Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 30, 1894, Image 1

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    8Y.P. GRAY MEEK.
Ink Slings.
* —The turkey ard the foot ball play-
er both closed heir seasons yesterday.
— Yesterday was a great leveler.
Democrats and Republicans alike ate
—We bad thought there would be
some hope for STEVENSON 10 1896 until
GorMAN and Brice declared for him.
—If Germany draws the line on our
dried apples we can retaliate by not al-
lowing any more of her SNITZS to come
over here.
—If you think yourself better than
anybody else just play eaves dropper
sometime and hear what people have to
say of you.
—1t is readily understood why a good
foot-ballist is called a crack player. Nune
of them gain a reputation until they
have bad a few bonus cracked.
—Mrs. LEASE is running a paper oui
in Kunsas sand she has named it the
Agitator. It is such things as these
that answer the question ‘‘what’s in a
name ?”’
—Germany has decided to exclude
American dried apples from among her
list of imports. She bas given no rea-
gon for discriminating against such
swell products.
—Thanksgiving day marked the sea-
gons end for both foot ball and the tur-
key. A cut was a propos too, the play-
er got on his hair while the poor turkey
got it in the neck.
—Col. BRECKENRIDGE is going on
the lecture platform, but he won't make
a success of it, because the business he
appears to know most about is the kind
the people want to hear least of
—-There are many who think the
rheumatism in GROVER’s footis not a
sufficient excuse for withholding it from
the thousands of Republicans who are
holding offices that Democrats are en-
titled to have.
—Boys don’t fool away your time.
If you have nothing to do spend your
idle moments in some library. The rise
or fall of business interests can’t take
the knowledge you have thus gained
away from you.
—A pew Eldorado has been foun
in the State of Washington, but the gold
miners there won't realize half so much
out of it as the Wall street diggers will
get out of the bond Eidorado lately un-
covered at Washington, D C.
—More than the usual demand for
cabbage leaves is reported among cigar
manufacturers as the time approaches
wher the dear little wite begins to look
for “a box of the best cigars’’ for ker
hushand’s Christmas present.
—General HasTiNgs returned home
on Tuesday evening very much im-
proved in health and possibly equal to
the onslaughts of the pie counter tiends.
Toe size of his mail is enormous but
does not begin to represent the number
of fellows who are out for jobs.
—Turkey has excluded American
newspapers from the country. She is
doubtless afraid of the power of the
press, which if once set to work against
her for those Armenian outrages she
will find herself so pressed that she will
be glad to protect christians in the tu-
—At last the new Czar has been
married and Princess ALIX is now his
better half. Ifshe proves as speedy as
ber great American namesake—ALIX
tbe queen of the turf—Ni1cHOLAS IT will
be led such a gait a8 no other ruler of
the Russias has struck before him.
—In Reading the old ‘‘Blue laws”
are being hunted up for application to
bakers who do not sell their bread by
the pound. The law requires that bread
must be sold by weight and not by the
loaf and the bakers are ‘risin’’ them-
selves against this weigh of doing busi-
—The assistant auditor general of the
post (flice department bas reported an
ecormous increase of fraudulent lottery
and such schemes during the past year.
This is easily explained by the great in-
crease in the number of fuols in the
country, a8 the recent election evi-
—The defeated Republican candidate
for Governor of Nebraska who refused
to contest the successful fusion can-
didate’s right to the chair, because he
does not want to figure ‘‘in an unseemly
scramble for an office the right of which
is in doubt,” has sat an example to men
of all parties. If election boards are
dishonest prosecute them, but don’t
encourage this plan of prostituting the
freedom of the ballot to unscrupulous
partisan Legislatures.
—The Newark, N. J., woman who is
now trying to get rid of her eighth hus-
band can indeed be charged with hav-
ing tooled with ‘all kinds and manner
of men.” She started off with an artist,
but his society didn’t prove as at-
tractive as he painted it up to be, so she
got a lawyer and traded herself to him
for a divorce trom the artist, and then
tried musicians, bankers, and farmers
until finally & base ball player caught |
her on the fly and now wants to put
her out becausa she is off her base.
| election
| it when the votes were cast at the re
| cent election,
ow, Y-—-—
VOI. 39.
BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 30. 1894, .
NO. 47.
Incorrectly isserted.
In speaking of the action of the ma-
jority of the people at the recent elec-
tion the Philadelphia Times has noth-
ing better or more truthful to say than
that ‘they (the people) deteated the
Democrats overwhelmingly because
they (the Democrats) well merited the
disapprobation of the country.”
This may be taken as a specimen of
inconsiderate and perfunctory editorial
expression. It appears to have been
indulged in merely for the sake of
gsomethiug to say.
Is it true that the Democrats
merited the disapprobation of the
country? What are the facts con-
nected with the question ? As regards
the tariff, with the various shades of
interest involved, which more than
anything else affected the recent elec
tion, the Democrats thought their rep-
resentatives in Congress did their ut-
most to carry out the party promise of
reform. The WiLson tariff bill,
which in its original formulation fully
met that purpose, passed the House
by an almost unanimous vote of those
who represented the Democracy in
that body. Were the Democrats to be
censured because a handful ot Senators
wearing the Democratic livery, but
misrepresenting the Democratic pur-
pose, betrayed the party by diminish- |
ing the measure of reform provided by |
he original bill? Was not this,
treachery consummated in defiance of |
the well understood s:ntiment of at
least ninety-uine out of every hundred |
Democrats, and in spite of the earnest :
appeal of the President and the disap-
proval ot every member of the Demo- |
cratic administration? What then
was the fau't ot the Democrats in
this matter that “well merited the dis-
approbation of the couutry ?”
It was the business depression and
consequent hard times that aftected |
the popular votes. Were the Demo- |
crats responsible for that depres«ion?
{t we are not mistaken the Times, dur
ing the campaign, very properly repre-
sented that the slump in business and
the stringency in financial matters
were chiefly caused by i jarious Re-
publican fiscal leg slation and extrava-
gant expenditures. According to its
own argument the Democrats were
not involved in the resporsibility for
thig sination. They did their utmost
to remedy this defective condition. At
the earliest po-sib e moment they re-
pealed the SmerMaN law that had
helped to drain the treasury and had
deranged the finances of the country.
With commendable prompiness snd |
with all the vig r they could com-
mand, they pushed the passage of a
reform tariff bill ; but if the reforma-
tory provisions of that measure were
curtailed and it was so delayed that
its passage was not effected unul late
in the Summer instead of early in "he
Spring, it was because four or five
Senaturs, whose action was repudiated
by the sentiment ot the entire party,
were traitors to the measure and the
Republicans resorted to every obstacle
that could possibly postpone its enact.
These being the facts connected with
the situation that presented itself to the
people for their verdict, what sense is
there in the declaration of the Times
that the Democrats “well merited the
disapprobation of the country ?”' Such
a loose assertion does not become a
journal that claims to be a medium of
correct political int rmation,
—— Among these who are giving
reasons for the Democratic defeat is
Congressman HoLmaN, of Indiana
who is himself one of the defeated.
He presents rather a unique combina-
tion of causes for the disaster, which
he says were CLEVELAND'S Hawaiian
policy, the hard times and the unpar-
donable delay of Congress in passing
the tarift bill. The third cause as-
signed may be merged in the second,
which was really the substantial cauce
of the defeat. The times would not
have been as hard at the time of the
if the tariff bill had been
passed last As to CLEVE-
LAND's Hawaiian policy, itis doubt-
ful whether anybody even thought of
What the average ve-
ters had in their minds at the time
they put in their ballots was the hard
times, and too wany of them were
made to believe that the Democratic
party wag the cause of them.
Paid Dearly for a Dinner.
Now that the election is over, with
the defeat of Hon. WiLLiam L. WiL-
soN a8 one of its most unfortunate re-
sults, that gentleman has time to con
sider what it cost him to accept the
hospitality of the London Chamber of
Commerce. The dinner at which he
was entertained by that body of Eng:
lish businessmen proved to be a dear
dinner to him, for there is scarcely a
doubt that the use that was made of
it in impressing the humbugable class
ot West Virginia voters with the be-
lief that Mr. WiLsoN had done some-
thing highly inimical to American io-
terests on that occasion, had the effect
of turning enough votes agains: him
to produce the small majority by which
he was defeated.
Hereafter Democratic statesmen
should be shy of English dinners Re-
publican leaders like BLaiNe and De
PEW may put themselves around Brit.
ish viands with impunity, but a Demo-
crat of prominence accepts public bos"
pitality in England at the risk of being
charged with hostility to American in,
dustry and ccnspiracy against the star
spangled banner.
When Mr. Witson received his in.
vitation to that London dinner he
should have sent his regrets in a note
explaining the circumstances of his
candidacy for re-election to Congress as
a tariff reform Democrat He should
have informed his would-be entertain-
ers that his appearance at their board
would set every Republican organ and
spouter in the United Siates to work
on the fool class of voters who could
easily be made to believe that hs at-
tendance at an entertainmeat given by
London merchants was a surrender to
British free irade, with such embellish-
| ments #8 to the atrocity ot his conduct
as conld be added by representing that
tre had been bought with British gold.
Ot course it would have been d:ffi
"ealr to make those Englishmen under-
ftan1 how such rot could atfect Ameri- |
can votes, but every eleciion in which |
the taritt i= involved proves that it has !
its effect, and Mr. WiLs N, considering
the smallne-s of the majority against
him, might have saved his election by
declining the E ghsh entertainment,
That dinnér wus a dear one to him,
but it involved much more of a loss to
the American people who have heen
temporarily deprived of the service of
one of the ablest and purest public
characters that this conatry has ever
Dirty Gerrymandering.
It is an unusual thing for a Repub-
lican paper to condemn a bad practice
that is an advantage to its party, but
the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, the lead-
ing Republican journal of Missouri,
does this unusual thing when it says
that “gerrymandering is a dirty busi-
ness,” and adviscg its party not to be
encouraged to g» too heavily inta, that
“dirty bus ness” by its recent sweep:
ing victory. The Lancaster Examiner,
another Republican paper endorses
this expression, saying that in the
long run gerrymandering does not pay,
as the mass of the American people
love fair play and justice, and have
more than once upset a gerrymander.
This 18 very pretty editorial senti-
mest, but it is not likely to be carried
out in Republican pr.ctice. At the
last election the Republicans of New
York actually engrafted this ‘dirty
business’ into the State constitution by
a provision that makes their present
gerrymander unalterable for the next
ten years, and no one need be surprised
if some of the dirtiest work that was
ever done in that line will be done by
the Republicans at Harrisburg next
winter, Already they are gloating
over the opportunity of wiping out the
only Democratic congressional district
in Philadelphia, and it will be a mira-
cle if in the passage of the apportion-
ment bills they shall restrain their
usual inclination to avail themselves
of every mean advantage within reach.
Their big majority will be easily con-
strned by them as a justification for
the “dirtiest” gerrymander that ever
defeated the object of popular repre:
—The Doylestown Democrat asks it-
gelf “ean bank robberies be prevent
ed ?”” Of course they can. Employ
non churchmen and gamblers to run
them. The modern embezzler is always
reported as ‘a home mun, a church
member who was not given to specula-
_ An Edifying Spectacle.
There was something interesting as
well as instructive in the gathering of
Republican State and local bosses in
Philadelphia immediately after the
election. Chief Boss Quay promptly
made his appearance in the city which
had outdone itself in rolling up a mam-
moth Republican majority, and his ar-
rival was the signal for the attendance
of the more prominent ringsters who
compose the Pailadelphia combine.
The chief did not encourage too close
an approach of the miscellaneous gang
of understrappers, but withdrew to the
geclusion of Dave MARTIN'S country
seat, a short distance from the city,
where only those henchmen most en-
titled to his confidence by reason of
superior service and efficiency ia run.
ning the machine, were allowed to
confer with him,
No better place could have been se-
lected for this symposium of machine
politicians than that raral retreat
to which MARTIN retires tor rest and
recuperation when exhausted by the
arduous duties which devolve upon
the municipal ring that manages the
city government for the personal profit
of its members. An edifying spectacle
is presented in the circumstance of
Boss Quay, reputed to be a millionaire
with no visible resoarces but such as
are supplied by politics, calling his
henchmen together at the suburban
mansion of Dave MARTIN, who has no
other apparent means of accumu'ation
than those turnished by the opporiuni-
ties of a machine politician.
It was there that the head ringsters
of the combine met to determine the
use that should be made of the great
popular verdict which, more complete-
ly then ever, has placed the State and
city governments in their hands. The
business that then and there occupied
their attention was the selection of the
men who should compose the person-
nel of Hastings! adminivtration, the
choice of the officers of the next State
Legislature, and the assignment ot
candidates whom the citizens ot Phila”
'delphia will be allowed to elect at the
, next municipal election.
The incident is one that should fur-
| nish food for edifying reflection to the
| people of the State and the residen 8 of
. Philadelphia.
i Mistake of the Temperance Women.
It is to be regretted that ladies en-
gaged in 80 good a cause as that in
which the W. C. T. U. are enlisted
should display a lack of good sense in
"treating the incident of Mrs. CLuve-
LAND'S christening the ship St. Louis
with a bottle of wine. It was a mis.
taken zeal that prompted the temper-
ance women to ask her not to use the
liquid customarily vsed on such occa:
gions, for she had been invited there
not to introduce something new in the
been the custom to haye it done ever
since ships have been launched.
She could not be expected to dictate
to the shipbuilders that water should
be substituted for wine in the ceremony.
To ask her to do so was an attempt to
put her in an awkward position. If
this request received no recognition
from her it was because it was unrea-
sonable, and it is equally unreasonable
for those who made it to become of-
fended because no notice was taken
of it.
It there was a practical evil involv-
ed in the christening of ships with
wine the matter would be different,
hut toe evil of liquor is entirely in the
use that is made of it. Itis harmful
to drink it, but is any harm done by
spilling it over the bow of a ship? In
tact the act of smashing a bottle of
wine suggests the wmaaoner in which
temperance people think such stuff
should be treated. Mrs. CLEVELAND
really typified the doctrine of the W-
C. T. U.and yet they are unreasonable
enough to be mad about it.
~—The Bellefonte man who had been
home to vole, may not have been so far
off after all when in his good Democrat-
ic enthusiasm he swore ‘by heavens
everybody up there's goin’ to vote for
SiNGerLY. They certainly didn’t vote
for HILL.
——Now that the election is over
prepare for winter and subscribe for
the Warcauman,
method of ship christening, but to do
her part in the performance asit has
working in New York State and came .
In Times of Peace Prepare for War,
From the New York Sun,
In bis annual report, this year, Mr.
Herbert has advieced Congress to au-
thorize the construction ot three new
battle ships and twelve torpedo boats.
cure the favorable attention of Con-
gress. Reckoning the Maine as a bat-
tle ship, there are now built or build-
ing two second-class and four first class
battle ships, whereas the paval pro-
gramme contemplates twelve as being
necessary for the counry’s defence.
was that of eupplying one of these bat
tle chips at each ses-ion of Congress.
For the last two years, however, no
armored ship has been authorized, so
that even it three were now ordered it
would be only making up for arrears.
Again the two great armor-produc-
ing plants, the B:thlehem aud the Car-
negie, established at much cost, have
now nearly finished their contracts,
and will have wholly finished them
during the coming year. It is wise to
continue armor construction now,
s'nce sooner or later it must come,
rather than to cause the ecatterinz ot
the skilled workw.en ani the turning
of the special appliances into other
chaonels The same may be said of
the great shipyards. As to torp-do
boats, every new war, Cnilian, Br.zl-
ian, or Corean, sdds practical proots
of their value, and our country has
but three of them built, and three oth-
ers planned
Ax to the question of expense, what-
ever is needed for the country’s pro-
tection should be supplied. Bat, be.
sides, it happens that, after the next
fiscal year’s needs for ship coustruc-
falling oft ot over twelve millions the
succeeding year. That resuls trom
the tact that all the large ships bus
one will have been finished. Hence
Congress would be pertectly justified in
authoriz nz two or three battle ships,
nary payments on them for the tol
lowing session. That course of post
ponement may not be necessary ; but
it unavoidable, there is precedent ror 1¢
in the case of our very last battle ship,
the Towa.
At all events, the work af rebuilding
the navy, well carriel on luring the
last twelve years, must not now be
Mr. Debs aud the People’s Party.
From the Easton Sentinel.
The People's party is here to stay,
and in two years more will be tully
equipped for the national contest. The
Democratic party will never vet into
power again as long as you and I live,
It had its golden opportunity. It sur
rendered to and did tne bidding of the
money power, and the people ot this
generation will not trust it again. [
"expect nothing from the Republican
party. It is notoriou=ly the party of
{ plutocracy and the ghld bugs will
I shape its policy and dictate its legisla-
| tion. Tue People’s party is the only
‘party in which all the reform elements
{ ean unite and pull together. We have
all got to put in our best efforts, and
now is the time ro begin.
The Political Weather Vane.
From the Columbia Independent.
Four years ago the Republicans were
defeated in nearly every Northern State,
and in the entire South with a popular
maj rity of over a miliion against them.
. In 1894 the Democrats have suffered a
defeat of equal proportions, and no in
telligent and dispassionate observer of
political currents can to-day form any
judgme t as to the verdict of the nation
in 1896. The people have become cy-
clonic in politics, and the socner the
leaders of all parties learn that defeat
must ever follow forfeiture of public
confidence the sooner will parties be
equipped to protect themselves against
How Pennsylvania Voted on Coungress-
From the Philadelphia Times.
The officially received vote for the va-
rious candiaates for Congress at the re-
cent election in this State, as compiled
at the State Department and sent out
Saturday, gives the Republicans 574,-
778 of the whole number of 903,592 cast
and the Democrats 828 819, a Republi-
can plurality of 245954 The Prohibi-
tion party polled 2480 votes less for
candidates f.r Congress than for Gov-
ernor, Hawley receiving 23,443 votes,
and the People’s party Congressional
vote is 6,292 less than that given Ail-
man for Governor.
Still Democrats Down There.
From the Pittsburg Post.
Sugar doesu’t count much in Louisi-
ana when it comes to voting. The full
returns ot all the congressional districts
of the state at the late election show a
Democratic majority on the total vote
of the state ot 41,469. This was over
the Republicans and the Populists.
The lowest Democratic majority in a
dig'rict was 5,644, and the highest
9,567. There was a light vote in three
districts, but in the others, in and
about New Orleans, the largest vote
for years was polled.
——If you want printing of any dee-
“cription the Warcnuan office is the
" place to have it done.
Such a recommendation should se-
The policy adopted several years ago
tion have been met, there will be a |
and leaving most or all of the prelimi.
Spawls from the Keystone,
— Erie will havea new opera house.
—Williamsport’s first toboggan slide is
scheduled for this winter.
—The Lehigh Valley Eisteddfod held its
convention at Allentown on Thursday.
—The State Treasurer has received
$30 from some conscience-troubled per-
son. .
—The new Evangelical Schuylkill Semis
nary will probably be located in Myers.
—The new Lehigh Lutheran and Re.
formed church, at Alburtis, was dedicated
—Two brothers named Sanders were
. killed near Allentown on the Lehigh Val-
ley road.
. =—After quarreling with his mother-in.
law, Charles Huey, of Reading, blew ou
, his brains. ’
—W.K Mohler, of Allentown, is a lead.
ing candidate for State Grand Warden of
Odd Fellows.
; —Charles M. Leibensperger, aged 58
| years, of Maiden Creek fell from a trestle
. and was killed.
—Dubsite Evangelicals laid the corner
stone of the new St. John's church, at
Bethlehem, Sunday.
—Daughtersof Liberty met at Pittsburg
and resolved to form a State Council in
Philadelphia yesterday. .
—York is trying to raise $35,000 to secure
a $6,000 textile mill, backed by Philadel-
phians and to employ 2/0 hands,
| —Governor Stone, ot Missouri, will *re.
move Charles 8. Owsley, the fraudulent
Recorder of Voters in Kansas City.
{ —Bishop Bowman conducted quarterly
conference services in Emanuel Evan.
! gelical church, Catasauqua, Sunday.
| —T.E. Tinney was Monday appointed
fourth-class postmaster at Miles Grove,
~ Erie County, vice L H. Dailey, removed,
| —George J. Brodbeck, of Tamaqua, res
cently discharged by the Lehigh Coal
Company, committed suicide by shoote
| —War Veteran John H Rice brooded
over the suicide of hisson a year ago, at
Reading, and on Saturday shot himself
and died.
One of the handsomest churches in
| Central Pennsylvania —the new Metho-
| dist edifice,ut Ashland —was consecrated
| —A boiler explosion at a Blackwood
colliery Monday seriously injured Fire
ma George Copeland and John Sherlock
—T e Connellsville Brewery propriee
' tors seek to monopolize beer sales in Fay-
ette county by arresting local agents of
outsides breweries.
— Fifteen hundred employes of the New
York and Cieveland Gas ¢oal Company in
Western Pennsylvania have been granted
an increase in wages from 55 to 62 cents &
- Only four Esherites 'were left at
Mohnsville to worship in the church that
fell to them by the Supreme Court decise
ion, and they have rented it to the School
Board .
—Ex Senator Kellogg of Louisiana. hag
writien a caustic letter to the speech de.
livered by W. 8. Parkerson, of New Or®
lea », ut the Home Market Club banquet
in Boston.
—Ronert H White, a cabinet maker in
the service of W. B. Crook, Williamsport,
suddenly dropped to tie flyor of the
workshop on Saturday morning, expiring
almost instantly.
—The bar-room of the Cambria house,
at Ebensourg, kept by A. E. Bender. was
entered by burglars Thursday night of
last week and sone money and a quantie
ty of liquor stolen.
—Normal College Principal Walter H.
Butler, of Oiew sin, La. has m,steriousl y
disappeared. He is known us ‘Pansy
Biossomn” Butler, having originated the
idea to muke the pansy the national
—*I'll dare you to shoot!’ exclaimed
William Young, colored, at whom Bob
Key, a companion, .ad pointed an empty
gun, in Bristol. Key put in a cartridge of
shot and fired, shooting Youn in the
arm and head.
- Itis expected that the Everett blast
furnace will be rea ly to start up abous
the first of next month. A large amoun
of coke, limestone and iron ore is on the
grounds and everything is in readiness
for the blowing in.
—Frank Baill aged 17 years, son of
David Ball, of i learfield, lett home Octo-
ber 31, and up to the present his parents
have no information concerning his
whereabouts. He wore a dark suit, brown
hat and shoes well worn.
—Rev. Cornelia Rutser Lane, Ph. D.
died Saturday morning at 5 o'clock, at his
home in Chambersburg, atter being ill tor
a week from pneumonia. Dr. Lane was
porn in P uckamin N J., June 27, 182) s0
that he was in his 75th year.
—P. J. Dietrick, the well known hard.
ware dealerof Carrolltown. made an as-
signment on Thursday, Joseph A. Gray,
being appointed assignee. Mr. Dietrick’s
embarrassment is said to have been
caused by the hard timesand his inability
to colleot outstand accounts,
—A fire 'n Osceola on Wednesday night,
of incendiary origin destroyed the oil
and merchandise warehouse of Henry
Liveright, the livery stable of P. Gallery,
the private stabie of Dr. F. B Read, be-
sides doing damage to the Episcopal
church and nearby buildings
—Dickinson college, at Carlisle, i3 to
have a new building which will have
about eight large and commodious recita-
tion rooms, a hospital ward. several exece
utive offices, a gymnasium for the young
ladies who attend Dickinson and three
finely furnished rooms for literary socie-
—On a Saturday while T. J. Bri:gs was
putting a new roof on his home in Shir-
leysburg, Huntingdon county, he acci-
dentally left his hatchet fall and t struck
his daughter Annis. who was in the yard,
on the right arm, inflicting an ugly gashe
1t was a narrow escape trom death, as the
hatehet fell within a few inches of her
—Jacob Stoltz, a well known citizen of
Chest township Cambria county, who on
Friday night of last week suffered a para.
lytic stroke died at his home at St. Boni
fuceon Friday, aged about 67 y ears. He had
been tor years a prominent farmer but
not long ago sold his farm and moved to
St. Boniface, where he had since lived re
| tired.