Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 12, 1895, Image 2

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    Bellefonte, Pa., April 12, 1895.
Within the dusky pew I knelt
And breathed a rich perfume,
For pear at hand the altar steps
Were banked with snowy bloom.
And while the people's prayers arose
Like incense sweet to God,
From underneath my drooping plumes
I watched the lilies nod.
I gazed upon their golden hearts,
Their perfect whiteness rare,
Their slender stems of clearest green,
And prayed a little prayer.
"Twas never found in £ny book,
Or said in any cell
And from my soul it bubbled np
Like water from a well.
“Dear Lord,” I said, “when I am dead
And done with grief and pain,
if thou from ont the narrow grave
Shouldst call me forth again
So live once more, oh let me then
A spotless lily be
Within the church on Easter morn
To blossom, Lord, for Thee !”’
Millinery in the town of Dunham
was a poor business. Winter bonnets
were made to do for several seasons,
while summer hats were done over
from year to year, until their age and
shape became doubtful. There was
little extravagance in the matter of
dress in Dunham, and this little was
not encouraged. Mrs. Fraser had a
new bonnet from Bangor each spring.
A few of her privileged friends always |
made a call upon her to look at it, to
be able to make the necessary annual |
alterations in their own millinery. {
The one establishment that did a]
thriving business was the corner store, |
where groceries and dry-goods were
sold. Mr. Timothy Fraser was the
proprietor, and also the village post
master. The mail was brought by the
coach running between Bangor amd
Cherryfield ; the rumble of its wheels,
and the sound of the brake as it came:
down High Hill, were the signal for
the villagers to turn their steps toward
the corner.
Mr. Fraser read over the names in-
scribed upon the different letters and
papers, and those present were expect-
ed to call “Here,” and come forward
to claim their property. Mail not
claimed was put inside the glass-case,
which contained a small selection of
ribbons, pens, razors, and men’s neck-
One spring morning, just after the
arrival and distribution of the West-
ern mail, Mr. Fraser was seen tacking
a neat white card upon one of the
posts that sapported the front of the
“Is that a notice for school-meetn’?”
inquired Joseph Phipps, coming a lit-
tle nearer in order to read the inscrip-
tion, which ran :
Brarmsper Hotel, FranNkwiy,
“No; it’s millinery. There's a wom-
an moved into the old Blaisdell
Hotel in Franklin, and opened in mil-
linery. She forwarded me this card,’
bein’ as I was P. M. here, and asked |
me to put it in a conspicuous place.”
Mr. Fraser always abbreviated his:
official title. ‘Now I should calkilate
that would attract notice ?” he add- |
ed, stepping back, and looking toward
Mr. Phipps inquiringly. :
“I should say so,” responded that
He had found his glasses, and was
reading the card slowly, but with evi-
dent admiration.
“Land! I mustn't let Mis’ Phipps
hear of this,” said the old man, with
a wink at Mr. Fraser. “Shouldn’t get
the use of the horse this spring if she
gets scent of a milliner in Franklin,”
“Oh, the women folks is sure to hear |
of it. My wife she’s thinkin’ of drivin’
up there this afternoon. She has sent
away for bonnets afore now ; but she
thought she'd drive up and see what
she had. She was a-sayin’ she thought
of askin’ Mis’ Phipps if’t was so she
could leave to go along with her ; so I
reckon your wife's got wind of it.”
Early that afternoon Mrs. Fraser
and Mrs. Phipps were driving along
the Fraoklin road. Their progress
was slow, as the frost was not yet out
of the ground, and the road was rough
and hubby. The strong wind trom the
sea came in over the pasture-land, and
along each side ot ‘the road the green
buds of the alders were beginning to
“We don’t seem to have very for-
wardin’ weather this spring,” said Mrs.
Fraser. She was a woman with 2
great respect for her own opinion, and
eyedithe horizon almost reprovingly as
she spoke.
“Well, now, it seemed to me this
was a master fine day,” responded her
“It's a regular weather--breeder,
that's what t is,” ascented Mrs. Fra-
ger. “The wind 's been backin’ and
haulin’ all day.”
“Dreadful poor land up this way,
ain't it ?” remarked Mrs, Phipps. “It’s
hard enough to get a livin’ in Dun-
bam, but I've always teen thankful I
didn’t live in Franklin.”
“Mis’ Lyman and Nancy Ham-
mounds went up vesterday. Mis’ Ly-
man was in this morning to bring
home my rug-frames, and she said
Nancy was pleased as Peter to see the
millinery. Nancy ain’t hada bonnet
in the memory of man, but Mis’ Ly-
man eaid ehe really believed she'd get
one this year.” aid
Both women ‘chuckled contentedly,
and Mrs. Fraser went on :
“Mis’ Lyman says that this Mis’
Carter's a very unice-appearing woman
~—quite genteel. She told her that her
folks were Portland people. Her hus- | well as you do, Mis’ Carter,” said Mrs.
band goes to sea, so she kinder drifted : Fraser. a
into millinery.”
“Capting, I s’pose 2” ventured Mrs. like, William may buy, and settle | b
i down.
Iife,” responded the milliner.
“Yes, I 'pose he is, though I don’t
seem to recall as Mis’ Lyman men-
tioned it ; but it’s likely.”
The Blaisdell Hotel was a two-story
house. On one side of the entraace
was the office, and in one of the win-
dows of the room on the other side
were a number of untrimmed hats
swinging from a line, and several small
pyramids of colored ribbons.
Mrs. Fraser carefully got out of the
wagon, and then helped Mrs. Phipps
“I declare, I be clumsy. ain't I?”
said Mrs. Phipps, as she reached the
As they went up the steps, a tall,
thin woman opeoed the door, and
said :
“Walk right in, ladies. Perhaps
you would like to see something in
millinery ?”
“Well, I shouldn’t wonder if we
would. Iam Mis’ Fraser from Dun-
bam, Mis’ Carter, and thisis Mis’
Phipps. We drove up for the ride,
and to see what you had.”
“I’ve had several ladies from Duun-
ham,” said the milliner, as she went
behind thetable thatserved as a coun-
ter ; “two real pleasant ladies came up
yesterday. Had you any color in
mind, Mis’ Fraser, that yon thought
of havin’ on a bonnet?”
“No ; I dunno as'l have. I thought
perhaps I'd try on some, and eee how
they looked.”
“I've just trimmed a very stylish
bonnet, though Ido say it,” said Mrs.
| Carter, with an apologetic simper.
“Perhaps you'd like to try it on, Mis’
Fraser,” holding up a black felt with
purple flowers,
“Well, I never thought as purple
would become me. It always seemed
as though dark red was more suitable ;
still, perhaps purple would be a
“I declare toit, Mis’ Fraser,” said
Mrs. Phipps, admiringly, as Mrs. Car-
ter adjusted the bonnet, “if you hadn't
tried that boanet on first, I should be
tempted to get it myself!”
Mrs. Fraser looked at the bonnet in
the small glass before which she stood.
“I b’lieve I should like it better
without that purple. If you'd put a
dark red in place of it, I guess I'd take
The change was decided upon, and
Mrs. ‘Carter said she would send the
bonnet down before Saturday; and
Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. Fraser returned
home in good spirits.
“I think I shall go up the last of
the week, and take up my bonnet, and
have it livened up a little,” said Mrs.
Phipps, as she bade Mrs, Fraser a
grateful good-by.
On her second visit Mrs. Phipps and
Mrs. Carter became more friendly.
“I do like you Dunham ladies,”
said Mrs. Carter, as she tried on Mrs.
Phipps's old bonnet newly trimmed
with dull magenta-colored ribbon.
“You are all so social-like that I feel
more to home with you. Then, though
I wouldn't have you mention it, the
Dunham ladies are so much more
tasty. I declare, when I drove down
with Mis’ Fraser’s bonnet, I thought I
would like to settle myself in Dun-
ham—while William is away, that is.”
Mrs. Phipps considered the matter,
and talked it over with Mr. Phipps,
and when she went after her bonnet
told Mrs. Carter that if she really
wanted to come to Dunham she could
board with her.
“You can use the west room for your
millinery-shop, and have the chamber
over it to sleep in, and it shai't cost
you more'n what's right. You can
see how well you do in Dunham, and
pay accordin’,
Mrs. Carter's perpetual smile deep-
ened, and her thin, worn face brighten-
ed visibly.
“You're sure I won’t be in your way,
Mig’ Phipps ?” she asked anxiously.
“You see, my husband’s away, and
I’m sort of a lone woman, he makes
such long voyages; and bein’ as I
hadn't any children, or any settled
home, I sorter took up millinery
Mrs. Phipps was conscious of a cer-
tain pity for the woman.
“I declare, Joseph, I feel sorry for
Mis’ Carter,” she said that evening,
“though why, I can’t say. She the
wife of a sea capting, and makin’ mon-
ey hand over fist, and we just scrapin’
along on a Dunham farm. Well, it’s
80 I’ve a roof over my head, I'm thank-
ful to say.”
“Her husband's a sea captain, is
he?” inquired Joseph.
“Land sakes ! of course he is,” aun-
swered Mrs. Phipps, impatiently.
“Goes on long voyages ; there's months
at a time when she don’t know where
he is.”
“I can’t see as that’s any great gain,”
said Joseph ; ‘but maybe ’t is.”
The millinery business flourished,
and Mrs. Phipps received the three
dollars each week that had been agreed.
“Seems a good deal of money to
take, Mis’ Carter ; but if it should be
go that business drops off, as it proba-
bly will, I'll make it right with you.”
The neighborhood was greatly pleas
ed with Mrs. Carter. Not only did her
bonnets meet with favor, but she be-
came a'person of some social conse
authority upon dress, and Dunham
She was deferred to as an
prided itself upon the possession of the
milliner in three townships.
Mrs. Carter always spoke of her hus-
band as William, and referred to him
so often that gradually the neighbor-
hood began to feel well acquainted
with the absent sailor, and spoke of
Captain Carter as an old friend and
bis vessel had arrived in Portland, and
that he ‘was coming to Dunham, the
news of his visit was the principal
topic of conversation.
terested that the captain should be !
pleasantly impressed with the village. | ea stove.
“What be you a-doin’
When Mrs. Carter heard
They all felt in.
“I hope your husband will like us as
all its bearings with the neighbors, =o
that a number of suitable places for a
prosperous retired sea captain to pur-
chase were waiting his inspection.
about his coming.
orderin’ people about, and to high liv-
in’; and Mis’ Carter has told me he
cook I” she said to her husband.
captain business from the fust. You've
self on this captain affair, and cooked
Phipps, accusingly. *“Just tend to that
“Yes, I hope he will ; for if he does
He's about tired of a seafarin’ | p
Mrs. Fraser discussed the subject in
Mrs. Phipps felt a little anxious
“These sea captings are so used to
was particular about his cookin’, very. | o
Land knows if he’ll touch anything I |
“Guess he don’t get no better food | 4
than you'll giye him, judgin’ from the
way you're preparin’ for him,” respond- | ;
ed Joseph, loyally.
The old stage came swinging down
High Hill, and pulled up at the cor-
ner store. The mail-bag was thrown
out upon the platform, and the driver
climbed down after it, and opened the |
rickety door.
“Hare we'ere?”’ inquired a bluff
voice, and in a moment more a short,
stout man, with a reddish face, climb-
ed awkwardly out, and pulled a large
bundle out after him. i
He stared about for a moment, then
picked up his bundle, and trotted into
the store. The worn clothes, the wool-
en muffler wound about his neck, and
the bundle, seemed to indicate that he
was one of the many wayfarers going
through to some seaport town.
“Goin’ to Machias ?'’ inquired one of
the villagers, as the man seated him-
gelf near the large stove. But he did
not answer, and after a little the idlers
left him puffing sturdily away at a
short, black pipe, and went home.
Later on, however, Mr. Fraser, by the
offer of a new brand of tobacco, won
bis confidence, and. with but few in.
terruptions, the men talked until near-
ly twilight.
The lamp was lighted in Mrs.
Phipps's sitting-room, the shades were
drawn, and Mrs. Carter and Mrs.
Phipps were sitting down before a
brightly blazing fire. It wasa time
for confidence, and Mrs. Carter had
been moved to tell the romance of her
ife. :
Mrs. Phipps listened half fearfully.
“And you actually run away with
him! It’s like a book. But’t was
lucky for you, Mis’ Carter, that it hap-
peued to be such 2 good man as the
Mrs. Carter sighed. “I feel to say
that [I've had much to be thanktul for,
Mis’ Phipps. You've been a friend to
me ; I sha’n’t forget it.”
“Now, Mis’ Carter, it's been a plea-
sure to have you here; and if the cap-
ting should decide to buy a place here,
I hope it ’ll be handy, eo you can ran
in often.”
A heavy rap at the outer door, fol-
lowed by a series of kicks, disturbed
their conversation.
“Land!” exclaimed Mrs. Phipps,
jumping up. “What on earth is that ?
I b’lieve the storm-door’s blowed in.”
“It's William,” said Mrs, Carter, in
a hushed, appealing voice.
Mrs. Phipps looked relieved.
“I g’pose sea captings get kinder
used to rousin’ around, and forget
about noise ; but let him right in, Mis’
Carter——don’t keep him a-standin’
out there,” for the kicks were coming
fast and furious.
Mrs. Carter paused a moment, with
her hand on the door.
“Mis’ Phipps, I hain’t ever told
“Don’t tell me nothin’, Mis’ Carter,
till yon open that door. The poor cap-
ting 'll be worn out knockin.’
So the door was opened, and the
burly, red-faced passenger of the coach
staggered in. His wife's timid greeting
was overshadowed by Mrs. Phipps's’
more hearty welcome.
“I declare, capting, we're right down
glad you've come. Joseph ’Il be right
in, and I’ll goand seeabout some
supper for you.”
“Captain—captain 2’ responded the
man, a8 he unwound his scarf, and
threw hishat on the floor. “Who's
captain ?
But Mrs. Phipps had fluttered into
the kitchen, where Joseph eat smok-
ing peacefully.
“The capting’s come, Joseph. Just
liven up that fire a mite, while I get
something for him to eat. He did make
a waster noise at the door; most
frightened me.”
. 8
from his comfortable seat as he re- t
moved his pipe from his mouth and
began to speak.
“I hain't took much stock in this
talked and planned and plumed your-
and saved all the decent victuals for
him, and I hain’t said nuthin’.
“Now, Joseph, just because I wa'n’t
willin’ to have all the mince-pies eat {
up, you act this way,” responded Mrs. | o
“I hain’t a-actin’ no way. I'm just a | 8
milliner to live.
you a present of it.
to me, Mis’ Phipps, and I feel to be
thankful, for I've seen considerable
trouble ; and I don’t blame you for feel-
in’ as you do about William. You've
treated him well, too.
faults, Mis’ Phipps, but he means well.”
neither of you.
that riles me, though I can’t rightly
remember as you ever give us reason
to think he was a capting. I really be-
lieve that meand Mis’ Fraser started
it, though we meant well enough, land
knows. Seemed a sort of compliment-
like to
about no bonnet for me. I
two winters ago, and I ain’t in no need
for another.”
Pnipps ?’" inquired Mrs. Phipps, half
“He's a human critter, and he must
e buogrier than all possess. He'll
robably relish some o’ that cookin’
you've been so careful about,” said
Joseph, putting in another stick.
‘He won’ t get no hot victualg, I can
tell you. Some bread and cold meat is
all he'll set down to in this house to-
night,” said Mrs. Phipps.
But ber heart relented, and when
William was called to supper, the ta-
ble was abundantly spread.
A certain coolness in Mrs. Phipps’s
manner, and a full stop in the millin-
ry business, convinced Mrs. Carter
hat Dunham was not the place for a
And as William was
0go in a few weeks on another voy-
age, she decided to return to her folks
n Portland.
“You see,” 't ain’t as if William was
a captain,’ she confided to Mrs. Phipps,
who listened with an evident though
unspoken protest ; “although he has a
responsible position, still he’s rather
tired of 2 seafarin’ life, and perhaps by
another year he might decide to remain
on land.”
“Like as not,” replied-Mrs. Phipps.
“I'm a-goin’ to trim you the hand-
somest yelvet bonnet that there’ll be
n this town, Mis’ Phipps, and make
You've been kind
He has his
“Like as not, Mis’ Carter; like as
I ain’t got the fust thing against
It's the capting part
But don’t you bother
had one
Nevertheless, on the Sunday follow-
ing the departure of the Carters, Mrs.
Phipps came to church wearing a bon-
net that almost restored to Mrs. Car-
ter the affection of her Dunham cus-
tomers, and made them feel that a part
of the glory of their native town had
gone with the milliner.
“Poor critter I" said Mrs. Phipps,
reflectively, as she putthe bonnet care-
fully away.
woman as ever was, and she hated to
go. She acted real generous, too, giv-
in’ me this bonnet and all her remnants.
I declare to it, ii she'd only told me,
before that miser’bul man come, just
what his work was, I'd ‘a’ made it
pleasant for ’em, and kept’em here as
long as they'd stayed. Poor critter ! I
b'lieve I was to blame for something
or rother in this capting business, but
I can’t rightly see wha’t was now,”
in the— Century Magazine.
“She was a well-meanin’
Easter Eggs.
Their Use Has Come Down Through Ages to
the Present Time.
The use of eggs on Easter day, some-
times called Pasche, or paste eggs, has
come down to the present time, writes
Jane Searle in an article on “Easter
and Easter Customs,” in the April
“ Ladies’ Home Journal"
held by the Egyptians as a sacred em-
blem of the renovation of mankind
after the Deluge.
them to suit the circumstances of their
history asa type of their departure
from the land of Egypt.
Eggs were
The Jews adopted
They were also used in the feast of
the Passover.
Hyde, in his description of Oriental
sports, tells of one with eggs among
the Christians of Mesopotamia on Eas-
ter day, and 40 days afterward : “The
sport consists in striking their eggs one
against another, and the egg that
breaks is won by the owner of the one
that struck it.
egg is pitted against the winning egg,
and so on till the last egg wins all the
othere, which their respective owners
shall before have won.”
Immediately ‘another
In Germany, sometimes instead of
eggs at Easter, an emblematic print is
occasionally presented. One of these is
preserved in the print-room of the
British Museum. Three hens are repres
sented as upholding a basket, in which
are placed three eggs ornamented with
representations illustrative of the Res-
3 : urrection : over the center egg the
Joseph's chair was well tilted back | ! Ly
against the wall, and he did not move
‘Agous Dei,” with a chalice repre-
enting faith ; the other eggs bearing
be emblems of charity and hope.
SS —————————
Tax Burdens Borne by Cuba.
It is little wonder Cuba frequently re-
volts against the government of Spain.
The island people are taxed very heavi-
ly for the support of the foreign gov-
rnment, and get little in return through
Government: Taxation without
epresentation has been a fruitful cause
f resolution and rebellion in all
In all Spain takes about $30,000,000
year out of Cuba, which, in addition
Mrs. Phipps reached out one hand
toward the table for support :
“I don’t believe it,’, she said.
Joseph felt he had created the desir-
ed impression, and now allowed his complications with one of the great
chair to rest its front legs on the floor, | powers that will secure the independence
and began puttinglwood into the kitch-
, it's what he told Timothy | hardship.
remindin’ you how I've always eaid [| to the cost of its own government, is a
didn’t take no stock in his bein’ a cap- | heavy burden. There is a stamp tax on
tain, and he hain’t,
“Joseph Phipps, I do b’lieve you're | bills ot exchange and legal documents.
crazy !"
“Perhaps I be ; but he’s been at the | guest. Merchants must pay $1 for the
corner store since noon, that miserable | first Page of ih bets, gd 3
critter has, and he hain’t even a sail]. | Cents for each additional page. e
“Perhaps youll tell me what he is,
then,” said Mrs. Phipps, with sarcastic
“Well, I don’t mind tellin’ you : he's !
a cook on a barkantine, that's what he
| all drafts, checks, promissory notes,
| Hotels are taxed 5 cents a day for every
| tight little island also charges $1 admis-
| sion fee for every passenger that lands
| on its soil, and exacts another dollar
‘ from him before he can get out again.
Such exactions are outrageous. If
they were necesfary to maintain the
government machinery of the people
| they might be borne with good will, but
. when nearly all the revenues are ex-
| ported to Spain to support an army to
keep Cuba in subjection it isa galling
It will be a piece of good
| fortune for the Cubans when Spain be-
comes involved in. some international
of Cuba.
of, Joseph ~~ ——Read the WATCHMAN.
An Easter of Ye Olden Time.
Easter has ever been regarded as the
great festival of the Christian year.
In addition to its being the anniversary
of the Lord’s resurrection, the circum-
stances of its occurring in the spring of
the year, when nature awakes to new
life, may be sufficient to account for its
world wide popularity.
The observance of Easter is connect-
ed with the history of Christianity itself.
And while there has never been any
difference of opinion among Christians
as to the general observance of the fes-
tival, in the early church the Asiatics
' kept the feast on the day of the Jewish
Passover, while the Western’ Christian
observed it on the first Sunday after
the Passover.
Hence arose a great dispute in the sec-
ond century, and victor, the Bishop of
Rome, excommunicated those churches
which did not keep it onthe Sunday.
The controversv was brought before the
council of Nicea, in the year A. D. 825,
and it was decreed that Easter Day
should be kept on the Sunday following
the Jewish Feast of the Passover, which
Passover is kept on the fourteenth day
of the Jewish month Nisan. At the
same time, to prevent all uncertainty, it
was made a rule of the church that the
full moon next to the vernal or spring
equinox, should be taken for the full
moon in the month of Nisan, and the
21st of March be accounted the vernal
equinox, consequently Easter Day is al-
ways the Sunday following the full
taoon which falls on, oris next after,
the 21st day of March.
The day is still known as Pascha in
the Easter church, as well as in the var-
ious churches of Europe, the English
title of Easter being probably derived
from the old Saxon word ‘‘Oster,”
Spring. Some scholars have suggested
that it has its origin in the word Hastre,
the name given to the Anglo-Saxon
goddess of the dawn. For the church
took the pagan philosophy and make it
the buckler of faith against the heathen
She took the pagan Sunday and made
it the Christian Sunday. And she took
the pagan Eastre and made it the Chris-
tian Easter.
But it would seem more probable
that as the Pascha, or ancient Easter,
was celebrated in the spring of the year.
the Anglo Saxons knew the Pasha pop-
ularly as the Oster, or spring festival,
just as in the same way Lent is derived
from the old Tentonic word Lenz,
“Spring,” simply because the forty
days fast occurs in the spring of the
“In the olden time’ the annual re-
turn of Easter was observed with great
festivities. The custom of distributing
The ‘‘pace” or ‘pascha’” egg, was
universal ; indeed it was one of the
most popular features of the Easter ob-
servance. The egg was regarded sas
symbolical of renewed life among the
ancient Egyptians Persians, Greeks and
Romans, and even in the present day,
the Parsees of Bombay distribute red
eggs at their spring festival. The early
Christians seem to have adopted this cus-
tom to the teachings of Haster. In me=
diasval times Easter eggs were solemnly
blessed by the priest and distributed
among the people. The eggs were boil-
ed very hard in water, colored with red
biue or violet dyes with inscription or
landscapes traced upon them, and they
were offered as Easter gifts.
On Easter Monday, the clergy and
the boys united in tossing balls, instead
of eggs, and we are told that the bishops
and deans even took the ball into the
cathedral, and at the beginning of the
autiphone commenced to dance, throw-
ing the ball to the choisters, who threw
it back to each other. After services
they retired for refreshments, when a
gammon of bacon, eaten in abhorrence
of the Jews, was a standard dish, with a
tansy pudding symbolical of the bitter
herbs of the Passover.
In Dorsetshire, England, even until
quite recently the parish church clerks
used to carry white cakes to every house
as Easter ofterings, and in return for
these cakes they received a gratuity. In
the parish of Biddenham, in Kent,
these is an ancient endownment for the
distribution, on Easter afternoon, of
cakes among the poor.
In the early church, the service on
Easter Day was said standing. It was
also the custom, in primitive times, for
Christians to greet each other on Easter
morn “Christ is risen ;” to which those
who were saluted answered ‘‘He is risen
indeed and hath appeared unto Simon.”
This practice is still retained in the
Greek church. When slavery existed
in"the Christian Church, it” was the
time to give to the Christian slaves their
freedom. And by a round of festivities
and popular sports, the people endeav-
ored to emphasize the fact that Easter
Day was as the people called it, the
Dominica gaudii, or the Sunday of Joy.
—Home and County Magazine.
——The appeal for aid for the strik-
ing coal miners differs from appeals
to the public that are made on behalf of
those concerned in labor disputes. The
coal miners have a strong case. No
class of our working population has
more arduous occupation, shutting it
out from the enjoyments of life common
to the laboring class generally. The
demands they make are reasonable, and
have peen conceded as such by many
employers. So far their action in con-
ducting their struggle for living wages
has been law-abiding and orderly.
Public sympathy is very largely with
them, and it should take practical shape.
The families of the miners are in want
of the necessities of life. Help them.
—“Mamma, is it true that they
wear snowshoes in Alaska ?”’
“Certainly, Teddie.”
“Don’t they melt when they get in
the house 2?”
——Spinster—You have a woman's
corner, I believe.
Editor— Yes,
scorner is in the
ma'am, the woman
second room to the
I ————————
Forth little flowers from out hi¢ing places !
Come let us see all your sweet, pretty faces—
Fragrant young hyacinths, tulips and roses,
Graceful white lilies, and baby-faced heart’s-
Beautiful Easter demands your attendin
To organ loft, chancel and altar ascending,
There to tell sweetly of God's loving care,
While sinful mortals are pleading in prayer.
For and About Women.
Miss Fanny Edwards, the girl evan-
gelist, of Louisville, Ky., is reported to
have saved 1000 souls in Ohio and Indi-
ana. She is eighteen years of age, and
lets her long hair hang down over her
One of the things which do not char-
acterize spring gowns is the shoulder
flounces of last year. If you have an
old gown with fluffy ruffles or pleatings
over the shoulder, take them off and
make them into bretelles or revers, any-
thing which will give the flat, pasted ef-
fect to the top of the shoulders—an ef-
fect which a flounce of any kind de-
stroys. But whatever you do, before
you decide to be fashionacle this spring,
pause and reflect that to do, so you must
have seven yards of hair-cloth in your
skirt, and that the cheapest is 69 cents a
Those who desires to know how to get
rid of moths in carpets, and how to stay
rid of them, brings up a puzzling ques-
tion. Light is really the best preven-
tive. A room well lighted and carefully
swept once in two or three weeks will
seldom be infested with moths. They
are creaturesof darkness. The best way
to get rid of them when ance established
is to lay a well dampened cloth on the
carpet, and then run a hot flatiron over
it. The hot steam destroys the moths.
Run the iron slowly and lightly over, so
as not to press down the pile of the car-
pet. Eternal vigilance is the price of
The small hats are more universally
becoming than the bonnets. Some have
the brim turned off the faces and bend
in and out, and have also a colored
band or some colored flowers inside the
brim resting on the hair, in an exceed-
ingly becoming fashion. There is no
one set style to be followed, the cockade
hat being the starting point, as it were.
An extremely pretty hat of one of the
smart milliners is of the finest black
open work straw, turned sharply up at
one side, with a black aigrette and
rhinestone buckle. The hat itself is
quite flat in the crown, but the trim-
ming is put on to give a high, full ef-
fect. At the back, so arranged as to
rest on the knot of hair, are two large
bunches of most natural looking bluets.
Another hat is of light brown straw,
something on the plan of a sailor, but a
fresh water sailor, in that it savors very
little of anything severely nautical, and
will be sadly out of place on any sailing
expedition. It is trimmed with pink
roses and black velvet, roses on the
crown and underneath the brim, so na-
tural that they look like the genuine
flowers themselves. This is an axquisite
hat for a young girl, but would be very
unbecoming to an older woman.
The Easter fashion parade -this year
will have somewhat the appearance of a
flowershow. Capes will be worn with
a ruche of flowers about the neck.
Elaborate street costumes are being
made with berthas of flowers, and the
oddest thing in town is the tailor-made
gown with a vest and stock collar of
spring blossoms. One seen recently,
says the New York World, was of
wood-brown broadcloth, with a tight-fit-
ting bodice made with a vest of violet
satin. The satin was used merely as a
foundation, and was completely covered
with artificial violets. It was also an
adjustable affair, being fastened to the
broadcloth bodice by means of gilt but-
tons. Flowers are to be seen on all the
fashionable hats. and fiower muffs will
be much the vogue during the spring.
Lace flowers are another fad of the
There is no summer material that has
a greater fascination for the ordinary
woman than dotted mull. It used to
be all white, and it was very tempting
then. One car buy such exquisite morn-
ing gowns of thc alluring stuff. A
lovely one trimmed with fine white lace
had a broad sailor collar run with sev-
eral rows of pale blue baby ribbon and
tied at the waist with broad blue satin
Some people make it up into morning
jackets that are very sweet and fresh
looking. A plain Swiss waist is some-
times made with dotted net sleeves, a
fancy which is quite in keeping with the
present fashion of having the sleeves of
a different material from the rest of the
A pretty Swiss blouse, with a yoke
laid in three box plaits, and bordered
with a narrow lace flounce. Thesleeves
are dotted mull and reach just below
the elbows, where they are finished with
a narrow ruffle of lace.
But the dotted mulls are not all white
this season. There are blues and greens
and coffee colors which are very pretty
and not very expensive. One white
mull with blue stripes was made up in-
to a shirt waist. It was laid in box
plaits and had a stock collar with blue
rosettes, and was sold for $3.50.
That wonderful complexion which has
made Patti envied by other women of
every country is not retained without
care, The woman who is responsible
forit is a complexion specialist. She
says: Mme. Patti cares for her com-
plexion in this way: In the morning
she tubs a little genuine olive oil soap
on a soft cloth, moistened with tepid
water, and upon that puts a little Patti
rose cream, in order to counteract the
natural effect of injury to the skin from
impurities in the water.
“Then she washes her face asany
other woman would, with a Turkish
toweling face cloth, and puts on a little
powder to complete the ablution. * This
she repeats after drlving, or whenever
her face needs cleansing. At night,
washing in the same manner, she after
anoints her face with cream, which re-
mains on during the night and causes
the impurities of the skin to exude.
When sending an order for any soap,
cream or powder she always adds,
‘Please omit scent.’
She understands that if she were to
take care of her face for a week and
then neglect it for several days she
would lose the effect of all her labor and
a long time to coax back the dainty
texture of her skin.
{ A stylish, quiet gown that could be
worn by a young girl or by a mation is
of white pipue, made with a Norfolk
basque. There are three plaits in front
and two in back. large sleeves and a
turnover collar. With this suit are
worn a belt of black belting, jet buckle
and black De Joinville tie.