EE A ES MARRIAGE L1CENCES.—Issued dur- | ing the past week taken from the decket. | Edward Smith, and Mary E. ‘Shadle, both of Binner township. Clayton E. Yarnell, and Lydie Nei- man, both of Boggs township. ! Thomas Cullen, and Mary Mulson, both of Philipsburg. ; Victor Quinne, and Julia Bemehun, both of Clearfield Co. : Edgar Gentzel, of Gregg township, and Viola From, Harris township. Jacob Bowers, and Della Kunes, both of Liberty township. L. C. Gramley, of Rebersburg, and Elmira Wolfe, of Wolfe's Store. J. M. Goodhart and Letty Ross, both of Centre Hall. — Miss Louisa Furst, aged 64 years, | died at Salona, cn the 9th inst. Pine Grove Mention This week the Excelsiors are out and : of course we all expect a good big supply | of venison. Woe be to the fleetfoot that | Elmer Reed drives a beed on, his meat sure. { Butchering 1s an every day occurrence in the valley. Many fine porkers are | being slaughtered, and sausage and ‘‘sich” are selling much lower than they did this | time last year. By the advice of his physician G. Ww. McWilliams has concluded to go to Phila- delphia to have his eye treated in hopes of saving the sight which there is not | very much chance. ! Rev. Ralph Illingworth is as happy as the proverbial sunflower ; Cause—Henry | " Snyder Illingworth who with his motheris ! getting along splendidly at grandfather ' Snyder's. where they will probably stay until Spring. i i The Modocs under the leadership of . that snccessful old veteran sportsman © Israel Condo returned from a week's | hunt on their old camping ground near the Bear meadows. They shot five fine | deer and wounded one that the Stone val ley crowd captured next day. A big black bear was also fired into several | ’ times but kept up his usual gait. | A PLEASANT SURPRISE.—On the 14th inst the good parson was “pounded” and {he Reformed parsonage taken by storm— ' indeed it turned out to ‘be a jumbo donation rather than a pound party. ! Rev. Black was the recipient of strange and mysterious bundles which on being opened filled the pantry, cellar and granary to overflowing with good things. Just as the good parson was partaking of his noonday meal, a crowd took posses- sion of his house, which he supposed was a wedding party, and ordered them nto the parlor, but when he came to perform the ceremony he found the guests had brought a goodly supply of everything but marriage licenses, even the almighty dollar was not forgotten. By the time the entire party had crowded themselves into the parsonage, the surprised parson } had gone up stairs three times to change his house jacket for a Prince Albert, but each time came down stairs attired just | as he went up, which only added to the merriment of the occasion. An hour later the fatted gobbler was ready anda bounteous dinner was served to ail. When the Reverend had done justice to himself as well as the dinner, in a neat little speech he thanked the mtruders for their kindly thought and hoped they would al- ways be rich in comforts and grace. It was not until night that Rev. Black and his good wite were left alone to wonder how it had been kept such a profound se- cret, and rejoice not on account of the good things only, but on account of the spirit which prompted the affair. The raiders alone know the secret of the cup- board where the little jam pots grow, and to them we would refer you for further information. —————————————— ——The following letters remain uncalled for in the Bellefonte P. O. November 12, 189% . Mrs. Elizabeth Bird. (3) Sam’l Clark, W. C. Doughtie, Mrs. Maggie Hines, Mrs Tillie Haveland, Jno. K. Horner. Mrs. Mary Keyser, Mrs.J. Mary Miller, S. Harry Mayes, Mrs Jennie Prince, H. A. Reed, Mrs. Annie Sim- son, 8. E. tmith, W. J. Skimmer, Mrs. Sarah Wilson, Stanley Wilkison, Michael O'Tool, Miss Annie Zong. ! When called for please say advertised. D. F FORTNEY, P. M Cr AAT | ceived. New Advertisements. Joseph Brothers & Co. —= —— OUSES FOR SALE—in Belle: fonte and at State College. Frices fow and terms easy, to suit the buyer. 39 43 4t. Apply to J.C. WEAVER. Wiis girls. a cook, dining room and laundry girl. Refer- ences required. Address F.B. RUNKLE, Jersey Shore, Pa. 39-43-4t OUSE FORSALE OR RENT — A desirable two story frame dwelling house, located on Main street at State College Pa. is offered tor rent or sale. It has seven rooms, with finished attic and necessary out buildings. Lot 50x190 feet. For articulars address GEO. BALDWIN, 39-39 tf Bellefonte, Pa. ET AN EDUCATION.—Educa- tion and fortune go hand in hand. Get an education at the Central State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa. First-class accorn- modations and low rates. State aid to stu- dents. For illustrated catalogue address JAMES ELDON, Ph. D., Principal. 39.45-1y Lock Haven, Pa. OWS LOST.—Two cows are lost strayed or stolen from the premises of the undersigned. Both are red in color, one with a little bell on neck, the other has a piece cut off her taill. They will weigh about 300 Ibs. and 400 lbs. respectively, dey information as to their whereabonts will be tadly re- GEORGE KACIHK. 39-45-3t* Snow Shoe, Pa. XECUTOR'S NOTICE. — Estate of Andrew G Curtin, deceased. Let- ters testa entary upon the above estate hav- | ing been granted to the undersigned, all Jer. to sons indebted to said estate are requeste make payment, and those haying claims to present the same, without delay, to WILLIAM W. CURTIN, JOHN BLANCHARD. 39-40-6t Executors, Bellefonte, Pa. DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of Samuel Noll Dec’d, late of Spring township, having bren granted the undersign- ed he hereby notifies all persons knowing themselves indebted to cid estate to make immediate payment thereof and those hxvin claims to present them properly authenticate tor payment. W. H. NOLL Sr. Admr. 39-45-6t Pleasant Gap, Pa. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of George H. Hunsinger, deceased, late of Benner Twp. granted to the undersigned they here-by notify all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate to make pay- ment at once and those having claims to pre- sent them properly autheuticated for payment WM.H TRESSLER, Ad 39 43-6t WM. H. HUNSINGER, 1a mn. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here: , by given to all persovs interested fhat the following: inventories of ‘goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provis. ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed nisi by the ‘Court, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cen: tre county and if no exceptions be filed on or before the first day of next term the same will be confirmed abrolutely. 1 Theinventory and appraisement of the pelsepal property of J. W. Rhone, late of ellefonte borough, Deceased as set apart to his widow Caroline E. Rhone. 2 The inventory and appraisement of three hundred dollars, money property of James Duncan, late of Rush township, deceased, as set apart to his widow Catharine Duncan. 3 The inventory and appraisement of the i Dopeny of 5s Reese, late of ownship, deceased, as set i widow Mary Reese. yas sitanaivio bid G. W, RUMBERGER. Ir SIMPLY ENORMOUS. © + GREAT DESTRUCTION IN PRICES IN ALL KINDS OF GENERAL MER- CHANDISE rn JOSEPH BROTHERS & CO. Are compelled {o'enlarge their store room. To do this they have concluded to take their dwelling and convert it all in one i LARGE DEPARTMENT STORE, which will be os early in the spring. In order to prepare for this event they ENTIRE STOCK AT ONCE. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and tions, Carpets and Oil Cloths, anything and everything in’ this large store will be sold * } AON AT AND BELOW COST. (Positively ‘the greatest slaughter in prices ever offered the people. of Belle- fonte or Centre county. Every. article ‘will have the cost price “and ‘selling price marked on itin plain red letters, so that there will be" NO DECEPTION ABOUT IT. In a business of 30 years thisis the first time they have offered goods at and be- low cost. The goods are so cheap that it surpries. everybody. The people have already taken advantage of it and the firm’s daily sales are simply enor- nous. > EVERYBODY COME NOW, while the stock is yet complete, ‘and buy yourselves rich, Everything must go, regardless of cost. For announce- ments of special day sales 3 WATCH THESE COLUMNS, as there will be some extraordinary of- fers made shortly. 189:41-3m. will be compelled to dispose of their Shoes, Dtess Goods, Dry “Gaods, No- | “A LITTLE TOO LATE IS TOO MUCH TOO LATE. If you wait you will be late sure. At, the present rate of selling these goods cannot last long. Those who see buy at once Z they TAKE NO CHANCES, They are sure of the cheapness, they know that to wait means to let an oppor- tunity ‘slip that may not occur soon again. The new goods are _ TRULY WONDERFUL VALUES - If you miss seeing us now YOU LOSE DOLLARS, Can you afford to do this 2 Consult your purse and COME TO US AT ONCE. You will not regret it, CLOTHIERS. 3945 20~43-4t Clerk Urphan’s Court. Lyon & Co. PECIAL AD —For the purpose of telling you about our— —— {LaDIES COATS AND CAPES} : Somme eft ji ee {rss AND CHILDRENS COaps | — = fo]ieaat elt} a We guarantee curs to be the best made, most per- fect fitting, best materials used, and most stylish Tribate of Respect. Death has again entered Victor grange No. 159, and taken from cur midst one of its most useful and devoted members. Samuel F. Ish- ler who died Nov. 4, 1894. Therefore be it Resolved, That we the members of Victor grange have lost one of our most generous and kind hearted neighbors, one who was al- ways ready to sympathize with tkose in be- reavement and distress, therefore be it Resolved, That while we feel the loss of Past Master Brother S. F. Ishler that ouross may be his eternal gain, and we feel the loss of him in the grange as well as in the home cir- | cle, be it Resolved, That this grange extends its heart felt sympathy to the family and friends of our deceased Brotherin their sad sfiliction, there- fore, be it ; Resolved, That as a tribute of respect we en- ter a copy of these resolutions on tne minutes goods that have ever been brought to this market at prices that defy competition, not only in this ) market but New York and Philadelphia markets. Look at the following : Coats Worth $14.00 12.00 10.00 9.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.00 3.50 3.00 i“ th Our Price $10.50 9.00 8.50 7.00 5.50 5.00 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 Misses Coats from 4 years up to 14 years of the grange, send a copy to two county papers for publication, also that the charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days. , 8 H. Bary. Committee. F. W. WEBER. ¢ ANNIE L, MEYER. New Advertisements. OTICE.—All persons are warned not totrespass on the iands of 'the Wyckoff Pipe Co Inc. that are jocated in Harris township Centre Co. Pa. under penalty of the law. FRANK T. WYCKOKF, 39443. % President. ARM FOR SALE.—A moet ex- cellent farm of 178 acres well located good tuildings, plenty of water. well fence and within a tew rods of railroad station, can be purchased at a bargain by applying to JOHN P. HARRIS. 1st Nat. Bank Bellefonte. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of Administration on the es- tate of Samuel F. Ishler deceased, late of Har- ris township, having been granted to the'un- dersigned they request all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make $1.25, $1.50 $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3 50, $4 00, $4.50, $5 00, $5.50, $6 00 and $7.00. We guarantee these prices to be from $1.50 to $3.50 lower on each high grade coat and 75cts. to $1.50 low- er on the cheaper grades than any other market in the State. Ladies’ capes trimmed in far and other fashion- able trimmings: $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.75, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8 00, $9.00 snd $10.00. TLe above are all new goods and bought within the last two weeks direct from the largest manufacturers in . New York. immediate payment and. those haying claims against the same t6 present them du'y authen- ticated for settlement to P. S.ISHLER. 39 46-6t. GEO. W. ISHLER. {zvoy & 00}. | er AGENCY OF IN CETHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Insurance. FH 1 Hd Also represents Fire Insurance Agency formerly owned J. A. WOODCOCK General Ageut. 0 and represented by H. H. Hansneerger Esq. o i + Office on High street—opposite Court House, rE ELLER ONT, A 39-35.3m George Baldwin, Florist. \ - EORGE BALDWIN, | ¢ 000000000000000000000000000000 ¢ : 1 P-L-0-R-I-S-T, ie ¢ °o ¢ its : Has on hand the best varieties of foliage : and flowering plants for sale at reasonable BELLEFONTE, PA. © prices. Fresh Cut Flowers in stock all the time. I¢ Special - attention given to grape and. fruit { tree pruning and ornaniental treesand shrubs. Prices of Cut Flowers: $ Fuuveral designs a specialty. If you have $ any work in the horticultural line call and see Roses LaFrance Pk $1.25 per Doz. ¢ Mermets * “ . Wootons red 1.00 * $ Li Bride's white 1.25 “ “ ' Niphetos “ “ Perles yellow 1.25 “ Jd 1.00 [0 1.00 ** 0“ me. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chrysanthemums from 75cts. to §2.00. Carnations any color 35cts. Sweet Violets $1.50 per hundred. 000000000000000000000000000000 39-45-3m Doll’s Shoe Store. ITH THE PEOPLE. ON PRICES 39-38-3m Louis Doll’s shoe store on Bishop street is growing in pop- ularity every day. The cause is simple. He pays no fancy rent and consequently does not demand fancy prices. He is with the people on Prices and his goods are of the best. A fine line of Holiday Slippers and popular priced boots and shoes were opened on Monday: Get in the line early if you want a chance at them. LOUIS DOLL, Bishop St. BeLLeroNTE, Pa. | thoug | | troysis. MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. BE MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. ~—WILL BE IN— ‘TYRONE, PA. Ais ~+ EMPIRE HOTEL,— THURSDAYS, From 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. Nov. 29, Dec. 27, 1894. 1895, Jan, 24, Feb. 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 13, July 11, “Aug. 8, Sept. 5, Oct. 3-31, Nov. 28, Dec. 26, CENTRE HALL, PA, 1 nag 00 Ab OLD FORTE HOTEL. From 7 A. M. till 3:30 P. M. FRIDAYS,— Nov. 30, Dec. 28, 1894. 1895, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, March 22, April 19, May 17, June 14, July 12, Aug. 9, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1-29, Dee. 21. ALSO BELLEFONTE, (PA, BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, LL SATURDAYS. = Dec. 1-29, 1894. 1895. Jan. 26, Feb. 23, March 23, April 20, May 18, June, 15, July 13, Aug. 10 Sept, 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2-30 Dec. 28 a ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS A Case of Dyspepsia. of 25 Years Standing Cured by Dr. Salm, For 25 years or more my hearing has been bad. My left ear almost deaf. I have been under Dr. Salm’s treatment for the past & months, and my hearing has been very great: Jy improved, in fact the change has been re- markable. I am still under treatment, and hope for an entire cure. Gratefuliy, Bedford, Pa. Isaac PIERSON. Sept ,19,1894. ‘On account of the very vague explanation of the above, I give the history of the case in detail. About 30 years ago, Mr Pierson, on account of Catarrn, beeame so hard of hearing in his left ear, that the same might not, have been there at all, for the actual services it did him. The righty one for the last 25 years became worse and worse, and | it took some very loud talking for him to understand you, Now af- ter 5 months treatment, he can again hear with the totally useless ear, 80 to sav deaf for 30 years, common conversation, and even whispers again, and his right ear is almost as good as any good ear might be. Friends who have known him will testify to the correct- ness of my statement, § . ; Dg. M. SaLu. Pelt like Dying Rather than to Stand the Agony Much Longer, but was Cured by Dr, Satin. For 5 years I have had kidney.stomarh and liver trouble. The fearful pains in my back and bladder, I had during that time, mad. me: often wish for ‘death. sleep, nor rest and had to go out regularly every night four or five times to void uring Could hardly eat, and when ['tried a little of something it made me ill, and after 4 of ‘our best physicians had fallea to. cure me, I tit was about time to die. Scne of my friends ‘however, advised me. to wr’ 1 Dr. Salm, who had performed 80 MANDY wv oii erfal cures in this country. After, I had .. «un his | treatment 4 days, I found it did me som « cood. ‘| T have taken his treatment now for 6 months, and I enjoy life once more and wound ni vise all of my friends to go to this eminent d ctor, to get cured, after other physicians fail. i ~ Yours gratefully Somerset, Pa. Evr1as ZERFOSE. Given ‘Eye sight and Relieved of Pain After 20 Years Suffering by Dr. Sau. For over 12 years my eye-lashes have been turning in, and consequently they rubbed on the eye-ball, keeping the same always in- flamed and very painful. In order to havea little relief, 1 had to have the eye lashes pulled out every few days. As the result of all this, my left eye went totally blind, and the right one was going the same way rapidly. I pur myself under the care oi Dr. Sahm, and today I am happy to state that I am not troubled any more with the lashes, as they grow in their normal direciicn, und ine sight i6f the right eye has improved 10 & great ex- tent. I am wonderfully cured. at Coburn, Pa. ; Jaco KMERICE. Inward Trouble Cured by Dr. Satur. I have suffered with ipward and general trouble all my life, but am happy to state that Dr. Salm has entirely cured me. Manorville, Pa. Jexnie DuNmIge, July 19, "04. Cataarh and Lung Trouble Cured by Dr. Salm. For nearly 5 years I have had a ‘bad case of Jung trouble aud catarrh. LU was treated by ‘3 of our best physicians but gradually grew worse and wouse, until [ was recommended to try Dr. alm, by one of his patients whom he had eared of a similar trouble, ' [ despaired of ever getting well again. .l felt so badly. Te- day I am thankful that I put myself under the Drs. treatment, for 1 ean enjoy life again with leasure, aud am glad that I am cured. illiard, Pa. Miss MAY DUNNIGAN. Diseases of woman, such as have baffled the skill of othey physicians and remedies, quick- ly cured. Cancers, tumor, fibroid, and poly- pod growths cured without the use of the nife or caustics. No cutting, no pain, no danger. Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, painless and certain for impotence, lost man- ho d. spormatorhea losses, weak and nervous debility also for poststitis, varicocele, and private diseases ; whether from imprudent hahits of youth, or sectual functions, speedily and permanently cured. New method Elec- Epilepsy or fits scientifically treated and positively cured by a never failing meth- od. + xamination and consultation free t everybody. All eye operations successfully rformed Address all communications ox 760, Columbus, Ohio. } Address all communications to box 760, Columbus, O. OUR / I'VERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR TW [CE BEFORE EACH VISIT. 2t od-1- = I could hardly work,