Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 31, 1895, Image 3

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    Democeaic iatcons
Bellefonte, Pa., May 31, 1895.
Farm Notes.
—It requires knowledge of the var-
iety habit of growth of a tree to prune
itas it should be. Some varieties nat
urally run up, and their central shoots
must be checked to encoursge a more
spreading habit. Nearly all pear trees
will grow like a church spire if the
central shoot is not pinched back. In
most varieties the centre needs trim-
ming out down to where the branches
put out from the trunk. The Seckel
pear is one which naturally grows a
round head and requires less severe
pruning than most others. The prun-
ing should be done before the leaves
put forth, except in the rare instances
when the tree is making too much
wood, and pruning while in leaf is re-
sorted to increase the formation of
fruit buds.
—Notwithstanding the severe cold
last winter, there is little likelihood of
diminution of insects. All the insects
that belong to the Northern States are
proof against freezing. They simply go
into a torpid state and wait till the
warm weather brings them to life and
activity again. Wet weather they can-
not guard themselves so well against,
and where late fall plowing is done it
doubtless injures many, as it dislodges
them from their hiding places under
flat stones where wet cannot penetrate.
It is freezing dry that they are proof
against. When a bug gets into water
and then freezes it periches before it
can revive with the warmth of spring.
—Shading the soil is of great advant-
age in converting ammonia into ni-
trates, a process which has served to
enrich forest lands while they are cov-
ered with dense growth. The mulch
of leaves added annually is* a carpet
which prevents influence by the direct
rays of the sun. Thata soil which
grows forest trees increases in fertility
is demonstrated by the larger crops
grown upon such “virgin” soil after it
has been cleared of its forest growth.
On the same principle the mulching of
the soil with a dense crop, or with
leaves, is beneficial in certain respects.
—The animals intended especially for
breeding purposes should be fed in a
manner different from those that are
being fatted for market. A very fat
animal is not suitable for breeding,
and many valuable mares, cows, sows
and ewes that are very high in flesh
either die in giving birth to their
young or fail to produce vigorous off-
spring. The many cages of milk fever
which occur among cows and ewes
may often be traced 10 the use of too
much concentrated food and a lack of
judgment in feeding.
—The frequent mowing of the lawn
deprives the land of fertility. Grass
cannot grow unless it is provided with
plant food, and every time the lawn is
mowed the roots must make extra ex-
ertion to produce new growth. Un-
less something is added to the lawn
there will arrive a time when it will
fail. Wood ashes, used plentifully,
and a bag of superphospate (200
pounds) per acre, will prove of ad-
—Bees in connection with farming
is one of its most paying branches. It
is no direct cost, as they will pay for
themselves in one season, so money in-
vested is returned by 100 per cent. the
first year,and you have stock foranoth-
eryear,and have a most excellent article
for the table. There is always a ready
market for honey, so what can the
farmer of to-day do better than to keep
a few swarms of bees.
—If the farmer is content to raise
the small horse for his own use he
must not complain by and by that he
cannot sell him, Onthe other hand,
if he breeds for the heavy draft market
experience shows that he will get
enough small and medium horses to
use, while the extra large animals will
always sell readily.
—You canrot be too soon in gettirg
out the early cabbage plants, They
really should have been transplanted
before this, and on very. rich ground.
To give them an early start in growth,
sprinkle about a tablespoonful of ni-
trate of soda around each hill. They
are hardy and will grow during cool
—Dry oats are an excellent food for
young calves, and to induce them to
eat them they may at first be slightly
moistened with milk. If put in milk
the calf may be choked. Oats contain
the elements of the tissues of young
animals most perfectly balanced, and
with milk promote healthy growth.
— Beans and late potatoes should be
two profitable crops, especially as the
newest and latest improvements in
planting and harvesting machinery for
such crops have greatly reduced the
cost of production. It is now more a
question of the cost of fertilizers than
of the labor bestowed in cultivation of
these crops.
—Those who keep bees should sow
a patch of alsike clover for the bees to
work upon. There will be ‘no loss of
space asthe alsike will prove profit-
able. Buckwheat is also an excellent
crop for bees, and grows on the highest
ot soil.
—For insects which euck, cabbage
worms and all insects which have soft
bodies use kerosene emulsion, made as
follows : One-half pound hard soap,
one gallon of boiling water and two
gallons of kerosene.
—An exchange says that solitary
confinement in a dark stable hasa
tendency to make a horse vicious. It
aftect the brain agit does the brain of
a human being in such confinement,
—Cattle and hog raising, if persisted
in with good judgment, is a profitable
industry. The man who shifts from
one kind of etock to another is too apt
to mies the profits,
Down With Diminutives.
They are Among Things Which are for Home
Use Only.
“Yours very truly, Robbie Jones,
secretary of the Art Committee,” she
read as a signature to one of her morn-
ing communications. It is needless to
say that she shrieked with mirth and
that the memory of that diminutive end-
ing served as a brightener of life all day.
She told every one she met of Mr. Jones’
ridiculous signature. And in the even-
ing she sent out some circulars and
signed them “Yours truly, Dolly M.
| Smith.”
There is a place in the scheme of cre-
ation for diminutives in names. That
place is in the bosom of the family and
among those who are almost as intimate
with one as one’s family. But it is not
proper to take the public into one’s con-
fidence in regard to one’s pet name, and
until women realize this fact they will
not have made that advance they are
continually claiming.
“Ellen Brown’ is a much more digni-
fied person than “Nellie Brown.” Those
who know her well, of course, know
that she is a dignified young woman,
even when she signs her communica-
tions “Your loving Nellie” But the
cold, unfeeling world will not realize it.
Could Mrs. Lease have become great
had her name been Minnie instead of
Mary ? Would Frances Willard have
been the head of the W. C. T. U. had
she been known as Fannie ? Fancy J.
Ellen Foster posing as Nellie Foster, or
Elizabeth Grannis wielding a wide in-
fluence as Lizzie Grannis.
But not only in the public world do
diminutives unfit a8 woman for her work
but also in the semi-public life of pri-
vate individuals. A private woman
writing to a dressmaker or a butcher
should not call herself “Sallie” or
“Carrie,” but Sarah or Caroline.» When
a woman in private life writes for pub-
lication or acts as secretary for a club
she should observe the same reserve.
It is seldom that “‘ies” find fame and
are long remembered. Helen of Troy
was never Nellie to the public. Penel-
ope never allowed any one but Ulysses
to callher Pen. Anne Hathaway was
“Nan to few people besides Master
William Shakespeare. Queen Eliza-
beth could never have reigned success-
fully as Queen Lizzie, and Joan of Arc
would never have been a great name in
history had she allowed herself to be
generally known as Jeannie.—N. Y.
——Have you ever noticed how your
system seems to crave special assistance
in the spring ? Just the help required
if given by Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Some Summer Beverages.
Delicious Drinks for Warm Days—How to Make
Good Lemonade.
The best known and most frequent.
ly used of all summer drinks is lemon-
ade, but there are many other fruit
preparations which are equal or su-
perior to it, both as to quality and fla.
yor, but which are not so often made
simply because they are not generally
known. Of course it requires consid-
erable time and trouble to prepare the
syrups, shrubs, etc., which form the
basis of these beverages, but when
once properly made they are always
ready for immediate use—an advantage
that every housekeeper will appreciate.
On a hot sultry afternoon, when there
is scarcely enough air to stir the
leaves on the trees, it is very pleasant
to be able at a moment's notice to pre-
pare a delicious and invigorating drink
by simply adding a teaspoonful of
some nicely flavored fruit syrup to a
glass of iced water, In the making of
lemonade the following recipe is one of
the very best :
Good fresh lemons, iced water and
sugar are necessary ingredients for
this popular drink. It is always best
to place the sugar in the water, allow-
ing it to dissolve while the lemons are
being prepared, which is done by roll-
ing them well before they are cut and
pressed, as the juice may be much
more easily extracted. The use of a
lemon squeezer is not to be commend-
ed, as the oil of the rind is more or less
pressed out with the juice, and gives it
a bitter taste. Allow to each half pint
of strained lemon juice three pints of
ice water and a heaping pint of sugar.
If it is desired sparkling add a little
soda after the glasses have been filled.
Concentrated lemonade — Make a
rich syrup of two pounds and a half of
sugar and a pint of hot water and pour
Business Notice.
Children Cry or Pitcher’s Castoria.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
itover an ounce and a half of citric
acid. Bottle and cork tightly while
hot. One tablespoonful of this will
make a glass of excellent lemonade.
Apollinaris lemonade is made by us-
ing ove half a lemon for each glass.
Squeeze the lemon juice on loaf sugar
and mix with apollinaris water ; a tea-
spoonful of powdered sugar to each
——Persons who sympathize with the
afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of
1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He
is an old sufferer from inflammatory
rheumatism, but has not heretotore been
troubled in this climate. Last winter
he went up into Wisconsin, and in con-
seqence has had another attack. “It
came upon me again very acute and
severe,” he said. “My joints swell and
became inflamed ; sore to touch or al-
most to look at. Upon the urgent re-
quest of my mother-in-law 1 tried
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm to reduce
the swelling and ease the pain, and to
my agreeable surprise, it did both. I
have used three fifty-cent bottles and be-
lieve it to be the finest thing for rheu-
matism, pains and swellings. For
sale by F. P. Green, Druggist.
New Advertisements.
ARM FOR SALE.—A most ex-
cellent farm of 178 acres well located,
good buildings, plenty of water, well fenced
god Tihin a tew oe of FIA] sje, can
© purchased at a bargain by applying
39 46 tf. 1st Nat. Bank Bellefonte.
N paint the best is the cheapest.
Dou’t be misled by trying what is said
to be “just as good,” but when you paint insist
upon having a genuine brand of
sidelile Ser. .
It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints,
and lasts many times as long.
Look out for the brands of White Lead of-
fered you ; any of the following are sure;
FOR COLORS.—National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors are sold in one-pound
cans, each can being sufficient to
tint 25 pounds of strictly Pure White
Lead the desired shade; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a
combination of perfectly pure colors
in the handiest form to tint Strictly
Pure White Lead.
A good many thousand dollars have
been saved property oper: by hav.
ing our book on painting and color-
card. Send us a postal card and get
both free.
Pittsburg Branch,
German National Bank Bailding,
39-12-1t-n. r. Pittsburg,
‘Wall Paper Store.
}—S. H. WILLIAMS —t}
117 HigH STREET,
The Same Old Place Where we have been for
thirty years, and notwithstanding the fact
that wall paper is advertised to be sold at
cost elsewhere we will still continue to sell
in Newest de-
Latest dr signs and
fresh from the factory at prices that knocks the
bottom out of old goods at ‘old and higher cost
We quote the following prices which will
stand from now until July 1st, 1895.
Brown Backs........ sirens 4, 5 and 6 cts per piece
White Backs hiBp8 lg yb
Micas and Glimmers....8, 10 * 12
Bronzes,............coosre000: 10,124 154
15 and 20cts and upward
Embossed Golds....... ..20 and 25 cts to $1.50
Light Weizht Felts.....ocseresrereress 12 and 15 cts
Boston Felts and Ingrains......15, 25 and 30 cts
Window Shades with Spring Rollers at
18, 25 and 50 cts.
As it is the intention of the citizens of Belle-
fonte to celebrate the 100th anniversary of
the town in June next we will be glad to do
what we can in the way of
that will improve the appearance of our homes
before that time comes. We keep in stock a
large line of
Window Shades, Extra Wide Shades
and Store Shades a Specialty.
Room and picture moulding in great Yariety,
curtain poles, fixtures, pictures frames made
to order.
With my yearsexperience and a dozen good
ractical painters and paper hangers, the
argest and finest stock of wall paper ever
brought to Bellefonte, we can say to our
many old customers that we thank you for
your liberal patronage in the past and hope
to serve you in the future. And to those
When she had Children, she gave them | who have not dealt with us we sinpy ask
Castoria. 38-43-2y you to come in and see what we can do for
Prices and samples sent by mail on applica-
tion. 40 4
Printing. Printing.
Fine Job Printing Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
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Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Lyon & Co.
I ll
—A ne,
Oe —
I ffs nly
Il I
I ll
Best Dress Ginghams 5 and 6c per
yard; Challies 33c per yard ; best Sat-
teens 8, 9, 10 and 12}c per yard; best
Prints 4, 4} and 5c; all wool Serges,
that were 60 now 37c; all wool Serges,
that were 50 and 60 now 34c; Cash-
meres, that were 30 now 19, 20 and
25c; Illuminated French Suitings=—
the very handsomest Dress Goods, that
were 75 now 39c ; Muslins 4,4} and 5¢
per yard.
Bleached Table Damask, that was
65 now 25c.
Bleached Table Damask, that was $1
now 75c.
Same that was 75 now 50c.
[14 3 50 3 35¢.
40 25¢.
Silk for Waists 20, 30, 37, 40 and
50c ; Embroidery 2,3, 4 and 5¢ a yard,
and up; Bed Ticking for 7c. up; La-
dies’ Wraps and Capes $1.24, up; La-
dies’ Summer Undershirts 5, 8, 10, 12¢
and up.
The greatest assortment of Window
Blinds—spring rollers, good felt and
oil cloth, at the following prices. All
complete 14c, 15, 18, 20, 25 and 30c a
oh “ 6“
Rag Carpet, the best stock ever
shown in Centre county. Note these
prices—18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30;
34, 374, 40 and 42.
The above are of the newest of pat-
terns and best qualities that have ever
been shown for the money.
We are leaders in the sale of Good
Shoes at low prices.
A genuine dongola, patent leather
toe, in all the lasts, opera toe, square
toe, common sense toe, at $1.25, $1.50,
$1.75 and $1.90; every pair warranted-
You never heard of shoes for these
prices warranted, the finest Dongola
kid, button and lace boots for ladies
$2.00 and $2.40, of exquisite workman-
ship ; opera toe, narrow square toe,
patent leather toe, common sense toe,
—every pair warranted. As fine a
stock, as dressy, stylish and durable,
R&FMen’s Shirts, 19c., 24c. and 37c.
as when zold at $4.00 and $5.00 a pair
a year ago.
Infant Shoes, real kid|27c. a pair.
Girl's Shoes, 60, 75, 93,98, $1.00 and
81.20. As good in quality as you buy
elsewhere for one-half more.
Boys’ Good Dress Shoes 175, 93, 98,
$1.00 and $1.25. All goodfstock and
wear like iron.
Men’s Dress Shoes 98, $1.00, 81.15,
$1.25, 81.45, 1.98, $2.40 and $2.48.
See if you can buy them ‘elsewhere
for that money.
Spring Clothing now ready for you.
In Clothing we lead them all in low-
ness of prices, in good goods, well
made and fit equal to merchant tailor
Boys’ Suits at 75, 90, $1.00, $1.10,
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. :
Boy’s Strictly All-wool Suits, wear
and sewing guaranteed, at $2.50, $2.75,
$3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00.
Men's Suits at $2.90, £3.00, £3.50.
$4.00, $4.25 and $4.50, in Black
Cheviot, Mixed Cassimere, etc., all
new stock.
Men's Strictly All-wool Suits, newest
patterns, at $4.75, $5.00, £5.25, £5.50,
$6.00, $7.00 and $8.00.
Men’s Fine Dress Suits, in Black
Worsted, Clay Worsteds, neat mix-
tures, at $7.50, 8.00p 9.00, 9.50, 10.00
and 11.50, as fine a goods, as stylish a
cutand as well made as you used to
pay 15.00 to 20.00 a suit for.
We have, beyond doubt, the best
wearing Shoe in the world. They are
warranted, every pair of them, and we
are the Sole Agents for the sale of them
in Centre county. You know what
they are. They are the DOUGLAS
SHOE. If they don’t wear well, bring
them back and either get an allowance
or get another pair. We have them in
Men’s from $1.85 to 4.50 a pair; in
Boy’s from ¢1.75 to 2.50 a pair. We
have them in Patent Leathers, Rus-
sete, Bluchers, Razor Toe, Needle Toe,
Yale Toe, Square Toe, Half Round, or
any style you may want.
Men’s laundried Dress Shirts, 47c.
Men's heavy Working pants warranted not to rip, good and strong 50c.
4c., 4dc., bc. a yard.
te. and Te a yard.
and T4c.
0 0 o 0 0.0
Best Table Oilcloth at 15¢. a yard.
Best Unbleached Muslins,
Best Bleached Muslins, 6
We extend a most cordial invitation to our
patrons and the public, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will
be made in the large room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has been
added to my factory and will be used exclu.
sively for the sale of harness, being the first
exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as
heretofore the custom has been to sell goods
in the rocm in which they were made. This
elegant room has been refitted and furnished
with glass cases in which the harness can be
nicely displayed and still kept away from
heat and dust, the enemies a wear in
leather. Our factory now occupies a room
16x74 feet and the store 20x60 yi makes it
the largest establishment of its kind outside
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Weare prepared to offer better bargains in
the future than we have done in the past and
We want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
ie will buy. Our profits are not lar e, but
y selling lots of goods we can afford tolive in
Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle
philanthropy. It is purely business. We are
not making much, but trade is growing and
that is what we are interested in now. Profits
will take care of themselves.
When other houses discharged their work-
men during the winter they were all put to
work in my factory, Tahoe the big (2)
houses of this cityand county would smile if
we compared ourselves to them, but we do not
mean to be so odious, except to venture the as-
section that none of them can say, as we can
CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story.
The following are kept constantly on hand.
$8.00 to 815.00 and upwards, LARGE
8et825.00 and upwards, 500 HORSE
COLLARS from $1,50 to 5,00
each, over £100.00 worth o
$400 worth of Fly Nets sold cheap
$150 worth of whips
from 15¢ to $3.00 each,
Horse Brushes,Cury Combs
: Shaheen Chamois, ' RIDING
Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low
prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand
for Ye Jerues Leather as low as 25¢c per
ound. © keep everything to be found in a
ing, oFer Sr yesrs Inthe same Soom: No two
snopsin the same town to catch trade—NO
SELLIN G OUT for the want of trade or prices.
Four harness-makers at steady work this win.
ter, This is our idea of protection to labor,
when other houses discharged their hands,
they soon found work with us.
33 37 Soring street, Bellefonte, Pa,
Ee ——— ———
INluminating Oil,
{sows ACME.
It gives a Brilliant Light.
It will not Smoke the Chimney.
It will Not Char the Wick,
It has a High Fire Test.
It does Not Explode.
It is without an equal
We stake our reputation as refiners that
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
Bellefonte Station,
Bellefont i
39 37 1y E08, 2s
Miscellaneous Adys,
tion and fortune go hand in hand.
Get an education at the Central State Normal
School, Lock Haven, Pa. First-class accom
modations and low rates. State aid to stu-
dents. For illustrated catalogue address
JAMES ELDON, Ph. D., Principal.
39-45-1y Lock Haven, Pa
For a prompt answer and an honest opinion,
write to Munn & Co., who have had nearly
fifty years’ experience in the patent business.
Communications strictly confidential. A hand-
book of Information concerning Patents and
how to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue
of mechanical and scientific books sent free,
Patents taken through Munn & Co., receive
Shecial Rotize in the Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public
without cost to the inventor. This splendid
pager. issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has
y far the largest circulation of any scientific
work in the world. $3 a year. Sample copies
sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, 82.50 a year. Sin-
le copies, 25 cents. Every number contains
autiful plates, in colors, and Photographs of
new houses, with plans, enabling builders
to show the latest designs and secure con-
tracts. Address
‘361 Broadway.
40 3-6m New York
Fine Job Printing.
0———A SPECIALTY————o
There is no style of work, from the cheapes’
Dodger” to the finest
but you can get done in the most satisfactory
manner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work
by calling or communicating with this office.