Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 24, 1895, Image 4

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    Democrat Wate ja
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., May 24, 1895.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebprror.
Democrats, Be Ready.
There remains but a short time until
the Democratic county convention will
convene aud then the campaign will
have opened in earnest. The date,
Tuesday, June 11th, has been fixed for
the convention and from the present
out look it will be a most harmonious
gathering. It is against the lethargy
that is apt to arise, as the result of
nominations without a contest, that we
want tO warn you.
The campaign this fall will be one of
the greatest moment to the party.
Upon it hinges much of the future of
Democracy in Centre county and there
can be but one result unless Democrats
awaken, everywhere, to a full realiza-
tion of the situation.
Flushed with the victory of last Fall
the Republicans are gloating in the
false conception that Centre is no long-
er a Democratic county. Such an idea
is indisputably erroneous, since the
vote at the February election, based on
the returns for inspector in the various
precincts, indicated a good Democratic
majority. Whether the party will
have such a majority in the fall depends
entirely upon the number of voters who
gooui to the polls and the activity of
the campaign. What is needed most,
and needed at once, isa thorough shak-
ing up all along the line. Democrats
should be rejoiced at the good times
they are bringing about and the ad.
vance in prices of farm products.
There should never be a cessation of
helping the party ball along for a min-
ute ; from now until next November
get in a word wherever you can; boost
the party ; boom the candidates and
do everything in your power to amica-
bly appease any dissatisfaction there
might be in the ranks.
The Republicans are going to make
a bitter fight this fall. Let us be
ready for them.
The Farmers In It Too.
The era of prosperity promised as
the result of the Democratic WiLson
tariff bill would have been a dismal
failure had it not brought something
better for all classes. For weeks the
papers have been full of the accounts
of increased wages and resumption of
operations in idle industrial plants in
all parts of the country. Pennsyl-
vania seems to have been particularly
benefitted by the operations of the bill
and day after day the glad tidings of
better pay for workmen have been sent
out from nearly every town in this
The great CARNEGIE works in the
vicinity ot Pittsburg, the mills that
make textiles about Philadelphia, the
Hexry DisstoN & Sons immense lum-
ber mills in Philadelphia, and the coal
fields in all parts of the State have re-
corded an advance in wages made pos-
sible by better prices and sigps of re-
viving times. These increases have
affected almost every branch of indus-
try ‘throughout the United States as
well, but until very recently the great
farming classes had realized no bene:
fit from the revival,
Their time has come too and Demo-
cratic promises are being fulfilled in a
substantial way that will carry convic-
tion that it is the party that legislates
for the masses. Think of it. Wheat,
that was a|drug on the market at 50cts,
when the McKINLEY law gave way to
its Democratic successor, has been
jumping right along until it has now
reached 7Octs. Higher than it has
been for three years.
With every necessary reduced in
price the farmer is surely a happy
man to-day. It doesn’t cost him near-
ly as much to live, yet he is getting
more for his product. Such facts are
indisputable, when advanced in sup-
port of the statement that the Demo-
cratic party is committed to the best
interests of the masses.
~——The first number of the Lewis-
burg Journal under its new proprietor,
W. L. Kurtz, reached this office on Fri-
day. It isan old paper in a new form
destined to become a power in Union
county. The editor ie a son of Fred
Kurtz, Esq. editor of the Centre Hall
Reporter, and was graduated from
Bucknell University, at Lewisburg, in
The Income Tax Declared Unconstitu-
tional by the Supreme Court of the
United States.
The Judges Stood 5 to h.—Chief Justice Fuller
Read the Opinion of the Majority and Dissent”
ing Opinions Were Given by Justices Harlan}
Jackson, Brown and White—A Murmur of Ap.
proval When Chief Justice Fuller Had Finish
ed Reading.
WasHINGTON, May 20.—The supreme
court to-day, through Chief Justice Ful-
ler, announced its decision by a vote of
5to 4, wiping the income tax law out
of existence as unconstitutional.
The majority vote was cast‘by the
chief justice and Justices Field, Brewer,
Gray and Shiras, the latter having
shifted his position since the former de-
cision, and made the majority against
the law. Then, for over two hours, the
four dissenters--Harlan, Jackson, Brown
and White—attacked the decision, one
after the other, in opinions unprece-
dented in feeling and earnestness, which
made the proceedings as sensational as
they were important.
Justice Jackson, who surprised every-
body by appearing on the bench, as his
presence in Washington was unknown
until to-day, was perhaps the most im-
pressive of the dissenters, because his
condition was such that he was obliged
to read his opinion out of its turn and to
leave the bench and prepare to return
to his Philadelphia physician as soon as
he had finished the reading, which was
interrupted from time to time by what
seemed to be painful fits of coughing,
but Harlan and White, who are fiery
orators, were the most dramatic, for they
spoke with fervid eloquence, gesticulated
freely, and even pounded the desk.
Their opinions were really speeches
(they both said they would submit writ-
ten opinions later), and they caused a
sensation in the court room. :
Chief Justice Fuller read the opinion
of the majority, earnestly, but without
apparent feeling, and Justices Field and
Gray, on his right, and Brewer and
Shiras, on his left, who concurred with
him, looked with amazement at their
impassioned colleagues as they denounc-
ed the decision which has been rendered.
The lawyers who crowded the bar
(nome of the counsel against the law be-
ing present, while all the counsel for it
were ners), the ladies of the supreme
court families in the reserved seats and
the throng of spectators jammed into the
few benches for the public, found the
three hours and twenty minutes of lis-
tening to the five opinions as entertain-
ing as so much time in the senate or the
house on a day of a great debate. There
was general interest in the fact that
three of the four dissenters who contend-
ed so eloquently for the maintenance of
national authority over taxation were
southern men, just as there was in the
fact that two of them were Democrats
and two Republicans, and that of the
five northern men who annulled the law
two were Democrats and three were Re-
Most of those who heard the opinions
read were possible income taxpayers
who wanted the law wiped out, so that
their sympathies were with the majority
of the court. There was even a mur-
mur of approval which was like ap-
plause, when Chief Justice Fuller finish-
ed reading the opinion of the court. But
there was nothing stirring in the chief
justice’s opinion, so that it was not
strange that the rousing eloquence of
the dissenting justices moved their sensi-
bilities as it had not.
The very fact that supreme court opin-
ions are by custom conservative and
conventional in form and expression
made the speeches of the dissenting jus-
tices the more effective.
WASHINGTON, May 20.—The exper:-
ment of reviving the income tax has
been a costly one to the United States
treasury. Up to date the cost of prepar-
ing for the enforcement of the law now
declared unconstitutional by the su-
preme court aggregates about $100,000.
All the printing done in preparing blank
‘ forms of returns is of course a dead loss.
There were appointed 250 deputy col-
lectors of internal revenue for the speci-
al purpose of handling this tax, all of
whom will now gradually be dismissed.
At some of the larger offices a few spe-
cial deputies may be kept for a short time
to assist in closing up the work of re-
fanding the money already paid in. Up
to May 1 the amount paid in was about
$78,000." Since that date about $7,000
have been received, making the total in
round figures $80,000.
This money will be refunded under
section 3,220, revised statutes, upon ap-
plication being made to the commission-
er of internal revenue through the col-
lector to whom the tax return was origi-
nally made. One application has al-
ready been filed for a return of the tax
paid in. It was made by ex-Senator
Camden, of West Virginia, who filed it
five minutes after Chief Justice Fuller
announced the decision of the court.
Commissioner Miller says that under
the income tax law, as it passed con-
gress, $40,000,000 would have been re-
ceived, and in ‘the shape in which the
first decision left it about $16,000,000
would have been realized, To have col-
lected this would have cost about $130,
000 or less than 1 per cent. of the
amount collected.
Attorney General Olney wheu he re-
turned from the supreme court said he
had no opinion one way or another to
express on the decision of the court on
theincome tax. There was no further
move for the government to take in the
It was intimated, however, in official
circle that, with the personel of the su-
preme court changed, as it may be by |
the retirement of one of the justices, the
whole subject might be tried over again.
This could be done, it was said, by the
treasury officials refusing to refund the
income tax collected and having the
Damage Done by Frosts,
Fruits and Vegetables Injured and the Grape
Crop in Pennsylvania Is Absolutely Ruined.
WasnINGTON, May 21.—The weekly
telegraphic crop bulletin of the agri- |
culture department says: The excep-
tionally cool weather of the past few
days have been very unfavorable for
most crops and widespread injury has
been done by frosts, which have been
general throughout the northern and
central portions of the country and as
far south as the northern portion of
Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.
Corn has suffered seriously ; much re-
planting will be necessary.
Spring wheat is in an excellent con-
dition in Minnesota and has not been
unfavorably affected in northern Da-
kota. Winter wheat has suffered in-
jury from frost in Indiana and Mis.
souri. In Illinois the crop is less
promising than heretofore, and no im-
provement has been experienced in
Kansas and Nebraska. More satis
factory reports are, however, received
from Arkansas, Tennessee and Michi-
The report from Pennsylvania was
as follows : Frosts vary damaging to
fruits and vegetables, except in south-
eastern counties; grape crop appears
ruined ; grain and grass in fair condi-
RI Sa Tana,
Bloody Mexican Revolt,
Natives Killed 20 of a Surveying Party, Then De-
feated Soldiers.
EL Paso, Tex., May 19.—Informa-
tion has been received here of a bloody
local revolt, which broke out in a get-
tlement between the towns of Guada-
loupe Calvo and Varvagama, in the
state of Chihuahua, Mexico, a few
days ago. The trouble began when
the natives living in the district at
tacked a surveying party, under Cap-
tain Morrison, an American, and
killed 20 of the party. The affair was
reported to the commander of Mexican
troops at Parral, who immediately
started a detachment of 100 men to
the scene. Last Wednesday the
troops were assaulted by the natives,
and the troops retreated, leaving half
of their number dead and wounded on
the battlefield.
The appointment of the American
Morrison to survey the government
land, which is now occupied by native
farmers ; caused the trouble: Morri-
son was to receive a certain portion of
the lands for his work. The natives
number about 2,000 men, living in a
district which is surrounded by mount-
ains, Troops have been ordered from
Chihuahua to quell the revolt. Mor-
rison escaped.
Senator Hill's Views,
He Expresses His Opinions Freely on the Court's
ALBANY, N.Y. May 20.—Senator
David B. Hill was greatly pleased at
the decision in the income tax matter
to-night and he took no pains to con-
ceal that pleasure. In relation to its
general effects Senator Hill said : “The
court has vindicated its wisdom and en-
trenched itself in the confidence of the
people. Public sentiment was right in
demanding that the whole law be set
aside, and public sentiment has justly
triumphed. I never believed it to be
constitutional and hence sincerely re-
gretted its unwise and foolish insertion
in a tariff reform bill. I wrote against
it, I spoke against it and I voted against
In regard to its political status he
said: “The passage of the bill was
yielding to a false clamor, a ‘dicker’ and
a ‘deal’ with Populists, who ought never
to have been sanctioned. An income
tax had not been indorsed by either the
Democratic or Republican parties in
their national platforms, and it was su-
preme folly for any party to enact it.”
Fourteen Men Were Killed.
An Explosion of Nitro-Glycerine at Pinole, Cal.
Tuesday, Caused Terrible Destruction.
PivoLE, Cal.,, May 21.—The nitro-
glycerine house of the California Powder
works at Pinole blew up this morning,
killing five white men and wounding
two others. Nine Chinamen were kill-
ed and three others injured.
Where the glycerine house stood is
now a heap of rubbish surrounding a
great hole blown into the ground by the
force of the explosion. * All buildings
surrounding the one where the explosion
occurred and distant from it from 100 to
200 yards are more or less demolished.
Every person about the mills was blown
down by the force of the explosion and
many more injuries are reported. Seventy
five Chinamen and 100 white men were
employed. The loss is estimated at
$250,000. It is believed that a China-
man dropped a can of nitro-glycerine
and that the concussion from this ex-
plosion caused the general blow up.
The nitro-glycerine house ccntained
8,000 pounds of nitro-glycerine and 2,-
000 pounds of Hercules powder.
Norris and all on Board Sunk.
The Ship Neither Seen nor Heard From Since
October Last— Believed to Have Foundered.
All hope has been given up of the
safety of the American ship Norris,
Captain Barstow, which left Newport
News October 13, 1894, bound to Bar-
celona, Spain. She was spoken when
two days out all well, but since that
time nothing has been seen or heard of
her. At the North American Insur-
ance Company's office yesterday it was
stated that the vessel had been posted
as missing and all claims paid. The
Norris when she sailed had a crew of
twelve all told, and three passengers.
The latter were H. D. Essington, Miss
Essington, his sister, and Dr. Bland,
the two former of York, Pa.
Harry Hayward Must Die.
party enter suit to recover the money.
It is pointed out that the money paid
in on this account can be refunded un-
der section 3,220, revised statutes, only |
upon the approval of the secretary of |
in the Senate, on Wednesday, and | the treasury, and, if he should with.
: Q hold approval, a test case with a change |
passed on final reading, but the Seua- | of ta Tocult. g
tors muet have been frightened by their |
work, for they moved to reconsider |
and postponed further action on the |
1885. The paper is to be Democratic
in principle.
——The religious garb bill was up
The Man Who Incited and Planned the
of Catharine Ging to Hang in June.
St. Pavr, Mion.,, May 20.—Gover-
nor Clough to-day signed the death war-
rant for Harry Hayward, convicted of
inciting and planning the murder of
Catharine Ging in Minneapolis. The
Governor set the execution for June 21,
——Lyon & Co’s., mammoth store in
this place 1s crowded every day with !
| people who are wise enough to take ad- |
i vantage of the great sacrifice sale now |
' advertised by that firm.
=—=Do you read the WATCHMAN,
Color Line Obliterated,
Chicago Woman's Club Decides to Consider Mer-
it Alone.
CH1cAGO, May 19.—The Chicago
Woman's club has obliterated the color
line. Character and character alone,
backed by intelligence, is now the only
condition of membership in that organi-
zation. Race, color, creed, political
leanings are all pushed aside. This
was accomplished last night after a pro-
longed and at times heated discussion,
and to Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson be-
longs much of the credit for the vie-
Since Mrs. Fannie R. Williams, the
well-known colored woman, failed to be-
come a member of the club, early last
winter, this question of color had been
the one live issue in the club. But the
victory is only half won for the Chicago
women. They must carry their point
in the Federation of Women's clubs, a
national organization with which the
Chicago club is affiliated. Also affiliat-
ed with the federation are a number of
women’s clubs in southern cities. With
them wiping out the color lineis a
proposition which will doubtless cause
a prolonged wrangle.
Admiral Meade Retires.
WasHINgTON, May 20. — Admiral
Meade was placed on the retired list to-
day with a reprimand. Secretary Her-
bert recommended the retirement and
the president endorsed thereon the fol-
lowing :
“EXECUTIVE MaNsioN, May 20,
1895.—The within recommendation is
approved and Rear Admiral Richard
W. Meade is hereby retired from active
service pursuant to section 1,443 of the
revised statutes.
“The President regrets exceedingly
that the long, active service of this offi-
cer, so brilliant in its early stages and
go often marked by honorable incidents,
should at its close be tarnished-by con-
duct at variance with a commendable ca-
reer and inconsistent with what an offi-
cer of his high rank should furnish of his
subordination und submission to the
restraints of wholesome discipline and
manifest propriety.
Fish and Game Preserve.
Embracing 15,000 Acres of Woodland and Now
Being Prepared.
A fish and game preserve, embracing
15,000 acres of nice woodland in Treaster
velley. located in the Seven mountains,
is being fitted up and an association has
been formed with the following or-
ganization : President, Robert Whit-
mer, Roanoke, Va. ;secretary and treas-
urer, Charles” Steele, Sunbury. The
other members are H. J. Waters, M. C.
Ihlseng, Louis E. Reber, State College ;
Leonard E. Pearson and Thomas Slay-
maker, of Philadelphia.
A fine stream of water, richly stock-
ed with mountain trout, runs the entire
length of the preserve, affording excel-
lent sport for anglers. This preserve
will be the largest and eventually the
finest in the state, and the entire tract
will be enclosed with a high wire fence.
A game warden will be retained on the
ground the year around sand a lodge
built for the accommodation of the own-
ers and their friends.
Bellefonte’s Centennial Celebration.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the Centennial celebration, to
be held at Bellefonte, Pa., June 5th,
6th and 7th, the Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company will sell on those dates
excursion tickets to Bellefonte and re-
turn, from East Bloomsburg, Shamo-
kin, Ridgway, and intermediate points,
aod from stations ‘on the Middle,
Lewistown, and Tyrone Divisions, at
two cents per mile.
On the same dates tickets will also
be sold to uniformed firemen (in the
same territory) al a single fare for the
round trip. :
Tickets will be good tor return
sage until June 8, inclusive. - :
Reduced Rates to Gettysburg, Pa., via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the accommodation of those
who desire to witness the Decoration
day exercises at Gettysburg, the Penn-
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
on May 29 and 30 excursion tickets
from New York city and all stations
in Penusylvania and New Jersey to
Gettysburg and return at one and one-
third fares for the round trip, good for
return passage until May 31, inclusive.
This will make the round trip rates as
follows: New York, $8.73; Trenton,
$6.47 ; Philadelphia, $5.40 ; Pittsburg,
$10.93 ; Williamsport, $5,53 ; propor-
tionate rates from other points.
The Sultan Exonerated.
WasHINGTON, May 21.—Secretary
Herbert has received a report from
Admiral Kirkland, commanding the
European squadron, in regard to the
reported Armenian outrages in Asia
Minor. The report indicates that the
alleged outrages were exaggerated by
those who had appealed for assistance.
Admiral Kirkland is emphatic in
exonerating the Sultan from blame in
these much discussed trovbles, and his
views as to the absence of atrocities
are concurred in by all the United
States diplomatic representatives
whom he met in that section of the
One Hundred and Sixty-Eight Drowned.
Loxpox, May 22.--The Star pub-
lishes a report that a Spanish steamer
has been wrecked off the Philippine
island and 168 persons drowned. In.
quiry in regard to the report proves
that it has reference to the Spanish
steamer Gravans, reported May 20, as
having been wrecked off Capones. No
details are furnished.
Heavy Snow in Colorado.
CREEDE, May 22,—It has been snow-
ing here for twelve hours. The snow
lies a foot deep in the streets.
——Figured China silks 20cts. a yd ;
striped wash silks 30cts. a yd.—Lyon &
The Governor Has Signed the Follow-
ing Bills.
To designate the number of council-
men to be elected in the several bor
oughs of the commonwealth and fixing
the length of their terms;to provide
for the more speedy and effectual man-
ner of collecting the road and poor
taxes ; providing for the divestiture of
liens of taxes levied or assessed against
lands sold at judicial sales ; to prohibit
the giving and raising of false alarms
of fire ; relating to the operation of the
statute of limitations on actions against
non residents of the state ; empowering
the courts having jurisdiction to decree
and approve, ratify and confirm pri-
vate sales. To punish pool selling, re-
ceiving and transmitting bets or aiding
in pool selling on betting, and for the
organization of associations for the
protection and saving of human life in
cities of the first class.
General Advance in Wages.
Disston & Sons, the big lumber manu-
facturers, of this city, to-day announced
a general advance in wages of 10 per
cent. The advance is given to all the
1,700 employes of the firm.
WANTED—At Lyon & Co’s store,
Bellefonte, 50,000 lbs. wool.
Mary Holter, the seventeen year old
daughter of Hayes Holter, of this place,
was stricken with uremia spasms on
Eleventh street, in Tyrone, on Satur-
day afternoon. She was picked up and
carried to the home of Thomas Bell,
where she continued having seizures
every few moments until entirely ex-
hausted she died Tuesday morning. The
girl’s mother having died years ago she
made her home with her grandmother
at Spruce Creek. During the past year
she had suffered with scarlet fever which
superinduced acute Bright's disease, or
uremia. She had been shopping in
Tyrone when stricken.
D1ED IN TYRONE. — Mrs. Eliza Haupt,
relict of Samuel Haupt, who died in this
place January 28th, 1864, died in
Tyrone on Monday night, aged 76 years
and 5 months. She was the mother of
Allison Haupt, the much respected con-
ductor on the B.E.V.R.R, and of
Henry Haupt and Mrs. Joseph Baird, of
——Edith. the eight month’s old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mal-
lory, of Pine street, died on Wednesday
afternoon with inflammation of the bow.
els. She was a bright, interesting babe
whose death is a sore affliction to fond
parents. The funeral will be held this
-—Seven children have died at Sco-
tia this spring with the whooping
cough and measles. Last week one of
‘Wm. Sellers children died while another
one was being buried.
— During a storm at Coalport, last
Saturday, lightning struck little George
Niebauer and killed him.
——Joseph Leitzell, aged 60 years,
died at Fiedler, last Saturday.
——800 pair of pants at 40cts. on the
dollar. Strictly all wool, good quality ;
wear and sewing guaranteed at $1.50
per pair. They are actually worth $3
to $3.50.—LyoN & Co. 40-20-3t
STIRK AND ZENO.—Among the great-
est xrialists ever known Stirk and Zeno
are the recognized leaders. There has
never been a feat accomplished by any
other gymnasts which these justly fa-
mous gentlemen could not accomplish
and they do even more than that, for
they have a standing challenge open to
the world to meet and defeat any and
all comers. They have been the recog-
nized stars in their branch of the gym-
nastic world for the past ten years, and
to see their awe-inspiring flight through
space is the sight of a lifetime. Swing-
ing aloft in the topmost dome of the
huge circus and hippodrome tent, and
darting from swing to swing with the
rapidity of a shot from a cannon, they
present a magnificent exhibition of dar-
ing and trained agility most startling to
behold. Their triple somersault, turned
in midair, while springing from trapeze
bars, swinging forty feet apart, is the
most thrilling act of its kind ever seen
in this or any other country. The enor-
mous salary paid these famous artistg
would equal the entire salary list of the
ordinary tented amusement enterprise.
And yet they are but a single feature
with the great Walter Main shows. The
only riding lion ever on exhibition is
with this massive amusement institution.
“Wallace,” a lion that actually rides a
ponderous elephant around the hippo-
drome track, and performs upon the
back of a swiftly-running horse all sorts,
of startling feats. The street parade,
which takes place daily at 10a. m., is
a full mile of massive golden magnif-
icence, more than a score of open dens
of rare wild beasts are to be seen, and
five kinds of music discourse melody of
the sweetest strains, This massive ag-
gregation will give two complete per-
formances in Bellefonte on May 28.
——Figured China silks 20cts. a yd ;
striped wash silks 30cts. a yd.—Lyon &
WEATHER. —My last bulletin gave fore-
casts of the storm wave to cross the con-
tinent from 21st to 25th, and the next
will reach the Pacific coast about 26th,
cross the west of Rockies country by
close of 27th, the great central valleys:
28th to 30th and eastern States 31st.
This disturbance will develop a very
considerable energy with severe local
storms, high winds and heavy rains in
small districts. Warm wave will cross
west of Rockies country about 26th,
great central valleys 28th, and eastern
States 30th. Cool wave will cross wess
of Rockies country about 29th, great
central valleys 31st and eastern States
June 2. My next bulletin will give
general forecasts of temperature and
rainfall of June for the nine crop dis-
tricts of the United States.
WANTED—At Lyon & Co’s store,
Bellefonte, 50,000 1bs. wool.
Thursday, May 16th, Mr. and Mrs.
Yearick, of Jacksonville, this county,
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of
their wedding.
About forty-five years ago Mr. Year-
ick moved from Brush valley to a farm,
one mile west of his present home in
Jacksonville, and lived the life of an
honest husbandman for twenty-nine
years. Then he retired to Jacksonville,
where he has resided ever since.
To this aged couple ten men and
women look with a fondness and filial
love that is only engendered between
parent and child. They are : S. Alfred,
of Superior, Neb. ; Sarah S. Hoy, Na-
thaniel H., Mrs. Laura F. Martin,
Chas. E., John W. and Mrs. Ida
Holmes, all of Walker, this county ;
Mary C. Shaffer, of Madisonburg ; Dr.
Cincera K. of Detroit, Michigan and
Mrs. Tillie Peck, of Nittany.
At noon dinner was served. A large
number of guests having been seated at
the tables ; a special one being reserved
for the parents and their children. Af-
ter all had done full justice to the ex-
cellence of the dinner Mr. Yearick
passed a cup about the table at which
he presided. In it were a number of
gold eagles and each one of the children
took a coin therefrom as a present from
their parents.
The anniversary was the occasion of
many letters of congratulations from
friends who were unable to participate
in its celebration and the old bride and
groom received seventy-eight presents of
varying values and usefulness,
We congratulate them on being able
to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of
their marriage. When we look around
us we find very few are permiited to
live so long without having the family
circle broken. We trust that divine
providence will yet permit them to live
many years in the neighborhood where
they are instrumental in doing much
Among these who were present from
a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Hoy, and Mrs, James S. McCalmont, of
State College, and W. H. Phillips and
family, of Aaronsburg.
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required only one announcement that
Rev. Dr. Colfelt, of Philadelphia, was
to fill Dr. Laurie’s pulpit in the Pres-
byterian church here Sunday night to
fill that building with representatives
from all the churches in town. The
principal reason for this was the fact
Dr. Colfelt, until within two or three
years since, had been the pastor of the
large church at Broad and Oxford streets,
in Philadelphia, but his variance with
the blud stocking creed had made it no
longer possible for him to propound it
conscientiously, so he retired. His
health failed and ever since he has been
trying to recover it.
When the members of the church here
heard that the learned divine was to
preach at State College, Sunday morn-
ing, they became very anxious to have
him down here in the evening. Dr.
Laurie refused to sanction the plan and
a. session of the church was hurriedly
called to consider the matter. It was
decided that since Dr. Colfelt had never
been tried for any offense against the
church, there was nothing to interfere
with his preaching. Accordingly he
was secured and a full house greeted
His text was the first three and last
verse of I Corinthians, 13th Chap. a por-
tion of Paul's apostrophe on ‘charity.”
The sermon was deep in thought and
eloquentin delivery. While many
were surprised at the radical views ex-
pressed in a Presbyterian pulpit they
could not but admire the logical force
and elegance of diction with which they
were presented. Dr. Colfelt denied the
efficacy of any other ereed in christiani-
ty than the universal law of love and
claimed that when Presbyterians, Metho-
dists, Lutherans, Catholics and all other
denominations shall merge their nar-
row dogmas into one pure mandate of
love the greatest step toward christianiz-
ing the world will have been taken.
There were many of his auditors who
disapproved of his views, but such logic
is indisputable.