Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 09, 1894, Image 1

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    E Ink Slings.
Under the blanke t,
Buried deep;
Dreaming of vengeance,
We sweetly sleep.
— Politics like religion is mighty un-
__Tt was a fine day for the Domovrat-
ic Jupas.
—Thesilent voter did the “biz.” on
— We forgive everybody for the bad
things we said about them.
__A man can say his head is his own
from now until February at least.
— Tuesday was a case of “do” and we
sincerely hope the Democratic party
was done some good.
—The biggest traitors in our parly on
Tuesday wera the ones who have here-
tofore wanted most to say.
—Davip Bexnerr HILL and WiL-
LIAM M. SINGERLY must be victims
of the same sad circumstance.
— There is one consolation in a defeat
like that of Tuesday. It enables every
one to see the true colors of some so-
called Democrats in Bellefonte.
— Subscription to the WATCHMAN can
be paid in corn if any of our patrons
think with us that there is any use in
keeping our roosters alive for future
—Poor old WAITE, he never got the
chance to “ride bridle deep in blood”
but he can do it now in the ballots
which were cast for his opponent for
Governor in Colorado.
Some are traitors for whiskey,
tome are traitors for boodle,
Bat of all the traitors,
The compiiment traitor
Is the most despicable noodle.
—If, as Doctor YOUNG, professor of
physiology at the University of Geneva,
says, future generations will be legless
the bald-headed row will surely be
eliminated from future opera house seat-
ing arrangements.
— Mr. OrRLADY's credited declaration
that “all they raise in the South is cot-
ton, niggers and hell,” will have to be
revised a little. Thank the LorD, they
are still looking after the Democratic
crops down there too.
—TItis all over. We bear the defeat
equally as gracefully as the victors to-
day did their vanquishment two years
ago. If you want to know how it bap-
pened, question every voter, and you
will possibly be satisfied.
— Never mind, we'll be up smiling in
The Gullible Element in the Election.
During the political contest that has
just closed the Democrats had the
assurance that whatever might be its
result so far as majorities in the pend-
ing conflict were concerned, the policy
of their party was goiog to trinmph in
the long run.
Jt was questionable whether the
great mass of unthinking voters, who
had beer induced to believe that the
business depression had been brought
on by the Democrats, could be made
to see the fallacy of that impression
manifested on every side after the pas:
sage of the Democratic tariff bill. The
“Damphoole”’ element in the voting
population is a large one, and it was
uncertain whetber there would be time
enough before the election to remove
the impression made upon it that the
hard times of the last year and a halt
were chargeable to a Democratic ad-
This was the uncertain quantity that
the Democrats had to encounter in
their calculations as to the result of
the pending election. The ‘“Dam-
phoole’’ voters never reason, but are en-
tirely influenced by what is within the
compass of their short-range vision.
Would there be time enough before
they cast their votes to convince them
by actual demonstration of the benefits
of tariff retorm, that the Democrats
were not responsible for the business
slump and that the Damocratic policy
of lower tariffs would benefit and not
injure the country ?
Whatever was the uncertainty this
year on this point, the Damocrats can
be thoroughly assured that as time
progresses under the operations of the
Democratic tariff its benefits will com
mend it to every industrial and business
interest. The calamity politicians bave
class of voters. In less than a year’s
time even the «Damphootes” will be
convinced that McKINLEYISM was &
'06. Asthe Hon. VOLNEY CUSHING,
the great Temperance orator has said,
tthe only trouble with the Democratic
party is, that it can’t be knocked out.”
“Tis rue we a trifle disfigured, but we're
in training already for the next battle.
—Mighty funny isn’t it ? That the
Republicans never do any of the com-
plimentary voting, they are constantly
asking and getting. Tom COLLINS, &
prince among men, who would have
been an honor to the State as well as to
the community was defeated by Demo-
crats who were anxious to add a few
nundred to HASTING’S majority.
The lunatics had their inning
on Tuesday. Fortunately their light-
headed caper was cut at a time when
it could do no material injury. Fool-
ishly persuaded that they were suffer-
ing from the effects of a Democratic
tariff they made their senseless demon-
stration against that measure without
the slightest possibility of reversing
the reform it has effected or interfering
with its beneficent operations. That
tariff will stand, its good effects unim-
peded by this crazy uprising. This is
fortunate for the country, and also for
the unreasoning voters themselves,
who, before another year shall have
passed will have had such experience
of the resalts of a Democratic tariff as
will convince them that they made
asses of themselves at the election ot
The folly that has characterized this
election can in no way interfere with
the new tariff. No action of an ad-
verse Congress can prevent its having
sufficient time to justify itself. But
this electoral foolishness, which was
nowhere more in evidence last Tues
day than in Pennsylvania, prolongs
the wretched misgovernment with
which the State has been long afflict:
ed. This will be its only effect, so far
as this State is concerned. The poli-
ticians who have subordinated the
State constitution to corporate inter-
ests ; who have allowed the railroad
companies to practice unjust discrimi-
nation ; who have farmed out the State
money for the benefit of favored "a-
dividuals and banking institations, and
have allowed the laborer to be fleeced
by the “pluck-me”’ etore, have been
granted a longer lease of power.
The ebullition of lunacy in this State
last Tuesday will have no other prac:
tical effect than this. It can in no
wise effect the Democratic tariff, which
has come to stay.
fraud and that they have been ben:fited
by a Democratic tariff.
For the Protection of English Women.
There is no question but that the
lawless practice of lynching, which un-
fortunately is on the increase in this
country, both North and South, should
be put down, but it is equally certain
that the intrusion of the Eoglish in this
matter is not calculated to accelerate
such a consummation. Granting that
the American people are censurable for
allowing this lawlessness to go on,
nevertheless they cannot be otherwise
than offended by foreigaers,and particu-
larly the English, interfering with the
object of bringing about its correction.
It is so natural to tell them that they
bad better look at home for objects of
The English are especially obnoxious
when they assume the attitude of re
formers of American practices. It is
well remembered how offensively they
meddled with slavery in this country
when it was a matter of history that
through the instrumentality of Eo-
glishmen, and for their profit as slave-
traders, negro slavery was introduced
and established on American soil. Af-
ter this country had been made to suf-
fer that infliction, and fortunes gained
from the slave trade were being enjoyed
in England, the nagging which we had
to stand trom the English on occount
of slavery was as hypocritical in its
spirit as it was offensive in its manifes-
tation. :
What would the English say if the
Americans were to get up a movement
for the suppression of the brutal and
disgraceful practice of wife-beating
which prevails so extensively in their
country ? No other people so habitually
beat their women as is done by the
lower English classes, this cowardly
and cruel practice being one of the na-
tional habits, growing out of the bru-
tality which so largely characterizes the
English disposition. There are very
few wives among the lower order in
England that are not beaten by their
husbands, and even the higher classes
are not exempt from the habit of
whipping their women, a practice that
is peculiarly revolting to Americane.
In return for the intermeddling of En-
! glish men with American lynching, it
! would not be out of place to start an
| American movement to protect Eo
glish women from the brutality of the
' male Briton.
had their last whack at the gullible
BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 9, 1894.
NO. 44.
Mr. Singerly’s Candidacy.
We can safely say that WiLLiax M.
SrxcerLy did not expect to be elected
| Governor. Bat in view of the evident
fact that the country had been tariffed
into aa industrial collapse by the Re-
publicans and that a hopeful rivival of
business was in progress under a Te:
formed tariff, be had a right to expect
that he would reduce a Republican
majority made abnormally large a year
ago by the uncertainty that existed in
regard to tariff measures.
Unfortunately the sure benefits of
tarift reform, which require some time
for their development, had but two
months in which to show what they
would ultimately be, a period too short
to have any effect upon those who felt
that they were suffering from some-
thing, and were told that it was the
Democratic tariff that was hurting
This was the disadvantage under
which Mr. SiNGeRLY labored as a can-
didate, but he went into the contest
with commendable spirit and energy ;
and, as one of the leading tariff re-
formers of the country, it was proper
that he should be the leader in such &
contest. His reputation has been en-
hanced by its incidents. He developed
ability that he was not known to have.
He displayed the qualities of a dashing
leader, and can accept defeat with the
equavimity attending the certain assur-
ance that it will take but a year or two
to vindicate the correctness of thé
principle he championed. His State,
which more than any other will reap
the benefiis of tariff retorm, will have
greater reason than he has to be
ashamed of the majority against him
in a contest for a policy that is going.
toredound eo vastly to her industrial
A —— CC —
Republican Ballot Abuse.
The new ballot law of Penusylvaniag|
although imperfect in some material |
respects, has in a large degree put a
stop to the direct employment of brib- :
ery and intimidation in influencing |
voters. The method of voting now es-
tablished by law, which enables the
voter to be a perfectly independent
man when he enters the privacy of the
polling booth, surrounding his ballot
by impenetrable secrecy, has pul an
end to the old way of buying or coer-
cing the venal or dependent class of suf- |
This was a well conceived move:
ment toward the securing of a pure |
and houvest ballot, but there is no limit |
to the ingenuity of dishonest politicians
in evading laws intended to ensure fair
elections. This fact has been proven
by the wholesale padding of the regis-
try lists by the minions of the Repuab-
lican “combine in Puiladelphia. They
found that it was profitless to bring
purchased voters to the polls, for uu.
der the new system they had no way
of assuring themselves that the votes
would go in according to bargain ; and
no longer were they able to look over
the shoulder of the intimidated voter
and see that he voted in compliance
with his fear, for the privacy of the
booth made him independent of such
intimidation. Therefore nothing, wis
left to the Republican corruptera of the
ballot but to fill the registers with
false names, a large percentage of
which might be smuggled into the bal-
lot box by rounders, heelers, repeaters
and false personators through the as-
sistance of compliant election officers.
It was with this object that the reg-
istration of voters by Republican as
sessors in Philadelphia was made a
mass of fraudulent entries, as was
proved in the court invoked to over
haul them. It was for this object that
votera were registered as belonging to
houses that were incapable of accom-
modating even a fraction of the num
ber with which they were credited ;
that bawdy houses, drinking dens,
negro rookeries, and even stables were
called into requisition to furnish bogus
names that might be used in swelling
the Republican vote. Even the canine
race was drawn on for assistance iu
this infamous business, as it was dis
covered in court that one of the Re-
publican assessors had registered a dog
under an assamed name. Tae con-
science and honor of a party may tru
ly be said to have gons to the bow-
wows when it resoris to such
of recruiting its voting force.
| Such outrageous practices resorted
| to with the object of defeating the in:
tention of the ballot law to secure fair
elections, is enough to discourage hon-
est and patriotic citizens. But the
people have gained something in hav-
ing these fraudulent methods exposed.
They have been practiced in Philadel-
phia ever since the new ballot law de-
prived the Republican ringsters of the
old direct method of buying and intim-
idating voters. By this new form of
fraud recent overwhelming Republican
majorities were secured in that city.
By it the “combine” proposed to con-
tinue the political control by which
they have robbed the city and enriched
But this year they exceeded the
usual limit of their rascality, and a res-
olute Democratic leader exposed their
villainy by bringing them into court.
When an offence is once exposed a long
step has been taken toward its correc-
tion. The honest disposition of the
people will enforce a remedy, which
will be finally effected by thoroughly
turning out the rascals who have so
long stood in the way of hooest gov
ernment in Pennsylvania.
A Remarkable Coincidence.
A coincidence is presented in the
fact that about the time the more en-
lightened Japanese broke through the
wall of seclusion with which the Chi-
nese had surrounded themselves, the
more intelligent Democratic fiscal
policy in this country has demolished
the Chinese tariff wall which McKin-
LeyisM had built around the United
States to hamper their commercial
communication with the world at
These two occurrences, attributable
to the power of superior enlightenment,
are 80 contemporaneous as to excite
the attention of those who are interest-
ed in the progressive movements of the
~The effect of both of them will be
highly beneficial in the localities
where they have occurred. The seclu-
gion which China has so long main.
tained has been an injury to her. It
has restrained her civilization and re-
tarded her progress, and if the sharp
attack ot the Japanese ¢hall open her |
up to freer communication with other
countries. She will be greatly bene-
fited both as to commerce and general
As a parallel case, the Republican
party surrounded this country with a
wall of “protection” that made us al-
most as exclusive as the Chinese, with
a similar injurious effect upon our
country. ' This has, to a large extent,
been knocked over by the Democratic
party at about the same time that the
brave Japs did a service of much the
same character to the benighted and
reluctant Chinese. In this is seen one
of the coincidences of history.
The parallel extends still further,
Li Hune CuANG, the representative of
Chinese seclusion, in consequence of
the success of the Japanese attack has
been deprived of his peacock feather
and stands in danger of losing his yel-
low jacket. The Li Huxe Cuanas of
the American tariff party, such as
Biot McKixLey, Tox Reep and BEN
HsrrisoN, will be found to have lost
both their peacock feathers and their
yellow jackets when the beneficent ef-
fects of tariff reform are fully under-
stood and appreciated by the people.
The Income Tax.
The law provides that this tax shall
take effect January 1, 1895, and shall
continue uotil the lst day of January,
1900, and that every citizen of the
United States, whether residing at
home or abroad, and every person re:
siding in the United States shall pay a
tax of 2 per cent on his or her income
over and above $4,000.
The law provides also that every
person having an income of $3,500
«hall make return in such manner as
may be directed by the commissioner
of internal revenne.
The tax is made payable on the lst
day of July in each year, and in de-
fault of payment there is a penalty of
5 per cent and interest at the rate of 1
per cent per month.
The same 2 per cent tax isto be
collected annually on the net profits
above acinal operating expenses on all
banks, bankiug institutions, trust com-
panies, saving in-titations, life and fire
insurance companies, railroad, tele:
phone, telegraph, electric light, gas,
water, street ral! way companies and all
other corporations or associations do-
ing business for profit in the United
Asking Government Help.
The commercial interests of Phil.
adelphia require that her waterway to
the ocean should be improved. The
Delaware is a noble tidal river, but
there are obstructions in its channel
that interfere with the passage of ves:
gels of heavy draft.
Following the custom of seeking
help from the government, Philadel-
phia asks for an appropriation for the
fmprovement of her river and harbor.
A moderate sum was granted her for
this purpose in the last River and Har
bor bill, but she is dissatisfied with the
amount, and some of her newspapers
are kicking about its being too small.
This is unreasonable. When the
hide-bound Republicanism of that city
insists upon sending incompetent and
uninfluential Representatives to Con-
gress, and resorts to the grossest ballot
frauds to defeat a Democratic Repre-
sentative who could be of advantage to
them in this matter, it is positively
foolish for Philadelphians to complain
that a Democratic Congress does not
lavish money for the improvement of
this river and harbor.
But, to be plain about it, Philadel
phia should be ashamed to ask govern-
ment help in a matter that so vitally
concerns her own and nobody else's
interest. Why doesn’t she belp her
gelt 2 The city of Manchester in Eog:
land, with a population not more thac
half that of Philadelphia, did not ask
government assistance to build ber
great ship canal, but the sixty million
dollars it cost was supplied by her own
people. The anti-Cobden Club, the Un-
jon League, the Manutacturers’ Club,
and other “protection” organizations of
Philadelphia, should be ghamed by the
fact that the “free trade” city of Man-
chester was rich enough to build that
stupendous waterway by her own
means while “protected” Philadelphia
—the pet city of MoKINLEY1sM—must
beg from the government the few mil-
lions of dollars required to improve her
river and harbor.
The fact is, there is no necessity for
her getting a cent from the government |
for that purpose. She bas abundant
means for the improvement of her river
if she would properly apply them. Let
her turn out the official rascals who
are plundering her tax-payers. Let
her turn down the villainous combine
of Republican politicians who have
growa rich on the spoils of her trea-
sury. The amount which her munic-
ipal thieves have gotten away with in
the building of her city hall and the:
paving of her streets would be amply
sufficient to open the chaonel of ber
river to the ccean, She would have
abundant means for the improvement
which her commerce needs if her
municipal government were in the
hands of officials who did not squan--
der or purloin her resources.
EE —————
The Hebrews Rejoice.
The Russian Jews of Pittsburg are
said to have expressed great delight
upon hearing of the death of the Czar
of Russia. Not only Jews of that class,
but Hebrews of every variety had rea-
son to entertain no friendly feelings to-
wards the Russian potentate who. had
made their race a special object of per
secution. No other feature of his gov-
ernment was more atrocious than. the
treatment to which it subjected a race |
the persecution of which has been dis- |
continued in the more enlightened
countries of the world.
But it may be questioned whether
Russia is an enlightened eountry. It
has the outward semblances of civiliza-
tion, but the spirit of its institutions
and the practices of its government
display strong traces of their original |
Tartar barbarism.
It could not be
otherwise when the rules are the em-
bodiment of personal despotism. The
people are practically slaves, with no |
restraint upon the power of the Cazar.
The late emperor was a thorough
despot. There was no cheek upon his
personal government of the country, |
and that he governed it arbitrarily and
cruelly was shown by the thousands |
of prisoners sent to Siberia for political
offences, and the inhuman treatment |
of a large class of his subjects on ac- !
count of their religion. In no particu-
lar did he more repulsively display the !
temper of a despot than in the treat-
ment of the Jews, and it is not un-|
natural for that people to rejoice over
his death.
| lung headlong
Spawls from the Keystone,
—~Lancaster police census shows a popu-
lation of 38,104.
—Last month State bonds for $16,600
were redeemed. 2
—There are 546 inmates in the Hunting-
don Reformatory.
—A fall of coal near Mahanoy City kill.
ed Joseph Swan, a miner.
—Punxsutawney has ten doctors, nine
lawyers and seven preachers.
—During October 65 charters were grant.
ed to Pennsylvania eompanies.
—Falling timbers in a Mahanoy City
mine killed Michael Redusky.
—Thieves stole #500 worth of clothing
from Peter Faust’s store, at Watsontown.
—Reading’s Board of Frade urges the
city to borrow $1,000,000 for public im-
—For the murder of Mike John, at Wilk.
esbarre, William Penw Bowman was in.
dicted on Friday.
—The body of an unknown mam was
found by the railroad track near Bath
and murder is suspected.
—John Palamountain is the name of &
young man who is missing from his home
in Simpson, near Carbondale:
—A dividend of 10 per cent. was: declar-
ed Wednesday to creditors of the defuvet
Corry National Bank at Corry.
—A stable belonging to Contractors
Booth and Flinn, Pittsburg, collapsed and
William Garhart was fatally hurt.
—The charter of the Knights: of Malta
lodge at Bath, Northampton county, has
been revoked for insubordination.
—At the risk of her own life Mrs. Au.
gustus Swavely, near Birdsboroy rescued
all the live stock from a burning barn.
—A thief intimidated the servant in R.
J. Fay's residence, Altoona, and then
ransacked the house, stealing mueh prop-
erty. .
—William Reynolds, of Coopersdaler
was killed by a Pennsylvania railroad
train near Johnstown on Wednesday
—Detective Dennis O'Connell, of Al-
toona, who traveled on a railroad pass
and charged fare to the county, has
been prosecuted.
_Samuel Girts was kicked in the
stomach by a horse near DuBois on Wed-
nesday evening and died on Thursday
from the effects.
—Having shot and killed J. B. Engle-
bert, who pretended he was & White Cap-
per, Edward Koppenheffer was taken to
Harrisburg jail on Friday and will be
It has been discovered in the State De-
partment at Harrisburg that the error in
the Marriage License act of 1893, making
it go: into effect in 1895, was made by a:
—In a collision of passenger trains on
the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Rankin
Station, Thursday night, Engineer P. C.
Brainard was killed and Fireman Frank:
Cunningham badly injured.
—Samuel Parks, who occupied a shanty
on the mountain near the Tyrone station,
has been taken to jail at Hollidaysburg.
for stealing some whiskey from the Penn-
sylvania railroad company, which was
found in his house.
—It is proposed to locate an extensive: .
electric plant on the shores of the Sus-
guehanng, near Conowingo, which is some:
miles above Port Depositand only thirty.
five miles from Baltimore, from which
power will be transmitted by overhead:
—In Randolph township, Crawford
county, at a Sheriff'ssale, says the Merw,
cer Western Press, & Span ot good work
horses sold for 3) cents, a good top buggy
for 15 cents. a wagon brought #6, & 125-
pound pig brought 2 cents a pound and
three chickens sold for 10 cents each.
_ State Treasurer Jackson reports. that
at the close of business October 31 there
was $4,884,939 in the general fund. The
receipts for the month were $1,066,100, and
for the first eleven months of this: fiscal
year, $11,633,718, a falling off of about $36,-
000 for the corresponding period last year.
—0. P. Knauss, the editor and owner of
the Macungie Progress, while out bicycle
riding in Longswamp township a few days.
ago, struck a stone with his pedaland was
into a barb wire- fence.
When he got up his clothes and face look
ed asif he had “wrastled” with.a wilds
—In Franklin county the persial.prop-
erty subject tO taxation amounts to $3,”
843,111, on which the tax is $15,372, the
largest ia that Congressional district.
Cumberland has $3,182,94) 5 Fulton, §210,-
80, and Huntingdon, $1,526,797. The aggre-
gate amount of personal property in, the
State subject to taxation is about $515,000,~
—Captain John Hasting showed us-a« bill
of lading a fow days ago that had been
written in 1791 in London and gave an ag-
count of goods shipped to Mr. Gaskill
who formerly owned mueh.of the land in
this community. The writing was. Very
plain and as perfectly preserved as if
written but a few days ago.—Punxsutaw.
ney News.
—TFhe Pennsylvania Railroad company
is erecting a new building: adjpining the
car shop in the T yrone-yard: 2 )x08, feet in
size. It will be usedin, connection with
the ear repair shop as & machine and
placksmith shop and store house and
lumber shed. This improvement will
provide for doing some of the work there
that formerly has to be seat to. Altoona to
be done.
—The Northampton county teachers beg
fore adjourning their annual institute at
Easton passed resolutions declaring that
the extra State appropriations to public
schools were used for purposes not legiti-
mate, and asking the State Legislature to
pass laws restricting their expenditures.
to the use originally intended. They also
favored a State law ponsioning teaches
who have taught thirty years.
—Johnstown eitizens are agog to have
the extension of the Pennsylvania raily
road built at one. The councils have
passed an ordinance granting right of way
through the city. The Pennsylvania
company is being urged to commence
work at once. The new railroad will ex-
tend to the immense Johnston works.
This company say they will greatly en-
large their plant next year. The line will
| doubtless then be built so as to tap the
caal fields in Somerset county,