judge, in the course of his charge
to the jury, dealt with each of the
charges contained in the indictment, his
opinion being plainly and strongly
Many times the surgeons said the leg
must come off, but the sufferer replied:
“When that leg goes I go .too.”” He
saved the leg, but was on crutches for
several years.
The war over General Gresham re-
turaed to his profession, forming a law
partnership at New Albany, Ind. la
1886 he was nominated ‘sr congress
against M. C. Xerr, but the district
wae Leavily Democratie, and he was
defeated. When G Grant be.
came president he offered him tha col-
| Jectorship of tue port of New Orleans,
{ the second best office of the kind in
| tke country, but be declined, as be did
| the position of United States distric
attornev of Indiana.
accept the United States district judge.
ship for Indiana, which he held anil
April, 1883 When Garfirld was form-
ing his cabinet Gresham’s name was
among those originally agresd upon.
Blaine particularly urged his selection,
The situation became such that (iar
fieid was compelled to modify ia origi.
nal intention and (iresham was not
invited to accept a portfolio, Garfield
was gezassinated and Arthur succeeded
him. When Postmaster GGoueral Howe
died in April,
{ dered the cabinet posi
PE) accepted. Near the eloss of Ar
thur’s term, on the death of Secretary
Folger hie was appointed secretary of
the iressury, a position be held nnd
October, 1384, whea he witndres from
the cabinet altogether,
In December, 1384, Juuge Dram-
mond having retired from the office of
United States circuit judge, President
Arthur, who had taken him from the
bench, had the satisfaction of restoring
him to the bench at the close of his
Tu 1888 Judge Gresham was made a
prominent candidate for the Republi.
can nomination for the presidency at
the Chicago convention azainst Har-
rison, Sherman, Alger, Allison and
other Republican leaders whose names
were presented. Harrison ultimately
captured the Indiana delegation, how-
ever, and was nominated. Previous to
that Gresham had displayed a strong
inclization to dissent from the extreme
high tariff doctrine of the Republican
party. His liberal views on the tariff
created against him the antagonism of
the extreme protectionists at Chicago.
When the Republicans assumed
power and revised the tariff by the
passage of the McKinley law Judge
Gresham, with other Republicans,
openly dissented, and in 1892, after the
nomination of Mr. Cleveland by the
Democrats, he with other distinguish-
ed Republicans like Wayne McVeagh,
who was attorney general under Ar-
thur, renounced their allegiance to the
Republican party and advocated Mr.
Cleveland’s election. After Cleveland
was last elected he summoned Judge
Gresham to Lakewood, N. J., where
after a consultation he tendered him
the position of premier of the cabinet
be was forming. Judge Gresham ac-
cepted, and assumed the duties of sec-
retary of state March 7, 1893.
Walter Quinton Gresham received a
goldier’s burial. Except gallant John
A. Logan, of Illinois, no other man
not of the regular army has ever be-
fore been honored by the ordering out
of the United States troops to attend
his funeral. The preliminary services
took place inthe east room of the
White House, which has witnessed
some memorable obsequies, the last
being those of President Harrison's
wife, but which had never before been
the scene of funeral services over a
cabinet officer. The flag which Gen-
eral Gresham loved so well, for which
he fought so bravely, and 10 whose de-
fense he was so grievously wounded,
was the chief emblem of mourning
wound round his funeral casket.
Bishop Hurst, of the Methodist Epis-
copal church, conducted the services.
He wasa warm personal friend of the
dead secretary, who himself was
brought up in the Methodist faith, his
father and mother belonging to that
denomination. All the cabinet were
present except Secretary Carlisle, who
Joined the funeral cortege en route to
Chicago, where it was finally deter-
mined that the interment shall take
The honorary pall bearers were Sec-
retary Lamont, Attorney General Ol.
ney, Secretary Smith, Postmaster Gen.
eral Wilson, Secretary Herbert, Sec
retary Morton, Acting Secretary Uhl,
representing the state department, and
Acting Secretary Hamlin, represent.
ing Secretary Carlisle. All these ac.
companied the remains to Chicago,
with the exception of Mr. Hamlin,
whose place was taken by Mr. Carlisle
en route.
At the conclusion of the services at
the executive mansion the funeral
escort, under command of Major Gen-
eral Thomas H. Ruger, United States
army, moved in the following order
from the executive mansion to the
Baltimore and Ohio depot : Military
escort ; clergy aud physicians who at-
teaded the deceased ; pall bearers and
hearse ; relatives of the deceased.
Interment will be made in Chicogo
He was finally prevailed upon to!
1uN3 reach + thon!
0, rresarm, {nea
tolding court at Evansville, was ten. {
3 by telegraph |
against the prisoner.
The Judge finished his charge at 3
o'clock, and the jury retired. Before
the jury retired the foreman asked the
court if a warrant had been issnzd
the arrest of Lord Alfr=3 Diouglas. The
Judge said
« ie2uad, whereupon the foreman said : —
| “Bat if we must consider these letters
| as evidence of guilt, they surely show
that Lord Douglas’ guilt is equal to
i that of Wilde.”
Oscar Wilde was found guilty. Wilde
| and Taylor were sentenced to two years
i each at hard labor.
| The jury occupied two hours ia the
| consideration of the case. After their
i verdict had been rendered, Sir Edward
| Clarke, on behalf of Wilde, and counsel
for Alfred Taylor, made application for
| 8 postponement of sentence. The Judge
peremptorily refused to grant the ap-
plication, and in his remarks severely
denounced the prisoners. This view was
| apparently shared by the spectators, as
! when the Judge sentenced Wilde and
| Taylor to two years’ imprisonment sat
hard labor, many persons present cried,
“Shame !”’
When the sen'ence was pronsunced,
Wilde appeared to be stunned As the
isst word of the sepiencs was uttered,
the apostle of wstheticism was burried
to bis cell, a felon,
Ss ———
Crep Report
Corn is Being Keplantcd—Lasses in Fruit Overs
Wasninerox, May 28,—The weekly
crop report of the agricultural bureau
Cotton has suffered seriously, es-
pecially on sandy soil, and is reported
as dying in portions of the Carolinas,
Georgia, Mississippi and Arkansas,
and complaints of injury from lice are
reported from Louisiana and Migs.
{issippi. Florida reports cotton late,
but healthy.
Repianting of corn has been general
during the week, owing to damaging
effects of the recent frosts. In Indiana
most of the crop had to be replanted.
Kansas reports corn doing well, and
in Nebraska the early planted is in
good condition.
Winter wheat is reported as in good
condition in Northern Illinois, but in
poor condition in the central and
Lsouthern portions of the state. The
condition of wheat has declined rapidly
in Miesouri owing to drought and in-
sects, In Indiana some wheat has
been plowed and planted in corn and
the crop has sustained further injury
from frost in Ohio. Reports from
states summarized: Pennsylvania—
Considerable fruit unhurt; losses proba-
bly overstated ; much corn replanted ;
grain and grass improving ; cut worms
plentiful and damaging.
Heaviest Frost Known in May.
Prr1sBURG, May 22.—Last night's
frost did considerable damage in this
vicinity. In some places ice formed,
and truck gardens in the suburbs suf-
fered toa great extent. In Indiana,
Cambria aud Blair counties the frost
was the heaviest ever known in May.
Fruit and early vegetables were killed
and crops were damaged. The work of
the previous frosts was completed, and
the loss will aggregate a heavy amount.
——Think of it and take what com-
fort you can. It snowed at North Bend
on Tuesday.
——Miss Elizabeth E. Evans, of
Lock Haven, will be married to Edwin
C. Mann, of Altoona, on June 6th,
The prospective bride will be remem-
bered by Bellefonters asa frequent vis-
itor at the home of Mrs. Minnie Har-
per, on Linn street.
——The U. B. church will keep a
first class restaurant during the Cen-
tennial in Bellefonte, June 5, 6 and 7,
in the lecture room of their church on
the corner of High and Thomas streets.
They will serve three good meals a day
and will furnish nice sandwiches, hot
coffee, bananas, ice cream and cake at a
moment’s notice during the three days
Call and make yourself at home with
them. The ladies will be glad to see
you and will treat you well.
——Several members of the Village
Improvement society, who live on east
Bishop street, have brought about a regu-
lar transformation on that thoroughfare.
They beautified the streetso much by
cleaning and sodding in front of their
own houses that soon the entire mneigh-
borhood did likewise, and now it is one
of the cleanest streets in the town. Alle-
gheny, between Bishop and Ling, is as
dirty as it can be and High street, from
the Court House to Half Moon hill, is a
disgrace to the property owners and Tom
Shaughensey. Old tin cans, paper and
all kinds of dirt litter the street and
gutters, while the sidewalks are adorned
with boxes and kegs. Is it not possible
to clean up alittle ? If not for ourselves
then for the visitors we have invited to
our town,
for |
thei no warrant had been |
; ——Daniel Kemerer, a well-known
Lock Haven huckster died suddenly of
: heart disease last Thursday. He had
just returned from a trip over his Nit-
tany valley route when he fell over
dead. Deceased was 66 years old.
MARRIAGE LiIcENCEs.—Issued dur-
ing the past week taken from the dock-
J. A. Sherlock, of Hollidaysburg, and
Mery Kelly, of Bellefonte.
Sidney Krumrine, of Bellefonte, and
Jennie Bubb, of Williamsport.
Leonard Lecud and Plove Cardinal,
both of Philipsburg.
Richard Gilbert and Edith Lair, both
of Miles Twp.
F. Ream, of Pena Hall, and Annie
M. Spayd, of Madisonburg.
Yesterday afternoon Gregg Post econ-
ducted the ususl memorial sarvie= over
the graves of the desd in the va.
rious cemeteries in and about Bellefonte.
A parade was formed on Spring street
| and moved promptly at 2:30. The ora-
{tor of the day, Bos. S. F. Bowser, of
: Butler, and J. ©. Mevar Esq, in a car-
| riage, then the Bellctunte band, Co. RB.
| martial band, Co. li. 5k Reg. N. G. P.,
| Gregg Post, Bellefoate Commandery
'K. G. E., the Undine band sad Fire
[ Co. and the P. O. 8, of A. 1n all mak-
|ing a very creditable parade. The or-
| ganizations in line, as they moved up
High street to Spring, looked partica-
larly well.
The regular exercizos at the cemetery
were goon oarried out. The parade ro-
i turned to the Court House where a bril.
{ linnt oration was delivered by the Dut
i lar attorney.
China silks 20c1s, a 3d;
striped wash silks 300i. a yd —Lyon &
LEGE.—Pi chapter of the Sophomore
society, Theta Nu Epsilon, banquetted
' at the Fallon House in Lock Haven on
| Friday night. The boys returned Sst-
urday looking, at least, as it they had
had an easy” time. None of them re.
ported “too much Jehnzon.”
* *
The Prep ball team went to Lock
Haven last Saturday to get even with
the Normalites for the defeat at base
ball received kere some timeago. They
did succeed in doing things about right
in every inning but the fourth, when
the Normal players scored ten runs,
which the Preps were unable to over-
come and lost after a great up hill
game, by the score of 11 to 3.
* 3 eon
Next week we will publish a full
program of the commencement exercis-
es at The Pennsylvania State College.
* *
About forty of the students attended
Main’s circus, at Bellefonte, on Tues-
day. A few of them tried to “jolly”
the electrical girl in the side show, but
when she proved herself stronger than a
party of six students, among them our
crack full back, they gave up the job,
bought her picture and transferred th eir
affections to the fat woman and the osi-
fled girl.
* *
The invitations are out for the Junior
——Figured China silks 20cts. a yd ;
striped wash silks 80cts. a yd.—Lyon &
LoWING.—My last bulletin gave fore-
casts of the storm wave to cross the con-
tinent from May 27 to 31, and the next
will reach the Pacific coast about June
1, cross the west of Rockies country by
close of June 2d, the great central val-
leys 3d to 5th, and the eastern States
about 6.
The second disturbance of June wil]
reach the Pacific coast about the 7th,
cross the west of Rockies country by
close of 8th, the great central valleys
9th to 11th and the eastern States 12.
Warm waves will cross the west of
Rockies country about June 1and 7,
the great central valleys 3 and 9, east-
ern States 5 and 11. Cool waves will
cross the west of Rockies country about
June 4 and 10, great central valleys 6
and 12, aud eastern States 8 and 14.
East of the Rocky mountains June
will average colder weather than usual,
west of the Rockies warmer. The east
gulf States will have about or above nor-
mal temperature, proceeding northward
the temperature departures will increase
on the cold side, colder from St. Louis
and Chicago toward the northwest than
toward the northeast.
On the north of the Pacific slope the
temperature will average above, the
temperature departures decreasing to
about normal on the south part of the
Pacific slope.
Rainfall of June in the southern
States will be generally below normal.
In the Ohio valley, the Dakotas and
east of Rockies arid districts rainfall
will probably be short, while the north-
eastern States and the middle Miss-
issippi valleys will have full or above
average rains. Florida and western
Texas will be short on rains.
=—=D0 you read the WATCHMAN,
union of the Mattern family, which has
been exciting so much interest in the
upper end of the county, has been
scheduled for Funk’s grove, at War-
riors-mark, on June 15tn. The pro-
gram for the day will consist of music,
recitations and a historical address. It
will be a basket picnic and promises to
be the largest gathering of any one
Jriend-shoft ever assembled in this part
of the country. The family is original-
ly from Switzerland.
WANTED—At Lyon & Co's store,
Bellefonte, 50,000 1bs. wool.
The following circular is bsiag sent to
every christian organization in Centre
Lrsoming and Clinton counties, look
ing to making the grand rally at Hecla
park, on Jy greatest gather,
ying of christian people ever witnessed in
{ Centrai Pennsylvanes :
“All the Christian workers of Sabbath school,
and all members oi the Epworth League
and Christian Endeavor Societies and Young
Men's Christian Associations in the three
counties of Centre, Clinton and Lycoming are
heveby most cordially invited and urgently re-
quested {0 attend the grand christiau rally io
be held at Heela park, along the line of the
new railroad of Central Penns, on Thursday
June 20th, under the auspices of the Belle-
fonte ¥. M. C. A.
Three services will be held under the con.
trol of the religious organizations represented
in the morning, afternoon and early eveuixs
respectively. Among the prominent spea
engaged already are Mr. John W
of Philadaiphia; Mr. James MaC i, of
Harrisburg; Rey. George Farhay, of Tyrone,
and ex-Governor Beavar, of Rellefonta. Othiay
entertaining talkers are expected tobe pres.
The music, aceompanied by a fuli orchestra,
will be a delightful feature and will he under
ihe leadership of the famous tenor and con-
traito singers, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lowe, of
Philadelphia, For those who 0 not take their
own baskets, provision will he supplied at the
park at very reasonable rales. Especially low
rates have been =weure! from the railroad
companies for this oceasicn. The intervals
betwesn the services will be about twe snd a
half hours long and during those periods
music will be furnished by the bands.
The secretaries of the religicas organiza.
tians invited and the Superinteudests of Sab-
bat 8 of all denominations are urgently
ed to read this invitation at the first
reguiar sérvice and urge one and all to turn
cut and spend a day in the woods that will be
at once enjoyable and profitable.
Every one that can should bring a copy of
Gospel Hymns Nos: 5 and 6 combined.
C. M. Bower Esq.,
Rev. J. W. Rug,
Jas. R. HuGHEs,
Committee on Invitations.
1e 2th, the
——800 pair of pants at 40cts. on the
dollar. Strictly all wool, good quality ;
wear and sewing guaranteed at $1.50
per pair. They are actually worth $3
to $3.50.—LyoN & Co. 40-20-3¢
MoxNEY QUESTION. —Last Friday even-
ing a small but thoroughly appreciative
audience of ladies and gentlemen listen-
el with marked attention for an hour
and a half while Mr. Arthur Kitson, of
Philadelphia, made a composite expres-
sion of his views on the money question
of to-day. The lecture had been an-
nounced for several days previous to its
deliverance, and it was surprising that
more people were not in the Presby-
terian chapel to hear it, when the gen-
eral interest that is manifested in the
subject is considered, with the eminence
of the man who was advertised to talk
on it.
The subject is such a broad one that
the lecturer was unable to give it the
exhaustive treatment many would like
to have heard. However, in the time he
took, a very fair presentation of the
theories of the ‘sound currency’ people
and the ‘‘bi metallists’ was given. Mr.
Kitson prefaced his remarks with a state-
ment that anything he would say would
be entirely free from party biasand that
his talks on money were made solely on
the impulse of a duty to self. Itis his
belief that the question can be satisfactori-
ly settled on but one basis and that, the
free interchange of opinion and co-op-
eration without the realms of politics.
Of the two theories now proposed he
favored that of bimetallism, but even
more than that, one of his own. It was
practically the same as he has advanced
in his late work ‘A Scientific Solution
of the Money Question’ and involves
the issuance of money by the govern-
ment on an ideal unit of value. His
idea is a decidedly novel one, but does
not seem practical. The want of time
precluded any more than a mere state-
ment of it, hence the practicability of
the system which he proposes as the
only means of a final and satisfactory so-
lution of the question was not touched
upon. :
In the language of one who heard
him “Mr. Kitson is a scholar and a gen-
tleman” and should he be induced to
continue his talk at some tuture time
the people of this plaee will be doing
themselves an injustice by not hearing
him. No matter what your own views
might be, it is always best to know
those of others too and the lecturer of
Friday night is a man whose work is
being read by learned men in all parts
of the country, hence his idea is one
that you would do well to consider.
——Lyon & Co’s., mammoth store in
this place 1s crowded every day with
people who are wise enough to take ad-
vantage of the great sacrifice sale now
advertised by that firm.