Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 28, 1894, Image 1

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    I AT ic —
Ink Slings.
—Philadelphia ~~ Democrats, like
Philadelphia water, are slightly off
—FLOWER is the Democratic posy of
New York, bat he is tired growing in
the Gubernatorial gardens at Albany.
—Be a man. If you have an opinion,
stick to it until you are satisfied you are
in error. The lack of stamina is the
cause of more failures in manhood than
any other thing.
—-If the Japs force an entrance to
Pekin, the Chinese will be a fallen race
and “the flowers that bloom in the
Spring” will have had nothing to do
with the case.
—Every voter should have enough
interest in the welfare of the govern-
ment, both national and local, to pay
his own taxes and not leave it fora
political party to do, thereby practically
selling his franchise.
--The Republicans continual cry :
‘Let us conduct a clean campaign this
Fall 7” What is it they are afraid of
that they are so anxious lest the Demo-
crats begin to enquire into the personel
of their candidates ?
—The English cricketers defeated the
gentlemen of Philadelphia in the inter-
national match, on Monday, by one-
hundred thirty-one runs. Old Lord
HAWKE will preen his feathers in great
style over this.
—HASTING'S still goes on with the
calamity howl, entirely ignoring the
platform on which he is afraid to stand.
His party declared for a $40 per capita
currency, but DAN knows if he advocat-
ed such an inflation the wind it would
raise would bust him.
—If the grangers had been paid
ground rent for all the bits of their park
that were carried away from Centre
Hall, last week, on the shoes of the visi-
tors the Centre county organization
would be so rich that it would not care
if wheat never gets above fifty cents.
—The determination of FRANK JAMES,
the ex-convict and desperado, to bring
his seventeen year old son up ‘‘a quiet
steady, sober man,’ does credit to one
whose past has been coupled with some
of the blackest crimes ever committed.
The man who once tastes crime’s bitter
dregs will never advise others to follow
in his footsteps.
—The changing of the name of the
post-office at Appomatox to ‘‘Suarren-
der’ is rightly causing considerable in-
dignation among the people in the
South. When they have giver every
evidence of wanling to forget the past
there is no sense in parading it forever
before their eyes in the name of a post-
office. Let by gone be by gone.
—Why don’t Hastings. and his
crowd of statesmen, who are now junket-
ing around blarneying the people, come
down to State issues and stop the calam-
ity howl? Thereis one thing certain
if they don’t stop lying about the cause
of the late business slump there will be
some guns turned on them that will
give them something worth howling
—The Hon. Benj. M. NEaD, of
Harrisburg, was nominated the Demo-
cratic candidate in the Fourteenth Con-
gressional district and appointed re-
ceiver of the suspended Middletown
National bank, both on the same day.
The latter position will supply his needs
in getting the former. His name is
certainly a misnomer when such luck
befalls him.
—1It seems strange that after making
all manner of charges against him Con-
gressman JACK RoBINsoN should be
riding around with the HASTINGS’
boomers advising people to vote for
WALTER Lyon, the Republican candi-
date for Lientenant Governor. Before
the nomination, when JACK was aspir-
ing for Lyon’s present place, his friends
could not say enough mean things about
the Pittsburger, but now he is touring
the State making himself outa dema-
gogue by advising all to vote for his
successful opponent.
--The Philadelphia Evening Tele-
graph so far forgets itself, in a vitupera-
tive attack on negro Democrats, as to
say : “The freedom, the citizenship,
‘the equality before the law, every polit-
“jcal advantaze and some social ones
‘‘which they all of them enjoy, they owe
“to the Republican party, which sacri-
‘‘ficed blood and treasure to free them
‘from slavery, which contended as
“strongly and valiantly to give them
‘civil rights as it did to break their
‘shackles. They owe everything to
‘‘the Republicans, and they would be
‘the greatest of ingrates were they to
“ally themselves with the party that
‘‘resisted their emancipation and that
‘struggled to prevent them securing
civil rights.” When a paper gets so
hot, because the colored people are be-
ginning to see what party befriends
them, that it loses all idea of truthful
ness and weaves such a tissue of lies as
the above, it is time 1t stops to reflect.
‘Were there not as many Democrats
wv, t
~ VOL. 39.
BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPT. 28, 1894.
NO. 38.
The Reduction of Prices.
The Democratic party promised the
people that it would pass such tariff
legislation as would relieve them from
the oppression of McKiNLEYISM. Al-
ready they are experiencing the fulfill-
ment of that promise. Scarcely had
the new tariff bill been passed before
there was a marking down of goods,
preparatory to a general reduction in
the cost of the necessaries of life.
This is but the beginning of a new
era of cheaper living. Its advent is
observable at every store counter in
the land. It is heralded by the adver-
tisements of merchants announcing a
lower schedule of prices. Among the
first to publish the fact that heis sell-
ing goods at reduced rates on account
of the new tariff is Mr. Joan WaNa-
MAKER, the great Republican Philadel
phia merchant, who is conforming his
prices to the new order of things which
the Democratic tariff will enforce in the
interest of purchasers and consumers.
When McKinney increased the
tariff duties four years ago prices at
WaNaMAKER's immediately responded
with an upward tenlency. Shopping
women and other customers at that es
tablishment were told that the increas”
ed cost of their purchases was in conse-
quence of the higher tariff, and they
were told the same at every other
store. It is well remembered what an
effect this had upon the female mind,
even the result of the following election
being attributed to their exasperation.
After the recent reduction of tariff du-
ties there is much significance in the
announcement of Mr. WANAMAKER,
and other store keepers, that the prices
of goods must cone down as a conse-
In the face of such a state of things
the hullabaloo that is being raised by
the McKiNLEYITES will amount to noth-
ing. Itisidle to tell them that their
wages will be reduced, when a decrease
of their living expenses will be practic-
ally equivalent to an increases of wage
earnings. It is not likely that the
compensation of labor will be lower
than it has been in many of the de-
partments of industry under the Mo-
KivLEY tariff, while there is n> wiping
out the fact that the cost of living will
be less.
An Embarrassed Organ.
The Philadelphia Press is just now
experiencing considerable embarrass.
ment from the conflicting testimony of
its editorial columns aad its news col-
umns in regard to the business sitna-
tion. Editorially it pictures a very de-
plorable condition of affairs, while the
news and business departments of its
contents, notwithstanding a manifest
effort to curb them, give hopeful indi-
cations of reviving business and rein-
vigorated industry. Itis the purpose
of the editor to impress his readers
with the belief that the “calamity is
worse than ever, but the editorial howl
loses its effect when the reader turns
to other parts of the paper and
sees announcements of renewed activ-
ity in business operations and improve-
ment in the markets, which the wana-
gers of the paper would much rather
suppress, but which must be published
as matters of news.
The embarrassment in which the
partisan duty of the Press places it in
this matter excites our sympathy ; but,
to preserve an appearance of consis-
tency, we would advisz it to either stop
howling calamity, or stop publishing
news items and market reports which
show that the depression of McKin-
LEYISM has passed and that better
times are at hand,
——The vote for Tox Corrins will
be swelled by the ballots of thousands
of men who have been in his employ
and who found him a fair man to work
for. 1n his many operations he never
took advantage of a workman nor add-
ed to his gains by distressing labor and
no man in the State ever employed a
larger number of working people.
This will tell to his advantage when
the working people vote at the next
——JoHN WANAMAKER'S advertise:
ments are doing missionary work in
the cause of tariff reform. The lower
prices at which he offers his goods are
object lessons which teach that the
Democratic tariff is reducing the cost
of living, In the face of such teaching
who died that the slave might be free as | what does the calamity howl amount
Republicans ?
A Practically Settled Question.
Governor FLower was right in de:
clining to go into a tariff discussion
with RoswiLL G. Horr for the reason,
as he put it, that the tariff question
has been settled for the present by the
passage of the new tariff law. It has
been the cry ot the Republicans that
business was disturbed by the tariff
agitation of the Democrats. They
charge the Democratic party with
having brought on the collapse by tink-
ering with the tariff, yet without giv-
ing the new tariff a chance to show
what its effect will be, they want to
fight the whole question over again
and continue the agitation and uacer-
tainty which they represented to be so
bad and injurious on the part of the
Furthermore they know that the
excitement they are now raising on
this issue can have no practical effect,
as the present tarift cannot possibly be
annulled for at least three years.
They are raising the disturbance for
no other purpose than to affect the
coming election. Even if they should
elect a majority ot the next Congress
and secure control of the Senate, the
President would stand in the way of
their restoring McKiNLEYISM, before
the 4th of March, 1897. They there-
fore appear guilty of being will-
ing to afflict the business inter-
ests of the country by the continu:
ance of the tariff agitation with no oth-
er object than to carry the next elec-
How foolish they are in their pro-
ceedings on this issue. The question
as raised between the two parties by
the passage of the Democratic tariff
bill, will be determined by time. If
within the three years during which
that tariff is sure to stand, it shall
prove to be a failure, it will bring de-
feat upon the Democratic party. If,
on the other hand, it shall prove to be
a success, the Republican party will
be given a back seat for many years
to come. So what is the use of all this
clatter acd calamity howling at this
juncture, in view of the fact that time
is going to decide the question. The
Democrats are confident that their
tariff will be a success as a restorer of
business activity and a promotor of in-
dustrial prosperity, and await the re-
sult with entire composure.
Denouncing the Income Tax.
The New York State convention,
that nominated willionaire MorToN
for Governor, is the first Republican
gathering of that kind that has ventur-
ed to condemn the income tax. The
others that have been held this season,
recognizing the popularity of that tax,
have abstained from saying anything
against that Democratic measure. Prob-
ably becaus: the New York convention
nominated a candidate who is worth
his millions it thought there would be
consistency in protesting against a tax
upon his surplus wealth and the big
incomes of the class to which he be-
The platform of the convention de-
nounces the income tax as a ‘tax up-
on prosperity,” But where is the sup-
port of the government to come from
if not from the prosperous? Is it to
be contributed by the poor? It has
been the custom of the Republican
party to make the generality of work-
ing people furnish the larger share of
the government's support through the
medium of tariff taxes, but the Demo-
cratic party, through an income tax,
proposes to effect a fairer adjustment
of the burden.
By the way what has candidate
Hasrines to say on this subject ? The
convention that nominated him was
shy of the income tax, but are his sen-
timents in favor of making the rich
pay their due share of the government
expense, or does he want it to be borne
by the great aggregation of people who
have no more than a living ?
——It won't make so much differ-
ence to the poor man whether the
coming winter is going to be a cold
| one or not, as free wool and lower du-
| ties on woolen goods will give him a
| coat and a warmer blanket at a lower
price. .
———A year ago there was one Dem-
ocrat in the Maine Senate. Now there
is not one. What a tremendous sweep
i this was; what an immense gain!
Was Holland ever so completely taken
i by the Dutch ?
Unmerited Praise.
General Hastings evidently had
some indiscreet friends at the Fire-
men’s convention at Norristown, who
tried to work a little politics into the
proceedings of that body for his bene-
fit. The man who got up the annual
report had an eye to political effect
when he inserted in it the following
paragraph : “The civil war had its
Beaver, Hancock, Hastings and
HARrTRANFT; the firemen of Pennsyl-
vania had their H. A. Derr, Ben. Mc
Coor, Jim Baxter and H. A. NoLLiN-
A man with intelligence sufficient to
be president of a State Firemen’s As-
sociation is certainly intelligent enough
to know that Danier H. Hastings
did not win his military fame by ser-
vice rendered in the civil war and there-
fore there could have been no other
reason for placing his name in that
connection than to promote Hast-
INGS gubernatorial interest.
This was indiscreet partisanship, for
it was sure to provoke correction,
which was manifested in the objection
of one of the delegates who called the
attention of the convention to the fact
that General Hastings had not served
in the civil war, but had gained his title
in the militia service. The objector
based his protest on the ground that
the use of Hastings name in that con-
nection looked like politics, but le
might also have put it on the ground
that it was historically untrue.
It was a remarkable indic~ tion of the
partisanship of some of the members
of the convention that there was vio-
lent opposition to the proposition to
strike General HasTINGS’ name out of
document that untruthfully associated
bim with the heroes of the civil war,
those opposing it being fully aware that
he never served in any other capacity
than as Adjutant General of the State
——No objection of a popular na-
ture is being urged against the income
tax. It has become a part of the tariff
law with the almost unanimous ap-
proval of the people. While the tax
on the necessaries of life has been re-
duced, taxation has been laid on
wealth that has long been exempt, and
the fairness and equity of the arrange-
ment are generally recognized. Re-
publican campaigners who indulge in
general condemnation of Democratic
policy, will be shy of saying anything
against the income tax. [t is deserv-
edly popular, because it is just, and it
is a Democratic measure. As long as
the government requires revenue,
wealth hereafter will have to contrib-
ute its due share.
One of the most absurd canards
that was ever set afloat ‘for campaign
effect is the representation in Republi-
can papers that the western sheep
owners are rushing their flocks to mar-
ket and selling them to the butchers on
account of the removal of the wool
tariff. If there was anything that
might have induced them to such a
course it was the low price to which
wool dropped under the McKINLEY
tariff ; but since the prices of wool,
which a month ago were from 12 to 24
cents a pound in Boston and New
York, according to quality, now range
from 22 to 37 cents, the western sheep
raisers will be encouraged to hold on
to their flocks.
Rev. Firzwitniams, of Shamo-
kin, displayed a little too much zeal
some Sundays ago in requesting his
congregation to sing the doxology as
an indication of thankfulness for the
defeat of Congressman BRECKINRIDGE.
The people of the Ashland district may
have done wellin rebuking Col. BRECK-
INRIDGE, but it isn’t quite so evident
that the religions congregations of
Shamokin were called upon to display
their feeling in the matter, as the in-
trusion of such a subject upon their at-
tention must have diverted their minds
from their devotions. Rev. Firz-
WILLIAMS cannot escape the suspicion
that he wanted to do something in the
sensational line.
——People who are finding a reduc-
tion in the cost of store goods and oth-
er necessaries laugh at the McKiIvLEY
politicians who tell them that they
have been injured by the Democratic
tariff. The shopping woman is a more
powerful campaigaer than Tom REED,
and the merchants advertisements dis-
count Dax Hasrinas’ calamity howl.
Wages Going Up.
From an Exchange.
These are the bad times, very bad
times, for political wool growers and
calamity howlers. Not only do prices
of domestic wools remain firm, at an
advance of about 10 per cent. above
McKinley prices of two months ago,
but there is unusual activity in the
woolen and cotton mille.
The Wool and Cotton Reporter de-
voteg a page every week to a ‘Bulletin
of New Enterprises,” which, however,
includes mills shutting down. There
used to be more mills shutticg down
than starting up ; but since the pas-
sage of “the free trade Wilson bill,”
which was to “annihilate” the woolen
industry, the record has been a re-
markable one—better than any two
weeks during the four years of McKin-
For the week ending September 6
the Reporter mentions five new mills,
one of which is a cotton mill, to cost
$150,000, twenty-eight enlargements
and improvements, and twenty mills, to
cost $150,000, twenty-eight enlarge:
ments and improvements, and twenty
mills starting up, one of which bas
been closed nine months and another
five years.
Rawitzer Bros., of Stafford Springs,
are mentioned as haying settled with
their dissatisfied weavers, giving them
a 25 per cent. advance in wages. This
wage advance is more than the Ameri-
can Economist could find in any protect
ed industry during the first two years
of McKinleyism.
The record is a good one, but that
for the week ending September 13 is
better. During this week there were
fifteen items under the column headed
“New Mills.” One of the mills men-
tioned is to have 48,000 spindles, and to
be the largest cotton mill in the
Another for making cotton, wool
and worsted yarn, is to occupy a build-
ing 110 by 200 feet, which structure
alone is to cost $30,000. “The plans
for the new plant,” says the Reporter,
“have been ready for some time, but it
is said the constraction of the mill de-
pended upon the settlement of the tariff
question.” Itis located at Philadel-
Another cotton mill, with 25,000
spindles, is to be built at Gaffoey, S.
C., with a capital of $250,000.
Another cotton mill, with $400,000
capital, is proposed for Bath, S. C.
Two hundred thousand dollars have
already been subscribed.
The other new mills are for the man-
ufacture of woolen, cotton, knit hosiery
and silk goods.
Under the column ‘Enlargements
and Improvements’ there are eighteen
mentions. Under the column “Start
ing Up and Shatting Down” twenty
mills are mentioned as having started
or about to start up. One of these has
been closed since April last, another
over a year, aud a third for two years.
All three are woolen mills. Only four
are mentioned as shutting down—one
to make repairs, another for two weeks
another because of a death, and the
last is running on short time on ac-
count of low water.
If this sort of business goes on until
November the result of the election
may not be so satisfactory to the Re-
publicans as they have been anticipa-
ting. They must either manage to
keep the backwoods voters from koow-
ing that more wheels are turning than
ever before. Can they stave off pros-
perity until after election ? If the
drought had only lasted two months
longer Republican prospects would be
Brighter Days Are Dawning,
From the Northampton Democrat.
The indications everywhere indicate
that an era of great business prosperity
is dawning upon the country. The
beneficial effects of Democratic Legis-
lation will soon be felt by everyone,
The farmer will reap the benefits in a
greater demand and better prices for his
products and a reduced cost for all his
necessaries, The mechanics and toil-
ers will feel the good effects by steady
employment at fair wages. Of course,
the blighting effects of McKinleyism
and Republican mal-admiaistration
cannot be cured in a day. It will take
some time, but it will come, and the
readers of The Democrat will begin to
feel the beneficial effects before the
next election.
Monopolists favored by Republican
protection are trying to keep back the
tide of prosperity until after the Novem-
ber election for the influence it may
have in the election of Congressmen,
but even their efforts will not be whol-
ly successful. To effect their purpose
they will continue to reduce wages to
influence workingmen, but it will not
do, for the good times are close at
Just What We All Want,
From the Altoona Times.
There is a probability that Mr. Bow-
er, the Democratic candidate for judge
in the Centre-Huntingdon district, will
be elected. The Republican con:
ference, which has for a long time been
engaged in balloting in Tyrone, cannot
come to an agreement and the chances
are that both the competitors, Megsrs
Love and Lovell, will be candidates be-
fore the people in November. If such
should be the result of the present dead-
lock, there is no doubt that the Demo-
cratic nominee will win,
Spawls from the Keystone,
—John MeKee, the Allegheny County
poet, is dangerously ill.
—Fish nets and dams were torn from
the Upper Delaware on Saturday.
—Cormaeck McMonigal, of Hazleton,
was run down by a train at Pittston.
—Brakeman James Fetterolf was struck
by a train at Locutsdale and killed.
—August Schaled, a peddler, was cut to
pieces by a train near Bristol Tuesday.
—York county’s fair will open on Octo.
ber 1, and promises to be a big success.
—John A. Aldrich, a Reading salesman,
has been missing for nearly two weeks,
—James H. Lindsay, the wealthy Alle.
gheny City iron manufacturer, is dying.
—A dose of strychnine ended the life of
John White, a blacksmith, near Connells-
—Lancaster county has sued Lancaster
City to recover to $29,000 for street dam.
—Burglars raided the Pennsylvania
Railroad station at Catawissa, Sunday
—A shifting engine at Columbia Mon.
day decapitated Car Inspector John
—Mrs, William Butler, of Osceola, died
recently of cancer of the stomach, aged
71 years,
—Mifllintown lodge of Odd Fellows will
celebrate its 50th anniversary next
—Columbia borough has applied to
Court to be divided into a greater num.
ber of wards.
—A trolley road two miles long on West
Third street, Williamsport, is to be
—A lad named Ruigland was drowned
Saturday in the Susquehanna River at
—The Home for feeble- minded children
to beerected at Polk, Crawford county,
will cost $432,600.
—Extensive preparationsare making at
New York to en.ertain the Christian En.
deavor next month.
—James F. Sheaffer, of Boiling Springs,
fell from his wagon near Carlisle Tuesday
night and broke his neck.
—While picking coal by the railroad
track, near Hamburg, Mrs. John Free.
man was killed by a train.
—Little Augustus Mattes, while watch.
ing companions fish in the Delaware at
Easton, fell in the river and drowned,
—Of 487 public school teachers in Berks
county, 46) Monday attended the opening
sessions of the County Institute at Reade
—A jury at Media on Monday acquitted
George Sheetz, who was tried for shoot.
ing Fish Warden, John Adams, of New
—The boiler in a cider mill at Wind
Gap blew up, wrecking the building and
injuring Harrison Hahn and Howard Hil.
—~Catholic temperance societies of the
Schuylkill Valley organized Monday at
Allentown with James G. McGee, of that
city, president.
—Struck by a beam and doubled up
like a jack knife on top of a load of hay,
Edward 8. Stahlnecker, of Williamsport,
had his back broken.
—Charged with violating the Factory
laws by employing child labor, Hiram
Wise, a Bangor slate manufacturer, was
held for trial Saturday.
—State Superintendent of Public In-
struction Schaeffer does not take kindly
to the proposition to have military drills
in the public sclools.
—A school teacher, Levi S. Peiffer, in
Bethel township, Lebanon county, has
sued Director Elias Edris for $3000 dam-
ages for alleged slander.
—As a bit of economy, the Easton Ex.
press says Justices of the Peace should be
salaried officials or small towns should
have Police Magistrates.
The Cambria Herald says that work on
the Black:ick railroad is progressing
satisfactorily, and the entire road will be
completed in a few weeks.
—Mrs. Margaret Coolridge, aged 73, died
at Jersey Shore on Friday from a compli.
cation of diseases. She was one of the
oldest residents of that place.
—The wife of Herman Pfaunen Schmid t
an Altoona crank, who is in prison for
pestering president Cleveland and others
with silly letters, has sued for divorce,
—Robert Wadsworth, the Keating Clin.
ton county, blacksmith who attempted
suicide by cutting his throat a few days
ago, died at the Williamsport hospital
on Friday.
—Liberty Fire Company, Reading, took
the prize for the largest number of men
in line at the Norristown parade, and the
Junior Company, of that city, wore the
prettiest uniforms.
—T. J. Burke, of Altoona, has been
nominated as the Demecratic candidate
for Congress in the twentieth distriet,
composed of Blair, Somerset, Cambria
and Bedford counties.
—A fearful typhoid fever epidemic is
raging near Rochester's Mills, Indiana
county. There are eleven cases in the
immediate vicinity of the town and many
more in the surrounding country.
—On Wednesday George Hurst, of near
DuBois, lumber jobber for N. L. Hoover,
while working on a landing near Falls
Creek, was badly injured by having a pile
of logs tumble on him. His hip was
crushed and his one leg was broken.
—Recent deaths in Mifilin county : Mrs,
Polly Culbertson, near Siglerville, aged
58; Mrs. Margaret Fleck, Brown town.
ship, 64 ; Mrs. Paulina Hall, Lewistown,
54 ; Samuel Gazette, Lewistown, 57; Mrs.
Eliza McNabb, Belleville, 66 ; Dr. A, Rothe
rock, McVeytown, 83; Elias Penepacker,
Vira, 78; Mrs, Henrietta Raymer, Lewis.
town, 19,
The thirteenth annual convention of
the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School
association will be held in Huntingdon,
Qctober 9-11, It promises to be one of the
most interesting and important Sabbath
school conventions ever held in the State,
The Hon. Robert E. Pattison, governor
of Pennsylvania, will open the conven.
tion with an address on Tuesday evening
October 9. The sessions of Wednesday
and Thursday will be devoted to the (lig.
cussion of the best methods for advanc.
ing the interests of the Sabbath school
work of our state and to addresses, cons
ferences and normal classes,
rpc m—————