Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 26, 1894, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The Pittsburg discretionary pool
has turned out a veritable slough of
—Five physicians are constantly at
the bed side of the Czar of Russia. No
wonder the poor menarch is so near
—McQuown should not receive the
vote of any decent man. He is not fit
for the office of State Senator. Don’t
vote for him.
—If HasTINGs isa friend of the la-
boring men why don't he tell them that
he will work against the ‘‘pluck- -me’’
stores if elected ?
—The Falcon, PEARrY's arctic relief
ship, is reported lost. She must have
gotten fast in an ice flow and was not
bird enough to fly out.
— HASTINGS compaigners are putting
their feet in it all the time. Their lat-
est breaks were made at Pittsburg where
they slurred both the Irish and colored
—The Republican managers are
awakening to a realization of the fact
that the elephant they are traveling
over the State with is liable to turn
white on their hands.
—1It is not likely there will be many
complimentary votes for HASTINGS in
Penns Valley. The people down there
are not inclined toward a man who cali-
ed them “numb-skulls.”
—1It isnot strange that there are few-
er savings banks in New York city to-
day than there were twenty years ago.
The floating population of Canada at-
tests the reason why.
—Democrats, your honor demands
that you stand up for your convictions.
You believe that Democratic principles
are right and the only proper govern-
ment for our land, then let your vote
be recorded as reaffirming your faith.
—No less than thirty thousand traud-
ulent names bave been found on the
assessor’s lists in the city of Philadel-
phia. Such outrages on the franchise
by Republican tricksters should meet
with the speedy punishment it deserves.
—If the New York Democrats get
together with determination nothing un-
der the sun can prevent them from
sweeping the Empire state from one
corner to the other. There are plenty
of them to do it, but it requires concert
of action.
—The enthusiasm with which the
Singerly tourists are being met every-
where is a surprise not only to the Re-
publicans, but to the Democrats as well.
‘We knew they would be popular, but
had no idea of such ovations being ac-
corded them.
—Praises to the New York State
Democrats. They have thrown person-
al feelings aside and are now united to
save the Congressional districts to the
Democrats. Such actions could well be
emulated by the 34th Senatorial dis-
trict Democrats.
—Don’t let the Republicans bam-
boozle you by this idea of complimen-
tary votes. They will say : ob, your
vote will never be missed, just give
Has7iNGs a complimentary. Don’t do
any such a thing. Your vote will be
missed, a few complementaries in every
precinct in the county will turn it over
to the Republicans.
—TIt does not sound very complimen-
tary, but any Centre county man who
votes for Woops CALDWELL, for Sena-
tor, is a fool. Hehas done everything
in his power to balk this county’s
wishes as to who should be the candi-
date and his actions since the Tyrone
convention brand him a Democrat of
questionable stripe.
— What will Msjor McKINLEY think
of the building of a $300,000 tin plant
at New Kensington, Pa. His high
protection to the tin industry killed
every plant in operation in this country
and now that the WiLson bill has been
substituted for his robber measure the
largest plant in the world is to be built
right here in Republican ribbed Penn-
—The Gazette thinks it indiscreet to
draw church matters into the campaign.
So do we, but JAck Love doesn’t. He
has asked Methodists to vote for him
because he is a Methodist. A pretty
kind of a mau to want to be president
judge of this district. Mr. Love is
guilty of working the church for politi-
cal purposes and he won't deny it, if he
has regard for the truth.
—Looking through the glass of preju-
dice it is impossible to see the beneficent
effects of Democratic legislation that
are already apparent, but a little com-
mon sense, which most people possess,
will reveal the dawn of a new era of
prosperity. ‘Rome was not built in a
day,” neither can Democracy build up a
etructure in a few weeks that the Re-
publicans have been a score of years in
tearing down. The rebuilding has be-
gun, however, and narrow mindedness
is the only thing that will make you
lose eight cf it.
"YO. ‘39.
BELLEFONTE, PA. OCT. 26, 1894.
NO. 42.
Frauds That Will Be Foiled,
Alarmed by the united front pre-
sented by the Philadelphia Democrats,
the Republican leaders of that city are
arranging to counteract the effect of
a united Democracy by fraudulent vot-
ing. One of their principal objects is
to defeat the Democratic candidate in
the third Congress district, and for
this purpose the list of voters in that
district has been most scandalously
As an illustration of this intended
fraud it appears that the names on the
assessor's list of the twelfth division
of the fifth ward, which last February
pumbered 178, have been swelled to
429, without any visible increase in ihe
actual population. One house, at the
corner of Hurst and Lisbon streets,
which cannot be shown to have an
unusual number of inmates, is returned
on the assessment list as containing 34
voters. Such wholesale preparation
for fraudulent voting crops out through
the whole district. JouN BRISCOE,
the Republican assessor of the division
mentioned, who has sworn to the cor-
rectness of his assessment, will be
prosecuted, with the probability of his
landing in the penitentiary.
Similar facilities for “repeating” and
false personation in voting have been
provided in the eleventh ward, where
from one lodging house of limited ca:
pacity, No. 705 North Front street,
the Republican aesessor has returaed
5T voters. Several other rookeries in
the same neighborhood show a similar-
ly fraudulent voting population.
Fortunately the Democrats of the
city are “on to” this game, and are
prepared not only to prevent it, but al-
80 to briog the perpetrators to justice.
Under the active and spirited leader-
ship of WirniasM M. SiNGERLY they
are more determined and vigilant than
in any former contest, and the Demo-
crats of the country have no reason to
fear that their votes will be over-
slaughed by an ‘overwhelming Repub:
lican majority in the city. There is
every encouragement for the Demo-
cratgin the interior towns and rural
districts to poll their full vote, for it
will count in a general ~gzregate that
is going to astonish the calamity howl-
Monkeying With the Tariff.
In one of his harangues Hastings
declared that ‘‘there is to be no mon-
keying with the tariff.” If this isso,
what is the objzct of his calamity cam-
paign ? What purpose does he intend
to serve by traveling through the State
and howling against the present tariff ?
Does he want to continue monkeyinz
with the tariff by having the McKin
LEY bill restored ? If this is not his
object, what is he after ?
We agree with him that there is to
be no monkeying with the tariff. - The
country needs a rest trom the anties of
the McKinney moakey. The people
want the present fair and moderate
tariff to be given a chance to show
what it can do in restoring the indus-
tries. The best way to secure this de-
sirable object is to maintain a Demo-
cratic majority in the House of Repre-
gentatives, A vote for AsroNn WiL-
L1AMS in this congressional district will
be a vote against moakeying with the
DanDidn’t Know Stngorly Was Loaded.
Hastings, when he started out in
the campaign, thought it was safe to
challenge SINGERLY to a joint discus-
sion on the stump, it being his erro:
neous impression thac the Democratic
candidate couldn't make a speech.
The plain, practical, common sense
addresses, bristling with facts and fig
ures, and going straight to the minds
and hearts ot the cr mmon people, with
which Mr. SinegerLy is meeting the
mis-statements an 1 hambugging preten-
sions of the McKINLEYITES, make
Hastings’ calamity howls appear per
fectly contemptible.
When Danie started ont with his
pop gun he dido’t know that WiLLiam
could meet him with a double-barreled
gun loaded with buckshot.
—At the Spring elect on
were 530,000 voters in Pennsylvania
who did not go to the polls. A large |
percentage of these stay-ar-homsay were
Democrats in Centre county. Don't
let this ocenr this Fall. Let every
Democrat in the county he at the polls
to vote. We will need them all,
there |
A Matter of Supreme Importance.
The most important thing for the
Democratic party to doin this State
contest is to bring to the polls the
largest possible percentage of the
party vote. Ifsuch a thing could be
effected as the polling of every Demo-
cratic vote the election of the Republi-
can State ticket would be made decid-
edly questionable.
The big majorities of Quax's party
in Pennsylvania have been produced
not by the actual strength of that party,
but by the absence of too large a num.
ber of Democrats from the polls.
Democrats should bear this in mind
at the coming election. They should
be determined to spare no effori to
bring every member of the party to the
performance of his electoral duty.
There is much to encourage them in
this effort. Their party is more united
and harmonious in this State than it
has been for some years. The party
policy of tariff reform is vindicating it-
self by its effects and should be sus:
tained by every Democratic voter.
Their opponents are unable to defend
themselves on State questions and
have virtually thrown up the sponge
on that issue. The State ticket is
composed of excellent material and de-
serves the fullest support of the
These circumstances farnish the
strongest reason for every Democrat in
the State to do his full duty. That
duty can be most thoroughly perform-
ed by thorough organization. Meetings
and speeches evince the spirit of the
party, but the substantial work is done
by organization. It should be perfect-
ed in county, town and township.
There should be such organization and
such mutual understanding among the
members of the party that every Dem-
ocrat may confilently expect to meet
his neighbor Democrat at the polls.
Couvincing Evidence.
In pablishing a statement of the
present prices of articles of general nse,
supplied by New York dealers, as com-
pared with their prices a year ago, the
N:w York World furnishes the
strongest vindication of the Dzwmocrat-
ic tariff, Although it has been 1a op-
eration scarcely more than six weeks it
has appreciably reduced the cost of
household necessaries, and is produc-
ing results highly satisfactory to the
shopping women.
The World's statemeat is made up
authentically from the price quotations
of dealers in the leadiny articles of do-
mastic utility, clothing ani grods gen-
erally. Itshows a decidel reduction
of prices, necessarily attributable to
the reduction of tariff duties, the result.
being that one dollar will buy from 10
to 25 per cent more than it would last
In giving this convincing evidence
of the beneficent effects of the new
tariff, sabstantiated by comparative
quotations, the World says :
It costs less now to build a house than it
did a year ago. It costs less to carpet and fur-
nish it. And when you coms to live in it it
costs less to buy your canned vegetables, fish,
fruits and meats, your kitchen utensils, your
hardware, your clothing, your tinware, your
butter, cheese, eggs, shirts, drawers, sheets,
towels, rope, twine, oils, paints and pretty
nearly everything else that enters into daily
No wonder that the calamity howl
is derided and laughed at by those who
fini the cost of their living reduced
and see industrial prosperity reviving.
No wonder that the shopping women
are pleased with the effects of the
Democratic tariff.
Two Model Soldiers.
The attempt of Jack Love's support-
ers to help his judicial boom by giv-
ing him a military record, is calculated
to raise as loud a laugh among those
who know him as has been raisad by
the ridiculous eftort to make Hastings
a hero of the late war.
Love is represzated to have bravely
marched dowa into Fualtyn county and
served his country by guarding a rail-
roal against the rebels where there
never was a railroad, anl where there
| is not a foot of track even to this day.
Jack can’t expect to be railroaded
onto the beach by such a military ex-
| ploit, anl as for Dan, everybody
knows that he never saw any other
than militia service in the high salar-
ied offi se of Adjutant General, although
{ he claims that if his dal ly hadn’ tian-
terfered with a gad he would have
fought, bled and died in defence of the
old {lag in his early youth,
Something Which Editor Smith Should
Be Ashamed Of-
Editor Smith, of the Philadelphia
Press, is traveling with the HasTINGS
calamity caravan that is sounding its
notes of woe through the length and
breadth of this old commonwealth.
The part assigned him in the blue-rain
programme is being performed in a
manner that shows that he can get
down to questionable if not decidedly
mean methods for a partisan purpose:
Mr. Smit was in London some
months ago when chairman WiLsox,
of tariff reform fame, was also a visitor
in the English capital. It can hardly
be questioned that Mr. WiLsox had as
good a right to be there as Mr. Smita
had. He evidently had a more urgent
reason for being abroad, as a trip to
Europe had been recommended for the
repairment of his shattered health,
While in London Mr. WiLsoN receiv-
ed such public attention as is frequent-
ly accorded to distinguished Americans.
He was entertained with a dinner by
the London Chamber of Comtnerce
and on that occasion he made a speech,
which was customary and proper. If
there was anything in that speech that
particularly characterized it, it was the
plain assurance it gave its English
hearers that in consequence of a reform
of the American tariff the United
States were about to enter the markets
of the world and compete with the
English on a field which they have so
long almost exclusively controlled.
Editor Smite happening to be in
London at that time, comes home and
assumes to know more about that din-
ner aod that speech than ordinary peo-
ple who had an opportunity of reading
all about the matter in the newspaper
reports published at the time. Upon
his return to this country he at ounce
becomes a member of HasTING3’ great
aggregation of calamity howlers, and is
aes goed the role of rehashing the old
British free trade bugaboo by repre
senting chairman WiLsoN as having
doue something terrible to American
interests by attending and speaking at
a public dinner in London.
Editor Sita will have reason to be
ashamed of this after while. In fact,
after the present tariff shall have oper-
ated a year or two, not one of the fel-
| lows who compose Hastings’ carayan
will want anything said about’their
calamity tour through the State in the
campaign of 1894. Profound silence
on the subject will suit them best.
Our Candidate for Con gress.
The canvass which Aaron WiL-
L1AMS is making of the Tweaty-eighth
congressional district is most encurag-
ing indeed. No fear was anticipated
as to his being elected, but Mr. Wit-
L1AMS, not being content to sit at home
and wait until the vote is counted, has
taken up the active work of the cam-
paign for the good of the Democratic
ticket in the various counties in the
He is too honest and too true a man
for a voter to even hesitate between
casting a ballot for him or his oppo-
nent. The Republicans, everywhere,
are ashamed of their candidate and
well they should be. Oa the other
hand the Democrats are proud of the
man whom they will soon elect to
Congress, AAroN WILLIAMS is of that
type of manhood that holds honor
man’s dearest possession. He is a
sturdy, clean Democrat whom every-one
can support without fear of his ever
casting any bad reflection on the dis
trict that sends him to the nation’s cap-
itol as its representative.
Democratic Mass Meeting Tuesday
On next Tuesday night the chair-
man of the Democratic State commit-
tee, Hon. Jas. A. StraNaHAN, will be
in Bellefonte to address a mass meeting
in the Court House. He is on2 of the
ablest stump speakers in the State, not
given to oratorical rhapsodies, he
deals with facts in sach an entertain:
ing maaner that all are delighted who
hear him.
Tuesday night, Oct. 30th, in the
Court House at B:llefonte, a grand
Democratic rally. Be: there.
——When both JouN SHERMAN and
Tom Reep declare that the country
should have a rest trom tariff agita tion,
we may use Bey Harrison's simile
and say that the McKiNLey party is
“at the bottom of the vat.”
A Wilson Bill Blessing.
From the Pittsburg Post.
Why is it that such immende tin-
plate mills are to be constructed under
the beneficent influence of the Wilson
bill, while under the McKinley law
most of the mills that sprang into ex-
istence here and there over the country
where cheap-John, catch-penny af
fairs? Why is it? Because capital
ists know that the Wilson bill has
come to stay ; that it will be many
years before there will be any radical
changes in its general provisions;
that tin-plate manufacturing will boom
as it never boomed before, and that
reasonable fortunes are waiting to be
made for somebody out of this indus-
try. That is the reason why.
Every passing day viodicates anew
the wisdom of the Wilson bill. It
deals fairly with tin-plate maanufac-
turers, and they can afford to deal just
as fairly with their workmen.
Where The Calamity Howl Won't
From the Connellsville Courier. :
While General Hastings is preaching
his calamity sermons, business is every-
where reviving. Thisis bad for the
General, butit’s good for the country.
When the genial General comes into
Fayette county to-morrow, the Courier
cordially invites him to examine its
files and get some data as to the coke
trade before he makes his speech. The
precaution may save him from the re-
proach of making ridiculous statements.
The calamity howl won’t go in Fay-
ette and Westmoreland. We are main-
ly dependent upon a gigantic industry
that has within the past six weeks ex-
hibited wonderful activity. Whatever
may be said abcut it, certain it is that
the Wilson bill has had no evil effect
upon the Connellsville region.
Now They Don't Love Daniel.
From the Clearfleld Public Spirit.
The miners of Central Pennsylvania
will never support Daniel H. Hastings
for Governor. They had some dealings
with the “Hero of Johnstown” when
he was running the old Sterling plant
and they don’t want any more of him.
On May 20th, 1892, the miners of
Sterling held a mass meeting and passed
resolutions condemning Mr. Hastings
and his methods, and the said resoiu-
tions are still in existence. Dan made
a lot of promises and then wouldn’t
keep them, so the men got hot and
sent a committee to see him. He re-
newed the promises but that was all, as
the men never got any redress and they
couldn’t market the promises.
Tariff Reform Has Come to Stay.
From a Speech by Col. A. K. McClure.
Tariff reform has come, and it has
come to stay. It is to-day the one
great question that affects our people
from the eastern to the western seas,
from northern lakes to the jsouthern
“There are two causes whose flag I
will follow in or out of any party, aud
these are tariff reform and honest gov-
ernment. Tariff reform has had a fear-
ful battle, and why ? Because it was
fought against fearful odds and had to
pay the penalty of increased exactions
upon the people. But the people will
always trinmph as surely as the quiv-
ering needle settles to the pole.
The Wilson Bill Makes Good Prices for
From the Lock Haven Democrat.
The Falls Creek correspondent to the
DuBois Express says : We were talk-
ing to J. C. McManigal, of near Brook-
ville, yesterday. He informs us that
last spring he traded 100 pounds of
wool to Seth Bennet for blankets. Mr.
Bennet allowing him sixteen cents per
pound for his wool. Ten days after the
Wilson bill became a law he sold 100
pounds of the same kind of wool for
twenty-five cents per pound cash. This
is not in Sipe’s district, but in Heiner’s.
Let the reason be what it may the facts
are wool is advancing in price and
clothing coming down uuder a free
wool bill.
It Is Not Too Old to Work Yet.
From Tuesday’s Philadelphia Record.
Uncle Sam’s silver dollar celebrates
its centennial to-day. Exactly one
hundred years ago the first United
States silver dollar made its bow to the
American public from the doorway of
the old Philadelphia Mint. The. new
coin, with the American eagle, was
made after a design by Robert Scott,
the Mint’s first engraver, On July 18,
1794, the Bank of Maryland had made
the first deposit of silver. It consisted
of *coins of France” of the value of
$80,715,743, and these coins reappeared
in their transformed guise of American
dollars on the 156th day of the following
The Character of Republican Leaders.
From the Sledge Hammer.
The richest thing we have seen this
year is the statement that little Benny
Harrison will accept a nomination for
the presidency ‘as a duty to his coun-
try.” Now if Pullman can be induced
to take the Vice Presidency and assure
Carnegie the appointment of Secretary
of War every laboring man will hurry
to the polls to vote for—somebody else.
—Read the WATCHMAN,
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Lancaster is to have a new census.
—A fall of coal at North Mahanoy killed
Frank Workine.
—The town of Ramey is badly in need
of a public school building.
—The Chester Hallowe'en parade will
have 5000 men and boys in line,
—The next meeting of the State Board
of Pardons will be on October 3).
—Wife murderer William Garrett will
be tried in Lebanon in December.
—Typhoid fever is epidemic in St. Clair
and Branchdale, Schuylkill county.
—The Wernersville Asylum Monday re-
ceived 125 patients from Danville.
—The schools of Hollidaysburg have
been closed by a diphtheria epidemic.
—Little Joseph Sucavige’s body was
cut in two at Reading Tuesday by cars.
—Burglars blew open the post office safe
at Lebanon, Pa., and got $800 in money.
— Albert Lewis, the lumber king of Lu-
zerne county, has moved to Philadelphia.
—Schuylkill Seminary, located at Fred.
ericksburg, may be removed to Millers-
—A special session of the Dauphin
county court has been called for Decems-
ber 12.
—The Kintuerville (Bucks county) Sun.
day school on Sunday dedicated a new
—John Fielding, of Chester, was found
drowned in Chester Creek on Sunday
—Jersey Shore councilman were ar-
rested for keeping the streets in bad con-
—A runaway team dragged George
Berkheiser, at Summit Station, inflicting
critical injuries.
—Pottsville bakers have reduced the
price of bread from 8 cents a loaf to four
for a quarter.
—The 600 employees in Lehigh Valley
car shops at South Easton, will hereafter
work 44 hours a week.
—The body of Frank Treens, the sup.
posed victim of a murderer, was found in
a boiler house at McDonald.
—Two hundred and thirty-seven pretty
school teachers opened their institute in
Columbia county Monday.
—John Quinlan, a resident of Lock Ha.
ven, died Monday morning aged 66 years.
Death was the result of a fall.
—Two men named Andy Zenner and
Mike Rose were killed by the caving in of
a sewer in Altoona on Wednesday.
—District President John Reine has or.
ganized a braneh of the United Mine
Workers in America in Tremont.
—A Luzerne county man has secured
$5850 damages from the Lehigh Valley
Railroad for the killing of his wite.
—For an alleged attempt to blackmail
Mrs. John F. Heinitsh, of Lancaster,
Frank Bitner, of Reading, was arrested.
—Charged with flring an Imperial Slate
Company building, at Wind Gap, Reuben
Kilpatrick was on Tuesday sent to jail.
—Through the efforts of the Scranton
Clerks’ Assembly, the stores in that city
now remain closed after 6:30 o'clock p. m,
—The centennial celebration of the Sa be
bath day law will be held in William s-
port Tuesday and Wednesday of next
—Sergeant Isaac TF. Toland, of Comp any
B. Williamsport, died in the hospital,
that city, Tuesday night. He was 28
years old.
—A malady resembling cholera, which
caused three deaths at Tullytown, Bucks
county, has stirred the health authorities
to action.
—Victor L. !Ochoa, a Mexican revola-
tionist in jail at San Antonio, Tex., was
taken from prison Monday night by 15
masked friends.
—Colonel William Stuart, of England,
sole heir of William Penn's estate in
Pennsylvania, is on a visit this week to
his Luzerne eounty property.
—The assets of the Odd Fellow lodges
in Huntingdon county amount to $20,344,.
8). The order has 627 members in the
county and is flourishing in all respects.
—General Hastings learned at Scranton
Monday that the big North Iron Mill
worked full force on Saturday night, the
first time it bas run six days a week for
— A Johnstown man who stumbled over
a reg that had been placed in the side.
walk by the city engineer, hurting one of
his knees, is talking of suing the eity for
—Silver Creek Mining Company has
brought suit at Pottsville to get posses.
sion of the Earp coal tract and a breaker
at St. Clair, operated by W. W. Patterson
and D. E. Taylor.
—Judge Simonton, at Harrisburg, de-
eided against the Merchants’ and Manu.
facturers’ National Bank, Allegheny
county, in the case involving $5760.46
State tax on capital stock.
—The Groff homestead, of 103 acres,
Jefferson township, which 20 years ago
brought $100 per acre, was sold for $51 per
acre at public sale—giving an index of
the great fall in Berks county farm value.
—James Mitchell, who gives his place of
residence at Toledo, was arrested at
Clearfield on Wednesday and taken to
the Williamsport jail. He is charged
with the jewelry store burglary at Jersey
Shore a few nights ago.
—D. R, Kramer, a native of Huntingdon
but for the last eleven years a resident of
Johnstown, is dead at the age of 34 years.
John G. Reese, a prominent citizen of
Johnstown, alse died on Saturday night,
aged 51 years. And John V. Fleck, of
Wilmore, died on the same day, aged 46
—One hundred acres of ground in Dia.
mond Valley, Huntingdon county, a sa.
cred spot for deer hunters, and the best
hunting grounds in the eountry, have
been purchased by the Pittsburg Hunting
club. The purchase embraces some of
the wildest territory in the valley, and
deer in abundance are said to be found
—The Tussey Mountain Mining and
Smelting company has been. chartered
and was organized at Roaring Springs,
Blair county, last week. The following
are the officers for the ensuing year:
President, Hon. D. D. Morrell of Henriet-
ta, Pa; secretary and treasurer, W. S.
Nicodemus of Martinsburg, Pa.; manager,
W. 8. Taylor of Huntingdon, Pa.