Denon I~ WY 3Y RP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —1t is every parent’s duty to win the love of his child, for when love has found a place deceit is gone. —There will be no danger of Chica- go amateurs attempting the production of “Trilby,” when the dramatization is completed, for they have no women out there whose feet would suit for the part of the heroine. ‘—An all around increase of 16 per cent in the wages of Pennsylvania coke workers is something that was never dreamed of under the HARRISON admin- istration, yet it has just been ordered under CLEVELAND'S. —Spain seems not to be in much of a hurry to set Uncle SAM'S mind at rest over the Allianca incident and as time wears on the belief that she was not al- together to blame for firing on the American steamer grows. —BiLLy DELANEY called SULLIVAN a mutton head at Boston, on Monday night, and now JoHN is doing his best to prove that the fellow knew what he was talking about, by bleating around what he will do if he catches him. —The faculty of Harvard has decided to shut down on foot-ball right. No students of the University are to be al- lowed to play in inter-collegiate games hereafter and, who knows, this might be the beginning of the end of the bru- tal game. —Tbe promptness with which the ad- ministration acted in the Spanish insult indicates that there is plenty of back- bone left there for such occasions. It was sorely tried while the 53rd Congress was in session, but it is still stiff enough. --Japan’s terms of peace for China will hardly be calculated to carry much delight to the hearts of the Emperor's subjects, yet all they can do is give themselves up, body and soul, to the Mikado, else, if they don’t he’ll take their bodies let their souls wander to whatever bourne they will. —There is talk of legal proceedings being instituted ® punish the mother and grandmother of little LEILA MEAD, a grand-daughter of the late Congress- man Houk, for having left the child die from typhoid fever without any medi- cal attendance. They are faith curists and thought they could pray her well, but they didn’t. —The national bank of Kansas City closed its doors unexpectedly Monday morning notwithstanding it was consid- ered one of the strong banking institu- tions ot the south west. This will be wa- ter on the silver people’s mill. They are indirectly opposed to the national bank- ing system and they have every reason for it too, for that matter. —The money question is destined to be the one on which the political bat. tles of the future will be fought. It behooves tbe Democratic party to stand for a money that will answer the wants | of the majority of the people. There is no reason under the sun why a few eastern bankers should be allowed to force a gold standard upon a country that is crying for silver. —The Democrats of Pennsylvania need more Democracy. They are like the Methodists of Bellefonte, whose lack of true christian spirit has led them to a most deplorable condition. Petty jeal- ousies and narrow mindedness have led both to fighting among themselves and the result cannot help but be disastrous. To the former, it will mean the demni- tion bow-wows ; to the latter, it will be plain, everyday damnation. —-Senator GoBIN is making a great fuss over a few dollars which he claims have been mis-spent at the Norristown insane asylum. After playing sick, so he would not have to vote on the Stand- ard oil company’s bill, he is a pretty one to-be bunting up such opportunities to get himself before the public. If he wanted to do the State a service why didn’t he defeat the pipe-line bill and thus prevent Governor HASTINGS from losing so many admirers ? —Suppose Major General Joun M, ScaOFIELD would tell the editors of the United States, in a time of peace, that he would have them shot 1f they said anything detrimental to our standing army, as did General de Campos of the Spanish army the editors in Madrid, on Tuesday. Why the result would be simply awful. The newspapers would have him blown to pieces before he could be gotten to a hospital to have the wheels removed from his head. —The Hon JAMES KERR, of Wash- ington, chief clerk of the House of Con- gress, seems to have set himself up as the political Mosks for the Democracy of Pennsylvania. While we have every respect for Mr. Kerr's ability as a par- ty leader, yet we cannot help but be- lieve that it would have been well for him to have remembered that ‘people who live in glass houses should’nt throw stones’ before he delivered himself of that late letter of advise to Democrats of the State. Mr. KERR can find excellent grounds to ride his harmony hobby over | in his own county. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 40 BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH 22, 1895. NO. 19, Elective Judges. The Legislature of New Jersey de- liberately rejected ‘the benefit of the ex- perience of other States, with a popular- ly elected judiciary, when it recently passed an act for the election of judges by the people. It needed but to look across the Delaware to Pennsylvania for an example of judicial deteriora: tion which has resulted from dragging the ermine through the dirty mire of party politics, and making the bench a prize to be won by the methods of the politicians. When it was proposed in the Legis- lature of Pennsylvania, in 1850, to make the judgeship on elective offices those who foresaw the injurious con- sequences of such an innovation, and who opposed it for that reason, could scarcely have believed that their ap- prehension would be so fully realized in the ultimate result. But the pre dicted injury has gone beyond what was apprehended. The evil effects are gradually but surely surpassing the fears that were intertained when the judges were made elective. For some time after the change was made the tendency towards judicial deterioration was not observable. Party politics was not immediately made a governing factor in the elec tion of judges. Public sentiment still retained too much respect for the bench to willingly allow it to be gain- ed by the practices of pot-house politi- cians. But eventually it became im- possible to keep the election of judges out of politics. To-day it is entirely a partisan question, with all the debase- ment that naturally attends such an influence, and there is not a political trick or device that is not resorted to in electing the judiciary. The result is seen in the sure and general ten- dency to judicial inferiority. The qualities required for superiority on the bench are not the kind that will get there by the political methods that are now necessary for that attainment. Consequently there is scarcely a coun- ty in the State, where a decline in the quality of the judgeship is not paintul. ly apparent. To seeit we need not look beyond the bounds of our own district. Thoughtful people cannot fail to ob- gerve this and attribute it to iis true cause. What else but hopeless demor- alization could be looked for as the ef- | fect of such practices as were recently resorted to in Delaware county where an unquestionably unfit judge was re- elected for no other reason than that he was indorsed by the nomination of ! the dominant party attained by the usual machine methods, his defects as a judge being counterbalanced by his partisan claim. What else but judi- cial debasement could be expected when, as was the case in the Indiana county judicial district, money, and the lowest form of electioneering by the use of liquor, were employed as factors in the judicial election. These were cases whose turpitude appeared 80 glaringly on the surface that they could not be concealed, but a doubt can scarcely be entertained that this demoralization has become so general in this State, in consequence of the partisan taint that has been imparted to judicial elections, that there is not a district where the methods of party politics, with all the corruption and debasement they imply, have not been employed in furnishing the beach with its incumbent. With so obvious an example to serve as a warning, it was more than judicial blindness that closed the eyes of the New Jersey Legislature to the evils of an elective system that has been followed by such consequences. A ——————————— A — It is amusing to hear from Har- risburg rumors to the effect that Quay has no idea of ‘‘letting up” on the “combine,” but that he and PENROSE are perfecting plans to subject the practices of Philadelphia’s machine politicians to a Lexow process of in- vestigation. Nothing of the kind is intended. Quay isn’t any more anx- ious for an investigation than is the “combine,” They understand each other, and they also understand that the interest of neither of them would be promoted by a probing of Philadel phia’s municipal sores. The city lost its only chance of having the rotten- ness ot its government laid bare when it defeated Pattison for Mayor. The Income Tax and the Constitution. Let us trust that the income tax has met its last obstacle in the suit testing its constitutionality in the United States Supreme Court, and that the obstacle will not be insuperable. The wealthy class, upon whom the income tax will impose the. duty of contributing a just share towards the support of the government, oppose an avaricious resistance . to a measure that is characterized by its airness and justice, and have made their last stand on the point of constitutionality: which is the issue in the case they have brought before the Supreme Court. There is eo much to commend the tax; it is so equitable, and would operate with such remedial effect in correcting the inequality of the tax burden from which wealth has been too long and too largely exempted, that it would indeed be unfortunate if the court should find that such a method of taxation is not sustained by the sanction of the constitution. The authority of the organic law, however, is supreme ; it is the test to which all statutory laws are to be sub- jected, and even if a legislative enact ment should be unquestionably salu- tary and beneficent in its purpose, there could be no warrant for it as law if it should conflict with constitutional authority. While every good citizen recognizes the supremacy of the or- ganic law, and willingly submits to its requirements, he at the same time can indulge the hope that the Supreme Court will decide that the income tax does not conflict with the constitution. A Legislative Ass. That Representative SPANGLER, of Cumberland county, made an ass of himself by his speech on the “Garb” bill admits of no question among sen- sible people. His asinine conduct may in time become apparent even to hopelessly elongated. An honest difference of opinion may be entertained as to the propriety of school teachers wearing a dress indi. cating their religions persuasion, and legislators may feel themselves justi fied in objecting to it, but the speech of the Cumberland county rattlebrain on this subject was so clearly the ex pression of narrow bigotry and small- minded partisanship, so reckless in its assertions and mischievous in its pur- pose, that it is not surprising that it has excited geveral disapprobation and contempt outside of the dark-lantern lodges of the A. P. A. ; SPANGLER, with the star spangled banner in bis hand, employing that emblem of freedom in emphasizing the sentiments and advocating the princi- ples of an intollerant secret organiza: tion, was the most idiotic specimen of weak-brained fanaticism that was ever presented in the legislative halls of Pennsylvania. The ground swell of last year's tidal wave furnished the Legislature with an unusual supply of long-earned representatives, but no one will deny to SPANGLER’s ears the dis- tinction of being the longest. -—1It is not surprising that impe- cunious nobles visit our shores with matrimonial intent when heiresses, worth their millions, are eager to bite at marital hooks baited with i:iias, Scarcely has Jay GourLp’s daughter, with her big pile of money, been car- ried off as the prize ot an adventurous French Count before it is announced that one of the VANDERBILT girls is going to be married to the young Duke of MarLBoROUGH, an English notieman whose fortune has been impaired and to whom vulgar American dollars will ‘be a pecuniary relief. When the methods by which both thie Gourp and the VANDERBILT fortunes were acquir- ed are considered, the fact that this wealth will be used to repair the bankrupted fortunes of a worthless foreign nobility will afford but scant consolation to the Americans who were squeezed by the railroad wreck- ing and stock watering of GouLp and VANDER BILT. —— According to the judicial appor- tionment bill now before the Legisla- ture Centre is to be cut off from Hunt ingdon county and made a separate judicial district. Good Cause For Objection. Every true Pennsylvanian feels an interest in the prosperity and welfare of Philadelphia as the metropolis of the State. His good sense leads him to appreciate the fact that whatever makes our leading city prosperous, and contributes to its wealth, is a bene- fit to the balance of the State. But there are circumstances in which his good feeling towards the metropolis of the Commonwealth ex- periences a check. He is not likely to be enthusiastic over the proposition that half a million dollars of the State money shall be expended for the im- provement of Philadelphia’s harbor facilities when he sees that an amount of the city revenues amply sufficient for that purpose is annually stolen by the politicians who manage her gov- ernment. He cannot ignore his con- viction that the stealing perpetrated in the construction of the Public Build- ings alone has amounted to enough to have dredged the Delaware from the city wharves down to the bay, and that of the $32,000,000, expended an- nually, the pilfering that is divided be- tween the ‘combine’ politicians and dishonest city contractors would be sufficient, if devoted to that purpose, to furnish the city with the desired river improvement. When the citizen of the State con- siders this fact, and at the same time sees that the city, by an immense ma- jority, approves of her municipal re- sources being squandered and stolen, it is not unnatural for him to ask why the State should be made to shoulder the expense of improving her river and harbor ? If the city’s municipal resources were carefully and honestly managed, and there were then a deficiency for this needed improvement, her people might be justified in asking the bal- ance of the State to assist in this im- SPANGLER himself, unless his ears are | provement, under the circumstances, rand in the face of the constitutional | prohibition that declares that “NO ap- | propriations except for pensions or grat- | wities for military services, shall be made | for charitable, educational or benevo- | lent purposes to ANY person or COM- I MUNITY, this attempt of Philadel: phia to secure State aid to do what it should do for itself, is as cheeky a job as has been undertaken for some time, ——Captaina DELANEY has long been usefnl to the Republican state leaders as the head of the Irish Catholic con- tingent, which they keep in their ser- vice for political purposes. This posi- tion of the Captain's has its advan- tages and its disadvantages. It has been productive of perquisites, but it is aleo likely to prove a boomerang, for now when heis ready to step for- ward and claim the prospective custo- dianship of the public grounds and buildings, it is probable that he will find himself beaten by the A. P. A. on account of his being an Irishman and a Catholic. There are not many who would miugle their tears with DEgrLa- NEY's over such a disappointment. ——The United States government being called upon to make explana- tion to the Italian government for the lynching of Italian citizens in Col- orado, and to the British for the mur- der of Englishmen by a mob in New Orleans, is not exactly in a position to take high ground in calling Spain to account for the incivility of one of her naval officers in his treatment of an American vessel in Cuban waters. The hot-headed Jingoes, however, do not think that these circumstances should interfere with Uncle Sam’s assuming haughty airs in the Spanish difficulty. —— Governor HAsTINGS i8 not try- ing to dodge the Presidential lightning that is seen flashing in the political at. mosphere at Harrisburg. It is being gotten up to order in his interest, and the Governor bas his lightning rod out inviting the stroke. The Republican members of the Legislature have ex- pressed themselves almost unanimous- ly for him as their Presidential fav- orite. It is altogether likely that there is a similar unanimity of preference among the coporators of the Standard oil company. —China is hard after a peace from Japan and Japan is asking for a piece in return. Not a small one either. How Hastings Is to Be Made Presi- dent. From the Pittsburg Post. It is announced * from a variety of sources that Senator Quay has aban- doned his advocacy of T'om Reed for the presidential nomination, and proposes to champion the aspirations of the brave General Hastings, the hero of Johnstown. Senator Cameron keeps on sawing wood, doesn’t say much, has a silver lightning rod up, and hopes that in the conflict of issues and men he may be the lucky ove. The declaration for Hastings by Quay and others means just this—no more and noless: There are two or three Republican candidates whose chances of the nomination seem to be about equal—Reed, Harrison and Mec- Kinley. The fight over them will be avoided in the state by having the na- tional delegates instructed for Hast- ings. Then at the proper moment a trade will be arranged, the quid pro- quo specified, and Pennsylvania will declare tor the victor, and so get the honor, and resulting emolument of de- ciding the contest and possibly mak- ing the president. Hastings in the meantime will be used as a man of straw. He stands about as much chance of the presidential nomination as Senator Quay, and not nearly as good a chance as Senator Cameron. But “rallying around” his name will the friends of other candidates and make the delegation a marketable commodity. Nor is it a new game in Pennsylva- nia politics. As far back as 1860 it was, practiced, the elder Cameron being the trade-mark. Mr, Lincoln’s friends purchased the delegation, the condi- tion being that Mr. Cameron should receive a cabivet place. He did, but Cameron way only a few months, and shunted Simon off 10 Russia. Then, in 1876, with General Hartranft asa sign-board, just as it is proposed Hasi- ings shall be, the Pennsylvaaia dele- gation defeated James G. Blaine for the presidential nomination, and gave the votes that made Hayes candidate and president. Mr. Hayes’s represen- tatives promised that Don Cameron should have a cabinet place, but Mr. Hayes the president was a different man from Hayes the candidate, and he refused to honor the drafts made by his co-partners, whereat there was much virtuous indignation, and at the next election Don Cameron quietly aided the Democrats in carrying the state against the federal administration to rebuke Hayes. “Penunsylvany’s sheer,” as good old Simon Cameron put it, is the main consideration. And the “sheer.” be it understood, is not a general distribu- tion of the goods, but a sort of depart- ment shop, with Boss Quay as general manager. That is the program, and the =ecret of putting Hastings forward as a man of straw to trade on and fight over. Kind Words for the Centre County In- stitution of Learning. ¥rom the York Gazette. There is a bill pending in the legis- lature providing about five hundred free scholarships in the State college, which is located in Centre county. Objection has been made to the bill by many who perhaps do not under- stand what this college is nor the work it does, and who, consequently, do not think 1t any more deserviog than any other college of the special support of the state. Additional objection is made that the income of the state will not warrant the extra expenditure. As for the latter objection, if it be true, it is, of course, fatal ; but it this legislature is going to be extravagant or if it is going to strain a point in the matter of appropriations for any pur- pose, we know of no object towards which it can turn public moneys which will be of more benefit than educa- tion ; and of our educational institu- tions the State college is especially de- serving. ’ It is what is commonly known as a “land grant” college, that is, it is one of the colleges throughout the country, one in each state, for which the state accepted a quota of land from the United States pledging itselt to the national! goverawment to provide and maintain buildings for a school. Among other well-known colleges ot the character are Cornell, in New York state, the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Techuology aud the Universi- ties of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and California. The current expenses of these col- leges are provided by the national and state governments, and tbe records to her State college than has Illinois, setts, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin or Obio. From this it must been generous for since 1887, when the industrial education firmly, the state for buildings repairs, equipment and insurance. If the state will give the State Col- | lege the advantages andjopportunities it needs, it is sure to grow in reputation { and usefulness and become a coliege in which the citizens of this common- ~ wealth can take pride. lowa, California, Kansas, Massachu- college began to develop and establish . => 2 p yo. greatly benefited by the millions of pine : Ys Bip 2 . Neither did th has given nearly baif a million dollars , trdesibativent outer isiiNelsh or diq tie avert any conflict in the state between | “Honest Old Abe” could stand the} show that Pennsylvania has given less | Texas, , sSpawls from the Keystone, —Williamsport's big ice gorge is bLrok- en. —Harrisburg’s school worth $521,000. —The Scranton Times says that town has too many great men. —Blair county’s Bar Association has elected A. A, Stevens president. —The Philadelphia & Reading Company has 1100 men working in its car shops. —Charles W. Hoover, Reading’s new as- sistant postmaster, is only 26 years old. —Prizes worth $1000 will be given at Pottsville's big Eisteddfod on September 0 - —There are 350 cases to be tried at the present term of Berks county Criminal Colirt. — People at Kittanning are laying wa- gers as to the time the great ice gorge will break. —The Schuylkill Valley Trolley Com- pany has bought the Tumbling Run Ho- tel for $35,000. —While picking coal on the railroad at Middletown little Clarence Bender was killed by a train. —Ablegate Satolli will lay the corner- stone of Pottsville’s German Parochial School on April 21. —A spark from a stove ignited the clothing of Emma Fegely, Kutztown, and burned her fatally. —The 95-inch cylinder for the big Texas cotton press making at Reading has been successfully cast. —Attempting to mount a moving train at Wilkinsburg, Mary Crombie fell and was critically mangled. —Reading dairymen rejoice because the Supreme Court has decided that milk wagons cannot be taxed. —Five of the ten Wernersville State Asylum employes who threatened to re: sign stepped out Monday. —Negotiations are making for the de- velopment of the Simpson tract of 6000 acres of ecal lands near Renovo. —The ten convicted piggery owners at Tinicum appealed to the Media Court yesterday for an arrest of judgements. —Fiye of the seven daily newspapers of that town, irrespective of party, are op- posed to the Greater Pittsburg scheme. —An organized party of girls in Read- ing regularly dress themselves in their brothers’ clothing before appearing at their sociables. —Arbitrators at Reading granted to Miss Della Ryan, of Philadelphia $666 damages against M. J. Fehily for breach of promise to marry. —The triennial assessment places Sny- der county real estate at the $4,429,174 mark. Butler county has 15,703 taxables | and $13,923,385 in realty. —John Rice, the engineer of Wilkes. barre, who led the Lehigh Valley Rail- road strike, has secured a liquor license for a saloon and will quit railroading. —The Greencastle Press says there are numerous applicants for the position of | Postmaster of that town in view of the fact that the present incumbent's official term will expire next Deeember. —Allentown saloon-keepers have start. eda war on the so-called social clubs, whieh are said to be nothing more than speak-easies. To appease the saloon men the brewers have raised the price of beer to the clubs from #8 to $12 a barrel. —Abraham M. Moyer, a resident of Chalfont, has in his possession and ina fine state of preservation, an old British coin dated 1123. Mr. Moyer found this piece while working in a patch of ground on which at one time had stood the oldest grist mill in Bucks county. This mill was built in 1732. —Samuel J. Shank, of near Kive Forks, Franklin county, raised a crop of clover seed which yielded him seventy bushels of a finegrade. He disposed of fifty bush- els at $5.25 per bushel and the remainder will be retained for his own use as seed. Mr. Shank resides on the farm of his fath- er, known as the “Royer” farm, one of highly productive properties. He had a crop of 1,230 bushels of wheat last year. —The steel industry in Eastern Penn- sylvania has awakened with a big rush of business. The Pennsylvania Steel Com. pany’s works at Steelton has received an order from the Boston Underground Railway for 10.000 tons of structural steel. This contract is only a part of the order, and it will furnish work for the entire summer season. Over 1,500 idle men at Bethlehem have gone to work to turn out 12,000 tons of steel rails for a Georgia rail. road. i —At the last meeting of the Kennett Square school board the president, Ed- ward Swayne, suggested the propriety of having a “bird day” at which time the pupils of the public school might be taken on an excursion to the fields and woods for the purpore of observing and studying the habits ot the birds. Principal Bye warmly advocated the proposition and it was adopted. As it would be inexpedient to take all the pupils at one time the ex: cursions will doubtless cover several periods. —+Speaking of raising wheat at fifty cents a bushel,” says a prominent farmer of West Goshen, in the West Chester Local News, * there is little profit in it for the grower. Why last fall I harvested and threshed for a neighbor of mine nine acres of wheat, which yielded 127% bush. els. I kept strict account of all expenses doing the work as cheaply as possible, and my bill was $45. The wheat at 50 cents a bushel will bring $63.75, leaying for the grower $18,75, or a little over $2 an acre» to compensata him for his labor. Now, theseare facts and one can see why the farmer is getting rich so fast.” —In a letter to the Pittsburg Times a correspondent speaks of the early days of the lumbering industry in Clearfield ! gounty and says in part : “But these good not be inferred that the state has not! old days have gone, never to return. This spring there will be less that, fifty rafts on the river. Clearfield county was not men who owned the trees, made the tim. ber, hauled, rafted and ran it, make much more than wages at the business. The supply was considered inexhaustible and fortunes were floated away only to enrich the Eastern capitalists who bought at their own figures. Lock Haven and Wil. liamsport were built by our own people and their citizens enriched by our labor.’ buildings are