Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 19, 1894, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—=8Soda water DAN is still on the go.
Those calamity wheels in his head keep
him moving.
—The LExow investigations still go
on in New York. And as & result many
of Gotham’s police will have 10 more
opportunities to beat.
—The only object there can be in
starting a new party at this time is to
give some sore heads, who have been
kicked out of some other synagogue, a
front seat.
—In Pennsylvanie we have to forco
men to take Demccratic nominations,
but it is different in New York, where
different factions of the party have three
tickets in the field.
—The New York Democrats are in a
sorry plight. They are so badly mixed
up in their petty jealousies that not-
withstanding three tickets in the field
there is no faction that is entirely suited.
—PFor the first time in thirty-three
years the work of the U.S. navy de-
partment is up to date, so says the re-
port of the Auditor of the Treasury.
Democrats here 1s a matter of which you
can be proud.
—There are plenty of Republicans
who would like to send the message,
BEAVER once received, to HASTINGS.
Dear HasTINGS, don’t talk, is thought
of by many if none have actually put
it in a message to DAN.
— McKINLEY and REED, in different
parts of the country, are telling different
stories. The former says his tariff only
will save the country. The latter thinks
if he is restored to the speakership of
the House everything will be all right.
—There are those who looked on Sun-
day’s snow with considerable alarm.
Philipsburg is about the only place that
experienced much of it in this county
and we suppose it fell there as a special
dispensation to prepare WOMELSDORF
for the bigger one that will fall on him
in November.
—Altoona will hardly survive this
last onslaught. The HAsTING'S cam-
paigners, CHAUNCEY BLACK’S Demo-
cratic clubs and the Epworth Leaguers
all within a week. If the little city
were not built on the mountains she
would surely have been pushed off of
her foundations by such contending
—HasTiNGs keeps his mouth shut
about semi-monthly wage payments
and company stores. He is afraid to
talk on such issues which are really of
some importance to wage earners. He
knows that his party will never enforce
these laws. The working people should
demand that he express himself on
these questions.
—Senator McPHERSON says he is go-
ing to get out of politics and does not
like to blame it on fear of defeat, so he
says his health will not permit further
public service. The Czar of all the
Russias is likely to get off the earth soon
and doesn’t like to admit that his health
is the cause, so he has announced thal
domestic troubles will kill kim. Verily,
men are sticklers for deception. Why is
it that so few own the truth.
—The attempt of Republican cam-
paign speakers to gull the people into
believing that HASTINGS is a veteran is
enough to disgust any truth loving man.
It seems strange to us that the General
should permit such lies to be used for
his sake. He surely knows that people
can have nothing but contempt for a
man who tries to get capital out of a
record he never made. All the military
record HASTINGS can claim has been
made in the National Guard and even
there nothing but his pomposity raised
gave him any destinction.
—The discovery that vice president
HowArDp of the American Rail-way
Union, has a pass over every big rail-
road in the United States except one, is
beginning to waken up the members of
the organization. Dens, HowarD and
the rest of the labor agitators have been
sucking two teats in the recent rail-road
strikes. They drew large salaries for
leading the strikers and are now riding
on passes from the companies they
fought. Surely they must have done
something in return for these latter
courtesies. The strike was a failure.
—— Is there anything significant in
this ?
—CAMERON expects to be the Popu-
list president some day, but that won't
interfere with having himself returned
to the U. S. Sepate by the Pennsyl-
vania legislature, It is too bad that n
great Stute like thie should be repre-
sented by two fellows, who wouldn't
make decent presents at a wooden wed-
ding, Pennsylvania voters should re-
member that they are voting directly
for a U. S. Senator when they vote for
a member of the Logislature or a State
Sepator, for these bodies elect the Na-
tional representative. Of ull men don't
vote for McQuowx. - He wears the
VOL. 39. _
A Source of Democratic Strength.
The fair and equitable character of
the income tax is a tower of strength
to the Democratic party. It commends
itself to the great multitude of plain
people, moderate in their circam-
stances, who have heretofore been com-
pelled to bear the chief burden of gov-
ernment taxation. They recognize the
fairness of making superfluous wealth
bear its due share.
The Republican leaders recognize
the popularity of the income tax, and
are not unaware of the advantage it
gives the Democratic party in an ap-
peal to the people. They dare not an-
tagonize that which they know the
people consider just and equitable.
Their conventions are silent about 1t,
They are afraid to condemn a Democrat-
ic measure which itis evident to them,
has the approval of ihe great mass of
common people. The calamity yawp
of their candidate for Governor is not
directed against the income tax. Itis
not to be supposed that a man who has
recently and suddenly acquired a large
income, as he has, ie favorably dispos-
ed toward the tax. He is silent about
it because, as a candidate, he is afraid
to touch the subject.
It is estimated that there are only
about 87,000 people, with incomes over
$4,000, who will have to pay the in-
come tax. The number is compara-
tively small, but they own the bulk of
the country’s wealth which has hither-
to escaped government taxation, The
tax is not an anjust imposition upcn
them. Ivisright that they should pay
their share of the government expense
which their wealth so abundantly en-
ables them to couvtribute. This num-
ber of income taxables includes the two
hundred millionaires and multi-mil-
lionaires, such as the Astors, the
GouLps, the RocKAFELLERS, the VaN-
personal wealth of the country, and
system of taxation than has been paid
by an equal number of workingmen.
The income tax also diminishes the
respect. The President must pay the
The Democratic Governor of Pennsyl-
their $10,000 salaries, and 85 on through
over $4,000.
The people recognize the fact that
here at last, through Democratic enact-
ment, is a tax founded upon just prin-
ciples and equitable in its design and
its effect. It is a thoroughly Demo-
cratic measure, and insures to the
Democratic party popular approval
that will be expressed at the polls.
——The Republicans are making no
effort 10 stop Hastings’ ridiculous ca-
lamity wail. They know he has learn-
ed his little speech “by heart” and it is
too late now for him to have another
one written and commit it to memory.
Just So, Candidate McQuown,
The Ciearfield Raftman’s Journal de-
voted a half column, in its last week’s
issue, in excoriation of the editor of the
WarcinmaN because this paper told its
readers that candidate MoQuown,
who is editor (?) of the Journal, the
Republican candidate for State Senate
and Quay’s Clearfield county cats paw,
all in one, “can’t, is too lazy or won't
try to edit his own paper.” The shoe
must have pinched a little else Mc-
Quowx wonld not have squealed so
However load his assartions may be
that be edits his paper himself we
know better and as for “the whole of
tire work’ on the Journal being ‘done
by one lazy man’ we do not gainsay
his ability to play the *devil,” bat
only want to warn the voters of the
34th district that hes would play the
same satanic part if elected to the
—- Love secured the endorsement
of Centre county, but in what way?
Never was a primary coatest so cor
rupt as his heachmen male th: one at
Quay collar and doesn’t deny it,
which he d:feated Furst,
the HuNTINGDONS, aud other plutocrats |
within that small number, who are
computed to own three-fourths of the
who individually have not paid more
to the government through the tariff
evil of high salaried officials by taxing |
There is no distinction ine this
tax on $46,000 of his $50,000 salary. |
vania and the Republican Mayor of |
Philadelphia are taxed on $6,000 of
the entire range of federal, State and |
county offices wherever the salary is;
BELLEFONTE, PA., OCT. 19, 1894.
A Blundering Oration.
In addresing the populace at Mari-
etta candidate Hastings spoke of the
pleasure he experienced in looking at
the beautiful scenery from Chigues
rock, but he pathetically added that
the only thing that marred his pleas-
ure was that ‘“he-did not hear the
breath or feel the throbbing of the en-
gine in the iron works at his feet.”
Of course be wanted to impress his
hearers with the beliet that the engine
of the Chiques furnace was silent in
consequence of Democratic free trade,
when everybody within sound of his
voice knew that that old furnace hasn't
been in operation for some years ; that
even the McKINLEY bill couldn’t set it
going. This is a specimen of the ab-
surd breaks which Danks is making
in his calamity orations.
Another specimen of his blundering
oratory was furnished by him at Lan-
caster where he held the Democrats
responsible for eighteen furnaces being
out of blast in that county. The fact
is there are thirteen, instead of eight-
een furnaces in Lancaster county, and
of this number ten went out of
blast under HarrIsoN’s administration,
and three since CLEVELAND went into
office. As most of them ceased opera-
tione on account of the expense and in-
| convenience in getting ore, it may be
expected that they will be profitably
worked since the Democrats have giv-
en them the advantage of untarriffed
iron ore.
There was about as much sense and
truth in Hastings telling his Lancas-
ter audience that the Democratic ad-
ministration is to be blamed for the
furnaces and other industrial works of
that county being idie as there would
be in his telling the people of Centre
county thatthe CoLLIN'S furnace, BEAv-
ER nail works, the Bellefonte glass
! works, Curtin’s works and other idle
Centre county industries were blighted
by Democratic rule, when every intel
ligent person in the county is fully
aware of the fact that they ceased to
operate before CLEVELAND was elected
and while the McKINLEY tariff was in
full force.
PDiscouragement Removed.
The evident cause of the great Re-
pablican majorities at last fall's and
, last February's elections ia this State
was Democratic discouragement and
dissatisfaction that kept thousands of
Democrats from going to the polls. The |
party strength existed, but it was not
(exerted. Doubt and ancertainty as to
the performance of party pledges and
the enforcement of Democratic policy
had a depressing effect which greatly
diminished the party vote, swelling
the Republican majorities by the ab-
sence of Democratic voters.
But this cause of discouragement
and displeasure bas been removed.
The party promises have been fulfilled,
and especially the passage of a Demo-
cratic tariff bill should invigorate the
Democracy and so encourage and satis-
fy the members of the party as to
bring the full Democratic voting force
to the polls,
A further encouragement is the as-
surance that factions in the organiza-
tion have been allayed. That the
party in Philadelphia is harmonious is
shown by the united and enthusiastic
support that is being given the State
ticket and every one of the congression-
al candidates. Every vestige of fac-
tional difference has disappeared, and
for the first time in many years the
Democratic organization is a harmon-
ious unit in thatcity. The country
Democrats can be assared that the
fullest vote they can poll will be
matched by an equal effort on the part
of the Philadelphia Democracy.
Associate Judge THomas RiLEY
is a candidate for re-election and the
Democrats all over the county should
stand by him. Te has been a careful,
faithful official whose past term on the
bench has marked him amply qualified
to fill the position to the satisfaction of
all. Centre is a Democratic county
and she should be presided over by a
Democratic court. Vote for RILEY.
Vote for BowEgR.
~—— Love is asking all the Metho-
dists to vote for him because he is a
Methodist. This is certainly getting
down pretty low tor a man who wants
to hold the exalted offie of president
A Strong Incentive.
The Democrats of New York State
have been aroused to united action by
the determination to prevent a Repub-
lican gerrymander from being made
part of the State constitution.
Having gained control of the consti-
tutional convention the Republicans of
that State have so manipulated the
formulation of the new constitution
that if it should be accepted by the
people at the next election it would
permanently establish as unequal and
unfair an apportionment in favor ef
their party as has been maintained for
years in Penusylvania by Republican
disregard for constitutional require-
It is to prevent the perpetration of
such an outrage that the candidacy of
Senator HiuL for Governor is enthusi-
astically accepted by Democrats who a
few monthsago were opposed to him
in the party organization. They are
ready to sink personal animosity and
factional difference in order that by
the resistance of a united organization
an intended outrage to the principle of
representative government may be pre-
vented, and the Democratic party be
protected from such a wrong.
The Democrats of Pennsylvania
should be aroused by thesame incen-
tive, For years they have been sub-
jected to an infamous gerrymauoder:
The dominant party continuously vio-
lates the constitution in maintaining an
unfair and unjust apportionment
Their candidate for Goveraor fails to
recognize this.great wrong asa State
issue. The large majority he expects
to gain upon a alse issue would en-
courage his party in the continuance
of this iniquity.
If there is anything that should call
every Democrat in this State to the
polls it should be the determination to
rebuke, and if possible, to correct an
ahuse of political power that has de-
prived the Pennsylvania Democrats of
the representation that rightfully and
constitutionally belongs to them.
| Making a Laughing Stock of Himself.
There is no limit to the absurdities
that crop out in candidate Dan's cam-
paign speeches. Evidently bothered
by the resumption of manufacturing
industries, he tells his hearers that
they shouldn't believe that the times
are getting better, notwithstanding they
have the evidence of improvement be-.
fore their eyes.
At Pottsville, last Saturday, he said,
“We read in the papers of the indus.
tries starting up, but you don’t read
that in the Republican papers; there-
fore Dax assured his audience that it
was not true. But the Republican
papers, like their candidate for Gover-
nor, are interested in suppressing items
of news relative to the resumption of
business and the industrial revival. I*
wouldn’t do for them to publish the
numerous casas of mills and factories
resuming operations when their design
is to carry the election by making the
voters believe that the Democratic
tariff has destroyed the industries.
Et must have made sensible people
in Pottsville laugh when Hastings’
told them not to believe that industrial
works were starting up, for the reason
that they “did not read that in thes»Re-
publican papers,” while at the time
they saw in their immediate neighbor-
hood a large steel mill and a number
of other manufactories that had “start
ed up’ with an increased force of work’
men ‘within the past month, and the.
Reading railroad carrying a largely in-
creased amount of coal to market.
Danzer is making a laughing-stock of
WonmeLsDoRrF, the Republican
nominee for Legislature, some time ago
pledged himself to the Republican club.
of Philipsburg never to vote for any
person for office except a Republican.
Are there any Democrats who will be
fools enough to vote for such a panti-
-—Why is it that the Republicans
insist on the tariff as the proper issue
in a State campaign ? The New York
Republicans are positive that it bas
nothing to do with State is:ues and
have lett it entirely out.
———1If. any Democrat knows one
good reason why he should not: vote
for SemorieLp and Foster for Assem-
bly we would like to hear from him,
NO. 41.
He Made a D—— Fool of Himself...
From the Butier Democralic Herald.
There is a farmer in the northern
part of this county who was the owner
of a flock of sheep early in the sum-.
mer. When the Wilson bill passed
congress this husbandman was stricken |
with a panic. He thought that every
thing that the Republican Press had
predicted had come to pass and he
straight-way went to a Republican
neighbor and sold his sheep for 75-
cents per head.
Since the passage of the bill, how:
ever, wool has gone up, the advance in
prices being from 10 to 12 per cent.
and the indications are that sheep will
be worth more the coming year than:
they have been for several seasons
past. Our farmer friend had been:
thinking the matter over and decided
that he had a misfit some how or other
and that his Democratic friends were
laughing at him. The other day he
went into Pat Burk’s store in Kazos-
City and when Pat asked him what he
thought of himself for selling his sheep
at 75 cents a head, he said : “I think I
made a d—- fool of myself.”
A Would Be Judge Parading Under
False Colors.
From the Coming Era.
The following 1s quoted from the cir--
cular handed out by the G. O. P., eon-
taining a short biographical sketch of
John G. Love, Esq., candidate for Presi-
dent Judge in this district:
“Inthe latter part of June he left
home and joined the military forces. He
started from Mt. Union and proceeded
down into Fulton county, where his
command was stationed for four or five
weeks guarding the Pennsylvania rail-.
road tracks, the destruction of which the
rebels were said to be contemplating, in
order to cut off transportation south ward
of the Union soldiers.”
Fulton county never had any rail-
road tracks within its boundaries, and
cannot even to-day boast of a single
toot of rail-road. How John G. Love
or any body else could guard rail-road
track in Fulton county in the sixties is
yet to be explained.
But Daniel Knows His
Heart Now.
Frora the Pittsburg Post.
The ‘Chronicle Telegraph’ agrees
with ex-Speaker Reed, Mr. Depew, and
Chairman Babcock, of the Republficla
congresional committee, that the tariff’
question should be dropped. This
leaves McKinley out in the eold, as he
is insisting it is a live issue. But after
all the denunciation of the Democratic
tariff, wnat a confession this is. that
Democratic tariff shall be accepted as a.
finality. Ifit were such an infamous
measure as the Republicans proclaimed
it to be, patriotism would demand agi-
tation for its repeal. Now, if the Re-.
publicans will shut up the calamity
wailing of Hastings and McKinley
everything will be in ship-shape.
Speech. By.
Caught By the Tide of Prosperity.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The good times have returned so sud+
denly that they have caught hosts of
people napping. Some of the wholesale
houses in this city which sell underwear
and hosiery all over the country have
found their stocks in these lines. ex- |
bausted ; and the orders. in hand can-
not be filied, as, not having foreseen
such a quick revival, the manufacturers
mediate requirements. Asa result the
country will have to go short on. under-
wear this winter, if it be not, indesd..
left sockless ; but, happily, free wool
blankets will holp to temper the rigors
of the season along with the sunshine
of prosperity now filling the land.
A Political Fraud,
From the Walla Walla, Wash. Statesman.
It should be stated plainly that Gow.
McKinley isa fraud. In all his-speech-
es so far, although challenged, he-has not
dared to express himself on the: momey
question, on the interference in. politics
of secret societies or anything exsept
that old chestnut that any schociboy
can discuss indefinitely—the tariff. And
on that he is wrong. McKinley is said
to be geod to his wife; for that praise
him ; bat in polities he is the biggest
fraud ever set up before the Aumerican
Singerly Wilk be Here on. Oct. 27.
From the Williaasport Sun.
Candidate Singerly may vot be an elo-
quent speaker, but he is perfectly able
to express himself in plain language, in
just such a manner too as the plain peo-
ple of the state like in a man who is
talking to them. Mr. Singerly’s short
speeches are therefore more effective
with the people than the long-winded,
labored crations which his competiter is
inflicting upon wearied audiences. Mr.
Singerly’s swinging round a vicele will
make thousands of votes for the Demo-
cratic ticket.
It Should Be Bower.
From the Jersey Shore Herald.
C. M. Bower, Esq., of Bellefonte, was
| nominated by acclamation for president
{ indge by the conferees of the Centre and
{ Huntingdon district, at Tyrone, on
| Saturday. He is. a Democrat in poli.
tics, an able lawyer and the peeple of
have only run their mills to meet im- |
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Palmyra, Lebanon county, has a ty”
phoid epidemic.
—Fifteen applications for divoree were
filed at Lancaster Monday.
—An engine at Bethlehem struck and
fatally hurt Samuel Gergen.
—An unknown mar was found hanging
dead in a barn near Ebensburg,
—An express wagon at Wilkesbarre ran
over and fatally hurt Otto Reese,
—Malignant diphtheria has closed all
the schools of Millville, Blair county.
—The Mifflin county: C. KE. convention
will be held at Readsville October 30.
—Morgan Watt, an officer of the navy,
wedded Miss Bessie MuDavis at York last
—A barbette weighing 500 tons for the
cruiser Oregon has just been finished at
—This season’s encampment of Nation,
al Guards at Gettsburg cost the State
about $249,000.
—Masked robbers imstimidated aged
Milo Guernsey and his wife at Hallstead
and then stole 100.
—A crank sent letters-to Mayor McKen-
na, of Pittsburg, on Menday threatening
riots and bloodshed.
—Dr. E. W. Arner, of Penobscot, was
run down and killed by a-Jersey Central
train near his home.
—At a wedding reception William De
Long was stabbed in the shoulder and
John Nemet is in jaik:
—Harnessmaker Charles. Niepalt wound
up a spree by shooting himself in the
breast at Pottsville.
—For selling potatoes at Lynnport, Le-
high county, without. a license, C. K.
Henry was fined $50.
—Fooling with a revolver at Miners’
Mills, Luzerne county, Mike Rostik fatal-
ly shot John Resposki.
—Cashier Jesse V. Gilsey, ofthe Drovers
and Mechanics’ Bank at York, died of two
pistol wounds, self inflicted.
—The next Legislature will be asked to
put a bounty upon the heads of king-fish-
ers, which eat young trout.
—Beside $150 in casli robbers at Joseph
Klingensmith’'s store, near Leechburg,
got$5000 in notes and bonds.
—A new Masonietemple is talked of at
Pittsburg, to be built on the plan of Phila.
delphia’s splendid temple.
—By the capture of Charles Williams,
Pottsville police think they have solved
the clue to many robberies.
—Dubsite Evangelicals numbering 460
surrendered the Shamokin church to the
Bowman faction on Monday.
—Struck on the foot ten days ago by a
lump of coal at St. Clair, William Gorman
expired of leckjaw on Monday.
—For the loss of an arm in a street ear
collision at Allegheny City, young Har-
vey Harrison got $7000.damages.
—An extra week.of criminal Court will
be held in Schuylkill ¢ounty next month
to dispose of the great number of cases.
—Only the-pennies in a weighing ma-
chine were secured. by burglars as the’
Reading Railroad station in Werners-
—The receivers ef the Ridgway (Pa.)
Bank, which closed its doors on Jane 22,
1894, have declared: a dividend o£20 per
—Governor Pattison granted a.requisi-
tion for Murderer Gurret, of Lebanon, re-
cently caught at Columbus, O., en Mon -
—John Carl, avesident of Hollidaysburg
for the past fifty years, died at his resi-
dence in that place of paralysis, aged 77
—Lewistown XE6dge, No. 97, Independent
Order Qdd: Fellows, will celebrate their
fiftieth anniversary on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 24th,
—In honor of Director Rigelow’s work
for Rittsburg’s parks, the Leader raised a
fund of $12,500, and his statue in bronze
will be ereeted.
—Venerable Major Levi Huber, one of
the oldest Pennsylvania Masons, celebaa-
ted his and Mrs. Huber’s-golden wedding
at, Pottswille Tuesday.
—Ex.€ouncilman Richard Armstrsag,
‘of Allegheny City, was.fined $25 and.sent
ito jail for a month for attempting to
bribe a Councilman...
—1I is claimed that a Polish weman
named Backlacki, at. Bdwardsville, Lu-
zerne county, carried her dead infant in
her arms several days.
—Allegheny ceunty Court appointed
Heaury Warner tpsestle up the. state of
E. M. Byers, the irom manufacturer, who
isin a Philadelphia asylum.
—Having committed suicide in his tai-
lor shop at Bellwood, Blair county, &
week ago, E. I, Hartley's body was not
discovered until Saturday.
—Sidney Drew’s theatrical company
having been loeked out of ithe Allentown
Academx "of Music, the aetor will sue
Managex Mishler for damages.
—Pottsvilie’s Benevolent Associatiom
which last winter distribated 50) tons of
coal, has reorganized with ex. Assembly -
man &. W. Kennedy, president.
—A ballet from a Flobert rifle fired
through his office window at South Beth-
lehem, missed by but, an inch the head of
General Manager J. P. Wetherill, of the
Lehigh Zine Works.
—Stockholders of the Junction Rail.
' way, Allegheny county, held a meeting at
Pitsburg Monday and re elected Thomas
M. Kink, of the B. & O., president. An-
nual net receipts;fell off nearly $20,000 dur-
ing 1893
—While working in DuBois’ mill at Du-
Boison Friday, Sutton Davis was killed
by having a stick fly off the edging ma-
chine aad penetrate his bowels. The wif e
of the dead man was brought home a few
days ago from the Danville asylum, in
whieh institution she had been for nine
— October 24 the thirteenth national
eonvention of the Woman's Home Mis-
sionary society of the Methodist Episco -
pal ehureh will convene in the Mulberry
street M. RE. church, Williamsport.
! Among those who will attend from differ.
| ent parts of the United States are Mrs.
Clinton B. Fish, the national president ;
Mrs. J. W. Mendenhall, whose husband
was editor of the Methodist Review ; Mrs.
that district will make no mistake in
electing him at the coming election.
Rust, wife of the pioneer in the Freed.
man’s Aid society aud others,