Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 30, 1894, Image 2
me} IA ee ——— —— ee —— ——— re AROS ENC SR CERIN _. fn Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 30, 1894. FARMER STEBBINS AT FOOT BALL. While walkin’ up the village street, a-fightin’ there Isee Some twenty feilers, more or Jess, as fierce as fierce could be ! Twas in a medder nigh to where the college late was built, An’ not 2 proper place for blood to be unduly spilt ; So, ea peaceable inclined, an’ al’ays actin’ t us. I thought, “I'll try what may be done to regu- late the fuss.” My goodness, how them fellers fit! they'd punch each other there : io Like hungry cattle when the frost is nibblin’ through the air! 2 An’ one would pick up somethin’ quick, an’ run, off, fit to kill, With several others chasin’ him, as chickens sometimes will; } : Then it he on his stomach fell, there right in his distress They'd pounce upon him, hard an’ square, a dozen, more or less. An’ when my eyes untangled ’em, an* glanced ‘em through an’ o’er To my surprise [ found I'd seen full half of ‘em b: tore! 3 Young Caleb Stubbs, who once was raised across the road from me, ButI had never thought, before, would hurt an ailin’ flea; An’ Joseph Minks, who's al’ays fit whene’er he had a chance, : ‘Was now as gay, an’ much to home as French- men at a dance ; An’ Thomas Tutts, who's bein’ taught so he himssif can teach ; An’ Samuel Strapp, who's trainin’ so’s to have a call to preach ; An’ Peter Pills, who'll some day strive to cure the world, no doubt, . . Was strivin’ hard, apparently, to kill an’ wipe ’em out; An’ several others all appeared to do what death they could, . From whom I'd al’ays looked for things a thousan’ times as good. An’ what still deeper troubled me, a lot o » folks near by Didn’t seem to care to hold 'em back, an’ wouldn’t even try, But sort o’ toiled to help it on, an’ make a fightin’ din ; An’ even girls would grit their teeth an’ hol- ler, “Boys, go in!” An’ then [ says, “Them fellers all appear in Death’s employ ; If there’s an undertaker here he's sheddin tears of joy.” An’ terrified at what they'd done, an’ what they meant to do, I struggled hard to recollect a Riot Act or Wo ; But naught appeared that I could reach on Memory’s cluttered shelf, An’so I had, as one might say, to makeup one myself. I wildly rushed into their midst, an’ yelled with all my might, “See here, now, boys, this school wasn’t built to teach you how to fight!” But still they all kept on their way, as fierce as fierce could be, An’ none of them was blessed with sense to listen unto me. But while I still upheld the right, in words I won't repeat, Th’ apparent cause ot all their fuss rolled plump betwixt my feet! An’ then such buffetin’ amidst the angry waves of strife I never You had come across in all my earthly ife I've sported in a skatin’ rink, an’helped to dust the floor ; I’ve served as drift-wood in the waves of Jer- sey’s stormy shore ; I've clutched a tall tobogean slide, the while my cheek did blanch, Then, lettin’ go, reluctantly become an ava- lanche ; I’ve entered cars on Brooklyn Bridge ’twixt 5 an 6 o'clock ; But these was only zephyr breaths beside an earthquake shock 1” They jumbled me they tumbled me, some several fellers deep, Until I give up every sense an’ feebly fell asleep; An’ when I woke, and midly asked if all my bones was there, No one contigions seemed to know, or special- ly to care ; But several fellers, with their face all black an’ blue an’ red % Jumped up an’ down, a wavin’ hand’s an’ shoutin’, “We're ahead I” “Now who's ahead ?” says I, when I a listenin’ ear could find ; “Whoever 'tis,here’s one odl fool that's several rods behind ! Why are you studyin’ carnage here—what is this ail about ?” An’ then they hollered, “Foot ball, Dad—we've gone an’ cleaned ’em out !” Where at I says, “If this is what you call a friendly game, Heaven shield me from your courtesies, an’ help me dodge the same!” Then everybody laughed an’ joked, rejoicin in the crimes, An’ said, * Old man, the trouble is, you're way behind the times I” An’ then I said : “Allright! I'll keep behind ‘em, if you please ; ‘Hind anything. to shield me from such goin’s on as these ; An’when I'm anxious suddenly from this world to escape, I'll go an’ dance on dynamite, an’ do it up in shape I" -~Will Carleton, in Harper's Magazine. SS m——— A THANKSGIVING EXPERIENCE. BY WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, They were a very young couple, that accouuted for it largely, and while the affair was certainly ludi- crous it was not without a touch of pathos. They both declare that they have better sense now, and that the like, with them at least, shall never occur again, so there can scarcely be any harm iu telling all about it. When they went to housekeeping in a modest way in a fashionable street in the national capital rents were not so high as they are now. They had many friends, some of them very wealthy ones, and, as her entire life had been spent in Washington, she felt that a change from single to doub- le blesseduess would not alter things materially, While the streets and her friends re- mained unchanged there was a certain indefinable something that shaped itself presently—she could not entertain as she had been used to in her father’s house ; neither on such a scale, nor with such lavish hospitality. She fretted a little, at first quietly, then she confided her woes to her hus- band, for she told him everything. and he, good fellow, took it very much to heart. Being a lawyer without any consid- erable practice, for he was a young man in his profession, he did not see his way out of it in that direction. But the idea suddenly struck him that he would try to get some kind of an of- ficial position. They had influential friends in the political world, and it applaied quiie clear sailing, The plas met with his wife's prompt approval and she concluded on the spot to begin the siege by giving a Thavkegiving dinner. Some people might have thought it wiser to first get the desired position and then give thanks, but she looked upon it differ- ently, from the point of view of the almanac as it were. . A presidential candidate had just been elected and would take his seat the following March. The minister of the church they attended was also the pastor and intimate friend of his ex- cellency-elect, and it seemed very fitting and auspicious that he, together with his wife, should be honored guests. There was also, a certain dis- tant cousin of the successful candidate, a very pompous old lady with a ter rible predilection for her neighbor's affairs, whom it was considered wise to ask, and to entertain her there was young Mr. de Post, who led cotillons and gossip with equal facility. While Mrs. Grimm had very pretty glass and china, in keeping with the rest of her modest establishment, it did not seem grand enough for such a distinguished and critical company, so she borrowed from the silver soup tureen to the nut crackers. This plan was readily feasible, as her parents took dinner with an elder sister upon that day. No sooner was this arrangement completed than it seemed very out of place to let Fanny, the colored maid, wait on thetable with such accompanying magnificence— they ought to have a butler. They got one in the person of Fanny’a father, who had come up from Manassas Junction to spend the day with his family, and that was where the trouble began. He was an eminently respectable old man‘and when he had gotten himself, alter much groaning and the assistance of his wife, the cook, into an old dress suit of Mr. Grimm’s, he looked as it he knew the proper thingto do, which was far from the case. His wife had been doubtful from the first. ‘He kin drive a kerrige jest lovely, ‘Miss’ Maria,” she said, “but he doan know nuthin’ bout waitin.” “But Fanny can drill him,” “Mies” Maria bad said, airly, as she set out to Thankgiving services in company with her husband. Fanny dressed in a new gown and with a huge white cap on her very black head, admitted the gues's with a gravity of countenance that wonld have befitted a sevitor of fifty years. Fanny had woeful misgivings, Jupiter, her father, had not proven a very apt pupil. He asked many strange ques- tions after he had ineisted that he un- derstood everything. The butler’s pantry was too small to hold them both or she would have remained by her parent during the ordeal ; but she etationed herself at the foot of the dumb waiter to admonish in stage whispers if nece-sary. Jupiter wiped the perspiration from his brow with a red bandanna and car- ried the silver tureen. With the ex- ception that he put his thumb in Mr. de Post's soup and then wiped it dry with his bandanna, that portion of the banquet progressed favorably. But when the raw oysters were served he took a plate of macaroons from the sideboard, and, doubtless mistaking them fora new variety of crackers, gravely offered them. The hostess flushed violently and tried to distract attention from her husband, who though he said only a few words to Jupiter, had looked such unutterable things as to cause him to drop the dish on the sideboard with a bang. Presently he barely grazed the minis. ter’s head with the turkey platter. Feeling that energy might compensate for the vacuity existing in his mind, Jupiter proceeded to supply every one with the dishes on the table. Salted almonds and bonbons careered about the board with lightning rapidity. He even grasped the macaroons again, but a sudden mistrust seemed to seize him and he dropped the dish. He was breathing heavily and each mo- went his unwonted apparel seemed to grow smaller for him. The hostess strove bravely to appear as if this was a daily occurrence in every well regulated household, and that a stream of gravy extending across the cloth and down a breath of her best gown was merely an adjunct ot Thanksgiving. The host forgot all the speeches he had intended to make in praise of the president elect and all the snbtle antennae of diplomacy that he was going to put forth to the minister by way of starting affairs, He could only feel rather than see, or he scarce dared look up. That Mr. de Post and the executive elect cousin were storing a fund of anecdote that would regale many a dinner table—he had caught sufficient of their exchange of glances to rest assured of, As tor the minister, his kindness of heart was as proverbial as was his sense of humor. If he laughed rather more heartily at his own stories than was his wont both host and hostess were thankfal to him for diverting some small degree of attention from Jupiter's aimless and comical gyrations. “Jupiter, you have not served the tomatoes,” said “Mrs. Grimm. Mr. Grimm felt the perspiration start out on the back of his neck ; he was won- dering what uew catastrophe was in store As for Jupiter he smiled blandly. Here at least was something he could engineer. “Tomattuses,” he ordered of Fanny. A great whispering ensued, then came a pounding on the dumbwaiter that set all the glasses and crockery oo the pantry shelves to jing- ling in unison. A family altercation was in energet- ic progress. The guests looked at each other and the hostess tried to chatter it down, But no one human throat was powerful enough for that. “Send up them tomattuses."” “] tell you they ain't none.” “They is, ‘Miss Maria says they is. “I tell you they ain't, you ole black fool you,” the voice was that of the cooks. ‘I dun forgot to open ‘em, I dun tell yon. Ifyou doan b’lieve me use your own eyes, you ole country n'ggah in Maw's Jawn's party close, her mother’s service, a lookin’ like a scarcecrow in a cawn I fiel’. Now look 1” The waiter came up with a bang. All was still. Jupiter was doubtless “Looking.” Presently the guests look ed too. He appeared upon the scene with an unopened can, glowing with a gorzeous label, in either hand. “Beg pawdon, ‘Miss’ Maria, but that ele—'’ He got no further. There had been a swish ot skirts on the stairs. Fanny darted across the room. pushed her surprised parent in‘o the pantry and turned the key.” With an air ot elab- orate indifference as though nothing had happeued to mar the occasion, she removed the plates and the dinner pro- gressed. From the depths of the pan- try could be heard the wailing of Jupi- ter: “If kaio’t wait I'm pow’tul at drivin’, an’ it ain't no erthly use a tryin’ to appeah what you ain't. Ole Mies dun say—" There was a per- emptory command from below to “come down this minnit,”’ a great creaking of the waiter and Jupiter had descended on the vehicle of his woe. Mr. Grimm looked at his wife and she in turn looked at him. Between them extended a massive epergne of silver weighted with fruit and flowers; tall candelabras and dainty bon-bon dizhes, strangely out of keeping with the turaiture and the tiny dining-room. There was a look in his eyes that light. ened things, though, and the verge of tearfulness was banished: Later, how- ever, when the guests were gone and she hada good cry in his arms, she said: “John, Jupiter was right,” We have no business trying to appear what we are not, and whether we get the position or whether we're never a cent richer, I've that good lesson to be thankfui for to-day and for the res: of my life.” ETE, Rebuked By Gen. Banks. The Sexton Not Allowed to Repair His Error. General Banks was as perfect a gen- tleman in manner as we ever knew, and his dignity and his grace as a speaker were both commanding and fascinating says the “Christian Adyo- cate His voice was wonderful, In New York during the war, he happened to spend a Sunday, and went to Grace church, on Broadway, wearing a huge white coat, as the dav was somewhat chilly. The “unctuous Brown,” the usher of fashionable society, long the sexton of that church, was a keen eye for dignity, missed the mark on that occasion, and seated the general near the door in a very unpleasant posi. tion. As the house grew warm, General Banks threw open his coat. The mo- ment Brown caught sight of the epau- lets ot a major-general he hastened to the pew, and in his most obsequious tones said : “I can give you, general a much better seat.” “No,” said the ex speaker, with a voice that sounded like a pedal organ note in E flat, “the seat that is good enough for the white coat is good enough for the blue,” and declined to change. rr — Yawning Good Exercise. If Methodically Practiced It Strengthens the Constitution. Yawning, when reasonably and me- thodically practiced, is said by Herr Nogeli to be an excellent thing for those who wish to strengthen their constitutions. He has made a study of it and positively asserts that a series of heavy yawns is of more benefit than a bottle of the best tonic. To practice deep breathing is generally acknowl- edged to be an excellent thing for the lungs, and Nogeli says the stretching of the arms and breast bones which accompany the lungs, forms splendid morning and evening exercise, and the most perfect chamber gynastics for people generally, and especially for all those whose breathing is embarrassed. In future, therefore, says “Invention” ifour friends yawn ‘when we are dis- coursing to them we may console our- selves with the thought that itis not because we are boring them, but that they are enthusiasts and are practicing their “chamber gymuoastics’” in the wrong place. 12,000,000 Stamps a Day. It requires about 12.000,000 stamps a day to conduct the correspondence of our population, or a total of 4,380,000.- 000 for the year. There is not as much letter writing these times as there was was when the country was more pros- perous, but a decided increase has been noticeable during the last two months. The weight of the mails is an accurate barometer of business af- tairs.— Washington letter in the Chica- 20 Record. : ; An old lady from out of town came to the city Tuesday to do some trading. As she looked around the large store with wandering eyes, a floor walker asked her : “What do you wish to-day, madam ?”’ “I wanted io go to the place where you sell dry grods.” It is right here, madam. What kind of dry goods do you wish for 2” “Dried ap: ples, mister.” Aud for once the floor walker was nonplused. ——— A Question of Cosmology. A little girl in Gorham, on first dis- covering the electric lights, and seeing the moon at the same time‘ propound- ed this conundrum : “Mamma, does God know that we have got electric lights 2” “Yes,” replied the mother. “He must know, it, because He knows ev- eryvthing.” “Then mamma, why don’t he take in the moon ?"— Portland Daily News. Too Weak. “I wonder why Mrs. Hashsling brews the tea just by the cup as 1t is ordered 7’! “Probably because it’s too weak to sta: d.” | The Free Text Book Law—Its Working The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Nathan Schaeffer, Has Given the Follow- ing Report of the Operation of the Free Text Book Law. The introduction of free text books and supplies into the public schools of Pennsylvania has been the most im- portant step of progress since 1867. One of the immediate effects has been the large increase in the attendance, 1n soma counties from twenty to thirty par cent. Tne city and county supsrintendents re- port better ciassification, bstter grading and better teaching as the result of free text books. Those whose experience en- ables them to know, claim that after the first outlay of money the annual ex- pense is only half as great as when pa- rents buy the books. From but one county report has been made to the department of public in- struction that the introduction of free text books has caused the directors to shorten the term and reduce the teach- ers’ wages. Superintendent of Public Instruction Schaeffer says in his annual report for the year ending the first Mon- day of June, the advance sheets of which have just been issued, that there can be very little justification for such a short-sighted policy, in view of the fact that the legislaiure added a half million dollars to the annual appropria- tion for the year 1894.5 The report also says another gratify- ing progress is found in the increased attention paid to school architecture. So great has been the advance in methods of lighting, heating and ventilating, in desks, blackboards and other conveni- ences, that buildings erected a decade ago are as inferior to the latest and best as the old log school house was inferior to thestructures which the cities began to erect half a century ago. Complaint 18 madein the report that the directors in many districts through the state have failed to provide suitable outhouses for the children.’ Superintendent Schaeffer makes a strong plea for a longer school term and the taking of a school census in order that the number of children out of school may be ascertained. The report states that there is a growing convie- tion among the ardent friends of educa- tion that more good might be accom- plished it a more equitable distribution of the annual appropriation were adopt- ed. It would be no injustice 'if the state | were to give more liberal aid to the country districts. Daring the recent panic, the report continues, no law would have been ef- fective in bringing the absentee: to school, under which a plea by the pa- rents that the help of the children was needed to support the family, would have been accepted as a valid excuse. The appointment of a truant offier to arrest all idle youths who are found in public places during school hours, would remedy many evilsin our cities and towns. If a certificate of school attend- ance at day or night schools during | three or four months in the preceding | year were required to be filled with the employers of boys and girls under the age of fifteen, 1t would prevent an in- creas: of illiteracy and serve to fit some way-ward and neglected young people for their future duties as citizens. Laws which shut out boys from work or pst- pone the day when they may begin work to riper years, make it increasing difficult for the man who earns but a dollar a dag, to bring up a family of | children or even to provide them with the barest necessities of existence. The report recommends the extension of the high school system to rural dis- tricts, the employment of good teachers and the election of public spirited men as directors. commended for their efforts to have the stars and stripes displayed on and about school houses and adds that America needs a patriotism which will cause the citizen to work and vote and agitate until the country is right on all moral, national and international questions. Continuing, the report states that it is clearly not the function of the public schools to give sectarian instruction The genius of the state and national con- stitutions demands in all schools sup- ported by taxation the separation of sec- ular from sectarian instruction. The former, which includes preparation tor the duties of citizenship, is clearly the legitimate function of the schools estab- | lished by the state. Religious instruc- tion, on the other hand, is the duty of the home, the church, the Christian so- ciety, the Sabbath school. A compari- son of the Christianity of our land with that of countries in which church and state are united, leaves no room for doubt as to the wisdom of our Ameri- can policy of keeping church and state separate, and of allowing each religious society to look after its own interests without interference from or with the civil power. Anil the praise bestowed by visitors from abroad upen American education is evidence of the fact that our schools have not suffered by the separation of secular from sectarian in- struction.” The report contains the following statement relating to the public schools for the past school vear : School districts in the state, 2413; schools, 24,541, graded schools, 12,869 ; superintendents, 129 ; male teachers, 8,464; female teachers, 17,777; whole number of teachers, 26,241; average salaries of male teachers per month, $44,16; aver- ave salaries female teachers per month, $33,05 ; average length of school term in months, 8 ; number of pupils, 1,040,- 679 ; average number of pupils, 759,- 560 ; cost of school houses, purchasin buildings, renting etc., $3.396.818 13 ; teachers’ wages, $8,998,343 66; cost of school text books, $1,245375.73 ; cost of school supplies other than text books, including maps, globes, ete., exclusive of Philadelphia, $559,238.42 ; fuel, con- tingencies, fees of collectors and all other expenses, $4.386,975 89 ; total ex- penditures, $18,586,751.33 ; state ap- propriation for school year ending June, 1893, $5,000,000 ; estimated value of school property not including Phila- delphin, $42,679,504. ———Miss Mary L. Stevenson, daugh- ter of Vice President Stevenson, is at Asheville, N, C. very ill. She suffered an attack of pneumonia ona New Eng- land coast last summer, from which she never recovered, and her condition is now considered hopeless, Mr. and Mrs Stevenson are with her, as well as other members of the family. The patriotic orders are | Need of a Minority Party. Even the Repubiican papers of Phila- Democrats ot that eity to a sense of their political duty, so that the city may nave the safety valve of a formidable minority party, and not one whose gro- tesque blunders make it the laughing cuns feel that their majority 1s too large, waich is always a danger in politics, as it gives the bosses and plunderers al- most unlimited power. As a matter of fact, that 1s the situation in Pailadel- phia to-day. Quay and his chief of staff, “Dave” Martin, hold this city of over a willirn people, and with a budg- et of over $33.000,000 a- year, as c¢om- pletely under their one thumb as ever Tweed or Croker did in New York. Que great reason is that there is no ef fective opposition that gives any hope of relief. The Philadelphia Ledger de- clures the people are growing tired of ex- isting conditions in that city —“of their legislators in eity councils legislating away as free gifts enormously valuable franchises and privileges, of promoting schemes of corporate aggrandizement, of legalizing measures for the benefit of sordid, greedy municipal contractors, of extraordinary expenditures, most tem- perately described as extravagance,” | and 1t serves warning on the bosses that they must give the city good nomina- tions for municipal officers next Feb- ruary or the 86,000 plurality will be swept away as was the Tammany ma- jority in New York. The bosses, like those of New York, are not alarmed by this sort of talk. The Pailadelphin Telegraph says that as to matters municipal tne Republican party is entirely too big and the Demo- cratic party too small. Best govern- ment is secured, it urges, when the bal- ance of power is held by a comparative- ly small number of voters. It asserts that there are not less than 100,000 Democratic voters in Philadelphia who would be ready to cast their ballots for first-class Democratic candidates. Mr- Singerly got only 54,000 votes. The Telegraph hopes that there will be an uprising of Democrats against local mismanagement and boss rule that will make the Democratic party an effective ally of good government. In one sense this is complimentary, but what a con fession ! Virtually calling on the mi- nority party to get together and help conquer the rascalities, as pictured by the Ledger, of unchecked and absolute Republican rule. ARERR ASTROS, EE ———————— Some Important Facts. The evenings are long enough now for every person to devote some time to reading. The best literature is the daily newspaper, and the best daily news- paper is the Pittsburg Times. It is complete in every department, gather- | ing promptly the news from all parts of the world and presenting all sides of every public question fairly and intelli- gently. Its market reports are models of | accuracy ; its departments for women readers and for the tarmer are useful and | entertaining, and its serial stories are | by the most noted writers. The aim of | its publishers is to make the Times a { paper for the home above everything | else, and they have succeeded admirably, The Times is delivered by agents for {one cent a day, or will be sent by mail | for thirty cents for one month ; fifty ' cents for two months ; seventy-five cents for three months ; $1 50 for six months or $3.00 for one vear. If there is no agent for the Z%mes in your locality { write for sample copies, which are sent | free, and terms to agents.- Adv. RE ——— | ——One had only to glance at the crowds promevading around the pad- docks at the Horse Show to realize how thoroughly the chrysanthemum bas lost favor as a flower to be worn or carried. Five years ago white chry- santhemums were seen inalmost every man’s coat or in the bodice of almos: every woman, Tnis year they were so scarce as to easily become the symbol of the uninitiated. Violets, however, never seem to decline in tavor. They were the flower affected almost exclu- sively by women. rm ———— ——Sugar came down a few points yesteraay, and is n»w quoted for stand- ard granulated at $4 25 the hundred pounds, as against $538 a year ago. Logically, sugar should have gone up in price, with the new tariff imposing a duty on raw sugar. Probably it isa case of overproduction, as the world’s sugar for this year shows an increase over last year of nearly 800,000 tons. Of the total production, we consume in this country about one fourth. Dr. Mary Walker delivered a lecture in Faneuil hall, Baton, the other evening, in favor of abolishing capital punishment. She appeared ou the platform in a full suit of black, with Prince Albert coat, a black-four- in-hand tie stuck with several scarf pins, and white gloves. Oa her bosom rested her Grand Army badge, and where the low-roll collar of her coat met rested a bunch of red and white pinks and geranium leaves, Preachers and poets do not usu- ally leave their heirs large estates. and Oliver Wendell Hol'nes and Professor Swing were exceptions to the rnle. The Boston poet lett his son a fortune of $300,000, while Professor Swing’s es- tate is worth about $80,000. It con- sists of a handsome residence and of stocks bonds and mortgage.—-New York World. ——A small boy in an Austin, Tex., Sunday school was asked : “Where do the wicked finally go ?”’ “They prac- tice law for a spell and then they go to the Legislature,” was the pat reply ot the observing youth. — Texas Siftings. Miss Nancy Baker, dnughter of the late Governor Conrad Baker, has an- nounced herself as a candidate for the office ot State Librarian, subject to the Republican caucus of the Indiana Log- islature. —— No wonder that Thanksgiving day By many is =o prized, For afterit the wildest dreams Are always realized. —Uhicago Inter Ocean. i i delphia are endeavoring to awaken the | i 1 | { | | For and About Women, There will be three women in the next Colorado Legislature--Mrs. Clara Cress- ingham, Mrs. Frances Klock and Mrs. | Carrie Clyde Hoily. If you are short of stature, my sister, swek of the stato. Thinking Republi. | 2 Matter bow much you pine for one of the walking coats of knee length that suits so well your tall, statnesque friend a8 you value your good looks avoid it Fitted with the severe simplicity of the modern tailor garment, this coat is the most awkward covering imaginable, unless worn by a woman of Junoesque proportions. Hence, it behooves the short fair one to wear one of the jackets werely reaching well over the hips. She will find it more satisfactory in every way. Dainty little neck notions for silk, velvet and woolen bodices are the par- ticular novelty this season. All highly ornamental waists are finished at the neck with some fancy ruff. Not quite so airy as those of tulle, yet equally vol- uminous, are the ruffs of mousseline de soie. The material is doubled, then quiil- ed and mounted —like the tulle ruffs— on a hand of satin, grosgrain or moire ribbon. The less expensive of these mousseline affairs tie in front with rib- bon ends; closely-plaited frills, together forming a tastefal little jabot, finish off the most elegant models. The streets are so bright with startling hoods that it seems as if everyone had a golf. They are so pretty, so easy to wear, and so serviceable that itis no wonder they are plentiful. Still, the correct cape is as conspicuous for all these good points as if there were not lots of good looking capes which are not at all cor- rect. The size and shape of the hood, for instance, must be considered as carefully as a bodice, Some women must have the ong pointed hood that lies between the shoulders ; others look best with a wide, full hood that spreads across the should- ers. Ail of them ought to be practicable, too. The character departs from a golf directly the hood is a sewed down sham. The gay week of the Horse Show brought into view many of the new gowns that have already been described in Harper’s Bazar. One of the gowns most often repeated was the very wide skirt with steels and with many godets. This was seen again and again in the winter crepons in blust or violet shades, the round waist trimmed with an effec. tive white lace edged with dark brown fur, forminga ceinture, and crossing the back to extend half-way down the large sleeves. The front was decorated with a ribbon of black satin spangled with bluets, and a small boanet of velvet and fur with lace and bluet spangles by some stylish young matrons, while others wore large picture hats of velvet with drooping plumes. Black costumes brightened by were seen on every hand. One well- known beauty who wears most effee- tive black gowns had one of the wide Paquin skirts of black satin, the waist showing black chiffon in front, with a soft collar and belt of purplish-red vel- vet. The folds in the back of the skirt were in evidence their whole length, as her wrap was a bolero that merely reached the waist. This beautiful gar- ment is a short jacket, scarcely more than a waist, of glossy black Persian lamb, with olive-green sleeves richly embroidered. They are bishops’ sleeves, wide from top to bottom, and of a width excelling any yetseen. A small honnet heavily jetted completed the toilette. Cloth and camels bair gowns were much worn in tan or bluet tints. One bluet camel’s-hair has a jacket-waist em- broidered and braided in a new wav, with the design open, vet the braid standing on edge, and every where were inserted glittering pieces of jet, both large and small, and the whole jacket bound with seal-skin. The front turns back in revers from a bluet vest em- oroidered with zold and velted with seal fur. A close collar is also wrought with gold, aod the gigot sleeves are of the plain bluet camel’s-hair. A band of seal skin trims the foot. color After all the old fashioned remedy of glycerine and rose water is without a bath room rival. Indeed every toilet stand in the house should be given a bottle of this mixture. Dropping upon the backs of the bands a few drops of the glycerine before wiping them dry will save an endless amount of discom- fort. Two-thirds glycerine to one of rose water is a good consistency. Never al- tempt the cultivation of this article pure and simple. Tt will hurt rather than help the skin unless diluted. The bairdressing of the moment is varied enough to suit any contour. There is but one emphatic “Don’t,” and that pertains to the bangs, Wear parted locks drawn away from the forehead in loose waves and held here and there by the little tucking combs that are in high vogue. The use of these combs is one more evidence of the adaptability of women. When bangs were ordered out, and parts and waves were ordered in, the women who had been cutting their front hair in a fringe for years found them- selves in an unpleasant predicament. A crop of uneven, aggressive short ends of hair was their only harvest. The combs were resorted to by a clever woman, and the way out of a dilemma was promptly seen and taken advantage of. Now a straggling lock simply means one more comb. Revers as bodice trimming still con- tinue in great favor, and consequently fashion is indefatigable in the produc- tion of new variations of one and the same thing. In theaccompanying model of a promenade dress the revers are, in contradistinction to the usual style, cut broader toward the bottom, and extend a good way over the sleeve puff. The new colors are combined in this model, which is made of gobelin blue cloth with pure white grosgrain revers, this new white being a sort of reaction from the cream and ivory tones hitherto so much in vogue. The pointed belt, nar- row upper revers and stripe at top of the collar are made of shot pink and blue silk. The tats below the revers are enriched with large, oxidized silver but tons.