ADDITIONAL LOCALS. 0. . J nes bas leased the B D nan and Barnes floar mill i is . ant will nereaiier have C ~ operation. \ i hour spout in looking C Hr 8 riment wl wzive you 8 at ihe popular styles and we c iv hope inayit will be as much 1 f. ou te se as for us to show: C is Samuel Le rin’s, he Al «na Tat a P lipsburg ad was frrmaily open- So aidav. A pnlaee car with < ane! P. Linngdon and a par- alphrns wera the dignita- 1 4 co. Delegations from O-ssola and Houtzdale . rang tra and many of tut which it passed were tay ature Av Houtz- ok diner at the Cen- iho new road is to be a fy B «ch Creek, ————— — VOICES OF THE WAVES. et OM ee Ee hed “ww om ND BY M. V. THOMAS ! I'he sad sea waves are sighing, ey linger o'er the sand, ome poor, lone sailor dying } from home and native land. ney are sobbing as if weeping, H.C. QUIGLEY, 39-39-3t Auditor. Doll's Shoe Store. New Advertisements. OUSE FOR SALE OR RENT — A desirable two story frame dwelling house, located on Main street at State College Pa. is offered for rent or sale. It has seven rooms, with finished attic and necessary out- buildings. Lot 650x190 feet. For particulars address GEO. BALDWIN, 39-59 tf Bellefonte, Pa. OST OR STOLEN.—At the Belle- fonte station on Wednesday evening, a poc set-book containing about $20 in cash and the following papers, notes of Geo. and Will Hoover; Wm. A. Alexander, Jacob Shirk, Samuel Hosband, Geo. Hosband, Norman Cal- houn, and check of Union township scheol board. Party having or finding the same, will confer a favor by returning papers to the un- dersigned at Fleming, Centre county. Pay- ment on all of which have been stopped. 39 40-3t* HARRIS CALHOUN. UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Or- phans Court of Centre county. In re- estate of Naney Mulholland minor child ot Rudolph Mulholland, late of Burnside towu- ship deceased. The under~igned having been appointed an auditor in the above case to hear and pass uvon the exceptions filed, and restate the account accoruing to his findings, will meet the parties in interest to attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Bellefonte on Wednesday the 14th day of November A. D 1894 at 10:30 o'clock a. m when and where all parties inter- ested may appear. H. C. QUIGLEY, 39-39 3t Auditor. The time of the year has come when parents are trout led with the vexatious problem of keeping their children’s feet dry and warm. The school days are here again and the question now is, where to get the best children’s shoes at the lowest prices. I can answer it for you if you come to my store and see my line of every- day shoes for the little folks. It is a specialty and is bound to attract attention. I have heel and spring heel stoes in grain, gondola, Kangaroo, or calf—light or heavy weights —and at LOUIS DOLL, ¥ TO SUIT THE MASSES. —00000— 39-38-3m Bishop St. BELLEFONTE, Pa. Fauble’s. A PECIAL SALE OF M EN'’S SUITS! WONDERFUL VALUE! ——0OVER—— FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES eee] Tom $10.00 Goods that cannot be duplicated else- where for less than $12 to $18 0 SEE THEM 0 They are the — GREATEST LOT OF BARGAINS— ever shown in this county. These Goods are selling rapidly. Call early or you will miss the opportunity that such wonderful bargains afford. FAUBLE'S 39-35 Lyon & Co. PECIAL AD. ——TFor the purpose of telling you about our— ——{zap1ES COATS AND CAPES} MISSES AND CHILDRENS COATS (isa ann cations oar — to] ———t— We guarantee ours to be the best made, most per- fect fitting, best materials used, and most stylish goods that have ever been brought to this market at prices that defy competition, not only in this market but New York and Philadelphia markets. Look at the following : Coats Worth $14.00 Our Price $10.50 & 11 12.00 ‘“" ( 9.00 i 4 10.00 [13 i 8.50 [3 “ 9.50 i “ 7.00 it i“ 7.00 io fe 5.50 i ‘ 6.50 “ 0“ 5.00 « i 6.00 6 “ 4.00 1] ts 5.00 i" ct 3.50 ti “ 8.50 “ 1] 3.00 €" “ 38.00 o tl 2.50 . Misses Coats from 4 years up to 14 years $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 and $7.00. e——— We guarantee these prices to be from $1.50 to $3.50 lower on each high grade coat and 75cts. to $1.50 low- er on the cheaper grades than any other market in the State. ee. Ladies’ capes trimmed in fur and other fashion- able trimmings : $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.75, $5.00, $6.C0 $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. meme. The above are all new goeds and bought within the last two weeks direct from the largest manufacturers in New York. LYON & CO. | 30-42-1m CE CSAIL A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. —WILL BE IN— TYRONE, PA. —— AT—— ——EMPIRE HOTEL,— THURSDAYS, From 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. Nov. 1 & 28, Dec. 27. CENTRE HALL, PA, AT OLD FORTE HOTEL. From 7 A. M. till 3:30 P. M. —FRIDAYS,— Nov. 2,—30, Dec. 28. ALSO BELLEFONTE, PA, BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, —SATURDAYS— Nov. 3, Dec. 1,—29. ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS A Case of Dyspepsia of 25 Years Standing, Cured by Dr. Salm. For 25 years or more my hearing has been bad. My left ear almost deaf. I have been under Dr. Salm’s treatment for the past 5 months, and my hearing has been very greats ly improved, in fact the change has been re- markable. I am still under treatment, and hope for an entire cure. Gratefully, Bedford, Pa. Isaac PIERSON. Sept ,19,1894. On account of the very vague explanation of the above, I give the history of the case in detail. ‘About 30 years ago, Mr. Pierson, on account of Catarrii, became 80 bard of hearing in his left ear, that the same might not have been there at all, for the actual services it did him. The right one for the last 25 years became worse and worse, and it took some very loud talking for him to understand you. Now af- ter 5 months treatment, he can again hear with the totally useless ear, 80 to 8aV deaf for 30 years, common conversation and even whispers again, and his right ear 18 almost a8 ood as any good ear might be. Friends who Ro known him will testify to the correct- ness of my statement Dr. M. SALmM. Felt like Dying Rather than to Stand the Agony Much Longer, but was Cured by Dr. Salm. For 5 years I have had kidoey, stomach and liver trouble. The fearful pains in my back and bladder, I had during that time, made me often wish for death. I could hardly work, sleep, nor rest and had to go out re sularly every night four or five times to void urim. Could hardly eat, and when I tried a little of something it made me ill, and after 4 of our best physicians had failea to cure me, I thought it was about time to die. Some of my friends however, advised me to go to Dr. Salm, who had performed so many wonderful cures in this country. After I had tatcu his treatment 4 days, I found it did me si. £00d. I have taken his treatment now for 6 nonths, and I enjoy life once more, and I wonid n vise all of my friends to go to this eminent ¢- ctor, to get cured, after other physicians fail. Yours gratefnllv Somerset, Pa. Er1as ZERFOSE. Given Eye sight and Relieved of Pain After 20 Years Suffering by Dr. Salm. For over 12 years my eye-lashes have beer turning in, and consequently they rubbed on the eye-ball, keeping the same always in- flamed and very painful. In order to havea little relief, I had to have the eye lasher pulled out every few days. As the result of all this, my left eye went totally blind, and the right one was going the same way rapidly. I put myself under the care of Dr. Salm, and today I am happy to state thar I am not troubled any more with the lashes, as they grow in their normal direetion, end the sight ~ of the right eye has improved to a great ex- tent. Iam wonderfully cured Coburn, Pa. Inward Trouble Cured by Dr. Salm. I have suffered with inward aud general trouble all my life, but am happy to state that Dr. Salm has entirely cured me. Manorville, Pa. July 19, '94. Jaco Emi RICK. Jesnie DuNMige. Cataarh and Lung Trouble Cured by Dr. Salm. For nearly 5 years I have had a bad case of lung trouble and catarrh. I was treated by 3 of our best physicians but gradually grew worse and wosse, until I was recommended to try Dr. Salm, by one of his patients whom he had cured of a similar trouble. I despaired of ever getting well again. 1 felt so badly. To- day 1 am thankful! that I put myself under the Drs. treatment, for 1 can enjoy life again with leasure, and am glad that 1 am cured. Hilliard, Pa. Miss MAY DUNNIGAN. Diseases of wornan, such as have baffled the skill of other physicians and remedies, quick- ly cured. Cancers, tumor, fibroid, and poly- oid growths cured without the use of the nife or caustics. No cutting, no pain, no danger. Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, Pain ess and certain for impotence, lost man- ond. spormatorhea losses, weak and nervous debility, also for poststitis, varicocele, and private diseases ; whether from imprudent habits of youth, or sectual functions, speedily and permanently cured. New method Elec- troysis. Epilepsy or fits scientifically treated and positively cured by a never tailing meth- od. Examination and consultation free to everybody. All eye operations successfully erformed. Address all communications t ox 760, Columbus, Ohio. Address all communications to box T& Columbus, O. OUR ADVERTISEMENT WiLL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. 39-7T-0t