Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 12, 1894, Image 1

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    Denoreatic Waldman,
Ink Slings.
—DAvE HILL gave the State of New
York to Democracy. Now let the com-
pliment be repaid.
—If Japan keeps on killing off the
Chinese we will have her to blame if
the land is over-run with “lats.”’
—If there was only a little more time
before the election the Republicans
would effectually cook their goose, by
the lies they are telling.
—Every day candidates SCHOFIELD
and FosTER are showing the pecple
more conclusively that they are the men
to be sent to the Legislature.
—The calamity howler is out of a job.
Nothing remains for him to do now but
try to drown the hum of industry with
his discordant harangues on poverty.
—They ara barbecuing oxen in honor
of Congressman WiLsoN in his district
in West Virginia a sign that he will
steer his way back to Washington.
—AARON WILLIAMS is the Democrat-
ic candidate for Congress. He should
and will be elected because the people of
this district prefer to have a man with
some character represent them.
—The wholesale price of granulated
sugaris nearly a half a cent lower per
pound to-day than it was this time last
year. Democrats remember this fact, it
will help you to nail Republican lies.
—The convention of young Demo-
crats at Altoona to-day will be evidence
that this State is not going unani-
mously for DAN at least. The delega-
tion from this county will carry great
significance with it.
—Just what has given ground for
such an impression we cannot conceive,
but really there are people, scattered
through the State, who imagine that
HASTINGS is going to carry Centre
county. He won’t come near it.
—The man who has been able to find
anything more than good fellowship in
candidate HASTINGS is a curiosity in-
deed. DAN pops and fizzes, just like a
bottle of soda, when he meets a stranger,
but it is all over in a second and like
the soda he gets flat very quick.
— When such men as Wm. M. SIn-
GERLY and THos. COLLINS come before
the people for their suffrage there should
not be a particle of doubt as to what to
do. Vote for them. It is too seldom
that men of such type will permit
themselves to be made candidates for
public office.
—The Love people boasted at the
Tyrone convention that they would carry
Centre county by two thousand majority.
Democrats what do you think of this ?
They are presuming very much on a
strength that Jack can never gather.
* He is not the man for judge and every
one knows it,
—The Chilean government has al-
ready paid uncle Sam the indemnity of
$250,000 awarded for the indignities
heaped upon us during the unpleasant-
ness in South America. She will an-
derstand now what it means to monkey
with a power that is great enough to
bring her to time.
—Already candidate JAck LOVE is
trying to work the Methodist church
into his campaign. A man who will
try to mix politics and religion is not
fit for a seat on the judicial bench,
Voters remember that when a man asks
others to vote for him because he is a
member of any particular church he
has struck a blow at the constitution of
the United States.
—Look at the difference in the char-
acter of the men on the Democratic and
Republican tickets. There is not a true
minded resident in the State who will
not say that you might as well compare
the sputtering flicker of a tallow dip to
the effulgent brilliancy of the sun as try
to say that the Republican office grab-
bers are of the same standard as those
Democrats who have reluctantly con-
tented to represent their party in this
—The papers from every town which
Hastings and his party have visited
thus far have called soda-water DAN
down for telling things that are not
true. Verily he must be awfully fat-
witted to think that the intelligent peo-
ple of Pennsylvania are going to be
gulled into believing what he says.
When such old line Republican papers
as the Philadelphia Public Ledger call
his talks “tom foolery” thers must be
something wrong.
—There are'a great many people who
are convinced that the exalted office of
judge should be taken away from intri-
guing politicsand made an appointive
position. They are firm in their con-
victions now that they have seen the
dirty means to which the Love people
rasorted to secure the nomination of
their man. These people can vote for
Mr. Bower with the assurance that his
election will give a good, clean, honest
man to preside over our lives and our
liberties and that they need have n»
fear of his being either vindictive or
yA yvVe
“VOL. 39.
BELLEFONTE, PA., OCT. 12, 1894.
NO. 40.
The Reduction of Official Salaries.
It is extremely doubtful whether
there is occasion or room for another
political party, but Mr. J. B. Corey
of Bradford, Pa., thinks there is, and
he is devoting himself to the duty of
bringing another party into the field.
Its platform is limited in its demand,
as his object is to battle with but one
of the many political evils with which
the country is afflicted. It has but
one plank, demanding the reduction ot
the salaries of public officials, and with
the object of effecting this reform he
starts his new party, kills an ox, and
invites all who are willing to rally for
the principle of lower public salaries
to come and participate in the barbe-
It cannot be denied that there is
considerable basis for Mr. Corey's ob-
jection to the large and increasing
amount of public money that is being
diverted to the questionable purpose of
paying large official salaries, but it is
an evil that cannot be corrected by the
process he proposes. If he will study
its growth he will find that its greatest
development has occurred during the
last twenty-five years, under Republi
can administration. The Republicans
not only created a multitude of new
officers, but they also largely and gen-
erally iucreased official salaries. The
most practicable way of correcting this
evil will be to put out and keep out of
power the party that has been chiefly
responsible for it.
The reckless mauner in which the
Republicans fastened unnecessary of-
ficial expense upon the country was
shown in their passage of the Force
bill. That measure created thousands
of new officers who not only absorbed
an undue portion of the public reve
nues, but enforced a despotic super-
vision over the elections. By repealing
that odious law the Democrats have
in one particular effected the object
for which Mr. Corey thinks a new
party should be organized. The sala-
ries were wiped out by wiping out the
The Democratic party has always |
been the party of economical admin-
istration and moderate public ex-
penses. Upon its return to power, af-
ter a long period of Republican official
extravagance, it cannot be expected |
that it can immediately effect a reform
in the salaries of public officers, but it
has already done the next best thing
to their general reduction—it has
taxed them. Under the Democratic
income tax law every official salary
over a certain amount, from the Presi-
dent's down to those of State and
county officials, is subjected to taxa-
tion. It is in effect a reduction of sala-
ries, and as it virtually effects the ob-
ject for which Mr. Corey would found
a new party, bad he not better join the
Democratic party and help to strength-
en it in its further efforts to reform the
abuses which the Republicans intro-
duced into the official management of
the government.
Daniel on the Reduction of Wages.
Io the repetitions of his stump speech
Hastings regularly brings in the ques-
tion “if any one knows a single man
whose wages were reduced by the M-
KiNLEY tariff 2"
The General had better explain the
cause of the Homestead strike. If the
McKinLey tariff dida’t causes the re-
duction of wages that brought on that
difficulty, the cut certainly was made
while that tariff was in full swing and
before CLEVELAND was elected.
He should also explain how it hap-
pened that as soon as the Trenton pot
tery works obtained about a hundred
per cent. increase of protection through
the MoKiNuey tariff its workmen
were treated to a cut in their wages.
There were strikes in the coal, the
coke, the iron, and particularly in the
textile industries, caused by a reduc:
tion of wages, between the time the
McKinLey bill was passed and the
election of Creveranp. The occur-
rence of these troubles filled columns
of the daily papers.
Some one in Hastings’ audiences
should insist upon jhis explaining why
these wage reductions were made un-
der a tariff which he says never re
duced any man’s wages. It would
give variety to his dissourses which
have grown to be very monotonous.
——Read the WATCHMAN,
Imbecility on the Stump.
The Republican papers that repre-
sent HAsTING'S stumpirg tour through
the State as a perfect ovation, and
speak of his oratory as exciting the en-
thusiasm of fabulous crowds that as-
semble to hear him, are nevertheless
careful not to publish what he says.
When a stump speaker of ability and
reputation, who has something to say
worth hearing and worth reporting ad-
dresses the people, his party papers are
eager to republish his remarks, but
the Republican sheets don’¢ print their
candidate's campaign harangues for
the reason that they do not want it to
appear in cold type what ridiculous po-
litical slush he is getting off.
The Philadelphia Record, however,
is not willing that the public at large
should not have the benefit of the Gen-
eral’s political wisdom and campaign
eloquence, and is publishing the con-
glomerate nonsense, consisting of a
combination of mistakes, mis-state-
ments, misapprehensions and frivoli-
ties which he is working off as politi-
cal arguments, to convince the voters
that the welfare of the State requires
that its government should continue in
the control of Quay’s party.
A fair specimen of the imbecility
that pervades the General’s speeches is
his explanation of what brought on
the financial depression. He says that
as soon as foreign holders of American
securities heard that a “free trade”
tariff, as he calls it, was going to be
passed, they became alarmed and sent
the securities back for payment, there-
by draining this country of its gold,
and thus bringing on (he collapse.
Persons with intelligence enongh to
know anything about the financial
situation know that when the CLevE-
LAND administration came in it found
the treasury so exhausted by
the extravagance and mis-man-
agement of the previous adminis-
tration that the governmeat was prac-
tically unable to pay its debts. As
a natural consequence the public credit
at once became impaired, affecting the
general business cradit of the country.
Then began the flow ot gold to Europe
“on the demand of alarmed foreign
| holders of American securities, who
were afraid to continue holding them,
| with the United States treasury de-
| pleted and the government credit in
' the condition in which a Republican
administration had left it.
The idiocy of HastiNes' assertion
that the drain of gold to Europe was
caused by the apprehension that a
Democratic tariff was going to be
passed, is exposed by the fact that such
a tariff, the mere anticipation of
which, he says, frightened foreign
bondholders into withdrawing their
gold from this country, has since been
actually passed, and the gold is return-
ing from Europe. It is coming back
because the public credit has been re-
stored by a Democratic administra-
An Issue Which Hastings Shirks,
There are some State issues which
candidate HasTINGs has reason to be
shy of, although he shows a disposi-
tion to shirk them all. The question
of the semi-monthly payment of wages
to employes, and of “pluck-me’’ stores
at which workmen are compelled to
deal, come home to him personally as
a coal operator and an employer of la-
bor. He has not yet stated in any of
his speeches what his views are on
these subjects.
The fair and honest payment of la
borers employed by companies and
corporations has been made so much
of a State issue that a law has been
passed requiring thal they shall be
paid twice a month, so that they may
derive a greater. benefit from their
wages and not to be forced before the
end of the month to resort to the com-
pany store for credit, This law is gen-
erally either evaded or directly viola-
ted. What does candidate Hastinas
think of the violation of a law so
clearly just and so evidently intended
for the benefit of laboring people ? As
he says nothing about it he probably
considers it an issue that is not worth
bringing into a State campaign.
Another law has been passed, the
object of which is to prevent the com-
pany store extortion, This law is al-
so generally disregarded. Does the
Republican candidate for Governor
think that it ought to be enforced,
or does he believe that it is of no
consequence whether laboringmen are
fleeced at the “pluck-me’’ store or not ?
He is traveling about the State just
now telling the working peo-
ple how they have been injured by
the Democratic tariff, but would it not
be more satisfactory to them if he
should let them know how he, if elec-
ted Governor, would act in regard to
State laws passed especially to pro-
mote the interest of labor, but gen-
erally violated by companies and con-
It might not be uninteresting to the
working people, it coal operator Hast-
1NGs would let the working class know
how the company of which he is the
leading member has acted in its treat
ment of the law which requires semi-
monthly payment of wages and pro-
hibits “pluck-me” stores. It is a mat-
ter that might be more interesting to
them than his oratorical tribute to the
beauties of MoKINLEYISM.
Time for Mr. Caldwell to Retire.
The decision of the Dauphin coun-
ty court, consisting of two Republican
Judges, on Monday last, knocks out
the new rule adopted by this Sena-
torial district, for making nominations,
and virtually proclaims that no
change from the old conferee system
can be made without the unanimous
consent of all the counties in the dis-
trict. To dispute now with the Judges
as to the correctness of a judicial de-
cision that deniesto two counties the
power to make a legal nomination, as
against the protest of one, would be a
waste of words and space. Partisan
advantage, over-weighed the rights of
the Democratic people of Centre and
Clearfield and in the hope of defeating
the Democratic nominee ia this dis-
trict an opinion, that even that parti-
gan court will be ashamed of in the
future, was handed down. Under it
neither Mr. SAvAGE nor Mr. CALDWELL
ara legally the party nominees, al-
though both have filed nomination
papers and their names will appear
upon the ticket, notwiths:anding the
opinions of the court.
So far as sustaining his position, that
Clinton county is entitled to equal
representation in the Senatorial con-
ference, is concerned, Mr. CALDWELL
has succeeded. This was the fight his
friends and himself professed to be
making. Théy knew they had no right
t> claim the nomination, as against
the unanimous action of the other two
counties, and excused their action in the
case with the assertion that they were
objecting to Mr. SavacE's nomination
only on the grouni that if they sub-
mitted now without testing the legality
of the new rules, they would be com-
pelled to accept them as the rules
hereafter. The court sustained them
on this one point, and decidedly and
effectively knocked them out in their
claim to any nomination.
What, now, are they going to do
about it? A farther contest will only
show that their effort was not to pre-
serve their equality in conferences, but
to disrupt and distract the Damocratic
party and to hand this district over to
the Republicans. Do they want to do
this ? Centre and Clearfield recognizes
that Mr, Savage is the regular nomi-
nee. They will submit to the decision
of the court as tothe matter of future
representation, but insist now, and will
insiet, that in a district containing three
counties, two of them have a right to
nominate, regardless of the number of
votes cast in the convention.
As Mr. CaLpwELL makes no claim
to the regular nomination, if he is a
Democrat and worthy the confidence
or support of his people, he will lose
no time in withdrawing his papers and
joining in the support ot Mr, Savaag,
whois recognized as the nominee by
both Clearfield and Centre counties.
——What the country now needs
most is rest from exeitement that dis-
turbs business. The people by a large
majority asked that a tariff which was
too high should be reduced and amend-
ed. This has been done by the pas-
sage of a fair and moderate tariff bill
which in most of its features. offers
great advantages to manufacturers.
It is the part of wisdom to give this
measure a fair trial and not retard its
operations by political coutention.
Those who are denouncing the new
tarift have no other object than to
make votes. They are willing to keep
prosperity in suspense if they may be.
able to carry the election. The
calamity howler . obstructor of
business. He is the enemy of the
business man and the laboring man,
Hastings Must Stop Such Lies.
From the Brookville Jeffersonian.
A candidate for Governor ought to
be candid, honest and wrathful in all
his statements on the stump, remarks
the Jeffersonian Democrat. General
Hastings does not meet these require
ments. In his speech at Jeanette the
other day he said of the McKinley
tarift law : “It closed no industrial es-
tablishments. It reduced no man’s
wages,” From October 6, 1890, to
October 6, 1892, while the McKinley
law bad full sway, and before Presi-
dent Cleveland was elected, there were
1,200 strikes and lockouts in the Unit-
ed States because of reductions of
wages in protected industries. During
this same period, with the McKinley
law occupying the entire field, the
military forces of New York, Pennsyl-
vania, Tennessee and Wyoming had to
be called out to suppress labor disturb-
ances consequent on reductions of
wages in protected industries in these
States. Yet General Hastings says
McKinleyism reduced no man’s wages,
and closed no industrial establishment.
Has he 80 soon forgotten Homestead ?
Or does he think the people have so
soon forgotten it? During the Me-
Kinley Tariff law there were constant
successions of labor strikes, reductions
In wages, military interventions and
wars on labor organizations, and al-
most without exception these were in
the protected industries, And during
this time there were no advances in
wages as a result of the McKinley
law, What slight advances did occur
were due to labor unions, and not to
Protection. Oa the contrary, reduc-
tion of wages was the rule. In the
face of these facts, which are ot such
recent occurrence, General Hastings’
statements are an insult to the intelli-
gence of the people of Pennsylvania,
as well as a falsification of history.
What Free Wool Means to the United
From the Washington Post.
The Washington Post prints the fol-
lowing interview with the representa-
tive of a London house that makes gar-
ments for city swells in America who
affect foreign styles and fabrics, He
The new tariff law will not make
much differenze in the price of men’s
wearing apparel, the tendency being to
somewhat cheapen the cost. A $60 suit
after the 1st of January next caw be fur-
nished for about $50, or perhaps a little
less. What will make a great differ-
ence in the course of a few years is the
adoption of free wool. The abolition
of a duty on wool is the greatest thing
aver done for the American publia. I
am sorry, as an Englishman and look-
ing at it purely from a selfish point of
view, tosee your Congress put wool on
the free list. It means a larger con-
sumption of the raw material, more
woolen factories, better prices for the
sheep raisers, enlarged demand for labor
and finally it will, inside of ten years,
completely drive European fabrics from
this country.
You will make fine grades of cloth
before long, that heretofore it has been
impossible to manufacturs in this coun-
try and become a competitor of England
and other countries in the markets of
the world.
Hastings and Beaver's Stories,
From the Hughesville Mail.
General Hastings and ex-Governor
Beaver had better get together before
speaking in the same town, or their
arguments might conflict, as was the
case in Bloomsburg last week. The
Sentinel says: :
In his speech in the Court House
Wednesday night ex-Governor Beaver
said there was no such thing as abso-
lute free trade, that neither the Demo-
crats nor the Republicans advocate it,
but that the Democrats were for tariff
for revenue only. Almost at the same
time the Republican candidate for Gov-
ernor, General Hastings, over in the
Opera House said in substance that the
Democrats were for absolute free trade
trade and that when a vote was cast
for a Democratic nominee it was for
free trade and low wages and breaking
up of banks.
Born Under an Unlucky Star.
From the Clearfield Public Spirit,
It is indeed terrible to think that
Dan. Hasting’s parents did’nt have him
arrive in this country several years soon-
er in order that he could have gone into
the thick of the fray from 61 to 65 and
helped lick the rebels. Dan. is a great
general, be conquered the miners at the
Sterling Colhery in 1892 and came out
cat bird at Johnstown in 1889. !
They Will Have to Huut Them in
From the Lock Haven Democrat.
Some of Clearfield’s young ladies talk
of forming an organization, pledging
themselves never to marry a man who
is not intelligent, honest and industri
ous, good natured, cleanly in person and
apparel, healthy, sober, a church mem-
ber and a total abstainer from liquors,
tobacco and profanity.
O Me, O My!
From the Walla Walla, Wash., Statesman.
Carnegie has lost favor with the re
publican party, not because he sold
rotten armorplate to the government,
but because he has weakened in his
support of protection, It was that
vile system which made the Carnegies
gie's plates, is full of “blow holea.”
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Harrisburg hase, training school fo
domestic servants.
—The “Free Lance” is the name of a new
evening paper at Scranton.
—Fifty pairs of shoes were stolen from
the Ashland shoe factory.
—The Thirteenth Regiment N. G. P.
visited Binghamton, N. Y.
—Lebanon has organized a military
company with 50 members.
—The recent fairs at Bethlehem cost
$3000 more than it received.
—Suburban street lighting at Harris,
burg has been discontinued.
—Brakeman John Hughes was killed
while coupling cars at Palo Alto.
—The Pennsylvania Tax Commission
have a meeting at Harrisburg Tuesday.
—Nearly $500 worth of eloth was stolen
from Frank Kappler’s Allentown store.
—Mayor Shanaman, of Reading, has in-
vited all dissatisfied policemen to resign
—Reading’s policemen are not attired
‘neatly enough to suit public opinion
—County Commissioners of Pennsylva.
nia held a convention Tuesday at Potts.
—Falling from a chestnut tree, near
Lancaster, Little John Reitzler was fatal.
ly hurt.
—Reading banks reports greatly in.
creased activity in business, measured by
their loans.
—The Columbia Ministerial Association
has started a crusade against indecent
bill posters.
—While hunting at Girardville, Herman
Kable was attacked by a wildcat, which
he finally shot.
—By a fall of coal at Preston, No.3
mine, Michael Horn, of Girardville, was
instantly killed.
—Since August 9 there have been in the
the State 21 cases of smallpox, two of
which were fatal.
—Thousands of fish overcome by sul’
phur water from a furnace were easily
caught at Womelsdorf.
—Playing with an old revolver at Wey"
nersville, little Howard Hassler shot him*
self, perhaps fatally.
—A train near McKeesport cut in two
Peter O’Brien, who had stooped to assist
a sick man from the track.
—The horse thief, Tom Cartwright, who
stole a team at Nazareth, was captured at
Tunkhannock, Saturday.
—The Pennsylvania Antietam Battle®
field Commission visited the battlefield to
mark the lines on Tuesday.
—State Agricultural Secretary Edge
will report to the next Legislature gross
irregularities in farm taxation.
| =—Ammon Specht has been appointed
| postmaster at Fredericksville, Berks
county, vice J. H. Frey, resigned.
—Many cars were smashed in a freight
wreck on the Pennsylvania Railroad near
Bailey's Station, Middle division,
—Governor Pattisonattending the dedi.
cation on Tuesday of the Traveling Sales.
men’s Home at Binghamton, N. Y.
—Vagrants in jail at Allentown will be
condemned to carry pig iron of the weight
of 175 pounds all day as punishment.
—The Pennsylvania State Music teach
ers’ Association will hold their annual re-
union in Harrisburg in December.
—A Coroner’s jury at Lebanon Monday
set at rest the suspicions of foul play in
the case of wealthy John Mumford.
—Smaller towns in the State want a law
in reference to tampering with fire alarm
boxes similar to the Philadelphia law.
— The deserted wife of Frederick Grein.
er, a Lancaster butcher, has been search «
ing for her husband since Monday last.
—Lyon & Co., Altoona stationers, on
trial for defrauding Philadelphia and
New York houses were acquitted, Friday.
—Captain George W. Kelly. chief clerk
to the Adjutant General at Harrisburg, is
the sole survivor of the Curtin adminis.
—The Northampton County Agricultur-«
al Fair, at Nazareth, closed Friday with
the largest attendance in the history of
the society.
—Burglars burned the Philadelphia &
Reading station at Bowers and robbed
the safe of Schwayer & Leiss’ marble yard
near that place.
—Spangler & Arris’ grocery store, Cham.
bersburg, was looted of $76 by two boys in
broad daylight, and the young robbers
were captured.
—The body of missing young Warner
Arnold, of Shickshinny, was found man.
gled on the railroad between Mocanetqua
and Wilkesbarre.
—Charged with robbing the Lehigh Val.
ley station at Freeland and Drifton,
James McGinn and Francis Gallagher
were nabbed, Saturday.
—For alleged unlawful imprisonment
Burgess John Sykes, of Throop, Lacka-
wanna County, has sued Stephen Ather-
ton for $10,000 damages.
—In accordance with the Supreme
Court's decision, Judge Albright has ore
dered the Dubsite Evangelicals to vacate
the Lehigh county ¢hurches.
The reinains of E. B. Leisenring, presi.
dent of the Lehigh Navigation Company,
arrived at Mauch Chunk from Europe,
Monday and were buried next day.
—The Antietam Battlefield Commission
proceeded from Harrisburg to the field to
locate the position of the Pennsylvania
troops in that great conflict, on Wednes.
—Dr. Weaver, surgeon of the Ninth
Regiment, National Guard, says the troops
in Luzerne County certainly eontracted
typhoid fever from Private Seitz at Get.
—Frank W. Hay, one of Johnstown’'s
oldest and most highly esteemed citizens
and business men, after an iliness of less
than two weeks’ duration, died at his
home on Monday night.
—Survivors of Company H. Third Penn.
sylvania Cavalry, will have a reunion to
morrow, at Roxbury, Franklin county, at
which John C. Wagner, ex-Senator S. C.
Wagner and others will speak.
—At Beech Creck a few days ago Miss
Mable Moore was charged upon by an an-
grycow, but with the aid of a satchel,
Republicanism, like Carne |
which the young lady had in her hands,
she defended herself. The satchel was
torn into pieces by the cow’s horn.