Deora fatefon Bellefonte, Pa., May 24, 1895. TOO LATE. If thou had come to me, my friend, Only one year ago, To ask this question I should not Have answered you with No, That was a time when I knew naught Of lessons lately learned, Of trust betrayed, of hope deferred, Of love half won, half spurned. How could I know you only sought To pass an idle hour, Unmindful how you plucked or dropped Your once admired flower ? How could I dream your vows were false, Since mine were only true ? If I am changed at last, I've learned The lesson taught by you. And now you come again to me To ask my love, my trust? The flower yo spurned a year ago Has perished in the dust ; Of its own hopes. When you can raise That flower to life again, Then you may hope to teach once more My heart’s forgotten pain. And so, farewell ! Ido not hold For you an unkind thought, Nor yet regret for what has passed. The lesson that you taught Of heedlessness indifference (Or call it what you will) My woman's heart so surely learned, It heeds the lesson still. ———————————————————— MISS HOPE'S ROMANCE. And now gentlemen, since we have finished the business of electing a trus- tee, it behooves me, as clerk of the dis- trict and Chairman at this meeting, to speak of a teacher for this ensuing year. Indend, it gives me great pleas- ure to inform our trustees that they will have very little troublein securing | the services of a worthy and estimable woman. The applicant Miss Amelia Sguabbs came to me a few days ago and asked me to use my interference She probably meant I did not in her behalf. my influence, gentlemen. quite engage her, but gave her to understand that her mind might be at rest on the subject. Miss Squabbs left ber photograph to be presented to the district at this meeting. I consider it and her manver extremely prepossess- ing. Just the woman, gentlemen to train the tender mind, “Indeed I" Mr. Spick’s terse remark expressed 80 much that Mr. Sawyer was on his feet again in & moment. “Don’t feel prejudiced, gentlemen, because she came to me first. Her face shows that she has had exper- ience with boys and girls and I feel confident she may be able to civilize some of the wild Indians in this dis- teiet.,”? “Indeed 1 This second “indeed” iesued from the lips of Mr. Spike, who owned two of the said wild Indians. “Yes,” continued ¥r. Sawyer, un- mindful of the interruption, “four echool has been degenerating for the past five or ten years. until the chil dren in it are tbe most demoralized set to be found in the whole county. They areignorant, saucy, bad—"' “Have a care, if you please. Saw- yer,” spoke up Mr. Black. “You are speaking of our children, not yeur own. Wequite agree with you that the school has not been as good lately as it might be. ‘The trustees have not taken as much interest in it as they should. We have allowed others in the district to monopolize the duties of our office. In the future the trustees. expect to hire the teachers themselves, to say what shall and shall not be done, and to support the teacher in every way in their power. So you may tell Miss Squabbe, the prototype of this caricature of womanhood, that we don’t want her. We have a treat in store for the children—Dolly Hope is to teach school next year.” A murmur of surprise and disappro- | val filled the room, and a tall, burly man &t the end of the room rose quick- ? “Neighbor, I’m eafe to say you don’t mean the young gal as lives over the fields yonder ?” “The very same, Dawson. What have you to say against her 7” “Why, she’s but a child, not older than my Jemima. The children won’t obey her” “Give them to uaderstand that they must obey.” “I do my best meighbor, but those youngsters are fuller of spirit than my colte are. I'm half inclined to agree with Mr. Sawyer; get them a teacher they will learn to dread and have a wholesome fear of.” The speaker was William Dawson, a wealthy farmer with a large family. His wife was an invalid, and Jermi- ma, his eldest daughter, a girl of twen- ty, ruled his home as best she could. He sent six children to school, and that left at home Jemima and Robert, a handsome young fellow of twenty- two. “Is this new teacher the young girl who goes gallivanting round the coun- try on a big black horse 7’ asked Red- dv, the father of another big family. “Yes, she rides horseback.” “She has just returned from Europe, they say, and I doubt not her head is filled with all sort of outlandish knowl- edge. A common teacher would do just as well,” “Why now, I think we had better give the young lady a chance,” spoke up ex-goldier Brown, “I am glad for my children’s sake that we are to have a refined, college-bred and traveled teacher. She is a stranger to us all. Perhaps she will do better than some of you are inclined to think.” “Ob, yes, Brown; to be sure you have no fear forher! Your children always do get the benefits. It's a fine thing to be a favorite pupil.” Mr. Brown's face flushed, but he answered quietly : “Yes, I'm glad my children are fa- vorites. They are accustomed to obedience and kindness at home, and I believe they are also good in school.” Mr. Sawyer here arose, and making his way to the door said : “Gentlemen, the business of the evening is finished. Ihave helped the echool in the past all that I could, If Mies Hope wishes my advice I'll give it ; but the trustees have assumed the responsibility of hiring her, now they must support her. I'm done. Good night.” And he passed out. “That is just what we mean to do— support the teacher, and if every fath- er here will impressit on his children’s minds we won't have so many to expel next month,” remarked Mr. Brown. On the morning when school was to open the children congregated early. “I’ve brought a present for the new teacher,” said Barbara Hunter. “I wonder how she will like 2” She opened a box she carried, and we caught a glimpse of a little furry creature, “Won't the dainty Miss Hope yell, though I” said Barbara. ‘Taint like- ly she saw any of these in them furrin’ parts.” Down the road on a slow canter came a beautiful black horse and his rider, Miss Hope; she was dressed in a cloge-fitting dark habit and cap. She stopped at Mr. Dawson’s, where she was to leave her horse, gave Robert the bridle and entered the house. Very soon she reappeared, dressed for school, and walked quickly up the hill. “Good morning ! I am glad to meet you all she said pleasantly. Forty-two pairs of eyes scanned her closely as she passed into the school house. We wereall there, and only those who have gone through the or- deal can appreciate how very trying this first day was to be to the young teacher- At 9 o'clock the bell rang and we took out seats. Some good in- stinct must have guided Miss Hope in making the schedule of names, classes, and so on, for she began with the row in which the best behaved pupils were seated. Next was Barbara’s row. “What is your name ?’ inquired the young teacher. “Some folks call me Red Top.” “Yes ? What do your parents call you?" “Barbara.” “Barbara what ?”’ “Hunter.” “How old are you, Barbara Hun: | ter?” “Past ten,” “How many years past 2’ “Five.” “What do you read in. “A book, Miss Hope.” In this way she and her followers tried all day to annoy Mise Hope ; but she seemed not to notice their rude- ness. Not till afternoon did she discover her present. Barbara had putitin a crayon box on her desk. The first language class was called—ten boys and girls. Miss Hope, eagerly study- ing their sweet faces, drew the box to- ward her to getcrayoun. She slid back the lid, put in her hand, but drew it back quickly with an exclamation of pain. There, clinging to her hand was a blind mole, its teeth nearly through one slender finger. In a sec- ond it had relaxed its hold and was creeping round the floor. One big boy with a ready boot would have crushed the little creature, but Miss Hope laid her handkerchief over it and lifted it back into the box- “We will use the mole for our les- son,” she said. “Who can tell me where moles live, what color they are and all about them !” Although her face was pale and her finger swollen, she never asked a word about how the mole came there. There were good blackboards in the room, and the wall had been newly kalsomined, but the large apartment looked bare and dismal. We had al- ways been accustomed to this, and were not a little surprised to find, one morning, pretty pictures on the walls, polished horns hungup by bright rib- boos and filled with flowers. calendars, a thermometer, little oilcloth mats for the teacher's desk, and various other improvements. The rooms looked very inviting and pleasant. One day Barbara was even more wayward than usual. She would not learn her lessons at all. Miss Hope kept her after school. It was some minutes betore she spoke a word to her. Then she did something so nat- urally and kindly that the girl could not be offended. She took her own brush out of the desk and said : “Barbara do you know you have lovely hair ? I'm going to arrange it for you.” While thus engaged she talked of the beautiful places and things she had seen, telling her stories and anecdotes, until Barbara forgot her wrath and laughed outright. Then Miss Hope put her arms around her. “Barbara, let's be friends. you want to be ? she asked. “I don’t know. I've been so bad and—and—I put that mole on your desk.” “Yes, I know.” “And you are not angry ?" “No, only anxious about you, dear.” And then she talked to the repentant girl in a kind, earnest way she never forgot, and which made her Miss Hope's fast adherent. The young teacher knew quite well how she was regarded in the district. Her methods were so practical and new that they caused comment, and she herself was so young and preity and happy that the old fogies in the district shook their heads and sighed They knew something dreadful would happen in that school before the year was done. Fancy a teacher standing by and watching a boy climb the tall- est tree he could find, or turning a rope for a girl to jump ! She had even been known to approve of foot races, hand springs and wrestling matches ! When the trustees, having been im- portuned again and again, consented to go with Mr. Sawyer to expostulate she laughed and Aneriel : “Why, gentlemen, have you forgot ten your own youth ? You did all these things yourselves. It isa child's nature, and it my pupils want to strengthen their muscles in the old Barbara 7” Don’t idl I'm going to be on hand, if pos- gible, to help in case of an emergency. You haven't any idea how much stronger some of them are growing. See how rosy and erect they are.” Down the road the scholars, came forty-two in number, with flags, broom sticks, mouth organs, tin basins, boxes, anything with which to make a noise. “Mercy on us! What a din | How can you expect those howling urchins ever to become quiet, law-abiding citi- zens or even verge on being good men and women ? Ifyou have any control whatever over them, Miss Hope, I beg you will bid them cease their noise ! “Peace Sawyer! And you, Miss Hope, will you let us see what they will do next, please ?’ “Certainly. It lacks half an hour to school time, but this is one of our calisthenic drill days.” We had received several drill les. sons, and so well did we acquit our- selyes on the present occasion that af- ter fifteen or twenty minutes of ges- ture, singing and marching, Mr. Spick exclaimed ; “Why, it's as good as a show ! I'm sure they obey even your uplifted hand Miss Hope. I wondered what made my boy and girl so strong lately, and I do believe there is such a thing as learning to teach even in them furrin parts. You can do as you please, gentlemen,” he continued “I’m going home, and when any one complains again I'll tell him to come and see for himeelf.” We learned very fast that year, any one could tell that, and so the trustees and parents decided to give us a picnic as a reward either for studying hard or for not having broken our heads, as some of the grumblers contended. For weeks we all looked forward to it. We were proud of our school and liked to compare it with others. One afternoon, about a week before the picnic, Robert Dawson and his father were breaking a young horse. It stopped directly in front of the school house. One of the boys whispered that no animal Rob Dawson rode could pass Miss Hope till his master had looked at her, but the girls would not listen to his joke. It was recess, and we were all out upon the grounds. We had geen colts broken before and knew enough to be quiet; but Miss Hope cried out : “Oh, what a beauty !" That wae true, and the remark pleased the Dawsons, for they were very proud of their horses.” “Yes,” said Robert, “he isa beauty and quite gentle, too.” “Then why do you keep the rope on its neck and in its mouth ?”’ “Because he is not quite broken yet and if he gets frightened a few jerks on that soon quiets him. I'm going to drive this team and take a load of the children to the picnic for you, May I?” He looked at her entreatingly, Miss Hops blushed a little as she answer- ed : “Are you sure it will be safe 2” “Why, yes. Ifyou like I'll leave the rope on, although it won't be nec- essary by that time.” “Oh, thank you! You are very kind.” The last day of school—our picnic day—finally arrived. The whole dis- trict—men, women and children— were going. We met at the school house. How happy we were as we rode through the beautiful country. Even the voices of the gramblers those who found fault with the teacher and predicted dire results from her -calis- thenic drills and ‘sich doin’s,” be- came attuned to nature and helped complete the harmony of the day. Oh, what a day that was in the woods and on the water ! But it ended at last. The children were to start home first, while the older ones, with Miss Hope, remained to pack up the things. How it was no one ever could quite tell ; it must have been the horns, I think, but after the children were all in the wagon that colt, without the least warning, suddenly jerked itself loose from the man who was holding it, and, dragging the rope, sprang away, and before any one could reach out a saving hand the horses were dashing down the mountain with the crowded wagon. We sat still and dumb, with white faces, afraid to move or scream, al- though some of the little ones hid their heads’ and cried. We were helpless with fear. Barbara Hunter had taken the reins, but she dared not use them, for at each pull the colt reared and kicked: We knew nothing could save us from being thrown into the ravine if the horses’ speed was not slackened before we rounded the sharp, narrow curve. But who was that in the road at least a dozen rods from the curve ? Miss Hope ! Her dress was torn, and her sweet face and hands all scratched and bleeding. In a few moments she bad secured the dragging rope, which we had forgotten, and calling to Bar- bara to pull hard on the reins, the horses were brought to a stop just as Robert Dawson, on horseback, dashed upon the scene. Miss Hope fainted dead away then. Robert caught her in his arms and called her wildly by name; but she was unconscious still when they took her home. For days she lay tossingin the delirium of brain fever, She re- covered at last, and soon after that we learned that we were to lose our teach- er ; for Robert Dawson never rested until she promished to be his wife, We were all sorry to lose Miss Hope, but none more so than Mr. Sawyer, “I don’t care whether she knows how to teach in the old way or not,” he said to one of the trustees ; “but a girl who could climb down the moun. tain hand over hand, on the wild grape vines, to save the lives of a lot of children, is fit to be trusted with those children anywhere. I'm afraid we shall never see her like again.” And we never have, in the school- room ; but Mrs, Robert Dawson is a social power in the district, and her former pupils are her most devoted friends,— Waverly Magazine: The Mysterious Opal. | Some Things Which are Known and Others Guessed At—A Gem Which Grows Thirsty | and Commits Suicide. Pittsburg does not possess a single rofessional lapidary. hen a Pitts- Wh brings home a fine topaz from Colorado, or an emerald from South Carolina, or a turquoise from New Mex- ico, he usually does so with the laud- able intention of having it ground and polished, and set in a ring for his wife or sister. Or he may consider the fact that it is a souvenir, a sufficient apology for using it to embellish himself. Pitts- burgers are great travelers, and any number of rough gems are collected in- this way, many of them having perhaps little intrinsic value, but prized because of the way they have been obtained. The work of polishing, however, must be done in the East, and, therefore, it is often not done at all. The chemist knows the opal as Si 02 plus H2 O, which formula, translated, means that the gem is composed of binoxide of silicon, mixed with a vari- able quantity of water. They are found only in volcanic or other igneous rock, and do not occur in crystals, as is com- mon in gems. The opal runs in streaks or branching veins through the rocks, and looks as if a lot of gelatine has been forced into the seams and there solidi- fled. Opal is not a very hard substance, comparatively speaking. It stands about six in the scale of hardness, of whick the diamond is 10. The finest is found in Hungary and Australia. The Mexican variety is very pretty, but not go hard, and it is too abundant to be very valuable. It belongs to the same mineral family as the topaz and ame- thyst, so that the chemical composition of at least three of the gates of the New Jerusalem is of the binoxide. Each va- riety of opal is characteristic of the place in which it is found, so that the con- noisseur can tell by looking at a speci- men what part of the world it came from. All opals gives a reddish amber glow in transmitted light. These facts, Dr. Depuysaid, are elementary, but some facts about opal are not so well known. No one can more than guess at the cause of the brilliant and changing hues of the gem. Itis not due to any pig- ment. Ifthe opalis reduced to pow- der, it presents an ashy gray color. The most plausible theory is that the pris- matic colors are reflected from numerous bundles of thin laminae or sheets, tilted into different planes. This would pro- duce [the effect. Regular laminae will produce iridescence, as is illustrated in mother-of-pearl. The great pressure under which opals are formed would ac- count for the disturbance of the layers. Unfortunately for the lapidarian peace of mind, the lamination has never been found. Dr. Depuy said he had sub- mitted the substance to rigid microscopic test, with no result, and that he had found nro indications of cleavage in the process of grinding. Another theory, based upon the known fact that the opal contains water, is that the ma- terial is porous, and that the light is variously reflected from the walls of the tiny cavities. This guess is made plausi- ble by the fact that an opal which has been kept from moisture for a time loses a portion of its brilliancy, which may be restored by a reversal of the atmospheric conditions. Whatever the cause may be, it is so obscure that all efforts to re- produce or counterfeit the gem by arti- ficial means have failed. The opal is the only gem that has never been imi- tated. The affinity of opal for water is the cause of some queer phenomena. Thus opals vary with the weather, although this statement is often held on a par with the superstitions about their un- lucky influence. It is due to the fact that they absorb moisture from the at- mosphere, thereby increasing their bril- liancy. Dr. Depuy says he has known of opals which had lost their coloring, being restored by a ‘‘rest,’” that is, by being laid away where they could ab- sorb water. One Mexican variety, the hydrophane, derives its name from the extraordinary accession of color which it derives from a soaking in water. This is of course lost when the opal dries out. A lasting effect can be ob- tained by boiling the gem in oil. Dr. Depuy says this fact is generally un- known, but that many gems are greatly improved by the process. His advice is always to buy an opal in dry weather. Dr. Depuy rejects all the superstitions about the gem with truly scientific scorn. It has been advanced that a sick man might undergo such a change of the perspiratory functions as to influ- ence the color of the stone. If a man’s skin was so dry and fever- ish as to rob the stone of its moisture and color,. he would be likely to die at any rate, so that the opal could scarcely be held responsible. Such a stone would naturally acquire an uncanny reputation. However, the explanation is not any more probable than the superstition. The opal is now coming to be regarded as a lucky stone, and that there is as much founda- tion for one belief as the other. Some of the gems exhib- ited are attached to a matrix of the chocolate colored rock to which it ad- hered in situ. Lapidaries have found that this helps the color, especially that of the blue varieties. The value of opals is much a matter of taste, but the ‘‘crackled,” close grained type are the most valuable. The colors should include everything from a deep peacock blue through bright green, to fiery red and gold. One more mysterious quality the stone has. Without any discoverable cause they will sometime burst into mi- nute fragments. It is the only known instence of the paradox of inanimate suicide.— Charles Tarver. —— Analomink is the queer name of a place in Monroe county, which was recently the scene of a postoffice robbery for which crime two men now held in $5000 each will be tried at the next term of a United States Court. The proceeds of the robbery, consisting of a few post- age stamps, half a dozen cigars and an odd aggregation of curious merchandise, are contained in a small cigar box, now : in the custody of the United States At. ' torney. Omlets and Intemperance. Mrs. Lemeke Tells Her Class How to Make the First and Cure the Second. The first thing is baked shad and green peppers. You all know how to bake a shad but I will go into the de- tails of stuffing peppers. Put six fresh green ones in hot fat for two minutes, remove them, take off the skins, and cut a round piece off the bottom of each. After removing the inside fill with forcemeat made £4 cooking one- half ounce of butter and tablespoons- fuls of chopped onion three minutes, then add four ounces of sausages or chopped veal, two tablespoonsful of mushrooms, one chopped tomato, sea- son with pepper and salt, and cook three minutes. Remove from the fire and add three tablespoonfuls of grated bread crumbs and one of milk. Place the peppers with the stuffed side down in a buttered pan and bake for twenty- five minutes. Next Mrs. Lemcke prepared a plain omelet as follows : Three eggs, three spoonfuls of milk, one-quarter tea- spoonful of salt, and a pinch of white pepper ; stir yolks, pepper, salt, and milk together ; beat the whites to a stiff froth and add the above mixture slowly to them, beating constantly ; put a large frying or omelet pan over the fire with one-half tablespoonful of butter ; when hot pour in the omelet mixture ; but do not stir, but as the eggs set, slip a broad-bladed knife un- der the omelet to keep from burning on the bottom : when done slip the knife under one side of the omelet and double it over : slip into & warm plate and set for two minutes in a hot oven : gerve at once. Strawberry omelet is made in the same way, the only difference being that a pint of fresh berries are scatter- ed over half of it and inclosed with the other half. This makes a refreshing breakfast dieh. As the course of lectures draw to a close showers of requests to prepere certain things not on the menus come in to the lecturer, and it was in re- sponse to one of these that she made pancakes and quick muffins yesterday. For the former she sifted one pint of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der, and one-halt teaspoonful of salt in a bowl ; next a tablespoonful of butter rubbed fine in flour, one-half pint of water, two eggs, and Lwo tablespoonfuls of molasses were added and all mixed to a smooth batter and baked on a hot well-greased griddle. Ten minutes af- ter the muffins were started they were served. Mrs. Lemcks rapidly mixed into a stiff batter one cup of prepared flour, one egg, one teaspoonful of but- ter, three tablespoonfuls of milk, and one teaspoonful of sugar and filled six muffin rings balf full of the mixture, placed them on a well-greased griddle and baked them a light brown on both sides. She made a most refreshing drink in the way of iced tea. She boiled two quarts of milk, and ad- ded to it, while very hot, three ounces of the best tea, allowing it to steep for five minutes. When cold she strained it into a mould or ice-cream freezer, and packed it in salt and ice for one hour. Then she.mixed it thoroughly with a quart of whipped cream. This should be served in small glasses. Mrs. Lemcke spoke on intemper- ance, her main point being the human system, when not properly nourished, becomes disordered and crave stimu- lants, Little Ruth is All Right. Why Her Mother Let Her Stay wn the Room With Afternoon Callers. The fact that Mrs. Cleveland was ac- companied to the Leiter-Curzon wed- ding by her little daughter Ruth should effectually set at rest for all future time the false and malicious stories that have been so long current in regard to the child, who is really an unusually bright and sturdy little specimen of childhood. The ef- fort of the President and Mrs. Cleveland to keep the children in the background heretofore has been entirely due to their desire to keep the public from being satiated with accounts of the children, their daily doings, sayings and happen- ings generally. That their motive has been entirely misunderstood and grossly misrepresented to the extent of having accounts of the childrens’ purportéd de- formities and dullness of comprehension scattered broadest over the United States is a condition of affairs of which the President and Mrs. Cleveland are perfectly aware. It may or it may not have been due to the knowledge of such reports that Mrs. Cleveland finally consented to gratify the desire of the bride in allowing Ruth to be present at the ceremony on Mon- day, at which the entire fashionable world was 1n attendance. It was certainly the knowledge of such malicious and ridiculous reports that quite recently prompted Mrs. Cleve- land to make a witty little speech in the presence of some guests who had been driven out to the country place at Woociley. While Mrs. Cleveland was entertaining her callers the door of the room in which they sat opened softly, and a dainty little childish figure stood irresolutely on the threshold. For a moment he child, seeing that her moth- er had callers, started to draw back and close the door after her. With a little laugh, Mrs, Cleveland held out her hands to the child, calling cut: “Come in, Ruth. dear ; if you don’t people may say that you bave no legs.” ——The fact that Japan has just plac- ed an immense order for gunpowder in this country may be taken as an indica- tion that in the judgment of her rulers the closing of the terms of peace with China does not necessarily inaugurate a reign of peace in the East, and that at all events the land of the Rising Sun means to hold herself in readiness to re- spond to the growls of the Russian bear, if necessary with the sullen roar of ar- tilery. -—Miss Cross—*“What would you do if you were in my shoes ?"’ Miss Sharpe—*“Turn my toes out.” For and About Women. It is a momentous day in the history of a young girl’s life when she puts on her first long dress. It is a much more important event than the putting on of his first pair of long trousers by a boy, for the boy is a boy still for some years afterwards, but from the time the girl dons her first real long dress she is re- garded as a woman. She may have worn dresses that reached almost down to her shoe tops, but they were as youthful in appearance as the long dresses which she wore in babyhood. But when an even all- around skirt is changed to the drapery of the dress worn by grown women, then we have no longer a young girl, but a young lady, pure and simple. -Many girls, anxious to be thought young women, are in too great a hurry to put on these sweeping gowns, and don them too soon. In after years they will regret their hurry, for it is strange, but true, that a girl’s age is reckoned by her friends from the first time she puts on her first real long dress. This style necessarily makes a change in her demeanor. The small, quaint bonnet seems for the time being to have put the large hat in the shade. Very young women choose the most fantastic shapes, the only rule in the matter being that they must be extremely small and worn way back on the Psyche knot. The trim- ming may be arranged in the back, in flaring side projections, but any other style will do, provided the affair is a mere nothing and is becoming. Roses, bows and wings are added to a bit of straw or lace and the spring bonnet is accomplished. Its picturesqueness, de- pends considerably upon the neck gar- niture, which is even more fanciful than the head gear. The bonnet without the neck ruff would be ludicrous, but the two offsetting each other mark a type common to these fine days on the street and in the store. One smiles at the extreme fashions often take, as in the case of a pretty blonde, who recent- ly attracted no end of attention by wearing a bonnet in exact imitation of a dragon fly, the long body being of black velvet, heavily jetted with two wings on either side of black satin, while the aigrette in front represented the long?feelers. Neck garnitures are changing with the coming of summer. Broad shoul- der collars in laces and embroideries are to be worn over all spring and summer gowns. Crumpled ik crape and cris chiffon are made up into full nec ruches. The new boas are made by sewing puffs of chiffon or lace closely upon a satin ribbon and then tucking handfuls of blossoms into the soft folds at irregular intervals. A very gor- geous confection of this kind is made of purplish pink chiffon cascaded closely into pink ribbon. with a bunch of vio- lets and a full blown pink rose with a bud or two at the other. From 12 to 14, girls wear skirts nearly down to their ankles, and although not generally composed of gored breadths they are so arranged so as to fall in flutes at the sides and back, the front being frequently mounted plain. At the same time there is an increase in the width of the sleeves, which, howev- er, are invariably carried down to the wrist. Cravat bows placed on either side of the plain front breadth are a pretty addition toa fluted skirt, similar bows being placed on the shoulders. A Dratiy little frock in turquoise blue pop- in has satin bows to match on the skirt and shoulders, the former being trimmed with a band of ecru guipure insertion and the bodice almost entirely covered with the same. Another, in ivory tinted woolen, has a plain skirt, and a broad fold of guipure down the middle of the full bodice, the wide sleeves being set in with a bouilline encircling the arm-hole. If you impede respiration by tight clothing, diet on rich, indigestible food, spend the beauty making hours of the night in dissipation, clog the pores of the skin with poisonous cosmetics, draw your face into a frown, except when you meet company, and you worry needlessly, you will grow old in ad- vance of the years. It is not necessary that a woman should study vocal music or elocution. She need not go through a course of ‘“ahe,’” “isms’’ and “‘ssss’’ to attain a de- gree of proficiency in speaking pleasant- ly—by pleasantly, meaning the use of mellifluous voice tones which make a monosyllable sound sweet to the hear- er’s ear. She need only be markedly careful to keep her voice in a low regis- ter, not attempting to raise it above trolley cars, rumbling trucks, or worse still, the loud talking of a group of oth- er women. In making up silk waists with the Fedora front, striped silk is extensively used, the stripes being made to run horizontally. These stripes are tre- quently broken by small fioweret de- signs, in natural coloring, and the waist is then trimmed at the throat, waist and elbows with velvet ribbon of a tone deeper than that in the flowers or con- trasting with it, The newest models are truly exquisitely delicate and pretty. Jackets are being made in various lengths, from 26 to 86 inches. These are mostly loose fitting in front, double- breasted with turn down collars which close high. The sleeves are conspicuous for their size, being very wide and of various forms. Others are seen which are wide puffed to the elbow. The low- er part is narrow and ends in a turnover cuff. They are lined with silk or serge and strengthened with haircloth that they may retain their shape and proper position. Another sleeve in putfed form is made of three parts. The seams thus formed show stitching on both sides. Still another is open down the centre, being drawn into various folds. A new back shows a fold with stitching down the centre, which forms part of the back. This is about six inches wide at the collar and becomes gradually smaller, ending in a fan fold. The pockets show lapels which are trimmed with large buttons. Mary E. Wilkins, the story writer, is a quiet little woman, who seldom 1n- trudes her voice when with people whom she does not know well. She is the personification of many New Eng- land women Distrust extreme earnestness in ex- treme youth. Frivolity is as inevitable as measles.