SE ——————rrEE——re——— Katz & Co. Mingle’s Shoe Store. : Te GREATEST SALE OF HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR EVER INAUGURATED IN BELLEFONTE A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME TO BUY GOOD SHOES AT POOR SHOE PRICES, HE GLOBE........ : These goods are all of standard manufacture, and mostly in the height of This is the name by which the new 0 will be known. It will be located in the building formerly occupied by S. & A. Loeb and will be opened between April 1st and sth. Carpenters, Plasters and Painterers are now at work remodeling the premises and as soon as the mechanics are out of the way the new Goods will be opened. Full particulars will be given in our next edition. RATZ & CO. 40-12 (Limited. 36 pairs Ziegle Brothers best Phila. made. Ladies hand welt Walkenfast, button, A,B, 16 pairs best Phila. made Ladies hand- Pas French Calf button, reduced from §t.50 to $3.00 49 pairs Ladies “Finette” best Rochester made hand turned, common sense button, A B C, D reduced from $5.00 to $2.50 43 pairs Clement & Balls, Baltimore made, square toe, patient tip, button reduced from $3.00 to $2.25 9 pairs Clement & Balls opera toe, button, tip of same, reduced from $3.00 to $2.25 39 49 3m fashion PRICES CUT TO TWO-THIRDS AND ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE. 72 pairs best Rochester made, ladies fine opera plain toe, button, reduced from $4.00 to C, and D. widths reduced from $4.50 to—82.50 $2.00 13 pairs ladies cloth top, opera, plain toe, button, reduced from $3.00 to $2.00 33 pairs ladies Goodyear welt, Piccadilly, Paton tip, Extension sole, reduced from 23.00 to $2.00 17 pairs ladies Goodyear welt, Carlisle make, opera toe, tip of same, extension edge, reduc- ed from $3.00 to $2.00 28 pairs ladies opera toe, patent tip, but- ton, reduced from $2.25 to 81.75 MINGLE’S SHOE STORE. Faubles. Faubles. Faubles. New Advertisements. YOUCANGETITAT 40-10 Lyon & Co. FAUBLES. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION SALE! ee Oe. ALL WINTER GOODS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE WINTER STOCK, THIS SALE TO LAST FOR This means a reduction from the wonderfully low price we have had during the past season. In February we shall com- mence to take inventory and make ready for our Spring stock, and for that reason we shall dispose of all our Winter Goods re- 30 DAYS ONLY. —UNDERWEAR.— Mens’ Undershirts and Drawers fine heavy all Wool Goods that were $1 50 now $1 00 gardless of their retail value. « 100 « 70 Men’s Over Coats that were $13 50 the finest of iong dress w“ 90 « 70 to 75 Black Over Coats now $11 00. “« 60 « 37 Men’s Over Coats Worth $10 50 now $8 00 50 « 35 0“ [1 950 7 00 tt 925 20 “ von 035 ! Mens’ and Boys’ Caps that were 75¢ now 59¢ ke tf 600 4 50 “« « « 50c “ 38¢ “ “ 500 ¢« 3175 “ “ “ 35¢ ¢ 920¢ [3 “® 400 « 8 50 to 0 0 9% « 19p “ u 830 « 300 “ “« “200 4 12) “ “ 500 © 240 Ladies Hose all Wool now from 15¢ a pair up. Boye’ “ 550 «= 4s Children and Misses 6c a pair yp # : 150 « 8 50 Mens’ Woolen Socks that were 95 to 30 now 17 to 18 X T 30 230 r “« 15t018 “ 9to 10 te “ 300 « 200 Childrens Over Coats $1 00, 1 25, 1 50 to 2 00 low proportion. Men’s Winter Sujts Worth $13 50 now $10 50 Ladies Muffs as low as 44c and better grades in same Women best Calf Skin Shoes fine soft goods # hal Were 1150. 4 1:90 that were $1 50 now $1 30 “ a 10.50 « 850 i 185 « 19 i ot 800 « 6 00 ti 125 100 “ “ 600 4 50 110 « 97 “ 1] 500 « 3 50 i“ 100 89 Boys’ y 500 « ..600 Children Shoes that were $1 25 now $1 00 “ “ 700 « 500 “ t 100 « 89 i“ 6 500 « 8 560 w « 90 « 74 “ “ 400 « 275 «“ (“ 80 60 “ ke 300 « 225 “ “ mH 58 “ “ 250 « 200 i 200 « 1925 Infant Shoes that were 50, 40, und 30, now 40, 35, and 25 ~ ? “ 195 « 100 Men 8 Boy Them at Nore = % ai $2 M * 10 i iid “« “ “ 150 « 115 Blankets that were 6 00 a pair ~~ « 475 « 0 “ 125 90 y : 39 ; ; : > « “ y 90 “ 75t085 2 The greatest stock of Rubbers in the county. The ver t ‘ i » 2 2 : ! : best make at corresponding low prices. co [113 1 “ “" ri : tatol All Wool 54 in. Cloth that was 65 ots now 48 cts. One lot Men's good heavy winter shirts hy 10h « 40 « “@ 50 « 38 « now i 40 « f 45 4 82 1a THE VERY BEST BLEACHED MUSLIN 6}e to 7c $e 4 83, .« 28 ot THE VERY BEST UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 4c, 414c to 5¢ “ g 25 Mot 8 TICKINGS FROM 7c UP. All Wool Henrietta in all colors that were 60 now 34 LADIES CORSETS FROM 23c UP. Red Flannels tH 40 * 30 We have not space to detail our entire stock but the above « 4 35 ¢ 25 will give an idea of what we propose to do for the next 30 days. 0“ “ 25. 4.18 You will remember that we have sold goods cheaper the past 1 season than had ever been known before, Now we have made The heaviest kind of Outing Flannels that were 15 * 11 the above reductions even from that basis. We must move our Winter Stock as we propose to have a great line of Spring goods “ “ th i" 10 « 8% in due season. ti i" 6" “" 9 ‘“ 73 6 3 “° o" 9 to 6 to 5 LYON & CO., BELLEFONTE, PA. 5.450 WOE G15 BAI SESS ET AN EDUCATION.—Educa- tion and fortune go hand in hand. Get an education at the Central State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa. First-class accom. modations and low rates, State aid to stu- dents. For illustrated catalogue address JAMES ELDON, Ph. D., Principal. 39-45-1y Lock Haven, Pa. hd AND POULTRY FOOD.— COTTON, GLUTEN AND LINSEED - - - MEAL FOR COW FEED. Baled hay and straw. Prepared poultry {ood Crushed oyster shells to make hens lay eggs. McCALMONT & CO. 40.11-8m, Bellefonte, Pa. ARM ANDGARDEN SUPPLIES GARDEN TOOLS IN SETS. Planet Jr. Cultivators and Seed Drills. SOUTH BEND CHILLED PLOWS. All the Standard Chilled Plow shares at low- est prices. Wheel Cultivators and SPRING TOOTH HARROWS. FORCE, LIFT AND CHAIN PUMPS. Clover, Timothy and other grass seeds. The best fertilizers in the market for the least money. Nova Scotia (white) and Onon- daga RY roan plaster. McCALMONT & CO., 0-11-3m. Bellefonte, Pa. UILDER’'S SUPPLIES. — Stone for building purposes at quarry or de- livered in Bellefonte or on the line of the Bellefonte Central and Penna. Railroads. Caleined Plaster, PLASTERING HAIR AND LIME. Paragon Plaster, the best patent plaster yet made. HYDRAULIC CEMENT Potomac and Cumberland, Rosendale (Hoff- man Brand) and English Portland, the best standard cements to be had. We warrant every barrel of Cement we sell to be as repre- sented. McCALMONT & Co., 40-11-6m. Bellefonte, Pa, ABUTMENTS.— Proposals for the building and erection of the abutments for the iron bridge to be erected over S: ring Creek at Lamb street, in the Borough of Bellefonte will bereceived bythe Street Committee of the Town Council of the borough of Bellefonte, prior to Monday, the 25th day of March instant, in ac cordance with the plans and SPesiiosdions for the said abutments on file in the Commission- ers’ office at the Court House, as prepared by D. M. Butts, the County Engineer: bids to be made both for a sandstone facing next the limestone ; the said abutments to be finished ready for the superstructure on or before the 20th of May next. The said bids will be opened in the presence of the town council, at a special meeting to be beld for that purpose, on Monday evening, the 25th of March instant, and bids to be consider- ed must be placed in the hands of the Com- mittee prior to6 o'clock on that day. The right to reject any or all bids is expressly re- served. Bidders willbe required to furnish security for the faithful pertormance for their contract. S. H. WILLIAMS, JAMES A. BEAVER, HENRY BROCKERHOFF fstreet Com 40-11-2¢. HERIFF’S SALE | ees By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county and to me directed will be exposed at Public Sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following real estate : All that certain lot or piece of land situate in Boggs township, County of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wic: Beginning at a stone heap, thence by land of McCoy & Linn north 60de- grees west 50 perches toa stone, thence by land of John Curry south 70 degrees west 3% erches to stones, thence by land of Martin aley, Jr., south 56 degrees west 66 perches to a stone, thence by the church-!ot south 16 degrees east 8 perches to a stone, thence by land of Michael Sennet north 74 degrees east 8 perches to a white pine, thence by the same south 16 degrees east 23 perches toa black oak sapling, thence by the land of McCoy & Linn north 71 degrees east 93 perches to place of beginning, containing 28 acres more or less. ALSO All that certain lot or piece of land on Wal- lace Run, Boggs township, county ana state aforesaid, known as the United Brethern church lot, beginningata stone, thence by land of M. Gormaly south 16 degrees east 8 perches to a stone, thence by land of M. Sen- net south 74 degrees west 13 perches to a stone thence by land of Wm. Marks north 12 degrees west G 5-10 perches to a stone, thence by land of Martin Daley north 68 degrees east 12 perches to the place of beginning, containing 80 perches neat measure, thereon erected two small houses and other outbuildings. ALSO (All that certain messuage or tract of land situate in Boggs towns, Centre county, Pennsylvania, containing one acre, more or less, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a hickory at corner of land of McCoy & Linn, north 80 degrees east 36 perches to stone on land of McCoy & Linn; thence north 10 degrees west 7 perches to stones on lands of James Lauver; thence south 80 degrees west 36 perches to lands of McCoy & Lion ; thence along lands of McCoy & Linn, south 10 degrees east 10 perches to the place of beginning at hickory at corner of oth- er lands of McCoy & Linn. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold as the property of Sarah H. Lauver. Term8—No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full. Sherift’s Office, JOHN P. CONDO Bellefonte, March 6, 1895, Sheriff, 40-10 ROPOSALSFORBRIDGE water and backing of limestone or entirely of MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. ~—WILL BE IN— TYRONE, PA. ——AT——— ——EMPIRE HOTEL,— FRIDAYS, From 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. March 22, April 19, May 17, June 14, July 12, Aug. 9, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1-29, Dec. 27, ALSO BELLEFONTE, PA BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, —SATURDAYS— Jan. 26, Feb. 23, March 23, April 20 May 18, June 15, July 13, Aug. 10 Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2-30 Dec. 28 ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Given Eye Sight and Relieved of Pain After 20 Years Suffer :ng by Dr. Salm. For over twenty years my eye-lashes have been turning in, and consequently they rub- bed on the eye-ball, keeping the same always inflamed hy very painful. In order to have: a little relief, I had to have the eye lashes. pulled out every few days. As the result of all this, my left eye went totally blind, and the right one was going the same way very rapidly, I put myself under the care of Dr. Sam, and to-day I am happy to state that I am not troubled any more with the lashes, as they grow in their normal direction, and the sight of the right eye has improved to a great ex- tent, I am wonderfully cured. Coburn, Centre Co., Pa, Jacos EMERICK. After Having Tried Five Different Doctors and a Wagon-Load of Different Patent Medicines I Grew Worse and Worse, and was at Last Cured by Dr. Salm. For more than 8 years I was troubled with Dyspepsia and Intestinal indigestion, I suf- fered untold agonies; only ate enough tor keep me alive, and toward the last I could not: keep oun my feet any more, During all this time I must have taken a wagon-load of dif- ferent patent medicines and tried 5 of our different doctors in the county, but grew worse and worse. None of them made the correct diagnosis, until I went to Dr. Salm at Tyrone. He told me at once what ailed me, and he was correct, for to-day I feel like a new woman : Mes. CARRIE PEcnr. Sandy Ridge, Centre Co. Pa. Once More Hale and Hearty. For more than 5 years I have had a bad eye trouble, etc., miserable case of Dyspepsia, felt generally very bad, became very thin and pale and never had any appetite. But now, after only a few month's treatment with Dr. Salm, 1 have gained very much in flesh, my Dyspepsia is cured, and my eyes are as well as anyones, and I consider myself, thanks to the good Doctor, once more hale and hearty. Snow Shoe, Centre Co., ta. MixNie Kerry, Attested by her Mother. SArAH KELLY. Suffered Untold Agonies for 15 Years—Tried 7 Different Doctors But Grew Worse. For the last fifteen years I have been suf- feringjvery much ; have been treated by seven different doctors, Nearly all of them gave my ailment a different name and gave me medi- cine accordingly. The result was that I be- came worse and worse until at last I went to Dr. Salm, who pronounced my disease to be of the bladder, kidneys and stomach, and treat- ed me Erorrdingly with the most splendid re- sult. He has done me more good in one month than all the others in fifteen years, and I feel once more like I did sixteen years ago ; no feeling of tiredness gnd fatigue as hereto- fore, I can do my work and enjoy it ; that was an impossibility. heretofore. Milesburg, Centre Co., Pa. MRs. NETT1E PoORMAN, Ailed for Twelve Years, and, Though Seven Dif. ferent Doctors Failed, Dr. Salm Cured Me. For more than twelve years I suffered tor- tures with liver, stomach and kidney trouble, Occasionally I had to go to bed for a week at a time, and was unable to work for years ; but now, after only a few months treatment with pr, Salm, I feel better than I aver did before, I used piles of patent medicines, and had seven different physicians, but gradually grew worse. However, since I' put myseif under Dr. Salm’s treatment I improved grade ually, and now can do as good a day’s work as. any one. I can certainly recommend the Doc- tor to those suffering trom chronic diseases of any kind. J. A. GRAMLEY, D. 8S. Rebersburg, Centre Co., Pa. Offensive Smell of Catarrh of 8 Years Standing Cured by Dr. Salm. Our little daughter Katie has had a bad case of Catarrh for more than 8 years; her breath was something terrible, and her general health was very much undermined; but now, afer a course of treatment with Dr. Salm, we consider her entirely cured. Nittany, Centre Co., Pa. Mgrs. AuicE Ross, Diseases of woman, such as have baffled the skill of other physicians and remedies, quick- ly cured. Cancers, tumor, fibroid, and 2 poi growths cured without the use of the nife or caustics. No cutting, ro pain, no danger. Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, painless and certain for impotence, lost man- hood, spormatorhea losses, weak and nervous debility, also for poststitis, varicocele, and private diseases; whether from imprudent habits of youth, or sectnal functions speedily and permanently cured. New method Elec- troysis. Epilepsy or fits scientifically treated and positively cured by a never failing meth- od. Examination and consultation free ta everybody. All eye operations successfully erformed. Address all communications to 0x 760, Columbus, Ohio. | Address all communications to box Columbug, 0. 760 » OUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR | TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT.