Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 24, 1895, Image 1

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    Bl » ik
Ink Slings.
—Jack Frost has stepped in to share
honors with the cut worm as a produc-
er of short corn crops.
—A boy in his bare feet has just ag
much right to wear a fur cap as a girl
who wears a lawn dress has to top it off
with a fur cape.
— When cucumbers are set before you
for the first time in the spring you usu-
ally eat them with a relish and then re-
member them with a pain.
—Men who lead dual lives are im.
postors upon a community and should
be shown that their hypocrisy will not
be tolerated by decent people.
— Compulsory education has become
a law and the kid catcher will now be-
come a new official, whose particular
qualification will lie in the speed of his
—Don’t pretend that you are honest,
while trying to take advantage of your
neighbor. Let us tell you right here, it
won’t always be as cool as it has been
the past week.
—The knock out of the income tax
law has frosted the budding hopes of
the fellows who anticipated negotiating
loans for summer outings on trumped
up tax receipts.
—Dr. JouN HALL, in advising peo-
ple to “buy books first and clothes after-
ward,” must have thought it possible
for the world to be happy in mother
EvE’s raiment of leaves.
—Pittsburg has been beseiged by
Presbyterian ministers during the week
and the good effects of such a holy gath-
ering will be noted in that city for a
long time. No matter how bad. a place
may be, the influence of christian work-
ers can always be felt.
—The Turkish outrages continue in
Armenia and the most atrocious crimes
are recorded against the Sultan’ssub-
jects. The out-side world seems imbued
with a religious zeal to say nothing and
take consolation in the hope that the
stories of the cruelties are overdrawn.
—The gold craze has struck Newton
Hamilton, Mifflin county, and property
owners are as wild as March hares over
there. What a pretty commentary it
would be on that great camp meeting
ground if gold should really be found in
paying quantities and it would become
a second Creede or Butte.
—The color line has been broken
down by an exclusive woman’s club in
Chicago and the negro woman now
need only present character and intelli-
gence to gain admittance. After all
beauty is only skin deep and itis a
most honorable procedure on the part of
these Chicagoans to decide on the recog-
nition of merit, no matter in what race
it be found.
—Secretary CARLISLE might not have
voiced the sentiments of every one in-
terested in the currency question in his
speech at Covington, Ky., Monday
evening, but it is pleasant to know that
he is sincere in what he says. The Sec-
retary is not a candidate for any office
within the gitt of the people and cares
little how his views are received, hence
his remarks on the currency can be
looked upon es free from bias or
— Ignorance is not a sufficient excuse
for violaticn of the law and the forty-
three Philadelphia clergymen, who are
trying to escape punishment on that
ground, for not having reported mar-
riages to the Register, should be balked
and given something that they will re-
member. Ministers of the gospel, who
think that their sole duty is to propound
the Divine law, are not fit to preach to
any one.
—! ‘BIRDIE’ SUTHERLAND, & pretty
London Gaiety theatre actress, has
brought suit for breech of promise
. against the eldest son of Baron TWEED-
MOUTH. The young nobleman fell in
love with her at first sight, and she with
him, but his dad decided it shouldn’t
be and sent the boy oft to Canada, where
he has forgotten all about “BIRDIE,”
who has retained enough council to
make her won’t-be-father-in-law poor.
—The Scranton Times questions the
sagacity of President CLEVELAND'S sug-
gestion that ‘‘the Indian should be made
a citizen.” It says: ‘‘there is no teli-
ing what a man, who trades a new gov-
ernment coat for a bottle of whiskey,
would do with such vested rights.” Of
course it would be problematical, but
the Indian couldn’t possibly do worse
than the element that turns the political
tide to-day for a pint of whiskey or a
fifty-cent piece.
—* Them good for nothing, senseless
Democrats, they’d like to run the coun-
try to the devil.” That is the expres.
sion that confronted us so often when
we were defending the WiLsoxn bill.
This Democratic hades into which the
old ship of State is surely gliding seems
to be such a happy place that all are
glad to get there. Increased wages, no
strikes and plenty of work doesn’t make
such a bad haven for a people, lost under
a tariff robbing pilot like McKINLEY.
VOL. 40
The Income Tax a Dead Letter,
It is a regretable fact that out of the
nine justices of the supreme court of
the United States only four - ere able
to see a just and equitable manner of
laying taxation in the income tax, pass-
ed by the last Congress. Possibly it is
best that the whole thing has been de-
clared unconstitutional and that the
justice, who has been able to change
his mind since April 8th, has been
capable of turning a judicial somersault,
to the chagrin of the treasury depart-
ment and the joy of the moneyed few
who are thus upheld in their escape
from their share of the burden of gov-
ernment support.
When the income tax law became
operative there was a great hue and
cry raised, by those whom it would ef-
fect, with the hope of its overthrow on
the grounds of its being inquisitorial
in its nature. This sentiment raised
against it resulted in a united effort to
test its validity. Various cases were
tried before district courts, all of which
sustained the law and an appeal was
then carried to the supreme court of
the United Siates, Prolonged argu.
ment was heard there, which resulted
in a decision handed down on April
In that decision the court ruled that
while there were certain flaws in the
law, it was valid as a whole. In that
finding taxes on incomes from rents
and lands were considered direct taxa.
tion, hence they were in conflict with
the constitution. The law was also
considered invalid so far as it related
to incomes from state, county or mu-
nicipal bonds, but in all other respects
it remained as it had passed Congress.
Though the friends of the law were
much disappointed at this finding,
they concluded that half a loaf would
be better than no bread and accepted
it. The revenues anticipated by the
treasury department were necessarily
decreased by this action, but still $16,
000,000 revenue was expected from
the clauses left operative.
Those who had succeeded in its par-
tial overthrow were not content, how-
ever, and the case was pushed still
further with the hope of completely
destroying the law. At the first hear-
ing justice JAcksoN was absent and
at that time the vote stood four to four
on the validity of the law as a whole,
but justices Suiras and Brow, taking
exception to the two clauses mentioned
above, succeeded in having them
When the court met, to hand down
its second finding, last Monday, it had
already been known that the law
would be declared invalid by a vote of
five to four, but it was not known un-
til the session that justice SHiras
must have changed his mind, since
Justices HarLaN, WHITE, BRowN and
Jacksox all dissented at the finding
and the three former spoke their opin-
ions in a way that was terrible in its
The fate of the law is a sad one in-
deed for the country, though it is bet-
ter that the whole thing should go by
the board than have the distorted,
emasculated remnant that was left of
it after the first decision. The original
bill would have turned $40,000,000 in-
to the treasury, collected from a class
of people best able to bear it and least
subjected to the burden of taxation.
Under the revised law this revenue
would have been cut down to $16,000,
000 which it were better to do without
than strive to maintain a law stripped
ot its principal features.
——We thought that possibly our
State Legislature might get through thie
session without making a fool of itself
by passing resolutions condemning the
administration for not tackling the
British lion on the Nicaragua question.
Considering the amount of fool ma-
terial among the lawmakers at Harris-
burg, it was rather hazardous to ex-
pect that they would not commit this
folly, and the result has shown that we
were mistaken, at least as far as one
branch of the Legislature was con-
cerned. The Senate passed a resolu-
tion in which the government was
condemned for not making a jingo dis-
play in behalf of the Nicaraugans. A
similar resolution was brought into
the House by the fiery and ferocious
Focur, of Union, and very singularly
that body did not have the same pre-
ponderance of jackasses as kicked up
their heels in the Senate, and conse-
quently the resolution failed to pass.
BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 24, 1895.
Senatorial Aberration.
Senator Morcax, of Alabama, is a
peculiar political character. Although
a Democrat it is hard to tell exactly
where he stands. He gave the party
trouble when at the last session of Con-
gress Democratic tariff reform was un-
dergoing the crucial test in the United
States Senate. He has managed to
fall out with President CLEVELAND
and refuses to harmonize with the poli
cies of the administration.
The political aberration of the Sena.
tor has continued for some time, but
was observed to commence after Presi-
dent Harrison had appointed him a
member of the commission that was
entrusted with the settlement of the
Behring sea question in connection
with the seal fishery. The point he
advanced in that controversy that seals
were domestic animals indicated a con-
dition of mind that would admit of al-
most any kind of vagaries. It was a
sad example of the mental effect of a
Democrat accepting a position under
such an administration as Bex HaARrrI-
Senator MorGax has been politically
unbalanced ever since that time. The
latest evidence of it was the declara-
tion he recently made in which he cen-
sured the administration for not pre-
venting England's procedure against
Nicaragua, and intimated his belief
that the English are acquiring a foot-
hold in Central America with the
knowledge, consent and connivance of
Ambassador Bavarp and President
Such a wild accusation betrays
either a malicious feeling toward the
administration, or a weak ambition to
be the champion twister of the British
lion’s tail.
——1t is claimed that those who are
suffering from the extortion of the Chi-
cago beef trust can find relief by ab-
staining for a while from that kind of
diet, and that their health will be bene-
fitted by such abstention. But how
are the consumers of coal oil to be re-
ernor HastiNGs has fastened upon
them. It cannot be expected that
they will sit in darkness. They must
have light even if a monopoly compels
them to pay double price for it.
A New Republican Issue.
The Moxror doctrine is being
made the political hobby of the Repub-
lican party. Ifthe administration fails
to take up the quarrels of every petty
South American republic, or declines
to make a frantic grab at the British
lion’s tails at every opportunity, the
cry is raised that the MoNroE doctrine
has been betrayed.
It is not difficult to see the object of
this extreme American sentiment dis-
played by the Republican jingoes.
The old issues upon which they have
carried elections are played out and
they want a new one. They can no
longer make use ot sectional animosity,
the tariff is a dead issue and they are
afraid of the currency question. Their
need of something new, that may be
used to excite public sentiment, has in-
duced them to try what may be done
with the MoxNror doctrine and the
American eagle as political issues.
There are intimations that Tox
Reep and the other Republican lead-
ers of the next House of Representa-
tives will not meddle with the old
questions of tarift and finance, but will
devote most of their attention to the
exploitation of an aggressive foreign
policy, and to condemning the admin.
istration for not allowing the eagle to
indulge in a louder scream and a
broader flight. It is expected that
more political capital can be made out
of such tactics than by committing the
party on the currency question.
—— The, merited rebuke which
President CLevELAND added to his en-
dorsement of Secretary HERBERT'S re-
tirement of Admiral Ricmarp W.
MEeapE has totally eclipsed the lustre
of many of the achievements of that
heroic officer during his earlier service
to the government. Itis a pity that
such a man ehould have allowed petty
an escutcheon so brilliant in the past.
The navy loses a brilliant! officer in
Admiral MEADE's retirement, but the
navy has no use for a man who can
forget his duty.
whims, in these later days, to tarnish,
What Is Sound Money ?
The question of “sound money” is
one that is of the greatest importance
to the people of the United States, and
such being the fact, it is equally im-
portant that correctness should be en-
tertained as to what constitutes “sound
It is announced that the tour of Sec-
retary CARLISLE through the South
will be especially intended to instruct
the people of that section upon this
lieved from the grip of the Standard
oil company which the action of Gov- !
subject, and we have confidence
enough in the Secretary to believe that
he will tell them that ‘sound money’’
is the kind which is authorized by the
constitution, consisting of a currency
supplied by the two precious metals,
at a just ratio of value, neither of them
to be degraded by an arbitrary dis-
crimination that would lower its stand-
ing as a monetary material,
In addition to the constitution, he
could employ other high authority in
instructing the southern people as to
what is “sound money,” by calling
their attention to the last national
platform of the Democratic party,
which demanded “the use of both gold
and silver as the standard money of
the country, and the coinage of both
gold and silver without discrimination
against either metal, or charge for
mintage, the dollar unit of coinage of
both metals to be of equal intrinsic
and exchangeable value.”
This definition, as given by the
Democratic platform, should be suf-
ficient to enlighten the southern, as
well as the people of every other sec-
tion, as to what is “sound money.”
It is to be observed that it does not
recommend the debasing of silver to a
subordinate capacity, as unfit to be
the equal of gold for monetary pur-
poses. The equality of both metals
“as the standard money of the
country” was the doctrine of the plat-
form in which a Democratic adminis-
tration ame into power, and by a con-
tinuance of this doctrine it will be pos-
sible for Democratic administration to
be prolonged.
——The action of the Speaker of
! the House in issuing a warrant for the
arrest of all absent members, the other
| day, was plainly in aecord with his
sworn duty, The State would not
have held him to account, however,
had he seen fit to let all the delin-
quents remain away, thus breaking a
quoram and ending the session.
When the amount of work that has
been done at Harrisburg is taken into
consideration it. would have been a
blessing had such a happy opportu-
nity been seized upon to end all
further chance of obnoxious legisia-
OS —
The Retirement of Admiral Meade.
The one subject of conversation in
Washington and government maritime
circles for the last few days has been of
admiral Ricuarp W. MEADE and the
unfortunate burst of confidence, to a
newspaper reporter, that was insubor-
dinate in effect and resulted in his
prompt retirement from active service.
The story leading up to the unpleas-
ant outcome, that has lately ‘almost
startled the world, is a familiar one.
To recount it would be simply to tell
of the petulance of a brave man get-
ting the better of his discretion. Ad-
miral MEADE possesses a great, strong
mind, full of honest convictions, though
faulty some of them, which he had al-
ways expressed in their place, hereto-
fore, but goaded by an imaginary of-
fence on the part of the navy depart
ment, he recently gave expression to a
most vigorous attack on the manage.
ment of that arm of the service. When
called to explain, he neither denied nor
affirmed the remarks credited to him
and straightway asked for his retire.
ment. This Secretary HERBERT
pro mptly granted, and every fair mind
applauds the dignity with which Presi-
dent CLeverLaxp added his rebuke to
the official dismissal. ;
However long and honorable a ca-
reer Admiral MEapE has had his duty
to his superiors remained just the same
as it was the first day he entered the
government service and the unpleas.
NO. 21.
The New School Law,
From an Exchange.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Pie socials are a Lancaster fad.
—A canal boat on the Lehigh Canalehas
been named Trilby.
—A letter-box thief has been opera ting.
extensively at Allentown.
—Thieves raided the sub-post office in
| Newberry, Williamsport,
—Sunday baseball playing at Reading
has been killed by the Mayor.
—DMine cars at Wilkesbarre cut into &
hundred pieces John Loritze.
—Thirteen fires in Reading last month
aggregated only $500 in losses.
—A ton of powder was stolen from the
Blue Ridge Works at Allentown.
—The funeral of Colonel John M. Wether-
ill occurred Monday at Pottsville.
—While watching a ball game at Cen.
The compulsory education bill,
i which has been signed by the Govern. |
or and is now a law, requires that
every child in the Commonwealth be.
tween the ages of 8 and 13 years shall
attend for at least 16 weeks in each
year a schoel in which the common
English branches are taught. Only
such children shall be exempted from
these provisions as are certified by
parents or guardians to be mentally or
physically incapacitated, or who live
two miles from a public echool or who
are being otherwise instructed in the
common branches and are so certified
by the principal of a school.
A fine of $2 is provided for the first
offence of anyone against the law, and
$5 for each succeeding offense. An
appeal to the Court of Quarter Sessions
is allowed to the negligent parents or
guardians. Boards ot school direstors
or controllers are authorized to ap-
point truant officers to better enforce
attendance at school.
A census of the school children in"
every voting district must be taken by
the district assessor at the same tirse
that the annual assessments is made,
and certified to the secretary of the
district school board. Each teacher ia
required to report to the school board
secretary monthly the names of all
children who have been absent with-
out satisfactory reason for five succes-
sive days.
The school board secretary must
then proceed against the parents or
guardians of the child. A plea of
poverty, made by the parents or guar-
dians, if sustained by the evidence, is
expressly declared a sufficient excuse
for non-compliance with the act, and
in such a case the cost of prosecution
is to be paid by the school board.
The failure of any school board sec-
retary to comply with the provisions
of the law is declared a misdemeanor,
aad he is liable to a fine not exceed-
ing $25.
Indians Who Merit: Citizenship.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
The President's letter upon the pro-
posed granting of citizenship to the
five civilized tribes of Indians, is of
timely interest. :
There are in the Indian territory
five tribes of Indians known as the civ- |
ilized tribes, numbering about fifty}
thousand men, women and children,
and holding more than forty thousand
acres of land. These Indians have
large herds of horses and cattle and
several prosperous towns and villages,
and although their politics have been
turbulent and often bloody they may
be considered well advanced in civili-
zation. Many of them are well educa-
ted and some are college graduates.
Of course the great tribal wealth of
these Indians has attracted the whites,
and the last census shows that there are
129,000 persons not Indians living in
the territory of the civilized tribes,
many of them claiming to be Indian
citizens, having married Indian wives.
Hand Made Lightning Bugs.
From the Lancaste r Intelligencer.
If the electricity sharps keep on with
their discoveries we may some day ere
long be able to dismiss the night, get
along without labor and travel whither
we will by pressing upon a button while
sitting in a chair.
Now we are told that we may have
the night illuminated with the phos-
Ppiuseons of the fire fiy and with a
ight so innocent and free from heat
that we may carry it about in our
pockets and have its licht whenever we
want it by touching a button. An ar-.
rangement of this sort will be very
grateful to people who do not care to
have electric wires about their premises,
that may set things afire and knock
things over, when they are out of shape.
A light that is less energetic in its dis-
order will suit them better. The old-
fashioned candle would be hard to beat
if it did not drip grease about; and a
phosphorescent candle will be just the
A Marvelous Suecess in the Shoe Busi-
From the Mercer, Western Press.
Slowly but very surely the better
times which the Wilson tariff fore-
shadowed are coming. Here is a late
instance : The shoe business of Haver
hill, Mass., for the week ending Fri-
day has again broken the record, the
shipments reaching the total of 11,
766 cases, more than 800 ahead of any
previous week's output. A falling off
was expected, and business keeps
steady, making the sales by all odds
the heaviest that city has ever known.
The McKinley tariff or the prospec:
tive Republican Congress can have
nothing to do with this business ae-
tivity, we are sure.
Work for the Foolkiller.
From the Pittsburg Leader (Rep.)
The Pennsylvania senate has passed
a resolution condemning Cleveland for
not going to war with Great Britain on
the head of the Nicaraguan storm in a
teacup. Where's the fool-killer, any-
ant duty his action has brought upon |
the President and Secretary HErBERT
has been a sad one to them.
whom would far rather have seen so
brilliant a career ‘ended in warmest
Both of |
how ?
A ———————=—=—————————
He Is Out of the Race Even Now.
From the Du Bois Express.
The Youngstown, O., mills and fur-
naces are running on full time. Me-
Kiuvley will soon be convinced that it
will not be advisable to run for Presi-
tralia William Burke dropped dead.
—Reading brickmakers have struck for
an advance of 50 cents a day in wages.
—A trolley car at South Williamsport
fatally crushed little Hugh McMonagle.
—Tramps robbed and fatally assaulted
Thomas Maloney, of Brinton, near Pitts.
—Owing toa lack of local support. Erie's
proposed centennial celebration may be
a failure.
—Work is about to begin on the fuse
factory at Royersford that will turn out
1000 a day.
—The various industries located in and
near Tyrone are all running at their full
—Three murder eases are on the list for
trial at the next term of the Indiane
county court.
—Jumping from a trolley csr, Mrs
Matilda Fenstermaeh, of Bethlehem, lost
a legrand has died.
—The African Methodist Conference in
York will make Rev. Dr. J. B. Small, of
that city, a bishop.
—Flaccus & Co.'s plate-glass workers, at
Tarentum, struck for union wages, and
closed the works.
—There is talk of a Greater Bethlehem
to join the three boroughs, although they
are in two counties,
—In ten years Northampton County's
annual expenditures have increased from
$106,700.24 to %206,917.94.
—Carbondale’s: trolley strike has been
settled by arbitration, all the old men but
two being taken baek.
%—~Three out of eleyen Reading builders
are willing to pay striking bricklayers $2
a thousand instead of $1.
—A big break in the bank of the Del-
aware & Hudson Canal at Honesdale will
stop boating for a week.
—A. Legislative committee inspected
Pottsville charities on Saturday with an
eye to the appropriations.
—Burglars stole $300 eash trom David
Armstrong’s residence, at Bloomsburg,
while the family was absent.
—Toboggan slides: make so mueh noise
on Sundays that two Allentown churches
have made a formal protest.
—A new breaker at Shenandoah City
Colliery is being completed by the Read-
ing €ompany at a cost of $50,000.
—¢€. S. Krick has been appointed super-
isor of the Pennsylvania Railroad be-
tween Pottstown and Pottsville.
—While Farmer Frederiek Funk slept,
a trolley car near Columbia smashed his
wagon and badly injured the driver.
—John Kilroy, a breaker boy at Eagle
Hill Colliery, was mangled to death by
being caught in the coal scraper line.
—Winifred Santee was Saturday ap-
pointed fourth-class postmaster at Sy.
bertsville, vice A. W. Santee, deceased.
—Pireman John M. Worth, of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad, at Lancaster, eut his
head nearly off with @ butcher knife and
—Ex-Senator Lewis. Emery, of Brad.
ford, has gone to Europe to anchor the
foreign end of the United States ©il Pipe
—A new washery that will turn out 500
tons of coal a day is being built near Potts.
ville by the Philadelphia & Reading Com-
. —A system of retrenchment has begun
in the works of Coxe Brothers, 25 me-
chanics at Drifton having been suspended
—Reading hat manufacturers, who em-
ploy about 1800 hands, are debating
whether or not to restore former wages
to end a strike.
—In a Court opinion as Willmamsport.
Judge Metzger said that preaehers are
quasi.ofilicials and may be eriticised ac-
—For the death of his som, resulting
from a. collision at Harrisburg, James Me-
hafiie recovered: $1200 from the Citizens’
Trolley Compaay.
—Gettysburg battlefield was visited
Sunday by Brigadier General Louis Fitz.
gerald and his staff, of the First Brigade.
New York National Guards.
—The bold outlaws, Daniel Landis and
George Williams, who gagged an@ bound
six people near Lancaster a waek ago,
were held for trial Saturday.
—It is probable that Huntinggion bicy-
clers will be required to carry bells on
their machines in daytime, and
night, as a safe guard to pedestrians.
Twenty years in the penigentiary was.
the sentencefimposed upon James Hen
dricks, eonvicted at Wilkesbarre of com-
plicity in the murder of Barney Reick.
—The industries in Harrisburg are gen-
erally showing improvement ; the steel
works which employ nearly 4,000 hands,
are on full time and the product heavy.
—A new trial was granted as Pittsburg
Saturday to C. S. Wright, general freight
agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad:
convicted of violation of Interstate Com-
merce laws.
—Joseph Raymond, receiver, and Joseph
Campbell, director, of the defunet Middle -
town bank, were arrested Saturday at the
instance of Bank Examiner Thompson,
who has been making an examination.
—Johnsonburg, through the untiring
efforts of its board of trade, has secured a,
large plate glass manufacturing plant.
The Breeze says that the necessary funds
have already been subscribed and the site
selected, and work on the plant will be
begun in a few days. This industry will
give employment to a large number of
dent on a “hard time" platform.