Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 23, 1894, Image 1

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    3v RP. GRAY MEEK.
Ink Slings.
—Western Pennsylvania is wonder.
ing when its share is to be laid on the
Harrisburg pie counter.
—1In six days there will be the be-
ginning of the fall season in which the
turkeys are go stylish.
—The Knights of Labor will have to
Jook out for & new SOVEREIGN else their
organization will go down with a flop.
—Governor-elect HASTINGS showed
great wisdom 1n making up his cabinet
before the place hunters bad bored him
to death.
—If that Salt Lick company don’t
soon strike oil it will kave to buy some
to calm the troubled waters that the
stock- holders are likely to stir up.
—The women of the land who are
fussing because ships are christened with
wine should not be uneasy for the boats
usually take to water soon enough.
—Laugh at everything that amuses
you. Don’t make the world a grave
yard in solemnity for fear some one will
talk about you being light headed.
—When the Chinese read the result
of the recent elections in the United
States they will more than likely ex-
claim : Dlemoclats all le samee likee us—
Licked likee hellee.
—The Bellefonte patriots who expect
a bowl of government pap to be set out
for them at Harrisburg will be running
around here chewing sour grapes, e’re
long, when they say they didn’t want
— When Rubinstein’s spirit knocks
for entry to the spirit world poor old
St. Peter will be confronted with an-
other perplexity. The more artists,
the more the danger of a scrap in the
—Tf the late Czar, ALEXANDER III,
of all the Russias, bad been conscious of
the time and fuss it took to get him
buried he wonld doubtless have given
some one—the very thing he lived in
constant dread of --a blowing up.
—The latest idea which Japan has
advanced in extenuation of her per-
sistence in warring with China is that
she wants to insure herself permanent
peace. Now China is not nearly so sel-
fish—she would be satisfied with a few
days let up of hostilities. :
—As a piece of political trick furni-
ture HASTINGS cabinet will not please
Republicans who ape the mysterious.
The only trick that comes out of the
new cabinet is the one that has been
worked on the Allegheny county bosses
by leaving them out in the cold.
—1It is funny how northern Repub-
lican writers devote column after column
in editorial excoriation of supposed ballot
frauds in the south, when they have to
wear clothes-pins on their noses to keep
out the awful stench consiantly arising
from such a city as Philadelphia.
—1I¢ has turned out that the Mexican
General ANTONIO EZETA, who was re-
cently beld a nominal prisoner in San
Francisco, is not so much under the ban
of Mars as of Cupid. He is back ' again
to marry a lady who had apartments on
the same floor of the hotel at which he
was imprisoned and ‘with whom he fell
in love.
—Seventy thousand women voted in
the State of Colorado at the last election.
More than ten percent. over the half
of the entire vote polled in the State.
Not one fight is reported to have oc-
curred among them and nary an elec-
tion officer did they talk to death. Such
a truly remarkable occurrence should
not go unnoticed.
—The lobbyists about Washington
are very much concerned about the fate
which the Nicaragua canal project is
going to meet at the hands of the ad-
ministration. If the truth were known
it is not so much the proposed ship way
they are solicitous about as to whether
the canal will run from uncle Sam’s
strong box into their pockets.
—An “art” that makes it possible for
one pugilist to kill another with a “light
slap with the back of his hand” and is
called “manly’’ should be treated with
about as much leniency at the hands of
the law as the guise under which the
anarchist hurls his deadly homb and ex-
cuses himself by thinking he is helping
the cause of humanity.
—~The Bedford ecunty justice of the
peace who in four years term of office,
has just returned his first case to court
for adjudication is a pearl, whether he
be Democrat, Republican, Prohibitionist |
or whatnot. Such a man should be kept
in that office for life and would that
Centre county had many like him. Few
people have any idea of the amount a
conscientious justice ean save the coun-
ty by settling petty cases without carry-
ing them up to court for the sake of
fees. A glance at the criminal lists in
every! sitting: of our. quarter sessions
court will, revedl' many cases brought
here to contest over amounts rarely es- |
ceeding a few dollars and involving
much expense to the county, all beonuse
a justice, rather than “settle it, sends it
up 50 he will get the regular fees.
i - . .
, chrouic state'of dissontent—wlio can-
VOL. 39.
BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 23, 1894.
NO. 46.
Attorney General Olney and Organized |
The Brotherhood ot Trainmen have
asked the Circuit Court of the United i
States, sitting in Philadelphia, to re- |
strain the receivers of the Reading
railroad from discharging members of
the Brotherhood from the employ of
the company on account of their being
connected with that organization. In
the case growing out of this applica-
tion to the court Attorney General
OLNEY has furniched a paper in behalf
of the Brotherhood for which he is en-
titled to the thanks of those interested
in organized labor.
His argument starts with a state- |
ment of the object of this organization,
as expressed by its constitution. Its
purpose as therein clearly defined is
to conduce to the general welfare of
its members, and advance their social,
moral and intellectual interests, to
protect their families by the exercise of
systematic benevolence, and to pro-
mote a good understanding beiween
them and their employers.
The Attorney General declares these
objects to be ‘‘laudable in the highest
degree and deserving the approbation
and support of every good citizen.” He
moreover takes the position that they
are in strict conformity to an act of
Congress which expressly authorizes
working people to organize for their
mutual protection and ben: fit.
With euch a right clearly guarau-
teed to workingmen by a law with
which the object of the trainmen’s or-
ganization closely conforms, the Attor-
ney General takes the unquestionable
| position that neither the Reading, nor
any other railroad company, is justi:
fied in coming between them and the
law by denying them the enjoyment of
that right.
The legal right inthis case cannot
be questioned, but what is equally ap-
parent is the injustice and hardship of
forcing these men from their connec-
tion with an association in whose re-
lief found they had invested their
money, from which they expected a
benefit to themselves and their fami-
lies in cases of accident, sickness,
death, or inability to continue their la-
bor. Not only what they had paid in
would thereby be lost, but they
would be deprived of the expected
benefit. Nothing could be more un.
just and tyraunical,and upon this point
alone the Attorney General could base
the equity of his position in behalf of
the Brotherhood.
The object which the Readinz au-
thorities say they want to secure by
their arbitrary measure is the preven-
tion of strikes, which, in their yiew,
are promoted by the organization
of their employes. But the At.
torney General exposes the error
of this position by showing that
the restrictive provisions of the consti-
tution of the Brotherhood are really an
impediment to strikes. There is cer-
tainly a great restraint upon useless
and unreasonable movements of that
kind on the part of the membership
when their constitution provides that
a strike cannot take effect until ap.
proved, first by the local grievance
committee ; second by the general
grievance committee ; third by a
board of adjustment, and fourth, by
the general master, with the consent
of two-thirds of the members involved
while striking, or ingiting to strike, ex-
ceptin accordance with these rules, is
punished by expulsion from ‘the
Nothing could be more conservative
than these regulations which in ‘their
purpose and effect are calculated to
prevent precipitate and unreasonable
strikes. But when the situation is
changed by forcing these men from
their organization, degrading their
{sense of manhood ‘and outraging their
feelings by denying them a right
which they deem essential to their wel-
fare and protection, and which is real-
| ly theirs by act of Congress, conditions
f are produced that must naturally be
| more productive of strikes than when
employes, whose self-respect has not
| been degraded by arbitary coercion,
‘are governed by the restraint of rea-
sonably directed urganization.
The Attorney General ia correct in
‘saying that etrikes are most to be ex-
pected “irom employes who smart un,
«der a sense of injustice and are in a
nol help noting that organized capital is.
not so restricted,” i
Ata time when Republican politi-
cians are working upon the credulity
of laboring people with the preteoss of
protection, the benefits of which are
monopolized by organized capital,
while the wage-earners are handed ov-
her to the mercy of capitalists who em
ploy cheap foreign laborers and run
“pluck-me’’ stores, it is refreshing and
encouraging to hear a Democratic At:
torney General declare that “whatever
else may remain for the future to de:
termine, it must now be regarded as
substantially settled that the mass of
wage-earners can no longer be dealt
with by capital as s> many isolated
units. The time has passed when the
individual workman is called upon to
pit his feeble single strength against
the might of organized capital.
There is more encouragement to the
workingmen in this declaration than in
the sham protection offered them by
the Republican party.
Successful Rascality.
The infamous political “combine”
that has debauched the politics of
Philadelphia felt so secure in the prac-
tice of their frauds that the exposure
of what they intended to do, and the
effort to restrain them by the action of
the courts, bad no effect in deterring
their rascality, They were assured
that they were backed by their party,
encouraged by their newspaper organs
aud countenanced by the municipal
authorities, and with such support
they carried out their programme Of
fraud with reckless audacity. That
the padded lis:s of voters were utilized
to the fullest extent of the villainous
intention was apparent in most of the
voting districts and is shown by the
abnormal majority.
How long this condition ot politics
is to continue in Philadelphia there is
no telling. So long as ballot frauds
are encouraged by the dominant party,
and go unpunshed by her legal au-
thorities, they will continue to pollute
her elections. The fanaticism of
Philadelphia in the maintenance of
“protection” accepts such practices as a
justifiable means of 8 yelling tariff ma-
jorities, but by demoralization thus
encouraged an injury is being done
trom which its citizens will soon be
calling for relief. The same ballot
frauds that swell Phailadelphia’s ma-
jorities for tariff Presidents and Gov-
ernors are employed to fasten upon her
the rule of the municipal thieves who
are robbiog her tax-payers.
——This thing of telling Bellefoute
workers that there are no places to
give them down at Harrisburg is not
calculated to promote a very harmo-
nious feeling among them when every
one of them can pick up SmuLt’s band-
book and see that there will be two
bundred and forty-nine vacancies,
not incladiog heads of departments,
as soon as a change in the State ‘ad
ministration is made.
A Burlesque In The Pacific.
The movement to establish an inde-
pendent and popular government iu
Hawaii is displaying its burlesque
character. It is assumed, to be based
on the will of the people, but at the
last advices from the islands, of the
date of May 31st, the provisional gov-
ernment had gotten together a consti-
tutional convention elected by but a
fraction of the population, and repre-!
genting no other interest than that of
the foreigners who provisionally hold
the offices pending the adoption of a
constitution and the planters who con-
trol the sugar trade. The anomaly is
presented of a movement to form a
popular government from which the
native population are entirely excluded:
The sugar planters are reported to
be in complete control of the constitu-
tional convention. They are in alliance
with the listle military oligarchy
that overthew theold government with
the assistance of the American Minis:
ter Stevens under the Harrison ad
ministration. ; This is a. rather dis-
couraging outcome of the attempt to
make the Pacific ocean resound with
the screams of the American eagle and
toextend American institntions by'a
revolutionary conspiracy in a country
where four-fifths: of the. people didn’t
want to revolutionize. !
aren a ————e—
The way of tbe Tepublican
transgressor is—towards the political
Leadership Unjustly Blamed,
A good deal is being said about the
inefficiency of the Democratic organi-
zation in this.State, and blame is be-
ing thrown upon the party leaders for
there not being a larger show of Dem-
ocratic votes at the polls.
We doubt whether under present cir-
cumstances the wost ekillful leader-
ship could avail in waking a better
‘show against the overwhelming pre-
poaderance of the Republicans in this
State, therefore it appears to be unjust
to blame the leaders for not producing
better results.
Thisis a State which has become
thoroughly demoralized by the high
tariff fallacy and influence, and until
something shall occur to dispel that de-
lusion, of which the Republican party
has the full advantage, nothing can be
done to overcome it. At this time par-
ticularly, when = distress prevails
among the working people of the State,
political ingenuity can easily blame it
on the Democratic administration, a
charge readily accepted by the un:
thinking who have not sense enough
to trace the business trouble to its
origin in the financial and tariff policy
of the Republican party. When a
large proportion of the voters are in
such a deluded frame of mind it would
be too much to ask even the best
Demogratic leadership to reduce the
Republican vote, or to even maintain
their own lines intact.
A lesson must be taught that will
dispel the false notion that the pros-
perity of Pennsylvania depends upon
Republican tariffs, and then more en-
couraging results of Democratic lead:
| ership in this State may be looked
| for.
| ——The Bloomsburg Board of Trade
| paid $2,000 for: a ‘page advertisement
in a recent issue of the New York
World, which in all probability will do
‘that town very little good. If the
money had been invested in home
print shops and the country flooded
"with home papers the capital of Co:
lumbia county might have realized
something from ‘the investment. One
inch in a home paper is often worth
more than a column in a foreign one.
which has no more interest in its re-
sults than the monzy that accrues
trom it. y
| Two Blighted Hopes.
The inofficial announcement ot Gov-
ernor elect HasTINGs that ex Coogress-
man MoCoruyick, of Williamsport, is to
| be his Attorney-General and that Mr.
Louis E. BEITLER, of Philadelphia, has
has been selected as his private secre
tary, will be a wet blanket upon the
budding hopes of two of Centre coun-
ty’s aspiring Republicans, ex-Gover-
nor Beaver, and Mr. WitBor T. Ma-
LIN. These gentlemen both confident-
ly expected to be fitted into the
new cabinet to fill the places that have
gone to Williamsport and Philadel-
phia, and deep will be their disappoiut-
ment as well as that of their friends
over the result.
However, what is one’s loss is gen-
erally another's gain, and the turning
down of Beaver and Marty will only
inerease the chances of the other four
ty-one applicants for positions at Har-
risburg from this county. For weeks
it has been whispered round among
the knowing ones, that out of the entire
list of expectants, four at most would
be given recognition. Two of these—
Col. J. L. Seancrer and Col.
W. F. Revnoup’s who have here
tofore and in ail probability will here-
after be kaoown as Democrats—are to
be upon the new Governor's staff. The
other two positions most likely to
to come to the county, it i8 said, are to
be filled by the appointment of QUIN
MiLus, of this place, as a messenger,
aad a younz Republican, ot Philips-
burg, to a clerkship in one of the de-
partments. Whether. auything else
can be squeezed out lor any of the oth-
er expectants is very much in doubt
and depends entirely upon the amount
of vigor and. earnestness that is put
—LThe alacrity with which’ BiLu
Cook and his bani of outlaws ‘hold up
trains and everythiog else out in In-
dian | territory and Cook everyone's
‘goode who dares to baffls them is evi-
dence supreme that as a Cook ‘the ban-
flesh pots,
dit leader 13 a great s133eds.
into their. efforts by themselves and]
There Own Greatness Will Consume
From the York Gazette.
The more the result of the election
is considered the more it ‘becomes ap-
parent that the Republicans -have won
an empty victory, and that they have
on their hands a very grave responsi-
Itis a very dangerous thing fora
party to have a large majcrity in Con-
gress. Large majorities are hard to
manage. Large majorities are not con-
tent to do nothing but are always anx-
ious to show their power, and almost
invariably use their power foolishly.
Of course with Cleveland ready to
veto any foolish or unwise legislation,
there is no danger of the country suffer-
ing from the unwieldy Republican
majority in the House of Representa-
tives, but there is great danger of the
Republican party suffering very badly
from this majority.
The Republican Congress must do
something. To do nothing would mean
to the country at large that they ap-
prove of what the Democrats have done
and if this be so, the voters will ask why
they should go back to the Republican
party ?
Then the party leaders cannot afford
to lose the opportunity to make issues
for 96. They must propose legislation
even if they know that Cleveland will
not allow it to get on the statute books.
They must make a record. In them is
the full responsibility of whatever legis-
lation does reach the President, and
their acts of any sort are bound to have
a very material influence in the cam-
peign of '96.
What will the Republicans do?
What will they try to make an issue for
96? It is not believed that they know
themselves what they will do or what
they will want to do. It is believed
that they are totally at sea and are with-
out a defined policy or an acknowledged
leader, though they have a number of
would-be leaders and a number of sug-
gested policies,
They really don’t know what to do,
and they will be very fortunataif they
manage to get through the first session
of the new Congress withcut making
some monumental biunder.
What Col. Watterson Says,
In a recent interview with Col.
Waterson editor of the Louisville Cour-
ier Journal and the staunchest absolute
free trader in America to-day -% @ gave
the following answers to the questions
asked concerning the result of the elec-
“Who is to blame for Tuesday’s de-
feat, Colonel Waterson ?”’
“Why, Cleveland, of course,” said
Mr. Watterson. ‘More than any other
man. It is all his fault.”
“And what's to become of the Demo-
cratic party ?”
“I don’t know I'm not certain
Tariff reform has got to go down to the
foot and start over.”
“Do you mean that the Democrats
most abandon the issue ?”’
“No, on the contrary, if I could
make the platform in 1896 I would
merely repeat in yet stronger language
the platform of 1892. But a tariff for
revenue only must be advocated here-
| after, only by men who are honest
enough to keep their promises and
brave enough to put the principle into
law when the people have given them
the power. The Wilson bill was not a
Democratic measure, either before it left
| the hands of its author or after it had
been mangled and distorted by the Sen-
ste. I am sorry for the fate that over-
took William L. Wilson last Tuesday,
but I cannot repress the thought that he
accomplished his own defeat by listen-
ing to the counsels of others less coura
geous than he and not daring to stand
firmly for the pledges of his party.”
Between Two Fires.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The reply of Governor McKinley to
the open letter of inquiry from Whar-
ton Barker isstill awaited with much
interest. But why should Mr. Barker
have singled out Governor McKinley
as a victim of his catechism when ex:
President Harrison and ex-Speaker
Reed were so near by ? Should the
standard he will offend all the Popu-
lists of the West. Should he speak for
free silver coinage all the gold men of
the East will be ready to throw him
overboard to the quiet satisfaction of
Harrison, Reed and other rivals. Had
Mr. Barker reflected a moment he
was serving the Ohio statesman.
What A Noble Sentiment.
From the Walla Walla, Wash. Statesman,
The advice given by King Charles
of Sweden to Gustavus Adolphus is
worthy repeating, and it can do as
much good if carried ont by every boy
and girl, as by the King of Sweden ;
der to thy sisters, be gracious to thy
inferiors, trust all men fairly, but only
entirely when thou hast learned to
know them."
The few native ‘and naturalized
citizens in the employ of BELL, LEwis &
Y ATs, coal operators out in Jefferson
county, voted the Republican ticket at
the late election to insnre “better wages
and steady work.,”' On Saturday last
they were compelled to accept areduc-
tion of five cents per ton or havé no
work. "They are now wondering wliere
| victory comes i Vidi
Governor say that gold 18 the only
would have seen what a bad turn he.
“Honor thy father and mother, be ten-
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Lebanon county Teachers’ Institute:
met Monday. | EEE
—Farmers’ institutes flourish in Schuyl=
kill county.
—Thieves looted three residences : at .
Drehersville Sunday night.
—The price of bread at Pottsville has
been redueed 23 per cent,
—Forests in Sehuylkill county are being
stocked with guail and rabbits,
—Bishop Bowman, of Evangelical war
fame, is touring the coal regions.
—A free library boom struck Erie and
the volumes are coming in rapidly.
—Lawyers will organize a State Bar As.
sociation at Harrisburg in January.
—Falling from a railroad trestle at St,
Clair, Charles Whetstone was killed.
—Secranton’s Board of Trade wants a
Fire Marshal to catch the eity’s firebugs.
—Falling coal killed Miner James Burns
at Girard Mammoth Colliery, near Ash-
—William Yardy was smothered to
death by a sudden rush of coal at Shenan.
—Harry Brooks has been arrested at
Erie for the alleged murder of Henry C.
—Jacob Hershey, one of Fulton county’s
oldest citizens, is dead in the 8th year
of his age.
—The Schuylkill Electric Railway
Company will erect a $100,000 power house
in Pottsville.
—Dr. George W. Earnest died at his
home in Bedford a few days ago, aged
vearly 48 years.
—A flash of powder disfigured, and per-
haps fatally blinded, L. F. Metz’s son,
Charles, at Pinedale,
—Rev. Addison B. Collins, of Philadel.
phia. has been installed a pastor of Lewis
burg Presbyterian church. :
—An old pensioner, Owen O. Jones, cut
his throat with a razor and died at But.
tonwood, Luzerne county,
—Dickinson college athletes at Carlisle
are disgusted at their inability to win,
‘and so will abandon football.
—John C. Partner, a well-known citizen
of Milford township, Juniata county,
died recently in his 44th year.
—Two bodies are probably still buried
beneath the “Pennsy’s’” wreck at Lari-
mer. Three have been recovered.
—Heirs of the late John Barnum began
suit at Pottsville to recover %15,000 from
Levi Miller & Co., tor coal royalties.
—Recent deaths in Milroy, Mifflin
county, were James W. McNitt and Mrs.
Kate Aurand, wife of W. E, Aurand.
—Connellsville people want Postmaster
Harry Marietta, recently convicted of
aiding coke rioters, dismissed from office.
—There is talk of changing the county
seat of Bradford county from Towanda
to Athens before the new court house is
—United Evangelicals at Tower City
will reoccupy their abandoned edifice.
There are no Bowmanites in the town to
take it.
—The wife of Jefferson Seashaltz and
three children, at Pottstown, were badly
poisoned by eating a wild root, but all
will recover.
—As two pastors claim the Trinity
United Brethren Church pulpit at Leban-
on, the trustees fear a clash and perm it
no services.
- A mammoth plant to wash the coal
from the big culm banks, at Morris Ridge
Colliery, near Centralia, is to be erected
within a few weeks. .
Bedford county has a justice of the
peace who has been in office for four
years, and yet he has just returned his
first case to court.
—Illness caused by eating an apple in-
duced Mrs. Edward A* Prodell, of Leban-
on to vomit, a blood vessel was ruptured
and she bled to death.
—Attempiing to rescue live stock from
Henry Washeim’s burning stable at Eas-
ton, Policeman Herman was overcome
by smoke and nearly perished .
—Bishop Nicholas, of the Russian Gree k
church, arrived Sunday at Wilkesbarre
from San Francisco and celebrated Mass
for the dead Czar and his successor.
—A DuBois boy while hunting in the
woods near that place on Friday, shot a
large black bear which is said to be the
largest killed in the state for many years.
—Suit tor $24,000 has been brought by
S. H. Barrett at Pottsville, against the
Pennsylvania Railroad for damages done
in the building of the Shenandoah
branch. 2
—Judge W. Easly, one of the best
known citizens of Cambrie, county, died
at the home of his son, James C. Easly,
at Carrolltown, on Wednesday last, aged
84 years.
--Sixteen sheep were buried in a grave
both wide and deep at Homer City, ln-
diana county, the result of being in the
way of the evening train as it was hurry-
ing along. :
—Samuel Gists died last week from the
effects of a kick in the stomach. He had
been working in the woods near DuBoise
and was kicked by a horse. His Lome
was near Gettysburg, Indiana county,
where his family still reside.
—$1,100 in gold coin was found in a cellar
at Johnstown by a boy who was digging
a post hole. A dispute, which will likely
end in court, has arisen over thé money,
which is believed to have been hidden by
aman who perished in the flood. ?
—William R. Moore, a merchant of
South Fork, while on a visit to Johns-
town on Thursday, and soon after having:
several teeth extracted, ‘was prostrated
by heart trouble and, for a time, was be-
lieved ‘to be ddad. Subsequently he re.
—Thursday night robbers broke into
the office of the Atlantic Refining com
pany at Johnstown and ransacked all the
drawers and scattéred papers and books
about, the room. The door: of the safe
was closed, but not locked, and no dams
age was done. i
—Thursday morning Judge Harry
White went into the American house, at
Indiana, to write some lotters, when he
and Martin Earhart, the proprietor, had
some words about the judge refusirg him
a license ten years ago. The judge says
Harbart called hum a liar and he struck
hii in the month. Itisstated that Ear.
part will ‘have the Judge = arrested.
their’ benefits’ in the big Republican |
The atfair created a good deyl of excite.
/ ment,