Demat ald Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance 3eilefonte, Pa., March 15, 1895. P. G AY MEEK, - - - Ebprror A Noticeable Contrast. The facility with which the Stand- ard oil company's bill was reported favorably, and the promptness with which it was passed and signed furnishes a striking contrast to the treatment received by the labor bills presented this session, which have been shelved by the negative action of the committee that has had them in charge. The great oil corporation, proposing to remove every vestige of competition with ite monopoly, had no difficulty in securing legislation which will enable it to gobble up the pipe-lines that are not now under its control. Io fact the Republican lawmakers. as well as the Republican Governor, tumbled over each other io their eagerness to serve ihe great monopoly. The humble workmen came to the same body with their modest bill to protect them against the “pluck me” store extortion and a negative report consigns it to the legislative waste basket: There is nothing strange in this dif- ference of treatment. No one need be astonished. Pennsylvania Republican Legislatures long ago, by their acts, proclaimed their preference for corpor- ate and monopolistic interests. They never failed to pass bills for the bene- fit of corporations. They never failed to ignore bills intended to limit the power and prevent the encroachment of corporations on the right of the public. No Republican Legislature of “this State could ever be prevailed upon to pass an anti-discrimination law that would have crippled the deadly monop- oly practiced by such a corporation as the Standard oil company. That corporate octopus is indebted to the favorable action of the Republican Legislatures of this State for the power that has enabled it to crush every competitor. When, therefore, it is seen that this gigantic monopoly meets with eager attention from the Legislators at Har- risburg, while the workingmen asking for a righteous measure are uncere- moniously stood aside, does it not ac- cord with Republican policy ? The result of last fall's campaign did not bind the Republicans to such measures as the protection of workingmen in the payment of their wages and the pur- chase of their store goods. Such State issues were ignored and McKINLEY'S monopoly tariff was put forward as the issue upon which the victory was to be won. The workingmen, as a body, largely assisted in determining the re- sult on that one issue, to the exclusion of other questions, and now when they come with their labor bills they should .not be surprised to discover that they are not considered as being “in it.” SE ——Efforts were made in three state Legislatures, those of New York, Mas- sachusetts and Mississippi, to make it unlawful for ladies, at places of public amusement, to wear high head gear that prevents those who are so un- fortunate as to sit behind them from seeing what is being done on the stage. In every case the bill for the repression of the big hat signally and ignomin- iously failed. It does not appear what sort of lobbying was employed to bring about their defeat, but the result seems as another illustration of the fact that the weaker sex usually proves itself strong enough to have its own way. Probably it'is well that it turned out as it did, for if the big hat had been outlawed female ingenuity would have invented some other way of afflicting the male theatre-goer. It is to the credit of the Pennsylvania Legislature that it did not engage in this fruitless crusade ; but probably it was so en- gaged in legislating for big salaries that it hadn't time to legislate against the big bats. Re ——————— ——Where was Senator GosiN when the Standard oil company’s consolidation bill was put through the Senate by a vote of 30 to 9? He has been doing some posing recently, in the ostensible interest of economy, with the view of promoting his guber- natorial prospects ; but dodging a vote where the is3ue was between the inter- est of the people and the interest of a monopoly, was not a posture that was calculated to commend him for the office of Governor. S——r ——Vetoing the bird book bill wag hardly a benefit that counterpoised the injury involved in the unconditional surrender of Pennsylvania's oil inter- ests to the exhaustive constriction of a petroleum octopus, A Spanish Insult, ——— The American Mail Steamer Alliance Fired Upon on the High Seas.—Solid Shot Was Used, Too.— Regular Salutes With a United States Ensign Ignored.—A Chase on the Atlantic.~- Apparently Deliberate Attempt to Sink a Ship Floating the Stars and Stripes. NEw York, March 12.--The Ameri- can steamship Alliance, while proceed- ing from Colon to New York. on the morning of the 8th inst., sighted a bark- entine rigged steamer under the land, off Cape Maysi, the eastern edge of Cuba, which headed directly toward her. At 7 o'clock, when 2} miles distant, the strange vessel hoisted the Spanish flag, which was saluted by hoisting the American ensign and dipping it, which act of courtesy was answered by the Spaniard. At 7:15 the Spaniard, a gunboat, fired a blank cartridge to leeward which she soon followed by another. The Ameri- can ensign was again hoisted and dipped, but the course and speed of the ship was not changed, as no hostile demonstra- tion was anticipated, the Alliance be- ing more than six miles off the land at the time. The Spanish gunboat was not satisfied, however, with even the double salute to her flag, but proceeded to chase the American at her full speed, and sezing that the Alliance was draw- ing away she yawed to, to bring her guns to bear, and fire a solid shot which struck the water less than an eighth of a mile away from the ship and directly in line. This was followed by two more solid shots, which, though, they struck the water in plain sight of the ship. At each shot, however, the Span- iard yawed to get the range of the American ship before firing on her, plainly showing the intention to hit her if she could. Captain Crossman of the Alliance, knowing he was more than two leagues from land and on the high seas, did not consider it his duty to detain his ship to find out the reason for such an outrage even for so summary a demand, and so ordered full steam and gradually drew out of range. The chase was kept up for more than 25 miles, however, before it was abandoned. If the Spaniard had had more steam, or her gunners better marksmen, no doubt the incident would not have ended so fortunately for the American, This outrage has been reported to the secretary of state by Captain Crossman, and a prompt demand will be made on the Spanish government for an explana- tion of the insult, and a reason required for the attempt made to stop an Ameri- can mail steamer on the high seas in time of peace. Captain Cossman, of the Allance, has written a letter to the sec- retary of the state at Washington giving a full statement of the Spanish gun- boat’s conduct. Captain Crossman was unable to get the name of the Spanish vessel. ‘“We were six miles off the shore on the high seas,’ he said, “and I do not think we were responsible to the Cubans or anybody else for being in those wa- ters. The shots were fired doubtless by some conceited Spaniard who has an idea that he can stop anything that floats. However, he was disappointed, as it never occarred to me for & moment to lay to.” [tis customary for us to run within half a mile of the Cuban, coast and this time we were farther away from it than ever and I reaily cannot tell why the shots were fired.” In answer to a question as to whether or not the shots might have been fired by the Spaniard with the idea that the Alliance belonged to the revolutionists in Cuba, the captain smiled. ‘They might have been practicing on us,” was the reply. The Alliance has been running be- tween this port and Colon for a number of years, making one trip each month. She leaves this port on the 26th of each month and starts on her return trip on the 5th of the following month. She carries the United States mail, and has accommodations for 150 cabin passen- gers. Including the officers she carries acrew of 60 men. She is a screw steamship of 2,750 tons. She is half brig rigged, and was built at Chester, Pa., in 1886, by the Pennsylvania boil- er and engine works. Captain James A. Crossman, the commander of the Alliance, came into public notice in the fall of 1893, when he was put in command of the cruiser America, formerly the Britianna, which has been purchased by Flint & Co., and fitted out as a war vessel for the Brazil- ian government during the latetroubles there. The crew for the vessel was re- cruited here and all enlisted for service in the Brazilian cause. On the voyage to Brazil the America met with an ac- cident to her machinery, which delayed her, and later Captain Crossman slipped and fell down the steps from the bridge, breaking one of his legs and incapaci- ting him for further service. He left the America and returned to his home in Jersey City. Captain Crossman was born in Hud- son, N. Y., 55 years ago. He has been a seaman 35 years. He served in the United States navy during the civil war. The Spanish consul-generai. Arturo Baldasano, said this afternoon in his of- fice, that he had not heard of the firing on the Allianca by the Spanish gun- boat, and consequently was not in a position to make a statement. He pre- sumed, however, that the Alliance, sail- ing in Cuban waters, refused to obey the commands of the gunboat, and in consequence was fired upon. ———— War Ships Figure in Finance. Germany Sends Two as Collectors to Venezuela. BerLIN, March 11.— Germany is sending two war ships to Laguara to enforce the payment of the 7 per cent. unpaid guarantee on the construction of the Central Venezuelan Railway, which was built by Germans. The Belgian Government, it is also reported, will join France in her protest against the action of Venezuela expell- ing the French and Belgian Ministers. —— The Czar's Diplomat in Peril. ATHENS, March 11.—The Imperial yacht Czarina, with the Russian Minis- ter to Greece, M. K. Onou, on board, is fast ashore in the Gulf of Patras. All on board, however, have been rescued. Minister Onou was on his way, with other prominent men, from Athens to Corfu, ard their escape was a very nar- row one, Buncombe Patriotism. Members of the House Treated to a Pitiful Dis- play HarrisBUrG, March 12.—One of the most ridiculous as well as one of the most pitiful displays of buncombe pa- triotism ever witnessed in legislative halls, was the demonstration in the house by Representative Spangler, the A.P. A. member from Cumberland. The bill making it a misdemeanor for public school teachers to wear religious garb while teaching came up for final passage, and, goaded by taunts and flattered by the notoriety given him, Spangler mustered up courage and de- livered the wild-eyed harangue he had printed in the “Legislative Record.” Everybody knew the speech was coming, and the house was thronged with people, most of whom took the whole thing as a joke. As Mr. Spang- | ler went on with his disjointed screed ! against the Pope, National Chairman Harrity and the Catholic church he gesticulated frantically, his shrill voice became a shriek, and he was guyed unmercifully in spite of the speaker's effort to maintain order. He had pre- viously arranged a climax. At the proper moment he thrust his hand into his desk, yanked out an American flag and began to wave it over his head as he continued to shriek. But this disgusting use of the noble flag proved too much for his hearers, and speaker Walton in angry tones, exclaimed : “The gentleman from Cumberland will retrain from all un- necessary demonstrations.” The speaker was obliged to repeat the rep- rimand more curtly than ever, and Spangler, looking like a ranting actor who had proved a failure on a first night, rolled up the flag and placed it in his desk. Then he subsided. Many of the leading Republicans of the house privately expressed their disgusted over the unseemly spectacle, Mr. O'Malley, representative of Lackawanua, took exception to Spang- ler's charge that Mr. Harrity had ar- ranged a political deal with priests, and demanded that the names be giv- en. He said he himself was a Catho- lic, and he objected to such talk. Mr. Spangler said he had read it some- where. Mr. Seyfert, representative from Lancaster, made an earnest speech against the bill. He declared it to be a demagogic measure. Mr. Martin, rep- resentative of Lawrence, favored the bill. When he concluded his speech Mr. Moore, representative of Bradford, moved that the bill be recommitted to the committee on education, and Mr. Bolles, representative of Philadelphia, supported the motion. The effort to get the bill recommitted was the result of a conference by Republican leaders of the house who fear its passage will have a bad effect upon their party. Representative Riter, of Philadelphia, pleaded for the elimination of the pen- alty clause. He thought the legisla- ture should make the bill as mild and conservative as possible. The motion was lost ; yeas 61, nays I19. The bill was then placed on final passage, and it went through by a vote ot 151 to 26. The bill to authorize the election of two assistant assessors in the borough and township commonwealth passed finally. On motion of Mr. Weaver, of Al- legheny, the Flinn bills empowering municipal corporations to grade and otherwise improve, open aud widen streets and alleys were reported back to committee. They had originally been intended as general legislation, but amendments in committee changed them to special, and the purpose is to get them back in the original form. A hearing upon them will be held to-mor- row. Mr. Cotton's act, designed to end the uncertainty to land titles, passed finally. [t requires that all sub-divis- ions of any lot or piece of land into building lots not exceeding acres shall be entered in the records of the record- er of deeds. A failure to comply with this requirement will render the delin- quent liable to a fine of $100 for every oftense. The act repealing the lam of 1889 providing for the examination of miners was passed finally- The' new mine law, which has not yet been for- mulated. The billto provide for the imprisonment of persons sentenced to pay costs in criminal cases was de- feated. The Lemon plumbing and house drainage bill relating to second-class cities passed finally ; also the bill abolishing days of grace, amended so as to provide that papers falling due on Sunday or a legal holiday shall be due the next business day thereafter. Other bills presented were : Protect- ing employes from being compelled to take out accident insurance policies, directed against the railroad voluntary relief associations ; Mr. Cotton, to li- cense game dealers and prevent the wanton destruction of game; Mr. Pennewell, a general local option law. The boomers of the proposed new county are doing earnest missionary work for it. Ex-Postmaster McKean and Charles McKee were on hand to- day looking up the bill’s chances for passage. They hope to overcome the objections of the opposing members from Fayette and other counties con- cerned, but so far they have not met with much encourage ment. RE IRE Judge Gordon’s License Ruling. Judge Gordon, of Clearfield county, has ruled that all applications for transfers ot liquor licenses must be published in two county papers at least three weeks before the session of the court at which transfer will be ask- ed for, and in all other respects must the parties follow the law applying to original applicants. ——If you want printing of any dis- cription the WATCHMAN office is the | | place to have it done. i The Terms of Peace. China Will Permanently Cede Formosa to Japan ' — With the Right to Occupy Port Arthur and Wei-Hai- Wei. WasHINGTON, March 12.—As a re- sult of the negotiations between Min- { ister Dun, in Japan, and Minister Den- by, in China, the terms of the peace about to be concluded between China and Japan are now known with little short of exactness. It is understood in high official circles they are as fol- lows : First, the treaty between Japan and China has ceased to exist by reason of the war. On the renewal of peace the uew treaty will grant Japan extra ter- ritorial jurisdiction over China, but the latter country will surrender the ex- tra-territorial jurisdiction she former- ly held in Japan. Second, there will be no extension of Japanese territory on the main land of Asia. But the island of Formosa, a Chinese possession lying off the coast, will be permanently ceded to Japan. occupation of Port Arthur and Wei. Hai-Wei, the two great naval stations | leading to the Gulf of Pechili, for a term of years. Fourth, the claims of China that Corea is a dependency of her's shall be forever relinquished, and Corea shall henceforth be independent. Fitth, the cash indemnity to be paid by China will not exceed $250,000.000 in gold. Victoria, B. C., March 12.—The steamship Empress of India, from Yokohama, March 1, arrived this morning with advices coufirming the published details ot the battle and sur- render of Wei-Hai-Wei, together with the euicide of Admiral Ting. The advices say the Japanese land forces in Shantung have done very lit- tle since the forts were taken at the beginning of February. Scouting par- ties have pushed westward as far as Ning Hai. The people have been ruthlessly pillaged by retreating braves, and the few who resisted extortion were cut down without mercy. Rt ———————————— Death of Rev. Samuel Miles. Oldest Baptist Minister in the State Passes into the Beyond. From Wednesday’s Clearfield Republican. Samuel Miles, of Ansonville, this county, said to have been the oldest Baptist minister in the State, at the time of his death, died Tuesda , March 5th, 1895, aged 88 years, 3 months and 22 days. His death was caused by general de- bility, and the final summons had been anticipated for several weeks. Deceas- ed came from the old stock of Baptists, the name beirg closely identified with the history of that denomination. He could trace his genealogy back to 1701, when Richard Miles left his home in ‘Wales and came to this country, set- tling in Deleware county, Pa. Samuel was one of the fifth generation since their settlement in this county. He was the son of John and Mary Miles, and was born in the United States Ar- senal at Gray’s Ferry, November 12, 1806. He was one of a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters. All of the sons were Baptist ministers except one. Samuel’s father purchased the land and laid out the town of Miles- burg, Centre county, and it was here that Semuel and his father located. He entered the ministry in 1834, and his first work was in the Beech woods coun- try, Jefferson county, the same year. He also preached at Luthersburg, Curwens- ville and Clearfield. In 1838 he went to Venango county where he remained for about two years, returning to Jor- dan township in 1841 where he remain- ed ever since except a residence of two years in Brooklyn, Towa, nine years at Reynoldsville, and seven years at New Washington. He was married to Mary Ann Lipton who died some thirty years ago, and was married a second time to Elizabeth Robinson, whom he survived. He was moderator of the Clearfield Baptist Association for many years, and it was said of him that he had married more couples and preached more funer- al sermons than any other minister in this county. Heis survived by three sons and three daughters. The funeral was held Friday afternoon, March 8th. One of the oldest couples in Clear- field, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Chase, were married by the late Rev. Miles over fifty years ago. —— For a Big War in Cuba. Spain Cables Credits of $1,000,000 to the Island.— Army of 12,000 Summoned—Real Status of Af- fairs 1s the Chief Isle of the West Indies Ad- mitted in Spain at Last. Maprip, March 11.—A credit of $1,000,000, to be used in suppressing the Cabau insurrection, has been ca- bled to Captain General Calleja in Havana, The preparation to ship more troops to Cuba are pressed forward with great rapidity. In addition to the three transports which have already sailed, half a dozen or more troop ships have beer. made ready to leave Cadiz and Santander as soon as the infantry shall be got aboard. The total number of men now under orders for the Cuban campaign is 12,- 000. Not a few of the soldiers are vet - erans of the previous campaign. The popular excitement is beyond anything warranted by the sanguine reports given out by the Government. It is almostas great as when the Kabyles attacked Melilla. Among the Generals awaiting orders are C. Marin, Inspector General of Cavalry ; C. Polieja, commander of the Sixth Army Corps, and Correa Garcia, commandant at Centa and and General of Division. While mili- tary men here profess to believe that the insurrection is not very serious, the officers of Cuban experience, most notably Martinez de Campoe, fear that the present outbreak is the beginning of a long period of unrest on the is- land. A ——Read the ATCHMAN, 3 Books, Magazines Etc. Mr. Richard Harding Davis, who started, from the eastern coast of Honduras about the middle of January to ride across, Central America, bas arrived at Tegucigalpa, the cap- ital of Honduras, from which place he will continue on to the capital of Nicaragua, and from there to Corinto, on the Pacific side. From that point he takes a steamer south to Caracas in South America, ercssing the Isth, mus of Panama on his way. The ride to Te- gucigalpa was made on mule-back over the mountains, and lasted sixteen days ;the sec, ond half of the trip to Corinto will require about ten days more. Mr. Davis is accom- panied by Mr. Henry Somers Somerset and Lloyd C. Griscom, and his purpose isto de- scribe the places visited by these gentlemen and himself in a series of articles which will appear ir Harper's Monthly and Harper's Week - ly as soon as possible after his return to New York. Seldom does an author treat on so many topics of general interest and personages as ; does Evan Stanton in the ‘‘Wide, Wide World” in Home and Country, Corporal James Tanner, . Editor. The contribution to that department Third, the Japanese will, by treaty, . be granted the right to continue the 1 in the March number is diversified enough to interest and amuse all who read it. Commenec- ing with “Du Maurier and Trilby,” and end. ing with the murder of “The Mehtar of Chi- tral,” the other subjects treated are : “Bull Fights in Spain,” “An Incident at Beaucaire,” “Cotton Duties in Madras,” “The Oldest Man in Russia,” “Why did Frau Bebel Marry 2” “The Chrysanthemum in Japan,” “Froude’s Successor,” “Charley’s Aunt,” “Miss Fenimore Cooper,” “The Physicians of Sick Sovereigns,” “The Australian Parliament,” “The Lady and the Woman,” “The Austrian Ambassador at Paris,” “The Doctors,” “A Biography of Schu bert,” and ““A Fire Call in England.” Home and Country is published by Jos. W. Kay, 53 East 10th Street, New York. Sub. scription, $1.50 a year. The Century's Life of Napoleon has caught the popular fancy in a most surprising way, and copies of the magazine have been hard to get unless purchased within a few days of issue. “With each instalment,” says the Critic of March 2, “the value and thoroughness of the work becomes more manifest.” The present revival of interest in Napoleon has been only a lucky coincidence for The Century, as Professor Slcane’s history was pro- jected, and its publication in 1895 decided up- on, long before there was, even in France, any unusual interest in the character of Bona. parte. ————— A Letter from Boggs on the New Town- ship Question. Mz. Epiror.—Quite a lengthy article appear. ed in the Centre Democrat last week in con- demnation cf the proposed new township soon to be voted on by citizens of Boggs township. The writer of this article is not much interes. ted in the move, but deems it but right to cor- rect the Democrat and the “prominent citizen of that precinct,” as well, in regard to the line of the new township. It does not cut a school district in two, but takes in the Cato school giving it one grade and two primary schools. The new township, if made, will have twen" ty miles more township roads than old Boggs and these too mostly mountainous so they will be harder to maintain. The circuit of the new township would be 30 miles and 288 rods and it would not leave Boggs dipper shaped, as stated. Boggs township has now four supervisors; two elected and two substitutes appointed withal we never have roads fit to drive over, Being a resident of the West precinct I be. lieve the plan to be a good one. In it I see an all around saving as it won’t cost the old town- ship so much for assessor's work and not half so much to keep up the roads. There would be better schools and as the unseated land tax from the North precinct don’t amount to more than $200 the loss would really be a gain in the reduction of our expenses. It is believed that they will have 125 voters which is enough to create a township and as they will have to ibear their share of the indebtedness of the | parent township. I say let them go if they want. We have nothing to gain in keeping them.” I understand that they propose trying. again if they are voted out this time and will then extend their lines to Union fownship, thus taking away twenty-two of Boggs’ best residents and tax-payers. They. are an. ex- pense to the township as this Spring’s bills for shoveling the snow off of them shows and I believe it is the best thing for us allto vote them out. Yours, West PRECINCT VOTER. ADDITIONAL LOCALS, ——Read Dr. Salm’s advertisement in this issue. His dates for visits in this section are all changed. ——The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clevan Dinges, of Williamsport, died there yesterday. and will be brought here to-day for burial. ‘BELLEFONTE BANKS To OBSERVE SATURDAY HALF HoLIDAYS.— After the first of next month, April 1st, all of the banks in Bellefeyte will close at 12 o’clock noon on Saturdays until further notice. 8s, MM i Le CorrecrioN.—The proposed lease of the implement store of J. S. Waitd and Co. to McCalmont & Co. has never been closed and signed. J.S. Waite & Co., agents, will be found at their old stand with a full line of implements, also their carriage and repair shops will be run as before. WHERE You CAN Buy THE CHEAP- EST.--It is a question of dollars and cents after all. No matter what people say it is as natural to save a penny in buying as it is to eat dinner at the din- ner hour. Opportunities to make great savings are not often to be had, but Lyon & Co’s., big advertisement in this issue affords just such a chance. Read it and profit by the bargains it holds out. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. 3 CoNCERT AT AXE MANN.--On Sat- urday evening, March 23rd, the Axe Mann singing class will have a concert in the church at that place, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the insur- ance of the structure. A pleasing pro- gram will be arranged and with the assistance of the Bellefonte orchestra it will be well worth the small admission that will be charged. : Pine Grove Mention The farmers are once more able to see their fertile acres although the snow still hides many of the line fences. We can not remember a Spring when this valley had so few public sales. Are the farm- ers satisfied with their condition? or do they realize they can do no better 2 On last Monday night Freddie the five- month old son of Adam and Anna Louck died after a few hours of suffering. The little child was buried Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Pine Hall cemetery. Our friend J. Fred Myers, a few days ago, met with an accident, which had it happened to many an other would have frightened them silly. His eye slipped out of his hand, rolled on the floor and exploded into three pieces. Sledding parties are still in fashion with us. Tuesday evening a very pleasant one as- sembled at the home of Mrs. Laura Brett who with her daughter Maggie did the honors royally. They so cleverly entertained the guests that the evening was one of pleasure and delight. Our genial friend W. J. Meyers proprietor of our extensive carriage shops spent last week inthe Alexandria shops, W. J. is a hustler and is fully able and willing to run several es- tablishments, he is a manager cof the first order as his work testifies. We wish him the success which he merits and we know he will win, We very much regrel the illness of our ministerial friend Rev. George Elliott, who has been confined to his room at the home of Mr. J. B. Mitchell, for the past week with an attack of pulmonary trouble. All that medical skill and kind friends can do to promote his early recovery is being done. We hcpe his recovery may be soon and sure. Rumor says the long litigation. about the Tow Hill ore lands back of Gatesburg ; that Lyon and Cross has had before the courts for years, has ended in favor of the former. The many idle men in that vicinity are hopefully waiting for the works to start when they will have the priviledge of mining and washing a hundred tons of ore a day. Saturday the 9th, resting in one of the finest caskets “ever brought to this place she was laid to rest in the Pine Grove cemetery by the side of her father and other kindred. Rev. Ermentrout officiated at the funeral and the pall bearers were six nephews of her name. Thus ended a life which was as bright as the noon day sun, as pure as the lilly they laid in her hand and as unassuming as the Master's she followed. Last Monday our township auditors ex amined the accounts of the township officials, Henry Garner, the West precinct supervisor was credited with one hundred and forty-five days and he certainly discharged his duties faithfully and well. The Bible says the labor- er is worthy of his hire, but our auditors think otherwise and made a 50 per cent reduc- tion on his time. The township is six hun. dred dollars short on the road account and many of the roads are chuck full of snow. Last Saturdayf evening the Good Templers of this place treated themselves to an oyster eupper, and what else we are unable to say, The singing of patriotic songs was one of the features of the evening which passed all toa soon for scme of the members. One of them not fully satisfied with the baptism that he had been given in childhood tried the immer. sion act and when he emerged from the ice cold mill pond he resembled “the old oaken bucket” for he was covered with a coat of deep green moss Dearn or Miss Herry ANN CanpBeLL.—On the morning of the 7th, the people of this com- munity were surprised and startled to hear of the death of Miss Hetty Ann Campbell, which occurred at her home early that morning. While she had been troubled for some months with heart disease she was so cheerful and uncomplaining that no one had an idea of her illness except her iwo sisters, and the an. nouncement of her death came with strangg suddenness. On Wednesday her sister Ses her inseparable and devoted compap ion, noticed that she was not as well as uspal and sent for the physician whose countenance more than his words told the nearness of the, end. Thursday morning while resting on her favorite louhge watched by her two sisters, she, simply closed her, eyes and was with God. {Away back in the thirties che helped or. ganize thé Union Sunday school in the old log school house known then as Hopeville. A child herself in years she taughtand was chorister in the school and ever since that time has been one of the most active and steady workers in the Presbyterian church. We doubt if there is a person young or old liv- ing near the Glades who has not, at some time, been impressed and influenced by her, pure life and her strict observance of the Scriptures. The church and community will miss her greatly; but it is her sister Susan who is left desolate. For years they have been all in all to each other and now what loneli- ness and grief for the one, who for years and years was tended and nursed and loved by the one now singing with angelic hosts. Her other sister Mrs. H. B. McCracken and her brother G. W. Campbell survive her. : We are informed that Justice felect Ellis Aiytle and Supervisor elect Luther Miller, hoth of the West precinct, have positively refused to lift their commissions for some good reason known to themselves. Just at this time the leaders of the G.O. P. seem to be taking a rest and there is really no aspirant for the supervisorship. The present Justice J. H- Miller, whose name was brought before the primary is his absence and who did not win, is just rounding out his second term and is willing to serve the people again. He should be called the peace maker as he has always shown himself willing to measure out justice to both plaintiff and defendant. He does not approve of sending cases to court simply to get the costs and he has always maintained that suspended sentence was more of a re. former than the Court of Quarter Session. Why not petition for his appointment? We never know the worth of water until the stream goes dry. No kinder, nobler or more useful woman evep lived in this or any other community. She was strong and reliant and cheerful ever ready to doa deed of mercy or an act of kindness, coming of sturdy Scotch parentage the key- Note of her life was character. Socially she was popular alike with young and old not- withstanding the fact that she openly disap- proved of village gossip and aggressively bat- tied for right. Healthy in physique as well as in mind her rich strong voice leading in church and the quaint original sayings for which she was well known will be a pleasure as long as memory lasts. Her love for music kept her in touch with the young people, and she was ever their friend. She was born the 13th, of Jan. 1826, in the old home where she and her sister have for years dispensed: the most generous hospitality. A Christian, wha cheerfully wore a last year's bonnet in order that she would give more to the missionary cause, her home was always headquarters for church and intellectual workers, No one knows better than the writer of the lives that have been brighter and broader through her cheerfulness and help.